Download - Local Memorandum of Understanding APWU · 2016-05-25 · The holiday scheduling provisions of LMOU Item 13 shall then apply. Mid Florida P & DC Local Memorandum of Understanding 04/09/99

Page 1: Local Memorandum of Understanding APWU · 2016-05-25 · The holiday scheduling provisions of LMOU Item 13 shall then apply. Mid Florida P & DC Local Memorandum of Understanding 04/09/99


Memorandum of Understanding


Mid-Florida P & DC

Page 2: Local Memorandum of Understanding APWU · 2016-05-25 · The holiday scheduling provisions of LMOU Item 13 shall then apply. Mid Florida P & DC Local Memorandum of Understanding 04/09/99

Local Memorandum of Understanding APWU & Mid-Florida P & DC

Item 1 – Additional or Longer Wash-up Periods. .................................................................... 5

1.1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Item 2 – The Establishment of a Regular WorkWeek of Five Days with Either Fixed or

Rotating Day Off. ...................................................................................................................... 5

2.1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Item 3 – Guidelines for the Curtailment or Terminating of Postal Operations to Conform

to Order of Local Authorities, or as Local Conditions Warrant Because of Emergency

Conditions. ................................................................................................................................ 5

3.1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5

3.2 ........................................................................................................................................... 6

3.3 ........................................................................................................................................... 6

Item 4 – Formulation of Local Leave Program ....................................................................... 6

4.1 ........................................................................................................................................... 6

4.2 ........................................................................................................................................... 7

4.3 ........................................................................................................................................... 7

4.4 ........................................................................................................................................... 7

4.5 ........................................................................................................................................... 7

4.6 ........................................................................................................................................... 7

4.7 Choice Vacation – First Round Selection ..................................................................... 8

4.8 Choice Vacation – Second Round Selection ................................................................. 8

Item 5 – The Duration of the Choice Vacation Period(s). (Impasse) ..................................... 9

Item 6 – The Determination of the Beginning Day of an Employee’s Vacation Period. ....... 9

Item 7 – Whether Employees at Their Option May Request Two Selections During the

Choice Vacation Period in Units of Either 5 or 10 Days. ..................................................... 10

7.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Item 8 – Whether Jury Duty and Attendance at National or State Conventions Shall Be

Charged to the Choice Vacation Period. ................................................................................ 10

8.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

8.2 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

8.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

8.4 ......................................................................................................................................... 10

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8.5 ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Item 9 – Determination of the Maximum Number of Employees Who Shall Receive Leave

Each Week During The Choice Vacation Period. (Impasse) ................................................ 11

9.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Item 10 – The Issuance of Official Notices to Each Employee of the Vacation Schedule

Approved for Each Employee. ................................................................................................ 11

Item 11 – Determination of the Date and Means of Notifying Employees of the Beginning

of the New Leave Year ............................................................................................................ 12

Item 12 – The Procedures for submission of applications for annual leave during other

than the choice vacation period. ............................................................................................. 12

12.1 Impasse ........................................................................................................................ 12

12.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 12

12.3 ....................................................................................................................................... 12

12.4 ....................................................................................................................................... 13

12.5 ....................................................................................................................................... 13

Item 13 – The Method of selecting employees to work on a Holiday. .................................. 13

13.1.A Clerk Craft .............................................................................................................. 13

13.1.B Maintenance Craft .................................................................................................. 13

Item 14 – Whether “Overtime Desired” Lists in Article 8 shall be by section and/or tour. . 14

14.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 14

14.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 14

14.2.A Clerk Craft .............................................................................................................. 14

14.2.B ................................................................................................................................... 15

14.2.C ................................................................................................................................... 15

14.2.D Maintenance Craft ................................................................................................. 15

14.3 ....................................................................................................................................... 16

14.3.A ................................................................................................................................... 16

14.3.B ................................................................................................................................... 16

14.3.C ................................................................................................................................... 16

Item 15 – The Number of Light Duty assignments within each Craft or Occupational

Group to be Reserved for temporary or permanent light duty assignment. .......................... 16

Item 16 – The Method to be used in reserving light duty assignments so that no regularly

assigned member of the regular work force will be adversely affected. ............................... 16

Item 17 – The Identification of Assignments that are to be Considered Light Duty within

Each Craft represented in the Office. .................................................................................... 17

17.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 17

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17.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 17

Item 18 – The Identification of Assignments Comprising a Section, When it is Proposed to

Reassign Within an Installation Employees Excess to the need of a Section. ..................... 17

18.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 17

18.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 18

18.2.A ................................................................................................................................... 18

18.2.A (1) ............................................................................................................................. 18

18.2.A (1) (a) ........................................................................................................................ 18

18.2.A (1) (b) ....................................................................................................................... 18

18.2.A (2) ............................................................................................................................. 18

18.2.A (3) ............................................................................................................................. 18

18.2.B ................................................................................................................................... 18

Item 19 – The Assignment of Employee Parking Spaces ...................................................... 19

19.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 19

19.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 19

19.3 ....................................................................................................................................... 19

Item 20 – The Determination As To Whether Annual Leave To Attend Union Activities

Requested Prior To Determination Of The Vacation Schedule Is To Be Part Of The Total

Choice Vacation Plan. ............................................................................................................ 19

20.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 19

Item 21 – Those Other Items Which Are Subject To Local Negotiations as Provided in the

Craft Provisions of This Agreement. ...................................................................................... 19

21.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 19

21.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 20

21.3 ....................................................................................................................................... 20

21.4 ....................................................................................................................................... 20

21.5 ....................................................................................................................................... 20

Item 22 – Local Implementation of this Agreement Relating to Seniority, Reassignments

and Posting .............................................................................................................................. 20

22.1 (3.A.4.B) Sufficient change of duties to cause reposting ......................................... 20

22.2 (3.F.2) Shorter period for placement in new assignment ........................................ 21

22.3 (3.D) Application of seniority .................................................................................... 21

22.4 (2.C) Copy of updated seniority list .......................................................................... 21

22.5 ....................................................................................................................................... 21

22.6 (3.A.4.C.1) Sufficient change in starting time to cause reposting .......................... 21

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Item 1 – Additional or Longer Wash-up Periods.


A reasonable amount of wash-up time shall be granted for those employees who perform dirty work or work with toxic materials, based on individual circumstances.


It is the position of the U.S. Postal Service that those employees in the Clerk, MVS, Maintenance and Special Delivery craft that perform dirty work or work with toxic materials should be granted such time as is reasonable and necessary for washing up. This includes the period of time prior to his/her lunch break and end of tour. When requested by the employee and approved by his/her supervisor, reasonable and necessary time will not be denied.

Item 2 – The Establishment of a Regular WorkWeek of Five Days with Either Fixed or Rotating Day Off.


The normal work week for full time employees represented by the APWU, shall consist of five (5) service days within the service week. As far as practicable, the five- (5) days shall be consecutive days within the service week. The regular workweek for full-time regular employees shall be five (5) workdays in the service week with fixed days off.

Item 3 – Guidelines for the Curtailment or Terminating of Postal Operations to Conform to Order of Local Authorities, or as Local Conditions Warrant Because of Emergency Conditions.


During an emergency, such as hurricane, etc., the installation head shall make the fullest use of all communications facilities – radio, TV, etc., to notify employees, if an Administrative Order is issued granting Administrative Leave.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative


Under no circumstances shall employees assume that they are excused from duty unless public transportation is curtailed and the National Weather Service, or a local law enforcement agency, advises the general public to vacate the streets because of existing dangerous conditions.


Because of uncertainties during severe weather, it is practicable to issue general instructions only. All employees should report as scheduled if conditions permit. If severe weather conditions prohibit reporting at normal reporting time, but subside during the normal service day, employees should report for the remainder of their service day.

Item 4 – Formulation of Local Leave Program

4.1 For choice vacation planning, sections will be defined as follows: A. Mail Processing 1) BMAU – By Tour & PL series 2) Automation – By Tour & PL series 3) Flat Sorter – By Tour & PL series 4) SPBS, Manual Operations – By Tour & PL series B. CFS – By Tour & PL series C. Maintenance The following establishes the lists for choice vacation. Management will grant 14.3% per section of choice annual leave. Nothing prohibits more than the 14.3% to be off at one time. If the percentage falls on .5 or higher then the number is rounded up; if the number falls .49 or less the number will be rounded down. (Minimum of 1) Tour 1 Tour 2 Tour 3 ET-9 ET-9 ET-9 MPE-7 MPE-7 MPE-7 BEM-7 BEM-7 BEM-7

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

MM-5 MM-5 MM-5 CU2 & LC-3 CU-2 & LC-3 CU-2 & LC-3 The maintenance control lists will be established as follows. Tour-2 MOS-5 & MOS-6 will be grouped together on one list. Tour 3 & Tour 1 MOS-5 will be grouped together on one list.

4.2 No later than November 20, management and the Union will meet to discuss choice vacation planning for the following calendar year. At this meeting, the parties will reaffirm the choice selection procedures, as described in this section, and determine the number of employees allowed off in each section. (See Item 9)


Annual leave will be granted to employees by seniority within the section to which they are assigned, as defined in Item 4.1.

4.4 Approval of requested choice vacation weeks will be limited by the provisions of LMOU Item 7.


Employees shall be permitted to cancel all or portions of annual leave requested under choice selection. If the time period from written notification to cancel one’s choice selection permits, the cancelled leave shall be reposted for a period of ten- (10) calendar days in order that others within the section may apply. Seniority shall determine the successful applicant. Employees eligible to apply may not exceed three (3) weeks total during choice period. Canceled leave must be a full week to qualify for reposting and leave period cancelled was previously maxed.

4.6 If an employee submits his/her leave requests during the choice vacation period, in accordance with 4.2 and 4.5, to coincide with a holiday, the holiday will be granted. If an employee desires to work the holiday or non scheduled days during the holiday period, he/she may sign the appropriate Holiday Volunteer List. The holiday scheduling provisions of LMOU Item 13 shall then apply.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

4.7 Choice Vacation – First Round Selection

No later than December 1, the section supervisor will post a calendar listing the number of employees allowed off on each Saturday beginning a service week. No later than December 7, employees must submit their requests for choice vacation on Form 3971. Employees may submit as many selection requests as they desire. Employees shall indicate the order of their requests by indicating, in the Comments block, First Preference, Second Preference, Third Preference, etc. If an employee is absent from work from December 1 to December 8, he/she may submit choice vacation requests to their immediate supervisor in writing method. The supervisor shall than complete Form 3971 for the employee for submission. Commencing on December 8, the section supervisor or appointed designee shall arrange submitted 3971s in order of the requester’s seniority and indicated preference. The section supervisor shall place the employee’s name on the choice leave calendar for their requested first preference. If the week requested is full, the section supervisor shall deny Form 3971, indicating that the requested week is filled. The section supervisor shall then proceed to the employee’s next requested selection and repeat the above procedure. Providing the employee is on duty and in a pay status, all submitted 3971s will be returned to the employee no later than December 16. This will give the employee immediate notification so as to allow vacation planning.

4.8 Choice Vacation – Second Round Selection No later than December 16, the section supervisor will post a calendar listing the number of employees allowed off on each Saturday beginning a service week. No later than December 23, employees must submit their requests for choice vacation on Form 3971. Employees may submit as many selection requests, as they desire. Employees shall indicate the order of their requests by indicating, in the Comments block, First Preference, Second Preference, Third Preference, etc. If an employee is absent from work from December 16 to December 23, he/she may submit choice vacation requests to their immediate supervisor in writing method. The supervisor shall than complete Form 3971 for the employee for submission.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Commencing on December 24, the section supervisor or appointed designee shall arrange submitted 3971s in order of the requester’s seniority and indicated preference. The section supervisor shall place the employee’s name on the choice leave calendar for their requested first preference. If the week(s) requested is full, the section supervisor shall deny Form 3971, indicating that the requested week is filled. The section supervisor shall then proceed to the employee’s next requested selection and repeat the above procedure. Providing the employee is on duty and in a pay status, all submitted 3971s will be returned to the employee no later than January 3. This will give the employee immediate notification so as to allow vacation planning.

Item 5 – The Duration of the Choice Vacation Period(s). (Impasse) The period of January 1 through November 30, December 26 through December 31 (excluding December 1 through December 25) is designated as the choice Vacation Period for Mail Processing. For CFS the period of January 1 thru December 31. ** For Maintenance the period of February 15, through the Sunday following Thanksgiving Day shall be designated as the Choice Vacation Period. ** Note: IF EMPLOYEE LEAVES CFS, DECEMBER CHOICE PERIOD WILL BE CANCELED AND NOT AUTHORIZED, except December 26 through December 31.

Item 6 – The Determination of the Beginning Day of an Employee’s Vacation Period.


The vacation period shall start on the first day, following the employee’s rest days. In case where the employee does not have consecutive days off, the vacation period shall start the day after the employees first rest day. In order to be guaranteed in conjunction with choice vacation period, 3189’s must be submitted with the first and second rounds in accordance with 4.7 and 4.8.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Item 7 – Whether Employees at Their Option May Request Two Selections During the Choice Vacation Period in Units of Either 5 or 10 Days.

7.1 Split periods will be permitted as listed below: 1st choice for employees who earn 20 days: 3 consecutive weeks (15 days) and no second round choice 2 consecutive weeks (10 days) and one week (5 days) and no second round choice 2 separate weeks (5 days and 5 days) and second round choice of one week (5 days) 1st choice for employees who earn 13 days: 2 consecutive weeks (10 days) and no second round choice 1 week (5 days) and second round choice of one week (5 days)

Item 8 – Whether Jury Duty and Attendance at National or State Conventions Shall Be Charged to the Choice Vacation Period.


As information becomes available, the Local President of Mid-Florida APWU will provide Management with the dates of the State and National and Regional Conventions and Assemblies of the APWU and an estimate of the number of employees who will attend.

8.2 Delegates to National, State or Regional conventions (assemblies) shall be given priority over applicants for annual leave for recreational purposes.

8.3 Jury duty will not be charged as part of the choice vacation period.


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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Leave granted to employees within the choice vacation period to attend National, State or Regional Union Conventions will not be considered part of the employee’s total choice vacation.

8.5 An employee called for jury duty during his selected choice vacation period shall not have this period charged as his choice vacation period. Employees shall be granted first priority to select the open vacation period within his section. If none available, management will give full consideration to the employee’s request.

Item 9 – Determination of the Maximum Number of Employees Who Shall Receive Leave Each Week During The Choice Vacation Period. (Impasse)

9.1 Annual leave will be granted to a maximum percentage of the employees in each craft at one time. The administration of this provision will be in accordance with groupings established under Item 4 in the Local Memorandum of Understanding as follows: CFS – January, July, August & December – 8% February – June, September – November – 12.5% MP- December and January – 6 % February through November – 12.5% Maintenance - 14.3

Item 10 – The Issuance of Official Notices to Each Employee of the Vacation Schedule Approved for Each Employee. The section Supervisor shall maintain a copy of the Annual leave planning charts for the section, which shall be accessible to employees. A copy shall be posted by March 01, to provide notice to all employees of the vacation schedule approved for them.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Item 11 – Determination of the Date and Means of Notifying Employees of the Beginning of the New Leave Year No later than October 01 of each year, management shall post a notice to all employees stating the beginning date of the next leave year.

Item 12 – The Procedures for submission of applications for annual leave during other than the choice vacation period.


Annual leave other than previously approved annual leave, during choice vacation selection, will be submitted not later than the Saturday prior to the service week in which the annual leave is desired, and no earlier than 180 days prior. Approval or disapproval for incidental annual leave shall be given not later than the Tuesday prior to the service week, when submitted by the Saturday prior to the Service Week. Approval or disapproval for incidental leave submitted 10 – 180 days in advance shall be given no later than 7 days (one week) after submittal. Approval or disapproval for incidental annual leave will be determined based upon operational needs at the time of leave and a minimum of 8% will be granted, per section as defined in LMOU Item #4.1. Failure to return Form 3971 within the time reference specified above shall automatically approve the requested annual leave. No incidental annual leave will be requested until after choice period selections are completed. Employee must have annual leave available, this includes all choice selection periods selected & approved in advance.

12.2 Any Employee whose verbal request for annual leave is disapproved may submit a Form 3971 (Request for, Notification, of Absence) for the purpose of obtaining in writing the reason for disapproval.


Nothing in this memorandum precludes requesting any other time of the year for annual leave except during the month of December. Leave will be granted in accordance with any special instructions issued by the U.S. Postal Service.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative


Management will give priority consideration to employee’s leave requests for serious emergency situations. In the event an emergency arises outside of duty hours, the employee will first attempt to contact their immediate supervisor. If the employee is unable to contact their immediate supervisor, the employee should contact the supervisor in charge at the Mid-Florida P & DC to notify management of the emergency. Notification does not constitute approval of leave.


In the Maintenance craft, approval or disapproval for incidental annual leave will be determined based on operational needs at the time of leave and a minimum of one per Occupation Code, office wide.

Item 13 – The Method of selecting employees to work on a Holiday.

13.1.A Clerk Craft

Recognize that the holiday schedule is a unique situation and take skilled volunteers tour wide. All employees will be scheduled based on needed skills 1) Full time and part time regular employees who have volunteered to work on a

holiday or their designated holiday when such a day is part of their regular work schedule. These employees would be working at the straight time rate in accordance with article 11, section 4.

2) Casuals, even if overtime is necessary 3) Part time flexibles, even if overtime is necessary 4) All other full time and part time volunteers. In the case of such full time

volunteers, if they are scheduled to work and it is what would otherwise be their non-scheduled work day, they will be guaranteed eight (8) hours at the overtime rate in accordance with Article 8, sections 1 and 4.

5) Full time and part time regulars who have not volunteered on what would otherwise be their non-scheduled workday or holiday. In the case of such full time employees, they will be guaranteed eight (8) hours at the appropriate rate. Full time clerks will be scheduled by inverse seniority.

13.1.B Maintenance Craft

The method of selecting employees to work on a holiday shall be as follows:

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

1. Full Time Regular employees who have volunteered to work on a holiday or their designated holiday when such a day is part of their regular work schedule. These employees would be working at the straight time rate in accordance with Article 11, Section 4.

2. Casuals, even if overtime is necessary. 3. Part Time Flexibles, even if overtime is necessary. 4. All other Full Time and Part Time Volunteers. In the case of such Full Time

volunteers, if they are scheduled to work and it is what would otherwise be their non scheduled work day, they will be guaranteed eight (8) hours at the overtime rate in accordance with Article 8, Sections 1 and 4.

5. Full Time and Part time Regulars who have not volunteered and who will be working on what would otherwise be their non scheduled work day. In the case of such Full Time employees, they will be Guaranteed eight (8) hours at the overtime rate in accordance with Article 8, Section 4. Full time Clerks will be scheduled by inverse seniority.

6. All other full time and Part Time Regulars and Full time Maintenance who have not volunteered by inverse seniority.

7. All employees will be scheduled based on needed skills.

Item 14 – Whether “Overtime Desired” Lists in Article 8 shall be by section and/or tour.


Management will periodically review printouts reflecting the payment of overtime and take the appropriate action to correct any trend, which indicates potential inequitable distribution of same. Giving due regard to policies expressed in Article 8.5.

14.2 Overtime Desired lists shall be established within the following:

14.2.A Clerk Craft

Tour 1 – Each Pay Location Tour 2 – Each Pay Location Tour 3 – Each Pay Location Where Pay Locations encompass multiple schemes the scheme defines the section.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative


CFS – By Tour


Finance – By Pay Location

14.2.D Maintenance Craft

By Tour, Occupational Group and Level When needed, overtime work shall be scheduled among qualified employees on the appropriate Overtime Desired List. To cover full tour overtime due to a shortage of available employees, Management will first exhaust the Overtime Desired List on the tour where the overtime is needed, up to and including employees on the Overtime Desired List volunteering to work their 7th day. In the event the Overtime Desired List on the tour does not provide sufficient volunteers, off tour volunteer selection for 6 or 7 day will be offered. If the appropriate Overtime Desired List does not provide sufficient qualified people, qualified full-time regular employees not on the list may be required to work overtime on a rotating basis with the first opportunity assigned to the junior employee. Management will not utilize employees on other tours Overtime Desired Lists for 2 hours except in emergency situations. (For the purpose of this agreement, emergency situations will be defined as equipment breakdowns originating on one tour carrying over to another tour.) If there is no one available on the tour, Overtime Desired List employees from other tours will be utilized to work his/her non-scheduled day on the tour where overtime is needed. Prior to utilizing employees from another tour on their second non-scheduled day, Overtime Desired List employees will be scheduled to work 4 hours overtime from the tours before and after the tour where the overtime is needed.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

14.3 During a calendar year quarter employees who change physical locations or bid assignments and PTFs making full time will be given the opportunity to add to or delete names from the ODL for their new section.

14.3.A The employee must notify the gaining supervisor, in writing within 10 days of new assignment, of his/her intent to be placed on the ODL.

14.3.B Employees may only be on one (1) Overtime Desired List (ODL). However, where pay locations have insufficient volunteers, VOT’s from the Tour in other pay locations may be used on an equitable basis by qualifications.

14.3.C Overtime: Tour/Supt. Or other designees shall notify the employees that overtime scheduled one (1) hour prior to the ending of their tour of duty.

Item 15 – The Number of Light Duty assignments within each Craft or Occupational Group to be Reserved for temporary or permanent light duty assignment. It is recognized that the number of temporary or permanent light duty assignments available will fluctuate with Postal Conditions and the time of the year. In view of this, no effort will be made to set a numerical quota, but every effort will be made to provide for as many as possible, consistent with the needs of the service.

Item 16 – The Method to be used in reserving light duty assignments so that no regularly assigned member of the regular work force will be adversely affected. Management will make every effort to assign eligible ill or injured employees to available duties commensurate with the employee’s disabilities. Craft assignments will be considered based upon the nature of the illness or injury of the employee. In making assignments under this provision,

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Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

management will first explore the possibilities of placing the employee in the section to which assigned.

Item 17 – The Identification of Assignments that are to be Considered Light Duty within Each Craft represented in the Office. Available assignments are considered to be, but not limited to the following.

17.1 Clerk Craft: Administrative Offices Distribution, where use of Adjustable Platform Stool is allowable Nixie Section Labeling distribution cases Central Markup Duties Revenue Protection, if applicable


Maintenance Craft: Administrative Offices Police Area Outside General Office duties Distribution, where use of Adjustable Platform Stool is allowable

Item 18 – The Identification of Assignments Comprising a Section, When it is Proposed to Reassign Within an Installation Employees Excess to the need of a Section.

18.1 For Pay Location purposes on bid and award notices the time frame encompassed by each identified tour in the various items of the Local memorandum of Understanding between the Mid-Florida Facility and the Mid-Florida Local – APWU is recognized as:

Tour 1 – Midnight to 8:00 A.M.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Tour 2 – 8:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. Tour 3 – 4:00 P.M. to Midnight

Further, it is mutually understood that a position will be considered to be assigned to the Tour which the greater portion of the regular workday is spent. A position reporting at the midpoint of a Tour will be assigned to the Tour on which it reports.

18.2 Sections of the Mid-Florida Facility are identified as:

18.2.A Clerk Craft

18.2.A (1) Mid-Florida Facility

18.2.A (1) (a) Tour 1 – Each Pay Location Tour 2 – Each Pay Location Tour 3 – Each Pay Location

18.2.A (1) (b) Where Pay Locations encompass multiple schemes the scheme defines the section.

18.2.A (2) CFS by Tour

18.2.A (3) Maintenance by Pay Location

18.2.B Maintenance Craft – By occupational code groups, and level within each tour.

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

Item 19 – The Assignment of Employee Parking Spaces

19.1 Upon request and reasonable notification, management at the Mid-Florida Facility will meet with the Local President to discuss employee parking problems and possible solutions.

19.2 Parking is a proper subject for discussion at local labor/Management committee Meetings.


There will be one (1) reserved parking space for APWU Official use in the South employee parking area at the P & DC. The space will be reserved 24 hours per day.

Item 20 – The Determination As To Whether Annual Leave To Attend Union Activities Requested Prior To Determination Of The Vacation Schedule Is To Be Part Of The Total Choice Vacation Plan.


Annual leave to attend Union activities will not be charged to the choice vacation schedule or the total allowed off.

Item 21 – Those Other Items Which Are Subject To Local Negotiations as Provided in the Craft Provisions of This Agreement.


An absent employee may direct written requests stating their mailing address to the Plant Manager, 800 Rinehart Rd, Lake Mary, FL 32799-9997, together with

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Mid Florida P & DC Local Memorandum of Understanding

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

the inclusive mailing dates during which they desire copies of notices involving bids and/or applications for promotion for their craft.


Positions will be reposted when there is a change in occupational assignment areas, which requires reporting to different physical location (i.e., facility, annex, etc.).

21.3 The notice inviting bids shall remain posted for ten (10) calendar days.

21.4 As soon as possible prior to posting, the President of the Mid-Florida Local APWU shall be furnished a copy of intended bids to be posted for input. Within 5 days of the posting, the President will be furnished a copy of the bulletin board notices inviting bids or written application, and of awards of unencumbered Full-time employees and PTF’s.


In the Maintenance Craft, a change of basic function as described in the official description of a position in excess of 50% of those duties listed shall result in reposting of the assignment.

Item 22 – Local Implementation of this Agreement Relating to Seniority, Reassignments and Posting

22.1 (3.A.4.B) Sufficient change of duties to cause reposting Neither the addition nor deletion of a scheme (or schemes) from a clerical assignment shall be significant cause to require the assignment to be reposted for bid. Management has the responsibility of aiding employees in the learning of new schemes by providing adequate time and opportunity for study of such schemes, by making the schemes readily available and accessible to the employees affected, and by permitting the prescribed number of examinations during the trial period.

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Mid Florida P & DC Local Memorandum of Understanding

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_____________________________________ ___________________________________________

Mid Florida Local, APWU Representative Mid Florida P & DC, U.S.P.S. Representative

22.2 (3.F.2) Shorter period for placement in new assignment

The successful bidder shall be placed in the new assignment within 14 days of the posting the notice stating the successful bidder (Articles 37.3.F.2, 38.5.C.2, 39.2.E.2 and 40.2.E.2) if the successful bidder is qualified, and excluding the month of December. If the successful bidder must qualify, i.e., scheme, LSM, FSM, etc., the bidder will be placed into the assignment within 14 days after qualifying, excluding the month of December.

22.3 (3.D) Application of seniority

Seniority shall be office-wide by craft and/or occupational group for the purpose of administration of this Local Memorandum of Understanding.

22.4 (2.C) Copy of updated seniority list The installation head shall post and furnish a copy of an updated seniority list to the union on a calendar quarter basis for each of the crafts covered by this Local Memorandum of Understanding.


Copies of each OTDL will be provided to the Local President each calendar year quarter.

22.6 (3.A.4.C.1) Sufficient change in starting time to cause reposting No assignment will be reposted when the change in starting time is 1½ hours or less. Change in starting time will not change tour of position an/or be made to solely avoid the payment of Sunday Premium. This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into on ___________________ at Mid-Florida P&DC, between representatives of the United States Postal Service, and the designated agent of the Mid-Florida Local #7138 American Postal Workers Union, pursuant to the Local Implementation Provisions of the 1998 National Agreement with the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.