Download - LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration 2011 Hydrocode Simulation of the Ries Crater Impact This work was conducted as part of a NASA Astrobiology.


LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Hydrocode Simulationof the

Ries Crater Impact

This work was conducted as part of aNASA Astrobiology project (David A. Kring, PI).

The modeling team includedElisabetta PierazzoJoseph N. Spitale

David A. Kring

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Kring (2005)

Ries Crater

Ries Crater

• Complex Crater

• 24-26 km final crater diameter

• 12-16 km transient crater diameter

• The impact occurred 14 to 15 Ma

• The larger crater of a binary impact with a WSW to ENE trajectory; the other crater is called Steinheim

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Ries Target Sequence

Ries Crater

• The target sequence is composed of 600 m of sedimentary lithologies and an underlying granitic basement

• A computer hydrocode called CTH was used to model the impact event.

• The Malmian limestone thickens from the north to the south. For the model, and average thickness of 150 m was utilized.

Pierazzo, Spitale, & Kring (2001)

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Hydrocode Simulation of Ries Impact

Pierazzo, Spitale, & Kring (2001)

Movie of Impact

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Ries Target Sequence

Pierazzo, Spitale, & Kring (2001)

Ries Crater

• Four time-steps in the hydrocode simulation of the impact event

• The projectile is 1.6 km in diameter and strikes at an angle of 45º at a velocity of 15 km/s.

• The trajectory is from WSW to ENE (left to right), so a plume of ejecta is thrown down- range (to the right).

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Ries Target Sequence

Ries Crater

• Schematic view of the Ries and Steinheim craters after the impact event

• Because a sea cross-cut the ejecta ENE of the crater, a lot of that material was eroded. The best preserved impact ejecta deposits occur to the south of the crater

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011

Reconstruction of Ries Transient Crater

Transient crater

• Melt (dark gray zone) extended to a depth slightly greater than 2 km and was dominated by silicate basement lithologies

• The excavation depth (medium gray zone) approached 2 km

• The transient crater depth of disturbed rock (light gray zone) approached 5 km

• Fracturing of the crust extended to depths of about 6 km

Kring (2005)

LPI-JSC Center for Lunar Science and Exploration2011


D.A. Kring (2005) Hypervelocity collisions into continental crust composed of sediments and an underlying crystalline basement: comparing the Ries (~24 km) and Chicxulub (~180 km) impact craters. Chemie der Erde 65, 1-46, invited review.

E. Pierazzo, J.N. Spitale, and D.A. Kring (2001) Hydrocode modeling of the Ries impact event. Lunar and Planetary Science XXXII, Abstract #2106.