Download - Literacy vocabulary instruction

  1. 1. INTRODUCTION Shaista Marvee IMPORTANCE Tayabba Masood INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Samra Ilyas & Ramsha Alam RESEARCH BASED INSTRUCTIONS Syeda Umme Aimen & Syeda Fareeha Imam ASSESSMENT Rabeya Shahid
  2. 2. Words (vocabulary) tell us WHAT to say. Grammar tells us HOW to say.
  3. 3. Improved performance Effective communication
  4. 4. The importance of vocabulary knowledge has long been recognized in the development of reading skill The large the readers vocabulary (either oral or print) the easier it is to make sense of the text
  5. 5. Improving your vocabulary means improving your capacity to learn. Vocabulary development focuses on helping students learn the meaning of new words and concepts in various contexts It will be easier to read and comprehend what we have read. If you know a couple of key words, you can quickly explain to another person
  6. 6. Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. By knowledge and memorizing a lots of vocabulary we can easily and fluently to communicate with others. We will be able to express more ideas so we can communicate the ideas more effectively.
  8. 8. Reading ,writing and word recognition are all important aspects of a childs learning and development during the elementary school years . There are several approaches you can take to increasing your students vocabulary . Read read and read . The more you read especially novels and literacy works but also magazines and newspapers. The new word you will be exposed to.
  9. 9. Imagine your vocabulary divided into 3 groups: 1) The words you are absolutely comfortable with , you know their meaning and frequently use them in everyday conversations. 2) The words you often come upon in book and speech of other people, you can guess their meaning but hesitate when it comes to using them. 3) Completely unfamiliar words ; you do not understand their meaning and have no clue how they could be used.
  11. 11. Reading is one of the top ways to increase a childs vocabulary. Stick to any alloted school library time you have or you can pick out some books at the book store to bring into class to share with the students show them the sections of the library that contain books that are at their reading level even comics book work for kids that are hesitant to pick up a regular book; atleast they are reading. To encourage frequent reading set a designated daily reading homework. Suggest to the parents that may be they should sit with their child and the two of them can have family read time.
  12. 12. If a student doesnt understand a word, dont just tell him what it means, show him how to look it up in a dictionary. Also point out that the synonyms and antonyms that accompany the words so he can make the connection between them. Instruct the students to write down difficult words or spelling list words on note cards for easy reference.
  13. 13. Dont settle after you learn a new word by reading it or looking iot up in the dictionary: these are good starts, but its by using the new words that you truly commit them to your long- term memory. Be creative and try to use your newly learned words in as many ways as possible: Write them down; Say them aloud; Create sentences with them, mentally or in writing; Try to use them in a conversation; Discuss them with friends.
  14. 14. If you learn one new word every day, youll soon notice they add up pretty quickly. I like to think of it as the kaizen way of growing your vocabulary and what makes this strategy stand out is that it can be used by any one, no matter how busy ones schedule is. In the same way I grow my collection of favorite quotes in baby steps by receiving a new famous quote everyday, I also learned to enjoy growing my vocabulary by committing myself to learn atleast one new word each day.
  15. 15. Make learning fun with some vocabulary games. Good ol hangman is a sure winner and can incorporate the whole class as they take turns guessing a letter. Have scrabble jr. handy in the classroom to pump his vocab knowledge there are plenty of online vocabulary and spelling games for your students to play, too. You may want to find some that you like and send a list home with your students for reference.
  16. 16. Teachers and parents are both invaluable sources of vocabulary lessons for the children. Engage your students in some in-depth discussions and suggest that the parents do the same. Ask questions that involve more than a yes or no answer. Recommend to the parents that they should inquire about school projects, current topics or recent field trips. Quality discussions will engage the students thinking and require their full attention. Ask thought provoking questions and patiently wait for a response.
  17. 17. The teacher divides students into groups. Each student in the group is responsible for learning three new words in the chapter. Each word wizard is instructed to write the definition of the word in his/her own words as well as draw an illustration of the word. After each word wizard has completed their task, it is their job to come back to their group and teach their peers what they have learned. Cooperative learning is effective way for students to learn and process information. The jigsaw learning technique is a quick and effective way for students to work with their peers while learning key vocabulary words. For this activity each student is responsible for learning three new words and teaching those words to their group
  18. 18. The most valuable that you can do to increase your students vocabulary is to encourage them to read. Research shows that wide reading is the main pathway for word acquisition. This activity enables students to see words in different contexts, therefore deepening their knowledge. It requires students to find new words as they encounter them in their daily reading. Heres how word detective works: The teacher gives students a list of key words to search for. Students are to write each target word and its sentence on a sticky note, then place it on their desk each time they encounter a key word. At the end of each school day, devote a few minutes to reading each sticky note.
  19. 19. The scientific research on vocabulary instruction reveals that Most vocabulary is learned indirectly and And some vocabulary must be taught directly
  20. 20. Children learn most of the words indirectly, through everyday experiences with oral and written language.
  21. 21. There are three ways to learn words meanings indirectly Children learn words meanings Through conversations with other people. From listening to adult read to them. By reading broadly on their own.
  22. 22. Although a great deal of vocabulary is learned indirectly, some vocabulary should be taught directly.
  23. 23. Direct instruction includes
  24. 24. In particular: Teaching specific words before reading helps both vocabulary learning and reading comprehension Extended instruction that promotes active engagement with vocabulary improves word learning Repeated exposure to vocabulary in many contexts aids word learning
  25. 25. Students need to develop effective word learning strategies. It includes: Using dictionaries and other reference aids Using word parts Using context clues
  26. 26. The words we must know to communicate effectively.
  27. 27. If we want to express our opinions in any language, we need to know a set of words that will convey our views about any topic. this set of words is called vocabulary.
  28. 28. Oral vocabulary refers to words that we use: in speaking or recognize in listening.
  29. 29. Reading vocabulary refers to words : we recognize or use in print.
  30. 30. Because: beginning readers use their oral vocabulary to make sense of the words they see in print. readers must know what most of the words mean before they can understand what they are reading.
  31. 31. Indirectly: when students engage daily in oral language, listen to adults read to them, and read extensively on their own.
  32. 32. Directly: when students are explicitly taught both individual words and word learning strategies.