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Faith, Love, Power &





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WORD Network SUNDAY @ 6pm

Dear City of Praise Family,

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV). We are commanded by Jesus to treat each other with love and kindness. And we do well here at COPFM. We smile and greet each other with hugs and kisses. Oh, but then Jesus threw a wrench in the commandment. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27). You see, it is easy to love people who love us, people whom we trust. But God’s kind of love means also loving those who hurt us or misuse us. It means making a conscious effort to help them, to be kind to them. “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18). The world hated Jesus, but He loved everyone, in spite of the fact that they betrayed Him, turned their backs on Him and despised Him. And He laid down His life for the sins of the world so that God could forgive us. We, as His disciples, can do no less than to follow His example. Because God has forgiven our sins, we should not withhold love and forgiveness from others. We are to be living examples of Jesus’ love. This is how others will come to know Him—through us and the love that we show them.

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34 NIV)

God bless you,

Bishop Joel and Pastor Ylawnda Peebles


Bishop Joel Peebles & Pastor Ylawnda Peebles, Diane George, Evan George, Kitrina Marie Ross, Paulette Shelton and Raymond Morse

Lion’s Roar




P3 ...........................PROPHESIES

P7 .................. JESUS, MY PEACE


Faith, Love, Power &

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When Pharoah refused to let the Israelites go, God sent the death angel to kill all of the

firstborn of Egypt. However, to the Israelites He sent His protection. He told them to sacrifice an unblemished lamb, and to spread its blood on the doorpost. And when the angel saw the blood, he passed over that residence and all within were safe from death.

The story of redemption actually starts there. Redemption means to “buy back”, or to “save from captivity by paying a ransom”. One way to buy back a slave was to offer a superior slave in exchange. To buy us back from captivity of sin and death, God offered His own Son in exchange for us. His Son, who was without sin, was the unblemished lamb. Our bodies are the temple of God, and we are the doorposts covered by the Blood of Jesus. The angel of sin and death must pass us by. It has no power over us.

As we walk into 2014, we must remember who we are and Whose we are. 2013 has truly been a year of training for many of us. However, we leave that year behind and we are ready to walk into 2014 with great expectations of God’s blessings and promises. We leave behind doubt, fear and worry, and we move forward in confidence, taking

with us 4 mega-weapons from God—faith, love, power and peace. We walk in faith because without faith it is impossible to please God, and because “this is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4 NIV). We walk in love because “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4 NIV). We walk in the power of God through His Holy Ghost. “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:8). And finally we walk in peace because walking in faith, love and power brings us peace—that divine supernatural peace that God has worked it all out.

Never forget who you are in Christ Jesus, and get ready to walk into a new season in Him. It may bring some new challenges, but each new challenge is a stepping stone to a higher promotion. And each season gets us ready for the next one. By the time God gets through with us, we will be refined like pure gold, and ready to handle with ease the blessings in store for us.

By: Bishop Joel Peebles

Faith, Love, Power &

PEACEWe leave behind doubt, fear and worry,

and we move forward in confidence, taking with us 4 mega-weapons from God—

faith, love, power and peace.

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Glory! I want to certainly give honor to whom honor is due, but

right before I honor the senior statesman in this sanctuary and before I recognize the angel of this house and give honor to whom it is due, while I was sitting there and you were decreeing victory, you were singing about victory and decreeing victory; the Holy Spirit of God spoke to me and he said, I am going to give this house a forty day miracle, a forty day turn around. Just as the Israelites were in the wilderness for forty years, he said, In forty days you’re coming out and you’re coming through and this victory will shut the mouth of the lion. You better praise him like it’s day forty; you need to praise him like it is day forty. You need to scream and shout like it’s day forty. He said he’s going to do it in forty days.

City of Praise, you’re standing right here on the threshold of the greatest victory in your journey. Turn around and tell four people, it’s my moment. Yes, I missed my cycle… I missed my season… but I refuse to miss my moment.

I believe this church has been raised up. This ministry, the spirit of survival is in this house. I said the spirit of survival is in this house but it’s not good enough if we don’t know why we survived. We didn’t survive just to shout. We survived to change the nation.

Bishop Manwell Grady The devil tried to blast you but I believe in 2014 you’re going to make the devil pay in the City. Somebody in this room, you’re getting ready to go into what you used to look up to.

I heard about what the devil tried to do but it backfired, and God had to show the nation what a real family does in times of hard seasons. They stick together; they keep each other’s backs. And he’s [God] about to make a fool of the enemy for everything he tried to do and everything he tried to bring up and everything he tried to break. God

is going to make the devil pay, and when God makes the devil pay he’s got to pay with interest… seven fold.

I wish you could see what I see. You’ve been bleeding for a while but I came from the outside to be your help. It’s getting ready to change, change, change.

Bishop Joby Brady And before the end of 2014, saith the Lord, I shall cause even the enemies to repent. I will cause those that have made a commitment one with the other to kill and destroy the life of God that is raised up within this vessel, I will cause the enemy to turn on themselves. They shall begin to devour their own flesh, for the man of God hath spoken this and every man shall be a liar and God be truth. Because you have chosen, oh man of God, the root to refuse bitterness, I will cause your name to be raised high, and I will cause it to be echoed to corners of the world, the globe, the earth. You’ll be known throughout the continent of Africa and Europe and even to the Far East. And I shall cause, yea, even in this City, I will cause even fathers now to turn with approval and even public proclamation that this is the doing of the Lord. I shall cause unprecedented favor to find you and follow you. You shall never worry nor fret about the finances of the future because I’m going before thee, saith the Lord, and every step you take toward my purpose, the finances, the money for the vision will always be there waiting for you. Yea, saith the Lord, you will never have to pray and turn and look and ask

Bishop Joel R. Peebles, Sr. Ordination Prophecies given through Bishop Brady and Bishop Grady

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and believe or beg for the finances to complete the vision for I have released a wealth of anointing upon you that your favor will find your faithfulness. And every door that you walk through, every doorway and passage of purpose, know that the supply is already there waiting for you. You shall want for nothing, lack nothing, be without anything. Even in 2015, I see, saith the Lord, in the word of prophetic unction and utterance there’s even a new home in the natural. Hallelujah, a new home. For even the things that were promised afore time that were written and spoken that would belong to you that has been removed by the acts of the enemy the spirit of the Lord said that that I’m going to give you is beyond and will surpass even the things promised to you. And I will fill that house with all good things, great things. You shall not be under the pressure, saith the Lord, and even in your physical frame that the Lord reverse every curse. Everything that’s fighting against you the Lord reverses. And the process starts now, saith the

Lord. I shall touch your body, touch even the structure of the bones, the marrow, even the blood, the bloodstream, the blood flow I will touch saith the Lord. For with long life shall you

stand by this man and raise up this your people. Yea, there shall not be an anointing of elevation upon the man without the anointing of elevation resting upon you. For how shall two walk together unless they agree and can see eye to eye? For this day the Lord releases fresh oil upon you also, daughter. The things that you concern yourself about the Lord God Almighty shall intervene. I don’t know daughter if you realize how close to God you are because it would never be something you’d talk about, but you do know what I’m saying because of the personal visitations of the Lord Jesus; and it would not be something that you would share publicly because it’s always been a private encounter. And because you have the heart of a worshipper, God said to tell you, “I’ve got your back and your heart all the days of your life,” and it shall be so for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it and it is so.

Bishop Grady Bishop, the Lord is going to reward you for your refusal to be bitter. As a matter of fact there is even going to be a circumstance when you are going to have to come and even help those who sought to bring you down. God says because of this Joseph-like anointing on your life, the Christ like ability to forgive and restore, it will cause those who are about to have a visitation to hell to repent and right their lives. And the example will ripple out throughout all of this nation, and other pastors will be convicted by your compassion.

Bishop Brady And all of the negative press that you’ve received I’m going to double it with positive press, saith the Lord. And you have heard it said so it shall be so. Sir, I will give you double for all your trouble. You will come out of this with no smell of smoke on you. You have been through the fire but I was in the fire with you, and make no mistake there will be no smell of smoke left; no one will ever know you’ve even been in a fire. For the positive press shall remove all of the negative accusations.

Bishop Grady And there are some government officials that are watching how this thing blows over and once it’s over they’re going to call on you because you are going to be the City in the city- the voice to the city. They are going to come in private, like Nicodemus at night coming to Jesus. And then as you create relationships they are going to start coming to you in public. And they are going to begin to give credibility, not just in the church but in the secular arena. And it’s going to go further to shut the mouths of those not just in this city but in this nation.

Bishop Brady And I will give you back what has tried to be stolen and taken from you, but I’m going to give it back to you with a spirit of renovation; and you will not even be able to tell that it was in the hands of the enemy. For I will drive out every spirit. And there are those that have walked throughout that building and the property and they know within

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themselves that it is going to be reversed. So they have said and stood in agreement that when they depart and you re-enter they have prayed a curse in the atmosphere. But the Lord goes before you son, the Lord goes before you. And I, saith the Lord, as I go before you I will clean up the atmosphere. I will remove the stench of death and the stench of the curse. You shall walk in and there shall be a freshness released that shall bring a refreshing to this whole region. You shall stand on the platform that the Holy Spirit built for you to reign over. And I will fill that house, saith the Lord, I will fill the house. And to this household do you hear the word of the living God? As the transition comes and those that have left and departed, those that have built an alliance against the anointing, I will bring them back in broken and humbled and you shall receive them as though they never departed. I will bring them back, saith the Lord. but I will bring them back broken and you shall not lay a hand or charge against them for I will give grace even to the wicked. It is not your choice, saith the Lord, and it’s not your decision, saith God, whom you receive and accept. I shall call the spirit of jubilee to come and it shall be echoed around the world of the glory that rests upon you and rests upon the City of Praise. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Bishop Grady Your father went to heaven with unfinished vision and business in his heart. The Lord said the mantle to finish has fallen upon you and the mantle of your mother upon your wife. And when you go back into this place of praise God says, I’m going to send the press to record restoration, part of restoring your name, restoring your family, giving your children their dignity back from what was said in the school behind their backs; because their schoolmates’ parents said something against their parents. God said I’m going to vindicate every one of your children. I’m going to vindicate the family. I’m going to vindicate everyone that stood. And God says, in this congregation, I’m getting ready to reward those of you who were loyal with faithfulness, who pulled the sword out and said we shall die together if we die. Your jobs are coming, your promotions are coming, your businesses are coming, entrepreneurship is coming, appointments are coming because God will always reward those

that hold up the hands of the man of God. And for you woman of God, there are more nonprofits you will start that will help young girls, teenage girls, girls who have fallen into hard times and pregnancy. God says there is ministry in you that has not even been formulated yet. It swirls around in your mind when you drive. And when you’re worshipping sometimes the Lord will pop ideas in your head, in the middle of worship. God says when I bring y’all back, I’m bringing you back strong. And some of those things I held back because I did not want them manifested in the middle of a mess. But God says when I clean this mess up all the things that have been held up and stopped up, are going to start to flow. Then you will understand why you couldn’t do it in 2010 and 2009. God says it’s about to be the season of those who have walked beyond reason. It is the time for the City to give true praise, thus saith the Lord.

Bishop Brady And I see, I don’t know if it was the vision of Apostle Peebles or Bishop. I don’t know whose vision it was in the inception but that vision will not waste and it will not die because I will give you within the City a bank and this house will have its own financial banking system. And I see acreage and I see property. I see a subdivision. I see a subdivision. I don’t know whose vision that was that was passed down but God said I’m going to bring that back and I’m going to give you your own subdivision, saith the Lord. And God said I shall prosper you all the days of your life. Now God said to tell you that I’m going to cause fathers to receive, cause fathers to speak well of you but this wealth that I‘m getting ready to bring you into is going to create a whole new level of enemies. But the Spirit of the Lord said don’t you worry about an enemy because it shall be as this. You shall get through this with victory. The press shall praise what has taken place by only divine sovereignty but as you get through that, the wealth that is coming. I see increasing unprecedented wealth, I see multi-millionaires being raised up in this house. And the new level of wealth will create a new level of enemies but God said don’t even fret the enemies don’t even give them any attention, don’t even pay them no mind, because it’s only temporary too.

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My Peace in Every SituationJesus,

By: M.I.T. Joshua Rogers

B ishop preached an amazing message last month on “Protecting Your Peace”. It was

life changing. I left the service asking the Lord, “How can I personally enter into that place of total peace?” The Holy Spirit said to me very clearly as I walked out of the sanctuary, “Peace comes only as you abide in it and see Jesus in every situation.” I left the service with that Word ringing in my head, and when I arrived home He showed me in his Word what He was saying.

“You (Jesus) will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.” (Isaiah 26:3 AMP)

The Holy Spirit began to take me even further in scripture and taught me that Jesus is the “Prince of Peace”(Isa 9:6). Peace is the very nature of Jesus, and whenever a situation would appear before him that would attempt to disturb his peace, Jesus would immediately rebuke the disturbance. When he was asleep and the storm was too loud for his personal liking, he walked to the deck of the ship, spoke to the storm and said, “Peace be still.” In other words, he said, “Be quiet, I am sleeping,” and he went back to sleep. In Luke Chapter 4 as he was walking through the synagogue and the demon in the man began to scream causing a distraction in the service, Jesus told the Spirit, “Hold your peace, and come out.” Or “Stop the ruckus and leave this place.” Jesus personified peace, and every place he went his peace reigned over all confusion. That is why he had peace that passed all understanding. A beautiful truth the Lord revealed to me was that this same peace that he operated in he gave to us. “Peace I leave unto you, MY peace I give unto you not as the world gives.” (John 14:27)

Why does he not give us peace as the world does? It is because the world only knows “seasons” of peace, and then there is another disturbance that

ends the peace the world has. The world’s peace is situational, but Jesus is the same today and forever more, so if he is everlasting, the peace that he gives us is everlasting. The way to receive this peace is through abiding in Jesus and having constant fellowship and communion with him. An example of abiding in Jesus is located in Matthew 14:25-31, the story of Jesus and Peter walking on the water. Peter was in a boat full of fear and confusion that was being tossed, turned and possibly on the verge of flipping over. He was hearing people panicking and screaming, while Jesus was out on the water in a state of peace in a situation that was not so peaceful. Why? It is because he was in control of the situation the whole time (Jesus is always in control). The Lord called out to Peter and told him “Come.” In other words Jesus was telling Peter even in this crazy situation come to me and you’ll receive peace in and during this situation. The Lord said to me, “Do you know what I was saying to him when I said COME?” He was saying,



M & E- ME

Jesus was telling Peter “See Only ME in the situation. Come out from the midst of confusion and abide in me, and I will not only give you peace, but be your peace.” Abiding in Jesus and making him number one in your life is the only way to receive this peace. Start your day in prayer and worship daily. This sets you in a place of peace, and yes the devil will attempt to disturb your peace throughout the day, but remember he is already a defeated foe. The gifts of God are irrevocable, meaning “not able to be changed, reversed or recover.” He can’t take your peace from you because he cannot take Jesus from you. Abide in this gift.

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8 Lion’s RoarFor all scheduled events, go to” and click on “Events”

Fri, Feb 14 Mastering 70’s Throwback Metro Points Hotel New Carrollton, MD 35.00 per person 7pm – 12 midnight


Sun, Feb 16 @ 4pm Sacred Place Community Church @ The Union— Rev. Darrell Owens, Pastor (Pastor Owens’ Birthday) 7371 Old Alexander Ferry Rd Clinton, MD 20735


Wed, Feb 19 @ 7:30pm Greater Works International Church— Pastor Yusef Fletcher 10 Year Church Anniversary 8329 Old Marlboro Pike, Suite B2 Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

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Children’sMinistryChildren’s Church 1st Annual Retreat “It’s not my Ministry!” This is a common statement made by many when thinking of serving in the Children’s Ministry. But what does God say? Come out and see how God blesses those who take care of His anointed children. The first annual Children’s Church Retreat will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2013 from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Metro Points Hotel, located at 8500 Annapolis Rd, New Carrollton, Maryland 20784. If you have an interest in serving children, would like to help our ministry with technology, have a gift or talent that can be shared with children, or need safety training as a member of helps, safety or other ministry that serves children, please come out. Morning topics

will include “The Roles of Those Charged with Children’s Safety”, “The COPFM Child Protection Policy”, “How to Obtain the Online Safety Clearance and Training”, and much more. There will be other exciting hands-on workshops as well. Please email [email protected] or call the church office if you plan to come, so that we will be able to properly serve you.

Children’s Church Service Project Please continue to donate soap and washcloths to the Children’s Church during this month. The children are continuing the collection of items so that they can bless other children in an African village. Your donations to help the children serve are welcomed.

Road 2 College Ministry Come to the Road 2 College Ministry and get your application fees paid and an SAT Survival Kit.

Calling All High School Juniors and Seniors to the Road 2 College—Class Connection! On Sunday, February 9, 2014, directly after the 10:00 a.m. service at Roosevelt High School, the Road 2 College Ministry will meet to help seniors complete college applications and both juniors and seniors prepare for college essays. All application fees for college admission are paid by the ministry, so please plan to attend this urgent meeting. If you are undecided as to where to apply or need other assistance, there will be individuals there to help you. Juniors who attend, or anyone planning to take the SAT in the near future, will receive free SAT survival kits. Prepare early for our college essay drawing which will be held over the summer. To be eligible, essays must be received by July 30, 2014 with a printed sheet showing that the essay responds to a question or topic from a college of your choice. Juniors, learn how to write your college essays now, and avoid the stress that you might face in your senior year. Seniors- if you still need to apply for college, we can help! Make a commitment toward your future and come to the workshop.

By: Minister Debbie Henry

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