Download - List of third-party applications used by ADSelfService Plus · ADSelfService Plus is an integrated self-service password management and single sign-on solution. The solution depends


Document overview

ADSelfService Plus is an integrated self-service password management and single sign-on

solution. The solution depends on some third-party applications and libraries to support the

features it has to offer. This document provides the list of third-party applications used by

ADSelfService Plus and their purpose.

Third-party applications list

Application type Version Purpose


PostgreSQL database 9.4.14

Stores product configuration details, reports, Active

Directory domain and object details, and other

product-related details

Web server

Apache Tomcat Server 8.5.32 Enables access to the product through a web client


wrapper.exe 3.5.15 To run ADSelfService Plus as a service

paexec.exe 1.26 For remote command execution

remcom.exe 1.2 To install the Windows login agent remotely from the

ADSelfService Plus admin portal.

Java libraries

antisamy1.5.3.jar 1.5.3 Cleanses HTML code coming from untrusted sources

commons-codec-1.7.jar 1.7 ISCSignature implementation



1.3.1.jar 1.3.1

Used for file upload

cssparser-0.9.5.jar 0.9.5 CSS filter

dnsjava-2.0.6.jar 2.0.6 Used for IP-based checks

esapi-2.1.0.jar 2.1.0 Output encoding

json.jar 1.1.0 JSON parameter validation

jtidy-r938.jar r938 JTidy HTML filter

MimeUtil.jar 2.1.3 To get mime-type of uploaded files

nekohtml.jar 1.9.21 Neko HTML filter

xercesImpl.jar 2.11.0 XML parsing

xml-apis.jar 1.4.01 Used in RT while getting DocumentBuilder object

xml-apis-ext.jar 1.3 Used in CSS content filtering

Tika.jar 1.6 To get the mime type of uploaded files


jdk5.jar 2.0 To get captcha pretty image

snakeyaml-1.11.jar 1.11 YAML file parsing

Filters.jar 2_0_235 Captcha image processing

ua-parser.jar 0_3_2 User Agent parsing

aspectjweaver.jar 1.7.2 Byte code interception


activation.jar 1.0.2 Mailing file



Pushing iOS mobile app through Mobile App


async-http-client-1.8.9.jar 1.8.9 Password sync with Zendesk & Service Now

authapi.jar 1.6.2 RSA authentication

bcmail-jdk15on-154.jar 1.54 Encryption/Decryption

bcpkix-jdk15on-153.jar 1.53 Encryption/Decryption

bcprov-jdk15on-153.jar 1.53 Encryption/Decryption

cewolf.jar 1.0 Struts dependency for UI


1.8.0.jar1.8.0 Struts bean

commons-codec-1.7.jar 1.7 Encoding/Decoding


rc1.jar3.0 HTTP connection

commons-io-2.2.jar 2.2 File handling


20060411.jar1.0 Jasper reports for export option

commons-lang3-3.1.jar 3.1 String and number manipulation

commons-logging.jar 1.1 Dependency for cewolf.jar

commons-logging-api.jar 1.1 Logging dependency

commons-validator- 1.4.1 Logging dependency



dd-plist.jar 1.20.0 XML document manipulation

duoweb.jar 2.0 For Duo Security multi-factor authentication

gcm-server.jar 1.0.2 Sending push notification

google-api-client-1.20.0.jar 1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account


1.20.0.jar1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account




1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account


1.20.0.jar1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account


jackson2-1.20.0.jar1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account


1.20.0.jar1.20.0 Syncing password for G Suite account

htmllexer.jar 2.0 HTML File handling

htmlparser.jar 2.0 HTML File handling with advanced filter options

itext-1.3.1.jar 1.3.1 To export reports in PDF and XLS formats

iTextAsian.jar 1.0 To export reports in PDF and XLS formats

jasperreports-1.2.4.jar 1.2.4 Dynamic report export



JavaPNS_2.2.jar 2.2 iOS push notification

jbcrypt-0.3.jar 0.3 bcrypt mechanism

jboss-j2ee.jar 3.2.6 DB connection

jcifs-1.3.17.jar 1.3.17 NTLM authentication

jcommon.jar 1.0 Dashboard image generation—jfree dependency

jdom-1.0.jar 1.0 SAML response/ request builder

jespa-1.2.2.jar 1.2.2 NTLM authentication

jfreechart.jar 1.0 Dashboard image generation

joda-time-2.2.jar 2.2 Time manipulation used for SAML and scheduler

jsch-0.1.53.jar 0.1.53 Linux command execution

json.jar 1.1.0 JSON format data handling

json_simple-1.1.jar 1.1 Dependency for google-server.jar

jstl-1.2.jar 1.2 Struts dependency

jt400.jar 7.7 IBM password sync dependency

jtds-1.3.1.jar 1.3.1 Dependency for jt400.jar

log4j-1.2.15.jar 1.2.15 Logging purpose

Mail-1.4.4.jar 1.4.4 To send emails


all.jar1.6.12 Pushing mac agent to mac platform

mysql_connector.jar 5.1.21 To establish MySQL DB connection


ojdbc6.jar Oracle password sync

opensaml-2.2.3.jar 2.2.3 SAML implementation

openws-1.4.1.jar 1.4.1 Open SAML dependency

pdf-transcoder.jar 1.0beta2 Export SVG image as PDF

postgresql_jdbc4.jar 4.0 pgSQL DB password sync

radclient3.jar 3.43p Radius client impl for MFA

simplecaptcha-1.2.1.jar 1.2.1 Advanced captcha with audio

smslib-3.5.2.jar 3.5.2 To send SMS notifications

sqljdbc4.jar 4.0 DB connection

standard.jar 1.1.2 Struts dependency

struts-core-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Struts dependency

struts-el-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Struts dependency

struts-extras-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Struts dependency

struts-taglib-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Struts dependency

struts-tiles-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11 Struts dependency

trayicon.jar 1.0 Wrapper tray icon dependency

velocity-1.7.jar 1.7 Struts dependency

velocity-1.7-dep.jar 1.7 Struts dependency


wrapper.jar 3.5.15 Wrapper dependency

xercesImpl.jar 2.11.0 XML document manipulation

xml-apis.jar 1.4.01 XML document manipulation

xmlbeans-2.3.0.jar 2.3.0 XML document manipulation

xmlsec-1.4.1.jar 1.4.1 XML document manipulation

xmltooling-1.3.1.jar 1.3.1 XML document manipulation


3.0.5.jar3.0.5 YubiKey authenticator for multi-factor authentication

zip4j_1.3.2.jar 1.3.2 ZIP implementation

zxing.jar 1.4 QR code generation


Ember 2.18 2.18 JavaScript web framework

Bootstrap 3.3.6 3.3.6 CSS framework

Bootstrap-select 1.11.0 1.11.0 Frame for dropdown lists

Bootstrap-toogle 2.2.0 2.2.0 CSS framework for checkboxes

Data 4.2.4 4.2.4 Highcharts dependency

Daterangepicker 2.1.17 2.1.17 Datepicker dependency

Highcharts 4.2.4 4.2.4 Interactive JavaScript charts for webpages

icheck 1.0.2 1.0.2 To customize checkboxes and radiobuttons

jquery.bxslider 4.2.5 4.2.5 Responsive jquery content slider


jquery.Jcrop 0.9.12 0.9.12 Image cropping plugin

Jquery 1.11.3 1.11.3 JavaScript library

jquery.mCustomScrollbar Used for custom scroll bar


JQuery plugin that addss cross-browser mouse wheel



jQuery plugin which turns a nested unordered list of

links into a vertical multi-level sliding navigation

Jquery-ui 1.9.2


Used for user

interface interactions,

effects, widgets, and

themes built on top of

the jQuery JavaScript


Jstree 3.0.9 3.0.9 jQuery plugin that provides interactive tree structure


Used to parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates

and time in JavaScript


JavaScript library that provides a strong foundation

for building robust typeaheads

Calendar Calendar plugin

colourpicker 1.0 Color picker plugin


ADSelfService Plus is an integrated self-service password management and single sign-on solution. It offers

password self-service, password expiration reminders, a self-service directory updater, two-factor

authentication for Windows logons, a multiplatform password synchronizer, and single sign-on for cloud

applications. ADSelfService Plus’ Android and iOS mobile apps, as well as Windows, macOS, and Linux login

agents, facilitate self-service actions for end users anywhere, at any time.