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Submission Date:

Project Title:

Adapting to the Effects of Drought through increasing water storage capacity to address climate change

on Mayreau

Project Country

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Targeted Community / Organization / Stakeholder Group:

Mayreau / Union Island Environmental Attackers / Women, men and children of Mayreau

September 15th, 2017 Proposed Start Date:

June 15th, 2018

Expected End Date:

D 10 months

Expected Project Duration:

Name of Responsible Organization:

Union Island Environmental Attackers

Type of Organization:

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Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

Registered Community Based Organization (CBO)

Privately Funded Academic Institution

Development Agency


Please Describe: Community Based Organisation (CBO)

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Project Contact (Name and Position):

Mrs. Katrina Collins Coy, Head of Union Island Environmental Attackers



Union Island

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Telephone Number (s):

784 496 0739 / 784 526 7457

Fax Number:

784 485 8082

E-Mail Address:

[email protected] / [email protected]

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Kindly indicate the Focal Area/s and corresponding Output/s under which your pilot project falls in the appropriate

box in the table below. You may select up to TWO PRIMARY outputs against which the project will be monitored in

the results framework (mark with a P). You may select as many secondary outputs as are directly relevant (mark

with S).

Focal Area Overarching JCCCP Outputs Please mark

with an X

Water Resource Management

Output 2.1: Affordable climate-resilient community-based water

harvesting, storage and distribution systems designed, built and

rehabilitated in selected target areas


Sustainable Agriculture

Output 2.2: Crop diversification practices tested for their ability to

improve resilience of farmers to climate change impacts

Output 2.3: Community-based water capacity and irrigation systems

improved or developed to test their ability to raise agricultural


Output 2.4: Sustainable Agriculture (Climate-resilient agro-pastoral

practices and technologies (e.g. water management and soil fertility)

demonstrated in selected target areas.

Community Based Climate Smart

Resilient Infrastructure

Output 2.5: Climate resilience and disaster risk management activities-

Small-scale infrastructure implemented to reduce climate change and

disaster-induced losses

Renewable Energy and Energy


Output 2.6: Climate resilience and disaster risk management activities

(Energy pilot demonstrations applied to selected adaptation,

mitigation and disaster risk management interventions to catalyse

low-emission climate-resilient technology transfer, development and

investments in the Caribbean)

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Indicate the total expected budget for the implementation of the project. The total should include the

approximate financial value of any in-kind contributions.


Local Currency ($) United States (US$)

$267, 500.00 US$102 074.07

UN rate of exchange: US$1 = BEL$2.00 / EC$2.70 / GUY$ 207.20 / JM $122.64 / SUR$5.69


Indicate all of the financial sources that will be providing funding for the project and the expected

contributions. Also state sources of in-kind contributions and the approximate financial value of these


Source of Funds Name of Source Funding Amount (US$)


PARTNERSHIP $77,918.52

Co-Financing N/A 0.00

In-kind Contributions

Union Island Environmental


Mayreau Explorers Multi-Purpose

Cooperative Society Limited

$11, 111.11


Total $102,074.07

*Please add rows to the table as required

N.B. Please note that the totals at the end of the project financing table must equal those presented in

the Total Project Budget Table (Section I).

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Preparation of the proposal for consideration requires completion of the following sections:


A brief but comprehensive summary of the project proposal which highlights the key points i.e. the goal,

objective, target groups, expected expenditure and main climate change vulnerabilities and J-CCCP focal

areas to be addressed.


An overview of the responsible organization(s) that will be implementing the activities under the pilot

project. This section should include the organization’s mission and vision, key sources of income, year

and country of incorporation or registration, previous experience with climate change projects etc.


Where the responsible organization is partnering with another entity to undertake activities related to

the pilot project, information on the proposed partnership(s) and the partner agency should be



Detailed information on the focal areas and climate change vulnerabilities that will be addressed.

Information should also be provided on how the proposed project activities are aligned with national and

regional development and strategic priorities. An indication of how the proposed activities will build on

ongoing or previously concluded work to avoid duplication and take advantage of opportunities for

partnering with other organizations to enhance resource use should be provided.


The groups/communities that will benefit from the implementation of the project activities as well as a

description of the benefits that they expect to receive. The demographic composition (gender, age) of

these groups and the expected benefits to men and women should also be provided.


An outline of how the community/stakeholder groups were involved in the development of the pilot

project as well as the actions that will be taken to ensure meaningful and equal participation of persons

of each gender in implementation and management.


The intended outputs of the project as well as the proposed activities to attain them. An indication of the

current baseline (present situation), expected targets and the means of verifying the success of the

interventions should also be presented. A table of indicators has been provided in ANNEX A. Each project

proposal must incorporate these indicators as follows ● Required – All indicators for the Primary Outputs selected must be incorporated into the Results


● Optional – At least one of the indicators for the Primary Output selected must be incorporated into the

Results Framework

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A detailed breakdown of the required resources for each activity outlined in the work plan and the

expected costs. Explanatory budget notes which clearly explain how the organization arrived at the

figures in the Total Budget column for each line item is required.


An overview of the management structure of the organization’s project management including names,

positions, experience and areas of responsibility as it relates to the pilot study. Additionally, detailed

information on the organization’s internal capacity to undertake critical areas of project management

should be provided.


Internal and external risks that may affect the success of project implementation; as well as the key

assumptions used in the development of the pilot project that must remain true in order for the

expected results to be realized.


The methods that will be used to monitor project progress and to determine the extent to which the

pilot projects activities have succeeded in meeting the project targets. The section also outlines the

minimum reporting requirements of the Responsible Organization to the UNDP Project Management

Unit (PMU) and includes the type of reports to be submitted.


The proposal must clearly outline how the capacities and benefits will continue beyond the life of the

project, including ensuring a proper maintenance and operations plan for the techniques and

technologies introduced.


Required documents to facilitate the verification of the information provided in the submission (e.g.

certificate of registration/incorporation, financial statements etc.) as well as supporting information

relevant to specific elements of the proposal including maps, graphics and literature to provide a clear

understanding of the location, scope and methodology.

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SECTION A: Project Executive Summary

Executive summary (max 300 words)

The proposed Project, Adapting to the Effects of Drought Through Increasing Water Storage Capacity to

Address Climate Change on Mayreau has the objective to increase on island water storage capacity by

providing water tanks for households and public entities who need it the most, as well as repair and

increase the storage capacity of two communal systems. This initiative will thereby reduce the financial

burden of purchasing water imports. Additionally, the project seeks to equip residents with the required

knowledge of proper storage and handling of water supplies to enable them to maintain high quality water

for drinking and conserve it in a sustainable manner. The Project will follow best practices learnt from a

similar projects completed on Union Island.

Mayreau is considered one of the poorest communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Apart from

rainwater capture, water supplies are only accessible by boat imported from neighboring islands. Mayreau

receives a low annual rainfall of 45-60 inches and lacks permanent surface water sources or significant

groundwater resources. Therefore the community heavily relies on water imports, resulting in

intermittent access to water and placing the community at risk of water shortage. A current estimate

shows that 75 households on the island each own a tank that can hold approximately 1,500-gallons, which

on average can supply a family of four for 10 days (150 liter/day/person). The cost of importing water is

high, and it is particularly difficult for low-income families, those living in poverty, and those with limited

mobility to access imported water supplies.

As such the initiative supports four main components:

(i) The purchase of fifty water tanks with a capacity of 1,000-gallons each for a total increased volume

of 50,000 gallons;

(ii) Repair of the 10,000-gallon cistern located at Mayreau Primary School;

(iii) The establishment of a tank farm of ten, 1000-gallon tanks at the site of the communal CWSA


(iv) Capacity building activities for the 150 residents, including female headed households to equip

them with hands-on knowledge of the maintenance and operation of water storage tanks to

ensure high quality water and conservation techniques.

The project will provide a total of 70,000 gallons of increased water storage capacity in Mayreau. Project

interventions will also contribute to easing the financial burden of 50 households by saving a minimum of

approximately EC$250 per year in water imports.

The Objective of the Project aligns with the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership Project’s (J-CCCP)

Output 2.1. The total project budget of USD $74,074.07 is funded by J-CCCP, Union Island Environmental

Attackers, and Mayreau Explorers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Limited.

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SECTION B: Organizational Overview

1. Background of organization (mission, vision, areas of operation and date of establishment) (max 150


The Union Island Environmental Attackers was formed on 9th November 1999 with the aim of promoting

the development of the people of the island. Its mission is to promote a more environmentally conscious

and concerned community, strengthen group competence and attract local and international support

through education, empowerment and building trust.

The group has twenty-eight active members who have over the years been involved in development work

on the island, ranging from environmental, community development, conservation and neighborhood

watch. Despite its name which points to its strong force the organization is always ready to lead in a

positive way where the group has seen the need to respond to the felt needs of the community and it is

actively involved in programmes to alleviate poverty and hardships which people on the island face. The

group collaborates and works closely with other groups on Union island on various development


2. Organizational structure (no. of staff/members and management structure, governing body/ oversight

committee). Please include an organizational chart.

Its legal entity made up of 28 local members and other representatives of Union Island. The organization

is governed by a board of directors and there are no paid staff; all members work voluntarily.

The organization is structured as follows:

● President: Ms. Katrina Collins; ● Vice President: Mr. Timothy Jacobs; ● Public Relation Officer: Philomon Taylor; ● Assistant PRO: Esrome Durrant; ● Secretary: Vanessa Hackshaw; ● Assistant Secretary: Ms. Cora Decoteau; ● Treasurer: Leroy Mitchell; ● Assistant Treasurer: Shameal Mulzac; ● Floor Members: Alex Shortte, Unica Morgan, Sherlan Johnny, etc.

3. Is your organization a part of an umbrella organization/organizational network? Provide details.


4. List existing partnerships with government organizations/UN agencies/private sector organizations (e.g.

partnership agreements or MOUs)

Sustainable Grenadines, Radio Grenadines project and Government Schools

5. Annual budget (List of sources of income and corresponding amounts)

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Through member’s fees and local fund raising events, Union Island Environmental Attackers raises

approximately $3,000 EC (equivalent to USD 1,110) a year. In addition to this the organization seeks out

project-based opportunities from time to time. It has successfully completed a similar project from

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) of $204,840.00 EC ($75, 8667 USD) for water storage

on Union Island and is about to complete phase 2 of this project on Union with a GEF SGP support of

$50,000.00 US.

6. Year of registration and country of operation (Certificate of Registration or Incorporation must be

enclosed with your application)

Union Island Environmental Attackers was registered at a national level in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

on 2nd July 2008

A constitution with bylaws was developed to guide the organisation in how we are to perform.

7. Track record and experiences – Please provide summary information on similar climate change projects

undertaken in the last five years

Name of






Source of




Status or



Project Results and



Water Storage

Capacity on

Union Island:

Adapting to

the Effects of



the lives of

the people

on Union

Island and its


by providing

an adequate



facility for

clean water








nt Agency




on Union



100 household each

received 1000-gallon water

tanks. Having a reliable

supply of water,

households no longer have

to pay for imported water

in the dry season. They can

now spend the money for

other uses such as


Adapting to

the Effects of




water storage

capacity to

To procure


and material



of water

$ 135,000.00




Aid through




on Union


March 2017

55 Households each

received 1000-gallon water


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climate change

on Union

Island (Phase2

tanks by

June 2016

To provide

55 – 1000-

gallon water

tanks to


residents of

Union Island

by August


To increase



on water





sanitation, as

well as


on the

effects of


change by

July, 2016.

*Please add rows to the table as required

SECTION C: Partnerships and Co-Programming Arrangements

1. Provide the names of any organization(s) which you will be partnering with for the implementation of

project activities

Mayreau Explorers Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Limited (MEMCSL)

Central Water and Sewage Authority (CWSA)

2. Principal contact in partner organization (name and position)

Mr. Philman Ollivierre (President) (MEMCSL)

Mr. Danroy Ballantyne Supervisor, Water Resource Management Unit (CWSA)

3. Background of partner organization (mission, vision, areas of operation and date of establishment) (max

100 words)

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The Mayreau Explorers is an NGO based on the Grenadine island of Mayreau, it has a membership of 20 persons.

The main objective of the group is to improve the general wellbeing of the community. The organization was

officially registered on 25th February, 2015 under section 6 of the cooperative society act number 12 of 2012.

Mayreau Explorers is highly active, and since its establishment they have executed two projects, one of which

provided safety equipment to 20 fisherfolk for safety at sea and another, which involves sea moss farming and

manufacturing of by-products from sea moss, which is currently sold regionally to generate income for members of

society. The Central Water and Sewerage Authority (CWSA) is a statutory corporation established in 1970, under the

revised Central Water and Sewerage Authority Act of 1991.The CWSA operates as a semi-autonomous public

sector enterprise under the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment. It has three main functions in St.

Vincent and the Grenadines:

· Water supply - treatment, transmission and distribution of potable water to domestic, commercial,

shipping, and government customers.

· Sewerage - management and operation of two sewerage systems that serve the Central Business District

(CBD) of Kingstown and the Arnos Vale Housing Scheme respectively.

· Solid waste - CWSA assumed responsibility for the Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) from April

1998. The Unit became fully operational in 2002.

4. Clearly detail the expected roles and responsibilities of the partner organization in the pilot project and

the specific project activities that they will be expected to undertake. (max 500 words)

Union Island Environmental Attackers will be responsible for procurement, contracts, reporting, and

project implementation. Mayreau Explorers will play an important role on the ground as they are

members of the community in Mayreau and know the community well. An MOU has been drafted

between UIEA and Mayreau Explorers ensure that there is a clear understanding of roles and

responsibilities, which can be found in Appendix 5. The UIEA project contact will work closely with

members of the UIEA team and Mayreau Explorers to ensure continued collaboration and a common

understanding during project implementation.

Specific responsibilities of each organisation will include:

Union Island Environmental Attackers:

● Announce the project on the radio and in the newspaper. ● Draft the household survey with the community and the Mayreau Explorers. ● Conduct one on one visit to the homes with Mayreau Explorers. ● Establish a selection committee to decide who most needs a water tank. The selection committee

will have two members from UIEA, the project coordinator, and seven members of Mayreau

community including a representative from CWSA. ● Procure the water tanks and all other materials. ● Draft contract with a local contractor of Mayreau for construction of platforms. ● Financial management.

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● Reporting.

Mayreau Explorers will support the work that is coordinated by UEIA and will undertake the following


● Hand out flyers and stick up posters to launch the Project. ● Set up village meetings with meeting place, food, etc. and attend with UIEA. ● Identification of the best people on the ground to be on the selection team. They must choose key

people from the community such as the principal of the school, a social worker, fisherman, etc. ● Report minutes of the meetings.

The Central Water and Sewage Authority will provide technical support for the proposed activates

including all required engineering assessments to inform the repair of the cistern at the Mayreau Primary

School and for the siting of tank farm on the current location of the existing 80,000-gallon communal

cistern which is managed by the Authority. Further support will be provided for water quality spot checks

at the individual households to ensure that water is of a standard suitable for potable purposes. The

Authority will also sit on the selection panel to be established for the selection of households to receive

water tanks to provide technical guidance.

5. Provide details on how this partnership will add value to the project and enhance project management

and implementation (e.g. technical expertise, capacity for project implementation and project

management etc.) (max 200 words)

Partnership with the Mayreau explorers will enhance the Project by identifying the households most in

need and will follow up to make sure water tanks are maintained properly. They would also be able to

mobilise the community for meetings and workshops.

The CWSA will provide technical guidance and expertise based as their mandate which includes the

treatment, transmission and distribution of potable water. Engineers from the organisation will support

all necessary assessments to ensure that cistern repairs are structural sound and applicable and that the

tank farm is suitably situated to maximise additional storage and properly integrated into the existing


SECTION D: Situational Analysis, Strategy and Approach

1. Situation analysis (outline the need within the targeted geographical area that the pilot project seeks to

address and how the intervention seeks to meet that need) (max 1,000 words)

St. Vincent and the Grenadines is comprised of an archipelago of several islands and cays stretching

for about 129 km. The Grenadines consist of eight smaller main islands and several islets and cays

situated south of St Vincent1. Mayreau is one of the smallest Grenadine islands at 1 ½ square miles

and is only accessible by boat. According to the most recent statistic report completed in 2012, the


ECLAC. 2011. An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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island has a population of 271 persons with 86 households. Due to Mayreau’s small size, it has one

primary school and a small clinic; all other commercial activity including banking and customs are

completed on Union Island, which is 7 miles away.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines has a high unemployment rate of 19.3%2, while 30.2% of the

population is below the poverty line and 18% are at risk of dropping into poverty. According to the

2011 census, the unemployment rate was 24.3% among females and 19.4% among males. Mayreau

was identified as one of the poorest communities in the country according to a 2008 Poverty

Assessment Report and the poor and those at risk of poverty are unequally impacted by climate

change. Lower economic, social and health resilience of those in poverty or at risk thereof, inhibits

their capacity to adapt to the anticipated impacts of climate change3.

The fishing sector, which is Mayreau’s primary source of livelihood is at risk and is suffering from

the impacts of climate change. The damages to marine support structures such as mangroves and

reefs from higher than normal sea surface temperatures and droughts followed by massive storm

surges have resulted in dead, dying or removed ecosystems. The loss of protective sand dunes due

to mining has created vulnerability to erosion and storm waves and failure to implement climate

change adaptation strategies will result in further loss of the protective services of the dunes, the

destruction of turtle nesting sites, fishing banks, and beach area, which ultimately will result in a

more vulnerable community physically, socially and economically4.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines has survived several climate related hazards including tropical

storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, landslides, and trough systems; it is one of the more hazard

prone countries in the Eastern Caribbean. The causes of disaster vulnerability can partially be

attributed to its geography, geology and narrow economic base. The most devastating hazard

events were hurricane Tomas in 2010 and floods in 2013.

Hurricane Tomas hit St. Vincent and the Grenadines on October 30th, 2010. 5239 people were

severely affected and suffered trauma and damage to their households and possessions with

approximately 1,200 people displaced; luckily there were no recorded deaths. The hurricane

impacted rural populations greater than urban populations with total estimated damages costing

US $42.9 million5. Vulnerable sectors such as agriculture and tourism were affected the most, with

impacts representing 119.8% of agricultural Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and over 300% of

tourism GDP9. St. Vincent and the Grenadines was still recovering from hurricane Tomas of 2010

when they were hit with flash flooding in December 2013, which resulted in total damages and

losses estimated at US$108.4 million or EC$291.4 million. The effect of this hazard was equivalent

to 15% of the country’s GDP6. Moreover, a severe drought preceded these two hazards in


World Bank Group. International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database 3

Dulal, Shah, Ahmad, 2009. Social Equity Implementing Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation Policies. doi:10.3390/su1030363 4

UNFCCC, 2015. Second National Communication on Climate Change St. Vincent and the Grenadines. 5

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean [ECLAC], 2011. 6

Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2014). Rapid damage and loss assessment.

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2009/2010 which caused great distress on the Grenadine islands who rely on rainwater as their

primary source of water.

The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), identified

the water sector, as being one of the most vulnerable sectors to climate change. “Sea level rise,

saltwater intrusion and salinisation of freshwater lenses in the coastal aquifers will further limit

natural water availability, and pollution of resources will exacerbate the declining resource.” St.

Vincent and the Grenadines is among the Caribbean small island states that are considered water

stressed as “marked seasonality in rainfall, inadequate supply infrastructure, and institutional

capacity constrains water supply”7. The country has a dry season which is typically from mid-

December to mid-May in which higher than normal atmospheric pressure creates drought

conditions in the Grenadine islands. The rainy season is from mid-May to mid-December8. During

this season, the country receives 70% of its total annual rainfall, experiences the highest tropical

storm activity, and is at risk of flooding and landslides9. It is the Grenadines that feel the impacts of

water shortage the most as they have a much drier climate than mainland St Vincent. St. Vincent

with its forested mountains, may have as much as 5100 mm of rain per year, while the Grenadines

islands may have as little as 460 mm. In 2015, the small island of Mayreau received 700.9 mm of

rain and even less in 2016 at 461.6 mm. Researchers have predicted that the average frequency of

hot days and nights will increase in the Grenadines by approximately 0.150C per decade by the end

of the century and the mean annual temperature is to increase by 0.6 to 2.3°C by 2060. This

increase in temperature in addition to water shortages could leave the community in Mayreau

completely devastated.

Surface water is the primary source of water supply on St Vincent, whereas the Grenadines depend

on man-made catchments, rainwater harvesting, wells, and desalination. In Mayreau, households rely

mainly on rain water and some imports of water by boats. It is estimated that each household has a

water tank with the capacity of approximately 1,500-gallons. During the dry season, the residents rely

on the rain water stored from the rainy season, however there is lack of storage capacity resulting in

water shortfalls and the increased need for water imports, leaving the community completely

dependent on intermittent water supplies. There are two existing communal cisterns (reservoirs)

that the island uses which can accommodate 60,000 and 80,000 gallons respectively. These cisterns

serve the estimated 97 households for maximum of 4 months during the dry season. This is only

possible due to the individual storage facilities in each household. When the cisterns and household

storage units run dry, water is imported. During the drought events of 2015, water had to be brought

to Mayreau by boat from St. Vincent twice every two weeks and rationed to families. Approximately

20,000 gallons of water was brought with each trip. When water is shipped, the lone clinic and

primary school are given priority (2,000 gallons each). The remaining 12,000- 16,000 is then

distributed to the households. This is seldom enough to supply every household and there is no

formal system for determining which households have the most need and receive water first. It is a

first come, first serve system. Those who did not get any water during a shipment will have to wait


ECLAC. 2011. An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. 8

Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Country Poverty Assessment 2007/2008: Volume 1 Living

Conditions in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 9

ECLAC. 2011. An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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until the next shipment to purchase it. Water is brought to the dock and residents pay a delivery fee

to have it taken to their home. The costs are as follows:

• 5-gallon container - EC$5;

• 45-gallon container EC$15;

• 700-gallon container- EC$150- $250 depending on the location of the residence

On occasion, some families do not get any water due to lack of finances and families who receive

supplies, share what they can with their neighbours in need, which places financial stress on these

families as well. During this drought event of 2015 an approximate 80,000 gallons of water was

imported to meet local needs. It should be noted that this estimation is based on information

provided by the Mayreau Explorers as no official government records are kept for water exports to

the Grenadines islands.

Due to the limited average household water storage capacity of approximately 1,500 gallons during

drought families would need to purchase imported water approximately every 10 days. Typically,

families have to buy imported water one to three times per year depending on the size of the

family, however, during major drought events, this amount can drastically increase. Mayreau is

considered the poorest of the Grenadine communities and therefore, EC$250 (US$93) for 800

gallons or approximately US$39 per cubic meter10 to purchase imported water is often unaffordable

for families and businesses in this already economically depressed community. During extreme

drought, the school and medical clinic sometimes are forced to close from a lack of water.

Over the years, the Grenadine islands have become more water stressed than St. Vincent, however

with projected decreases in water resources, St. Vincent may also face water shortages, which will

place Mayreau at further risk of shortfall as it relies on water imports from neighboring islands

including St. Vincent8.

Strategy and Approach

Given the conditions described above, this Project entails the enhancement of water storage capacity

on the island by providing 1000 gallon water tanks to 50 selected households, a tank farm of seven

1000 gallon tanks for community use to increase storage at the CWSA managed cistern, and the

restoration of a school cistern, for a total of an additional 70,000 gallons of increased water storage

capacity in Mayreau. In addition, residents will be educated on how to ensure water meets

international drinking water standards and on water conservation methods, given the high demand

and limited supply of water available on the island. Ultimately, this Project will ensure that the

residents of Mayreau are better equipped to deal with drought conditions.

The Project has the following 4 components:

Component 1: Provision of 1000-gallon water storage tanks to 50 households

The Project will provide fifty households with a water tank that has the capacity of 1000 gallons.

A current estimate shows that 75 households on the island have a water tank with the capacity of

approximately 1,500-gallons. A 1,500-gallon tank per household can supply a family of four for


Petrtson, E. 2015. The 2009/2010 Caribbean Drought: a Case Study. Disasters, 39 (4). doi:10.1111/disa.12123

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approximately 10 days (150 liter/day/person). As such this additional storage, will provide an

additional 7 days of water supply per household for each of the 50 households. In proceeding

delivery of water tanks, the project activities will advise the selection of locations for the individual

tanks and determine the individual storage capacities of the residents on island. Tank platforms

will be built for each household measuring 5 feet by 5 feet.

The tanks will be allocated in an equitable fashion that will ensure that those least able to cope with

drought conditions will be a priority. An application survey will be distributed to every household on

island to ensure that all residents have equal opportunity to apply. Members of Union Island

Environmental Attackers who will be distributing the survey will provide assistance to anyone who

may not be able to fill out the application, for example those who are visually impaired or illiterate.

This survey has a dual purpose and will also be used to verify data on household storage capacity in

Mayreau. Currently, there is no substantiated data on household storage capacity and household

capacity levels are based on estimates. The following information collected on the survey will be

used as eligibility criteria:

● Individual and household income levels ● Occupation ● Employed/Unemployed ● Barriers to employment i.e. disabilities, age, and dependents ● Current water storage capacity ● Amount of dependents ● Amount of people in the home ● Access to resources/assets

Priority will be given to persons/households who:

● Have low individual and household income levels ● Are unemployed ● Are female heads of households ● Have barriers to employment including disabilities, age, and dependents ● Low water storage capacity ● Have a high number of dependents ● Are seasonally employed or employment is intermittent

All applications will be reviewed by a board consisting of Union Island Environmental Attackers and

Mayreau Explorers, Central Water and Sewage Authority, Solid Waste Division, and the Ministry of

Education. The implementation process is arranged in an accountable and responsible manner as


● Commencing launch of the Project to the community; ● Requesting sign up for application; ● Carrying out a selection process for eligible households through board review of applications

followed by household visits to conduct site and needs assessments. These assessments will be

used to verify the conditions at each site and confirm what auxiliary works may be necessary for

the installation of the tanks, guttering (where necessary) and platforms. ● Ensuring delivery and installation of tanks and providing necessary hands-on training

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● A contractor will be commissioned to undertake an inspection of the tank platforms after

installation to ensure structural soundness

Component 2: Repair of the 10,000-gallon cistern located at Mayreau Primary School.

The Mayreau Primary School has a cistern that has the capacity of 10,000 gallons, however due to

needed repairs, only a quarter of the cistern is currently being utilized (approximately 2,500 gallons).

This cistern is a communal water storage unit; it is used to serve the school during school hours and

is also used to serve the rest of the community outside of school hours and school terms.

The Central Water and Sewage Authority (CWSA) will provide support for site assessments to inform

the rehabilitation of the school cistern. This assessment will be to determine the current structural

defects and to verify the scope of works to be undertaken to rehabilitate the unit. Services of a

contractor will be procured to undertake the work which will be assessed by the CWSA to ensure that

the final structure meets all necessary standards for potable water storage. This system operates via

passive flow. No pumps will be necessary at this location.

Component 3: The establishment of a tank farm of ten, 1000-gallon tanks at the site of the Central

Water and Sewage Authority’s communal cistern.

The CWSA currently manages an 80,000 gallon community cistern which can be assessed by the entire

local population. Satellite taps have been established at lower elevations to allow for collection of

water within the community. As such, seven 1000 gallon tanks will be established at the current site

to increase the overall storage capacity of the system. The Central Water and Sewage Authority will

undertake a comprehensive site assessment to determine where these tanks should be placed to

adequately integrate the above ground tank farm into the existing system.

Component 4: Capacity building on the collection, storage, and disinfection of water to Mayreau


Union Island Environmental Attackers will be conducting training to beneficiaries using available

resources materials e.g. (manuals used in training undertaken in Mayreau and any other applicable

materials) on community water storage. As part of capacity building efforts on water quality testing

and on sustainable water resource use, radio programmes will be used to disseminate information

about effects of climate change and the need for local adaptation to inform residents about water

conservation and proper maintenance of the tanks.

The UEI will work with the CWSA in establishing a system for community based water quality

monitoring to improve the quality of stored water and to prevent water borne illnesses. The scope,

parameters and approach will be developed as a collaborative effort between the community

organizations and technical experts from the Authority. Additionally UEIA, Mayreau Explorer and

CWSA will collaborate to develop a system for maintenance of the installed system. Support will

also be sought from the Ministry of Health.

Community level training will also be undertaken on disinfection methods which will be informed by

lessons learnt from the Union Island initiatives. The training is expected to reach 150 people to

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build knowledge base and capacity to undertaken proper water storage, tank cleaning and

disinfection using chlorine bleach which is widely available and accessible to community members.

Lastly, a post implementation survey, which will be developed as the project is being implemented,

will be conducted with all involved stakeholders to document lessons learned and capture the

communities views on the process and the impacts. The results of this survey can be used to

improve the duplication of future projects in other communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

2. What are the specific climate change vulnerabilities being addressed? (e.g. natural hazard risk and

historical impacts, and realized impacts attributed to climate change) (max 750 words)

Mayreau is extremely vulnerable to drought, which is becoming more severe in recent years. In 2009/2010

the onset of an El Niño weather pattern that lasted approximately 12 months, caused a major drought in

St. Vincent and the Grenadines, with the Grenadines being impacted the most. Farmers and the

agriculture sector in the country suffer drastically from water shortfalls, particularly during drought

events. During the 2009/2010 drought, the agricultural sector was reduced to 20%. Prices of produce

drastically spiked during this time, leaving already vulnerable families unable to meet their basic needs.

For example, tomatoes were $2.35 per pound in February 2009, and in March, prices rose to around $6.00

per pound11.

The country has a dry season which is typically from mid-December to mid-May. Recently, the dry

season has lasted up until September and during an El Niño year, it can last even longer. Depending on

the year, the rainy season is typically from mid-May to mid-December12. During this season, the country

receives 70% of its total annual rainfall, experiences the highest tropical storm activity, and is at risk of

flooding and landslides13. It is the Grenadines that feel the impacts of water shortage the most as they

have a much drier climate than St Vincent. St. Vincent with its forested mountains, may have as much as

5100 mm of rain per year, the Grenadines islands may have as little as 460 mm8. In 2015, the small

island of Mayreau received 700.9 mm of rain and even less in 2016 at 461.6 mm. Trends in rainfall in

Mayreau compared to St. Vincent can be found in Graphs 1-3 below. During the assessment of the

economic impact of climate change undertaken by ECLAC, researchers have predicted that the average

frequency of hot days and nights will increase in the Grenadines by approximately 0.150C per decade by

the end of the century and the mean annual temperature is to increase by 0.6 to 2.3°C by 2060. This

increase in temperature in addition to water shortages could leave the community in Mayreau

completely devastated.

Graphs 1 and 2 below highlight the difference in rainfall amounts for mainland St. Vincent versus

Mayreau for 2015 and 2016 and Graph 3 highlights variations in monthly rainfall in Mayreau between

2015 and 2016. The data used for these graphical illustrations was derived from data collected by the

CWSA in their ongoing water management programme.


Caribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology. 2010. Drought Impacts and Early Warning in the Caribbean. 12

Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. St. Vincent and the Grenadines Country Poverty Assessment 2007/2008: Volume 1 Living

Conditions in St. Vincent and the Grenadines 13

ECLAC. 2011. An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Climate Change on the Water Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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Graph 1. Graph one above depicts the average rainfall for the island of Mayreau compared to mainland

St. Vincent in the year 2016. Data for the months of August to December are unavailable for this year.









Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Graph 1: Average Monthly Rainfall Data 2016

Mayreau St. Vincent

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Graph 2. Graph two above depicts the average monthly rainfall for the island of Mayreau compared to

mainland St. Vincent in the year 2015.

Graph 3. Graph three above depicts the average rainfall on the island of Mayreau in 2015 compared to

2016. Data for the months of August to December are unavailable for 2016.

This project will address some of Mayreau’s vulnerability to drought by increasing their water storage

capacity at the individual household level and community level by a total of 70,000 gallons and will offset

the amount of water imports during droughts by approximately 87.5%. This will provide families in

Mayreau with sustainable water resources, reduce dependency on external resources, lower financial

stress, and build the community’s resilience to climate change. Improving the management of fresh water

resources is critical to sustainable development in Mayreau.








Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Graph 2: Average Monthly Rainfall Data 2015

Mayreau St. Vincent








Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Graph 3: Average Monthly Rainfall Data for

Mayreau 2015-2016

Mayreau 2016 Mayreau 2015

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3. Describe how the project will contribute to a reduction in GHG emissions if applicable. Provide

estimates if possible.

This project will not contribute to the reduction of emmisions substantially. However it should be noted

that the ferry that brings in water to Mayreau burns diesel. It only docks in Mayreau when it has cargo so

bringing in water causes additional diesel to be burned. In 2009/2010, there were four trips each week,

compared with twice a week as normal. Implementing this project will therefore reduce the number of

trips of water to the island and thereby reduce the amount of diesel burnt in transportation of the water.

4. Indicate how the project is aligned with national strategic priorities (e.g. Intended National Determined

Contribution (INDC), national policies, strategic plans, development agendas, etc.) (max 500 words)

Access to potable water and the sustainable management of water resources feature as key objectives

within St. Vincent and the Grenadines National Economic and Social Development Plan 2013-2025.

This Project directly supports strategic objective 4.6, “To ensure an adequate, safe, reliable and

sustainable supply of water.”

The plan states that, “during this period, the emphasis will be on conserving water and maintaining its

safety and continued supply.” The plan further highlights the importance of water resources with a

dedicated section on water within the sector specific objectives and states, “Access to safe drinking water

is one of the basic human needs. It is therefore a key component of the development and survival of the

Vincentian society.”

In these two sections of the National Development Plan, there are listed a number of strategic

interventions, several of which will be directly advanced by this project, as follows:

● Expand the water supply and distribution system to include the Grenadines; ● Improve the protection and management of water resources; ● Access to potable water by all households; ● Provision of a reliable water supply to the Grenadines; ● Increase the economic viability of the provision of water services; ● Develop and promote conservation measures and best water use practices to ensure optimal

utilisation of the water resources and ● Expand the provision of potable water to the Grenadines.

Clearly, the difficulty that the people of the Grenadines face with regards access to water has been noted

by the government, which seeks to address the issue as a matter of priority.

5. Describe how the project is aligned with key regional policies/strategic priorities (e.g. CARICOM Strategic

Plan, CARICOM Regional Framework for Achieving Climate Resilience, CDEMA Comprehensive Disaster

Management (CDM) Strategy and Results Framework) (max 500 words)

The Project is aligned to the CARICOM Regional Framework for Achieving Climate Resilience through two

of the five elements and associated goals, namely:

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#2: Promote the implementation of specific adaptation measures to address key vulnerabilities in the


#4: Encourage action to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems in CARICOM countries to

the impacts of a changing climate.

The Project will contribute to the following actions proposed in the implementation plan for the

framework, “Delivering transformational change 2011-2021: Implementing the CARICOM Regional

Framework for Achieving Development Resilient to Climate Change”:

- Develop climate resilient integrated water resources management strategies in all countries - Implement water sector adaptation strategies for all CARICOM countries

The Project further supports the Regional Framework by promoting the dissemination of successful

adaptation experiences to address the impacts of climate change, in this case successful adaptation

experiences in area of water supply.

6. Outline linkages with related national/regional initiatives (linkages with previous national

assessments/projects, creating synergies with ongoing work and co-implementation opportunities with

similar initiatives to avoid overlaps and duplication) (max 500 words)

Under the MACC project implemented by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, a

vulnerability assessment of the water resources sector was conducted for three pilot sites. Union Island,

just seven miles from Mayreau, was one of these pilot sites. The main findings were that water resources

are scarce on Union, that rainfall has already declined in recent decades and that further reductions –

combined with increased variability in the amount of rainfall – could have severe impacts on the

environment and local community. Improving and enhancing storage capacity was a major

recommendation due to the fact that an increase in rainfall is projected during extreme weather events.

Large quantities of rain are projected to fall in very short periods of time and thus there is a need to

capture as much of this as possible and save it for use during the increasingly long and intense dry periods.

We have to use the peaks of rainfall to fill the troughs.

The Project will realize efficiencies in the use of funding by replicating successful projects conducted by

Union Island Environmental Attackers (UIEA). The group has experience in implementing such projects

and so will make use of their lessons learned to make optimal use of project funds.

UIEA seeks to learn from others in the region and to share its successful experiences through regional

forums such as the Caribbean Water Initiative.

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SECTION E: Targeted Stakeholder Groups and Communities

1. Provide information on the main stakeholder group(s) that will be targeted (name, location and

description) (max 500 words)

Mayreau was identified as one of the poorest communities in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in the 2008

Poverty Assessment Report. The village of Mayreau sits at the top of the hill on Mayreau island and has a

population of approximately 300 persons. The island is located within the Grenadines chain seven miles

away from Union Island, where Union Island Environmental Attackers is based. It is one of the most

southern of the Vincentian Grenadines islands.

Most of the 300 residents make their living from fishing and tourism. Because fish are now more scare,

families now have to leave Mayreau to fish and find work in tourism to supply the needs of their family.

Most families are struggling to make ends meet. Tourism is also highly dependent on water resources and

could also be at risk of closure during dry seasons.

2. Outline the process by which the key stakeholder groups were identified (e.g. previous studies,

questionnaires or surveys, consultations etc.) (max 300 words)

Union Island Environmental Attackers (UIEA) has successfully completed water tank projects on Union

Island and is aware of the same condition on Mayreau. The organization was approached by the Mayreau

Explorers to assist the residents of Mayreau in the implementation of an initiative to address water storage

challenges on the island. Mayreau has been recognized as one of the poorest communities in the

Grenadines and with limited economic opportunities and limited water resources. Within regards to the

selection of households which will receive storage tanks a survey instrument has been developed, and is

attached as a supporting document. The survey is described in more detail in the Situational Analysis.

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3. Beneficiary Framework: List the targeted stakeholder groups/communities and the anticipated

number of persons/households in each category who are expected to benefit from the project.

Stakeholder Groups/

Target Community

Number of persons/households in each target group category

Men Women Female-headed households Youth (<18) Elderly (>60)

Mayreau community Approx.




There are approximately 30

single parent households with

no fathers to support them.

There is also a lot of teenage




Approx. 50

4. Outline the expected impacts/benefits in the target communities or to stakeholder group(s).

Type of Impact Expected Benefits/Impacts


The Mayreau Primary school will have additional water storage (to be rehabilitated)

and so will not have to close when water runs dry.

Families can spend more money on food, education and health because they will

not have to buy water. Vulnerable groups including women headed households,

those in poverty or at risk thereof, persons with disabilities, and families with

several dependents, will be a priority in this project as the primary beneficiaries.

Economic/Financial Families will not have to spend extra money on water. Each household will save

$250 EC or more each year.


Families will be more educated on water conservation in the home and on the land.

For example, we will teach them how to save water, how to make sure their guttering

is clean and their pipes are not leaking, and how to disinfect their supplies.

Boats will not have to burn so much diesel fuel to bring water.

5. What will be the specific roles of and benefits to men and women in each stakeholder

group/community during and after project implementation?

Male Female

Specific Roles

Will build platforms and install

plumbing on each tank.

Will assist in carrying water and

food to the construction sites and

will also be given opportunities to

assist in construction.

Women educate children about

rain water harvesting and good

hygiene practices.

Women will be involved in

monitoring water quality and

managing the RWH systems.

Anticipated Benefits

Low-income and vulnerable

families will be targeted as

priority and will benefit by

being able to spend more

Women heads of household and

vulnerable families will have a

reduced financial burden and in

general, families can spend more

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money on other basic needs

such as food, education, and

health because they will not

have to buy water.

Capacities of men will be built

on rain water collection,

storage, and disinfection.

money on food, education and

health because they will not have

to buy water.

Capacities of women will be built

on rain water collection, storage,

and disinfection and their skills

used in monitoring water quality

and managing RWH systems

Do you anticipate any negative outcomes

from the project on either gender?

No. No.

SECTION F: Stakeholder Engagement and Gender Analysis

Please note that community/stakeholder participation refers to the active involvement of these groups

in and “ownership” of the project.

1. How did communities participate in the planning and development of the project?


Provision of baseline information

The president of UIEA spoke with women and men of Mayreau

community, including the former chairwoman of the Mayreau

Regatta Committee, fishers, the president of the Mayreau

Explorers group and other concerned citizens of the

community. It is a very small community and everybody knows

each other. The community discussed the project by word of

mouth and agreement was reached on project for the


The community gave information such as the approximate

number of households (approximately 75). The survey that will

be undertaken will provide the baseline information when the

project is launched for each household.

Development of the project methodology

The project is a replication of the Union Island water project as

the situation and site characteristics on Mayreau and Union

Island are similar. The methodology was developed in

consultation with the community. These consultations were


Defining project activities As above.

Defining project focus/scope As above.

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Outlining community level needs and

priorities the community members provided detailed information on

their needs and priorities for water security

Review the draft project proposal.

The president of Mayreau Explorers and the secretary sat with

the UIEA president and discussed and went through the draft

and agreed that the information that is appropriate for the

community of Mayreau.

Proposal Development As above.

Draft Proposal Review As above.

Other (please specify)

2. How was their participation facilitated?


Undertaking surveys/questionnaires

GEF project designed a vulnerability rapid assessment and used

it to gather information from the community and based on the

answers, the community is very vulnerable. The same survey

will be done at the start of this project. And also a survey will be

done to get the baseline information of the households and this

information will be used for the selection of the households

who will receive a water tank.

Responding to surveys/questionnaires As above.


UIEA president met with the president of the Mayreau Explorers

and other members of the Mayreau community (see above)

several times during the preparation of the project.


The Project will do three one day workshops on water

conservation, techniques for rainwater harvesting and


One-on-one discussions

UIEA president met with the president of the Mayreau Explorers

and other members of the Mayreau community (see above)

several times during the preparation of the project.

Focus group discussions At the start of the project the Project will set up a village

meeting and facilitate group discussions.

Review the draft project proposal. As above.

Other (please specify)

3. How will communities/ stakeholder groups participate in project implementation?


Volunteers for physical works

The beneficiaries, which

are women, men and

children of the Mayreau


The recipients will help to

carry up the materials to their

household and carry water for

the construction.

Monitoring and Evaluation

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The beneficiaries, which

are women, men and

children of the Mayreau


Monitoring and evaluation

will be done throughout the

lifetime of the Project. The

Mayreau Explorers and the

project coordinator will

double check to make sure

that the platforms and

installation of tanks are in

their rightful place and that

materials are properly stored

and will take photos. They will

talk to each household one on

one to find out four basic

questions. 1. What was their

experience during the dry

weather? 2. How did the

project benefit them? 3. What

did they learn from the

project? 4. What would they

like to see happen in the

future? The Project will make

a video documentary with

some of the interviews. It

expects about 100 persons to

turn out for the workshops on

water conservation and will

give out an evaluation form so

that people can rate the

workshops and give their

feedback. When the water

tanks arrive, they will test

them to make sure none are


Co-programming/Project Partnership Mayreau Explorers

Mayreau Explorers will

partner with UIEA as

described above in section



Other (please specify) Households

The households will provide

water for the construction of

the platform to place the tank

on. This will cut down the cost

to the Project.

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4. If women or men are under-represented in project design, implementation and management,

what will you do to increase their meaningful participation in the project?


Women Women are sometimes caught up busy and don’t

have anybody to look after their children.

The Project partner will assist in the provision of

child care

Men Men sometimes don’t want to go to meetings

because they don’t want to lose their day job.

Meeting will be held in the evening to

accommodate their participation

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SECTION G: Results Framework

Primary J-CCCP Project Outputs (as indicated in section 3): e.g. Output 2.2 Crop diversification practices tested for their ability to improve resilience of farmers to climate

change impacts

J-CCCP Output 2.1

Affordable climate-resilient community-based water harvesting, storage and distribution systems designed, built and rehabilitated in selected target areas (e.g.

communal reservoirs, rooftop catchment, rainwater storage tanks and conveyance systems)

Expected Pilot Project Outputs/Results Indicators

(To be selected from

Annex A)

Baseline Targets Monitoring method Source of verification

Output 2.1 affordable climate resilient

community based water harvesting storage

and distributions systems built and

rehabilitated in selected target areas

Number of gallons of

increased storage

capacity which meets

international drinking

water standards

Current estimate

shows that there

are 75 households

and each household

which has


1,500 gallons per

household at

present. The Project

verify the on-island

storage capacity

through the

community survey

70,000-gallon water

storage installed (50 x

1,000-gallon tanks,

rehabilitation of the

cistern at Mayreau

Primary School-

10,000 gallon, 10

tanks for a tank farm x


Households surveys

Visual inspection and

water quality testing by

Central Water and

Sewerage Authority


Installation of the proposed

water storage tanks

Number of men and

women who have

received training in

climate change

adaptation principles

and techniques

50 men and 100


At least 150 people

trained (half of the


At the end of the

project, UIEA will visit

the island of Mayreau

to make sure that the

people are practicing

what they learned, for

example that the tanks

and guttering are well


The delivery of report by


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% reduction in the

cost of water

collection and

transport during

drought periods

All 75 households


approximately $250

EC per year.

100% reduction for 50

most needy

households realized

Vulnerability rapid

assessment surveys


VRA report by UIEA

% of female headed

households with

improved access to


The Project will

verify the number

of female headed

households are in

Mayreau in the

survey at the start

of the project.

100% of the female

headed households


Households surveys

and inspection

conducted by Central

Water and Sewerage

Authority officer

The delivery of report by


*Please add or subtract rows or increase the size of each cell as needed

Explanatory Notes:

J-CCCP PROJECT OUTPUTS: Primary J-CCCP outputs/results of the project as indicated in section 3. Secondary J-CCCP outputs should NOT be included in the table.

EXPECTED PILOT PROJECT OUTPUTS: These are the concrete adaptation/mitigation measures, solutions, techniques and technologies that will be introduced or

installed. These outputs are SPECIFIC to the pilot project and will contribute to the attainment of the selected J-CCCP primary outputs. These represent the desired end

state upon completion of the pilot project.

INDICATORS: Used to measure success of the expected pilot project outputs/ results. The indicators and the corresponding outputs have been outlined in Annex A. The indicators should be selected and reflected in the Results Framework as follows: (1) Required- All indicators for the Output must be incorporated (2) Optional- At least one of the indicators for the selected Output should be incorporated.

BASELINE: Status of the indicators before pilot project starts.

TARGETS: Results that will be achieved by the end of the pilot project based on the indicators. Attainment of the target would be achieved through the

implementation of the activities and should be measured relative to the baseline e.g. 3,150m3 of water storage capacity available (3,000 m3 installed, 150m3


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MONITORING METHOD AND SOURCE OF VERIFICATION: Outline the methods and frequency of monitoring that will be undertaken to assess the progress of project

implementation and the success of the activities in attaining the desired results. The sources of data and the other relevant information should also be stated.

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SECTION H: Work Plan and Budget

Expected Pilot



Planned Activities

Timeframe (months) Year 1


Year 2


Year (2017/18)

S O N D J F M A M J Output 2.1

affordable climate


community based

water harvesting

storage and


systems built and

rehabilitated in

selected target


1.1. Hold community meeting to launch

the project x x

1.2. Give out application form to apply for



1.3. Visiting households to verify



Local travel for activity 1.1 – 1.3 1263.00

1.4. Carryout a selection process for

eligible households


1.5. Purchase material and equipment for

the construction of the platform (cement,

sand, gravel, stone, etc) and

Transportation to Mayreau

x x 16963.00

1.6. Purchase 50 water tanks for

community x x 16667.00

1.7. Install tanks for the households 3222.00

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1.8. Rehabilitation of the cistern at the

Primary School x x 16659.00

1.9. Installation of 10 tanks for tank farms x x 7407.00 2.1. Publish press releases, posters, ads,

stating UNDP support.

x x x x x x x x x x

2.2. Produce Radio programmes about

effects of climate change and need for

local adaptation.

x x x x x

2.3. Community workshops to inform

people about water conservation and

proper maintenance of the tanks.

x x x 1407.00

2.4 Capacity Building for members of

Mayreau Explorers and UEIA x

Vulnerability rapid assessment surveys

conducted by UIEA (Target:100%

reduction for 50 most needy households



Household surveys and inspection

conducted by Central Water and

Sewerage Authority officer (Target: all of

the female headed households


x 293.00

Purchase of equipment x x 1111.00 Contracts for Administration 6481.00 2593.00 Consultancy (CWSA) x x x x 1852.00 Total 72033.33 2885.00

Explanatory Notes:

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EXPECTED PILOT PROJECT OUTPUTS: Kindly restate the Expected Pilot Project Outputs/Results outlined in the “Results Framework” table in Section G.

PLANNED ACTIVITIES: The activities are the steps that will be undertaken within a specified time period to achieve the pilot project outputs. Describe each activity as

follows e.g. Conduct site assessment and undertake system design at identified location; develop and implement capacity building exercise in installation and

maintenance; system installation and testing.

TIMEFRAME: The expected period of work for the completion of the planned activities

BUDGET: The estimated financial allocations that would be required to facilitate the implementation of each of the planned activities

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SECTION I: Project Budget Breakdown




Unit Cost

(Local $)

No. Total Cost

(Local $)



Contribution from

community or group

(Local $)


Contribution from Co-

funders (Government;

Private Sector, Individuals,


Mayreau Explorers

(Local $)

Cash In-kind Cash In-kind

Personnel/Labour1 $36,700.00 $8,700.00 $8,000.00 $20,000.00


Equipment 2 $3,000.00 $3,000.00

Materials $71,500.00 $63,500.00 $8,000.00


Development for


$8100 $8100



2 $17,800.00 $3,800.00 $6,000.00 $8,000.00

Local Travel $33,710.00 $30,710.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00

Contracts for Project


$24,500.00 $24,500.00

Monitoring and


$12,790.00 $790.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00

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Rehabilitation of

Tank at Mayreau

Primary School ( See

quote attached)

$42,280.00 42,280.00

Other (Provision of

Technical Assistance

from CWSA)

5,000.00 5000.00

Purchase of Tanks

(10) and

construction of

Platform at the

Existing site

20,000.00 20,000.00

TOTAL (Local $) $267, 500.00 $210,380.00 $30,000.00 $35,000.00

TOTAL (US$) US$102 074.07 US$77,918.52 US$11,111.11 US$12,962.96

1Administration: The amounts for these items constitute the project administration budget allocation and should not include overheads. Only the labour time required

for the project will be funded.

Clearly explain how you arrive at each figure in the Total Budget Column by including precise notes below. A Letter of confirmation is required from each co-funder. Specify names and contact information of all co-funders in the explanatory notes.

Explanatory Budget Notes: An explanation for each budget line is required in order for the proposal to be considered. Figures should be quoted in US currency. (2.70)

Budget Line Item Explanation

Personnel/Labour1 Workmanship and Labour

Contractor: 150 per day x 30/days = 4,500

Mason: 80 per day x 21/days = 1,680

Labourer: 2 persons x 60/day x 21/days = 2,520

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Grand Total = $ 8,700

Equipment 1 Laptop computer @ EC$ 2,000.00 (US$740.75)

1 Digital camera @ 1000.00 (US$370.38)

Grand Total = $3,000

Materials Sand: purchase and transportation from SV to Mayreau - 1 truck load sand @ $2,300.00

Stone: purchase and transportation from SV to Mayreau - 1 truck load stone @$3,200.00

Cement: 1 sack @ 30 x 100 = 3,000

Steel: 18 x 100/steel = 1,800

Blocks: 800 blocks x 4.00 = 3,200

Tanks: 50 tanks x 900 = 45,000

Pipes, PVC: @3,500

Stationary (pens, pencil, folders etc) – 1,500

Chlorine solution for 50 tanks

Grand Total = $63,500 (US$23,518.88)



1. Water Conservation & Sanitation Workshop:

Catering @ 20 x 60 pers x 1/day = 1,200

Venue: 1/day @ 200 = 200

Workshop facilitation by UIEA = @ 500

Total = $1,900.00

3. Vulnerability Risk Assessment Workshop

Catering @ 20 x 60 pers x 1/day = 1,200

Venue: 1/day @ 200 = 200

Workshop facilitation by UIEA = @ 500

Total = $1,900.00

Grant total = $3,800

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Local Travel


Meeting with Mayreau Explorers: 3 pers @ 250 = 250.00

Project Launch: 20 pers x 40 = 800.00

Community follow up meetings: 18trips x 40 x 2pers = 1,440.00

Closing ceremony: 23 pers X 40 = 920.00

Sub Total = $3,410.00

2. Transportation of Tanks

Freight: Trinidad to Union Island and Mayreau – 50 tanks @250 = 12,500

Transportation: to include cement, pvc, fixtures and fittings, steel etc - @800

Ground Transportation: Water tanks from dock to household – 25trips x 60 = 1,500

Customs and immigration: Clearing of 50 tanks @ $250.00 =$12,500.00

Sub Total = 27,300

Grand Total = $30,710

Contracts for Project


Project Officer (UIEA): (for overseeing, planning and facilitation of meetings and activities relating to the

project – Producing all project reports and documents $2,500.00 per month x 7/months = 17,500

Liaison Officer (Mayreau Explorers): Responsible for providing on the ground support on Mayreau island to

coordinate community meetings, prepare workshop venue and catering etc $1,000 X 7/months = 7,000

Grant total = $24,500

Monitoring and Evaluation

Video documentary (Consultant): Community reaction to the use of the water tanks and how this initiative

has improved the lives of the local community on Mayreau – Videographer @ 1,000

All other M&E activities @ 11,790.00

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Grand Total = $12,790.00

Repair of Tank at Primary


Quotation is attached for the reparation of the tank. This quotation includes both labour and material

Support from CWSA

This is to cover the cost of the visit of engineers from the CWSA from SVG to Mayreau, the payment of per

diem and the cost of travel to and from Mayreau

In-kind: Attached Letters from Mayreau Explorers and Union Island Environmental Attackers

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SECTION J: Management Arrangements and Organisational Capacity

1. Please outline the management structure of the project management team. This should include the full name,

assigned roles/position, relevant experience and area of responsibility on the project for each of the members

of the team.

Name Role/ Position Experience Area of Responsibility

Katrina Collins Coy President and

project coordinator,


Successfully implemented two

similar projects – CIDA and GEF.

CIDA gave a plaque to

commend the UIEA.

Managing the project,

including managing project

funds, writing contract and

supervising works,

monitoring, report writing.

Philman Ollivierre President, Mayreau


Successfully formed a

cooperative growing sea moss

to produce beverages on


Supervise the runnings of the

Mayreau Explorers. Organise

meetings on Mayreau.

Monitoring of group work.

Collecting information.

2. Detail the organization’s internal capacity to undertake the critical areas of project management outlined

in the table below. Constraints in each of these areas should also be presented as well as planned

mitigation actions to reduce their impact on project implementation.



Description of Available Capacity Description of





The constitution of UIEA (see Section N

number 4) includes rules and regulations

that govern financial management within

the organization. The treasurer must keep

accurate records of all money received

and paid out. Two board members must

sign all checks. The bank account will give

records of all transactions. The project

coordinator will keep all receipts and


When none of the

relevant signatory

to the account are

present then no

money would be

able to be paid out.

The Project makes

sure that

payments to be

made are prepared

in advance so that

signatories to the

account can sign.

Technical skills



UIEA technical expertise includes certified

turtle handlers, certified bird watcher,

certified tour guides, first aid, lectures in

schools on the environment. We have won

a Silver Award in environmental

beautification from the Commonwealth.

UIEA enjoys support from Sustainable

Grenadines Inc NGO for additional

technical knowledge and skills.

The Project partner

does not have

technical skills for

monitoring that

water meets



Support from

Central Water and


Authority for

water testing and

site assessments


UIEA uses Sustainable Grenadines Inc

office and a workspace at the Internet café

UIEA does not have

a working computer

or camera.

UIEA will purchase

a computer and a

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where the president works. We can print

in Union Island at the Internet café.

camera with

project funds.

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SECTION K: Project Risk and Assumptions

Risk Log: Identify the internal and external risk factors that could result in significant delays or failure to implement project activities. Give thought to

the likelihood of them occurring and the actions that should be put in place to manage the risks that you have identified. Examples have been

provided in the table below.

Explanatory Notes:

● Description of Risk: Outline of the possible risks that could result in delay or failure of the project ● Type of Risk: Category of identified risk e.g. Environmental/ Financial/ Organizational/ Operational/ Political/ Other ● Probability: Likelihood of the identified risk occurring i.e. High/ Medium/ Low ● Impact: Describe the potential effects on the project if this risk were to occur ● Mitigation Actions/Management Response: Outline the actions that have been or will be taken to manage the risks

Description of Risk Type of Risk Probability Impact Mitigation actions / Management Response




Project manager

could get sick

Other Low Could delay



Because the Project partner closely works with Mayreau

Explorers, they could take over some of the duties until the

coordinator is back on her feet. CWSA will also provide

technical support.

People could get

upset if they don’t

get a water tank

Other Medium Could cause a

little friction

The Project partner explains the proper criteria for the

selection process and for people to fill out. The partner has a

committee with key people who know the community very

well to decide so as to minimize any bias which may be

addressed by others.




Unexpected extreme

weather events Environmental Medium Could delay

construction and

redirect efforts

to focus on

response and

recovery. Could

Watch for hurricane warnings and keep supplies and

equipment secure in a safe location.

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also damage

and/or destroy

property and


If there is no




Could delay

workshop and



Have paper records for project management and print outs

and flip charts for workshops.

**Please add rows to the table as required

Key Project Assumptions: These are factors or events that your organization believes to be true and on which the feasibility and success of the project

have been based. Whether evidence-based or presumed, the factors must remain true throughout the entire project cycle in order for the

expected results to be realized.


Key expertise is available to undertake priority activities

The Coordination because Katrina from Union Island Environmental Attackers has experience in this

field she is more than capable to handle the activity of this projects. Union Island Environmental

Attackers has successfully implemented projects that Katrina has coordinated before.Additionally

CWSA will provide specific technical expertise on water quality testing, siting of teank farm and

rehabilitation of the communal cistern.

Co-funding and in-kind contributions have been secured All arrangements have been finalized and are outlined in the MOU between UEIA and Mayreau

**Please add rows to the table as required

SECTION L: Project Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation

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Project Monitoring: Clearly outline how the project progress will be tracked and the scheduled periods for collection of data/information. The

established baseline for each expected sub-output and the corresponding targets should be used as the benchmarks for determining progress

and success.

Explanatory Notes:

Method of Monitoring and Evaluation: We will measure all of the indicators in section G:

Timeframe: The time period in which the monitoring activities will be undertaken i.e. weekly/monthly/ quarter way and half way

through the project/ at the end of the project period

Responsible Party: Identify the individuals that will be undertaking the activity. E.g. Team leader, consultant etc.

Method of Monitoring and Evaluation Timeframe/

Frequency Responsible Party

Household surveys and physical inspections to determine

storage capacity and assess target sites Beginning and end of project Project coordinator

Post implementation surveys and physical inspections to

ensure structures have been installed correctly. Beginning and end of project Project coordinator

Physical Inspections of communal systems to assess

upgrades. Beginning and end of project Project coordinator

**Please add rows to the table as required

Project Reporting and Evaluation: The table below outlines the minimum reporting obligations of the Responsible Organization/ Group undertaking

pilot project implementation.

Type of M&E

activity Description Responsible Parties Time frame

Inception report A report on the initial activities undertaken at the start of the

project. This report should also contain information on any changes

to the approach to the implementation of activities due to

▪ Pilot Project Team Within the first two

months of project


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consultation with stakeholders, additional data and ground proofing

of proposed methodologies.

Progress reports An update on the progress of project activities and implementation.

This should detail major accomplishments as well as challenges and

mitigations measures to manage them and keep the project on track

and on schedule. This report should also include an analysis of data

that would have been collected.

▪ Pilot Project Team ▪ J-CCCP National Focal Point


Financial Reports A summary of the expenditure for the reporting period. This must be

aligned with the project work plan and budget

▪ Pilot Project Team ▪ J-CCCP NFP


Field Monitoring

and Evaluation

This is related to the field monitoring and evaluation exercises that

will be undertaken by the J-CCCP project team to verify reported

results, monitor project progress and provide technical or

administrative support where needed.

▪ J-CCCP National Focal Point

(NFP) ▪ UNDP Barbados and the OECS

J-CCCP Project Management

Unit (PMU)

NFP- As necessary


At least twice in

project lifetime

Final Project


A comprehensive report of the project activities and results from

inception to completion. This should include analysis of the baseline

in relation to the targets reached, a full analysis of data collected and

interventions that were used as well as lessons learned during

project implementation.

▪ Pilot Project Team Two weeks before

the end of the


SECTION M: Project Sustainability

Clearly outline how the project outcomes will be sustained after the end of the project and how the benefits will continue beyond the life of the project.

By ensuring that the water storage tanks are properly installed and by continuing to work along with communities, we will ensure that the community

continues to benefit long after the project is over. The recipients of water storage tanks will be responsible for the maintenance costs once the project

has ended. We will encourage households to put aside a portion of the savings they make from not having to buy water towards maintenance. The school

and the medical clinic are public buildings and the government will be responsible for maintaining the tanks there.

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The UIEA and the Mayreau Explorers will continue to work with the community to give continued support for drought and other climate conditions. The

Environmental Attackers hopes to leverage other long term climate change support from the government and others agencies that will become involved

in the future. Further UEIA and Mayreau Explorers will work closely with the CWSA to develop a comprehensive community based water quality monitoring

plan to ensure continued high quality of available potable water.

The community will have a reduced level of disaster risk for the entire lifespan of the water tanks that are allocated to households and service buildings.

SECTION N: Attachments and Supporting Documentation

1. Certificate of Incorporation/Registration

2. Financial Statement

3. Letters from Mayreau Explorers and Union Island Environmental Attackers

4. Letter of Permission for Ministry of Education for repair of cistern

5. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UIEA and Mayreau Explorers

6. Quote for the Repairs of the School Cistern

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7. Organizational Outline:

President Ms. Katrina Collins; Vice President Mr. Timothy Jacobs; Public Relation

Officer Philomon Taylor ; Assistant PRO Esrome Durrant; Secretary Vanessa

Hackshaw; Assistant Secretary Ms. Cora Decoteau; Treasurer Leroy Mitchell;

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Assistant Treasurer Shameal Mulzac; Floor Members Alex Shortte, Unica Morgan,

Sherlan Johnny, etc

Financial statement (2 years)

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8. Other (please list the other documents attached Constitution and In-kind letters)


ATTACKERS The development of Union Island for social progress and a better life within the environment depends on everyone We will continue to press for help and aids to promote and develop a quality life demanded by the people of Union Island. This step was taken on November 8th 1999 when a group of us from the community came together to form this ever needed organization.

● We stand for genuine independence of St Vincent & the Grenadines and pledge ourselves to assist the lawful and constitutional methods to fight for the rights to self- development.

● We insist that at all times sovereignty over our territory should be vested in our people.

● In the arena of Government and Politics, the Union Island Environmental Attackers Committee pledge to be free from all affiliation to and control by Political Parties


● The Named of this organization is the Union Island Environmental Attackers here in referred (U.I.E.A)

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● The Aim of the U.I.E.A is “To maintain the beauty of Union Island and to promote our tourism industry.

● The Colour of the action committee is black and white ● Slogan: There’s a price let’s do it right to save paradise


● Develop and maintain communication between the citizens and tourists

● Build a beach umbrella at the Ábblo Beach and Burial Ground at Clifton.

● Strategically place garbage disposal units

● Provide billboards with our logo as a constant reminder to keep the environment clean.

● Advertise constantly so as to sensitize the public of the need to maintain a clean and healthy environment; make it a habit.

● Educate our visitors and locals about island history and culture ● The Union Island Environmental Attackers pledge to fight for the

achievements of all our declaration and goals to assist the people who are working towards the development of the community and its environment

In this respect, the fundamental objective of the U.I.E.A shall be:

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1. To provide recommendation to Government as regards to the dump sites and garbage dumps.

2. To aid in the control of garbage in every village and community of Union Island

3. To beautify the environment through clean- up campaigns and trees and flowers planting

4. To associate with similar group aims /objectives as regards the environment 5. To organize activities as regards environmental awareness through seminars,

public speaking and talks in school by members of U.I.E.A and other environment associated resource personnel.

MEMBERSHIP Resident of Union Island are eligible for membership of the community Membership of the organization shall be free The Executive The members shall elect an Executive committee which shall:

● Be responsible for the implementation of the decisions and programs as laid down

● Consist of no more than 15 members including all officers of the


● Has a quorum when five or more members are present

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OFFICERS ARE: President Vice- President Secretary Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Public Relations Officer Chaplin DUTIES OF OFFICER

1. President shall ● Supervise the general administration of the U.I.E.A ● Summons all meetings of the U.I.E.A ● Sanction all releases and publication of the Public Relation Officer ● Be authorized to make statement on behalf of and on the name of the

environmental committee ● The President in cases of emergency, shall appoint delegates or

individuals to represent the organization at any convention meetings, assembly or seminars

2. Vice President

● Should take charge of meetings in the absence of the president ● Assist in the supervision of the general administration of the U.I.E.A ● Be authorized to perform duties assigned to the president if requested

by the president

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3. The Secretary ● Keep accurate records and account of the proceedings of all meetings

and see that all documents, books and accounts of the environmental committee are kept in order.

● Attend to all correspondence of the U.I.E.A at the directions of the president and or the executive body

● Shall be responsible for all the circulation of all the minutes and agenda

4. Assistant Secretary

● Record the minutes and proceeding of all meetings of the executives ● Assist the secretary in execution of his/her duties ● Carry out the duties of the general secretary during his/her absence

5. The Treasurer ● Keep accurate records of all money received by or paid out on behalf

of the organization ● Deposit in the U.I.E.A bank account, all monies paid in to the

organization within three days of receipt ● Be authorized together with the president to sign all cheques,

vouchers and other financial documents on behalf of the organization

6. Assistant Treasurer ● Assist the treasurer in execution of his/her duties ● Carry out the duties of the treasurer during his/her absence

7. The Public Relation Officer

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● Be responsible for organizing and promoting the public image of the organization

● Issue statements and release with the approval of the president and or the executives committee

8. The Chaplin

● Responsible for conducting prayers at all meetings

Other duties may be assigned by any member of the executives as it becomes necessary FINANCE In order to meet the expenses involved in conducting the affairs of the organization and in furthering its objectives the organization shall raise funds by the following means:

● Selling of T-Shirt ● Paying dues every month of $5.00 ● Barbecue ● Walk –a- ton

The funds of the organization shall be deposited in the National Commercial Bank and shall be vested in the name of the organization.

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MEETINGS The regular meetings shall be called every First Tuesday in every month The annual general meetings of the organization shall be held at the end of each financial year at such time and place as shall be designated by the executive’s body. And the executive’s body shall meet at a time appointed by the president AMENDMENTS At the annual general meeting members will have the powers to add to, amend, rescind or modify the constitution from time to time. At least two – thirds of members present must be in agreement. Members must be given fourteen (14) days advance notice to amend the constitution. DISSOLUTION OF THE ORGANISATION The organization shall be dissolved on a motion carried by two-third’s majority vote

of the membership present and voting at a general meeting called for that purpose The assets of the organization shall be vested in any organization or group having the same objectives

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Appendix 5: MOU between the UIEA and Mayreau Explorers

Memorandum of understanding Between

Union Island Environmental Attackers (UIEA) Clifton, Union Island

St. Vincent and the Grenadines And

Mayreau Explorers Mayreau, Southern Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines

BACKGROUND The Union Island Environmental Attackers (UIEA) is implementing a project called “ADAPTING TO THE EFFECTS OF DROUGHT THROUGH INCREASING



The primary goal of the project is to increase water storage for households on the Island of

Mayreau, in order to raise the island’s overall water storage capacity by 50,000


Mayreau has a population of 271 persons with 86 house hold of 143 male and 128 females, Mayreau is one of the smallest islands in the Grenadines. It is only 1 ½ square miles and is accessible only by boat.

The low annual rainfall around 45-60 inches annually, and the absence of permanent surface sources result in a scarcity of water. There is a lack of adequate storage

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capacity to maintain the required water supply, especially during prolonged drought conditions. Subsequently there are some serious issues related to the availability of water with respect to health, sanitation and vector control.

The main activities of the project include:

1. Carry out needs assessment for water tanks: Most vulnerable group (low income residents) better able to cope with drought conditions

2. Mobilise community for project: Communities will work together to address disaster risks

3. Procure water tanks: Increased access to high quality potable water thus reducing the likelihood of water borne diseases

4. Construct infrastructure for tanks: Ensure that water storage tanks will be properly utilized upon arrival to Mayreau

5. Conservation campaign: Minimize effect of drought conditions by ensuring water is used efficiently

6. Survey: Measuring the success of the project will provide important information for any future disaster management projects.

SCOPE OF COMMITMENT It is expected that by engaging in this project, the Mayreau Explorers will work through the life of the project. Specific responsibilities of each organisation will include: Union Island Environmental Attackers: Announce the project on the radio and in the newspaper.

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Draft up the household application/survey with the community and the Mayreau Explorers to shows there income and person living in the house hold and their occupation. Conduct one on one visit to the homes with Mayreau Explorers. Establish a selection committee to decide who most needs a water tank. The selection committee will have two members from UIEA, the project coordinator, and seven members of Mayreau community. Procure the water tanks and all other materials Draft contract with a local contractor on Mayreau for construction of platforms Financial management Reporting Mayreau Explorers: Hand out flyers and stick up posters to launch the project. Set up village meetings with meeting place, food, etc. and attend with UIEA. Select the best people on the ground to be on the selection team. They must choose key people from the community such as the principal of the school, a social worker, fisherman, etc. Mayreau Explorers will take minutes of meetings. Liaison Officer (Mayreau Explorers): Responsible for providing on the ground support on Mayreau island to coordinate community meetings, prepare workshop venue and catering etc $1,000 X 7/months = $7,000 Contribution to the project will include time and labour of $35,000.00 In-kind contribution and $7,000.00 for Liaison Officer.

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SIGNATURES By signing below, both parties agree to participate fully in ensuring the effective implementation of the “Adapting to the Effects of Drought through increasing

water storage capacity to address climate change on Mayreau” Project. For the Project Coordinator: For the Project Liaison

Officer: Katrina Collins Philman Ollivierre Union Island Environmental Attackers Mayreau Explorers

Signature: Signature:

Date: April 19th 2017 Date: April 19th 2017

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Appendix 6: Quote for Repair of School Cistern Peter Wayne Regis Office: 1784 458 8164 Ashton, Union Island Cell: 1784 493 7357/432 2149 Southern Grenadines Email: bonnie2dbone@yahoo 31st May 2017 Mrs. Katrina Collins Coy Environmental attackers Clifton Union Island Attention Mrs. Coy To renovate water tank at the Mayreau Primary School size 19’-0”x20’-0”x8’-6” Further to our discussion I have carried out an investigation and evaluation of the above caption project under review as a result the following observation was made. The present roof and beams of the water tank is beyond repairs and therefore need replacement and all walls internally need to be plaster using high rib wire mesh with 1.5”cement sand mix of 1:3 ratio and Seem or Reproof add mixture and two courts of Thoroseal. The estimated cost to carry out this task is Fifty Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty Dollars (52,280.00XCD) and is based on the present cost of materials and Labour in the local construction industry






TOP/ROOF, Chip and cart away all rubble to disposed site

10 CY 3,250.00

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2 HIGH RIB MESH sides and bottom of walls

120 SQY

35.00 4,200.00

3 THOROSEAL and AQUALIC 60: all internal walls two coats

120 SQY

35.00 4200.00




70.00 8,200.00


66 SQY 75.00 4,950.00


10 CY 950.00 9,500.00


324 LBS

5.00 1,620.00


1,152 LBS

5.00 5,760.00


120 LBS

5.00 600.00


LABOUR 42,280.00

Thanks for the opportunity to submit this estimate and hope that we can work together to see this project come to reality and looking forward to working with you in the future. Respectfully yours

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Peter Wayne Regis

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ANNEX A- Project Outputs and Indicators Indicators should be selected from this table and incorporated into the Results Framework in Section G of the Pilot Proposal Template.

Output Output Description Required/Optional Indicators

2.1-2.6 General Optional Number of men and women who have received training in

climate change adaptation principles and techniques

% decrease in or avoided tCO2 emissions

% increase in youths targeted for training in the

design/installation/use/maintenance of climate resilient



Affordable climate-resilient community-based

water harvesting, storage and distribution

systems designed, built and rehabilitated in

selected target areas (e.g. communal

reservoirs, rooftop catchment, rainwater

storage tanks and conveyance systems)

Required Number of men and women with improved access to

water which meets international drinking water standards

Number of litres/gallons of increased storage capacity

which meets international drinking water standards

Optional % of female headed households with improved access to


% reduction in time spent collecting and transporting


% reduction in the cost of water collection and transport

during drought periods

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2.2 Crop diversification practices tested for their

ability to improve resilience of farmers to

climate change impacts.

Required Number of men and women who expand and diversify the

agricultural product using sustainable techniques

Number of communities which expand and diversify the

agricultural product using sustainable techniques

% increase of farming land (in hectares) with climate

resilient crops planted in the target area

Increase in yield (kilograms per hectare) or crop density

(plants per hectare) relative to input cost

2.3 Community-based water capacity and

irrigation systems improved or developed to

test their ability to raise agricultural


Required Number of men and women who have gained direct

benefits from improved climate resilient irrigation


% increase in agricultural land covered with improved

climate resilient irrigation systems

Increase in yield (kilograms per hectare) or crop density (

plants per hectare) relative to inputs

Optional % reduction in time spent collecting and transporting


% reduction in the cost of water collection and transport

during drought periods

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2.4 Climate-resilient agro-pastoral practices and

technologies (e.g. water management and soil

fertility) demonstrated in selected target


Required Number of men and women who have gained direct

benefits from adaptive and improved grazing techniques

Increase in yield (kilograms per hectare) or crop density

(plants per hectare) relative to inputs

Optional Increase in the number of hectares of grazing area with

adaptive and improved grazing techniques

Area of farmland where climate smart agriculture

technologies have been adopted (e.g. reduced tillage,

permanent crop cover, agro forestry)

Number of hectares with improved soil health measured

by soil organic matter and nutrient balance relative to

baseline conditions

Reduction in kilograms of toxic chemical use

Number of demonstrated soil and water conservation


2.5 Small-scale infrastructure implemented to

reduce climate change and disaster-induced


Required Number of men and women who have gained direct

benefits from risk reduction measures implemented

Number of communities where sector specific risk

reduction measures are being implemented,

disaggregated by urban and rural areas

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Number of kilometers of infrastructure implemented (e.g

road or slop stabilization) to reduce climate change and

disaster-induced losses

2.6 Energy pilot demonstrations applied to

selected adaptation, mitigation and disaster

risk management interventions to catalyze

low-emission climate-resilient technology

transfer, development and investments in the


Required Number of men and women with improved access to


Optional % increase in kWh of RE capacity installed in target area

% decrease in or avoided tCO2 emissions

% of female headed households with improved access to


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Mayreau Implementation Plan

J-CCCP Outputs J-CCCP Indicators Pilot Project Target Planned Activities Expected Expenditure (USD)

Outputs Indicators Targets Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Deliverable 1: Provision of 1000-gallon water storage tanks to 50 households

Sub Activity 1: distribution of suveys

Purchase of 1 digital camera $370.38

Purchase of 1 laptop computer $740.75

Purchase of stationary (pens, pencils, folders etc.) $555.56

Sub Activity 2: Meetings with the selection committee $0.00

Sub Activity 3: House to house visit $0.00

Sub Activity 5: Labourers for the installation of tanks at households

(Plathforms) $933.34

Sub Activity 6: Mason for the installation of tanks at the households

(Plathforms) $622.23

Sub Activity 7: Purchase and transportation of sand from SV to Mayreau $851.85

Sub Activity 8: Purchase and transportation of stone from SV to Mayreau $1,185.19

Sub Activity 9: Purchase of PVC Pipes $1,296.30

Sub Activity 10: Purchase of Blocks ($1.48 each) $1,185.19

Sub Activity 11: Purchase of Steel ($37.04 each) $666.67

Sub Activity 12: Purchase of cement sacks ($37.04 each) $1,111.12

Sub Activity 13: Purchase 50 water tanks for community $16,667.00

Sub Activity 14: Procurement of Videographer consultant for documentary $370.38

Sub Activity 5: Installation of tanks at households $1,666.67

Deliverable 2: Repair of the 10,000-gallon cistern located at Mayreau Primary


Sub Activity 1: Procurement of contrator

Sub Activity 2: Purchasing of materials

Sub Activity 3:

Sub Activity 4:

Sub Activity 5:

Deliverable 3: The establishment of a tank farm of ten, 1000-gallon tanks at

the site of the Central Water and Sewage Authority’s communal cistern $7407.00

Sub Activity 1: Prepare the ground

Sub Activity 2: Install tanks

Sub Activity 3:

Sub Activity 4:

Sub Activity 5:

Deliverable 4: Capacity building on the collection, storage, and disinfection of

water to Mayreau residents. $1407.00

Sub Activity 1:Catering for Water Conservation & Sanitation Workshop $445.45

Sub Activity 2:Venue for Water Conservation & Sanitation Workshop $74.08

Sub Activity 3:Facilitation of Water Conservation & Sanitation Workshop

(facilitation by UIEA) $185.19

Sub Activity 4:Catering for Vulnerability Risk Assessment Workshop $444.45

Sub Activity 5:Venue for Water Vulnerability Risk Assessment $74.08

Sub Activity 6:Facilitation of Vulnerability Risk Assessment Workshop $185.19

$16, 659.00

At least 150 people trained (half of the population)Number of men and women who have received

training in climate change adaptation principles and


Output 2.1 affordable climate resilient community based water

harvesting storage and distributions systems built and rehabilitated

in selected target areas


Number of gallons of increased storage capacity

which meets international drinking water standards

Output 2.1 affordable climate resilient community based water

harvesting storage and distributions systems built and rehabilitated

in selected target areas

50 tanks with 1,000-gallon capacity for a total of 50,000 gallons of

increased water storage capacity

10,000 gallons of increased water storage at Mayreau Primary School

10 tanks with 1000 gallon capacity for a total of 10,000 gallons of

increased storage capacity

Page 86: LOA SV1-Mayreau signedUNDP - Feb2018


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Inception Report

Financial Reports

Progress Reports (inclusive of field info)

Updated Risk Log

Final Report


Page 87: LOA SV1-Mayreau signedUNDP - Feb2018

Description of Procurement Action Estimated Contract Value (in USD) Type of Procurement Action

(IC/ Good/ Service)

No. of units required (if goods) Target date for TOR/SoW/Specs Planned Contract Start/Purchase Date No. of working days Estimated Contract Duration/ Delivery Time Responsible Party Status Delivery Location (if applicable) Selected Vendor Total Expended Balance Remaining

Purchase and transportation of sand

from SV to Mayreau $851.85 Goods 1 truck load 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Completed Mayreau

Purchase and transportation of

stone from SV to Mayreau $1,185.19 Goods 1 truck load 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Completed Mayreau

Purchase of PVC Pipes $1,296.30 Goods 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Pending Mayreau

Purchase of Steel ($37.04 each) $666.67 Goods 18 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Pending Mayreau

Purchase of cement sacks ($37.04

each) $1,111.12 Goods 30 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP/UIEA Pending Mayreau

Purchase of Blocks ($1.48 each) $1,185.19 Goods 800 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Ongoing Mayreau Samuel Joseph 444.44 $740.75

Purchase of stationary (pens,

pencils, folders etc.) and chlorine

solution for the 50 tanks $555.56 Goods 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UIEA Pending Mayreau 0 $555.56

Purchase 50 water tanks for

community $16,667.00 Goods 50 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Pending MayreauRotoplastic

$16,667.00 $0.00

Transportation of household tanks

and other materials (cement, PVC,

fixtures, steel) $10,111.12 Services 10/10/2017 UNDP/UIEA Mayreau

Adrian Wilson (666.67)

Philman Olliviere (111.11)

777.78 $9,333.34

Contractor for the installation of

tanks for the households $1,666.67 IC 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UIEA Ongoing Mayreau 0 $1,666.67

Labourers for the installation of

tanks at households $933.34 IC 2 10/15/2017 11/15/2017 UIEA Ongoing N/A 0 $933.34

Mason for the installation of tanks at

the households $622.23 IC 1 10/15/2017 11/15/2017 UIEA Ongoing N/A 0 $622.23

Purchase of 1 laptop computer $740.75 Goods 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Completed Union Island

Purchase of 1 digital camera $370.38 Goods 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 20 UNDP Completed Union Island

Rehabilitation of the cistern at the

Primary School $16,659.00 IC 10/30/2017 11/30/2017 40 working days UNDP Pending N/A 0 $16,659.00

Installation of 10 tank farms $7,407.00 IC 10/20/2017 11/20/2017 40 working days UNDP/UIEA Partially Completed Mayreau Rotoplastic $5,003.42 $2,403.58

Catering for Water Conservation &

Sanitation Workshop $444.45 Services 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $444.45

Venue for Water Conservation &

Sanitation Workshop $74.08 Goods 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $74.08

Facilitation of Water Conservation &

Sanitation Workshop (facilitation by

UIEA) $185.19 Services 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $185.19

Catering for Vulnerability Risk

Assessment Workshop $444.45 Services 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $444.45

Venue for Water Vulnerability Risk

Assessment $74.08 Goods 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $74.08

Facilitation of Vulnerability Risk

Assessment Workshop (facilitation

by UIEA) $185.19 Services 1 12/1/2017 1/15/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $185.19

Contract for Project officer (UIEA) $6,481.49 IC 1 7 months UIEA Partially Completed N/A

Katrina Collins ( Payments for

Nov and Dec 2017) 1851.86 $4,629.63

Contract for Liaison Officer (Mayreau

Explorers) $2,592.60 IC 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 7 months UIEA Pending N/A 0 $2,592.60

Procurement of Videographer

consultant $370.38 IC 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 UIEA Pending N/A 0 $370.38

CWSA Consultancy $1,852.00 IC 1 10/10/2017 11/10/2017 4 months UNDP Partially Completed N/A 783.6 $1,068.40

Total $74,733.28 $32,269.84 $42,463.44

The amounts in this procurement plan do not include the in kind contribution valued

at US$24,074.07 for materials and labour that will be donated by Union Island

Environmental Attackers and the Mayreau Explorers.

Procurement Plan

$2,037.04 0

1111.11 $0.02

3593.59 -519.50

Roger Woodley

General Hardware

Internet Café

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