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LOVING YOUR INCOME: The No-Nonsense Guide to Making Money from What You Love

One of the biggest things I work with clients on is what I call “loving your income”. In other words, I help them find a career that they’re passionate about.

This isn’t new advice of course, but the difference is, I like to take it a step further. In my mind, one of the biggest benefits of enjoying what you do is often overlooked.

And that’s the idea that when you like what you do, you’re more likely to dedicate yourself to it. You’ll push yourself further and inevitably do a better job than in a profession where you’re just counting down the minutes until you clock out.

Think about a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. They didn’t start working with computers to make money. They did it because they love technology. And they enjoyed it so much that they pushed the field – and their careers – to new limits.

For that reason, it doesn’t have to be a choice between a career that pays a lot and a career you enjoy. You can have both. Many people do.

It’s a process I often guide my clients through. I can show you the way too.

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FINDING YOUR PASSIONIt all starts with figuring out what you love doing, enough so that you wouldn’t mind making it a career.

This might be a no-brainer for some. But I find many of my clients have trouble talking about what they’re really passionate about.

We’ve got to get to the root. Find what it is that gets you truly excited. But we don’t stop there.

In many cases, we may even have to dig into the interest itself and discover what really drives that passion.

MAKING MONEY FROM YOUR INTERESTSThe biggest excuse that people throw out is, “I can’t possibly make money from this”.

But you’d be surprised. In today’s information age, many people are able to make money in ways we couldn’t have dreamed about just 10 years ago. Some of the highest paying careers are ones that are just newly created.

There is a way to turn your passions into a real, viable income, you just have to think outside the box.

This is something I go more in depth with in my book, laying out many of the possible options that exist for modern professionals and entrepreneurs.

They’re a lot easier than you might think.

LANDING YOUR DREAM JOBWhatever your dream job is, it’s going to require some work. That could mean formal schooling, selfstudy, practice, or the right connections.

The important part is researching the field and laying out a course of action. What do you need to do next... and after that... and after that, to get to your goal.

Research your chosen profession and map out your path from start to finish.

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INCREASING YOUR INCOMEWhen you first break into your field of choice, the income may not be ideal. That’s okay.

Because you’re not done yet. In fact, you’re only just beginning. You’ll be using what you already learned to make more and more money in your field of interest.

This doesn’t necessarily mean a promotion, like it would in a traditional career. Your dream job may not have much room for advancement.

That doesn’t mean you can’t increase your income. I coach my clients on using modern business ideas and strategies to help them make more money, even in fields where it may not seem possible.

This could mean improving your marketing or creating a whole new income stream, using a completely different business model. Don’t fall for the idea that raises and promotions are the only way to take your career to the next level.

TAKING ACTIONThe difference between dreams and reality is action. You’ve got to go out, put in the work, take the steps, and make it happen.

This is where many people falter. Whether it’s a fear of failure, a fear of success, or just a lack of selfdiscipline, most of us never follow through with our dreams.

That’s why I love what I do so much. My passion is helping others realize theirs.

When you have someone holding you accountable, whether it’s a friend or a spouse or a success coach, this can be just what we need to stay on track and run the race to the finish. I touch base with my clients regularly to make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to.

If you’re really serious about creating the career you’ve always dreamed about, you can find a more detailed look at the steps above in my book.

If you’ve been looking for a change, if you’re feeling stagnant or unhappy in your current career, what do you have to lose?