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MAGNOLIA: multiple alignment of protein-coding andstructural RNA sequences.

Arnaud Fontaine, Antoine de Monte, Hélène Touzet

To cite this version:Arnaud Fontaine, Antoine de Monte, Hélène Touzet. MAGNOLIA: multiple alignment of protein-coding and structural RNA sequences.. Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press, 2008, 36(Web Server issue), pp.W14-8. �10.1093/nar/gkn321�. �hal-00823594�

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W14–W18 Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue Published online 29 May 2008doi:10.1093/nar/gkn321

MAGNOLIA: multiple alignment of protein–codingand structural RNA sequencesArnaud Fontaine, Antoine de Monte and Helene Touzet*

LIFL (UMR CNRS 8022 Universite Lille 1) – INRIA Lille-Nord Europe

Received January 31, 2008; Revised April 26, 2008; Accepted May 7, 2008


MAGNOLIA is a new software for multiple alignmentof nucleic acid sequences, which are recognized tobe hard to align. The idea is that the multiple align-ment process should be improved by taking intoaccount the putative function of the sequences. Inthis perspective, MAGNOLIA is especially designedfor sequences that are intended to be either protein-coding or structural RNAs. It extracts informationfrom the similarities and differences in the data, andsearches for a specific evolutionary pattern betweensequences before aligning them. The alignment stepthen incorporates this information to achieve higheraccuracy. The website is available at


More and more newly sequenced genomes are becomingavailable every week. Tiling arrays are also gainingpopularity for detecting novel transcripts in sequencedgenomes. In this context, sequence annotation is anessential step in understanding the genome and the tran-scriptome of a species. Comparative genomics has provento be a promising approach to address this problem.Large-scale comparisons of prokaryotic and eukaryoticgenomes reveal thousands of conserved regions obtainedby homology or synteny. These regions might be protein-coding sequences (1) or non-coding RNA genes (2,3,4).Annotation by comparative analysis typically involvestwo steps: first aligning the sequences, then analysingthe multiple alignment to detect an evolutionary patternthat is representative of the selection pressure. This ideais exploited in Exoniphy (5) for exon detection, in RNAz(6) or Evofold (7) for structural RNA prediction or inQrna (8), that implements both a coding and an non-coding model for RNAs. In this computational protocol,high-quality sequence alignment is an essential pre-requisite step. This task, however, is difficult becausesequence similarity is often reduced at the nucleic level.

Regarding protein coding genes, nucleic acid sequencesexhibit a much larger sequence heterogeneity compared totheir encoded amino acid sequences due to the redundancyof the genetic code. It is well known that the combinationof nucleic acid and amino acid sequence informationleads to improved alignments (9,10). The same situationholds for non-coding RNA genes. The spatial structureevolves slower than its primary structure. So pure-sequence-based multiple alignment tools perform poorlyon low-homology datasets of structural RNAs (11). Inthis article, we present the MAGNOLIA website, whoseobjective is to provide an advanced tool for aligningnucleic acid sequences. The idea is to get rid of thedichotomy between aligning and predicting the function.If we assume that sequences are either protein-coding orstructural RNAs, it is possible to incorporate somefunctional information into the alignment algorithm toimprove the result. The multiple alignment can then beused as a starting point to refine the comparative analysisor to carry out further predictions, such as motif findingor phylogeny reconstruction.


The method has two steps. First, it tries to predict thefunction of the sequences according to the substitutionpattern between sequences. Second, a multiple alignmentis built based on the putative function of the sequences. Ifthe sequences are recognized as coding sequences, then themultiple alignment uses the amino acid sequences. If thesequences are recognized to contain a conserved second-ary structure, then the mutiple alignment takes intoconsideration long-range base pair interactions.

MAGNOLIA includes three specific modules: Proteafor protein coding sequences, caRNAc and gardenia forstructural RNAs. The overall scenario is summed up inFigure 1.

Protea implements an evolutionary model for protein-coding sequences (12). Here the idea is that the selectionpressure tends to preserve the encoded amino acidsequence, and it is possible to identifies coding sequencesby looking for a global conservation of common

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: (33) 3 59 57 79 16; Fax: (33) 3 59 57 78 50; Email: [email protected]

� 2008 The Author(s)

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reading frames. The method first identifies best potentialreading frames from each pair of sequences, and thenincorporates this information into a frame graph fromwhich a coding significancy score is calculated. Bydoing so, it also predicts the associated reading frame foreach sequence. If the sequences are classified as protein-coding sequences, then the multiple alignment of nucleicacid sequences is built from the hypothetical aminoacid sequences using ClustalW (13), Dialign2 (10) orT-coffee (14). caRNAc is for structural RNA genes (15). Inthis model, the selection pressure tends to preserve thesecondary structure of the molecule, and mutations shouldretain the ability to form base pairs into energeticallyfavorable stems.

caRNAc is able to recover a conserved secondary struc-ture from a set of unaligned sequences. This idea is alsopresent in refs. (16,17), that fold and align severalsequences at the same time, for example. But these pro-grams are still computationally demanding. We circum-vent the problem by using a heuristics approach. Thealgorithm uses a Sankoff-based dynamic programingapproach to identify conserved strutures for all pairs ofsequences. Then all pairwise foldings are combined intoa graph-theoretical structure called the stem graph.Only frequent common stems that correspond to highlyconnected subgraphs in the stem graph are retained.

Gardenia is used to build the multiple alignment forpotential structural RNA sequences. The method takesinto account both the nucleic sequence and the putativecommon secondary structure predicted by caRNAc. Itrelies on the dynamic programming algorithm for pair-wise comparison proposed in ref. (18). RNA sequences areencoded as arc-annotated sequences, and a multiple align-ment for a set of arc-annotated sequences is a nestedcommon supersequence. The edit scheme incorporatesevolutionary operations concerning free bases (basesubstitution, base deletion) and base pairs (arc-mismatch,arc-removing, arc-breaking, arc-altering), originallydefined in ref. (19). It is easy to show that this problemis NP-hard. We take a heuristic approach and use a

progressive method. The method starts with constructingall pairwise alignments to determine the degree ofsimilarity for each pair of sequences. Then it combinessequences into a multiple alignment by an ascendinghierarchical clustering. Pairwise alignment of super-sequences rely on the same algorithm as pairwisealignments for arc-annotated sequences. This is madepossible because supersequences can be viewed as a nestedarc-annotated sequences on an extended alphabet. Thescore of one node is its SP (sum-of-pairs) score. Lastly, thespace search of the dynamic programming alignment ispruned using constraints coming from the caRNAcoutput. This provides a significant speed up.



MAGNOLIA requires as input data a set of RNA orDNA sequences in the standard FASTA format. This setshould contain at least two distinct sequences and at mostten sequences. It can be stored in a file to be uploaded tothe server, or pasted directly in the text box.


A typical run of MAGNOLIA takes a few seconds.Upon completion of a job, MAGNOLIA displays theresult on a new web page. The job assigned a uniqueidentifier that can be used to retrieve results for one week.All results are available for download in Clustal andbracket-dot format.If input sequences are annotated as coding sequences,

then two multiple alignments are displayed. The firstalignment is built on the putative amino acid sequencesobtained by virtual translation using the predicted readingframe, and the second alignment is the correspondingalignment on nucleic acid sequences obtained by reversetranslation, allowing for frameshifts. Codons in the nucleicacid sequences are put in color: two base triplets coding for


proteaClustalW, Dialign,





I N P U T all sequences

all sequencesprimary + secondarystructures


2 sequences

2 sequences

set of nucleicacid sequences

all pairsof sequences

conserved2ary structure

stem graph

frame graphconserved

reading frameclassificationcoding/other




Figure 1. MAGNOLIA scenario.

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the same amino acid bear the same color. The color choiceis inspired from the RasMol amino acid color scheme.Figure 2 shows an example of MAGNOLIA outputobtained with a family of protein-coding sequences.If input sequences are annotated as structural RNA

genes, then a multiple alignment taking into considerationthe primary structure accompanied by the secondarystructure is displayed. Concerning the secondary struc-ture, base pairings are indicated in bracket-dot format:Each base-pair is represented by a pair of matchingbrackets and unpaired bases are represented by dots. Thelack of pseudoknots in the secondary structure ensuresthat this notation defines a unique folding. Moreover,stems in the alignment are highlighted in colors. Figure 3shows an example of output obtained with a family ofnon-coding RNAs. For each sequence, the individualputative secondary structure is also provided in fiveformats: CT, JPEG, PS, bracket-dot format and as a listof constrained base pairings. JPEG and PS files areautomatically produced from the CT file using theNAview layout program (22).Some data sets are not identified as coding RNAs nor as

non-coding RNAs. The first possibility is that thesequences might have an alternative function, such asuntranslated regions in messenger RNAs, promoterelements, etc. The second possibility is that the sequencesare highly conserved. In this context, the comparativeanalysis approach used by MAGNOLIA is not suitable.The evolutionary signal is too weak and the sequences donot exhibit any significant mutational bias towards anymodel. This is an intrinsic limitation of the method. Butthis limitation is harmless for practical purposes, becausestandard multiple sequence alignment tools usually yieldgood results on high-identity data sets. So when theaverage identity percentage is greater than 90%, the serveroutputs a warning message and provides a defaultmultiple alignment constructed directly with ClustalWon the initial data set.One final point worth mentioning is that the classifica-

tion is not mutually exclusive. Some sequences mightcontain conserved secondary structure elements within acoding region. Two such examples are the cis-acting

regulatory element from the human rhinoviruses, that islocated in the open reading frame of the capsid proteins[RFAM – RF00220 (21)], or the Hepatitis C stem-loopVII structure found in the coding region of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene NS5B [RFAM –RF000468 (21)]. In such cases, MAGNOLIA releasestwo multiple alignments.


We evaluate the accuracy of the method on two large datasets: Pandit (20) and BRaliBase II (11). Pandit is a registryof families of homologous protein domains, accompaniedby curated RNA sequence alignments. BRaliBase II is aset of non-coding RNA families that has been used toestablish a benchmark of multiple sequence alignmentprograms upon structural RNAs. It is composed of fourfamilies: Group II introns, 5S rRNA, tRNA and U5spliceosomal RNA.

Results on pandit database

For each family, we selected a subset of four sequences atrandom. It remains 6491 families, whose average sequencelength is 604 bp. 6122 (94.3%) families are correctlyclassified as coding sequences, among them more than99% with the correct reading frame predicted for eachsequence. Less than 3% of the families are classified asstructural RNA. To estimate the quality of the alignments,we used the sum-of-pairs score (SPS) of the Baliscoresoftware (23). The SPS is calculated such that it increaseswith the number of sequences correctly aligned. Wecompared MAGNOLIA with ClustalW, T-coffee andDialign2 on the same nucleic acid sequences. Results aredisplayed in Figure 4.

Results on BRaliBase II benchmark data

This benchmark contains 388 alignments, that areclassified into high, medium and low identity data sets.MAGNOLIA failed to identify a structural evolutionarypattern for 20% of them and falsely assigned a proteincoding function for 7% of them. Following ref. (11), weuse the structure conservation index (SCI) to assess the

Figure 3. Alignment for five tRNA sequences (BRaliBase II – aln 13). The average length is 76 nt and the average identity percentage is 51.0%.MAGNOLIA finds three common stems (in blue, green and orange). All pairings are correct, and the multiple alignment is consistent with thereference alignment available in RFAM-RF00005 (21).

Figure 2. Alignment for Zn-finger in Ran binding proteins (PFAM PF00641). The average length is 92 nt and the average identity percentage is45.1%. Triplets are colorized according to the encoded amino acid. The reference alignment provided in Pandit is almost identical (20).

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accuracy of alignments. This score provides a measure ofthe conserved secondary structure information containedwithin the alignment. Results for MAGNOLIA arereported in Figure 5, together with results for otheralignment tools used in the benchmark. We also evaluatedthe accuracy of the secondary structure found byMAGNOLIA and compared it to two recent structuralalignment programs: Murlet (16) and Mlocarna (17). Foreach software and for each identity class, we computed thepercentage of correct base pairings amongst the set ofpredicted base pairings. Results are shown in Table 1. Itappears that MAGNOLIA has similar performances asMurlet and outperforms Mlocarna. Furthermore, thetotal runtime is more than 12 times faster forMAGNOLIA than for the two other methods (< 20minfor the whole data set, compared to more than 4 hours).


Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges forthis article was provided by CNRS (Centre National de laRecherche Scientifique).

Conflict of interest statement. None declared.


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Table 1. Accuracy percentage for MAGNOLIA, Murlet and Mlocarna

for reference secondary structures of BRaliBase II

Identity class

Low Medium High

MAGNOLIA 72.0% 76.3% 87.0%Murlet 78.1% 76.2% 77.8%Mlocarna 68% 71.1% 78.9%

30 40 50 60 70 80 90







Percent Identity



ReferenceMagnolia (ClustalW)Magnolia (Dialign2)Magnolia (T-Coffee)ClustalWDialign2T-Coffee

Figure 4. MAGNOLIA alignments on Pandit. The x-axis represents theaverage identity percentage and the y-axis represents the SPS value. ForMAGNOLIA, we tried all possible combinations concerning thealignment tool in the amino acid alignment step: ClustalW, T-coffeeand Dialign2. For Dialign2, we selected the appropriate optionTranslation of nucleotide diagonals into peptide diagonals when compar-ing the nucleic acid sequences. MAGNOLIA clearly outperforms othermethods.

40 50 60 70 80 90







Percent Identity



ReferenceMagnoliaClustalWDIALIGNMUSCLEPCMAPOAPOA (g,p)

ProAlignPrrnPrrn (S10)T-CoffeeT-Coffee (c)HandelMAFFTAlign-m (1)

Figure 5. MAGNOLIA alignments on BRaliBase II. The x-axisrepresents the average identity percentage and the y-axis representsthe SCI value. The above curve is calculated from reference alignments.MAGNOLIA appears to be the closest curve to the reference curve foridentity percentage ranging from 40% to 80%. For higher identitypercentages, all methods show similar performances.

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