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Page 1: Lyric Opera and sing with the choir for ST. JOSEPH

269 Dakota St. South • Prescott, WI 54021

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The pictures I’ve been using to accompany the seasons of Advent and Christmas were taken by my friend Justin Patchin.  Justin is a professor, author, speaker, photographer and all around good guy.  He has a website where his photographs can be purchased.  Check it out 

Thank you to the generous people who this past week stepped forward and thank you to all of you who pledged to the capital campaign.  The new gathering space will soon be taking shape...GRS

Just one week ago I announced that someone had pledged one­half (about $30,000) the cost of re­doing the elevator.  In that one week, we have received another $5,400 toward the elevator fund.  I’d say that’s pretty remarkable.  It leaves only $25,000 more and we’ve got ourselves a new elevator.

I have the privilege of seeing our students do some amazing things during the school day. I get invited to presentations on presidents, saints and other historical figures. I have been able to watch students conduct science experiments, perform skits and achieve mathematical feats. But twice over the past 12 months, it was students dancing in Mrs. Laust's Music class that completely made my day. Both times, it happened to be our current 1st Grade students. Their pure joy and expression when given the chance to freely respond to the music they are learning about is infectious. For the parents and teachers who have seen the videos, they know that you can't watch the videos without smiling or laughing. When I think of this class, it is their smiles that come to mind. I am amazed at the positivity and happiness they bring to each day. They are always up, bright and will keep any teacher on their toes. With that positive attitude comes an eagerness, curiosity and openness to learn that will benefit this group as they progress through their years together. They ask questions (yes, lots of questions), they share stories, and genuinely want to learn. Their teacher, Ms. Graske, recently was testing the students on their knowledge of prayers they should know in 1st Grade. She was amazed that across the board, these 12 kids already had most of them committed to memory, and it was only October. This year, they will continue to learn to read (this is a big one in 1st Grade), and will grow in math, social studies, religion, science and their other subjects. They laugh, play, sing and pray. And wow, can they dance! Principal MageeNames for 1st Grade picture (left to right): Cora Hince, Carter Randolph, Aubrey Romens, Avery Ptacek, Mariella Most, Jonah Budworth, Shia Tischleder, Sydney Hillebrand, Harper French, Zoe Ptacek, Olin Kiefer, Josiah Dravis, Revel I attempted to banter both of us out of what was becoming an embarrassing situation.  She would have none of it but kept pressing how mean I was.  Now the truth was, when I first arrived at St. Pat’s, I probably was mean.  The school was out of control and I didn’t know much about education, but I knew kids throwing their desks out the windows of the second floor said something was drastically wrong.  I became the disciplinarian–I admit without much rhyme or reason.  Eventually things got turned around and I have to say by the time I left, I enjoyed going into the school.  I didn’t have to be the disciplinarian anymore.Now, here’s the hard part of my encounter with this former student.  I do remember her, and the kindest way I can say this is that she does not stick out as one of the “good” kids.   Of course that’s not how she remembers it.  And that’s the problem for so many of us.  We only want to remember that we were good little children and not that when we were disciplined we actually deserved it.  Like some modern Germans who want to deny that the holocaust ever took place, we recall the slights and indignities we endured as just that, rather than the consequences of our actions.  In my experience, parents and teachers rarely spend the energy plotting to ruin the lives of the children in their care, that we impute to them.  Admittedly a few are mean, but generally speaking, it is when we are children that we have to learn how to behave, to interact socially and accept responsibility for our actions.  As children we  test and learn limits.   For some of us, no learning takes place and we go through life careening into the adult world with the insight of a child rather than the wisdom of someone who both acknowledges and lives with the mistakes of the past.Thomas will always live with the day he didn’t have enough faith.  The wise Thomas, the adult Thomas in all of us knows that while we can’t relive or change the past, we can shape the future by learning from the past...GRS 

I nodded.“You were so mean to me as a sixth grader in St. Pat’s School,” she said, again poking me harder than you might expect to redress a wrong committed 30 years ago.Several years ago when I was still living in Eau Claire I was abruptly, and I might say, rudely poked in the shoulder by a woman who had clearly been drinking, “You were so mean,” she said.  Then she said, “You are Father Szews, aren’t you?”  

Living by the Past or the FutureSome times, when she hears a sound in the house, or the light falls just the right away across an open doorway, she swears it’s him, just come in from the garden. It is the touch of him, the feel of him, the sight of him she misses most.On this day, she waits in line at a salad buffet. Her son has just told her that if she keeps giving money away at this rate she can only live another 7 years. Then she’ll be out of money. He laughed. So did she. She said, “I like to give to big things. Things that can keep on giving. It’s

She still presses her fingers together, hoping for the feel of him. Today thwould have been their 50 wedding anniversary. He’s been dead for over ten years.

I suppose I am most guilty of that­­looking at a glass half empty world­­as the mayor likes to tell me.  And, I am always surprised when the glass turns out to be half full.  The good news which struck me this past week was that we have raised the money we need for the re­roofing.  Really, in record time, about five weeks.  God is good.  We can now proceed with the work and even do the little flat roof on the side entrance which has leaked every year that I’ve been here.  

Oh yes, one further bit of good news, one of the “big” voices, Anthony Reed, will come in from Chicago where he is with the Lyric Opera and sing with the choir for Triduum....GRS 

This past Tuesday at morning Mass I told the story of a woman I grew up with who, as my father always used to say, “Never had a good day.”  No matter what, her house, her children, her husband, her body, there was always and every day something wrong.  I suggested that any of us could be that woman if we did not consciously look for the goodness of God in our lives every day.  For example, we could all complain about the coming blizzard and completely miss the beautiful day Monday was.

People of St. Joe’s you constantly remind me of how good God is and how much of that goodness is within each of you.One further bit of good news is that we’ve come up with a plan to finish off the parts of the church basement still remaining.  A new floor will be put in, the walls will be sheet­rocked and a new ceiling system will be installed.  Hopefully that work will be completed before the end of June.

Good news

28 April 2019 Second Sunday of Easter ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC PARISH

Page 2: Lyric Opera and sing with the choir for ST. JOSEPH

Music for MassA



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2 Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church • Prescott, WI


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od Entrance Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks (#443) Donald Fishel

Responsorial Psalm: Cantate Domino Michael Joncas

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. • We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. • Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. • For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. • I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

Preparation: We Walk by Faith (#590) Marty Haugen

Refrain: Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord. Alleluia, alleluia, give praise to his Name.

1) Jesus is Lord of all the earth. He is the King of creation.

2) Spread the good news o'er all the earth: Jesus has died and has risen.

1) We walk by faith, and not by sight: No gracious words we hear Of him who spoke as none e'er spoke, But we believe him near.

2) We may not touch his hands and side Nor follow where he trod; Yet in his promise we rejoice, And cry 'My Lord and God!'

Communion: Deep and Lasting Peace Michael Joncas

Communion: Amen to the Body of Christ Delores Dufner

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PRAYER CORNERPlease keep the following in your prayer.



Saturday 27 April 3:00 pm Confessions (on the hour) 4:00 pm Mass/Tom Killian by Ron & Anita Sterud

Sunday 28 April 8:00 am Mass/The Kittleson Family by St. Joseph Staff 10:00 am Mass/Parishioners

Monday 29 April No Mass/Parish Office Closed

Tuesday30 April 8:15am Mass/Marion Knippel by Sandy Nowinski

Wednesday 01 May 8:15am School Mass/Mark Shuttleworth by Sylvia Falteisek

Thursday 02 May 8:15 Mass

Friday 03 May Parish Office closed 10:30 Mass at the Care Center

Saturday 04 May 4:00 pm Mass/Neil Riley Sr by family

Sunday05 May 8:00 am Mass/Parishioners 10:00 am Curt Armstrong by family

Our Eucharist bread and wine for the month of April has been donated in loving memory of deceased members of the Schommer & Mercord families by John & Carol Mercord.

Jana Morrow (Walt & Carol Matzek’s Daughter); Eileen Chase (Rich Niebur’s mom); Joe Riley; Jackie Unser, Lawrence Huppert; Shirley Hei; Eileen Chase; Dorothy Yanisch; Bill Casperson (Nancy Peterson’s brother); Robert Hei (Shirley Hei’s Son); Nancy Peterson; John Matzek; Patsy Simon; Dwight Hollen; Jerry Rosga (Friend of Roger and Jill Boros); Laurie Franek Newman (Joe Franek’s sister); Kristi Meier (Brenda Carlson’s sister); Evan Horn; LaVerne Cobian; Richard Cornell (Sylvia Falteisek’s Son-in-law); Joanne Cobian (Shirley Hei’s Sister-in-law); Dick Baker (Bob and Jim Baker’s brother); Leroy Tobias; Casie Johnson (Larry & Patti Johnson’s Daughter); Rick Cobian (Shirley Hei’s nephew); John Kullmann; Carol Krech; Richard Hulne (Roger & Patricia Hulne’s son); Mike Meier; Patti Killian; Jerry Killian; Rita Maves (Darla Ironside’s Sister); Michael “Chip” O’Brien (Shanon Murphy’s brother); and all the parishioners who are homebound or in the nursing home. To add a name to the prayer corner, call 715-262-5310. Names will remain on the list for one month, unless the parish office is notified otherwise.

Ÿ Spring registration for the Fall Religious Ed classes has been sent out. Please return it ASAP. Thank you..

Ÿ 28 April - First Communion 10:00 am Mass Ÿ 19 May - 10:00 am Graduation Mass & ReceptionFor more info call Carol Mercord at 715-262-3514 or send email to [email protected]. Please refer to the online calendar for more information at

The St. Joseph Parish School Walk for Virtues will take place this year on Friday, May 3rd at 12 pm. This is one of our primary fundraisers, with the proceeds going to our school families in need of tuition assistance. There will be a collection after masses on the weekend of April 27 & 28. Parishioners are welcome to join us for the walk, and if you’d like to volunteer, please contact Shirley Hayes at [email protected]. For more information, contact the School Office at 715-262-

Church Cleaning


Thank you to all those who participated in the annual cleaning of the church. You did a great job preparing the house of the Lord for the celebration of Easter. May the Lord bless you for your service.

First EucharistCandidates

We wish to congratulate and pray for our First

Eucharist students who this weekend we welcome to

the Lord’s Table for the first time:

Tristen Briant Elena DarstBrynn Duffy Matthew HenderliteTheodore Hendrickson Trevor LansingKatherine Markert Elise MartinMadison McCarthy Dylan MeyerLeia Most Lila MurphySullivan Murphy Charlie PagenkopfElla Pechacek Ella PtacekLyla Randolph Maih SmithTaylor Sterud Zoey Voekler

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Lector 1 • 1st readingLector 2 • 2nd reading & petitions

Liturgical Roles

Sunday, 05 May • 8:00 am

Sunday, 05 May • 10:00 am

Ed Mertz Lector 1 Bernice Clement Lector 2 Steve Brown EM Peg Brown EM Joan Clark EM Cadyn Hillebrand Server Cora Olson Server Gary Hovel Usher Jim Hovel Usher Jared Hei Greeter Fred Magee Greeter

Jill Boros Lector 1 Alice Mercord Lector 2 Bridget Akey EM Maria Franco EM Roger Hulne EM Patricia Hulne EM Rachel Miller EM Ava Franco Server Sydney Magee Server Allen Dunn Usher Steve Sabelko Usher Isabelle Lenz Greeter Walker Lenz Greeter

Saturday, 04 May • 4:00 pm Jane Budworth Lector 1 Pat Eich Lector 2 Tracy Franek EM Carol Matzek EM Walt Matzek EM Michael Gray Server Hannah Schommer Server Dave Murphy Usher Ron Sterud Usher Heather Hudak Greeter Pete & Joan Ptacek Greeter

PARISH STAFFRev. George Szews...............................................................................PastorRev. Mr. Gerald Rynda.......................................................................DeaconChris Magee.........................................................................School PrincipalCarol Mercord .............................................Director of Religious EducationKathy Hovel .........................................................................Parish SecretaryAnn Schwebach .................................................................Finance SecretaryTrisha Matzek ............................................ School Administrative AssistantHowie Kittleson .............................................Building & Grounds ManagerDon Sabelko ...................................................................... Cemetery SextonPHONE Rev. George Szews - Emergencies Only..................................715-262-2520Parish Office ............................................................................715-262-5310St. Joseph’s School...................................715-262-5912, Fax 715-262-5901Religious Education.................................................................715-262-3514Don Sabelko, Cemetery Sexton................................................715-262-3123.OFFICE HOURSClosed Monday & Friday; 9:00 am-3:00 pm Tuesday to Thursday

DEVOTIONSPerpetual Help Novena - Tuesdays at 8:00am

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISMA class for new and expecting parents is held quarterly. Parents must be registered as parish members prior to attending the class. Call the parish office for more information. Baptisms are not celebrated during the Lenten season.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGECouples planning marriage should contact the parish office at least six months in advance. Marriages are not celebrated during the Lenten season.

NEW PARISHIONERSContact the Parish Office to make an appointment with the pastor.

MINISTRY TO THE SICKHoly Communion is brought to the sick and homebound every Wednesday. Those who are seriously ill or anticipating surgery should contact the parish office to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick.

PARISH BULLETIN Items for the weekly bulletin must be in the parish office by Friday at 12:30pm. (i.e. 9 days before the bulletin date)

PARISH WEBSITE………… ….. WWW.STJOSEPHPRESCOTT.COMPARISH EMAIL....................... [email protected]. Szews EMAIL .....................................gszews@stjosephprescott.comFinance

Contact InformationMoney Counters

First National Bank Monday, 06 May • 9:30 am Janet Kennedy Roger & Carm Klegin


Teachers and I recently returned from the NCEA Convention in Chicago. We look forward to sharing our experiences, resources and learning from this important professional development opportunity. We hope the school and all of our students will benefit directly though our commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

ndThis Sunday the St. Joseph Parish School and Religious Education 2 Grade students will be receiving their First Communion at the 10 am Mass. Congratulations as they celebrate this Spirit-filled moment in their process of Christian initiation. We pray that as they continue to walk in faith, Christ may always guide their steps! Also this weekend after all Masses, students will be asking parishioners to support our Walk for Virtues

rdfundraiser. The Walk will take place on Friday, May 3 at Noon. You may give a flat donation, or possibly consider making a pledge for a St. Joseph Parish School student you know. Either is appreciated, and 100% of funds raised goes toward tuition assistance for the 2019-2020 school year. Thank you again for your support!

Page 5: Lyric Opera and sing with the choir for ST. JOSEPH

5 28 April 2019 • Second Sunday of Easter

Financial News

Amount Received so far: $1,458,600

Sunday 4-14-2019Adult Envelope Contributions $ 7,766Offertory $ 700Adult monthly ACH Contributions $ 10,571Works of Charity Offerings $ 30Easter Flowers $ 120Easter Offering $ 130Mary Packard Memorial Scholarship $ 1,000Youth & Children $ 17 Total Ending 04-14-2019 $ 20,334

Closing: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (#422) Michael joncas

Reprint permission: OneLicense Net A-718928

1) Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! Our triumphant holy day, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross, Alleluia! Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia! 2) Hymns of praise then let us sing, Alleluia! Unto Christ, our heav'nly King, Alleluia! Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia!

2019 Easter FlowersThank you to the following people who donated money for memorials in memory of and honor of those they love.

Gift of: Randy Murphy; Ralph & Joan Murphy; Raymond & Joyce Schwartz; Ron & Katie Murphy;Mike & Liz Gerke; Rob & Diane Daugherty; Cassie Murphy; Christine Dorau; Steve & Cindy Sabelko; Terry & Jane Budworth; Harold & Lou Clement; Craig & Patty Johnson; Ken & Char Glamm; Bill & Diana Simon;Josh & Jessica Hiniker.

In Memory/Honor of:Dan & Kay Erickson (Mike Erickson & Pat Gilles); Linda Oberpillar (Living & Deceased family members); Shirley Dehning (Myron Dehning); Nancy Rice (Leroy, Elaine, Pat, Jim & Jason Carroll); Bunny Mercord (Dick Mercord, Ted & Hazel Winters); Dan & Jennifer Christensen ( Dr. Anne Scherman); Mark & Sheila Helmer(Mary Wiedman & Judi Helmer); Bill & Cindy Early (Marc & Fran Tobias, John/Martha/Mike Early); Dick Miller(Bonnie Miller); Chad & Charity Lubich (John W Lubich); George & Stella Johnson (Joleen Johnson, George & Laura Johnson, Joseph & Magdalene Reinardy); Jerry & Beth Voss (Charlie & Dorothy Most); Richard &Rochelle Schulte (Mueller & Schulte Families); Dave Murphy (Don Murphy, Dawn Davidson & Judi Helmer);Tom & Margaret Driscoll (John & Ellen Driscoll, Dan Driscoll & Carol Marshall); Tom & Darla Ironside (Deceasedmembers of the Casey & Ironside families): James and Janet Kennedy ( Lorenz & Jennie Freitag, Jack and Julie Kennedy); Bernard & Carol Wisniewski (Mr. & Mrs. Leo G Fox & Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wisniewski); Jason &Bridget Akey (Thomas Osowski); Ron & Anita Sterud ( Deceased family members); Daniel & Monica Laust (Warren & Emma Laust, Joseph and Martha Pete); Bob & Naomi Lewiski ( Nicholas Lewiski); Gerald & GayleWrisky (Deceased members of Rein & Wrisky families); John & Peggy Schommer ( Deceased members of Lindstrom & Schommer families); Gary & Sue Soberg (George Soberg, Jr & Rose Mary Soberg); Joseph & Joyce Santo (Evin & Errol Santo); Terre’e Langer ( Clara & Mike Pavek); Mike Meier (Sandy Meier, Gus& Theresa Meier).

Page 6: Lyric Opera and sing with the choir for ST. JOSEPH

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