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Literacy Coaching

Review - 2009 and 2010

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• Staff surveyed about reading and results presented to staff (May 2009)– What are the students reading?– How do the teachers monitor what the students read?– What strategies are effective?– How can we improve how we teach reading?

• Overwhelming feedback from staff that students would benefit from more time spent reading

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Attend WMR Literacy Coaches PD

• Focus of PD on: the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model of

Teaching and Learning

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Gradual Release of Responsibility Model

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Connection (Make a connection with something previously taught or students previous knowledge)

Explicit Teaching(How will you demonstrate the teaching focus?)

Quick Try(How will the student practise the new skill or knowledge?)

Independent Practice(What do you want the students to do by themselves?)

Share(How will you follow up or reinforce what has been learned?)

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Attend WMR Literacy Coaches PD

• Focus of PD on: the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model of Teaching and


Reading Strategies1. Predicting2. Visualising3. Summarising4. Choosing Just right books5. Guided Reading6. Read Aloud / Think Aloud7. Three Level Guide8. QAR – Questions Answer Relationship9. Reciprocal Teaching

Lesson plans and Power Points developed for teaching these 4 strategies. Available to staff

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Reading Logs

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Term 1 2009(Base + Wyndam)WinCarolyn StevenTina

Term 3 2006(Base)AllaBarbaraBronwyn

Coaching of Individual Teachers

Term 2 2010(Wyndam + Base)RennisChiharuLaurence ½ termPlus one-off sessions with Kevin, Cate, Aarti, Lauren and Jackie

Term 4 2009(Wyndam)LynSeanMichelle

Term 3 2010(Wyndam + Base)JackieAlvinRita SKim AnhLoretta

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Independent reading isn't just about letting students read silently for a given amount of time. It's about providing students with the necessary tools to becoming independent and life long readers.

Mandy Yates

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Conferencing Work one to one work with student during

independent reading time.

Set a task – Something for the student to work on before the next conference.

Help students to identify a goal that will improve their reading.

Work on one skill at a time.

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ConferencingCommon problem areas to work on:

• Reading too fast'Read more slowly. Read it again but read it more slowly'• Not reading for meaning'Read to your self and tell me what that page is about. Stop and

think when you read.'• Not using pictures to help understanding'What can you see in the picture? Look at the pictures before you

read'• Choosing books that are too hard.Five finger Rule 'Choose books that are just right.'• Not using punctuation cues'Read again and look at the punctuation. Use question marks'

They can’t answer, 'What is that book about?'

Higher level students, 'Do you make pictures in your head when you read?'