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Louis Comfort Tiffany

‘What if’ Metropolis


Louis Comfort Tiffany is an American artist born in, (February 18, 1848 – January 17, 1933) New York City. During his early life in he got his first artistic training in George Inness in Eagleswood, New Jersey. During those time he produced a lot of photo realistic oil painting. Then in 1875 he moved on to glassmaking during this time he worked as an interior decorator and making his personal glasses and lamps for house. Later on he was employed by The First Presbyterian Church to design their stained glass windows with his special technique called ‘copper foil’ (wrapping cut glass with copper).

Initial thoughts

Looking at Louis Tiffany’s work my first impressions was:

• Clear

• Colourful

• Vibrant

• Delicate

• Religious

• Smooth

• Futuristic

• Fragile

• Elegant

• Expensive

Tiffany’s work especially the lamps has a particular shape to them as they already look like then are buildings of some sort and well as some resemble the environment.

Tiffany’s work is also very vibrant in colour with uses of bright colour such as yellow, blue and gree.