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  • 8/9/2019 Main Body (B-36).docx




    The aim of this summer internship project is the study of Real Estate Sector in

    NCR with reference to Commercial and Residential Projects and what is itsoverall

    impact on the changing Indian economy This project will also put light on a

    changing trend and new area developing for realtors in NCR region with their price

    components !oth launching and pre launching price of the propert

    To study the current project of Piyush "roup

    To have an overview of growth prospects of Real Estate #usiness in NCR

    To study customer preference a!out selecting the Real Estate Projects

    To study and do the competitive analysis of Piyush "roup


    This research is important to prospective real estate investor$ students$

    entrepreneurs and developers who are having sta%es in different small and mid si&e

    project in NCR This may !e of special interest to mar%eting students who would

    li%e to %now more a!out the practical step' !y' step side of mar%eting world$ rather

    than only the theoretical aspects taught in !usiness schools

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    Real Estate is often inaccurately ta%en as a profession )owever Real Estate is a

    !usiness$ not a profession Profession applies science$ act or learning to the use of

    others$ the profit to the professor or person applying it !eing incidental while

    !usiness is engaged in ma%ing profit and the profit is to the one who is engaged in

    the !usiness

    #ut whether real estate is a !usiness or a profession has no connection at all with

    the !ody of ethics governing it

    Every !usiness can !e conducted upon a plane ethically as high as the ideals of any

    profession$ and the men who have !een conspicuously successful in the real estate

    !usiness have attained success !ecause they have appl ied to their !usiness the

    highest ideals of commercial fair dealing This does not mean that there is any

    ethical re*uirement for the seller or the purchaser to give away anything which

    !elongs to him$ or for either one to disclose to the other his necessity for selling or

    his re*uirements for !uying+ !ut the !argain having !een made$ it is a!solutely

    necessary that it !e lived up to !y !oth parties$ according to its intent+ and$ if there

    !e any dou!t of the intent of the !argain as it is e,pressed in writing$ that the spirit

    of the transaction !e carried out rather than that the catch words of a written

    instrument should govern Cases are fre*uent of men who to their own detriment

    perform the thing which they have promised to do although not legally o!ligated$

    and the !igger and more successful the man who ma%es the promise the more

    surely will it !e carried out Important o!ligations are often incurred upon the mere

    promise of a well'%nown man to sell an important piece of property at a definite

    price$ al though no legal and enforcea!le o!ligation e,ist+ and the promise is always

    redeemed if it is made !y a man who %nows the !usiness$ and it is redeemed not

    merely from altruistic motives$ !ut also for purely !usiness reasons

    -ivisions of the !usiness.the principal divisions of the real estate !usiness are

    investment$ operation and agency These differ from one another according to the

    aims of the persons engaging in them and the methods !y which those persons

    e,pect to ma%e their gains To conduct either of the first two divisions of the

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    !usiness$ investment or operation$ actual money capital is re*uired The most

    important capital in the agency !usiness is the good will of its customers$ and that

    can !e mar%eted$ increased and made very valua!le for investment

    Investment is the employment of capital in the ac*uisition of real estate or interests

    therein for permanent ownership or actual use of the person ac*uiring it 0peration

    is the employment of capital in the ac*uisition or improvement of real estate or

    interests therein for commercial operations

    gency is dealing in or with real estate on !ehalf of others

    Investment in real estate is generally made for either of two purposes 2

    3a4 To derive an income$

    3!4 To hold for resale in e,pectancy of an increase in value

    Investment for income may !e for one of two purposes$

    314 The derivation of rental.that is$ the direct return for the use of real property

    for definite periods$ or

    3(4 The o!taining of income through others upon money lent on the security of real




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    Piyush group has ventured into a wide range of aspects of Real Estate and construction In the

    Indian real estate state of affairs$ Piyush "roup is indulged in development of Integrated

    Township$ "roup )ousing Projects$ and Commercial 6all

    In the world of Piyush "roup people get to enjoy the )armony of Nature$ the culture and the

    people together

    Piyush "roup is a diversified group with a major presence in real estate development$

    construction and financial services This group$ has over two decades of e,perience$ a strong

    technical !ase and financial standing was accorded the IS0 78812 (888 certification

    recognition of it9s focus on international standards Time !ound delivery and top level *uality

    is synonymous with this group which has a projected turnover of :S ; 5

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    security systems with CCTM

    Two level !asement par%ing =ire -etection @ protection system

    n am!ience of multi specialty Cuisine =ood Court

    Piyush 6all is surrounded !y artfully landscaped natural green environment

    Situated in heart of Residential area

    Mery good location as NIT and other residential area is neary!y

    70 P#,)$h B)$#!e$$ Par4


    new era in the #usiness Aorld $ Piyush #usiness Par% is !eing designed !y the world'

    renowned rchitect )afee& Contractor Piyush #usiness Par% has architectural marvel in

    glass and steel will !e spread over an area of ( la%hs s* ft 3appro,4 and will !e located on

    the 6ain 6athura Road$ N)'($ =arida!ad as figured in the road map displayed !elow This

    !usiness location promises to !e the destination of corporate and !usiness houses and will !e

    an amalgam of serenity and modernity

    Piyush #usiness Par%$ a new ultra modern design of architecture consists of eight floors

    surrounded !y artfully landscaped greenery with common !asement two level par%ing for

    nearly three hundred vehicles It will house 6NC9s li%e Insurance$ #an%ing$ =6C"$

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    Consutling ITFITES etc The platforms and infrastructure supporting services are !eing

    carefully engineered and designed to provide the !est *uality of service at the highest levels

    of availa!ility and in harmony with customer e,pectations and glo!al standards Ouality

    construction material is !eing used which includes tiled floor finishes$ stone countertops

    throughout the area Piyush #usiness Par%s will thus provide the most e,tensive and

    comprehensive portfolio of structured connectivity solutions availa!le in the mar%et today

    Sa'#e!t Feat)re$

    Electrical Highting System' Remote Controlled

    )eat reflective glass to reduce air conditioning costs

    Specifications as per international standards

    -esigned as per Maastu@fengShui

    )i'Tech commercial arena and world class futuristic amenities

    (5> security systems with CCTM

    Two level !asement par%ing

    =ire -etection @ protection system

    n am!ience of multi speciality Cuisine =ood Court

    #usiness Par% Surrounded !y artfully landscaped natural green environment

    -edicated space for auto car showroom Proposed 6etro connectivity

    N)'( going to si, lane soon

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    Re#e + '#terat)re

    In the field of Real home a few scrutini&es have !een led mong each one of those$ apercentage of the e,ploration paper9s discoveries and proposals are audited here

    A)thr: V#a, 8).ar V#$ha4ar.a9 St Fra!$ ;a#er U!#er$#t, %Jha!!e$ (er"e

    Pa$4e'#a!9 U!#er$#t, + H)$t!-D!t! 62

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    Mijay Gumar Mishwa%arma@ohannes "eorge Pas%elian study concentrates on the strategy ofvan Norden 3177D4$ and van Norden and Schaller 317774the study states that proof that theworldwide financial stoppage had no effect on the Indian land !u!!le (88>'(88? The Indianland mar%et developed from the end of (88? through ahead of schedule (811a generallysolid vicinity of air poc%ets was found in the Indian Reits mar%et

    Specifically$ the discoveries proposed that the as the !usiness sector mem!ers were eager inpurchasing and holding the advantage feeling that they will have the capacity to e,change theproperty at a moderately higher cost in the approaching minute$ the *uic% e,pand in theestimation of the property was accomplished which portrayed the rises in the land mar%ets

    uthor2 Prof 3-r4 "s Popli$ -elhi School of Professional Studies @ Research$ -r RSSingh$ -elhi School of Professional Studies @ Research @ 6anish 6adan$ Ru%mini -eviInstitute of dvanced Studies 3(81/4 -ifficulties of Economic Recession and InvestmentScenario in Real Estate Sector of India$ 6arch (8$ (81/

    This paper inspects the land part of India and the antagonistic impact from the worldwideretreat The writers find that for a long time Indian read domain segment was watching a

    !rilliant period with the property touching new statures Notwithstanding$ the effect andconclusion of worldwide su!sidence inundated the Indian land industry as well s it were$they attempted to unravel the in*uiry of how unfavora!le desires are assuming a part in theReal Estate Sector of India and to figure out the conceiva!le answers for defeat thiscircumstance s$ The "lo!al Credit Crisis !egan in (88>$ :S was the first to succum! andafter that made misery in the other piece of the world including India

    "s Popli$ Rs Singh and 6anish 6adan 3(81/4 dissected information which has !eengathered from shoppers and designers through survey and !oo%s$ e,ploration articles$ news

    papers$ we! and different covers land

    This paper e,pressed that the Indian land division !egan encountering its genuine effect ofmonetary meltdown from the last *uarter of (88? In the middle of 6arch (88? and 6arch(887$ the segment accomplished decay of D( in incomes$

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    advancement advertising methodology s it were$ client relationship administrationmethodology is what firms9 need which would help them in e,panding their piece of the pieand to ac*uire more !enefits

    The study clarifies that the monetary changes in numerous nations$ innovative advancement

    particularly we! has set a pace for the pattern of Customer Relationship administration Eachorgani&ation needs to !e in the great !oo%s of the client They jump at the chance tomanufacture and %eep up an information a!out the clients to stay in front of the opposition

    dam Hindgreen and "urvinder Singh Shergill 3(88/4 investigated information which wasgathered through a poll flowed to all New ealand recorded organi&ations and all parts of thessociation of New ealand dvertisers 3N4 Respondents will !e either advertisingdirectors or promoting chiefs inside their individual associations

    In this paper$ the reason for the e,ploration was to inspect the calculated structure that allowsmoney related assessment of projects that are vital to client relationship administration It

    additionally outlines out the philosophy to inspect of CR6 on the monetary e,ecution of theorgani&ations



    The methodology which was opted for the project is as follows2

    1 De$&r#pt#! + the Re$ear&h

    This research on will consist of e,ploratory research as well as conclusive research

    It !egins with a hypothesis$ and to arrive at a conclusion$ which includes secondary data as

    well as information from case data and *uestionnaire

    2 Data C''e&t#! Meth*$

    The Sources of secondary data that are used are

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    Internet Sites

    #oo%s$ News papers$ 6aga&ines @ Kournal

    Trade promotion council @ 0rgani&ation

    The method of primary data collection is


    -irect Interviews

    7 F#e'* r4

    The fieldwor% in this project consisted of data collection through ta%ing the interviews and

    getting the *uestionnaires filled up

    ? A!a',$#$

    =inally interpretation will !e drawn from the analysis of the information gathered

    Primary -ata

    Secondary -ata

    nalysis and =indings of -ata


    Se&!*ar, Data

    C)rre!t S&e!ar# + Rea' E$tate B)$#!e$$

    The crucial sector of our economy is the real estate sector as it has huge multiplier

    effect on the economy and therefore it is %nown as the !ig driver for economic

    growth fter agriculture$ real estate sector is the second largest employment

    generating sector It is growing at a rate of a!out (8 per annum and this sector

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    Since real estate reaching a point of saturation in developed countries and the

    demand and prices falling$ glo!al real estate players are loo%ing at emerging

    economies such as India for tapping opportunities in real estate Therefore Indian

    Real Estate Sector has a huge potential of consistent =-Is s India has strong

    economic fundamentals and demographic factors so Indian real estate will stay

    attractive and also there is a high level of glo!al uncertainty looming over the

    developed and developing nations of the world -eveloped economies are still

    struggling to regain their growth momentum which will allow developing countries

    including India and China to grow at a reasona!ly high rate The opportunities in

    Real Estate sector in coming years will also help to attract glo!al players to India

    and hence will assist the industry to mature !ecome more transparent$ improve

    management and adopt advanced construction techni*ues 3Hin% 14

    (rth pr$pe&t + Rea' E$tate B)$#!e$$ #! NCR

    Real Estate !usiness in NCR which is witnessing a set!ac% these days will regain

    its lost momentum with the !oost in the economy "overnment is ta%ing measures

    to capitali&e on the capa!ilities of the real estate and infrastructure sector !y

    supporting the private pu!lic partnership 3PPP4 model not only to !oost the

    infrastructural activities in NCR also to !ring !ac% growth and to deliver to its

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    citi&ens The strategy involves contri!utions from pu!lic and private sector which

    will revamp the citys environs

    NCR is seemed popular as an investment destination as the destinations li%e

    Connaught place is emerged as the fourth costliest commercial office mar%et in the

    world 6oreover the rental values in central !usiness district 3C#-4 rose !y (8

    percent in one year mainly due to lac% of availa!ility of *uality space$ no new

    supply prevailing high demand Commercial activity apart from -elhi C#- is

    mainly concentrated in the prominent locations of NCR 3mainly in =arida!ad$

    Noida and "urgaon4 enjoys superiority as a choice of !usiness destinations

    In addition to a!ove$ the new and the upcoming corridors along "urgaon and Noidali%e amuna E,pressway$ Noida E,pressway$ -war%a E,pressway have led to

    tremendous increase in the Real Estate Projects !oth commercial and residential

    from all major real estate groups in the past few months and will continue to attract

    more players of real estate

    The other major corridors li%e =arida!ad'Noida'"urgaon 3=N"4 E,pressway$

    Southern Peripheral Road and Gundli'6anesar'Palwal E,pressway are seeing

    prominent real estate projects developments and their populari ty will also lead to

    more investment in NCR Capital value of the residential realty mar%et has also

    increased due to factors li%e amenities$ travel time to commercial districts$

    connectivity to various parts of the city and *uality of pu!lic transport and


    There has !een 15 to (7 percent appreciation in residential property mar%et of

    South'East -elhi$ South'Central$ "urgaon and =arida!ad in a year Rent is alsoshowing sta!ility across all mar%ets in the last *uarter 3Hin% (4

    3h, Far#*a5a* ha$ a (reater S&pe +r Rea't, *ee'p.e!t

    =arida!ad$an industrial hu! of )aryana$ is now considered one of the !est !ets for safe living

    in the NCR Aith improving infrastructure$ =arida!ad has transformed into a !ooming

    economic warehouse$ and$ a recent study has projected this old industrial city as the country9s

    9city of the decade (811'(1 9 3Hin% /4
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    Hand goliath -H= :niversal Htd is straightforwardly matching with Reliance Industries Htdin setting up a /8$888'section of land multiproduct Economic one in "urgaon s indicated

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    !y )aryana State Industrial the private designer has set the !usiness of genuine state for the

    se! In the first place it will must !e first ac%nowledge !y the )aryana Industrial Promotion

    #oard The e,tend$ that has as of now ta%e consider an Bon a fundamental level regardB of

    the Indian government$ is proposed to !e situated up close !y and crosswise over 3"urgaon'

    Kaipur4 National )ighway ?$ !isecting the proposed Gundli6anesarPalwal 3G6P4

    E,pressway Indeed$ the proposed -H= SE li%ewise dealt with the (

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    conditional organi&ation gauges$ the area cost for the venture will wor% out to Rs 18$888

    crore The improvement cost has !een assessed at Rs D$15( crore$ the e,pense for promptly

    constructed !ase at Rs ($D(< and the e,pense of venture administration at Rs 7/? crore rea

    #oth sides of "urgaon'Kaipur e,pressway 3N) ?4 C0ST Project cost for

    -H= to !e Rs (D$888 cr E,pected household and outside venture Rs 1$(5$888 cr STT:S )as

    gotten an on a !asic level endorsement from the Center



    The Cy!er city assignment is prestigious meander$ which hopes to give the world'class office

    and recreational space to the assumed affiliations B-H= Cy!er cityB$ spread in a!undance of

    1(< segments of place where there is land on the Northern Edge of -H= City It is spotted at

    the merging of N)'? and the Sector Road that prompts the -H= "olf and Country Clu!

    situated as seventh greatest "olf Clu! in sia

    dvanced city will offer in a!undance of 1< million s*ftof forefront wor%space to heading

    corporate houses+ programming majors and IT engaged organi&ation associations who search

    for International assessment esta!lishment This endeavor other than the standard contrivance

    will in li%e manner fuse wor% places li%e lodgings$ social occasion centers and multi'

    sustenance food court


    -H= Cy!ercity

    -H= #uilding No ?' Cy!er City

    -H= #uilding No 7a @ 7! Cy!er City

    -H= Cy!er "reens

    -H= Ericsson =orum

    -H= Infinity Towers

    -H= S*uare

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    -H= Nestle )ouse

    -H= "ateway

    -H= tria

    -H= Center Court

    -H= Pla&a Tower


    -H= spearheaded the retail transformation in the nation and reali&ed a standard change in the

    !usiness !y rethin%ing shopping$ diversion and rela,ation encounters with the dispatch of

    City Center in "urgaon in (888 Changing lifestyles and stress on *uality amusement and

    move in !uyer inclination from traditional modes to a wholesome diversion encounter

    alongside developing client yearnings$ upgraded salary levels and penchant to use have

    further set off the development in the retail advertise in the nation$ creating India as the fifth

    !iggest retail goal on the planet -H= Retail9s raid into the energi&ing coliseum of shopping

    center improvement synchroni&ed well with the "roup9s e,ercises in multiple,es ' -T

    Cinemas and e,citement Industry Perceiving the discriminating re*uirement for client

    forethought varia!les$ for e,ample$ a captivating feeling$ satisfactory and helpful carports$

    e,tensive amusement focuses alongside full security and security go down$ -H= has

    guaranteed that it matches every single need of its clients It has li%ewise had the capacity to

    deli!erately influence its a!ilities over the whole scope of shopping center outline$

    improvement$ e,ecution and support for advertising a solid association over its vast client


    "oing ahead$ -H= retail is forcefully focusing on a national development plan to strengthen

    and fortify its initiative position in the !usiness The !usiness capital of the nation 6um!ai$

    )ydera!ad$ Chennai$ #angalore$ Cochin$ Gol%ata and the level II ur!an areas li%e Hudhiana

    and Kallandhar are amongst the other %ey ends centered !y this !usiness division

    Aith in e,cess of 1> million s* ft of progressing retail ventures a wor% in progress$ -H=

    Retail is well on its approach to ma%ing in e,cess of 188 shopping centers offering near

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    are in accordance with$ the division9s determined mission of e,hi!iting its huge *uality as a

    lead player in the Indian retail part The drivers of -H= Retail9s development will !e guided

    through its concentrate on advancement$ imagination$ innovative fa!ulousness$ upgraded

    client esteem and administration

    In )aryana alone -H= are contri!uting more than 1/88 crore worth on distinctive !usiness

    and private venture "urgaon is seeing significant value tre% !ecause of hardened rivalry

    !etween these !usinesses major The significant lump of venture is delivering the goods =-I

    course conse*uently the primary concern is a!out the value system of organi&ation to mar%et

    their item well In spite of the fact that the main significant player in the !usiness sector are

    -H= at this moment however other player are developing *uic% to ma%e up for lost time the




    3In "urgaon4 3In "urgaon4 3In "urgaon4

    The gathering is e,ploiting developing !usiness sector chances to convey top of the line

    offices and activities to its wide !ase of clients !y continually updating its inner a!ilities and

    asset capacities In accordance with its present e,tension arranges$ the -H= "roup has in

    e,cess of 1/8 million s* ft of improvement over its organi&ations$ including created and on'

    going activities This includes in e,cess of (? million s* ft of underta%ings that the gathering

    has e,ecuted under its home$ !usiness locales and shopping center sections


    Aith a !lasting retail environment not too far off$ this is a real pushed range for the "roup

    and -H= is eagerly ma%ing new shopping and amusement spaces everywhere throughout thenation There are in e,cess of 5( million s* ft of value retail space created and a wor% in

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    progress in metros and other ur!an o!jectives the nation over These incorporate classes of

    prime downtown shopping locale$ mall and super e,travagance shopping centers

    Aith the development of the Indian economy and the ensuing e,pand in corporate and

    customer salaries$ and also remote financing$ -H= sees critical open doors for development

    in its three essential organi&ations -H=9s mission is to construct a world'class land

    improvement organi&ation with the most astounding gauges of professionalism$ morals and

    client !enefit and to conse*uently help and profit from the development of the Indian


    -H=9s office portion is one of the !unch9s most respected vertical !out (8 million s* ft of

    created and additionally on'going underta%ings are a critical donor to the development of

    office spaces of the most contemporary construction modeling in "urgaon alone

    rrangements to create an alternate 118 million s* ft over 1( ur!an communities are

    intended to give -H= 1

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    properties$ the Company has now tac%led the mallet of spearheading advancement in

    numerous circles separated from level II ur!an communities $ n IS0 78812(888

    organi&ation$ it has pic%ed up distinguishment over the time of time as a chief association in

    the field of lodging$ institutional$ !usiness and modern development It has spearheaded

    numerous purchaser well disposed developments as well nsals has initially controlled the


    nsals had initially coordinated the middle government a!out the utili&ation of area as plot to

    assem!le the !usiness venture they !egan one of the venture in the -elhi alone for the sa%e

    of the nsal !uilding in 17>> in old -elhi from their nsals have developed in their wanders

    nsals have promoted their underta%ing from ?89s the point at which they constructed an

    alternate organi&ation for the sa%e of ansals fa!ricate well Their fundamental focus is in the

    !uilding of office space more than the !usiness one yet now they have moved towards local

    location and manufacture the well %nownsushant city in "urgaon with the normal stic%er of

    least one crore rupees



    nsal PI Sushant City$ Panipat

    nsal PI in its try to give the !est land results and reclassifying lifestyle !enchmar%s in

    Panipat has presented one of its sorts$ really Cosmopolitan Township instituted L nsal PI

    Sushant City The township arranged close "troad will offer its inha!itants the !enefit of a

    world'class community foundation This wonderful$ independent township will offer a fine

    encounter$ ultra cutting edge lifestyle in the midst of contamination free$ peaceful and greatly

    finished surroundings$ a long way from the disorder of an unplanned city life Spread in

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    e,cess of (

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    International 0NC0R International is an association of top'positioned$ e,clusive !usiness

    land organi&ations which offer a complete choice of corporate @ financial specialist related



    Individuals pic% up a feeling of their surroundings from each su!liminal su!tle element

    Every thing aides from the general discernment$ yet it is the things individuals touch and feel

    which have the most effect They accept that a designer can a!use the natural capa!ility of the

    tas% inside a judicious and mindful fiscal methodology They have faith in ta%ing an inventive

    methodology to the o!tainment of point of interest$ !y authori&ing originators who have a

    specific sensitivity for each one article They have to guarantee that every segment is

    legitimately e,ecuted$ capacities well$ is tastefully satisfying$ and fits inside the entirety -ue

    weight must !e given to components that are underestimated

    Ahy KIN ESTTE ta%e the long haul see in advertising

    They are Property #uilders and accept that the long haul see !eing developed is useful for

    !usiness showcasing Structures have high perceiva!ility and %eep going for a long time$

    even hundreds of years They influence the lives of individuals who not possess them or

    utili&ation them They conse*uently assume lia!ility for what they are !uilding and watch

    over what they a!andon They accept an advancement ought to add something to the group

    and enhance nature where conceiva!le Structures of value continually e,pand in *uality

    They additionally add to the estimation of the area #uilding fa!ricated with forethought and

    *uality is less demanding to %eep up$ less e,pensive in the long run and less harming to

    nature9s turf$ profiting every!ody #y !eing connected with astounding tas%s$ managers and

    speculators ensure or upgrade their made notoriety Partnerships are mindful of the estimation

    of a name It could !e compelling sta%e They thin% as far as advancements which offer

    something over to the group$ as individuals e,ploit the additional offices which the

    advancement has made conceiva!le This is not inefficient !uilding It is monetarily and

    ecologically the proper thing to do 0n the off chance that the venture is focused around

    sound rationale$ what !odes well for the holder can li%ewise !ode well for the group

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    MarP'a,er$ + Rea' E$tate #! Far#*a5a*


    The SRS "roup surely can claim to !e a class separated$ given the astonishing !usiness story

    it has$ the segments it wor%s in and the legacy it delights in =urthermore all the more in this

    way$ for what9s in store for it

    !roadened endeavor$ the SRS "roup delights in an uncommon$ synergistic vicinity

    crosswise over segments$ for e,ample$ adornments$ silver screens$ retail$ accommodation and

    land$ human services and money related administrations The capa!ility to run such a variety

    of !oats productively has implied the ma%ing of different development motors$ which thusly

    resolve the future development waves

    Ahat ma%es it a fascinating su!stance is the way that it has figured out how to !lend multi'

    space operations on one hand and !usiness accomplishment on the other The SRS "roup

    today has consolidated turnover of appro, :S- >?8 million$ and SRS Htd positions //> in

    the most recent assem!lage of ET Top

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    without any preparation refined proficient with a *uintessential inspirational mentality$ he

    is a profoundly learned man who li%ewise holds the respected - Hitt$ and is profoundly

    dedicated towards CSR activities at the corporate and particular level

    Today$ the SRS "roup stands firm on a strong esta!lishment Three of its gathering

    organi&ations$ SRS Htd and SRS Real Infrastructure Htd and SRS =inance Htd are recorded

    on the #SE and Two of its gathering organi&ations the SRS Htd and SRS Real Infrastructure

    Htd are recorded in NSE Its land spread touches various ur!an communities$ for e,ample$

    -elhi$ 6um!ai 3Garjat4$ =arida!ad$ "urgaon$ Hudhiana$ Patiala$ 6orada!ad$ "ora%hpur$

    Guru%shetra$ Panch%ula$ Palwal and the s%y is the limit from there

    Aith its sterling authority$ an e*uipped group and an unsha%ea!le confidence in a fair$

    transparent and worth !ased administration$ it is a !usiness house that e,citedly anticipates a

    magnificent future

    The organi&ation is without further ado occupied with the improvement and development of

    over twelve ventures in the private and !usiness %inds Aith an area !an% of give or ta%e

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    %nowledge of its administration and their farsightedness and aptitude has im!ued a wellspring

    of eagerness and !oost amongst its group Incontesta!ly$ solidarity and lightness to e,ceed

    e,pectations is the spine of the "roup RPS "roup is one of the *uic%est developing Real

    Estate Companies as far as its anticipates$ client fulfillment and advancement The "roup was

    set up in the year (88< and from that point forward responsi!ility and commitment have

    ended up synonymous to RPS

    It see%s to reform the land stadium with improvement of its private$ !usiness and IT

    anticipates The worldwide gauges with current outlines set separated the loo% of each

    perple,ing and each tas% attempted !y the "roup

    6r Shanti Pra%ash "upta$ Chairman and 6r Ra%esh Chand "upta$ 6anaging -irector of

    RPS "roup are the spines of the "roup under whose aptitude and direction$ the land situation

    in =arida!ad has touched incredi!le statures Their sharp !usiness insight is significantly

    consolidated with altruistic e,ercises$ for e,ample$ enhancing the wor% models of the wor%ers

    through training$ heath forethought and other critical offices

    O! (#!" @ Ne Pre&t$

    RPS uria

    Sector ?? =arida!ad

    Rs DD Hac

    / #)G$ rea2 1

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    RPS Infinia

    N)'( =arida!ad

    Rs (8? Hac to 5>1/ Hac

    rea2 /(8 ' D

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  • 8/9/2019 Main Body (B-36).docx


    / 5?

    =arida!ad 1 /

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    Integrated "roup )ousing ? ?

    Commercial 71 D1

    Residential 1= /1

    ny other < 8


    The data shows that /1 of people are interested in !uying commercial property followed !y

    1D people are enthusiastic for residential property 0nly 5 people are interested in !uying

    Integrated "roup )ousing property

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    Ea$, a&&e$$ t .ar4et$9 h$p#ta'$9 e*)&at#!a' a!* +#!a!a' #!$t#t)t#!$ et&

    1 17 (7

    ( 1D

    / 1< ((

    5 1?

    < 1D

    1 1 /?

    ( 1>

    / 1< (1

    5 1

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    The data shows that D( people are !uying property for livingF wor%ing purpose (/

    people are !uying property for investment purpose Sailing on the same !oth is rent Flease and

    any other purpose with 18 and D respectively

    = 3hat .e*#). ,) )'* pre+er t )$e +r $ear&h#!" a5)th the rea' e$tate pre&t$

    Investment 12 (/

    HivingFAor%ing 72 D(

    RentFHease > 18

    ny 0ther 7 D

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    s per the data$ 5gentsF-ealers 2? 5

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    The data shows that the most important medium which is preferred !y 58people is

    dvertisement$ followed !y (> and (/ people preferring friendsF relatives and dealers as

    a means of medium The last !ut not the least is radio and word of mouth with / and (


    D Ba!4 La!$ a++e&t ,)r 5),#!" patter!

    -ealers 12 (/

    dvertisments 21 58

    =riendsFRelatives 1? (>

    Radio 7 D

    Aord of 6outh 2 5

    ny other < 8

    es ?< >?

    No 11 ((

  • 8/9/2019 Main Body (B-36).docx




    The data clearly shows that 58 peoples !uying pattern of !uyersF investors are affected !y

    !an%s loans schemes does


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    The data shows that

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    Internet 1< 17

    dvertisement 11 (8

    )oardings 1 /1

    E,hi!itions 1< 17

    =riendsFRelatives > 7

    Aord of 6outh 1 (

    ny 0ther < 8


    The data indicates that )oardings are the most important medium from where people get to

    %now a!out Piyush "roup that is /1 Internet and E,hi!itions are the mediums which have

    e*ual importance with 17 respectively whereas dvertisement has a little edge over Internet

    and E,hi!itions with (8 The last !ut not the least is word of mouth with only (

    preferring it as a mode of information

    12 Hae ,) p)r&ha$e* +r. P#,)$h (r)p

    es 7 >/

    No 1? (>

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    / people have purchased a property froPiyush group and (>


    17 I+ ,e$9 h are the $er#&e$ ,) "et +r. P#,)$h(r)p

    E,cellent 1> /1

    #etter 71 D/

    Poor 7 D

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    Pratee% "roup 7 D

    0ther < 8

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    The Indian land segment proceeds with its enduring advancement with general deals action

    going up essentially in the previous si, months Ahat9s more the driving element !ehind the

    whole process has !een the data innovation 3IT4 segment which has helped impressively to

    the interest side In addition$ the way of interest has li%ewise e,perienced a complete

    conversion =rom little floor plates of 1$888 s*ft to 8

    s* ft The majority of these IT organi&ations are paying special mind to !igger office spaces

    to meet their 188'1(8 s*ft for every individual wor% station need Partho "upta$ a 6um!ai'

    !ased programming e,pert$ states that the !ottomline is to upgrade the !enefit level of staffs

    !y giving a favora!le wor%ing mood BThe way of occupation in this division is such that one

    needs a specific sort of encompassing for accomplishing an ideal effectiveness level$ s

    indicated !y a Cushman @ Aa%efield report$ numerous multinationals are survey #andra'

    Gurla unpredicta!le as the favored o!jective for e,tensive !usiness space prere*uisite as there

    are restricted choices for huge !ordering spaces of practically identical *uality in south$ focal

    and north 6um!ai BPrior it was the value 3capital worth @ rental4 figure that represented the

    migration procedure to an e,pansive degree 0n the other hand$ now in the most recent one

    year or somewhere in the vicinity$ organi&ations are moving their !usiness locales loo%ing for

    e,tensive floor spaces$B opines 6r sho% Gumar$ chief$ #roo%e International t no other

    time the !usiness had encountered this sort of interest for e,tensive floor plates for office

    spaces dding to this interest is the late rise of dotcom new companies s per an appraisal$

    in the previous eight months$ one out of four transactions had a place with dotcom or net'

    related !usiness Indeed as the introductory !uildup has chilled off impressively$ these

    dotcom wanders have assumed an enormous part in !oosting the interest ashishMel%ar$

    e,ecutive$ Cushman @ Aa%efield is still e,ceptionally !ullish a!out the dotcom'driven

    interest B0n the positive side$ mergers and securing have officially !egun in the dotcom

    !usiness This will give solidification to the whole !usiness and help these organi&ations

    maintain in the more drawn out run s indicated !y Mel%ar$ at the end of the day #angalore is

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    rising as the most loved IT terminus if one passes !y the transactions that have occurred in

    the previous thr

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