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Magazine Article This is our TV Listings magazine

We had to produce it for a specific magazine; the magazine we had chosen for this was TV & Satelite. We looked through different magazines such as Radio Times and TV Guide in order to identify codes and conventions that are used across TV listings.

Our TV listings magazine was based on TV & Satelite and I also compared this with our magazine.

We recreated this box on InDesign following the style of a TV & Satelite magazine; we did this as it allows the reader to recognize that this double page spread is on documentaries.

A key convention on magazines is evident from the TV & Satelite magazine where it shows that the main image takes up one third of the spread this is so that it is noticeable. Therefore we have adapted this and used a still from our documentary following the conventions of TV listings. However, we have also challenged this convention as some main images take up more than a page; we felt that if we did this our article would be lost within our main image. Also, the images that we used were so that when the audience can see the image of the young people they can acknowledge immediately who the target audience of this documentary is. We also placed our main image on the left hand side of the spread as it is a key convention but furthermore it is the first thing the audience will come across when they see the spread and therefore will grab their attention wanting them to read the article.

One convention that we challenged is the use of a title on the main image that is seen on many magazines. We didnt follow this convention as we didnt feel the need to add a title as we thought just the main image of people using social media will be enough to grab the attention of the reader.

A common convention in magazines is the use of page numbers; this is an essential convention that must be added to the magazine article. It allows the reader to know what page they are on and also can let them find the page efficiently when on the contents page.

Many TV listings magazines have other documentaries that are also featured in the double page spread. However, we challenged this convention as we felt that we wanted our documentary to be the main focus and therefore only having the spread concerning our documentary. Another convention that I have found in existing magazines is the use of a pull quote that we also embedded into our magazine. We used it to break the main body of the text up; we also changed the color to red so it adds interest and variety to the aesthetic. This quote was from one of our experts in our documentary and the use of this quote helps the article support the documentary and also highlights the main issue that is discussed in the documentary.