Download - Maine Wing Encampment - 2007

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007



    JULY 2007

    I look forward to Encampment every year; this year was no exception. To watch the cadets grow into such confident,well-rounded young adults is fascinating.

    I have so much respect for every cadet, whether first-year or staff, who willingly goes through the rigorous training,marching, sleepless nights, fire drills, PT, fire drills, heat and exhaustion, marching, fire drills, marching, more firedrills, and more marching. The cadets who go through this wonderful experience learn more than just basic skills.They also learn how to work as a group, team spirit (Esprit de Corps), leadership and followership, how to listen andhow to learn. They learn-earn-respect for themselves and others. They learn that they can endure more than they everthought possible, when I cant go one more step becomes Only a mile? Good, its an easy day today. The cadetslearn to encourage each other to keep going; to learn the knot-tie; to make it up the rappelling tower, etc.

    From nervous, first-year cadets on their first day to confident, self-possessed young adults on Graduation day, its thework of a group of individuals coming together as a team, encouraging each other, becoming more than one personin a Flight; its becoming part of the Flight, part of the Squadron, part of Encampment/Honor Guard and Maine WingCivil Air Patrol. Their pride in themselves and the others in their Flight is evident at the Pass in Review, which is theculmination of 10 days of hard work and camaraderie.

    Many, many thanks to both the Cadet Staff and the Senior Member Staff; none of this is possible without a greatstaff!!!!!

    Thank you for a wonderful Encampment. It was Maine Wings smallest in terms of numbers, but I think it was one ofthe biggest in what we all learned, the bonds formed, and all the activities!!! Gliders, rappelling, Black Hawks, HonorGuard Academy, Challenger Leaning Center, night-exercise (aka capture the soda cans), bivouacking, firing simu-lator, and many more activities.

    See you all at next years Encampment!!!!

    Captain Susan Hall

    Director of Cadet Programs

    Maine Wing

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007



    Living in the DarkYou may think that today is hard, but think about

    this as you flip a switch and flood your room with light:

    the staff, since Sunday night, has been living in the dark

    in the tents. As you move about your room with ease,

    consider your staff fumbling in the dark, juggling

    flashlights and all the other things they have to do to just get ready for bed. Think about getting

    changed in blackness, trying to polish boots with one hand (or with no light), or attempting to fold

    a uniform without being able to see it. So a quick note to all: appreciate your nice, dry, lighted

    rooms as you go to bed tonight while we celebrate the light bulbs that will finally cast our tents in

    brilliant illumination...Plus attract the bugs!! C/2Lt. Parks: The Blind Guy

    Rifle Drill Class

    This class was on basic rifle drill, what is often referred to as

    manual of arms, and was taught by C/2lt Farides and C/CMSgt

    Hansen. Moves reviewed were: port arms, right shoulder,

    parade rest/at ease with a rifle, left shoulder, present/order arms,

    and attention with (and returning to attention with) a rifle. All cadets got a chance to practice with arifle and receive help from the instructors and flight staff.


    If there is anything I can do for you, dont hesitate to ask.....My Staff C/1Lt McCarthy

    Dont think harder, Think Smarter C/1lt Marenius

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007




  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007


    All in all the Encampment went very well. Every cadet gave it his or her all, and that is exactly what is alwaysasked of participants--that they do the very best they can. It is clear, from the determination in PT to hoone complained when marching up to Starbase, that every cadet gave everything they had to this yearsEncampment. Everyone on staff appreciates this and is looking forward to serving with new staff memnext year. 2008 will be an even better Encampment than 2007.

    Submitted by: C/2Lt Alex Parks, Encampment PAO



    While some cadets were taken to the Brewer Armory for

    repelling others were taken to General Aviation for orientation flights.

    At the Brewer Armory the cadets were met by Tech. Sergeant

    Kulinka, who has been involved in Encampment for many years. Each

    cadet donned a harness, put on a helmet, and selected a pair of gloves. As they waited for their turn

    to ascend the forty-foot tower, they encouraged their comrades on their way. Waiting to help the cadets

    as they crawled over the top and onto the platform were Capt. Bryant,

    1Lt. Renzullo (Lori), and 1Lt Renzullo (Abby). These three aided the cadets

    with setting up their equipment and maintained safety for all involved.

    While some cadets climbed up and jumped off a tower, others were truly

    leaving the ground on orientation flights.Cadets were taken in pairs of two where they watched and

    helped the pilot conduct a preflight inspection of the aircraft,

    the cadet in the front seat got an opportunity to take the

    controls and pilot the aircraft. Orientation flights are designed

    to give the cadet an introduction to flying.

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007


    Elastic RocketsEach group of cadets followed instructions to make an elastic rocket.

    The rocket is launched by firing it like a rubber band off your thumb.

    A distance contest was held between all the rockets. C/SSsgt

    Kingsly of the Bravo Bayonets took home the glory with the farthest

    flying rocket of the Encampment.

    Moral Leadership

    Each cadet was given a paperclip to form into something

    that was important to them. This was an activity to

    demonstrate that what you think is valuable will often

    influence what you do. CAP core values and why they

    are so important to have they define the basis of a cadets or officers behavior and therefore play a

    major role in determining a CAP members actions, was also discussed.

    The Challenger Learning Center

    Color Guard Practice

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007


    Submitted by:C/Chief Megan Arsenaoult

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007


    Th e B i vouac

    The cadets were driven to the site where theyconstructed their shelter for the night. Sgt. Kulinka

    inspected every shelter. The Aces and Bayonets

    had a fire building contest. The object was to

    build a fire big enough to burn through a rope

    suspended about a meter off the ground. The

    Bayonets won!!!!

    FATSThe basic cadets went to FATS (fire arm training

    simulation center. FATS uses real weapons which no longer

    fire bullets; instead they are loaded with computer chips

    and wires and fire laser beams at a huge screen.


    Five cadets and some officers went rock climbing at

    Eagles Bluff.

  • 8/7/2019 Maine Wing Encampment - 2007


    E N C A M P M E N T IN R E V IE W B

    Encampment is over. It is a bitter-sweet ending for most of us; in the immortal words of

    Shakespeare, parting is such a sweet sorrow. You have gone through what may have been the

    most difficult experience in your lives so far, and we know that you definitely enjoyed every second

    of your very full days.

    Let us look back at the ten days of encampment: up at 0500, PT at 0515 ending at 0600. Shower

    and get ready to be inspected from 0600-0645 when breakfast started. Clean stuff until 0800 then

    march to and from Starbase ALL DAY LONG. Chow, classes, inspections, and flight time took

    up the rest of the day...Except those special activities.

    You have now climbed up and repelled off a forty-eight foot tower, flown in a UH-60 Blackhawk

    helicopter, spent the night in homemade shelters in the woods; gone on both powered and non-powered

    orientation flights, fired simulated military weapons, gone through simulated space mission, seen the

    crash fire rescue building on base and been chased by staff as you scrambled to collect cans to win

    ice cream. All these activities took away the monotony of each days classes and marching.

    You have all earned the right to be very proud of yourselves, and to go on to bigger and

    better things in both CAP and life!!!!

    You know youve been at encampment too long when........

    * You stand in chow line procedure at McDonalds

    * Sleep in your sneakers on case of a fire drill

    * You feel the abnormal impulse to fold your shirts into six inch squares

    * You call the room to attention for your parents or teachers