Download - loomfield Road, NILMA Nilma 3821 · display to all areas of your learning. It has been great to see you developing your resilience to persist with challenging learning tasks. Your

Page 1: loomfield Road, NILMA Nilma 3821 · display to all areas of your learning. It has been great to see you developing your resilience to persist with challenging learning tasks. Your




We hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday break! It’s great to see the school community eager to continue their learning in term 3! SCHOOL REVIEW—Feedback Nilma Primary school will be conducting the School Review this term. The school review is a process that all schools complete every four years. We will conduct a pre-review self evaluation of the previous four years work—School Strategic plan, Annual Implementation plan, School performance reports and any other relevant data/information. We are conducting surveys and interviews to gain feedback from students, parents and staff as well. We assess whether we have achieved our goals as well as build some new goals towards a new four year—School Strategic Plan (SSP). The plan will outline our new goals and key strategies to implement to work towards achieving the goals, with the focus is on improving student outcomes. The company we will be using to support us through the process will be RADii. Our school reviewer is Sharon Adams, and we have two peer principals of other primary schools, namely Julie Kennedy and Melissa Rock. Julie and Melissa will be challenge partners to support our Peer Review, by providing us with a different view of our school data and challenge our thinking so we can gain the best outcomes for students at Nilma.

During the next 2 weeks we will be asking all parents, teachers and students to:

1. Complete the RADII online survey and answer some questions.

The information below is to allow the various respondents to access their surveys anonymously. Respondents should follow this procedure; (a) Go to (b) Enter the relevant Survey ID as listed below. (c) Click SUBMIT. (d) Logoff to save and record the responses. Parent Survey ID: mut347

2. Complete the school based survey. Parent Opinion Survey and Student Attitude to school survey

3. KidsMatter Interview Survey The KidsMatter survey will be conducted by Anne Prime (School Chaplain). Anne will touch base with every family and discuss questions around building partnerships and relationships within the school to support the social and emotional needs of students. This information will support Nilma to review our programs and maybe seek out other ways to build relationships to enhance student learning. Anne will either contact families and have face to face meetings or phone conversations. This information will also help to shape the pastoral care role of the chaplain at Nilma too. Thanks in anticipation of your commitment to providing feedback to the school.

4. Student Family Interview Students will also bring home some questions to interview parents about Nilma next week.

What does our school do well?

What could our school do better?

What suggestions do you have for future improvements and/or considerations?

What kind of school do we hope to be in five years, further on…?

WHOLE SCHOOL EXCURSION On Friday 28th July the whole school will participate in an excursion to Melbourne. Years F-2 will be visiting the Zoo and Years 3-6 will visit the Botanical Gardens. This excursion will focus on biological science, as part of the science curriculum area studied at school. F-2 students will travel to and from the Zoo by bus and students in years 3-6 will travel by bus to the Botanical Gardens and return by train. More information about the excursion can be found on page 5. Permission forms were sent home last term, if you have not yet returned your form, another one is attached to the newsletter. YEAR 4/3 HOOPTIME Selected students in years 4/3 will represent Nilma PS at the Hooptime competition at the Warragul Leisure Centre on Thursday 3rd August. Students will need to be dropped off at 9am and collected at 2.30pm on the day. SMALL SCHOOLS IMMERSION DAY Students in years 6/5 will participate in a Small Schools Immersion Day at Warragul Regional College on Wednesday 2nd August. Information and permission forms are attached to the newsletter.


Principal Ms Annette Sutherland Business Manager Mrs Rachel Hammond School Council President Mrs Nicki Kimm


day 2





e 21—2017


Principal Notes ..1 Student Awards ..2 Curriculum Corner ..4 School Organisation ..5 Calendar ..6

Bloomfield Road, Nilma 3821 Telephone: (03)56232963 Email: [email protected] Website:


Principal Notes

VCOP - BIG WRITE Tomorrow is the ‘Big Write’ session where students will engage in writing a narrative. As part of our Learning Under the Guidance of Home (LAUGH) Program, there is a ‘Talk Topic’ set to encourage conversation and ideas for the students writing. The ‘Talk Topic’ is Water. Please refer to the document attached to the newsletter for further information on the Big Write and how to conduct a ‘Talk Topic’ at home.

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R.E.A.L STUDENTS @ NILMA Learner of the Week

Recognitions Homegroup 1/F Red

Layla Williames For the excellent effort you put into all

areas of your learning. You love learning and try your very best. Well done on your

reading efforts this week. Keep it up Layla!

Homegroup 2 Green

Savannah Farmer For making good choices with your

learning. You have been ‘on task’ and completed all learning tasks. A great

start to Term 3!

Homegroup 4/3 Blue Beth Axford

For the conscientious approach you display to all areas of your learning. It has

been great to see you developing your resilience to persist with challenging

learning tasks. Your positive attitude sets a fine example for your fellow students.

Keep up the fine effort Beth!

Homegroup 6/5/4 Yellow Daniel Axford

For your attitude and approach to your learning. It is awesome to see you

working hard at being a Visible Learner and sharing your successes with your

peers and teachers. Keep up the excellent work!

L.A.U.G.H Program Learning Activities Under

Guidance of Home NIGHTLY READING

50 Nights Ashley Griggs

75 Nights Aiden Olsson Piper Bundle

Patrick Dalrymple 100 Nights

Thomas Buckler Shyla Quigley Emma Brown Claire Simon

Beth Axford Alice-Ann Simon Taleah Hammond Caleb Brown

Finnigan Young 125 Nights

Lewis Devlin Meg Devlin Blake Hanmer Alice-Ann Simon

150 Nights Cohen Cogo Charlotte Goodchild

Isobella Salsbury-Challons Olivia Addison Will Cane Natasha Salsbury-Challons



Blake Hanmer

Makayla Campbell

Ashley Griggs

Patrick Dalrymple

Savannah Salsbury-Challons Jesse Matthews

Isobella Salsbury-Challons Levi Farmer

Shyla Quigley Beth Axford

Ashlee Cooke Charlotte Goodchild

Claire-Rose Simon Bailey-Jack Christoph




Congratulations to the following students who have independently completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Isabella Salsbury-Challons, Meg Devlin, Teylah Lott, Jessie McCabe and Taleah Hammond. A fantastic effort that reflects your positive

attitude to reading and literature. Well done!

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This term's science focus is on Biological Science, and our homegroup will be learning about the conditions that effect the growth of micro organisms. We started by engaging our interest in the difference between types of bread and we will talk about the microorganism that makes that change. For our project this term, we will need 2L drink bottles and 350mL- 400mL drink bottles (with lids) for various experiments. Donations will be greatly appreciated!

Holiday Happiness

On the holidays I helped mum and dad build a veranda. James

On the holidays I went to Phillip Island. Levi

On the holidays I went to James’ house, also James came to my house. James is my best friend. Patrick

On the holidays I went to Finn’s house for dinner. I saw Cars 3 with Mum and Oliver and Bentley. Vivien On the holidays I went to Gumbuya Park. I did mini golf. Caleb

On the holidays I went to Gumbuya Park. I got an ice-cream. Layla

Home Group - 6/5/4 -

Lemon Yellow

Home Group - 2 -

Emerald Green

Home Group - 1/F -

Ruby Red

Holiday Journal Writing

Cool! Today Miller, Maddy, Hannah, Alex and I got to go to the pool in Melbourne. It was awesome! When we got to the pool we paid to get in and got changed. Then

we jumped in and I jumped in with Maddy. ‘This is cool!” said Miller going to the slide. He went down with me on the double, it was awesome! Half the time it

was dark and cold. Hannah and Alex went together as well then we went on one more ride and we

went home. When we were home I felt tired out but what a great day! By Shila

On the holidays I saw whales at Phillip Island. Amazing things! I had lots of fun. I even went to a creepy room and it scared Mum. There was a huge maze. I got to go

through the maze and I got to the end. I had lunch there. I had chips and they were yummy! By Kael

On Sunday Jasmine and I went to camp at Phillip Island. Jasmine and I were excited to go on camp again. When

we got there it felt so cool to be going on my 6th camp. I had two cabin leaders, Tristan and Bailey. The other campers in my cabin were Zac, Tas, Archie and Lachie. It was 5 nights and 6 days. On the sixth day,

Friday I went home. I had $2.50 for a vending machine and I got a Metro chewy, a fuzzy bag and had my photo

taken. …………………by Will Cane

Home Group - 4/3 -

Aqua Blue



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Welcome back to term 3 and I trust you had a break from the usual and managed to enjoy your families without pressure. You will have remembered that we have been talking about the ‘The 5 Love languages of our children or the 5 ways our kids know we love them. ( adults also need these same language but we are focusing on children here). They are 1. Words of Affirmation, 2. Quality Time, 3.Receiving Gifts, 4. Acts of Service and 5. Physical Touch. You might say of course we do all these things. But many times we use them in a negative fashion (the flip side of what the author means in these articles). Parents can use Words to ‘control’ as demands, putdowns and reprimands and the child doesn’t hear words of encouragement, affirmation or general conversation. From the parents perspective it may be because the parent works, or there are other little kids that are more demanding, perhaps a parent’s health issue or maybe even a risk of unemployment or loss of pension. Life’s circumstances often control our responses. Adults understand these things but kids need you to affirm and encourage verbally despite the circumstances that surround the parent. Some kids might say their parent is born grumpy. But I’m here to remind you as a parent that even grumps can keep their mouths closed and practice a smile as they focus on the child at least once a day. ‘Time’ can be used as a carrot i.e. get this done and then this and when that’s finished we will have time together (but it never happens because kids don’t get things done under their own steam therefore there is no ‘one to one time’). We adults justify ourselves by saying “it’s their own fault – don’t blame me. I told them to get the job done first.” ‘Gifts’ too, can be used as a carrot in much the same way – a bribe to do better. ‘Serving’s flip side, is turning service into ways to earn pocket money ( for services rendered) rather than doing something for someone without expectations. ‘Physical touch’ has a ‘ flip side’ as well. Taking the child by the shoulders and marching them off to their room, pinning them into a chair or up against the wall until they calm down may be necessary for some at times but is not the sort of touch that is referred to here. Generally speaking each of the 5 love languages should be seen as a ‘given’ for each child, meaning they are given in spite of the child’s behaviour, in spite of your tiredness, in spite of work circumstances, and in spite of the rudeness of a colleague or spouse. In short I am saying that we need to separate in our minds the child from the behaviour and see that the child receives all five areas positively every day. You’ll be surprised at the improvement at home and in the classroom. We’ll continue on next week with ‘quality time’ ideas in a busy life. Anne Prime (Chaplain)

Thank you to all parents for coming along to the Parent-Teacher discussions that were held at the end of last term. It was great to see so many parents also come along and access their child’s portfolio online, with their child/ren, and celebrate learning and achievements together. We invite parents to give the school feedback on the process, giving us any ideas and suggestions that we can then implement or keep at our next discussions and during any communication between the school and families. We thank you for your response and appreciate your feedback.





PARENT TEACHER DISCUSSION FEEDBACK ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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SCHOOL ORGANISATION EARN AND LEARN AT WOOLWORTHS From the 26th of July to September 19th Earn and Learn will be happening at Safeway. For every 10 dollars you spend you will earn one Woolworths Earn and Learn sticker. The stickers can be put on Sticker sheet. The sticker sheet is attached to the newsletter. The sticker sheet can be dropped in a collection box which will be kept outside the office. The stickers will help the school to get educational resources.

SCHOOL BANKING Due to staffing changes in the Office, School Banking Day will now be on a Friday. Please see the calendar for dates.

FAMILY STATEMENTS Family statements are attached to the Newsletter. Please contact the Office for further information and queries.

ABSENCE FORMS Absence forms are attached to the newsletter for use through the term.

MELBOURNE EXCURSION - Friday 28th July YEARS F-2 @ MELBOURNE ZOO Students will travel by bus to and from Melbourne Zoo. Students will need to be at Nilma PS no later than 8am. They will then depart from Nilma at approx. 8.15am and will return at approx. 4pm. Students will need to be in full school uniform, wearing appropriate footwear for walking, and bring their snack and lunch in named separate bags. Please also name drink bottles.

YEARS 3-6 @ THE BOTANICAL GARDENS Students are to arrive at the Warragul Train station no later than 7.45am to travel by bus at approx. 7.55am to the Botanical Gardens. They will return by train to the Warragul station by approx. 4pm. Students will need to be in full school uniform and wear appropriate footwear for walking. Students are to bring their lunch, drinks and snacks with them in a small backpack.

The cost for both excursions is covered by the Excursion Levy, if you have not yet paid the levy then please make payment to the Office by Wednesday 26th July.


HEALTHY LUNCH FRIDAYS @ NILMA Nilma PS is investigating the possibility of offering a weekly lunch order for students. The lunch orders would be offered once a week on Fridays. We are currently exploring healthy options with local businesses. Thanks to parents for providing honest feedback. Our lunch orders should reflect our school values and our healthy eating policies as much as possible. We will let the school community know further information about the lunch order options as we review it. _________________________________________________________________________________________________


Family Name _____________________________________________________________________ I would be happy to support the Healthy Lunch Fridays @ Nilma I am available to help support the program (a roster system will be generated) Signed __________________________________________ Date __________________

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Issue 21– 20/07/2017

JULY 2017

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su


Breakfast Club

25 26

Breakfast Club

27 28



29 30


School Closure


Curriculum Day



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su

1 2

Year 6/5 Small Schools

Immersion Day Breakfast Club


Year 4/3

Hooptime MARC VAN






School Banking

5 6


Breakfast Club

8 9

Breakfast Club

10 11

School Banking

12 13


Breakfast Club


Future Earth Day—Science


Breakfast Club




School Banking

19 20


Breakfast Club

22 23

Breakfast Club


Year 6/5 Hooptime


School Banking

26 27


Breakfast Club

29 30

Breakfast Club 31


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su


School Banking 2 3


Breakfast Club

5 6

Breakfast Club




School Banking

9 10


Breakfast Club



Breakfast Club




School Banking

19 20


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Parents can now access Sentral’s Parent Portal via an app on a smartphone or tablet! Download the app onto your device and follow the instructions to log on. Access keys are attached to the newsletter for families to log on. If you have any questions please contact the school. This is a great way to keep up to date with your child’s education and school information.

Parents can also access information and be informed of school happenings via Team App. Download the app onto your device and sign up to Nilma Primary School. News, events and documents will be advertised on the app, allowing the school and community to communicate and interact.



Page 8: loomfield Road, NILMA Nilma 3821 · display to all areas of your learning. It has been great to see you developing your resilience to persist with challenging learning tasks. Your