Download - M POINT GUIDE TO SUMMER O · MatchPoint Guide to Summer Opportunities ... make a plan that ensures the student doesn’t become too busy; ... we want it to fit within your family’s



For many of today’s college-bound high school students, the summer is no longer nine weeks of total relaxation, but rather an opportunity to spend time actively working, learning new skills, or diving deeper into an area (or areas) of interest. 512-243-6181

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We encourage students to consider what they enjoy, what areas they could improve in, and what their goals for the future are in order to decide what to do over the summer. With any activity a student chooses to participate in, there should be opportunities to help them learn more about themselves by expanding their interests, gaining new experiences, or taking on responsibilities. As you review possibilities for the summer, consider these key questions:

● How much initiative does this activity or program require? For example, it takes more initiative to develop an independent project than it does to attend a summer program.

● Am I taking a risk or challenging myself in this activity or program? Show that you are willing to stretch and

go outside your comfort zone. It’s okay if you complete an activity that you failed at. As a matter of fact, that might make a great college essay!

● What is the impact of this activity or program? Think about how this program is going to impact you and our

your community. Depending on what grade you are in, you might consider making a loose, multi-year plan for your summers. For example, summer programs and travel are great options for lowerclassmen who are just beginning to explore interests. As students move to junior year, they may want to consider something that is more self-driven. Take some time to map out possible activities over time, and see if you identify a common thread or interest. It’s absolutely possible for students to do more than one activity during the summer. If there are multiple activities a student would like to participate in, we encourage them to include them in their summer plan to see how a summer might flow. A word of caution: make a plan that ensures the student doesn’t become too busy; students should never return to classes in the fall feeling burnt out and exhausted. One other important point:

We don’t encourage any student to spend their summer doing something that they don’t enjoy, so don’t fill summer with activities just because you think they will look good on an application.

To help plan, the following ideas for summer activities are just a few ways that students can explore possible areas of interest and to grow and develop as a person.

Summer Jobs Many high school students work over the summer. Having a job is a great way to get work experience that to include on their resume and college applications. Most summer jobs for high school students are part-time, but some are full-time, especially if you’ve already worked at that place before. Common summer jobs that high school students have include being a lifeguard, cashier, or camp counselor.

Take It Up a Notch: Like any other activity, a summer job can impress colleges when a student works at the same place over a longer timeframe and increases their responsibilities. A summer job that relates to a subject the student wants to study in college, or get a future job in, often communicates to a college what the student’s interests are and their level of commitment to them.

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Summer Internships

A summer internship involves working part-time or full-time for a company or organization. These summer internships are often more closely related to a student’s career interests. They allow students to gain work experience, as well as learning more about careers they may be interested in. They can involve a variety of tasks, typically consistent with some of the responsibilities of an entry-level position in that field. Summer internships are not typically the entire summer. A high school student may not always be paid for their internship.

Take It Up a Notch: When a student works in a summer internship that relates to a future career area or subject they plan on studying in college, colleges often see that as real interest in a field. In the admissions process, schools are looking for students who are passionate about something and who are willing to go the extra mile to understand a field of interest.

Summer Classes Taking classes may not be the most fun way for a student to spend their summer, but they can sometimes help a student stay on track as they prepare for college. Some students take summer classes to improve their grades in a class they didn’t do well in the first time, while others take a class they wouldn’t have time for during the school year. Increasingly, students are taking summer classes as a way to take college courses or advanced high school classes. Students can take summer classes in a variety of ways, either through your high school, at a community college, through an academic program at universities, or even online.

Take It Up a Notch: College classes on a student’s transcript can indicate to schools that a student is able to handle the rigor and workload of college. This is an especially good option if a student’s high school doesn’t offer many advanced classes or if a student wants to strengthen their transcript. This is also a wonderful time to add in courses in your interest area; as an example, students can take real estate classes and sit for the real estate exam or CAD classes for architecture.

Summer Programs More and more summer programs for high school students are available for high school students, with unique focuses such as STEM, cultural immersion, performing arts, wilderness skills, and more. Programs are often on a college campus, sometimes formally connected with the college or university. These programs allow a student to experience life on a college campus, explore new and exciting fields they may want to pursue as for college majors--as well as making friendships with students from around the globe. In many cases, students can earn college credit for the courses they take.

A word of caution here--we prefer programs that are actually run by the college instead of. a third party provider. It's important to be a careful consumer, so be sure to ask about who will be teaching the program. If a student is aiming for highly selective colleges, the summer program should be a selective program. It’s also important to note that attending a summer program on a college campus does not typically give you a leg up in admissions for this college.

Take It Up a Notch: These programs can be helpful when a student participates in a programs that reflect their interests, whether academic or otherwise. For example, if a student wants to be a doctor, a science-based summer program can help that student learn more about what it’s like to study and practice medicine. These programs can help

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show colleges that a student takes a career path seriously and that they are genuinely interested in learning more about it. For students entering 12th grade, we encourage you to think about how you can create your own summer program.

Independent Research/Projects For steps hoping to attend highly selective colleges, independent research can be a fantastic avenue to delve into your academic area of interest. From developing an app to help students stay more organized to working on a writing a play or designing a robot, digging deeper into an established interest is a great way to spend some of your summer break. To be able to demonstrate this time as meaningful (and to help students stay on task), students should create a goal for themselves of what the output and/or accomplishment should be. Students should keep track of how many hours per week/weeks per summer they spend on this activity. Take It Up a Notch: A student can work with a teacher or advisor to create an independent project that can count as a course credit. Another option is to reach out to a college professor to assist with college level research. Creative projects can be submitted for contests or publication, if appropriate. If a student creates an app or an online video, being able to tout high usage number or a huge number of followers can be impressive (as are high revenues).

Volunteering There are many places where a student can volunteer including schools, non-profit agencies, museums, and more. Most volunteer work is done where the student lives, but there are also opportunities to do volunteer work abroad during the summer. While volunteering is all about helping others, it’s possible to choose volunteer work that relates to a student’s college or career interests. Volunteering is also a wonderful way to learn leadership skills and to gain greater a better understanding of the world around you.

Take It Up a Notch: Just completing a few hours of volunteer work will not have as much impact as a making a longer term commitment to one organization. Working in a field of interest over a long period of time gives students will have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the organization. Hopefully over time your commitment will lead to greater responsibility and possible leadership positions.

Travel Travel can expand a student’s horizons while also experiencing other cultures. There are programs offered in the area of service, adventure, skill training, and academics. Students can also consider working while they travel abroad and visit multiple countries. Seek out immersive programs that are at least six weeks long, or better yet, the entire summer. Take It Up a Notch: College value the cultural insights gained and independent skills learned when a high school travels during the summer. Travel abroad programs are often good way to perfect a second or third language.

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At College MatchPoint, we believe the college process can be organized, personal and sometimes even fun. We guide our students and parents through every step of the process. Our one goal throughout the process remains the same: for your student to thrive in their selected college. Yes, this means we want them to love it—academically and socially—and we want it to fit within your family’s budget. Our team includes experienced educational consultants, college admissions specialists, and college essay writing coaches. We are also experts in motivating teens. We get the work done and we make sure that your student's application stands out from the stack.

website: phone: 512-243-6181

Lisa Bain Carlton, M. Ed.


[email protected]

Lisa Bain Carlton connects students and families to a college that fits. This includes finding a college that matches a student’s academic and personal profile as well as the family budget.

Lisa formed Austin, Texas-based College MatchPoint in 2009. She has successfully guided hundreds of students through the college admissions and application process. Considered an expert in placing students with learning differences, she is sought out by families nationwide. In addition, she is adept at helping families find colleges that are affordable.

Lisa earned her Master’s degree in Counseling and Student Services with honors from the University of North Texas, and a Bachelor’s of Business Administration from Texas A&M University. Additionally, she obtained a Certificate in College Counseling from the UCLA College Counseling Certification Program. Currently, Lisa is a Professional Member of IECA, the premier professional association for educational consultants. She holds the Learning Disabilities Designation through IECA.

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Bob Carlton


[email protected]

Bob Carlton is a developer of young people. He is equal parts cheerleader and challenger. He loves helping students discover their interests and passions. His vast career experience in both start ups and traditional businesses provides our students with real world examples about future job opportunities. Bob has been traveling to college campuses for over 30 years. He started his career in higher education publishing and has collaborated with hundreds of professors across the country. He is a frequent speaker on higher education including SXSWedu and EDUCAUSE.


Laura Beerits grew up on the coast of Maine and attended Middlebury College in Vermont. After college, Laura worked in the Office of the Provost at NYU. She has a Master’s degree in Rhetoric and is now pursuing her PhD in American Literature at UT Austin. Laura teaches writing classes for undergraduates and pedagogy classes for new graduate students at UT. She is currently writing a dissertation on contemporary American coming-of-age novels.


A Northeastern transplant, Alexis grew up in New England and attended Connecticut College. She honed her writing and editing skills working in publishing and advertising in NYC prior to obtaining her Master’s in Teaching from Brown University. Alexis taught high school English and History prior to moving to Austin and juggling her latest career: part-time work and full-time parenting.

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