Download - Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven script

Page 1: Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven script

© 2kgames- Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

-- Script --

1.1. Prologue

1.2. An Offer You Can't Refuse

1.3. Running Man

1.4. Molotov Party

1.5. Ordinary Routine

1.6. Intermezzo One

1.7. Fairplay

1.8. Sarah

1.9. Better Get Used To It

1.10. The Whore

1.11. The Priest

1.12. Intermezzo Two

1.13. A Trip To The Country

1.14. Omerta

1.15. Visiting Rich People

1.16. Great Deal!

1.17. Intermezzo Three

1.18. Bon Appetit!

1.19. Happy Birthday!

1.20. You Lucky Bastard!

1.21. Creme De La Creme

1.22. Intermezzo Four

1.23. Election Campaign

1.24. Just For Relaxation

1.25. Moonlighting

1.26. The Death of Art

1.27. Epilogue


1.1. Prologue


(Tommy gets off a train at the station. After leaving the station, he walks across the street and enters

a cafe. He approaches a lone man sitting at a table.)

Tommy: Detective Norman? Can I join you?

(He hangs his coat and hat at the rack and sits down.)

Tommy: Sorry for the delay, but I didn't want anybody seein' me. If you know what I mean.

(A waitress comes to the table.)

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Waitress: What can I get you, sir?

Tommy: Just a coffee.

Waitress: Coming right up.

(She leaves.)

Norman: It's not my habit to sit with people like you.

Tommy: Got a business proposition for you, detective.

Norman: I ain't no businessman, and even if I were, I wouldn't be doing business with the likes of


Tommy: I don't usually do business with your kind either. But this is a bit of a strange deal. Good

for you and your superiors, and good for me. It concerns a certain kind of trade.

Norman: Trade?

Tommy: Well, let's just say that I hold a high position in a not so legal organization. It's just the kind

of organization people such as yourself would like to know a lot about. And I, on the other hand, for

certain reasons don't want...

(The waitress brings Tommy's coffee.)

Waitress: Your coffee, sir.

Tommy: Thanks.

Tommy: I have my own personal reasons why I don't want to be associated with this organization. It

ain't too easy to leave this kind of business. If you know what I mean...

Norman: I think I know where you're coming from. You'll get a bullet in your head, if you don't

disappear quickly, right?

Tommy: That's not the only reason. Got any kids, detective? I've got a wife and daughter. I don't

want them to have any problems because of me.

Norman: Yeah? Well, I ain't just gonna hand out protection to any wop crook. You should've

thought about them kids before, 'cos I...

Tommy: Sure, sure... Listen, I don't want something for nothing, so here's the deal: Does the name

Salieri mean anything to you?

Norman: Salieri?! It damn well does. You got something in common with him?

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Tommy: You could say that. I've worked for him for several years. Now he wants to rub me out. If

you protect my family and me i'll tell you everything. Names, dates, accounts, everything. Enough to

put him away for life.

Norman: I ain't Santa Claus. If I go to the chief with this I need to know everything you know, and I

have to be sure you'll testify in court.

Tommy: Sure. If you ain't in a hurry i'll tell you my whole story, and all the deals I worked on over

the years.

Norman: Okay, i've got time and I'm listening...


1.2. An Offer You Can't Refuse


(Tommy is seen getting out of his taxi at a street corner.)

Tommy: (narrating) I used to be a taxi driver. Even though I wasn't making much and I worked from

dawn to dusk, I was glad to be working.

(The camera switches to a chase between two cars in a tunnel. The occupants of the cars are shooting

at each other. It is apparently a mafia shootout. The view switches back to Tommy, who lights a

cigarette by his taxi.)

Tommy: (narr.) It was a bad time and some other people were worse off than me.

The whole cutscene is apt in showing the peaceful life that Tommy is in to the violent one of the


(The camera shows another cinematic view of the chase and then returns to Tommy.)

Tommy: (narr.) It was that very taxi that drew Salieri's people to me in the first place. One day I was

on my break and I was just hanging out. Suddenly I heard a tremendous crash...

(A massive crash is heard and then a gangster wielding a pistol appears at the corner of the street.

Another gangster shouts at him from behind.)

Gangster: Sam! They got me, dammit...

Sam: Climb up and move... There's a taxi, we'll be okay...

(The gangster named Sam points his gun at Tommy, who drops his cigarette from his hand in


Tommy: (narr.) It was clear to me that these guys had to get out of there

Fast, so I thought it was best to cooperate, rather than ending up with a

Hole in my head.

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(The other gangster emerges from the corner. Sam grabs Tommy and drags him towards the taxi.)

Sam: Move it... Come on...

(They get into the car along with the other gangster, who points his gun at Tommy's face.)

Tommy: Where to?

Gangster: Anywhere! Fast... And I hope you're damn fast... Faster than Sam here was...

Tommy: (narr.) I burned rubber outta there like a bat outta hell. It didn't matter where, just away

from those gentlemen who were chasing my new customers.

(Tommy starts driving away.)

Gangster: Now listen carefully. We gotta shake these clowns behind us. If you don't do it then we're

done for and that includes you! Step on it, kid!

(A chase ensues between Tommy's taxi and the car of the enemy gangsters. They take shots at the

taxi and sometimes try to ram it. Sam and the other gangster with shoot at them from the taxi in

exchange. They shout at Tommy and the enemy gansters during the chase.)

(Tommy eventually manages to lose the tail.)

Sam: Great! We've made it!

Gangster: Good work, brother. Now take us to Salieri's Bar. I'll show you the way.

(Tommy starts driving towards Salieri's Bar, in Little Italy on the other side of the city. They reach

the bar.)

Gangster: Finally, we're home.

(Tommy stops the car. Two guards are seen standing by the entrance to the bar.)

Gangster: Wait here, friend, Sam will get a little something from Mr. Salieri.

(The two men get out of the car.)

Gangster: Thanks for your help.

(They enter the bar. Tommy waits inside the car, while the two guards eye him suspiciously. He

grows visibly nervous. Then Sam walks out of the bar and approaches him slowly. Tommy tries to

start the car in fear when he begins to pull something out of his coat, thinking it is a gun. However, it

is an envelope and Sam hands it to him.)

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Tommy is naturally sceptical of the gangsters after all he's just had a gun stuck in his face, been

hijacked and escaped other murderous gangsters. It's a natural reaction and obviously shows how

unfamiliar he is with them, though it's hardly surprising. The gameplay and style of Mafia is realistic

and I think Tommy's emotions here are exactly that.

Sam: Mr. Salieri would like to thank you as well as myself and Paulie. It's compensation for the

damage to your car and your services. It should be enough.

Tommy: Yes, of course, thanks. Give my regards to Mr. Salieri.

Sam: Mr. Salieri wants you to know tht he is very grateful to you. If you ever need anything you can

come back and ask for help, because Mr. Salieri doesn't forget about friends who have helped him

out. If you're interested maybe we could find a job for you here and it would pay well. We always

have positions for guys as good as you.

Tommy: Okay, okay... I'll think about it, thanks, really thanks... I'd better go... To fix the car and so


Sam: All right, I understand... Just think about it... And I hope it's clear that this matter is only

between ourselves! Take care, kid.

Yet despite his fear of being killed, Tommy is rewarded for his help, the Salieri family are grateful.

They're criminals but there's more to them. They're not some mobsters who will kill someone for

briefly getting involved, they're not trigger-happy to silence anyone who enters their world, they're

actually keen to help out people in return and even invite them in. Tommy is openly temptated but

doesn't seem to seriously consider it.

Tommy: (narrating) When I opened the envelope, I almost had a heart attack.

(Tommy is seen sitting at a table in his home, the money given to him by Sam in front of him.)

Tommy: (narr.) There was more than it would cost to do the repairs. But I didn't for a minute think

about their offer. I didn't want to join some criminals, even if they had all the money in the world. It's

better to be poor and alive than rich and dead, right? I was gonna get my cab repaired and try to

forget it all as soon as possible. As my mother always said: You can never predict what God has in

store for you.

What would your price be?

Look at Michael in The Godfather. He's the soldier hero who is called on to take over his father's

criminal empire, first out of loyalty to his family but he's unable to let go. Then there's Vito himself in

The Godfather Part II and Henry in Goodfellas. It's a gradual descent and we see the same with

Tommy - he's clearly a good person who would rather be happy and poor than a rich criminal, he's

eager to put the situation behind him, but that's only to begin with.


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1.3. Running Man


(Tommy is in his taxi, in line with other taxis, waiting for customers. A Customer soon approaches

his car.)

Cut the dialog here - Tommy drives several customers across the city, which I think not only

familiarizes the player with the city and its bridges and tunnel but also shows the daily monotony that

Tommy goes through in his job!

(The customer gets out of the car.)

Tommy: And I need a coffee break.

Tommy: (narrating) I had a cup of coffee and relaxed in the car while I was

Waiting to see if I could get another customer.

(Tommy is seen inspecting the front left tire of his taxi.)

Tommy: (narr.) I noticed I wasn't far from Salieri's Bar...

(Tommy gets back into the car. Then, suddenly, the windshield is hit by a Baseball bat.)

Tommy: JESUS!

No, it's just an exclamation.

(A gangster opens the door and grabs Tommy by the arm.)

Gangster: We got you, you little rat!

(He pulls Tommy out of the car.)

Gangster: Mr. Morello is pretty angry with you. We're gonna have to teach You a little lesson, so

you remember that it ain't right.

(A second gangster starts smashing Tommy's taxi with his baseball bat.)

Tommy: (narr.) Those bastards remembered the license plate of my car and

Took it on themselves to hunt me down...

Gangster: Louie here'll fix your face a little...

(Just as the second gangster is about to hit him with the bat, Tommy pushes Them and starts running


Gangster: Finish him off! Don't waste any more time on him!

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(The gangsters start shooting at Tommy as he runs.)

Tommy: (narr.) It was clear to me that I had to get outta there fast. I Couldn't handle that animal on

my own. I said to myself that now was Probably the right moment for Mr. Salieri to show his

gratitude. Salieri's Bar was just down the street and the sight of it was certainly a lot nicer Than a

baseball bat to my head.

(Tommy enters an alleyway, dodging the bullets. The gangsters chase him.)

Gangster: i'll put ya out of your misery!

Gangster: Stop, you bastard!

Gangster: Blow his head off!

(Tommy gets back onto the street from the alleyway and quickly enters a Smaller passageway. A

man is standing there.)

Man: Where the hell is she? I said three o'clock in the passageway!

(As Tommy moves further, a conversation between a man and a woman is Heard.)

Man: You're right there, honey! Who knows what skeletons they've got in Their closets.

Woman: I wouldn't be surprised.

(Tommy gets back onto the street while the gangsters continue to chase him. Two men are talking on

the sidewalk of the street.)

Man 1: Well, he said he'd finally have all the things we needed, but maybe You oughtta ask him

about the gear, or he'll forget.

Man 2: Great. Then i'll stop by, take it easy.

Man 1: You too.

(Tommy enters another alleyway. There is a woman on a balcony here, and a Man talking to her

from below.)

Man: Heap of junk.

Man: Leave it alone, Marie!

(The gangsters arrive in the alley.)

Woman: Oh my God, Joe. Those thugs have got a gun, honey! Hurry up! Police, They're trying to

kill my husband! (The gangsters continue to chase Tommy.)

Gangster: I'm warning you, you bastard!

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Gangster: You ain't got a chance, cabby boy!

Gangster: Move it, Lou! Don't let him get away!

(Tommy leaves the alley through a narrow passageway and gets back to the Main street. A woman is

waiting there.)

Woman: Where is he? He said to meet him at three in the passageway.

(Tommy goes across the street and finally reaches Salieri's Bar. The two Gangsters arrive after him,

look inside, hide their guns and enter the bar. A few seconds later gunshots are heard. Then the

bartender opens the door, Takes a look outside, and changes the "Open" sign to "Closed". Next,

Tommy Is seen sitting at the bar, having a drink with Salieri's men. Paulie, the

Gangster who was with Sam in his taxi is sitting next to him.)

Tommy: (narr.) Salieri's boys saved my skin that time, but I certainly

Wasn't in a good situation. I had paid off my debts for the car repairs, But my boss didn't want to

employ anyone who's in the mob. It just wasn't Good business. When I saw the fancy get-up of

Salieri's boys, I thought That it can't be too bad to work for him. Besides, I had nothing to lose.

Morello was out to get me, so driving a cab wasn't the best job. Plus, the Prospect of Salieri's dough

wasn't so terrible... So, like I always say: "Better to die young and loaded..."

However, all of a sudden his opinion on joining the mob has changed. All it took, interestingly, was

an attempt on his life. Is that fair since it's just necessary for his very survival? Partially, but he has

also been taken in by the escape of his menial job (Arguably, as he justifies that he'd be noticed more

easily by Morello's men) and the potential wealth that he can get.

It's a bit of a grey area - he could just as easily leave town and everything behind him but there are a

few reasons that gently push him into joining Salieri. However, he's now ignoring the morals he

mentioned previously, he's gone from believing "It's better to be poor and alive than rich and dead" to

"Better to die young and loaded". This at least puts responsibility for his actions squarely on himself.

(Salieri's men are seen putting the corpses of Morello's two gangsters into A truck in the backyard of

the bar.)


1.4. Molotov Party


(Tommy is sitting at a table with Don Salieri, Sam and Paulie in the Backroom of the bar, this time

dressed in a black suit like Sam and Paulie. A balding, middle-aged man wearing eyeglasses is

standing next to Salieri.)

Salieri: Well, it looks like Morello is really trying to make me mad. But I'm a reasonable person.

What do they call you, son?

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Tommy: Thomas Angelo.

Salieri: i've decided to give you a shot, Tommy. I like new faces. We're One big family here. You

already know Paulie and Sam.Frank here is my Right hand and looks after the legal side of our

business. The one behind The bar is Luigi. This business ain't easy to swallow, but Luigi's a

Wonderful cook. Paul will introduce you to Vincenzo and Ralph. There are a Lot of us, but those

should be enough for now.

Salieri: Now listen, and listen good, we have some rules around here: Don't Cross paths with the

cops. They're on our payroll, so they'll leave you Alone, but if you go too far, they'll all come after

you, money or no Money... If they ever pick you up, say nothing and I will take care of you. I show

my gratitude to those people that help me. And there aren't many Left who betrayed me... Capisci?

Tommy: Yes, Mr. Salieri.

Salieri: I'm glad. Today i'll give you a chance to get back at those Bastards who wrecked your taxi.

We'll see what you're made of. Morello has A bar where all his gorillas go. They all have their cars

parked behind the Fence next to the bar. If you're good, they won't be there tomorrow Morning...

Paulie'll go with you, just in case. Go see Vincenzo for Equipment and Ralph for some wheels...

(Tommy and Paulie leave the room.)

Frank I wouldn't trust him so much. He seemed hesitant, he's just accepted now because he has no


Salieri: We'll see,Frank, we'll see... I'm more concerned about what Morello's problem is. Does he

really want to start a war?

(Salieri is clearly a scheming don, but he's generally a fair person so far. He offers Tommy

revenge; not to murder Morello's men but to destroy a few cars instead. Salieri is also looking at the

big picture of a war with Morello. Foreshadowing!)

(The scene switches to Tommy and Paulie going up a staircase in the Backyard of the bar.)

Paulie: Vincenzo is the Don's gun expert, they've known each other since They were kids. He gets

you whatever you want, Tommy guns to cannons. Vinny Can set you up. I always pay him a visit

before a job.

(Paulie opens the door to Vincenzo's room.)

Paulie: Buongiorno, Vincenzo!

Vincenzo: Ciao, Paulie!

Paulie: This here's Tom... Just started up with us.

Vincenzo: Pleased to meet you, Tom! What can I do for the both of yours?

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Paulie: We've got a job to do, we need something to write off a few cars.

(Vincenzo points to a baseball bat.)

Vincenzo: This classic piece of sports equipment should do the job, and if Not, i've mixed up a few


(He puts a box full of Molotov cocktails on the table.)

Vincenzo: Careful with 'em, though.

(Tommy takes the bat and Paulie takes the Molotov cocktails.)

Paulie: Thanks a lot, Vincenzo.

Vincenzo: Bring back the bat, it's my nephew's!

Paulie: Sure thing!

(Tommy and Paulie leave Vincenzo's room and walk towards the garage.)

Paulie: Ralph, who i'll introduce you to, is a complete idiot, but he's got A special way with cars. I

don't get how such a moron could know anything About anything, but that's the way it goes


(They enter the garage, where Ralph is working on a car.)

Ralph: Ha ha ha, a v-v-visit.

Paulie: Hey, Ralphy.

Ralph: I s-s-see you're still limping, so we got two cripples working here.

Paulie: That's right, but I ain't a fool. Ralph, this is Tom... If you Bring him a stolen car, Tommy,

he'll make it your own. And no one'll know The difference.

(Tommy and Ralph shake hands.)

Paulie: Ralph, Tom and me have a job to do. You're supposed to have some Wheels for us.

Ralph: Right, hehe, here it is, he, it ain't no hot-rod, hehe, but it Should really do for you.

(Ralph shows them a Bolt Ace Fordor car.)

Paulie: Thanks, Ralphy. Let's go!

(Tommy and Paulie get in the car and drive to Morello's bar. Three cars are Parked in the car lot next

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to the bar. There is also a wooden shed there. One of Morello's gangsters is guarding the entrance to

the lot.)

Paulie: Okay, we're here. Don't go through the front, find another way. Take out the guard quietly so

you don't arouse any attention. Smash the Cars up with the bat and save the fireworks for last. There

could be Something nice in that shed, take a look. Good luck, buddy.

Tommy: Thanks, i'll be back in a little while.

(Tommy gets out of the car and enters the backyard from the back through a Passageway. He sneaks

up on the guard and takes him out with the baseball Bat. He then damages the cars and checks the

shed. There is a Falconer car In there and Tommy drives it out of the lot. When Paulie sees him in the

Car, he gets to the driver's seat and they together drive back to Salieri's Bar. They find Salieri waiting

for them at a table.)

Paulie: So we're back, boss.

Salieri: Wonderful, take a seat. It all went well?

Paulie: Sure, boss, he's a natural.

(Tommy and Paulie sit down at the table.)

Paulie: Before they could say "genolees" they were wheel-less! And before They could recover, we

were gone. Morello is probably pretty pissed right Now.

Salieri: Really? I'm glad to hear it.

Paulie: He's one tough customer.

Salieri: In that case, welcome to the family, Tommy.

(Salieri stands up and hugs Tommy.)

Salieri: You've passed the first test, and now we've got a new member.

Paulie: I'd like to take him into the outfit, boss. You can see he ain't Scared. And he's done real


Salieri: You didn't disappoint me, Tommy. Now, let's drink!

Tommy: Thanks...

(They raise their glasses for a toast.)


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1.5. Ordinary Routine


(Tommy, Salieri, Paulie and Sam are sitting in the backroom of the bar, With Frank standing next to

the Don.)

Salieri: Today we're gonna visit a few places to collect some protection Money. Two restaurants and

a motel outside of town. Bill at the motel was Late last time, because he had a few problems. So

today he'll pay a little More.

Frank: You may have heard about how criminals can prey on businesses using Various threats. That

certainly isn't the case with us. People who pay us Receive services, services the police certainly can't

provide them with. Last month, for example, Sam and Paulie here solved a serious problem of

Violence in a delightful restaurant. The owner is now satisfied that Nothing of that sort will happen

there again.

Salieri: (to Tommy) You'll do the driving. Paulie and Sam will do the Collecting. It'll be routine.

Tell Ralph to give you a car and you can go.

Tommy: Okay, boss.

Salieri: (to Frank) Well, you and i'll have a drink. What do you say,Frank?

(Tommy, Paulie and Sam leave. Tommy goes to Vincenzo.)

Tommy: Hey, Vincenzo, I need some kind of gun.

Vincenzo: Hey, Tom! I think this would do the trick.

(He puts a Colt 1911 pistol on the table.)

Tommy: It should work. I wasn't planning on using it anyway. Thanks.

(Tommy then goes to Ralph.)

Tommy: Hey, Ralphy, me and the boys have got a job to do and I need some Wheels.

Ralph: Hey, I s... Sorted ou... Out what you brought me l... Last time. It Is a go... Good m... Motor,

Tom. It has almost 60 horsepower and goes a Good 75 miles per hour. He has four s... Speeds and b...

Break servos. S... S... Simply b... B... Beautiful! Also had a look at how you can best s... Steal one.

Tommy: I used to drive one when I was a cabby, so I know how to get into One, Ralphy.

Ralph: Well, then I got another little number. It has about 40 horsepower

And goes at almost 60 miles an hour.

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(Ralph leads Tommy to a Bolt Model B Fordor car and shows him how to pick Its lock.)

Ralph: Ain't nothing swanky, but it's a good enough drive. You get into it Easy. Just take t... T...

This little baby and stick it in here, p... P... Pry it a little and when it clicks you've got it... It's a p...

Piece a C... Cake...

Tommy: Thanks, Ralphy.

(Tommy gets in the car and Paulie and Sam get in too. Tommy drives out of The backyard of the


Paulie: Okay, first we'll go to a restaurant on Central Island.

(They get to the restaurant.)

Paulie: Stop! Here it is.

(Tommy stops the car. Paulie gets out and goes into the restaurant. He Comes back after a while with

a bag of money.)

Paulie: And now to Hoboken to the Pompeii Bar.

(They get to their next destination.)

Paulie: Here it is. Pull in, Tom.

(Tommy stops next to the Pompeii Bar. Paulie collects the money and Returns.)

Paulie: Now we're goin' to take in the country air. We're goin' to Clark's Motel out of town.

(Tommy drives to the motel just outside of the city and parks the car next To the building. They all

get out.)

Paulie: Wait for us here, Tom, we'll be back in a bit.

Tommy: Okay.

Paulie: Let's go.

(Paulie and Sam go into the motel. Tommy smokes a cigarette while he is Waiting for them.

Suddenly several gunshots are heard. The door opens and Paulie walks out, holding a wound in his


Paulie: Shit... Bastards... Tom, I... I took one...

(He collapses.)

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Paulie: It hurts... (Tommy rushes to help him.)

Tommy: Jesus Christ, Paulie!

(A gangster appears at the door and points his gun at Tommy.)

Gangster: Tell Salieri, from here on out this place is ours! Capisci? Don't Come back here or you'll

end up in worse shape than your friends.

(The gangster walks back inside and closes the door.)

Paulie: Get Sam... They want to beat some information out of him, get him Out of there...

Tommy: But I gotta get you to a doctor...

Paulie: That'll wait, first get Sam...

(Tommy drags Paulie next to their car and takes out his pistol.)

Tommy: Screw regular routine!

(All the doors of the motel are locked, but Tommy manages to enter by Climbing to a balcony. Inside

he kills several gangsters. Once all the men In the restaurant area are dead, an unarmed man appears

from a sideroom.)

Man: Lookee here, another customer for a face job! C'mon then, sonny.

(The man attacks Tommy with his fists but Tommy kills him. Then he enters The room from which

the man came out. Sam is lying on the floor inside.)

Tommy: Get up, Sam, it's over. He really went to work on you, buddy.

(Tommy helps Sam get up.)

Sam: Argh, Christ...

Tommy: It's nothing, you'll be alright... The doctor'll put you back Together again. You tough as


(As they slowly walk out of the room, a man comes up on them from the back And punches Tommy

in the face, which flings him away.)

Tommy: Oh shit!

(Tommy kills the man who attacks him with his fists and then gets back to Sam.)

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Tommy: That's it, i'll get you back in the car. Everything'll be okay...

(Suddenly another gangster appears from a room next to the bar and points His gun at Tommy and

Sam. He holds the bag of money in his other hand.)

Gangster: DON'T MOVE, SCUMBAG! Or i'll fill you with holes! C'mon! Just try It. You won't get

past me!

Tommy: Sure thing, buddy. Just stay cool... Everything's okay... Just go... No problem.

Gangster: Just try it.

(The gangster walks out of the motel.)

Sam: Noo... Got... Our... Dough... Get him...

(Tommy follows the gangster, who takes off with a car that has been parked Outside. Tommy gets

into their car and pursues him. He eventually overtakes Him and kills him.)

Tommy: If that's regular routine, I wonder what the next job will be like.

But seriously, Tommy slowly learns the associated problems of working in the mafia, as he and

Paulie later lament.


1.6. Intermezzo One



(Tommy and Detective Norman continue their conversation. Norman is taking Notes.)

Tommy: That's how I got in. One minute a regular cabby, the next a Respected mafioso.

Norman: You were all right with killing people? Usually people have a Problem with that.

Tommy: You know... I ain't one of those people with a thirst for blood. I Don't need violence in my

life, and I don't look for trouble. But I also Don't have any remorse. They wanted to outsmart us, so

we had to outsmart Them. No excuses. It was all the same to me, I wasn't interested in the Fates of

other people. Everybody said it was just business and that the Family sticks together... It was different

from living alone and nobody

Givin' a damn about you. Suddenly, you're respected by all the people you Meet. Everybody knows

you can help them, but you can also destroy their Lives. And everybody tries to ingratiate themselves

to you.

Still, there are still limits to how far someone will go with killing and that's what we see in Mafia.

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Norman: And what about the police? You walked away, just like that, from a Massacre? Didn't you

have any problem with that?

Tommy: You work for the police. You ought to know. You know the mafia runs The whole city.

The Salieri family makes over 25 million bucks every year. The papers were full of it, but nobody

saw nothing... If they wanted to Stay alive. We paid off the bureaucrats 6 grand a month. Your bosses

had Liquor at trade price and got pay-offs for 'special jobs' from both Salieri

And Morello. Case closed, lack of evidence. Cops would even move shipments Of drink for us. I

guess you'd have heard something about that.

This reminds me of the concept behind The Untouchables - all of the vast money made by the mafia

can be funelled back into the government and police, cops would be paid in sums equivalent to their

yearly salary and so couldn't say no to bribery, therefore the mafia had near absolute control. We see

this with Morello most of all as he wields the local government with ease.

Norman: So what about your two friends?

Tommy: Well, they were better off than you'd think. Salieri had a good doc For his boys, and it's not

like he ever asked any questions. In a few Weeks, they'd be healthy and back on the streets again. The

only one who Worried us was Morello. He wanted to be the big cheese, which Salieri Couldn't let

him do. Salieri had no intention of being in second place. You Know... A person becomes a Don

because of his thirst for power, and he

Doesn't care about any other rules than his own.

Tommy: That's how it is, detective - so he'd be his own boss, independent Of the police, of the state,

of anyone. That's why a person becomes a Don. Salieri and Morello both wanted it all. They kept

sparring with each other, But they both knew that if it all blew up it would be hell. The big Difference

between them was in their methods - I heard a little story about Morello...

(Morello's car is seen driving to a crossroads in the city. It stops Abruptly and the car just behind

accidentally crashes into it. Morello and His men get out angrily, and the man in the other car gets out


Man: I... I... I'm sorry, sir. I... I... I didn't mean it...



Man: I... I... I was driving slowly, Mr. Morello. I... I don't know how...


Man: Err... No... Sir... I only... I wanted... It's no... Sir...

(Morello punches the man and proceeds to repeatedly smash his head on his Car.)

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Morello: No... Bas-tard... Gets... In... My... Way!

(Morello kicks the corpse of the man and returns to his car. A policeman Nearby watches the whole

spectacle but does nothing. Then the camera Switches back to Tommy and Norman.)

Tommy: Salieri built his respect as a businessman. Everybody knew that they Didn't need to fear him

if they did what they should. They knew that if They needed something, they could come to Mr.

Salieri. So Salieri made Friends, often helped people with various problems, and expected the same

In return. When somebody crossed him, they broke a cardinal rule and

Everybody knew what would happen. Morello was just a mean bastard. He built His power through

violence. Even his friends feared him. Most people just Tried to avoid him.


1.7. Fairplay



(Tommy and Salieri are sitting at a table in the front area of the bar.)

Salieri: Listen, Tommy, I have a delicate job for you. I don't know anyone Else who could do it

better than you. You're a good driver, and you have Experience. Well, to make it simple, tomorrow

all the best motors are gonna Race at the city track and I bet on one kid who's been a favorite up until

Now. I helped him along in his career a little. I like fast cars and I said To myself that I could make

back a little on that investment.

Salieri: You understand... And then Ralphy starts saying that some European Has come over and his

car is certain to win. Ralphy knows cars, he's real Good with them, but otherwise he's a complete

moron. What, he couldn't have Told me BEFORE I bet on that kid? But still, what the hell is a guy,

God Knows from where, doing here, these are American races! Me and the Consiglieri here were

thinking about what to do, because a lot of our boys Have bet the same as me and they certainly

wouldn't be happy if they lost Their dough. And how would that make me look? Like an old idiot,

Tommy! I Can't let that happen.

Salieri: We thought with our consiglieri about what to do with it. If Something happens to him -

that's no way, it won't be fair play, I won't Enjoy my winning at all. Ralph told me that he knows a

guy who guards the Race-track garage. Tonight you're gonna go there and take this European's Car to

a mechanic who knows his way around these machines. He'll take a Look at theirs and maybe

improve ours. As soon as he's finished working on It, you'll take it back. It's important that the car is

back in its place Before anybody catches on. And don't even think about crashing it or Getting caught

by the cops. Are we clear?

Tommy: Yes, boss.

Salieri: If you pull it off, you'll, of course, get a share of the Winnings. Now, go. Ralph will tell you

where and how.

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(When night falls, Tommy goes to talk to Ralph outside the garage.)

Tommy: Hey, Ralphy, you got some news about this job?

Ralph: S... Sure, Tommy. You need to go to the c... City race track and Borrow that m... M... Motor

there. My f... Friend B... Bobby works there. Go round back there and a... Along the w... Way is the

gate... Gatehouse. T... Tell B... Bobby that Ralph s... Sent you and Bobby'll take you to the Car. It...

It's already been agreed w... With him. Y... You's have to take It to the auto service of my f... Friend

Lucas Bertone. It's in New Ark Under the Guiliano Bridge. He'll t... Take a look at it and t... Tune it a

Little. And then you just take it back.

Tommy: This should be easy enough...

Ralph: But y... You've gotta get it done before 1:15 AM when the guard Changes, so that nobody

kn... Knows that somebody drove the motor in the Night. Th... There can't even be a scratch on it a...

And try to avoid the C... Cops. Th... They mustn't catch you!

Tommy: Hmmm... And how'll I get there?

(Ralph shows Tommy to a Schubert Six car.)

Ralph: Well, i've got something new in. Ain't no big thing to sw... Swipe One. W... Watch. You just

stick a piece of w... Wire in here and twist it a Little and you get inside where you gotta join these

two wires.

Tommy: Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem. Thanks, Ralphy.

Ralph: Now don't you go sparing the gas, Tom. Heh-heh!

(Tommy drives to the race track just outside the city and finds Bobby at The gatehouse.)

Bobby: Evenin', you must be Ralph's friend.

Tommy: That's right.

Bobby: Okay, we'll take your car.

(Tommy returns to his car. Bobby opens the gate and then gets in the car.)

Bobby: Go in and over to the garage.

(Tommy drives to the garage and they get out.)

Bobby: Okay, we're here, buddy. Come on, we haven't got a lot of time!

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(Bobby opens one of the doors. The race car is inside.)

Tommy: Okay, is that it?

Bobby: Yeah, buddy, be real careful. There can't even be a scratch on it. And avoid the cops like the

devil, cause this car'll be real obvious.

Tommy: That's right.

Bobby: In about half an hour the second guard'll come, so you gotta be back By then, buddy. And be

real careful, that car goes fast. Maybe it's the Fastest car in the world, who knows?

Tommy: Sure, Bobby, no problem. I'll take care of it in a half hour.

(Tommy takes the car and drives it to Lucas Bertone's shop in New Ark.)

Lucas: Hey there, you're from Mr. Salieri, right? I'm Lucas Bertone.

Tommy: Hi, I'm Tom.

(They shake hands.)

Tommy: They say you can take the bite out of this monster.

Lucas: I reckon so.

Tommy: Well, you'd better get movin', we only have 27 minutes left. Lucas: Hmmm, it ain't much

time. We'll see what can be done. You can hang Out a while. (Tommy goes out and smokes a

cigarette. After a while he comes back.)

Tommy: Hey, how's it going in there?

Lucas: Just finished. You can go.

(Tommy gets in the car.)

Lucas: But you're gonna have to hurry, it ain't gonna run as well as when You first brought it in.

Tommy: Thanks, Mr. Salieri appreciates your work.

Lucas: Sure, give my regards to him. If he ever needs anything again I'd be Glad to help out. I bet on

the same driver as him...

(Tommy drives the car back to the garage at the race track in time. Bobby Is waiting for him there.)

Bobby: So you pulled it off, buddy! And the car isn't even scratched!

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Tommy: Thanks, Bobby. It really 'was' the fastest car in the world.

Bobby: Sure is, we're lucky you managed it. I bet on the Don's car, too.

Tommy: It seems everybody did.

Bobby: I bet on it, so did almost everybody in my neighborhood.

Tommy: I figure the driver's pretty important too.

Bobby: Sure. Well, I won't keep you. Goodnight.

Tommy: Take care, Bobby. Thanks for the help.

(Tommy leaves and returns. The next day, he enters Salieri's Bar. There is No one inside except for


Tommy: Hey, Luigi.

Luigi: Hey, Tommy.

Tommy: Where is everybody?

Luigi: They're all at the track, you're late.

Tommy: I needed to get a little sleep after last night's job.

Luigi: Sure.

(The phone rings. Luigi answers it.)

Luigi: Hello?

Luigi: Yes... Sir, he just got in... Sure... That's for you, Tom.

(He gives it to Tommy.)

Tommy: Hello?

Frank: Frank here, Tom! You did well yesterday, but now we need your help again. Come over to

the racing track right away. That guy who was supposed To win the race got his arm broken by some

thug. Probably no coincidence... Anyway, you're gonna have to race.

Tommy: But... But...Frank... I...

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Frank: Tom, it's a half an hour before the race, and I don't have time to Teach someone else how to

drive. Christ Tom, this concerns a big bag of Money. I hope you understand that?

Tommy: Yeah... Okay...Frank, but...

Frank: So I expect to see you here at the track in a few minutes.

(Frank hangs up the phone. Tommy hangs it up too.)

Luigi: You don't look too excited...

Tommy: That's because I ain't.

(Tommy leaves the bar, drives to the race track and findsFrank at the Garage.)

Frank: Hey, Tommy, I knew we could count on you.

Tommy: You really want me to do this? I've never raced before!

Frank: Okay, I know it won't be easy, but we don't have a choice. If you Can do it, we won't lose


Tommy: Do I look like I can do this? I don't even know the rules.

Frank: Look, it's a cake walk. You go five laps, and you need to come in First for us to win. If you

come in second the dough's lost. But since we Tuned that clown's car a little everything should go

smoothly. Also, at Those speeds it's quite normal for someone to bang into you, so watch out For

those other bastards. Good luck, Tom... I know you can do it.

(Frank walks away a few steps.)

Tommy: Well, I don't believe it.

(Frank turns back.)

Frank: Tom, half the neighborhood and all our boys bet on the Don's boy. Do You know what it

would mean if you lost? The Don would lose. You would lose All the respect which we've busted our

asses to build up. People gave us Their trust as well as their dough. Do you understand what's at


Tommy: Yeah, I got it,Frank... I understand.

Frank: Take it easy, son. Show them what you're made of.

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(The race begins and Tommy wins. He receives his trophy in front of a Cheering crowd. Afterwards,

there is a party at Salieri's Bar in Celebration of his victory. Salieri talks to Tommy during the party.)

Salieri: I knew you wouldn't let us down, Tommy! You are really one of us Now. A lot of people

made a lot of money on that race, Tommy, and you get All the credit, so you won't come out short.

You should stop by and see Lucas Bertone. He also bet and won a pile of money, so he wants to

repay You, too... Somehow.

Tommy: Okay, I will.

(A woman talks to Tommy as he leaves.)

Woman: Congratulations, you big hero.

Tommy: Thanks.

(Tommy goes to Lucas Bertone's shop.)

Tommy: Hello, is there anyone home?

Lucas: Hey, Tommy! Right here.

Lucas: Tom, congratulations on winning! You did great. I didn't really Think you'd do it at first, but

when you got going, I knew how it would End. Thanks to you I won a big bag of money, and just so

you know I'm not Ungrateful, i'll teach you a few tricks... See that beaut'?

(Lucas shows a large, yellow car to Tommy, a Lassiter V16 Phaeton.)

Lucas: You know I can't give you it, but I can show you how to lift one and Where. Watch how easy

it is to get into this baby.

(Lucas shows him how to pick the car's lock.)

Lucas: There you go. Piece of cake.

Tommy: Okay, I figure I can manage that.

Lucas: There's another one that belongs to a loaded official down at City Hall. During the day it sits

in the car lot behind the Munipicial Building On Central Island.

Tommy: I think I might go and check if it's parked correctly.

Lucas: When you get tired of that, come back here. I always have something New.

Tommy: Thanks, Lucas. I'll come by sometime after work. I'll be seein' you.

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(Tommy goes and steals the car from the car lot and returns to Salieri's Bar.)

Tommy: (narrating) And so I made a few new friends and got my first luxury Car. It didn't seem so

bad being a gangster.


1.8. Sarah


(Tommy is sitting at the bar, having a drink.)

Tommy: (narrating) One evening, after a slow day, I was sitting alone at Salieri's and just drinking.

Luigi came over to me and asked me if I Wouldn't do him a favor.

Luigi: Hey, Tommy, you know my daughter, right?

(Tommy looks at the girl, who has previously been seen in some chapters Working at the bar.)

Tommy: Yeah, Luigi. Nice girl. You must be proud.

Luigi: Thanks, Tommy. She sometimes helps out here behind the bar. Thing Is, I don't want her to

walk home alone tonight. Only yesterday, some Stupid punks gave her some problems. You know

with all that dirty talk and All that. You know I am worried about the girl, so I thought that maybe

you Could see her home. It's not far away... You're a gentleman, and you have a Lot of respect in this

neighborhood. Those punks wouldn't try anything with You around.

Tommy: No problem, Luigi. It'll be a walk in the park.

Luigi: Oh, Tom, you cannot imagine how grateful I am. Damn, I was worried, No one knows who

these guys are! Come in for lunch tomorrow, and i'll do You something special... Sarah, come over


(Sarah walks over to Tommy and Luigi.)

Luigi: Sarah, this is Tommy.

(They shake hands.)

Luigi: He'll take you home and make sure those punks don't bother you Anymore.

Sarah: Hello, thanks a lot. It won't take you long. I don't live very far From here. Let me get my coat

and then we can go.

Tommy: Okay, i'll wait for you outside.

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(Tommy and Sarah start walking away from the bar.)

Sarah: It's really nice of you to be doin' this. Those clowns were really Strange. I was really nervous.

Tommy: No problem, Paulie and i'll deal with those trouble-makers later...

Sarah: So, you also work for Mr. Salieri, don't you? He's a nice man, he's Always a lot of fun.

Tommy: Yeah, I work for him sometimes. But we usually ain't laughing and Havin' fun.

Sarah: So, what do you actually do?

Tommy: Hm, I usually just chauffeur the Don around. Even though he Occasionally surprises me -

like when he wanted me to drive in the race...

Sarah: Yeah, I saw that. You drove really well.

Tommy: Ah, I was just real lucky.

Sarah: You're so modest. It had to be more than luck to beat those guys.

Tommy: Well, I used to drive a taxi... And the only real racing i've ever Done was the night before.

Sarah: There you go. You see, you got talent!

Tommy: Hmm... You might be right. Anyway, it wasn't too pretty. I don't Like being in the


(They enter an alley. Suddenly, three thugs appear before them.)

Thug: Hey, lookee here! Who's the cute pair?

Sarah: There they are!

Thug: What's up? You were alone last night, darling, and tonight you have a Boyfriend.

Tommy: Boys, I think it would be better if you'd just go away and not make Any problems.

Thug: I think that the only one here with a problem is you, chief.

Tommy: If I were in your shoes, I'd leave right now. You never know what Might happen.

Thug: We'll see, lover boy!

(The thugs attack Tommy.)

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Sarah: Help! Help, we're being attacked!

Sarah: Help us somebody, please!

Sarah: Help! Call the police, help!

(Sarah runs into an adjacent alley while Tommy fights the thugs. They flee After a while and Tommy

follows Sarah. He finds her cornered by three other Thugs.)

Thug: Nice dress, sweetie! What you got under it?

Thug: Don't you want to take a real man and not some pimp hustler?

Thug: I'd like to have a piece of that slut. Uh-huh.

Thug: He he he he!

(Tommy beats them too, and they flee.)

Sarah: Oh, thank you! If you hadn't been there I don't know what would have Happened.

Tommy: That's okay, Sarah. Anytime.

Sarah: I was really scared, Tom. Are you okay? Come on, we're almost home, i'll take a look at you


(They again start walking to her home.)

Sarah: I live alone right next door to pop. My mother left us not long After I was born. So, you work

with Paulie too? He's really funny.

Tommy: Yeah, yeah. He's really funny. I always said that he could have been An actor.

Sarah: Sometimes he acts real strange, it's really creepy. I don't know how A person can change

moods so suddenly. He must have gone through a lot in His life.

Tommy: Yeah, he's been around the block a few times. He grew up on the Streets and everything

rubbed off on him, maybe that's why he behaves kind Of rough to strangers. He's real grateful to Don

Salieri. Who knows what Would have happened if he hadn't taken him under his wing.

Sarah: Yeah, Mr. Salieri even helped out my dad a lot. He's almost like a Grandfather to me.

Tommy: Yeah, Don Salieri's a good guy.

(They arrive at her house.)

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Sarah: Okay, here we are. Come inside.

(They go inside.)

Sarah: So this is my kingdom. Come in and take a load off, i'll have a look At your wounds.

Tommy: This is quite a kingdom.

(Tommy sits on the bed while Sarah takes first-aid materials from a Cabinet.)

Sarah: Roll up your sleeves, sir, help is at hand.

(She sits next to him and checks his wounded wrist.)

Sarah: Well, let's have a look... Hmm... It doesn't look too serious...

Tommy: Yeah, yeah, that's true. They looked a lot worse than they are.

Sarah: Hmm... Hold on a second, i'll clean it.

(She cleans and bandages his wrist.)

Sarah: There you go, it didn't even hurt.

Tommy: Thank you.

Sarah: It's me who should be thanking you.

(They look at each other for a few seconds.)

Sarah: Would you care for a drink, Tom?

Tommy: Well, I could use a little whiskey, if you got it.

Sarah: Sure thing.

(Sarah goes to get the whiskey.)

Tommy: (to himself) This evening's gettin' interesting.

(Sarah comes back with a glass.)

Sarah: Here you go, hero! So, do you swing?

Tommy: What?

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Sarah: Do you like dancing? Music? I have a gramophone.

Tommy: Yeah, I like music.

(She turns the gramophone on, comes back and kneels by the bed next to Tommy.)

Sarah: Are Salieri's men tough with everyone?

Tommy: We'll try to be gentle with people sometimes.

Sarah: Some of you, maybe... But only a few... And are you one of Salieri's Tough guys?

Tommy: Only sometimes...

(Sarah sits on the bed next to him.)

Sarah: Well, I think you're a very good bad man...

Tommy: Sometimes I'm even a very bad good man.

(They kiss. Next, they are shown together in the bed.)

Tommy: (narrating) Sarah was an angel. I had a lot of girls before that, But that was something

different. Very different. It was clear to me that If I was going to spend the rest of my life with

someone, it would be with Her.


1.9. Better Get Used To It


(Tommy, Salieri,Frank, Paulie and Sam are having a meeting in the backroom Of the bar.)

Tommy: (narrating) The very next day I told Salieri what happened with the Punks. The gang of

hoodlums had set up residence in his territory, causing Trouble and scaring good people. Don Salieri

was not pleased.

Salieri: What? In my territory? The nerve! And, on top of that, they attack Defenseless women! Did

anything happen to Sarah, Tommy?

Tommy: No, boss. She's okay... I took care of it.

Salieri: Good. Why the hell didn't Luigi say something? We could have taken Care of this

immediately. I won't stand for those chicken shits attacking People in my territory. Who do they think

they are? They pay me for Protection, so we've gotta get these punks and put them where they belong.

Paulie: Me and Tom'll fix it. Do those bastards think this is freakin' Lunapark, or something? I'll rip

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'em apart with my own hands.

Salieri: Paulie, Paulie, take it easy. Nobody's killing anybody, get it? I Want you to teach them a

lesson. Break every bone in their bodies and leave 'em laying in a pool of their own blood. Make sure

those bastards need Wheelchairs. Little kids'll laugh at their busted faces. Let everybody see What

happens when somebody trashes my territory.

Tommy: Sounds interesting, boss.

Paulie: That ain't a bad idea at all...

Salieri: We'll need to find out where they're located. Big Biff might know Something. He's always

standing around at Chinatown. Go find him and ask Him.

Paulie: No problem, boss.

(Tommy talks to Frank before they leave.)

Frank: It's good that we're cleaning up the streets. People will trust us More knowing that the streets

are safe in our territory.

(He then talks to Luigi.)

Luigi: Tom, thank you! Who knows what would have happened, if you hadn't Walked Sarah home! I

am indebted to you.

(Tommy and Paulie then go to Vincenzo.)

Vincenzo: Salute, boys! So, what'll it be today?

Paulie: We gotta give a few clowns a good beating, Vinny.

Vincenzo: The best bet would be these superb bats. This one here's Autographed by one of the

mvp’s of the league. (MVP - Most Valuable Player)

Tommy: Wow, I can't believe it. Is this really his?

Vincenzo: Well... To tell you the truth it ain't. But if you're smashing Someone in the face with it,

they certainly won't question ya.

Paulie: We'll need some heaters too. You never know.

Vincenzo: My words exactly! I've got these Colt 1911s, great automatics.

(Tommy and Paulie take the pistols. Then they leave and drive to Chinatown, Where they find Big

Biff standing at a square.)

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Biff: Howdy, partners, how's tricks?

Paulie: Hey there, you fat bastard. We need a little piece of information.

Biff: What's goin' on?

Paulie: A gang of jokers have set themselves up in our territory and They're giving people a bad

time. They messed with Luigi's daughter. If it Wasn't for Tom here, who knows what they would've

done to her. We need to Know where they meet so we can give them a message from Don Salieri.

Biff: You came to the right place, Paulie. I know what's goin' on. A few

People have already had problems with them, and they told me they meet at The old service station

near the Terranova Bridge. It's a little ways from Here. You can get there through a sort of side doors

across the yard. Send Them my regards, Paulie.

Paulie: Thanks, Biff. I owe you one. We gotta go.

Biff: Sure! Take it easy, boys!

(They then drive to the service station and get out of the car.)

Paulie: I think this is the place.

(They open the metal doors leading to the station.)

Paulie: Let's do it! And remember, Tom, no shooting!

(They enter and run into two of the thugs.)

Paulie: Hey pal, Don Salieri sends his regards.

Thug: Go ahead, I'd really love to hear it!

(They fight the thugs and advance. Further ahead they see other thugs Beating up a man. The man

talks to them after the thugs are defeated.)

Man: Thanks, thank God you showed up. Finally someone's dealing with those Bastards! The cops

didn't lift a finger, because one of those punks is Supposed to be the son of someone down at City


(Tommy and Paulie advance and encounter other thugs who have pistols.)

Thug: Somebody stopped in for a tuning!

Paulie: Tom, those bastards have heaters! Forget the baseball bats, it's Life or death.

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(They kill the thugs and press on. Further ahead they see two other thugs Standing by a car. One of

them sees Tommy and Paulie.)

Thug: What are you tryin' to pull here?

Paulie: I'm trying to kick your ass out of this part of town!

(Paulie opens fire on them.)

Thug: These guys are mafia, Johnny! Let's hit the road!

(The two thugs get in the car and drive away.)

Paulie: Oh shit! Quick, get to the car! We gotta get 'em!

(Tommy and Paulie get in the car and start to chase the car of the thugs.

Eventually the thugs crash their car and stop. Tommy and Paulie get out and Approach their vehicle.

The thug in the right seat seems to be badly Injured, while the one in the driver's seat is too shocked

to get out.)

Paulie: Go and nail him!

(Tommy draws his gun and points it at the thug in the driver's seat, but he Is hesitant to shoot. Paulie

comes and shoots him.)

Paulie: You can't feel sorry for these animals. He'd shoot you in the back The first opportunity he


Tommy: (narrating) I thought about what my mother or Sarah would do if they Saw me there...

(Paulie walks towards the other thug, but he is apparently dead.)

Paulie: This one's finished. One less to worry about.

(Paulie sees that Tommy is still staring at the first thug killed by him.)

Paulie: Why are you standing here with that look on your face? Remember Those guys wanted to do

your girl yesterday. You better get used to it.

Tommy: I got used to it...

Gradually, Tommy has become numb to the violence and killing, but he still has limits.


1.10. The Whore

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(Tommy andFrank are walking on the street near Salieri's Bar.)

Frank: Your last mission didn't exactly work out, Tom. Your killing Everybody means a lot of

problems for us.

Tommy: They tried to rape Sarah! The cops oughtta thank me...

Frank: I know, but the one you let get away will make trouble.

Tommy: What, we didn't let anybody get away! They're all dead!

Frank: One lived, they pulled him out of the car wreck.

Tommy: Shit...

Frank: The one you killed was the son of a city councilor, the mayor's

Friend and Morello's accomplice. And the one who lived will go crying to The councilor. Daddy

didn't exactly love his son, but in these cases a Person can remember a lot of good things... By the

way, his funeral's Today...

Tommy: Pity I can't make it...

Frank: You're lucky that second one didn't know who you are and couldn't Give you up. But that's

not why I sent for you. Tom, I have quite a Delicate job for you today. C'mon, let's get in the car.

(They get in a car parked on the street in front of the bar.)

Frank: An owner of one of the businesses, which the Don has invested a lot Of money in, has

suddenly decided to forget his obligations and he has Taken up with Mr. Morello. It seems that

Morello is trying to test our Limits. We're not going to play his game.

Tommy: So what's goin' down?

Frank: We're going to blow the place up.

Tommy: What? What kind of joint is it?

Frank: A hotel. Er... That is... It's a brothel, Tom. But no regular

Whorehouse, it's a place for classy society types.

Tommy: And I have to knock 'em all off?

Frank: Of course not... We'll just liquidate the owner and blow up his Office. That should be enough

of a warning for others.

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Tommy: 'We' means 'me', right,Frank? I take out the owner and I blow up The hotel.

Frank: Exactly, and there's one more thing. One of their girls is passing Information about our

activities to Morello. We'll need her eliminated, Too.

Tommy:Frank... I have to kill a woman?

Frank: Worst luck, huh? Here's a photo of her.

(Frank shows Tommy a photo of the girl.)

Tommy: She's cute, and she looks familiar. Are you certain this is her?

Frank: Unfortunately, yes. Her big mouth has lost us a pile of money and Some of our people.

Tommy: Why don't Paulie or Sam do it?

Frank: We know the place in and out. They'll be dead before they can get it


Tommy: Hmm, so what's the plan?

Frank: It's Downtown, the Corleone Hotel. Find the boss and shoot him. You Can do it in public, it'll

be a warning. Then, take care of the girl. The Owner's office is on the top floor. Grab any documents

and money you find There, and then set up the explosives. You won't have time for much else.

Tommy: This won't be no picnic.

Frank: I know, but if we don't take care of this now, we're next in line.

Tommy: Maybe you're right.

Frank: The weapon and explosives are here in the car. Tom, good luck.

(Tommy goes to the hotel and enters the lobby. As he enters, a woman,

Apparently a prostitute, approaches a sailor sitting on one of the Couches.)

Prostitute: You want a good time, sweetie?

(They go upstairs. Tommy talks to another prostitute who walks into the Lobby.)

Prostitute: Hi there, big boy, came to enjoy yourself? Why don't you buy me A drink? Today I feel

like havin' a party! What about it? Hey, how're you Doin'?

(He then talks to a man sitting on a couch.)

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Man: It's pretty quiet just now, but you just wait till the evening!

(Then he talks to the hotel proprietor at the reception desk.)

Tommy: Afternoon. Where would I find the manager, please?

Proprietor: He's in the hotel restaurant having lunch, sir. It's just Through those doors. He's the man

in the white suit.

Tommy: Much obliged. By the way, I'm looking for the girl in this photo. She works here, do you

know where I could find her?

(Tommy shows the proprietor the photo of the prostitute.)

Proprietor: And who are you? A shamus, or vice? Naw, i've never seen her Before. If you wanna

enjoy yourself, choose from one of the girls down Here.

Tommy: Well, I'm no shamus. I just need to talk with her.

Proprietor: Like I said, never seen her. So be kind enough to get out and Don't make no problems.

Tommy: Watch the mouth, old-timer. I ain't used to it...

Proprietor: Me neither, and my two-headed sawed-off from just under the Counter was saying that

your behavior is not acceptable, so I advise a Slow, cool exit.

Tommy: Hmmm... I'll remember you...

(Tommy leaves the proprietor and makes his way towards the restaurant. He Talks to a sitting man

before the restaurant.)

Man: What do you think of the local girls? It's paradise here.

(He then enters the restaurant and talks to the waiter.)

Waiter: Excuse me, sir. I'll be with you in just a moment. Take a seat, I’ll be right with you.

(Tommy goes up to the manager dining with a man at one of the tables.)

Tommy: This is the way everybody ends up when they sell out to Morello.

Manager: What do you mean? What's your business here? Help, there's some Nut here! Deal with

him, somebody! Get him out of here! Shoot him!

(The hotel guards rush to attack Tommy but he shoots the manager.)

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Manager: Wha... Wha... Who... Who... Sent... Eghrr ech... Sent you? Argh... Why? Arrgghh...

(The manager dies. Tommy deals with the guards and also with the proprietor Who tries to kill him

with his shotgun. He then goes to the backroom behind The reception desk and takes the room keys.

He goes upstairs and enters one Of the rooms to find the prostitute he is supposed to kill. There is no

one In the room but he opens the door to the bathroom and finds the woman in The bathtub. He points

his gun at her.)

Prostitute: Aaa... What... Tom?

(Tommy suddenly has a flashback and remembers that she is the woman who Congratulated him in

the bar upon winning the race.)

Tommy: Michelle?

(He takes another look at the photo.)

Michelle: What's going on? What are you gonna do? What do you want from me?

Tommy: I'm sorry, Michelle, but I heard that a bunch of people got knocked Off because of your

talk and someone lost a lot of dough. You're dangerous To us.

Michelle: It, it... It isn't true. It couldn't be true! Tom! Wait! I...

I... Didn't know I had... Hurt anyone. I wanted to help my brother...

Tommy: (narrating) I knew it, this could only happen to me, a total screw- Up... I can't just kill a

young girl... A young naive fool who wanted to Help her own brother... Probably a real bastard... On

the other hand, is it Worth gettin' killed over it?

While killing enemies in combat or as part of some scheme is seemingly common for the Mafioso’s

in movies, it's when they have to kill a woman or child that many seem to reconsider what they're

doing. Both Don Ciccio in The Godfather (The one who kills Vito's family back in Sicily) and Tony

in Scarface have moments where they have the stark choice of killing children to save themselves in

some way.

Tommy is faced with a similar situation - he doesn't have to do it to save himself but he has his

orders. She's inadvertently done things that lead to the Salieri family losing money and, apparently,

several men, but she did it for her brother, for some reason. The details are murky but that's all that's

necessary for the scene. Fortunately, Tommy has a moment of mercy.

Tommy: Get dressed and get out...

Michelle: Thank you...

Tommy: This place is gonna blow in a little while. I don't wanna see you in This town again...

Nobody can see you here anymore.

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Michelle: Thank you so very much...

Tommy: In this town you're dead. Go away and never show your face here Again... Get it?

Michelle: I promise you will never hear about me again.

(Tommy leaves her in the room and goes to the manager's office on the top Floor. He kills a guard

that is inside. Then he takes some documents from The desk and plants the explosives under it. He

then quickly gets out of The room, runs across the hallway and jumps from a window to a rooftop on

The other side. The bomb detonates just as he jumps and a fierce fire Erupts in the building.

Tommy: Just regular work...

(Tommy heads away from the hotel, moving across rooftops and fighting

Police squads that are dispatched to the scene. He eventually gets to the Roof of a church by using a

wooden ladder as a bridge between two rooftops. The ladder falls just as he gets to the other side.)


1.11. The Priest


(The roof of the church is damaged and apparently under construction, and Thus Tommy is able to

move down. When he gets to the lowest floor he Encounters a black curtain. Looking through the

curtain, he sees a priest Giving a speech at a funeral ceremony. Right next to the priest, the

Councilor's son killed by Tommy and Paulie lies in a coffin. It is Apparently his funeral, whichFrank

mentioned before the mission.)

Priest: ... And was taken from us unexpectedly. The Lord awaits his flock With opened arms and

those such as Billy are awaited in the heavenly realm.

(Tommy sees Billy's father and crying mother on a front bench.)

Priest: Billy was a good son, brother and friend. We will all remember him

In that light and pray for his salvation, since he did so much good. And Now Billy's friend, who was

with him during the last moments of his short Life on this Earth, would like to say a few words.

Come, my son!

(The thug who was with Billy stands up and comes to give his speech.)

Thug: Thank you, father... You know, I wanted to pay my respects to Bill Today and to tell him that

I considered him as my own brother, and that his Death was a great loss for me. I was present at his


(The priest approaches the curtain and sees Tommy.)

Priest: Huh? Er... What are... That is, how...

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(The thug also sees Tommy.)


(Most of the men on the benches take out their guns and the councilor and His wife leave.)

Man: Get down, father!

(A gunfight ensues between Tommy and the men. They taunt him before he Comes out of the


Man: Do you hear me? We got plenty of time.

Man: Hey, you little rat, come down here! We'll throw you a party!

Man: c'mon down, you big hero! Show us what you're made of!

Man: Where are you? You wet your pants?

(Tommy kills the men and then walks to Billy's coffin. As he does so, he Hears someone behind him

and turns, pointing his gun in that direction. It Is the priest.)

Priest: Oh, it is only I... My son, don't shoot, I am unarmed...

(Tommy lowers his gun.)

Priest: What have you done, my son? Such suffering for nothing! God is Forgiving, but this is

terrible... Don't you know murder is the greatest Sin?

Tommy: I... Know, father... But somehow everything got fouled up. I made a Mistake somewhere...

So many people have died without reason. They could Have done much more with their lives...

(He pauses for a second.)

Tommy: Father, these people were criminals, cheats, murderers. The one Lying in the front wanted

to rape my girl. Maybe God wanted it this way. A Lot of people will have an easier life because of


Priest: Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways... But what about you? You Can look yourself in the

face? Your hands are stained with blood that You'll never wash off.

Tommy: I know that, father...

Priest: Look around you! Such a waste! We'll have to consecrate the church Again! Everything is

shot up! I can't let my parishioners in here! What am I going to do?

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Tommy: Maybe this'll help?

(Tommy gives him some money.)

Tommy: Pray for my soul, father. I'll need it.

Priest: I will, my son. I certainly will.

(Tommy walks away and then pauses.)

Tommy: By the way, father... Your little speech about Billy... I'm Wondering about your

conscience... Billy wasn't such a good person, and he Didn't do good when he was alive...

I suppose they're both wrong in different ways, Tommy obviously far more due to his mass killing.

In Christianity, he'll be judged by god after he dies, but he at least pays the priest for the damage

caused to the church.

(Tommy leaves the church and drives away in a hearse in front of it. Although the police are after

him, he manages to reach Salieri's Bar.)


1.12. Intermezzo Two



(Tommy and Detective Norman are talking in the cafe.)

Norman: You must be joking, right? How could you get through this?

Tommy: Now it was really bad. Billy's pop, the council man, wasn't very Happy with us, and he was

in bed with Morello's. Without the mafia's help, He wouldn't have got his seat. He also started to

mobilize the police. So We now had both the mob and the police against us.

Norman: Ah, come on...

Tommy: Hey, both sides benefited from it. The police could look good in the Fight against crime

and at the same time get fat pay-offs from Morello, who They left alone. And with the help of the

police, Morello could eliminate His greatest competitor. An ideal situation, and things were going bad


Us. Salieri lost a bundle, and I wasn't doing too good after all that Killing. It started to seem, that

there was no point to anything, that I Should enjoy everything as much as possible and quickly while

I still had The chance, when it's so easy to lose your life. Maybe that's why Paulie And me started


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Norman: You weren't fallin' apart maybe?

Tommy: My life was just a trail of murders, crimes and alcohol. If Frank Hadn't helped me out I

would have ended up worse. It was weird, but Suddenly he came to me and wanted to help.

"I also don't have any remorse." - clearly, he does however. Is this lazy or forgetful script writing? Or

maybe a clever ploy that shows the inherent contradictions of people in the mob who put on tough

guy acts? I'm honestly not sure.

(Frank is seen walking out of the bar. Tommy is standing next to a car Outside.)

Frank: Could you give me a ride home, Tommy?

Tommy: Sure,Frank, get in.

(They get in the car and Tommy starts to drive.)

Frank: So, how's life, Tommy?

Tommy: Yeah, going okay, just... Just... Oh, nothing...

Frank: I heard you and Paulie are living it up, you two are getting pretty Well-known around town.

Tommy: Just something to do with our money.

Frank: If you don't want to end up a wreck, Tom, find some meaning in your Life.

Tommy: What? You want to preach to me about a sense of life?

Frank: i've seen a few good guys who couldn't deal with their problems and They end up real bad.

Usually somebody knocks you off for your money, or Maybe you go nuts and all your buddies and

pretty dames disappear. Anyway, The Don doesn't want drunks with trembling hands working for

him. Those Kind of people just bring problems. If you don't watch out, the next thing You know, your

best friend kills you without blinking an eye.

Meanwhile,Frank notes that Salieri doesn't want drug-addled people in his family, which parallels

the real life mafia - again, as portrayed in The Godfather where the Corleone family doesn't want to

get involved in drugs, despite the huge profits, as it's not considered noble or good business. Then

there's Paulie in Goodfellas and as he's based on a real person then it's almost certainly true for most

real mafioso's.

Tommy: What should I do then?

Frank: Come on, be yourself! Maybe invest the dough in some kind of Investment. I could give you

a few tips. Give up the partying. Go to the Races with the Don on Sundays. Try taking a dame to the

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theater, or at Least the movies. There's a lot of things you can do.

Tommy: And who should I take,Frank? A decent girl doesn't want a killer.

Frank: You know, a policeman will 'murder' to uphold the law... You enforce Our laws. It's the same

thing, we're just on the other side of the fence. You're not a murderer, Tom, but still, your wife

mustn't interfere with Your business. Remember, never take the job home, it just brings trouble.

Tommy: And where would I find a woman for me,Frank?

Frank: I thought that you had something with Luigi's daughter, Sarah. I Think she's a wonderful girl.

But you alone know best how far it'll go with Her.

Tommy: I'm not going to endanger somebody like Sarah,Frank...


1.13. A Trip To The Country



Tommy: (narrating) One dayFrank asked me to stop by at the bar. He said he Had a little job for

me, so, of course, I showed up.

(Tommy is seen walking towardsFrank in the backyard of the bar. It is Nighttime and it is raining.)

Frank: Tom, we've got two trucks full of the best liquor coming in from Canada. Sam's gone out to

the hand-off point to meet them. They're at an Old farm outside of town and we need to get the

shipment to the city. I'm Sending two trucks out, Paulie's going with one of them. I want you to go

With them and keep an eye over everything. Just to make sure it all goes Smoothly. Get a car from

Ralphy, and join up with Paulie over at our Warehouse. Paulie'll give you some weapons when you

get there.

Tommy: Okay,Frank.

(Frank leaves. Tommy talks to Ralph.)

Tommy: So what have you got for me today, Ralphy?

Ralph: Hey T... Tom, I have h... Here a new machine for you. It has 65 Horsepower and if you put

your foot down, it'll go over 75 miles per hour.

(Ralph takes him to a Bolt V8 car.)

Ralph: Th... They put a new l... Lock on it, but it ain't no p... Problem. Here watch...

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(Ralph picks the lock of the car.)

Ralph: S... See, it's real easy! You can t... Take this car, or something Older, wha... Whatever you


Tommy: Thanks, Ralphy.

(Tommy takes a car and drives to the warehouse, where he finds Paulie Waiting with two trucks and

two other men.)

Paulie: Hey, Tommy. We're goin' to a farm outside of town to pick up a Couple o' truckloads of

good booze. We wanted you with us in case of any Trouble, but it should be real easy. You won't

really have to do nothing, Just be there. The boys'll load up the trucks and we'll come back. Sam is

Already there waitin' for us, so probably be drinking most of it before we Even get there. I'll do the

drivin'. The cops have been paid off, so There's nothing to worry about.

Tommy: Looks like I could've just stayed home and slept.

Paulie: Hey, if I gotta be up, you gotta be up.

(They get in the truck.)

Paulie: Let's go.

(Paulie drives away and they are soon out of the city.)

Paulie: This is the life, total ease, countryside, no stress. You know, we Oughta do this more often.

Tommy: Better in the daytime...

Paulie: Haha, I think you'd rather be with Luigi's little girl, Sarah, Right? That's your nightshift, he


Tommy: Lay off... What d'you know about it?

Paulie: Same way as everybody else knows! Heck, even Luigi knows that You're chasing her. I

figure he ain't too bothered, you saved her virginity After all... He he he... But I bet you stole it right

back, hm?

Tommy: Shut up, Paulie! I didn't know you were there?

Paulie: Ah, c'mon, Tom! I'm kidding, she's a good girl. You're good for Each other.

Tommy: I ain't so sure. Somehow, I can't imagine coming home and saying: "Guess what, Sarah?

Had a hell of a day at work today, I had to kill ten People."

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Paulie: You can't talk about stuff like that at home. If you don't act like The way they describe you

in the papers and you're good to her, she'll Ignore all that crap. Hey! Hehe, she is loaded!

Tommy: So it seems normal to you to hide who you really are from your own Wife your whole life?

Paulie: Don't worry so much...

(At that moment they reach the hand-off point on the perimeter of the farm, But there is no one


Paulie: Dammit...

Tommy: What's going on?

Paulie: Sam should be waiting here, but he isn't.

Tommy: It smells fishy.

Paulie: Look, we'll wait here with the trucks, you'll go quietly check out What's going on.

Tommy: Thanks for the confidence...

Paulie: Here's some toys to take with you.

(Paulie gives Tommy a shotgun and they get out of the truck. Tommy goes off To the farm while

Paulie stands by the trucks with the two other gangsters. Tommy investigates the farm but almost all

the doors are locked, including Those of a large barn in the middle. He finally finds one of the trucks

Carrying the shipment. When he opens the door to the cabin the driver falls Out dead.)

Tommy: Jesus!

Man: Your friend is fallen sick.

(Two armed men appear behind Tommy. Alarmed, he turns to face them.)

Tommy: Who are you? Are you from the police?

Man: Mr. Morello and the sheriff would like to send their regards and Inform you that from this

point on, they'll be taking over your duties Here.

(Tommy shoots one of the men with his shotgun. The other man tries to shoot

Him but he dodges the bullet. A gunfight ensues with more men attacking Tommy from different

sides. He fights them and manages to return to the Hand-off point, where Paulie and the other two

gangsters are successfully Fighting off a few attackers. One of their trucks explodes during the


Tommy: They're all dead.

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Paulie: What?

Tommy: The truck crew, out there in the back, they wasted them.

Paulie: What? What about Sam, did you see him?

Tommy: No, I didn't see him. But the barn was locked. He might be in there.

Paulie: We ain't leavin' without him. We have to go back and get him.

Tommy: Okay, we'll go back, but we gotta find a crowbar or something so we Can break open that

barn door.

Paulie: Okay. Let's go. You boys stay here for now and watch the trucks. Waste anyone who gets

within a hundred yards. Besides us, of course!

Gangster: Okay, boss.

(Tommy and Paulie go back to the farm and see a smaller barn next to the Larger one.)

Paulie: Come on, there must be something in this barn to force this door Open.

(They kill the men who haven taken up position inside the barn and find a Long metal bar. Paulie

takes it and they go to the door of the large barn.)

Paulie: i'll force it open, then we'll run in. We gotta keep each other Covered, okay?

(Paulie forces the door open with the bar.)

Paulie: Let's go!

(They storm the barn and kill the men inside. They find Sam lying on the Top floor. He is apparently

badly wounded.)

Paulie: Jesus, what have they done to you? You still in one piece?

Sam: Eh... Just in the wrong place at the wrong time again, I guess...

Paulie: Can you walk?

Sam: Probably not too good.

Paulie: Okay, hang on, i'll get the truck. We'll get you to the doctor. You'll make it! Sam! Tom, wait

here with him, i'll be back in a second.

(Paulie leaves.)

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Tommy: It'll be okay, Sam. We've gotten through worse.

Sam: Sure... We have?

(The sound of a vehicle is heard after a while.)

Tommy: Paulie's coming.

Sam: Tom, I don't think that's no truck...

Tommy: Shit!

(Tommy looks out and sees several police vehicles outside the barn. The Policemen attack the barn

and he kills them. Then, Paulie's voice is Heard.)

Paulie: What the hell's goin' on here? Tom, are you alive? Get out here and

Help me!

(Tommy goes out and meets Paulie outside by the truck.)

Tommy: Christ, that was a massacre!

Paulie: This is one hell of a night.

Tommy: It looks like they want to get us completely out of the picture.

Paulie: Yeah? Well, that ain't gonna be so easy. Is Sam okay upstairs?

Tommy: Yeah, he's okay. At least he isn't any worse.

Paulie: Okay, i'll get him. You keep watch here.

(Paulie goes into the barn.)

Paulie: Sam! It's me, Paulie! C'mon, we're goin' home.

Sam: UUUGH, we're goin' to the doctor... I ain't feelin' so good... I must

Be coming down with something...

Paulie: Hmm, I guess so, your nose is runnin' a little.

(Paulie comes out of the barn carrying Paulie.)

Paulie: Sam, i'll put you in the back. Tom will be with you, just in case.

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Sam: Okay.

Paulie: Tom, go with him and keep an eye out. There's a Thompson if you Need it.

Tommy: Got it.

(As Paulie puts Sam in the back of the truck, Tommy sees the headlights of More cars coming

towards the farm.)

Tommy: Paulie, it looks like we got more company.

(Paulie gets out of the back of the truck.)

Paulie: There's a Thompson and some ammo back there. Get behind those Crates and watch out.

Fire as soon as they get behind us. MAKE SURE THEY DON'T GET PAST US!

(Paulie gets in the driver's seat while Tommy climbs in the back. They Start to drive away from the

farm towards the city, pursued by several Cars. Tommy manages to kill their occupants with his

Thompson. They Eventually reach the house of the doctor in the city.)

Paulie: We're here. Tom, get Sam ready, i'll go wake the doc up.

(Tommy lifts Sam.)

Tommy: Sam, we're at the doctor.

(Paulie knocks on the doctor's door. It opens after a few seconds.)

Doctor: God, is that you, Paulie? What are you doing here so late?

Paulie: Good evening, doc. I'm sorry, but we had an accident.

Doctor: Okay. Where is he? Bring him inside.

Paulie: Okay.

(Tommy brings Sam inside, and then he and Paulie get in the truck and drive Away.)

Paulie: That was our doctor, he doesn't ask questions and Sam is in good Company.

Tommy: Are you sure that he isn't just an untrained butcher?

Paulie: Definitely not! He is the best! The best paid doctor in the city. If you get hurt, you will be

thankful that we have him.

Tommy: Okay, I hope he'll do his best for Sam.

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(They reach the warehouse and get out of the truck.)

Tommy: Uff... At least that's all over. We could have all ended up a lot Worse off than Sam did.

Paulie: When I catch that bastard who double-crossed us, i'll tear his head Off.

Tommy: It looks like someone has had enough of us.

Paulie: It sure does. I don't know about you, but I'm goin' to get a shot Of something. When the Don

finds out what happened there'll be hell to pay! This means a real war. And it ain't good.

Tommy: It certainly ain't.

Paulie: All right, so good night, Tom. Have a good night, or at least, try To have one.

(Tommy takes his car and drives to Lucas Bertone's shop.)

Lucas: Ahh! Tommy, you've come like a gift from heaven! A stoolie just Called me and said that the

cops wanna pick one of my friends up! Hey, we Gotta let him know as fast as possible. He lives in a

house in Hoboken. Could you go and warn him?

Tommy: Okay, Lucas.

(Tommy drives to the man's house and knocks on his door. The man answers From inside.)

Man: What is it? What do you want this time at night?

Tommy: Lucas Bertone sent me! You gotta disappear, the cops will be here Any minute!

Man: Shit! Thank Lucas for me! And you too, of course! I better go out the Back so no-one sees me.


Tommy: Good luck.

(Moments later, a police car pulls up next to the house and several Policemen burst inside. Tommy

returns to Lucas.)

Lucas: So what?

Tommy: Fine, went well. He thanked you and then quickly disappeared.

Lucas: Ah, thank God! Hey, I have a reward for you, Tommy.

(Lucas shows an Ulver Airstream car to Tommy.)

Lucas: Hey, this is totally new. It's a little different than those other Cars. It's the first line of cars

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with an aerodynamic form. Hey, they look Pretty sharp to me, but many people don't like 'em. The

main thing is that It purrs like a kitten. Yeah.

(Lucas picks the car's lock.)

Lucas: And you can snag one easy. You just stick this wire in here, boom, That's it! One guy who

lives in Oakwood has the same model. He parks it in Front of the garage next to his house, eh.

Tommy: Great, thanks.

(Tommy goes and steals the car and then returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.14. Omerta


(Tommy and Salieri are talking in the backroom of the bar.)

Salieri: Yesterday was the worst disaster we've had! We lost eight men, the Whole shipment and

Sam can't even stand up. This is a war and we're in a Hell of a fix! He's already got the prosecutor on

his side, and he's Digging up a load of dirt on us. He's also pretty close to the councilor Whose boy

you knocked off, Tommy, so he's got the cops after us.

Tommy: They ain't got nothing on us.

Salieri: That's where you're wrong. YesterdayFrank handed over all our Account books. The

prosecutor is having a field day.

Tommy: Dammit!

Salieri:Frank wouldn't be out for blood, but he doesn't seem to mind too Much if I go to jail for life.

Those account books will give the prosecutor A truckload of evidence for the case against us, but

without Frank it'll be For nothing. We've got to liquidate Frank...

Tommy: You mean hit him? You tryin' to tell me i've gotta knockFrank off?

Salieri: More than twenty years i've knownFrank. All I got, I got with Him. ButFrank broke the

Omerta. I don't know why, but he must have his Reasons. And we've got our own reasons to rub him

out and get those books Back. Otherwise, we'll do time. And plenty of it.

Tommy: Whatever you want, boss. If there ain't no other way...

Salieri: There isn't! I figure today's our last chance to do something Before they moveFrank out of

our reach.

Tommy: What do you want me to do?

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(Salieri puts the photos of two men on the table. One of them is Big Biff.)

Salieri: First, find these men and find out where they've gotFrank. They're good stoolies. They have

connections with the cops and in the court House, one of them is sure to know. You already know Big

Biff's from Chinatown, and Little Tony's always loafing on the island near the museum. Then, track

downFrank. Whatever you do, don't kill him till he tells you Where those books are. Capisci?

Tommy: Got it.

Salieri:Frank's going to have protection, you'll have to knock them off First. Once you know where

the books are, kill him.

Tommy: Okay, boss, whatever you want.

Salieri: Good luck, Tommy. Get a gun from Vincenzo and a car off Ralphy. And remember, if you

don't do this right, we're done for.

(Tommy leaves.)

Salieri: (to himself) Goddamit, what have you done,Frank? You were a Brother to me.

(Tommy goes to Vincenzo.)

Tommy: Hello, Vince. I guess you know why I'm here.

Vincenzo: Right... What can you do?Frank knew what would happen.

Tommy: What do you got for me?

(Vincenzo puts a Colt 1911.)

Vincenzo: A Colt 1911 should be enough, but here's a sawed-off as well.

(He brings a sawed-off shotgun from the cabinet.)

Vincenzo: In Sicily they call it a Lupara. When they find someone shot by One of these babies,

everyone knows the deal. Unfortunately, this is the Perfect situation to use it. It's got a short range,

but it covers a lot of Real estate. You can't miss.

Tommy: I'd never thought that I'd meet with Sicilian tradition like this.

(Tommy takes the guns and goes to Ralph.)

Tommy: What've you got for me today, Ralphy?

Ralph: Hey T... Tommy, I got a new car. Just a bit better than that V8, has

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80 horsepower. Pretty good little machine.

(Ralph takes Tommy to a Schubert Extra Six car and shows him how to pick Its lock.)

Ralph: They changed the locks a bit, but they're no problem when you're in The business.

Tommy: Thanks, Ralphy.

(Tommy drives away and finds Big Biff in Chinatown.)

Tommy: Greetings from Mr. Salieri, Biff. We need to know where the cops've gotFrank.

Biff: Sorry, Tommy. I don't know nothing about it. Pay Little Tony a visit, He's 'like this' with the


(Tommy talks to him again.)

Biff: Little Tony knows more.

(Tommy goes to talk to Little Tony.)

Tommy: How are you, Tony? Mr. Salieri needs to know where the cops are Holding

consiglieriFrank and Big Biff suggested you might know something.

Tony: Hey there, Tom. Look, I don't know where they've gotFrank exactly, But I do know there's a

scumbag that's been blurtin' stuff, something aboutFrank and the cops the other day. They call 'im

Idiot Joe, 'cos he's a Complete idiot. He hangs out on the lot under the bridge. You'll know him. He's

completely bald.

Tommy: Great, Tony. I owe you one.

(Tommy talks to him again.)

Tony: Joe's on the lot under the bridge, and he knows something.

(Tommy goes and finds Joe at the parking lot mentioned by Little Tony.)

Tommy: Hey there, you Joe by chance?

Joe: Got the wrong guy, I'm Pete.

Tommy: Well, then I'm George.

Joe: Sorry to hear that.

Tommy: Say, ain't you got a twin brother by the name of Joe?

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Joe: My brothers ain't none of your business.

Tommy: Well... I gotta talk to somebody named Joe damn quick.

Joe: Don't know that fella.

Tommy: I ain't gettin' through to you, it's pretty damn important.

Joe: What's important is that you gotta scram!

Tommy: Take it easy. I ain't leaving till I find out where Joe is.

Joe: That's tough, George. Mom used to always say: Joe, don't go talking to

Strangers or taking their candies!

Tommy: What did I tell you, JOE!

Joe: Go screw yourself.

Tommy: I wanna know where the fuzz's got Salieri's consiglieriFrank and You're my man.

Joe: What nut told you that, I dunno shit. Jeez.

Tommy: Don't try and rile me, Joe. Just remember real quick.

Joe: Christ, I told ya I dunno anything about it, buck. Just scram.

Tommy: You wanna play hardball, huh? Spill it!

Joe: Buzz off!

Tommy: COME ON, Joe!

Joe: Go to hell.

Tommy: Where'sFrank, Joe?

Joe: You deaf or what?

(Tommy starts to punch Joe. Joe cowers on the ground.)

Joe: Okay, okay already, you win, man. You win! For Christ's sake, stop Hitting me, i'll spill the


Tommy: I'm all ears...

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Joe:Frank and those bastards agreed that if he gave the account books They'd pack him off to

Europe. You'd better move it, he's probably leaving Today. They've been holding him in some joint

opposite the tennis courts in Oak Alley. That's all I can tell ya. Now leave me alone, you rat!

Tommy: You've been a big help, Joe. Next time get to the point a bit Earlier.

(Tommy drives to the tennis courts in Oakwood. Just opposite the courts, a Highway Patrol vehicle is

waiting in front of a house.)

Tommy: It looks like I'm at the right place.

(At that moment,Frank walks out of the house, accompanied by a few police Agents. They get in the

car and drive away.)

Tommy: Jesus, that was close! They must be worried aboutFrank if they're Driving him around in

an armor-plated car. I'll follow them and see where They are headed.

(Tommy follows the car carryingFrank. It stops at the airport andFrank: And the agents get out.)

Agent: He's here!

(The agents notice Tommy and quickly rushFrank into the first building. When Tommy enters it,

they open fire on him. He kills all of them andFrank, who has been hiding behind the counter, runs

out. There are Apparently more agents outside.)

Agent: Hurry!

(Tommy pursuesFrank outside. The agents try to stop him at the hangars. As

They are fighting, a truck pulls up near the hangars and a mechanic working At the airport gets out.)

Mechanic: Shit, what's goin' on?

(The mechanic attacks the agents with his crowbar and is killed. Tommy Continues to look forFrank

and finds him at a parking lot. He kills his Guards and confronts him with his sawed-off shotgun.)

Frank: Tom...

Tommy:Frank, the Don sent me, and you know why.

Frank: I know why... I know...

Tommy: I don't get what happened to you, I thought you were my friend. I'd Never guessed that

something like this would happen... Why the hell did you Do it?

Frank: Tom, I couldn't go on this way. Too many people have died lately and I don't have the

stomach for it. It used to be different with the Don in The old days. Maybe I'm just getting too old.

Tom, this is a war and I Don't want to fight anymore. I got a child and I thought I'd finally get Some

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Tommy: You couldn't have done this some other way? You didn't have to sell Us out!

Frank: They came for me and I had to surrender. They have my wife and Daughter, Tom. And if I

don't give them the books, they'll kill them. Before we used to solve things like men. You, Paulie or

Sam would get them Back, but I can't take that risk this time. I don't want to lose them, Tom, I can't

live without them. They told me if I did what they wanted they'd Release them and send us to Europe,

where we'd start again.

Tommy: COPS! The cops are blackmailing you and want to kill your family?

Frank: Ever since you and Paulie killed that Billy kid, the cops and Morello have been working hand

in hand. That councilor, the kid's father, Got where he is thanks to Morello. Morello wanted to get me

to talk and the Police would then liquidate the Don. Both sides would then get what they Wanted.

Tommy: I'm afraid the situation has changed somewhat. Where are the books,


Frank: I haven't got them, Tom.

Tommy: You handed them over already?

Frank: No, no, Tom. I'll tell you where they are, if you get my wife anddaughter back. We were

supposed to wait here at the airport, so they must Be holding them somewhere around here. Kill me

after if you want, just make Sure they get out of this city alive.

Tommy: Fine, but you'll have to give me those books first,Frank.

(Tommy strapsFrank to a lamp-pole with handcuffs he has taken from a dead Agent.)

Tommy: Sorry, but they're in case you're lying.

(Tommy enters a waiting room nearby, looking forFrank's family. Inside There is a man talking on

the phone.)

Man: Send someone here quickly! We heard shots, and we thought it'd be Better to stay inside. I

don't know what to do, they must be some kind of Hoods. Uh-huh. Okay. But hurry!

(Tommy finds a woman and a little girl.)

Tommy: Are youFrank's wife?

Woman: Oh, you've come to save us. I am indebted to you... Where isFrank?

Tommy: He's here. Wait here, i'll be right back.

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(Tommy returns toFrank.)

Tommy: They're okay,Frank. Come with me.

(They together go back toFrank's family.)

Frank's Wife:Frank! Oh, good grief, I was so afraid! Thank God you're


Frank: Thanks, Tom. They promised they'd give me plane tickets when I gave Them the books.

Those tickets must be here somewhere. Could you try to find Them?

Tommy: Okay, i'll do that,Frank. Wait here for me. I hope you ain't

Planning no funny business.

(Tommy talks toFrank again before leaving.)

Frank: I'm sorry about what happened, Tom, but I couldn't help it. Have you Got the tickets? They

must have them here somewhere. Hurry up, Tom. The Flight leaves in a while, we don't have much


(Tommy talks toFrank's wife.)

Frank's Wife: I'm glad you got rid of those crooks. The police behave worse Than gangsters. I think

the plane is taking off soon. Poor Alice, all of This isn't good for her. You are such a good person,


(Tommy goes and finds the tickets in the main building of the airport. Then He returns to the waiting

room and findsFrank and his family waiting at The entrance.)

Tommy: Here you go,Frank.

(He gives the tickets toFrank.)

Frank: Thanks, Tom. Let me say goodbye to March and Alice and then we'll Sort out this business.

March:Frank! You aren't flying with us? What, what...

Frank: I can't, March. Tommy and I have a very serious situation here that

We must sort out. Right, Tom?

However, Tommy performs another act of mercy.

Tommy:Frank, just tell me where the books are and go with them.

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Frank: What? How would you explain it to the Don?

Tommy: Forget about it, that's my problem. Where are the books?

Frank: i'll never forget this... Here is the key to a safe box in the First National Bank downtown. The

books are there. Take it, Tom.

(Frank gives Tommy a key.)

Tommy: Thanks.

Frank: And Tom... Thanks for everything you've done for us, I'm indebted to You. And tell the Don

I'm sorry for the way things had to end.

Tommy: To the Don, you're dead,Frank. If he finds out you're not, then This isn't finished. Now just


March: Tommy, i'll never forget how you helped us, God bless you.

Alice: Goodbye, mister!

Frank: And don't forget what I told you in the car that time.

(Frank leaves with his family.)

Tommy: (narrating) In the end your best friend kills you.Frank told me That in the car. And now it

was me who was meant to kill a friend. Only I Didn't do it. Don't do to others what you wouldn't want

them to do to you, Or however they say it. And I didn't want Paulie to knock me off anytime Soon. I

may have given him a reason to do just that today. I brought it on Myself. I just hope he likes me as

much as I like Frank.

Frank's most important quote (At least paraphrased by Tommy from Intermezzo Two) is "In the end

your best friend kills you".

(Tommy leaves the airport and is confronted by several policemen at the Entrance, apparently called

in by the man in the waiting room. He kills Them and drives away from the airport. He then goes to

the bank and Collects the account books.)

Tommy: (narrating)Frank didn't lie, the briefcase with the account books Was in the safe box. It

was no problem getting it.

(Tommy visits Lucas Bertone after leaving the bank.)

Lucas: Hello there, Tommy! How's it going?

Tommy: Fine and you?

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Lucas: I'm great, but some bouncer from Hoboken beat up my buddy. He hangs

Around the Black Cat Bar. You know, I want someone to go and teach him a


Tommy: That won't be a problem.

Lucas: You'd do that, Tommy? Oh, that's great. Hey, but don't shoot him. I

Don't want you to kill him, just hit him until he begs for mercy. If you do

This, then i'll get you a real exhibition piece.

Tommy: Sure, what's the scum look like?

Lucas: He's a real big gorilla. Some character at the Black Cat Bar, you Can't miss him. His name's

Big Stan. You just tell him it's a lesson from Carlo.

Tommy: Okay, i'll go to it.

(Tommy goes and finds the man near the bar.)

Tommy: Big Stan?

Stan: Who wants to know?

Tommy: i've got a message from Carlo.

Stan: You wanna get it like him, or what?

Tommy: No, not me. It looks like today you're in luck!

(They have a fistfight and Stan eventually runs away.)

Stan: Shit, you bastard! I'll get you.

(Tommy returns to Lucas.)

Lucas: So he learned his lesson?

Tommy: If he doesn't get new teeth, he'll have to eat baby food.

Lucas: Heh heh! Carlo will be real happy!

Tommy: So, where's the car?

(Lucas shows a Thor 810 car to Tommy.)

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Lucas: A guy in the Millionaire's Quarter up in Oak Hill has got it. It's a Minor technical revolution.

Great motor, drives real good. It's front-wheel Drive, you see.

Tommy: Yeah, movie stars drive those cars.

Lucas: That's right. Look at the lock, it's a piece of cake. But when you Go for it, be careful. The

guy has some bodyguards.

Tommy: Thanks, Lucas.

(Tommy goes to steal the car, but a guard at the parking lot sees him Trying to pick the lock.)

Guard: You bastard! Don't touch that car! Thief! Police!

(Tommy kills the guard, takes the car and returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.15. Visiting Rich People


(The camera showsFrank's gravestone, which says "Frank COLLETTI 1877- 1933", in a cemetery.)

Tommy: (narrating) Luckily, everyone bought thatFrank was dead and that I

Had disposed of his body. SoFrank's funeral took place withoutFrank. The Mafia has a habit of

organizing grand funerals for important people, where They forget the unfinished business they have

with each other, or with the Dead. The deceased are only shown in a good light, it's the principle of

Every gangster. At least at a funeral. So it happened that not only Salieri And our people made long

speeches about their best friendFrank, but even Morello and other gangsters.

Tommy: (narr.) Morello and Salieri cried on each other's shoulders. It Didn't seem like they had

been at each other's throats only the day before.Frank would have been 'spinning in his grave', had he

actually been dead. I Guess everything turned out pretty well, only I had to think up something

aboutFrank's family. Salieri, of course, wanted to help out his best Friend's poor widow till the end

of her days. I couldn't let him know that They were really resting comfortably in Europe at that


As for Morello and Salieri crying on each other's shoulders - unbelievable! With so much murder

behind the scenes, they stick to at least this moral code, of leaving everything behind at a funeral.

(The scene switches to Salieri and Tommy talking at the backroom of the


Salieri: Tommy, it seems our problems aren't over. The prosecutor who Nearly gotFrank against us

is digging up more dirt, and i've heard he even Has witnesses. It looks like that councilor whose son

you shot is sorely Craving revenge. The prosecutor is a good friend of his, and if we don't Nip it in

the bud, they'll make big problems for us.

Tommy: That doesn't sound too good.

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Salieri: What's even worse is that guy doesn't trust anyone. He has all the Evidence against us in a

safe at his villa. Sam and Paulie are taking care Of the witnesses right now as we speak and you've

got to get that evidence, Tom.

Tommy: How will we get to it?

Salieri: Well, today we have an excellent opportunity. Mr. Prosecutor has Decided to go to the

theater, and nobody else will be home... That is, Nobody apart from the home security, of course, but

his study will be Empty. His villa is in the Millionaire's Quarter, Mr. Prosecutor isn't Exactly a poor


(Luigi brings a drink for Salieri.)

Salieri: Thanks, Luigi.

Salieri: Your only concern is how to get in, but there will be guards Around the villa. Once inside

you should be fine, the villa will be empty. The prosecutor's office is on the first floor and there

should be a safe in

The wall. For that you will have Salvatore with you, that's a guy who Manages to open every safe in

America. Once you've got all of the evidence, Leave before the prosecutor arrives back home.

Tommy: Okay, boss. Where can I find this Salvatore?

Salieri: He'll be waiting for you down in Hoboken on the corner next to the Stadium. So you can

pick him up on the way there. I don't have to tell you How important this job is to us, Tommy. Buona


Tommy: i'll do my best, boss.

(Tommy stands up in order to leave.)

Salieri: And Tommy, if you happen to bump into the prosecutor, don't kill Him no matter what. It'll

just bring us more problems.

Tommy: You can depend on it, boss.

(Tommy talks to Salieri again before leaving.)

Salieri: You don't even know how much I missFrank, Tom. Even if he sold us Out. He was always

good to talk to.

(Tommy talks to Luigi.)

Luigi: The business withFrank has really gotten Don Salieri shaken. He's Probably feeling guilty,

but I don't think he's got any reason to. He had To do it. It's better to die honorably than to betray the

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family and live Like an outcast.

(Tommy passes by Ralph outside.)

Ralph: Hey, Tom.

(Tommy goes to Vincenzo.)

Tommy: Good evening, Vincenzo. Tonight I'm doin' a little burglary, so I Need something for a

quiet little job.

Vincenzo: Tommy, a good ol' bat would do the trick. When you hit someone Over the head from

behind, they should be out cold for a while.

(He puts a baseball bat on the table.)

Vincenzo: To be on the safe side, take this here Colt 1911 too.

(He puts a Colt 1911 pistol on the table.)

Vincenzo: i'll keep my fingers crossed, Tommy.

Tommy: Thanks, Vincenzo.

(Tommy takes the weapons and drives to the stadium in Hoboken. Salvatore Gets in the car.)

As Salvatore in Mafia is a safe cracker instead, it doesn't seem necessary to cram in a reference in my


Salvatore: Evenin', chief. Let's get movin'.

Tommy: Great, so where are we going?

(Tommy starts to drive towards the Millionaire's Quarter in Oak Hill.)

Tommy: So, you can open any safe in the country, right?

Salvatore: Almost every one, chief.

Tommy: And how did you learn that trick?

Salvatore: My grandpa was in the business. It's inherited. The safes keep Getting better, so a fella has

to keep up with the times. Some of the safes Around these days are pretty tricky.

(They reach the prosecutor's mansion in Oak Hill.)

Tommy: Okay, we're here.

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(They get out. Tommy attempts to enter the garden through a side-door, but It is locked.)

Tommy: Can you open it, Salvatore?

Salvatore: i'll try, chief.

(He opens the door.)

Salvatore: There you go, chief.

(They enter the garden, where there are several armed guards on patrol.)

Tommy: Do exactly what I tell you.

(Tommy knocks out a lone guard while he is smoking a cigarette and takes a Key from him. He then

approaches the mansion from the left side. On his Way, he sees two guards talking near a fountain.)

Guard 1: Brother, yesterday some Paddy knocked into me in the bar. Real Typical son of a bitch, and

I say to him, "Hey, pal, what are you tryin' to Pull?" and the bastard spits in my mug.

Guard 2: What'd you do to him?

Guard 1: Ah, knocked him down. I'm telling ya, he won't forget that in a Hurry.

Guard 2: And what did he do?

Guard 1: He came right back at me, man. He nearly had me, the bastard, but My boys were there and

they knocked his teeth out.

Guard 2: He got what he deserved. You can't let those punks get in your Way.

Guard 1: Sure, but then his friends showed up and busted up the whole


Guard 2: Son of a bitch!

(Tommy and Salvatore enter the mansion through a door on the left side.

Inside, they search for the prosecutor's study, avoiding a maid who is

Cleaning the rooms.)

(Upstairs, in one of the rooms, Tommy runs into a woman, sitting in a Chair, but she cannot see him

because of her beauty mask.)

Woman: Hello, darling! Did you have a good day today?

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(Tommy knocks her out and they continue to look for the study. They find it On the first floor, and

the safe is there.)

Tommy: So, show me what you can do, Salvatore.

Salvatore: Okay, chief!

(Salvatore begins to work on the safe, while Tommy looks out the window. Suddenly, he sees the

prosecutor arrive in his luxury car.)

Tommy: Christ! It looks like we better get out fast, Salvatore.

Salvatore: Got it, chief! Piece of cake.

(Salvatore opens the safe and Tommy collects the documents. Outside, a Guard is heard reporting to

the prosecutor.)

Guard: Everything's fine, boss!

(The prosecutor enters the mansion and goes up to the second floor. Tommy And Salvatore secretly

get out through the rear door and get to the Prosecutor's car, a Silver Fletcher.)

Tommy: Salvatore! Open the car.

Salvatore: i'll try, chief.

(He unlocks the car.)

Salvatore: There you go, chief.

(They get in the car and drive out of the garden through the gate which the Prosecutor used during

his arrival.)

Salvatore: Drop me off at home. I live across the street at the stadium a Little ways from where you

picked me up.

(Tommy drives to his house.)

Salvatore: Here's where I live, thanks a lot.

(Salvatore gets out of the car.)

Salvatore: I hope it'll be a little cooler next time, today I almost Crapped my pants.

Tommy: I hope so too, get some shut-eye.

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(Tommy returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.16. Great Deal!


(Tommy, Salieri, Paulie and Sam are talking in the backroom of the bar.)

Salieri: Well done, boys! The last job went fine. There's no evidence or Witnesses left against us.

Thanks to your persuasive methods they won't Even squeak.

Paulie: Thanks, boss, we try to make you happy.

Salieri: HA HA HA! Well, you certainly did. But today we're here for

Something else. Paulie has a pretty interesting proposal.

Paulie: Well, I met a guy from Kentucky, William Gates. Everyone knows that Kentucky makes the

best home-brewed whiskey. Well, anyway... This guy Almost threw up when he tried the whisky

which Morello sells here. When he Gave me a drink of this stuff they brew back there... Forget about

it. I Won't drink anything else! So I asked him about it, right. He said it was No problem, and that he

could deliver me as much as I wanted. I got jazzed Thinking about the dough we'd make on it... Well,

I ordered a truckload of It. I said to myself, if it catches on here, we can make a bigger deal Later.

Salieri: It would certainly be a good replacement for the loss of our Canadian. I like it, nice one.

Tommy: Me too!

Paulie: So we're gonna pick up some beautiful booze.

Sam: I'm already looking forward to it!

Tommy: Where are they hiding it?

Paulie: They'll meet us in the big parking garage.

Salieri: We have to be more careful than we were before. You'll get to the Place by car with two

other boys. They'll be your escort on the way back. You three pick up the truck and take it to our

warehouse in Hoboken. The Boys are already out in the yard waiting in the car. And bring me back a

Bottle so I can finally drink something decent.

Sam: Count on it, boss!

(Tommy, Paulie and Sam go to the yard of the bar, where the car is waiting For them with the two

other gangsters.)

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Sam: Get in, we're going for some medicine!

Paulie: Here, Tom, this might come in useful.

(Paulie gives Tommy a Thompson.)

Tommy: Thanks.

(They drive to the parking garage and stop in front of it. Tommy, Paulie

And Sam get out.)

Paulie: Wait for us here, boys. We'll be back in a little while. When we Drive out, follow after us.

Then we'll have a shot at the warehouse.

Gangster: Sure, boss.

(The gatekeeper of the garage greets them as they enter.)

Gatekeeper: They're waitin' for you already, mister!

(They find Gates with his men and the truck on the top floor.)

Paulie: Hey there, Bill. It's good to see you again.

Bill: Hey, Paulie.

Paulie: These are my partners and good friends... They like the idea of Working together and they

also like first-rate whisky, which yours Certainly is.

Bill: That it is.

Paulie: The main thing is that Don Salieri likes it too, and since he's Financing the whole deal.

Here's your first payment for the goods.

(Paulie gives him the money.)

Bill: Give Mr. Salieri my regards. I'm always happy to do business with People like him.

Paulie: You should be, Bill. You could hit it big with this. If this small Delivery works out for us,

we'll order a lot more next time.

(Suddenly, several gangsters arrive in two cars.)

Tommy: Take cover!

Bill: What's going on? Jesus, who are they?

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(The gangsters open fire on them, and Bill is killed.)

Paulie: Fire, kill the bastards!

(All of Bill's men are killed in the first moments of the gunfight.)

Tommy: Damn!

(Tommy, Paulie and Sam fight their way through the gangsters and manage to Get to the entrance.

There they find that the two other men who have come With them and the gatekeeper of the garage

have been killed by the Attackers.)

Paulie: Bill's kicked it, he won't be no magnet now.

Tommy: What the hell was that, Paulie? Who were those hoods?

Paulie: How should I know?

Sam: Okay, okay! Well, we can't hang around here waiting for more of them To show up, let's get the

truck and get the hell out of here! Tom, you Drive! I'll follow behind in one of the other cars.

(Tommy and Paulie leave to get the truck from the top floor while Sam gets In the car with which

they have come to the garage. When Tommy gets the Truck to the entrance several other attackers

arrive in two cars.)

Paulie: Tom! We have a little problem here! Step on it!

(They start driving towards the warehouse and the attackers chase them. They eventually lose the tail

and manage to reach their destination.)

Tommy: Okay, we did it.

(Next, Tommy, Paulie and Sam are seen entering the bar, where Salieri is Waiting for them. They sit

down at his table.)

Paulie: So it looks like Morello got in the way of things again, boss. We Can't seem to shake off this

bad luck.

Salieri: Boys, you won't believe this, but it's completely the other way Around. The only one who

really had bad luck this time was Morello.

Paulie: What?

Salieri: I found out who our Mr. Gates really was.

Tommy: And?

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Salieri: Gates was never really from Kentucky. He was a small-time thief Who stole the goods from

Morello and wanted to sell them to us! Morello Doesn't think that he almost stopped our deal, but that

we pinched a Truckload of his most expensive whisky. I bet that bastard's happy now!

Tommy: Unbelievable!

Paulie: Well, that worked out just fine. Let's drink to that!

Salieri: To another success, boys! Salute!

(They raise their glasses for a toast.)


1.17. Intermezzo Three



(The camera shows the front page of a newspaper. The title is "DECEMBER 5TH 1933 THE END

OF PROHIBITION!" Then it switches to Tommy and Norman.)

Norman: The end of prohibition in thirty-three... You probably weren't too Happy, huh? The end of

the good ol' days...

Tommy: Yeah, not too happy, but it wasn't all bad. Eventually, I did get Married to Sarah and had a

daughter. It was a good time. But life went on In business. We made a huge amount of dough during

prohibition, which we Invested into new deals. A lot of them were legitimate. We had regular Firms

like construction, transport, restaurants... We ran labor unions...

And, of course, there was gambling, betting, the lotteries... We actually Did really well. We just tried

to stay out of drugs, even if it wasn't Always easy.

Norman: c'mon! Business is business, right?

Tommy: You're way off there! The Cosa Nostra ain't no Paddies or Chinamen!

With drugs, comes big money and even bigger problems. When someone has a

Problem with the cops because of drugs, he does the sensible thing - he

Admits it. If his family catches him they rub him out! Drugs are taboo.

Tommy: Something like that. The leading families choose a Boss of Bosses. They sort out the big

problems and set the rules of the game.

Norman: So criminals who break the law have their own courts that judge Them? That's just great.

Tommy: Laws aren't changeless, holy words. Every country in the world has Their own. It's just

somebody with a lot of power applying their own will. It depends on the person whether they'll serve

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someone else blindly, or Apply their own will. Why should the Don be restrained? The mafia

prevailed Through prohibition with its own laws. A handful of poor uneducated Immigrants from

Sicily were stronger than all the laws, courts and police Here in the States. That took some doing.

Norman: What, with murder? With the suffering they caused?

Tommy: c'mon! You think that the mafia just murders innocent people? The Mafia punishes those

who break laws, and the majority of your laws too. Unfortunately, we can't put anyone in jail, or fine

them. Everybody who Comes and works for us knows what to expect if he breaks the rules. People

Lie and steal and there are lots of criminals here who get unbelievable Pleasure when they steal from

the mob, as well as the mafiosos who get Pleasure from cheating the state.

Norman: And what about all the payoffs, robberies and raids? Uh?

Tommy: Hey, the cops ain't no saints neither. No Don encourages his men to Go around harming

people and what other people do on their own isn't our Concern. And as for the payoffs, most people

come to the Don for help and Advice on their own. And they'll pay gladly for it. The Don is an


Person. But not every Don is like Salieri. That's the truth.

Norman: There you go. Your system works, but you know why? Because you're a Bunch of selfish

murderers, and you only care about your own gain. All your Efforts are spent ensuring that you live

like pigs in shit. That's why You're so successful, you're only looking out for yourselves. We look out

After everybody. A few cops have to ensure law and order for all, and That's a much harder job.

Tommy: That's true, but you can easily leave the Don outside your

Protection. He'll watch his own back.

Norman: And what about you? What are you sitting here for?


1.18. Bon Appetit!



(Tommy enters the bar, and finds Salieri inside sitting at one of the Tables.)

Salieri: Ah Tommy, I'm glad you're here. I was afraid I'd miss you.

Tommy: Hey, boss, what's going on?

Salieri: There's something i've been looking forward to all week. I'm going To Pepe's restaurant for

lunch, but my personal bodyguard has called in Sick. There's nobody here who could take me, and I

prefer not to go to

These things alone. You'll take me, won't you?

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Tommy: Certainly, boss.

Salieri: Bravo! Let's get going then, I'm already pretty hungry. Have you Got a piece on you,


Tommy: Yeah, I got one. You think i'll need it?

Salieri: Well, ha ha, probably not, but it's better to be sure. You know How it is.

(They walk out of the bar.)

Salieri: We'll take my car.

(They get in Salieri's Lassiter V16 Roadster waiting in front of the bar

And Tommy starts to drive.)

Salieri: Tommy, I'm really looking forward to this. Pepe is a native Sicilian, and, above all, a

fantastic chef. Whenever I feel like a Specialty from back home I go to him. Wait till you try his

cheeses! Forget About it. Luigi's a great cook, but Pepe is a real master, a maestro!

(They reach the restaurant. Tommy gets out and opens the car's door for Salieri and he gets out.)

Salieri: At last! I could eat a horse!

(They enter the restaurant and are welcomed by Pepe.)

Pepe: Hey, Don Salieri, welcome.

Salieri: Pepe, you don't even know how much I'm looking forward to your Specialties!

(Tommy and Salieri sit down and have their meal.)

Salieri: Fantastic meal, Pepe! I haven't eaten that well in a long time!

Pepe: Molte grazie, Don. Praise from a gourmet like you always makes me Fill with joy.

Salieri: Oh please, I'm no gourmet. If you knew what I ate for dinner Yesterday, you definitely

wouldn't say that.

Pepe: Can I get you anything else, Don? I have an excellent Chianti.

Salieri: Really? Let's get it out here then, Pepe!

Pepe: At once, sir.

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(Pepe leaves.)

Salieri: How did you like it, Tommy?

Tommy: It was fantastic, boss. I'll have to bring Sarah here sometime.

Salieri: Ah, yes, you certainly should, Tommy. Just be careful so that Sarah doesn't take offense she

cooks worse than Pepe. Ha ha...

(Suddenly, several gangsters arrive in cars in front of the restaurant and Open fire. Several customers

are shot in the fire. Tommy tips the table Over and he and Salieri take cover.)

Salieri: What the hell is going on? This is ruining my lunch!

Tommy: Morello must have nothing better to do.

Salieri: They could have at least let me taste the wine, Cafoni!

(The gangsters outside cease fire.)

Gangster: Hahaha! Throw him his present, Joe! Maybe we'll smoke him out!

(One of them throws a grenade inside. It explodes but does not affect Tommy

And Salieri.)

Tommy: Working for you is real interesting, boss.

Salieri: What'd you say? My ears are ringing from that blast.

Tommy: Yes, boss.

Salieri: It looks like we won't get out this way. Try and run round the

Back of them while I keep them entertained.

Tommy: Yes, boss. Be careful.

(Tommy goes around the back of the restaurant and kills the gangsters while

Salieri remains inside and shoots at them with his pistol. When all the Attackers are dead he comes


Salieri: I have to say, you got balls, Tommy. You saved my ass.

Tommy: You weren't so bad yourself, boss...

Salieri: Christ, that was crazy. Thank God Pepe hid. Poor guy, i'll have to Send him some dough for


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Tommy: We should. Boss, I'd like to know how they knew where we were. You Think they

followed us?

Salieri: I don't think so, Tommy. I have a feeling I know who set me up.

Tommy: Who?

Salieri: Carlo, my bodyguard! That goddamn son of a bitch! He's the only One who knew where I

was going. And he also excused himself from work Today! He knew very well what was gonna


Tommy: That sounds pretty likely.

Salieri: Yeah, I think so! I'll tear him apart like a rag doll! Carlo lives In a rented house in Little

Italy, a little way from our bar. There's a Pizzeria downstairs. We're going!

(They get in the car and drive to Carlo's house. Inside, they go up the Stairs to the door to his

apartment. When they get there Salieri pounds on The door.)

Salieri: Carlo! You old bastard! We're coming for you! Let's do it, Tom. Break down the door, bust

in there and kill the bastard.

(Tommy kicks the door open. Carlo quickly runs down the fire escape in his Underpants while his

wife breaks down crying.)

Salieri: He's run down the fire escape, Tommy! Get him!

(Tommy runs down the fire escape to the backyard to find Carlo.)

Salieri: Kill that bastard, Tom! Don't be an idiot, shoot the bastard! Don't waste your time with him,

he's shit! Shoot his brains out of the back Of his head!

Salieri: Carlo, you dirty rat, weren't you well off here with us? What did I do to make you want to do


(Tommy finds Carlo and kills him. An old woman standing on the balcony Across the yard sees the


Woman: Lord, there's shooting here!

Salieri: Shut up, lady, or you're next!

Woman: Murder! They're... They're murdering people! Oh God, call the Police! Murder! Murder!

They killed someone!

(A few men run out of a house next door, apparently Carlo's neighbors.)

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Man: Oh my God, what the hell is going on here?

(They see Tommy.)

Man: You bastards! You won't get away with this!

(They attack Tommy, but he kills them. He then walks out of the building With Salieri.)

Tommy: You know what, boss?

Salieri: What?

Tommy: That's the first time I knocked someone off in their underpants.

Salieri: It's nothing. First time for me too. There's a first time for Everything.

(The scene switches to three gangsters beating up a tied-up man in a Warehouse. Morello walks

towards them.)

Gangster: Well, who do we have here!

Morello: How are you, Sergio? Staying out of trouble? I see you got a new Punching bag.

Sergio: Well, the gentleman here thinks that the finances of our labor Union ain't fair and he wants to


Morello: i've always said a strike is a bad thing, real bad. Unless, of Course, it's organized by my

dear brother, for a higher goal.

Man: You won't get away with this... The boys'll show you...

Morello: I think you're overestimating their bravery.

Man: You cockroach...

Morello: I didn't come for this discussion, unfortunately.

Sergio: We'd like to introduce you to some of our principals about labor Unions in this free country

of ours. Carry on, boys.

(The two other gangsters continue to beat the man while Sergio walks away To talk to Morello.)

Sergio: What's the reason for you coming, brother?

Morello: Salieri is alive.

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Sergio: What? How could he survive?

Morello: I'm afraid, in the current situation we can't ask him and there is Nobody else who could tell

us what happened. Our guys are dead, the Customers at the restaurant are dead and that sneak Carlo is

as well.

(Morello turns towards the gangsters beating the man.)

Morello: Could you please SHUT UP? We're tryin' to talk here!

Man: You cockroach...

Gangster: That's no way to talk to Mr. Morello!

(They continue to beat him.)

Morello: Bum.

Sergio: God, he should have been there alone. How could that old man kill So many of our guys?

Morello: He's as old as me, so I wouldn't say that. But he probably wasn't There alone. I bet they'll

be planning how to get rid of us right now.

Sergio: What shall we do?

Morello: I will try to figure out something. Anyway be careful, now his Best guys will be after us.

Sergio: So we really at war?

Morello: We have been for a long time already, but now more than ever Before. Take good care of

yourself, brother.

(Morello leaves.)

Gangster: Boss, it looks like he's had enough. What do you want us to do With him?

Sergio: I don't know... Finish him off and dump him in the ocean.


1.19. Happy Birthday!


(Tommy, Salieri and Vincenzo are talking in Vincenzo's room.)

Salieri: Tommy, that assasination attempt means that Morello has openly

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Declared war on us. We have to deal with him. If Morello didn't have Accomplices with the

politicians and other important city organizations, Our forces would be nearly equal. If we liquidate

those people, our Opponent will be a lot weaker.

Vincenzo: That's exactly what we gotta do... Eliminate his strong contacts.

Salieri: Right. And as we all know, an all-out war must be avoided. Get the Generals, then the

soldiers will give up without a fight. So this is what We'll do, we'll finish them off one by one.

Tommy: What do you mean exactly?

Salieri: The first in line is the city councilor who's caused us so much Trouble. Morello got him into

politics, and that makes him a big supporter. We'll take care of him after the boy, and I mean today.

Vincenzo: The councilor is celebrating his birthday and has decided to Throw a huge shindig. He's

having it on a steamboat, with fireworks and the Whole nine, and he'll be making a speech to the


Salieri: There'll be a lot people there who won't do dick against us when They see what happens to


Tommy: It sounds pretty risky.

Salieri: But well worth the risk. Vincenzo knows the plan.

Vincenzo: Okay. As I said it's on a steamboat. It won't be easy to get in Without an invite, but I

know you can do it, Tom. Above all, try not to Raise suspicions before we reach our goal. Of course,

you won't get a Weapon past the security, but i've dealt with that already. As soon as you Get on

deck, go to one of the men's rooms.

Vincenzo: There'll be a small revolver hidden there. Afterwards, just wait Outside awhile. The

councilor will probably be hiding in his cabin, but He'll be out for the start of the celebrations and his

speech. That's your Big shot. During the speech you're gonna pop him, Tom. It's got to be in Public

and this speech is the best opportunity. There will be a big crowd There so you can blend in with

them once this thing is all done.

Tommy: And then what? I'd like to get back to shore in one piece.

Vincenzo: Afterwards, it'll be nuts. There'll be some security guards on The boat, and you should be

able to get past them in the chaos. If not, get To the bow, and Paulie will pull up in a boat and bring

you back safely.

Salieri: So what, Tommy? It won't be a picnic, but you should pull it off.

Tommy: Okay, i'll do it.

Vincenzo: The boat is anchored on the waterfront on Central Island. You Better get going or you'll

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miss it, keep an eye on the time. Buona fortuna, Tom.

(Tommy leaves and goes to Ralph.)

Tommy: Well, here we go again, Ralphy. Today I need something for one use, Because we don't

know how it's going to work out.

Ralph: Hey, Tommy. That's no big problem. I have here this little number, They are pretty popular

these days.

(Ralph takes Tommy to a Crusader Chromium.)

Ralph: Also they are pretty solid. Look how easy they are to nab.

Tommy: Yeah, great, Ralph. That should do the trick.

(Tommy drives to the waterfront but a security guard stops him before he Can get onto the


Guard: Hey, mister! You got an invite? If not kindly take a walk.

Tommy: Ehm, I must've left it someplace... Ehm...

Guard: Yeah, so like I said. Beat it!

(Tommy goes to a nearby building, which happens to contain changing rooms For the boat crew.

There he finds a sailor's uniform and puts it on. Then He returns to get onto the boat. The guard frisks


Guard: Okay, pal, enjoy yourself.

(Tommy gets onto the boat and it sails away. Tommy talks to different People on deck.)

Man: The councilor talks about order, but he really lives it up himself. At Least I can dine decently

for free.

Man: There are so many lovely people here! They're all so nice! It was a Wonderful idea, a party on

a steamboat. Great party, isn't it?

Woman: Tell the captain what a wonderful boat he has. There are supposed to Be fireworks! Don't

you know when? The moon looks breathtaking.

Man: It's lovely here.

Woman: It isn't proper for you to be talking to me. Don't bother me, I'm Waiting for someone. Don't

you have anything better to do?

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Woman: Has anybody seen my husband? This is a wonderful celebration. I love Sundown over the


Man: Lost Heaven really looks lovely from out here. You can't see the poor Areas, all the riff-raffs

and the criminals.

(Tommy talks to the bartender in the dining room.)

Bartender: Unfortunately, we can't serve the crew. We only serve guests Here. Crew members

shouldn't be here, go below if you don't want the Captain to see you.

(Then he talks to the waiter.)

Waiter: I don't have time. Don't get in the way! We don't serve the crew.

(Tommy leaves the dining room and goes outside. There is a man who looks Queasy, standing by the

railing. He talks to him.)

Man: UAH, my stomach!

(The man throws up into the sea.)

Man: This rocking is making me queasy. Whose idea was it to have a party on A boat? (Tommy

then talks to the skipper who is sitting on a chair outside.)

Skipper: Leave me alone!

(He then talks to the lifeguard nearby.)

Lifeguard: Some of these dames ain't getting it, maybe they wanna try a Real man. It's so nice

tonight I don't even feel like working. Don't bother Me, can't you see I'm thinking?

(Tommy goes and talks to another sailor standing by the railing.)

Sailor: This your first day? The cap might have told us we had a new Crewmember.

(Tommy then goes up to the upper deck and sees two bodyguards standing at The entrance to one of

the cabins.)

Bodyguard 1: Mind your own business. Nothing to see here. You can't come in Here.

Bodyguard 2: This is the councilor's private room. The councilor doesn't

Wish to be disturbed.

(Tommy finds the men's room mentioned by Vincenzo but it is locked and has A sign that says

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Tommy: Typical, this has to happen to me.

(He goes and talks to the sailor by the railing.)

Tommy: Hey there, do you know where the keys are to that broken john?

Sailor: Sorry, but I don't have a clue.

(He then talks to the skipper.)

Tommy: I heard you had the key to the john on the upper deck.

Skipper: Yeah, the keys from that puked up pisser? The lifeguard probably Has them. He's around

here somewhere.

(Tommy finds and talks to the lifeguard.)

Tommy: I heard you had the key to the john on the upper deck.

Lifeguard: Don't bug me, I have a lot of work to do.

Tommy: Hey, I kinda need those keys, I left something there.

Lifeguard: Yeah right, maybe i'll lend them to you, but you gotta promise To clean up that mess in

there and bring them back to me. I'll wait in the Stern for you.

Tommy: Clean up? Ehm... Sure, you bet.

Lifeguard: Okay, there you go, but bring 'em back!

(Tommy takes a bucket from another men's room and enters the locked one With the keys. There is a

big mess inside.)

Tommy: Where are you, baby? My God, what a stink!

(He cleans the room with the bucket and takes the hidden pistol. Then he Returns to the lifeguard.)

Lifeguard: So you see, how easy that was. You ain't so bad, you could open A cleaning firm.

Tommy: Yeah, and i'll use you as the rag.

(He gives him the keys and begins to wait for the councilor to emerge from His cabin.)

Tommy: I think it's time...

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(The councilor walks out of his cabin, accompanied by his two bodyguards. On the way to the stage

he greets different visitors.)

Councilor: Hello there, John, I hope you're enjoying yourself!

Man: Good evening. Yes, it's lovely here!

Councilor: How are you? I hope you like it.

Man: Thanks, we're glad to be here.

Councilor: Hey, I'm glad you could make it!

Woman: It's wonderful, thank you.

(He gets to the stage and begins his speech.)

Councilor: Thank you, thank you and welcome to this little party. I never Guessed I had so many

really nice friends, who, I hope, will drink with me On this special occasion. It never occured to me in

my wildest dreams that When I was forty that I would end up like this. I started with only a small

Firm and a few dollars, but I tried as best as I could. Even in the worst

Of times, I always said: "With integrity a man will go farthest." And that Motto has lasted till today.

Councilor: Later on, when things were starting to go well, I got married to My darling Agnes.

Unfortunately, that terrible war came into our lives. It Was a dreadful time, but we got through it

alive and healthy. My darling Wife and I could look forward to a victory for our beloved country.

Shortly After the war my one and only son was born. Though the times weren't easy,

We did quite well.

Councilor: We brought our son up to be a model American, and instilled in His mind the principles

of being a good Christian. Even as many firms fell To ruin and folded after the boom, my business

survived. I was able to make Modest donations to charities, help the unemployed, become a sponsor

of the Arts, and further, we repaired a beautiful, but devastated church.

Councilor: Fate would have it that recently I had to say goodbye to my son In that very church. He

lost his life to a criminal! I promise that the Rest of my career will be aimed at the pursuit of that

gangster and his Counterparts for the murder of my son! I'm going to clean up this town of Crime!

Councilor: But, this is a birthday party. I've said my piece, and now I Just want you all to enjoy

yourselves on this pleasant evening. I'm Starting another decade of my life and I want to prosper

alongside all of You in a healthy and prosperous society. For me, this is the start of a new Era! I thank


(As the councilor ends his speech, Tommy walks up to him and shoots him. Chaos ensues, and the

guards try to kill him, but Tommy manages to get to The lower deck where Paulie is waiting for him

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in a speedboat by the Railing. He gets in and Paulie speeds away.)


1.20. You Lucky Bastard!


(The camera shows three newspapers in a row. The headlines read: "BIG CITY


Salieri is seen looking at the last newspaper and puts it down on the table Alongside the other

newspapers. Tommy and Paulie are with him at the Table.)

Salieri: Tommy pulled it off. Now all the politicians in the city are Scared. Nobody wants to end up

like the councilor.

Paulie: Nice job, Tom.

Salieri: But it's not enough. Now we're after Morello's right hand man - His brother Sergio Morello,

Jr. He controls the unions in the city. His Biggest assets are the dockers' unions. Thanks to whom he

practically Controls every import into the city. We kill him and a big part of Morello

Income is gone.

Paulie: I think I know how we'll do it, boss. Sergio is usually at the Italian Garden restaurant. There's

a telephone in the restaurant and across The street a phone booth. You go to the booth and call inside

the Restaurant saying you want to speak to Sergio. I'll be standing in front of The restaurant with a

Thompson and as soon as Sergio gets to the phone,

I'll waste him. Then we just gotta get to the car and make a quick getaway.

What do you say?

Tommy: Yeah, I suppose I can handle the calling part.

Salieri: Get to it, boys. Vincenzo will give you your weapons.

(Tommy talks to Salieri before leaving.)

Salieri: Take care of Sergio properly, I heard he's not right in the head. He likes seeing people

suffer... So as soon as somebody gets in his way he Has them knocked off, he likes to take his time

and always be present. I Certainly don't call his working methods good... Maniac.

(Then he talks to Luigi.)

Luigi: So, how are things with you and Sarah? Last time I talked with her She seemed happy. I'm

glad you guys are working it out, it was no good when You and Paulie were raging it up all the time.

It's the family that's Important, Tom. How's the little one?

Tommy: A little devil just like me at that age, my mom always used to say That I was a holy terror.

Wish I had more time for her though.

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(After that he and Paulie go to Vincenzo.)

Paulie: Vincenzo, I need a Tommy gun and something for Tom here.

Vincenzo: Okay.

(He brings the weapons from the cabinet.)

Vincenzo: Here it is, boys. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Paulie: Thanks.

(They take the guns and go to Ralph.)

Paulie: Hey, Ralphy. We need a car.

Ralph: Hey hey, I have a new Terraplane here. It's decent and a real big Sturdy car. You'll like it,


(He shows them a Guardian Terraplane car.)

Ralph: It has a new type of lock, but if a person is clever it ain't no Problem to open it. Just like

this... Nice and easy... Push in and click!

Tommy: Great!

Paulie: So let's go, Tom. Let's go!

(They drive to the restaurant.)

Paulie: Here we are, stop right here, Tom.

(They get out of the car.)

Paulie: Okay, i'll stand out front. You call from that booth. Say you want To talk to Sergio. As soon

as I kill him, get in the car and wait for me.

Tommy: Sure thing.

(Tommy enters the booth while Paulie walks towards the restaurant. A few Gangsters are seen sitting

at a table inside. Tommy makes his call and a

Waiter responds.)

Waiter: Yeah?

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Tommy: Mr. Morello please.

Waiter: Hang on.

(One of the gangsters comes and picks up the phone.)

Gangster: Buddy, Mr. Morello ain't here today.

(Paulie opens fire on him from outside, thinking he is Sergio.)

Gangster: Try... EEEEE... AAARGHH!

(The gangster dies. Tommy runs out of the booth.)

Tommy: Paulie! It isn't him! Paulie, move it, Morello isn't there!

(They both get in the car.)

Tommy: The guy you hit wasn't Sergio! Sergio wasn't there today!

Paulie: Ah hell! Now we're in the shit! We're going back to Salieri.

(They are chased by the gangsters from the restaurant, but they manage to Get to the bar. Next,

Tommy is seen with Salieri and Vincenzo in Vincenzo's Room.)

Salieri: Don't worry about it, Tom. It happens to everybody sometimes. Vincenzo and me have

thought up a new plan. Biff told us that Sergio has a Mistress who he spends a lot of time with. He

must be there today. Vincenzo Has put together a little surprise for him.

(A bomb is seen on Vincenzo's table.)

Salieri: All we gotta do is put it on his car while he's inside enjoying


Vincenzo: That's right, all you gotta do is put this bomb right under his

Car. Then you can just enjoy the show.

Salieri: Sergio usually leaves at four, so hurry. This time it has got to Work. His mistress lives in a

house in Oakwood. We'll know he's there if His expensive little sports car's parked out in front. Stick

the bomb under It.

Tommy: That sounds a lot better. I'll get going.

(Tommy drives to the house in Oakwood. Sergio's car is parked outside, and

There is a guard waiting at the door.)

Tommy: There it is, let's have a look!

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(Tommy waits for a while, and the guard goes inside. Then Tommy plants the Bomb on the car.

After that he walks away and lights a cigarette while he Is waiting for Sergio to get in the car. Instead

of him, however, his Mistress leaves the house and enters the car.)

Tommy: Christ! No, no, no! Hey, stop! Shit!

(The car blows up and kills Sergio's mistress.)

Tommy: Damn... That's one HOT dame.


(Tommy, Salieri and Paulie are sitting at a table at the bar.)

Tommy: That girl came out and sat down in the car. I don't know, maybe he Lent it to her or


Salieri: It just happens sometimes. There's nothing you can do! To put it Simply, we gotta get this

guy. Sergio meets with his bookie downtown in the Parking lot of the Rainbow Garden Restaurant.

Get Paulie down there to fill Him full of holes. You'll just drive, Tom. Then get away fast before the

Alarm goes out.

Paulie: Now i'll catch that bastard, I promise. He'll be gone and he won't Even know how I did.

Salieri: Now get a move on, so you can still catch Sergio there.

(Tommy and Paulie leave the car and drive to the parking lot of the Restaurant. There is a group of

gangsters there.)

Paulie: Those men in black, that's them!

(Paulie gets out with a Tommy gun in his hand and approaches them. They Notice him.)

Sergio: What the...

Paulie: We have a message from Mr. Salieri.

Sergio: What the hell's going on?

(However, Paulie's gun jams as he tries to shoot.)

Paulie: Oh no...

Sergio: Well, that certainly changes the situation, gentlemen. Kill that Clown!

(Paulie runs back to the car.)

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Tommy: (narrating) After so many foul-ups Salieri gave the job to other People. I only went with

them as kind of an insurance policy.

(Tommy is sitting in a car parked on the side of the road at a railway Crossing. A car with two

gangsters assigned by Salieri passes next to him. They stop for a moment when they get side by side

with his car.)

Gangster: Just sit here and watch, so you don't screw up again.

(The camera shows the shed of the railway employee controlling the Crossing. However, he has been

tied up and been replaced by another Gangster. Next, the two gangsters park their car near the


Gangster: Amateur...

(They lower their heads in order to prevent being seen when Sergio's car Arrives at the crossing. The

gangster in the shed rings the bell for them To stop but the barriers remain open. The two gangsters

bring up their car Right behind Sergio's, and a train is seen speeding towards the crossing.)

Sergio: Why don't the barriers... Close?

(Sergio sees the car behind them. The two gangsters move forward to push

Sergio's car in front of the speeding train.)

Sergio: GO!

(Sergio's car moves and avoids being hit by the train at the last moment. The car of the two gangsters

is hit and destroyed instead. Sergio's car Speeds away.)

Tommy: Real damned professional.

(Tommy, who has been watching the whole thing, goes after Sergio. After a

Chase, Sergio's car enters the harbor. There are a few guards at the main Gate.)

Sergio: Hey, what are you staring at? Kill that bastard tailing me!

(Sergio's car drives away. As Tommy enters the harbor, the guards open fire On him. He gets out and

takes cover behind his car.)

Guard: Okay, come on out, you bastard!

(Tommy sticks his head out and shoots the guard who has called to him. More Guards arrive after

that, and he kills them. Then he begins to search for Sergio in the harbor, attacked by guards from

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time to time. He eventually Finds that Sergio's car is parked outside a warehouse, but the doors

cannot Be opened. There is a railway leading into the building, and Tommy sends a

Fuel wagon nearby towards it. The wagon smashes against the metal doors but Fails to break them

open. Fuel starts to leak out of the wagon. Sergio Calls to Tommy from the inside.)

Sergio: Ha, that didn't work... Huh! I don't know what you're tryin', you Bastard! My brother'll kill

you along with your whole family!

(Tommy lights a cigarette.)

Sergio: Give it up, you're dead! You won't get in here, idiot! You're too Small for me! HEY! Do you


(Tommy walks away and throws his cigarette on the trail created by the Leaking fuel. The fire leads

to the wagon and it blows up, destroying the Doors. Tommy enters the warehouse, where he is

confronted by several Guards.)

Sergio: I don't know what you're tryin', you punk! My brother'll kill you Along with your whole


Sergio: What are you up to, you dumb asses? Kill that idiot! What do I pay You for?

(Tommy advances towards Sergio's position at the back of the warehouse,

Killing guards that get in his way.)

Sergio: Waste him and quick! Morons!

Sergio: Do you know who I am? I'm a Morello! You won't get away with it Just like that, buddy!

(Tommy finds Sergio after eliminating all the guards. Sergio tries to shoot Him with his Tommy gun,

but he kills him. He then takes a look at his Corpse.)

Tommy: You lucky bastard!

(Tommy then leaves the harbor and goes to pay a visit to Lucas. Lucas Reacts as he enters the shop

with his car.)

Lucas: You're sent from heaven, Tommy! I need some wheels quick!

(Tommy gets out of the car and goes to him.)

Tommy: What happened?

Lucas: A buddy of mine called, one of our friends was shot in Chinatown, He's lying in a street near

the square and needs help! You need to get him And take him to the doc in Oakwood!

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Tommy: There's a hospital in Oakwood?

Lucas: He's the one that you took Sam to once.

Tommy: Sure, I remember.

Lucas: So? Can you do it?

Tommy: Okay, if you clean up the blood from the upholstery.

Lucas: That's no problem, but move it, he's dying out there!

(Tommy drives to Chinatown and finds a wounded man lying on the sidewalk, With another man

kneeling beside him. There is another badly wounded man Lying further ahead. Tommy talks to the

kneeling man.)

Man: At last! Luca sent you?

Tommy: Yeah. What's wrong with him?

Man: What do you think? He got hit by a 45. The second one's much worse

Off, so it ain't a good idea to take him to the hospital.

(The wounded man raises his head.)

Wounded Man: Hhhhh... Take me to the doctor in Oakwood.

Man: Make it quick, if someone don't take a look at him, he won't make it.

Tommy: Okay, let's go.

(Tommy and the man get in the car, and the wounded man slowly walks towards It.)

Wounded Man: Arrrghh, shit, this had to happen to me.

(He gets in and Tommy starts to drive towards the doctor's house.)

Man: Don't give up now, bud. You'll with the doc in a while and he'll put You back together again.

It'll be okay, hang on!

(They reach the doctor's house.)

Man: Here it is! Stop here! Thanks a lot. Okay, let's go, bud. We're okay, The doc'll look at you.

(They get out of the car and go to the house.)

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Tommy: Jesus, what a mess, the whole car is covered in blood! I hope Luca Has a lot of soap.

(Tommy returns to Lucas.)

Lucas: Is he okay?

Tommy: Yeah, they're at the doctor, he'll be okay.

Lucas: Uff! That's a load off my mind, he's my good buddy! I owe you one.

Tommy: Well, since you do, could you clean the blood off the seats? The car Looks like a slaughter


Lucas: Don't worry, Tommy, i'll sort it out.

Tommy: Well, I hope so.

(Next, Lucas is seen cleaning the car with a cloth and a bucket in the Backyard of the shop with

Tommy standing next to him.)

Lucas: Shit, that guy sure ain't short on blood.

Tommy: You can say that again, it was like a freakin' fountain.

Lucas: Except that water is much easier to clean off upholstery... You just Wait till it dries.

Tommy: You could donate the blood you cleaned with that cloth to the Hospital.

Lucas: Now it's mixed with soap.

Tommy: A-ha.

(Next, they are seen in front of the shop with the car.)

Lucas: Whatever, anyway I got a nice piece of work for you today and it's No big deal to get it.

Tommy: No blood?

Lucas: No, don't worry. At the multistory car lot on Central Island there's A beautiful sports car.

You just go and lift it.

Tommy: Locks?

Lucas: Nothing special, with your skills it'll be a piece of cake. Just be Careful that the gatekeeper

don't call the cops on you.

Tommy: Okay. Thanks, Luca.

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(Tommy gets in his car.)

Lucas: I put a towel on the seat, so you won't get a wet ass.

Tommy: Oh, that's just great!

(Tommy goes to the car lot and steals the Bruno Speedster 851 car. The Gatekeeper opens fire on

him if he sees him. Then Tommy returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.21. Creme De La Creme


(Tommy, Salieri, Paulie and Sam are at the backroom of the bar.)

Salieri: It was a tough job, but we finally have Morello where we want him. Now one last step

remains... Eliminate him! In his sections of the city There's theft, robbery, blackmail, illegal lotteries,

gaming rooms and Whore-houses appearing all the time. But what's the biggest problem?

Tommy: Drugs?

Salieri: Horseshit! The problem is that we don't get a cent out of it! That'll change as soon as we get

rid of Morello. His organization will Collapse and all those smalltime cheats, thieves and criminals

will kill Each other without anybody over there to maintain order. Today we can Finally remove that

bastard once and for all. Paulie has come up with a Plan.

Paulie: That's right! From what my informers tell me, we have one chance to Get this guy. Morello

watches his back and almost never shows himself in

Public. He goes everywhere in his bulletproof limo, clammed up like some Seashell. But today he's

coming out. He's going to the theatre to do some Socializing with the creme de la creme of Lost

Heaven. And we'll be there To show him something too.

Tommy: Isn't this a bit risky?

Salieri: It's risky, but this is our only opportunity to waste him in

Public and show everyone our power.

Paulie: We'll do it like this: Wait in front of the building until the end Of the show. People will start

coming out, so there'll be a lot of Confusion. With Morello trying to make his way out, his gorillas

won't have Much of a chance to notice us before we hit him. Make sure you don't draw Any attention

to yourselves, so no shooting. Pull your weapons when you see Him.

Tommy: I hope I still recognize him.

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Paulie: Shouldn't be hard. Morello likes to wear his white suits, not many People wear them these


Salieri: Each of you get a Thompson or Lupara from Vincenzo. Wait out in Front of the theater on

Central Island until Morello comes out. Then go to It. The performance ends at 9 o'clock, so make

sure you're there on time. It should work out fine, so don't come back without his head!

Tommy: Okay, boss!

Paulie: Let's get to it!

(Tommy, Paulie and Sam stand up. Tommy talks to Salieri again while Paulie And Sam walk out.)

Salieri: If you have the chance to say something to that bastard before you Waste him, tell him that

I'm not like poor old Peppone and that this is for Him.

Tommy: Sorry, boss?

Salieri: He'll know what I mean. We have a few unfinished scores from the Old days.

(Tommy, Paulie and Sam go to Vincenzo.)

Paulie: Vincenzo, today we need some real heavy artillery. We gonna rub out Morello.

Vincenzo: Well, I think 600 shots per minute from an ol' Tommy gun should Do the trick.

(He brings two Tommy guns from the cabinet to the table.)

Vincenzo: At the same time, we could stick to the ancient ways and use a More traditional Sicilian

weapon for a job of this size.

(He puts a Lupara sawed-off shotgun on the table. Paulie and Sam take the Tommy guns and Tommy

takes the shotgun. Then they take a car and drive to Central Island. As they enter the street where the

theater is, they see Morello and his bodyguards get in their limousine.)

Paulie: Shit! He is leavin' already!

Sam: That damn show must have finished earlier!

Paulie: That silver limousine! Catch him!

(They start chasing Morello's car. It heads out of the city through the Highway leading through the


NOTE: There are two possible ways to finish this level from this point on.

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Way 1:

(Morello's car goes into the airport. Tommy and his friends follow him, but

Their car suddenly breaks down just after going through the entrance.)

Paulie: What is it? What the hell is happening? Why did you stop?

Tommy: I don't know, it just broke down!

Paulie: Jesus Christ, we almost have him! Sam, come on, let's make this Happen! Tom, get out and

go after them, maybe you'll catch them!

(They get out. Tommy goes after Morello while Paulie and Sam stay behind to Fix the car. On the

way, Tommy runs into and kills two of Morello's Bodyguards. When he gets to the airstrip, he sees

that a plane is speeding To take off. Apparently Morello is in it. Just at that moment, Paulie and Sam

arrive with the car.)

Paulie: c'mon, Tom, get in! We'll shoot it down! Move it! They won't get Away!

(Tommy gets in the car.)

Paulie: Take my Thompson. You and Sam shoot them!

(Paulie drives the car after the speeding plane, which is taking off. Tommy And Sam start shooting at

the plane.)

Paulie: Come on, you heap of junk! Hold on!

(Tommy and Sam continue to shoot, and the plane catches fire. Nevertheless It takes off. Tommy,

Paulie and Sam get out of the car.)

Paulie: Sam shoot!

Sam: Bastards!

(Sam fires after the plane but it is beyond their range now.)

Paulie: Kill 'em, Sam!

Tommy: Damn it, Paulie.

(Suddenly, the plane crashes into the woods near the airport and explodes.)

Tommy: Wow!

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Paulie: Yes!

(They start walking back towards the car.)

Tommy: How did you fix the car?

Paulie: Better ask Sam.

Tommy: Why ain't you a mechanic, Sam?

Sam: That work's too dirty for me.


Way 2:

(Morello's car does not go into the airport if Tommy's car is close and Continues on its way.

Eventually it comes to a destroyed bridge.)

Morello: Brake! Hit the brake!

(Morello's driver stops at the last moment, leaving the car in a precarious Position just at the edge of

the bridge, unable to move. Seconds later Tommy, Paulie and Sam arrive in their own car. They stop

for a moment and Then press their car against Morello's, sending it down the bridge. Morello's car

falls a long way and is smashed upside down. Tommy, Paulie And Sam get out of their car to look


Sam: You think he's dead?

Tommy: Well, I guess so, yeah.

(Morello's car explodes.)

Sam: Oh, Christ!

Paulie: Well, he's definitely dead now.

Tommy: Let's go.

Sam: Okay, let's go.


(Either way, Tommy, Paulie and Sam return to the city. Tommy drives to Lucas' shop to visit him.)

Paulie: Hey, Tom, I'm pretty beat. Drop us at the front of the bar and come Back later.

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(Tommy drops them at the bar and returns to Lucas.)

Lucas: Hey, Tommy!

Tommy: Hey. You got anything for me today?

Lucas: Well, today was a little rough...

Tommy: How come?

Lucas: Ah, you know, the guys left a car here that was involved in a chase With the cops and I kinda

need to get it out of here fast.

Tommy: Why didn't they dump it themselves?

Lucas: Oh, well, we had a deal worked out with them, it was meant to be a Sure thing, and it didn't

work out. They were a little pissed, so they left It here.

Tommy: What's in it for me?

Lucas: A lovely German sports car.

Tommy: That's worth a risk. I'll do it. What can I do?

(Next, Tommy and Lucas are in the backyard next to the car.)

Lucas: It's pretty simple. Take the car to the cliffs outside of town and Dump it in the sea.

Tommy: Cool.

Lucas: But if the coppers spot you, there'll be trouble. So you gotta shake Them.

Tommy: Okay.

(Tommy takes the car to the cliffs near the lighthouse, avoiding the police On the way, and pushes it

into the sea using another car. Then he returns To Lucas.)

Tommy: Okay, where's the car?

Lucas: That guy came in for it a while ago and drove off, but he said he Was going for dinner at

Roy's Grill. It's Downtown, it's just a little way From Pepe's restaurant. If you hurry, you'll still find

the car there.

Tommy: What's goin' on, today's customer appreciation day?

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Lucas: This one's an exception, he owes me big time. I did a bunch of jobs For him and I haven't

seen dollar one. God knows what he does, but at the Same time he acts like a classy guy. This way he

pays his debts and I pay My debt to you. You'd better get going.

Tommy: Right, thanks.

(Tommy goes to the restaurant and steals the Celeste Marque 500 sports car From its parking lot. The

man who owns the car comes out of the restaurant And sees him.)

Man: What are you freakin' doin' with my car? Police! Stop, thief! You

Won't get away with it!

(Although the man opens fire after him, Tommy drives off with the car and

Returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.22. Intermezzo Four



(Tommy and Norman are talking in the cafe.)

Norman: So you killed Morello! That must have felt good, huh?

Tommy: We celebrated. Salieri was thrilled, of course. We ran the whole Town, practically, and

there seemed to be an end to the bloodshed. For a While I felt like a king, until I came to a realization.

If a regular guy Like me could kill the most powerful man in the city, what good was all his Power?

Hell, if he hadn't been so powerful, he'd probably still be alive. It seemed to me that no matter how

strong someone was, there was always Somebody stronger to take them out.

Norman: So where did that intuitive thought take you?

Tommy: Greediness is bullshit. When you have no money, you think that a few Bucks a month

would be enough. Then you realize, that it wouldn't be bad to Have a nice car. You get a great job in

some higher position, but in Actuality you are thinking about going higher. Before you know it, you

Wanna be the President of the United States and you wanna win the war Against the Germans.

Luckily, that won't happen.

Tommy: Plus, the whole strategy of watching other people's backs has one Basic flaw: The whole

time you have to watch your own back in case someone Else has the same idea. So I thought to

myself that maybe I oughtta change My priorities a little.

Norman: Great bible story, ha ha.

Tommy: Laugh it up. You know where it got me in the end.

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(Tommy puts a photo on the table. It shows Salieri and Morello, both Younger, with another, older

man in the middle.)

Tommy: This...

(Norman takes it and looks at it.)

Norman: Who is it?

Tommy: It's from 1920. The old man is Don Peppone. The two younger ones are Salieri and

Morello. This photo convinced me that this kind of life is Poisonous. Morello and Salieri were friends

and they were both commanders Of Peppone's regime. But in the 1920s, they got Don Peppone killed

because Of some deal. Strangely enough, Salieri still admires the guy now.

Tommy: Afterward they divided up the city and each ruled their own part of It, but they started to

compete with each other. I ended up being Salieri's Instrument of death to kill his best friend, to save

him from looking Morello in the eye. It occured to me that my friends and the people I loved Were

the same. Some day I'd turn to Paulie and be looking straight down the Barrel of a gun. I couldn't be

sure of anybody, above or below me.

Norman: But you were risking your life everyday. Being a sharpshooter for The mafia ain't no bed

of roses, the way you tell it.

Tommy: It's different when you're living it, when you're full of energy and You're fighting for your

life with someone who's like your brother. You're Just two soldiers who know what needs to be done,

and it all depends on Your ability to survive. It's a war. The constant feeling that you can't Even trust

your best friend is terrible. You are alone and death can come From anywhere. I'd lie awake at night

wondering if the joke my best friend Told me was really just a joke, or if I should get prepared for my

own Execution. A person needs someone he can trust.


1.23. Election Campaign



(Tommy and Salieri are in the backroom of the bar. Salieri is looking at a Newspaper.)

Salieri: That guy sickens me. He controls half of the brothels in the city, Doesn't pay us a dime, and

then has the nerve to say he's ending crime in The city. Of course, I wouldn't give a damn about what

he says, but him and His whores are trying to expand even into our territory. I have a feeling It's time

to finish his political career. With the elections such a long Way off... We'll have to remove him


Tommy: I don't know, boss. Haven't we seen enough violence for a while? I Just have a strange

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feeling about this.

Salieri: Tommy, we are on the verge of running this town, he's the only Thing that's standing in our


Tommy: You want him knocked off in public like Morello?

Salieri: In public yes, but not like Morello. Remember that knocking off a Politician is messier than

offing a gangster. We don't want anyone to Implicate us. The speculation and fear will be enough for

our purposes.

Tommy: So? How are we gonna do it?

Salieri: Mr. Sewer has a rally today in a park on a little isle off Central Island. There is only one

escape route over a small bridge and normally it Would be a problem, but Vincenzo has an idea. He

took a regular army rifle And put a telescopic sight on it, so you should be able to hit him from a

Much greater distance. You won't even have to be on the island!

Tommy: Where then?

Salieri: You can get a beautiful view of him from Central Island, from the

Tower of the old abandoned prison on the north tip of the island. You'll

Have the whole park right in front of you, and with that rifle it won't be Difficult to take out your

target without attracting too much attention.

Tommy: That doesn't sound like a bad plan.

Salieri: Good. Talk to Vincenzo, and get the rifle.

Tommy: Okay, boss.

Salieri: And remember Tommy, you have to do it from a distance, and nobody Must see you. You'll

probably only get one shot at this. If you don't hit Him immediately, they'll cover him and the job will

be ruined.

Tommy: I got it, boss.

(Tommy stands up and talks to Salieri again before leaving.)

Salieri: That bastard is a typical example of today's politicians. They Make and break the laws. It

appears the greatest darkness is under the Candlestick. But what weight can a law carry that is made

to eliminate the Frauds who thought of the scheme, when they then go and do exactly what They

themselves have forbidden? I'll tell you! None. It's like their own Laws didn't even exist.

I've looked to see if it came from anywhere else, but it all leads back to this Mafia script! Who


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(Tommy leaves and visits Vincenzo.)

Tommy: Hey! You got some heavy duty gear for me, Vincenzo?

Vincenzo: You'll need to pick this guy off at a distance, right? So I dug Out the best weapon for you.

The military trains by mounting a sight on This standard rifle, similar to a hunting rifle.

(Vincenzo puts the rifle on the table.)

Vincenzo: I got hold of a Mosin Nagant rifle. It's produced here but the Russians upgraded it to a

marksman's rifle. It's a good, precise weapon.

Tommy: It looks interesting. Well, I hope it works.

(Vincenzo also puts a Colt 1911 pistol on the table.)

Vincenzo: Well, Tom, take a decent handgun too. You never know who you Might bump into.

Tommy: Ain't that the truth, thanks.

(Tommy takes the weapons and goes to talk to Ralph.)

Ralph: Hey, Tom. I have this for you. It's a sensible, spacious and solid Car.

(He shows him a Wright Coupe car.)

Ralph: I think you'll like it. Yeah, and you can get into it real easy.

Tommy: Thanks, Ralphy.

(Tommy takes the car and drives to the old prison on Central Island. The Main entrance is barred, but

there is an open sewer grate nearby, Apparently leading into the prison. There is a worker waiting

next to the Grate. Tommy approaches him.)

Worker: Hey, mister, you can't come in here! We're working!

(Tommy ignores him and enters the sewers.)

Worker: Hey! What are you doin', Mac? You can't go in there! You deaf?

(The worker calls to Tommy again when he reaches the bottom.)

Worker: You can't go in there! You deaf?

(Tommy gets out of another open sewer hole in the prison courtyard. He then Enters the main

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building to get to the tower. On the way, he encounters a Group of thugs sitting around a fire on one

of the floors.)

Thug: Boys, we have a visitor!

(The thugs attack Tommy and he kills them, continuing on his way. He hears

The voice of another of them behind a door.)

Thug: Watch it, he's comin' for us!

(Tommy kicks the door open and it slams against the thug, causing him to Fall to the ground. There

are a few other thugs around and he kills them All. Then he proceeds to the tower on the top floor. It

has a clear view of The small island. Taking out his sniper rifle, Tommy takes aim and shoots The

politician who is making a speech, surrounded by several listeners and Bodyguards. The politician

falls dead, and Tommy leaves the prison, this Time by the main entrance. Outside, he sees the worker

talking to two Police agents. The worker points to him when he comes out.)

Worker: That's the guy I was telling you about!

(One of the agents comes up to him.)

Agent: Sorry, sir, but there's been a crime committed here and we have to Check you out. It's only


(The agent frisks Tommy and then attempts to arrest him if he has a gun.)

Agent: You've got a gun? I'll have to take you in!

(On the other hand, if Tommy has dropped his guns before leaving the

Prison, the agent lets him go.)

Agent: Thanks, everything's in order.

(Either way, Tommy leaves and visits Lucas Bertone.)

Lucas: Hello there. How are you today?

Tommy: I just got outta jail.

Lucas: Real cute, but there ain't time for that now, Tommy! I need you to Pick up a guy in the

Works Quarter, but quick! The cops are after him and He doesn't even know about it.

Tommy: Where?

Lucas: You won't see anyone else walking around in a suit there, so you Certainly won't miss him.

But you gotta hurry, before the cops get there, Or he's finished! Bring him here.

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Tommy: Okay, I'm on my way. But I wasn't kidding about being in jail.

(Tommy drives to the Works Quarter and calls to the man walking around in a Suit.)

Tommy: Luca sent me. The cops are after you, I gotta take you to safety.

Man: Shit, how did they find me?

(The man gets in the car.)

Tommy: And now let's go back to Lucas'.

(They go back to Lucas' shop.)

Man: What happened, Lucas?

Lucas: They figured out it was you, they know where you are and I got wind That they'd be coming

for your ass today.

Man: Thank God it worked out that way. I could be sitting on ice.

Lucas: No no, thank Tom here. He stuck his neck out.

Man: Thanks, bud, i'll remember it.

Tommy: Glad to be of help.

Lucas: Okay, sit down a while, me and Tom need to work something out.

Man: Okay.

(The man leaves them and goes to sit on a chair.)

Lucas: Tommy, I have got something nice for you. Sixteen-cylinder with Custom bodywork. A

collector's piece.

Tommy: And where will I find it?

Lucas: Some playboy in Oak Hill's having a party today. There'll be loads Of guests and one of them

has got exactly the car you're looking for. You Open it the same as a regular V16, but otherwise it's

more of a work of art Than a car. You'll know the place, and there'll be a lot of pricey cars Parked


Tommy: Great, thanks for the tip.

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(Tommy leaves and goes to the mansion in Oak Hill. The two guards at the Gate do not let him


Guard: You ain't allowed in here!

Guard: You shouldn't be in here!

(Luckily, the cars are parked outside by the street. Tommy walks up to the Lassiter V16 Appolyon he

is supposed to steal. There are two thugs standing By the car, talking.)

Thug 1: What a beaut'! That's something i'll never afford.

Thug 2: Just picture all the dames you'd pick up.

Thug 1: That wouldn't help you, buddy!

Thug 2: Ah, shut up.

Thug 1: Hmmm, look at the curves on that one!

Thug 2: What can it do?

Thug 1: You don't even know!

Thug 2: Must be customized, they take a regular car and make a totally new Body. Must cost a


(Tommy talks to them.)

Tommy: Hey, quit staring at it, you'll scratch it!

(The thugs do not answer him.)

Tommy: You heard what I said! Ain't nothing to look at here! Beat it!

Thug 1: We didn't do nothing.

Thug 2: Don't get excited, can't we just look at it awhile?

Tommy: I know how that works, first look and then the car's gone! Get lost!

Thug 1: Alright already.

(The thugs turn to leave.)

Thug 2: That guy's nuts.

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(Tommy steals the car as the thugs walk away. Then he returns to Salieri's Bar.)


1.24. Just For Relaxation


(Tommy, Salieri, Paulie and Sam are sitting in the backroom of the bar.)

Salieri: Today's job is just for relaxation, boys. There's an import firm That brings in lots of luxury

goods from around the world. Yesterday Another boatload of goods came into the harbor and I have a

taste for a few Of the items on the list.

Sam: What do they got that we don't have, sir?

Salieri: Well, I haven't smoked a decent cigar in a long time, and they Have almost a ton of them.

Tommy: Cigars?

Salieri: Yes, cigars. Something strange about that? Customers in our Nightclubs are interested in

good, quality cigars, but they're expensive And difficult to get. If we manage to get a truck full of the

best cigars, We can make as much money as we would off a bank job.

Sam: What?

Salieri: Oh my God. Just bring me a truckload. Paulie, explain it to them.

(Salieri gets up and leaves the room.)

Paulie: Okay, it's like this...

Tommy: Paulie, what the hell is goin' on?

Paulie: How the hell would I know, Tommy? We have to just nab a truck full Of expensive cigars!

The Don wants them and it makes us money, so it's up To us to get them.

Tommy: It just seems a bit smalltime for him.

Sam: Forget about it, Tom.

Paulie: The cigars we gotta steal are packed in crates at the harbor. We Need to get them to a truck

and then leave the harbor. But first we have to Get in.

Tommy: How do we do that? There's a tougher guard at the harbor now than When Morello was


Paulie: Exactly. Brute force won't work, so we're gonna play this one cool. We'll just nab one of the

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trucks while they're moving goods around the City. The trucks have signs on them that say "Atlantic

Import". We'll wait

For one to come out of the harbor, follow it to a nice quiet place with no Cops, then block its path. A

few shots into the air ought to get the driver Out. Once we take his papers, one of us can get into the


Tommy: So we're gonna kill the poor bastard?

Sam: No, it's too much hassle. So long as we get him out, get everything He's got on him.

Paulie: You'll take the truck to the harbor, Tommy. Load it up with the Crates of cigars and then

we'll meet at the agreed place.

Tommy: i'll load them up alone, unload them alone, and then maybe i'll Smoke a few. So what are

you gonna do?

Paulie: We'll wait a little way from the harbor at the agreed place. If Somebody starts tailing you,

we'll deal with them. Then you take the truck To the hand-off point.

Tommy: Yeah, right. How will I recognize these crates?

Paulie: They'll have signs on them saying "Scorsese Import Export".

Tommy: And the agreed place?

Sam: We'll go there and i'll show you.

Paulie: Yeah. First we'll go there and then we'll get the truck.

Tommy: So, let's go.

(They get up and visit Vincenzo to get their weapons.)

Vincenzo: Hey boys, so what will it be?

Paulie: Get Tom here a bat and a gun and get us two Thompsons.

Vincenzo: Okay.

(Vincenzo puts the Thompsons on the table. Paulie and Sam take them.)

Paulie: Yeah, thanks.

(Vincenzo then produces the baseball bat and the Colt 1911 pistol for Tommy.)

Tommy: Thanks, Vincenzo.

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(Tommy takes his weapons and they go and talk to Ralph in the garage.)

Ralph: H-H-Hey there, boys! I have something here for you. Something Special today.

(He shows them a Lassiter V16 Fordor.)

Paulie: Yeah, I like it. It looks pretty good.

Ralph: You can g-g-get into it this way.

Tommy: Yeah, okay, we can do that. Thanks, Ralphy.

Ralph: I-It's nothing.

(They get into the car and drive out of the backyard.)

Paulie: Alright, we'll go into a place in the Works Quarter to drop Sam Off.

(They drive to an isolated yard in a back alley in the Works Quarter.)

Sam: Okay, okay, right here. This is perfect.

(They stop there and get out of the car.)

Paulie: Since we're all here, I wanna ask you both something.

Sam: What's on your mind?

Paulie: Well, I got this idea, I might need you to do a little job with me.

Tommy: Oh, yeah? What's the deal?

Paulie: Well, it's a big deal actually. I can't manage it alone and you're My good buddies, we know

each other... You know...

Sam: And Salieri? He know about this?

Paulie: Nah, he doesn't and he doesn't need to know. He's already got Enough money.

Tommy: So, what's it all about?

Paulie: Well, I was checking out this bank...

Tommy and Sam (in unison): What?!

Paulie: Cool it, it's okay! This bank isn't too secure, it's just a little Joint. At the end of the month

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they always have a big pile of money in the Safe. We'd be pretty loaded if we pulled it off.

Tommy: Or we'd all be dead! What's the matter with you? Besides, we've got Plenty of money.

Paulie: Bull! We ain't doin' bad, but we sure aren't loaded! Salieri ain't A bad boss, but once in a

while I'd like to make some decent dough on the Side, not some tiny share.

Tommy: I'm not sure it's such a great plan, Paulie.

Paulie: What do you say, Sam?

Sam: Count me out. The family's pretty important to me.

Paulie: Yeah, right. You're probably right, forget about it, I was just Thinking out loud.

Tommy: Okay, good.

Sam: Okay, I think it's time. I'll go get ready.

Paulie: i'll be back in a while. Tom, let's get to the harbor.

(Tommy and Paulie get in the car and drive to the entrance of the harbor.)

Paulie: Now, we'll wait here for a truck and then follow it. We'll overtake It in a safe spot and take

what we need.

(They follow the truck to a warehouse, wait while its goods are unloaded, And then again go after it

after it leaves the warehouse. They block the Way of the truck in a place with no police and get out of

their car. Tommy Fires a few shots in the air. The truck driver gets out.)

Driver: Leave me alone!

Paulie: Get him! We gotta get those papers!

(They approach the driver.)

Tommy: Give us your papers and nothing will happen to you!

Driver: I didn't do nothing to you! I don't have anything!

(Tommy starts hitting him.)

Driver: Don't kill me, I have a wife and children!

(He continues to beat him.)

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Driver: Help! Assault!

Driver: Help me somebody, they're attacking me!


(Paulie reacts if Tommy kills the driver.)

Paulie: Tom! That wasn't necessary!


(The driver drops his papers after a beating and Tommy takes them.)

Paulie: i'll meet Sam and we'll wait for you. Good luck, Tom.

(Paulie leaves with the car and Tommy takes the truck to the harbor. The

Guard at the gate stops him.)

Guard: Stop right here! Show me your license!


(The guard reacts if Tommy brings the truck still loaded with goods.)

Guard: Hey, what are you playin' at? First you gotta unload before you can Load up again!


(Tommy shows the guard the papers he has taken from the driver.)

Guard: Alright, you can go.

(Tommy enters the harbor and gets out of the truck. He sees crates bearign

The sign "Scorcese Import Export" in one of the warehouses and goes to it.

However, a worker chief at the entrance accosts him.)

Chief: Where are you going? Why are you standing around doing nothing? We Need all hands on

deck today! I need you to take those crates down to the Dispatch Hall. I'm gonna go take a leak and

it'd better be done when I get Back!

Tommy: Er... Yes, chief.

(The chief warns Tommy if he remains inside the warehouse without doing the Job after the chief

returns to his post.)

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Chief: What are you doing here? I gave you a job to do, didn't I?

(The crates that the chief wants Tommy to carry are not the ones that are From the Scorcese Import

Export. Tommy goes to two workers that are Standing outside nearby and talks to them.)

Tommy: Hey, fellas.

Worker: What can I do for you, buddy?

Tommy: Boys, we need to carry those crates down to the Dispatch Hall.

Worker: Alright then. Okay, let's go, boys.

(They together carry the crates to the Dispatch Hall. When it is done, the Chief comes and inspects


Chief: Fine. But you threw them here like trash!

(Tommy goes back to the chief, who has returned to the entrance to the Warehouse and talks to him.)

Tommy: Chief, the boys at the train there need you. They're having some Problems.

Chief: I should've known. As soon as I turn my back everybody immediately Goofs off.

(The chief leaves and Tommy starts carrying the Scorcese crates to the Truck. He is caught if he

cannot finish the job before the chief returns in A car.)

Chief: What the hell are you doing? Nobody pulls this stuff with me! Let me See your papers!

(He checks Tommy's papers.)

Chief: What? You're Peter? I don't think so! Guard!

(Or he is again caught if he tries to take away the crates while the chief Is "taking a leak".)

Chief: Where are you taking that? No-one is allowed to even touch those Crates! I thought you were

acting a bit fishy. Guard!

(Either way, Tommy is attacked by the armed guards of the harbor. He Manages to fend them off and

takes the crates to the truck. As he leaves The harbor with the truck, he is stopped by the guard at the


Guard: STOP right there! Show me your license!

(He checks Tommy's papers.)

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Guard: You're carrying something completely different than what these Papers say! Get him!

(Tommy speeds away and the guards begin to chase him in two cars. Tommy Gets the truck to the

meeting point, where Paulie and Sam are waiting and They deal with the pursuers.)


(Tommy comments if he has already managed to lose the tail during the Chase.)

Tommy: So, I'm here and we don't even need to spring the trap.

Sam: Well, I'm surprised. Well done, Tommy.


Paulie: Sam is going to get Salieri. Us two will take the truck to the Warehouse. We'll meet there in

a little while.

(Sam leaves in the car they used to come to the meeting point and Tommy and Paulie get in the


Paulie: Okay, we're going.

(Tommy starts driving the truck to Salieri's warehouse.)

Tommy: Today was just great. While you two messed around, I carried at Least a ton of crates

surrounded by guys with guns.

Paulie: Somebody had to do it and you're the youngest. Sam always has the Bright ideas.

Tommy: Oh, so it's SAM! Next time, you can unload that truck, I ain't Touching another crate.

Paulie: Well, we'll see about that.

(They reach Salieri's warehouse and Tommy stops the truck. Salieri and Sam Are not there yet.)

Paulie: Perfect! We did it!

Tommy: Good. Now we'll finally see what's inside these crates.

Paulie: Good idea, I hope it didn't get damaged on the way.

(They get out and walk to the back of the truck as Tommy lights a Cigarette. Paulie opens the back

of the truck and gets on to check the Crates.)

Paulie: A few of them fell off and the cigars are smashed up.

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(The camera just shows Tommy as he smokes his cigarette while Paulie Rummages through the


Paulie: Well, it ain't so bad. This one's just bent, so we'll straighten it Out... Damn! I messed that up!

Tommy: What the hell are you doing?

Paulie: What? I dropped a few things, nothing big... Hey box, what you got Inside?

Paulie: Christ! Tom, you ain't gonna believe this!

Tommy: What is it, what's inside those boxes?

(Paulie opens one of the boxes from the crates and shows it to Tommy.)

Tommy: Damn, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Paulie: Well, they don't look like cigars.

(Tommy takes a diamond from the box and lifts it up. Apparently the boxes

All carry diamonds.)

Tommy: And it's definitely not rock candy.

Paulie: Those are diamonds, and a hell of a lot of them.

Tommy: What if they're just phonies? You know, they exchange cigars for Mirrors, props, beads,

stuff like that?

Paulie: I think only Columbus got away with that. These look like diamonds, Tom. And there's a

hell of a lot of them.

Tommy: I knew Salieri wouldn't risk so much for some damned cigars.

Paulie: Well, it looks like you were right. What do you wanna do? Should we Take them?

Tommy: What? You think we'd get away with it?

Paulie: Well, we could say that some crates got lost in the chase... Or...

Tommy: You can forget that! That's bullshit!

(Tommy gives the box back to Paulie.)

Tommy: Put them back where you found them! I don't wanna end up with a hole

In my head!

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Paulie: What if we just took one or two each? There's so many.

Tommy: Paulie!

Paulie: Okay, okay, i'll put them back...

(Paulie puts the box back into the crate.)

Paulie: But what if Salieri doesn't even know about them?

Tommy: I think we can easily find out if he knows.

Paulie: How?

(Tommy looks and sees their car approaching the warehouse.)

Tommy: Sam's bringing him here right now. Come, we'll see firsthand if he Knows.

(Paulie gets off the back of the truck. Next, Salieri is seen next to the Truck.)

Salieri: Bravo, boys! You did it. You've got a well-deserved bonus coming Your way.

(Salieri looks at the crates.)

Salieri: Ah, one crate got broke, but it's nothing. It looks like these Ones at the back are okay. Bravo,


Tommy: Boss, should we unload the crates and put the cigars into the Warehouse?

Salieri: Eh... No no, not yet. Anyway, why should you do it? I can get Someone else. You want to

work in my warehouse, too? Ha ha... Now go take It real easy, boys. Good work.

(Tommy and Paulie stop for a moment before entering the car in order to Leave.)

Tommy: Paulie? I'll stop by tomorrow and we can talk about that little deal You mentioned.

Paulie: Okay.

(They get in the car and Sam drives off.)

However, that's as far as the diamond plot actually goes, aside the ramifications of Paulie and

Tommy feeling left out on the score. I think the whole situation is meant to be very obscure and

ambiguous - we don't know what the truth is. At this point, we don't know whether Salieri is going to

share the wealth or if he's being extremely greedy.

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Salieri doesn't explain anything, however, so it's no wonder that Paulie and Tommy think they've

been cheated. Before Tommy and Sam thought the Don and the family weren't worth a discrete bank

job on the side, but now Tommy and Paulie think, what the hell, if the Don is making money for

himself, why can't they?


1.25. Moonlighting


(Tommy is walking on the street.)

Tommy: (narrating) The next day I went to Paulie's like we arranged.

(Next, Tommy is seen sitting at a table in Paulie's flat. Paulie gives him A glass of drink.)

Paulie: So what, Tom? What's with the sudden change of heart? I didn't Think you wanted to do it.

(He goes into the kitchen.)

Tommy: That was when I still thought that Salieri wasn't using us. Now I Know that he is.

Paulie: Well, you're certainly right there. So, would you do the bank?

Tommy: What about Sam?

Paulie: Hey, you heard him. He's worried about what might happen and the

Don coming after us. So, if you wanna do it, it's just you and me. What do You have to say?

(He comes to the table from the kitchen and puts some ice in their drinks.)

Tommy: First I'd like to see this bank, then i'll listen to your plan.

Paulie: Fine. We can go and look at it right now.

Tommy: Okay, let's go.

(They finish their drinks, leave the flat and go outside.)

Paulie: Follow me. We'll take the train, it ain't that far.

(They go to the train station and take the train.)

Paulie: We'll be there in a few minutes. So, how's everything going?

Tommy: Aside from the last few jobs, pretty boring. Of course, my kid keeps Things interesting.

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Paulie: You know, I actually envy you. I gotta find a dame and start making Babies. When I look at

my life, I don't seem to be doing much. Hang out, go To parties. I'm getting pretty bored with it. The

problem is I don't know How to do anything else.

Paulie: I think most people would like to change. Everybody imagines the Adventures and dough

they see in movies. There's nothing about the boring Deal makin'. I'm always having to negotiate

deals with people and I can't Make notes of anything because of the cops, so I have to remember all

of It. I ain't 20 no more and I'm starting to forget! Sometimes, I don't know Who promised me what,

who I lent what, and, as a result, someone always Messes with me and I lose out on the dough. It just

pisses me off.

Tommy: Well, we still have the excitement.

Paulie: Oh, that's the worst! Nothing happens for six months, I start to Get lazy and suddenly,

BOOM, some action. Don't think I ain't worried Something might happen to us.

Tommy: So what are we supposed to do?

Paulie: This'll be our last big job. It'd be enough to get me a pizzeria Someplace, you know,


Tommy: Oh really?

Paulie: Wait a minute.

(The train approaches the station.)

Paulie: Get ready, we're getting off here.

(They get off and walk to the First National Bank. Paulie stops outside.)

Paulie: So this is it, it ain't too big and it ain't too small. Let's take A look inside.

(They enter the bank. There are two security guards standing by the front Entrance.)

Guard: Good day.

(Tommy and Paulie get to the center of the main hall, where several clerks Are helping customers.)

Paulie: Okay. We'll start here in the hall. We'll run in here and shout That it's a raid. These two

guards will probably just give up, but if they Want to play heroes we liquidate them. As soon as they

are out of the way, We gotta get the keys to the safe. We'll have to find out where they are From the

clerks. I think they'll talk if a gun's at their heads. You go Through that door behind the counter, after

you get the key.

Paulie: The door leads to a corridor. On the right is a staircase down to The safe and upstairs to the

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office. If you have the keys go straight to The safe, otherwise you'll have to get them somewhere

upstairs. Downstairs There will probably be more security guards. You'll have to deal with them

Alone while I keep everything in check upstairs. Downstairs there is a Large safe, which you gotta

unlock. Then you just gotta get the dough and Get out. That's everything.

Tommy: Okay.

Paulie: Let's go, we'd better get out of here.

(They leave the bank through the main door.)

Guard: Goodbye.

(Outside Paulie stops and talks to Tommy again.)

Paulie: The bank is connected to the Holmes Security System, but even with Radio the cars can't get

here for five minutes. That means that we'll have Five minutes from the time we get in to do

everything and then disappear.

Paulie: We're gonna need some wheels. It's stupid to get a car from Ralphy, 'cos he'll tell Salieri.

You'll have to get a good, fast set of wheels, Tommy. For you that shouldn't be a problem.

Tommy: No, it shouldn't. I think Lucas would know of something.

Paulie: Okay, try to get something fast, we'll need it.

Tommy: I guess they won't just let us leave even if we get outta the bank In time, we could still meet

the cops in the city. And how do you wanna Deal with them?

Paulie: We head to an abandoned joint right in Hoboken, it has Palermo Club Written on the wall.

Tommy: Great.

Paulie: Then there's still a little problem with guns. I have my own stuff, But you don't. You'll need

to get some kind of heater. I think I know a Place where you can pick one up. It's pretty far, it's

probably best to go By train.

Paulie: Get on here and then go to Hoboken. Get off at the Central Hoboken Station and go in the

direction from which you came by the train to the Nearest crossroads. Under the elevated railway

there's a road. Follow that And turn left at the next road. You'll see an old movie house called the

Twister. At the side entrance you'll find Yellow Pete's shop. Tell him I Sent you, and he should have


Tommy: i'll do that now. I'll get some weapons, then the car, then i'll Stop by your place.

Paulie: Yeah. Pull in front of the building and honk your horn, the Janitor's always locking the door.

I'll come down and we'll go. I'll see You later.

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Tommy: Great.

(Tommy goes to the place Paulie described to him. There is a metal door at The side of the Twister

movie house. He knocks on it and a man opens the Slide on the door.)

Man: What do you want?

Tommy: Paulie sent me.

Man: Oh, come in.

(The man opens the door and Tommy enters. He goes down a staircase to the Room where Yellow

Pete has set up his office. He is a stooped one-armed man And is standing behind a wooden table.

There are guns and ammunition on Racks and tables all around the room.)

Pete: Okay, son, what brings you here?

Tommy: Paulie sent me. We need some weapons.

Pete: Right, Paulie. Yeah, I know him... At least I think I know him... That short, moody guy, right?

Tommy: Ehm, you could say that.

Pete: Still working for Salieri? Well, give that old goomba my regards.

Tommy: Sure... Ehm, anyway, the weapons...

Pete: Sure, sure... So what does Paulie need?

(Tommy buys the weapons he needs from Yellow Pete.)

Tommy: That should be everything.

Pete: Great! I won't keep you from your work, son! Now, you say hello to Paulie for me.

Tommy: Sure. Thanks.

(Tommy leaves Yellow Pete's shop and visits Lucas.)

Tommy: Hey, Luca, I need a powerful car and fast.

Lucas: Wow, I was just about to call you! I also need a quick favor, and The car I have for you is

definitely worth it.

Tommy: What do you need?

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Lucas: I promised to bring some guy a delivery and I can't get out the shop Today. Could you take it

to him?

Tommy: Okay, I ain't done no deliveries yet, sure.

Lucas: Make sure nothing happens to the guy before you give it to him. He's Passing it on to

someone else and if something happens to him, the whole Deal's ruined.

Tommy: And is something likely to happen?

Lucas: Hmmm, well, you know, you never can tell...

Tommy: Where do I find this guy?

Lucas: On the plot under the hoisting bridge crossing to Downtown. His Name's Dick. Before you

give it to him, make sure you ain't followed. Here It is.

(Lucas gives Tommy the package. Tommy leaves and finds Dick waiting under The bridge.)

Tommy: You Dick?

Dick: Dick? My name is Big Dick!

Tommy: A-haa. Sure. I got this package from Luca, Dick.

(Tommy gives him the package.)

Dick: Great. Anyone tail you?

Tommy: I don't think so, no.

Dick: Yeah? Then who are those guys?

(Tommy turns and sees several armed men running towards them.)

Tommy: Shit!

Dick: So, show them what you got!

Tommy: You too, Big Dick.

(They fight and kill the attackers.)

Dick: You ain't as soft as you look.

Tommy: You neither.

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Dick: What do you mean?

Tommy: Ah, nothing, don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself.

Dick: Okay, fine, send my regards to Lucas.

(Dick leaves. Tommy returns to Lucas.)

Tommy: Jesus, Lucas, that was a close one.

Lucas: What happened?

Tommy: As soon as I got there, some hoods wanted to beat on us.

Lucas: Is Dick alright? Did you give him the package?

Tommy: Yeah, no problem. We took care of them together and then he took off Someplace.

Lucas: Thank God! You don't know how grateful I am! I have a real beauty

For you now. It's an American car from a German manufacturer, it's the best Around these days!

Tommy: Well, it was certainly worth the risk! Where can I find it?

Lucas: Yesterday I overheard a customer. Today around this time, he's Usually driving from

Oakwood Junior High School to a meeting somewhere on Central Island. Then follow him and when

he parks, simply take the car. The Locks will be your only problem. Haha... But I know you'll manage

them no Trouble.

Tommy: Thanks, Lucas. Can't wait.

(Tommy leaves Lucas and goes to Oakwood. There he spots the man leaving the High school with

the car. He follows him to Central Island and takes the Car after the man parks and leaves. The car is

a Trautenberg Model J. Tommy Then drives to Paulie's home and honks the horn in front of the


Paulie calls out to him from his apartment.)

Paulie: Okay, i'll be right down!

(He comes out of the building and gets in the car.)

Paulie: So what? Everything's in order? Got everything you need?

Tommy: Yeah... Hey, that Yellow Pete is a little nuts!

Paulie: He's an old loony, but his stuff's good.

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Tommy: Why they call him Yellow?

Paulie: Did you see his teeth? They're the yellowest in town... And they Also stink the most!

Tommy: Right! Right!

(They reach the bank.)

Paulie: Here it is. Stop, Tom.

(Tommy parks the car in front of the bank.)

Paulie: Here we are.

(They get out of the car.)

Paulie: Okay, let's go in.

(They enter the bank. When they are in the middle of the hall, Paulie takes Out his gun.)

Paulie: Okay, everybody!

(The customers and the security guard near them raise their hands.)

Paulie: This is a heist! Get down on the floor and nothing will happen to You!

(Most of the people get down on the floor.)

Paulie: I said on the floor! Everybody!

(All the people get down. Then two security guards come rushing to the hall From other parts of the


Paulie: Deal with the guard!

(Tommy kills the two guards.)

Paulie: Okay, I like it. Nice and cool. Everything'll be hunky-dory.

(Paulie goes to one of the clerks and threatens him with his gun.)

Paulie: I want the keys to the safe and make it quick! Where are they?

Clerk: Sir, the keys to the grating are here, but only the manager has keys To the safe...

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Paulie: What? Where can I find the manager?

Clerk: He's upstairs in his office...

(Paulie turns to Tommy.)

Paulie: Okay! Find the keys and get the dough fast, man!

(Paulie also reacts if Tommy has killed all the clerks, leaving none to Question about the keys.)

Paulie: That's just great! How are they gonna tell us where the keys are if They're all dead? Go find

them. We've got five minutes!


(Tommy can also question the clerk to get the same response about the Location of the keys.)

Tommy: One more time! Where are the keys?


(Tommy takes the keys to the grating from the clerk's booth and then moves Upstairs to find the

manager's room, fighting a few guards on the way. He Finds the room and enters. The manager stands

up from his desk and raises His hands when Tommy comes in with his gun.)

Tommy: The keys to the safe!

Manager: They're t-t-there in... In... In the cupboard. Just don't k-k-kill Me, I have a family!

(Tommy takes the safe keys from the cupboard and goes to the basement where The safe is located.

He fights and kills a few more guards before he can Reach the safe. He unlocks the grating and opens

the safe with the keys and

Walks inside, impressed by all the money.)

Tommy: Wow!

(The camera switches to the hall, where Paulie is keeping an eye on the Customers on the floor with

his gun. A woman is screaming.)

Woman: Aaah!

Paulie: Stop screaming!

(The woman keeps screaming.)

Paulie: Stop right now! Nobody move!

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(The cutscene switches back to Tommy and a gunshot is heard from above. Tommy loads as much

money as he can carry into a sack and goes back Upstairs into the main hall. There the screaming

woman is lying dead on the Floor near the door, apparently shot by Paulie while trying to escape.)

Paulie: That's it, let's get outta here!

(They leave the bank with the money and drive to the abandoned Palermo Club In Hoboken.)

Paulie: Okay, this is the place. We did it.

(Tommy stops the car in the garage of the club and they get out.)

Paulie: We're loaded, Tom! We did it! It worked!

Tommy: Sure looks like it. So what now?

Paulie: We'll change our clothes so they won't pick us up on the street, And put the dough in the


Tommy: Fine, then what?

Paulie: We don't say a word to anyone. Sleep on it, stop by tomorrow and Think about what we're

goin' to do with the dough. I'll take it with me, so Sarah won't find it, you know.

Tommy: Just don't run off with it.

Paulie: Sure, i'll take off to Hawaii! Ha ha ha...

Tommy: Don't try it, I'd find you and stuff that metal-plated briefcase Down your throat.

Paulie: I'm lookin' forward to it.


1.26. The Death of Art


(Tommy is seen walking on the street to Paulie's house.)

Tommy: (narratin) We hid the dough from the bank at Paulie's for the time

Being. We couldn't low it all straight away so we arranged that I'd stop By there the next day and

we'd think of the best way to invest it. I had Loads of ideas of what to do with the money but I was

pretty curious about What Paulie's plans were.

(Tommy enters the building and goes up to Paulie's floor. There he notices That the door to Paulie's

apartment is not locked. Alarmed, he opens the Door and finds Paulie lying dead on the floor in the

foyer. There are Several gunshot wounds on his back.)

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Tommy: Oh, Jesus... What the hell happened?

(Tommy takes out his gun and checks Paulie's pulse, but he is already dead. His eyes are open and

blood is oozing out of his mouth.)

Tommy: Paulie... Paulie...

(He stands up and looks around the house.)

Tommy: Christ... The dough, where's the dough?!

(He checks an empty crate.)

Tommy: Dammit, it's all gone. This is like a bad dream...

(There is also a patch of blood on Paulie's bed. Tommy goes and carefully Looks out the window.

Then the phone rings. He picks it up. It is Sam.)

Sam: Paulie?

Tommy: Ehm, Sam? It's Tom... Paulie's dead... I... I...

Sam: Christ! I knew it. Tom, you're in deep shit! I wanted to warn Paulie, Salieri found out about the

bank and decided he wasn't gonna tolerate it! I Didn't make it in time. Tom, you gotta disappear fast.

Tommy: Sam, I... I didn't know it would be such a big deal... I... What Should I do? I can't just leave

Sarah and the kid!

Sam: Okay, okay, Tom, i'll help you. We gotta meet somewhere but almost Everywhere is dangerous

for you now. Our best bet would be the city Gallery.

Tommy: Okay, okay, i'll be there in a little while... I... Thank you... You Know Paulie is lying here

in a million pieces, I don't know who else I Could turn to...

Sam: It's okay. I still owe you one.

Tommy: Thanks, Sam.

(Tommy leaves the building as several police detectives come in to Investigate. Police vehicles are

parked outside the building. Tommy goes to Lucas.)

Lucas: Hey, Tommy! You look exhausted...

Tommy: I am and i've definitely got a good reason to be.

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Lucas: What happened?

Tommy: It doesn't matter. I just need a good set of wheels, Lucas.

Lucas: We'll see what could be done.

Tommy: Great. What do you need today?

Lucas: I need to find out where a certain guy is hidden. He owes a lot of People big time and I'm one

of them.

Tommy: Where can I find him?

Lucas: This hooker has fallen for him and she brings him food and, you Know, stuff, but so far

nobody knows where. So, you need to find her and Find out where he's hidden. Then i'll find him and

deal with him.

Tommy: And where do I find her?

Lucas: She works in that same hotel which you blew a hole out of in '32. But if you wait for her

there, she'll certainly lead you to him.

Tommy: And then?

Lucas: When she goes home, just come back here and tell me where she goes.

Tommy: Okay.

(Tommy goes to the hotel and waits for the woman. After a short while she Comes out.)

Tommy: That would be her.

(He secretly follows her until she enters a building.)

Tommy: Well, it looks like I hit the nail right on the head.


(The woman notices him if he comes too close and then the mission is Failed.)

Woman: You bastard, why are you following me? What do you want, you louse?

People, this louse's been following me awhile! Call the cops, so they pick Him up! Help! Help,

assault! Some fruitcake's following me! Help me, Someone!


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(Tommy returns to Lucas after finding out where the man is hidden.)

Tommy: I found him for you, Lucas. He lives Downtown on the corner of the Street above the


Lucas: Fantastic. She didn't see you?

Tommy: No way. So where's this car?

Lucas: Sure, you know where the used car dealership is in town?

Tommy: Up near Chinatown?

Lucas: Right! You'll find it there! An improved version of one sports car With front-wheel drive.

Tommy: And how is it better than the old one?

Lucas: Performance, son! The accelerator is much better, even if, at first Sight, the car looks the

same. But when you go for it, watch out, the car Isn't for sale and belongs to the owner, and he's got

real nasty dogs There.

Tommy: I should handle it.

(Tommy leaves Lucas and goes to the lot of the used car dealership. He

Breaks into the lot by shooting the lock of the doors and kills the Watchdogs that attack him. He then

takes the car Lucas told him about, a Thor 812 Cabriolet FWD.)


(Tommy makes a comment if he comes near the Salieri Bar, the doors to the Backyard of which are


Tommy: This ain't such a good idea.


(After taking the car, Tommy goes to Yellow Pete's shop to get some Weapons. He knocks on the

door and the man recognizes him.)

Man: Ah, it's you again. Come in.

(He opens the door. Tommy enters and talks to Yellow Pete.)

Pete: Hello, son. So how's Paulie?

Tommy: Paulie's dead.

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Pete: Well, I guess he ain't too well then, may he rest in peace. Knowing You, he's probably resting

in pieces, hm? So your little job didn't work Out?

Tommy: It looks that way.

Pete: Well, so you'll be needing some weapons then, right?

Tommy: I see you never forget the business side of things.

Pete: Of course not. That'd be a big mistake!

Tommy: Okay, show me what you got.

(Tommy buys some weapons from Pete's collection.)

Tommy: Thanks, here's the money.

Pete: Thank you kindly and I hope you get those bastards. Paulie deserves At least that.


(If Tommy talks to Pete again to buy more weapons, Pete greets him Differently.)

Pete: Greetings. How can I be of service this time, young fella?


(Tommy leaves Yellow Pete's shop and drives to the city gallery with the Intention of meeting Sam.

He enters the gallery and is suddenly ambushed by Two gangsters wielding pistols while he is

looking around the entrance


Gangster: Don't move, scumbag!

Tommy: Oh shit!

(Dollar bills start to fall on Tommy from above and Sam's voice is heard.)

Sam: Surprise!

(Tommy looks up and sees Sam on the upper balcony holding a cigarette in His hand.)

Sam: Haha! You weren't lookin' for that at Paulie's, by chance?

Tommy: Sam, what's going on? I thought we were meeting alone.

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Sam: The situation's changed, Tom.

(Sam lights his cigarette.)

Sam: I had to decide whose side I was on and sorry, but it would be Suicidal to stand on your side. I

can live with murder, though.

Tommy: So, you killed Paulie?!

Sam: Well, I was more the means to his death. The same as I am in your Case.

Tommy: I would never have expected this from you, Sam!

Sam: Well, I'm in a good mood. Things are lookin' up for me, and I found a Bag of money.

Tommy: So killing off your partners is a big laugh? Maybe I should try it.

Sam: It ain't bad, but you probably won't have time.

Tommy: It's never too late to start. I guess honor's out of the picture?

Sam: Honor's meaningless! This is business and you've broken its unwritten Rules many times over,

Tom. Maybe I feel some pity, but that's outta place In business.

Tommy: I didn't notice that I was the cause of the family's problems.

Sam: Really? You did what you wanted, Tom! You didn't killFrank! You let That whore get away

and then the bank! You can't do what you know as right, Because you don't know nothing. You don't

grasp the effects of your Actions. The Don is the thinker.

Tommy: You were never a great thinker, so you probably need him. That's not How I feel. I can

think for myself.

Sam: The opinion of Don Salieri is that he won't go and sit in jail just Because of your feelings. And

I agree with his opinion completely. Don Salieri really liked you, Tom, and I did too. We'll cry

together at the Funeral.

Tommy: You poor bastard, Sam, I feel sorry for you.

Sam: But I'm alive. It's a pity you can't use that money. Don't worry, We'll give Sarah a little

something. You know, single mothers don't have it Easy these days. The Don will take care of her, he

isn't as much of a Monster as you think. Goodbye, Tom, it was nice knowing you. Take good care Of

him, boys... And please, don't make him suffer. He's my buddy.

(Sam leaves. Just as the two gangsters prepare to shoot him, Tommy takes a Small Colt Detective

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Special pistol out of his sleeve and shoots one of Them before jumping behind a column. He then

kills the two and then other Gangsters who rush to the lobby. After that he begins to fight his way

Through the building. Sam again greets him from a balcony.)

Sam: As I see it, the boys underestimated you, Tom! Well, I hope they'll be Luckier this time. Boys,

be careful you don't break anything! There are Lots of beautiful and valuable things in here!

(Sam leaves and Tommy is again confronted by several gangsters. He kills Them and goes up on the

upper floor to pursue Sam.)

Tommy: Sam!

(Tommy continues to fight his way through the gallery and eventually Reaches a circular balcony

that looks down onto a hall, holding his Colt 1911 pistol. Suddenly, Sam opens fire on him from the

other side of the Balcony with his Tommy gun. Tommy takes cover behind a column.)

Tommy: It looks like you underestimated your new partners! Maybe you Oughtta change sides.

Sam: It's still not over, Tom!

(They exchange gunfire for a few seconds.)

Tommy: Things aren't what they look like, Sam. Salieri also double-crossed You.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Tommy: We almost got killed because of those stupid cigars. Salieri knew That the job was risky.

There were diamonds hidden between those cigars, he Didn't wanna give us a cut. That's why Paulie

wanted to take the bank, Because he realized how Salieri was ripping us off.

Sam: He told me about those diamonds, Tom. He only wanted to keep them Secret so nobody knew

where they were before he sold them. Besides, the Diamonds have nothing to do with the fact that

you didn't killFrank! He Broke the Omerta. Which is worse, Tom?

Tommy: How do you know I didn't kill Frank?

Sam: You can blame it all on someone else you didn't kill. You're too Human. She came back to the

city and we found her by accident.

Tommy: Dammit!

(Tommy fires a few shots at Sam.)

Sam: Tom, Tom, you know you can't trust a dame. I can understand it isn't Easy to kill your wife's

best friend. I should have done it for you. She Also pleaded with me and cried. Well, we realized that

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we couldn't rely on You, so we checked up a little and found out aboutFrank.

Tommy: Sam, do you really think everything has to end like this? We still Got a chance.

Sam: There ain't no way back now, Tom, I'm sorry.

(Sam opens fire on Tommy and a gunfight begins between them. Eventually Sam Is wounded and

retreats from the other side of the balcony. Tommy pursues Him by the trail of blood and finds him

limping, trying to get away. Sam Turns and shoots at him again and Tommy dodges the bullets by

jumping onto The floor. Then Sam's gun jams and Tommy points his pistol at him.)

Sam: Dammit.

(Tommy does not pull the trigger.)

Sam: Hey, it's the same situation again, Tom. And once again you can't Decide.

(Sam drops his Tommy gun and runs away.)

Tommy: Dammit!

(Tommy goes after Sam and finds him limping in a hall below him. He points His gun and, after a

few seconds of hesitation, shoots him in the back. Sam Touches the wound on his chest and looks at

his bloody hand.)

Sam: You... You... Did it... But they'll get you all the same... Salieri...

Will... Get you...

(He turns to face Tommy.)

Sam: He stood by you... You rat... You're dangerous, Tom... And Paulie... Is dead... He was never...

Sure... That you wouldn't... Forgive... His... Death... You gonna have to... Hide... Like an outcast...

And one... Day They'll get you... All the same... LikeFrank...

Tommy: They found him?!

Sam: You only... Length... Lengthened his life... But in the end they found Him... All the same...

AndFrank... Was the Don's... Only real... Friend... Friendship ain't worth shit...

(Tommy shoots Sam several times. Sam falls against the railing around the Opening in the middle of

the hall and the level ends with drops of his Blood falling onto the dollars from the bank robbery in

the entrance hall Below.)

Everything is screwed up - Sam has some good points about what Tommy has been doing all along

(Per usual, it's not quite black and white), but Tommy believes he shouldn't completely entrust his

morality and thinking to the Don.

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"Honor's meaningless!", "Friendship ain't worth shit" - is the world of the mafia really all worth it in

the end? How much has to be discarded and abandoned?

It ends with blood dropping onto the money that Sam threw onto the floor. How symbolic. How



1.27. Epilogue


(Tommy and Detective Norman are continuing their conversation in the cafe.)

Norman: So it was you again, huh? You destroyed the picture collection Worth a few million


Tommy: I wasn't planning on it, but somehow it worked out that way.

Norman: Otherwise that's everything?

Tommy: I got out of there fast. It was no picnic. I really was in danger, But I pulled it off. I took the

wife and daughter and immediately left the Country. Sam was right, if they decided to findFrank in

Europe and take Revenge almost five years after he disappeared, they wouldn't let me just Leave after

betraying them.

Norman: And you're willing to say all that you've now said to me in front Of a court and give

evidence against all those men? Don't you think the Situation will be a lot worse for you? What you're

planning to do now isn't Betrayal, it's more like treason.

Tommy: If these people go to jail, or better yet, death row, they won't be Able to take revenge on

me. At least not as easily as if they were free. I Am willing to give evidence against them if you

ensure our protection and, After the trial, a new identity for me, my wife and my daughter.

Norman: If we manage to pull it off, it will be the biggest legal battle This country's ever seen. It's

an interesting offer. I don't know if it's Moral to help somebody like you, but I think the results would

be worth it. I think we'll help you...

(The camera shows four newspapers in a row. The headline of the first one Reads "GANGSTER

TRIAL! What will be next?" The second newspaper reads "SALIERI'S GANG PUT BEHIND

BARS?" and contains a photo that shows Salieri's

Bar wrecked with a dead man lying on the floor. The third headline says "80 GANGSTERS


is seen sitting at a table in a solitary cell and

Writing in a notebook.)

Tommy: (narrating) Everything worked out until the legal case. I sat in my Cell and wrote down the

evidence I had against all the people I had worked With. People I had been friends with for ten years.

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The case was huge and Caused a shock throughout the country. Salieri got life, even some of his

Thugs got the chair. The shortest sentence was eight years. I spent the

Whole time in a closed cell at a secret location, with no visitors. I Didn't see Sarah or my little girl

the entire time.

(The view switches to a suburban area on a sunny day, where Tommy, now an Old man with gray

hair and a moustache, is watering the garden of his


Tommy: (narr.) In the end it was worth it. Norman got us new identities, And moved us to the other

end of the US. I got work as a driver for a Respectable company. We started a whole new life. This

peace was only Interrupted by the war, but we got through it...

(A red sports car parks near the house and two men wearing suits and hats Get out. They approach

Tommy from behind.)

Man: Mr. Angelo?

(Tommy turns to them.)

Tommy: Yes?

Man: Mr. Salieri sends his regards.

(One of the men shoots Tommy with a shotgun. They leave as Tommy lies dead In a pool of blood.

After showing a close-up view of Tommy's face, the

Camera begins to move away, showing the garden and house from above.)

Tommy: (narrating) You know, the world isn't run by the laws written on Paper. It's run by people.

Some according to laws, others not. It depends On each individual how his world will be, how he

makes it. And you also Need a whole lot of luck, so that somebody else doesn't make your life Hell.

And it ain't as simple as they tell you in grade school. But it is Good to have strong values and to

maintain them. In marriage, in crime, in

War, always and everywhere.

Tommy: (narr.) I messed up. So did Paulie and Sam. We wanted a better life, But in the end we were

a lot worse off than most other people. You know, I Think it's important to keep a balance in things.

Yeah, balance, that's the Right word. Because the guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely

Everything. Of course, the guy who wants too little from life, might not Get anything at all.