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  • 8/4/2019 List Building Triple Threat


    Anwesh Rath & Reed Floren InterviewTranscription

    Anwesh: Hello friends. Its Anwesh Rath here and I have a wonderful person and great marketer Reed Floren here. Now, most of you might have already known or heardhis name. Hes one of the godfathers of JV giveaway events. Building lists is something which Reed Floren does and he makes all his money from lists. So what we

    pretty much know about that, that there are different techniques of doing it. And were going to actually talk here. Its not a scripted conversation. Its more of abrainstorming session. And Reed and I figured that its going to be better becausein having a scripted conversation actually limits the possibility of the knowledge that we both are actually going to share. So, were going to just talk, were going to ask each other questions, and you know, youre here, youll get it all, you know. We just raise the curtains and we hope this is going to be one of the bestconversations you ever get to hear. So, Reed, youre here, lets welcome Reed.

    Reed: Thanks for having me. This is going to be a lot of fun. Lets get started here. Lets kind of figure out, you know, how would you go about building your firstlist? You know, if you had to start all over, you had to go from scratch. And l

    ets say maybe you have a limited budget - maybe $100 or so - to get something going and build your first business, and start making some money. What would you do?

    Anwesh: Alright, so, great question Reed. In fact, I was going to be asking thatquestion, and now you beat me there, (Laugh). Alright, I can actually go aheadand do that and its good, then. Were actually cutting to the chase and were just getting to the point. Really love that and people are going to love that. So, $100, alright. We can do a ton of different things. Let me just share one or two ideas that I have in mind. So, lets say I wake up and I have no subscribers, you know, I just need to build a brand new list you know, for myself or for a client, and I just have $100, right? So lets hear what I would do. I would go ahead and get an auto responder account first. I mean, of course, thats one thing that I woul

    d do. Now, many people would say many gurus would say out there that you dont need a list to make money online. Now, people do that sometimes, but then its more of a, you know, more of a hypocritical situation because most gurus have great lists, and thats exactly how they make money, and they tell you that you dont need alist, right? So, its about your mindset. This is actually about how exactly youwant to invest your money, how exactly you want to go from there. I would get auto responder and I would go with the best one. And theres a reason behind that, as well. You can start with a cheap auto responder or free auto responder, but asyou grow in the future, it becomes really difficult for you to actually take the subscribers from your old auto responder and put them in the new one, and getthe same number of clicks and stuff like that. So, you should go with the best one from the beginning. Its very cheap, its like you need to start with just $1. Ev

    en if you go for the best one that is Aweber right now, you just need to spend $1 for one month, and then you need to pay $19 per month. So, I would go with that, number one, and then giveaway events are something which I would actually goto. And theres a huge reason behind that. Number one reason is that you dont really need to pay anything to join any giveaway event. However, if you have a budgetof $100, and thats very generous of you, Reed, because I was thinking you were going to tell me $20 or something, alright. So, $100 is a great start. I would goahead and I would actually upgrade in a giveaway event and theres a reason behind that as well, because I can go ahead and set up multiple gifts. I can have a special offer in the back end. Now, this might sound like something very advancedto some of you guys out there, but dont worry about that because were going to break this down right now. So, building lists is nothing but actually going aheadand offering a free gift to the audience out there. We call it something We call

    it opt-in incentive you know, in marketers term. This is basically something like, you get their name and email address to build your list and in return, you give them a gift. And you might be thinking, From where do I get that gift?. Now, the

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    re are many membership sites you can actually join for free and get giveaway rights products like, you know, private label rights (PLR) stuff. And since you have a budget of $100 you can actually go ahead and spend like $20 or something toactually get a unique gift and buy a product. And you can actually set up your gift in the giveaway event and you can actually start building a list from there.As you see, we havent even spent all the money yet. You know, its just like $1 and you start your auto responder. Lets say $20 for the next month, so you cover li

    ke two months now, right? So you get like $20, you get an auto responder. Then you go ahead and you get a hosting account. Its very cheap, again, its like $5 permonth. You get a domain name, which is very important to actually look professional when youre actually building a business. Because were actually talking about building a business, okay? Were not talking about making a quick buck here and a quick buck there, you know? Were talking about having an actual business. So, spending $10 for a domain name, which is actually a cost here because you can actually go ahead and grab domain names from and many other resources for $7 or $8. And then you get $5 hosting, you get an auto responder, and you submit the gift and most giveaway event hosts are really, very helpful, so if you have no idea as to how to set up a gift, theyre actually going to show you. You just need to join the giveaway event and you need to start submitting a gift, and y

    ou can start building a list from there. And like I said, if you upgrade, thats agreat stuff because if you upgrade, you can actually make money from the giveaway event. Now, most people dont know about that, and thats the reason why they donteven upgrade. Because if you upgrade in a giveaway event, you actually get an option to submit a paid offer. You know, you can actually put your own sales pageright in the giveaway event and you can make money out of it. So, you can basically get back your investment, so you dont even have to spend that $100, you actually have to invest that. Im pretty sure youre going to get way more, and I can even say you can get ten times of that money back in one month if you just followthese very simple strategies. You know, you just need to join a giveaway event,upgrade, make sure you submit a good gift, have a special offer at the back end,and you can actually start building your list for less than $50 right there, right? So, thats what I would do, Reed. Now, what exactly would you do if you just

    have $100 and you just need to build a list right now, you know? From zero.

    Reed: Well, I think thats very good, but we do have to clarify a little bit because there are a lot of giveaway events out there that really dont do very well. Theyre not very big, theyre not very popular. So you need to go out and really seekout, you know, some of the bigger-name marketers that put on an event. You know,theres people like Jason James, and Stephanie Mulac, myself. There are a few others that do really big giveaway events. Those are the ones that I would recommend upgrading on. Theres a lot of events that Id probably stay away from. Is there anyone that you can think of that would be a good person for people to look for giveaways?

    Anwesh: Yeah, I mean I would say David Walker. Hes a great guy, he runs great giveaway events. You know, Newtree brothers, and Stephanie Mulac, you already namedher, so yeah, thats pretty much about it. The good thing about this, Reed, is you can actually go ahead and find a list of good giveaway events over the internet. I mean, if you just look for that, Ive seen you, you know, laying out some great giveaway events on your blog if Im not wrong. Right, I mean the giveaway events that you recommend and I also have a section right here in my blog where I recommend good giveaway events. Because its just about experience. I mean, you know,you and I have and we know what kind of giveaway events work out there. Like you said, some giveaway events we would really want to stay away from, right? So,yeah, there are lists out there, so like you said, a few names, yes, and guys, Ialso run giveaway events, alright, so you can join my events as well. (Laugh).

    Reed: Definitely, definitely.

    Anwesh: Yeah, thats pretty much about it, you know, for this one, this giveaway e

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    vent. So, yes, please, go ahead.

    Reed: You know, the other thing that I would really do is I would focus on soloads. And solo ads allow you to pay someone upfront to email their list promotingyour product or service. So, you might have something that youre giving away forfree and they can send out an email to their list of, you know, maybe 10,000 subscribers, and get you several hundred clicks to your website. Thats a great way

    to build your first email list. Its relatively inexpensive; Ive paid as little as$0.20 or so per unique visitor. So, you could get a lot of targeted visitors very quickly, a lot cheaper than youd spend on, say, Adwords or Facebook advertisingor other traditional forms of advertising and you can get the results very fast. There are a lot of people out there who will sell solo ads for, you know, $50or $100. Theres a lot of solo ads that sell for a lot more money, you know, Ive seen a lot of solo ads sell for $300 to $1,000. But there are some people that sell much smaller packages to get you going, and Id recommend looking into those people. Some of those people, I actually have listed on a website. Its and you can find some of those people. If they dont list that they do smaller solos, just shoot them an email and just say Hey, would you be able to do a smaller solo for $50 or so to a certain amount of people? and see if theyre willing

    to do that. Theres definitely people out there that would gladly send out a promotion to something that they know they can make some quick money right away andget you a few hundred visitors very quickly and easily that day, as opposed to not making that sale at all. So I would definitely look into that because thats avery targeted way to build your list.

    Anwesh: Yeah, exactly, I mean you know, and the great part is that its going to be within $100, right? Because you just said $50, yes, of course. You know its very much within our budget, right? $50, you grab a solo ad, you get targeted clicks, you ge great quality traffic, you know. And of course, like you said, Facebook ads, Adwords, theyre like, traditional way of advertising and media buying, allthose expensive stuff out there. So, its obviously better to actally look for agood internet marketer who has a reputable list out there. Approach them and get

    them to send out an offer that youve got and just pay them upfront. And that would, again, be an investment, not spending money, rigth. So, awesome. Yeah, of course. And I was actually going to mention the same thing, Guys, go and visit that site because Reed has listed almost all of the reputablesolo ad vendors out there who are actually selling solo ads. Thats one place youcan go and find all the information about it, so thats a great resource. Reed, would you like to tell me one thing? How would you go ahead and approach a marketer? Like you just said, you can go ahead and approach them directly. Now, lets saytheyre selling big solo ads like $300 for 1,000 clicks and stuff like that. Howwould you approach them and say Hey, I have $50, or I only have $25. Would you liketo help me? I mean, should you just go ahead and tell them this honestly upfront, or how do you go about that, you know? Because I know my way, and Im pretty sure you have your own way, but we want to discuss this because many people just stop there. They feel the fear of rejection. This might sound very unnatural to some of them out there, but many people, Im pretty sure in fact, I can guarantee many people who are listening right now are actually able to relate to that. Theymight just think that Hey, $25 or $50 thats all I have with me. Now, this guy is selling solo ads for 1,000 clicks for $300 and stuff, so would he just reject me?.So what would you do? How do you go about this?

    Reed: Well first off, many internet marketers that get into this have been in asimilar situation. Theyve been broke, maybe didnt grow up with much money, they know what its like to be worried about putting food on the table. So, most of themarent going to have any really bad feelings about you or wish you bad luck for not having money because weve all been there. We all understand what its like. So, I

    would just go out there and I would contact them and say Hey, Im brand new to buying solos. Ive got $50 or $100 to spend on solos. Would you be able to sell me asmaller package of clicks?. Contact them and I would just, you know, maybe connec

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    t with them on Skype - you know, on their page, a lot of them list their Skype ID - and I would just explain that Hey, Ive got $50 or $100 whatever the amount isto investl. I would like to try solos on your list. Would you be able to sell meX amount of clicks? You could do whatever the amount of clicks that they typically do just to reduce the rate of what youll be spending. Thats a great way to getgoing and get started. Some people are going to say No way, I dont do smaller packages because theyre not worth their time. But, most of them are going to say Yeah,

    I would gladly help you out and do that and get that customer and get them to realize how powerful my list is, so I could sell them again a much bigger packagewhen they have the money,.

    Anwesh: Right, exactly. So youre talking about relationship building right here,right. I mean, the guy who does not really have, you know, that much money rightnow to invest, but you didnt know that hes serious because hes approaching you andhe wants to buy. And the very fact that he wants to pay for traffic even when he has a very limited budget, basically tells a lot about that marketer, right, Reed? I mean -

    Reed: Right, it tells a lot because anyone thats willing to invest some money som

    e real money into their business as opposed to buying a one-click software or aget-rich type of product, is very serious. They might buy coaching from you downthe road, they might buy a big ticket course of yours down the road, they mightgo to a seminar just to meet you, they might end up contacting you, asking Hey,do you have an affiliate link for this? Im interested in buying from you.. Becausetheyre obviously attracted to you in some way and they respect you enough that they are on your list and they want to pay you money upfront for you to endorse something of theirs. That really says a lot about them and those are the people that you can easily convert into customers for other things. You know, I manage asmall list of a couple hundred people that buy and sell solos, so I kind of know when I send an email out to those guys, many of them are actually going to buysomething. So I can just test out a segment on them and its almost like a buyerslist. Even though they havent technically bought a product of mine, they are int

    erested in spending a lot of money on advertising, so they have money to blow and they want to learn new techniques and strategies. So I know for a fact that those people are some of the best customers youll get.

    Anwesh: Right, I mean, you know. Because again, its all about relationship building. Instead of just doing email marketing like many people would say, I prefer calling it relationship marketing. What would you say? I mean, you know, relationship building. Because youre building a relationship with your list and they listento you. Isnt that what you look for? People might have a list of 10,000 people and get various amounts of clicks. Many marketers just look at sending out an email. They just look at it as they just want to get clicks. Now, you know, that makes me sick sometimes, to be really honest with you, because you dont really wantto treat your list like that. You just dont want to generate clicks from them. When they sign up to you list, for your newsletter or the free gift that youre offering, they expect something from you. They expect some valuable information thatmight come down the road. Thats exactly where the actual money is, right, because when they start trusting you, they will obviously go ahead and read your emails and read all the recommendations - whatever youre recommending they will actually go and buy them, you know. So, yes of course, relationship building, awesomestuff there.

    Reed: Maybe we should cover that a little bit on what they should give out, because a lot of people would gladly just give out like, a five or ten page report or a five day e-course, and that doesnt really cut it anymore, in my opinion. I feel that if you give out something that you could otherwise sell, maybe some sort

    of videos or an interview that really impacts the listener and helps them do something, or maybe some software - something that you would otherwise sell in some other marketplace. Thats going to make you stand out and more people are going

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    to stay on your list and trust your recommendations because youre building some sort of reciprocity with them. Theyre like Oh wow, I got this thing] that I wouldveotherwise spent $50 or $100 on, and Im getting it for free..

    Anwesh: Right, exactly. And I would like to ask something here, like exactly, I totally agree to that, and when you do that, theres a process behind that as well,Reed. Now, they know that theres a product which is being sold out there for, li

    ke $27, and if you offer the product for free to them, then of course theyll be very happy, they know that its being sold out there for $27, and they know they just saved $27. In fact, they will start feeling that, Now, this guy is giving me something for free and this is not junk. This is something which is actually being sold out there. So, if I received an email from this guy, and if hes trying tosell me something or if hes trying to recommend or if hes trying to actually promote something, even for like $7, or you know, the product could be a very small ticket product like $5 or $10 or $20 or whatever. Theyll be feeling in the subconscious that Wow, $27 out there, and actually free from this guy. So, $7 product which youre promoting is actually - and it should actually be a $70 or $100 product,you know? I mean, it should be of great value. Thats the only reason why hes evenselling it.. Theyll look at you as a leader. Now, if you really show the desperat

    ion of making a ton of money right from them, thats not really going to make a very good impression. What do you say about that? I mean, you just show them thatyou want to make money out of them. Is that a good way to go about that? Im pretty sure not, right?

    Reed: It all depends. I mean, theres definitely lists out there where people havebasically just signed up for something and theres no one-time-offer at all. Theres just a download page where you can downnload stuff and you build a relationship that way. And thats great, it works very well especially if youre doing a product launch, and youre doing kind of a pre-launch where youre giving away some content. Maybe you have it on a blog, or create, like, a squeeze page, and maybe youregiving out a product on How to make money on Facebook, but maybe youll have a onetime offer for how to rank your website on the search engines. That doesnt reall

    y work. If youre going to sell something or if youre going to give away somethingon how to use social media to make money, you should upsell another product on how to use Facebook to do XYZ, you know, maybe how to get massive Fanpages builtand get a lot of fans that want to get your updates and buy products from you. That can be a great thing to upsell them up.

    Anwesh: Yeah, thats a great thing. You know, the relation between the product youre offering in the front end and the back end, they should be related, you know.Because theres no point in giving something away for free about Facebook and thentry to sell something which has nothing to do with social media at all. Now, yeah, like you said, Fanpage relates to Facebook but I think - its my personal opinion of course - that if youre trying to sell something about Facebook and as an upsell youre offering something related to social media, even if its not exactly Facebook or Fanpage, that has something to do with social media, advertising or something related to the product that youre offering on the front end, that shouldalso work, right, Reed?

    Reed: Oh yeah. It could be, you know, how you got Facebook ads for, you know, apenny a click or how you build relationships on Facebook to promote your products. You know, it could be anything like that. It could be how to use Google Plus.Any of those types of things would do well in that kind of funnel. We should probably break down on product funnel too for people in case theyve never heard that term before. Im going to take a pyramid and I flip it upside down. And you could tell that the base of the pyramid is now at the top and thats the biggest part. And thats where you get people in for free. So most of your people are going to

    sign up for something for free. And then you know, go a little bit down on thepyramid, you can see its a little bit smaller and thats where your front end product will be. You know, maybe its going to be a $7 report or maybe its going to be a

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    $37 video or something thats going to help them get started, but its a low pricepoint that most people, you know, they really dont have to sacrifice much to buythat. It might be an hour or two or few hours of work at their job to be able toafford that piece of information. So most people will make a buying decision onthat pretty easily. Then, you know, the next step down the inverted pyramid would be a, you know, maybe some software or a collection of interviews and techniques from, you know, big or well-known experts and that might be somewhere betwee

    n, say, $47 and $97. And thats a nice way to, you know, get a lot more money outof people. And then a little bit further down, you might offer something between$97 and $497 and a lot of marketers will just stop right there. You know, thatmight be a home study course or might be, you know, some software that you havedeveloped and things like that. But, you know, I want you to think bigger and this wont always work in every market but theres definitely people out there that can spend a lot more money. Those people that want to get coaching, they want to go to seminars, they want to, you know, one-on-one help. You know, Ive sold products you know, most of my things that I create are between $1,000 and $5,000. So thats kind of the price points that I like work with. So, you know, for me, theyve been home study courses, theyve been one-on-one instructions, theyve been group things, theyve been, you know, seminar or workshop type things that Ive been at. Stuf

    f like that tends to sell really well once youve established yourself as a name and an expert on a certain topic. And you know, thats where you make a lot of money. You dont need to make a lot of sales that way to have a real nice income veryquickly and easily. So thats the ultimate goal. Its figuring out what you could offer to those people that would be worth at least 10 times that price, so if youreselling something thats youre selling for $5,000, it should easily be worth $50,000 to them. So thats like setting up their business for them and getting it going. You know, a lot of people will go, you know, That would save me $50,000 of timeand effort of learning how to do it. I would gladly pay Reed $5,000 for him todo it.

    Anwesh: Exactly.

    Reed: So thats what you want to focus on. You want to figure out how you can getto that point in the fastest way possible. And the best way to do that is establish yourself as an expert, you know, work that product funnel and figure out what your customers want and need by surveying them all the time and then offeringthose things that of higher prices and, you know, getting the right affiliates and partners and your own list and marketing to them to get them to buy those products.

    Theres a lot of people out there that spend a fortune on internet marketing. Youknow, Ive met lots of customers of mine that, you know, that spend six figures ayear learning this. You know, theyre like retired doctors and lawyers and professionals and they really want to learn this and have a stable income in the futureand you know, they have a lot of money to blow and they want to invest in this.So, you know, find a way to benefit those people and you can make a lot of money very quickly.

    Anwesh: Great. Yup, exactly. Now, I would like to ask you a question here, Reed.Id like to know how you built your first 1,000 subscribers? And Im pretty sure this is going to help most of the people who are listening to this, you know, conversation right now. Yes, I really want to know that, right. I want to know how exactly you went ahead and got your first 1,000 subscribers in your auto responder.

    Reed: Sure. Well, its kind of a slightly funny story. Ive done a giveaway event with someone else and Ive really seen the potential of what a giveaway can do. We h

    ad around 50,000 people signed up and we have around 1,000 JV partners. And thiswas one of the first giveaways that ever happened. It was way back in 2005 whenthis happened.

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    Anwesh: Wow.

    Reed: And I was like, wow, that worked really well. So I was doing other thingsand had some success with other stuff and I went back to it about a year later.I was like, you know, I should do one of these. So I contacted 10 other guys that I know did well in the other event and I asked them if theyd like to participat

    e in doing a giveaway with me. And they all said yes and within a week, I had built a list of about 3,500 people or so.

    Anwesh: Wow.

    Reed: I started from scratch, I didnt have any subscribers on my list, I didnt have other partners promote. I didnt even have a giveaway script to use to promote this because those werent really out at the time. So I just kind of put somethingtogether. I think I actually used Butterfly Marketing, I think to use it, I justkind of modified it a little bit and made a real basic thing. I mean, I kind ofjust used a regular squeeze page, I guess, but I wanted to have some sort of anaffiliate program to give them some commissions. But I had those 10 guys promot

    e me and 3,500 people signed up within a week and I started making sales right away. I made one-time-offer sales immediately and I started promoting other peoples products. And one of my best promotions immediately on that, was Id actually gotten a home study course to review. Some of them had given me a pre-release copybecause Ive already developed a name as a broker in JV deals at that time and hewanted me to get some JVs for him and I was like, Okay, Ill look at it. And I lookedat it and I was like, Oh, this is pretty good. So I made a kind of a Frank Kern style video where Im sitting down at a desk and Im talking to the camera and Im showing, you know, what people are going to get and it kind of feels like a lot of the videos he does. And it was probably about 30 minutes or something because I really broke down what was in this product and I started making sales on that andthen I started getting prizes or things from selling that way and I made some other videos promoting other peoples products. And I think in my first month of do

    ing list building, I made somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 from a small listof 3,500 people. I didnt really know what I was doing but it was all about, youknow, taking the time and effort to really care about what my customers want anddo stuff to stand out. And at that point in time, making videos really stood out because it was back in 2006 or so. So people were like, Wow, a video from thisguy and thats cool. And so people will just open that up and really just pay attention and buy. So thats how I initially got started with list building.

    Anwesh: Great. Now, would you consider yourself to be very lucky at this? Because you know we both know - I mean this does not really happen to everyone out there, right? So what would you say? I mean, lets say we have this guy and he doesnteven know about Butterfly Marketing. Its expensive for beginners, right? So you run the giveaway and of course, the most popular giveaway script out there rightnow was not there at that time, you know, back then so you used Butterfly Marketing. So, what would you say, I mean, how would you actually suggest what would you actually tell the listeners right now? I mean, what kind of tips would you like to give them? I mean, lets say, someone asked you, I want to build a list of 1,000 subscribers in, lets say, one month. And I know it sounds like the things whichwe discussed in the past that is, you know, the $100 thing, you know. How did you build your list from scratch, you know, if you just have $100 right now? I would say, I would just like to know what exactly are your views? I mean, how exactly you will go about that right now? I mean, you know, lets say, if someone comes and tells you - 1,000 subscribers, one month - Reed can you help me?

    Reed: Sure. I think a lot of people should come up with some ways of making the

    mselves unique and beneficial and realize that JV partners are really the answerto this problem, because unless you have a ton of money to spend on advertising, youre going to need JV partners to make this happen.

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    Anwesh: Yeah. This is exactly what I was wanting to get from you. So youre saying, if they dont have money, you know, even if youre not very lucky, even if you dontreally have a Butterfly Marketing script, its about the people you know out there. Its about networking. Its about JV partners. Its about how you approach them, how you get them to work with you and it all depends on that. Isnt that what exactly you want to say?

    Reed: I wouldnt be in business without JV partners.

    Anwesh: Wow. That says it all. I mean, thats exactly what the media is, right? Imean, JV partners. And if you dont have JV partners, it is nothing. I mean, thereis no business without JV partners. Exactly. Now, some people get a little skeptical about having JV partners because in offline world, they might be doing some kind of business and, you know, we all know how offline world business is allabout. You know, you have people, you have vultures out there, you know, who arejust waiting to rip you off, right? I mean, you have a partner in offline business and in one or two years, you figured that, you know, you just lost thousandsand thousands of dollars to him because he was a dishonest guy. So that is some

    thing, and now, we are programmed from birth, I would say, and you know, weve been told and told that Hey, dont trust people. You know, I mean thats something whichis very common in all cultures, right? I mean, you just go there, youre from yourfamily from and this offer you get, I mean its not like someone is trying to brainwash you in a negative way or something. They just care for you, you know, yourfamily, your friends. The say, Hey, you know what, Reed, watch out, you know, dont go for partners. You know, do something on your own. Dont believe that guy. Dontrely on them. So what would you say about that? I mean, how would you go about that?

    Reed: Its a very sad fact of life. Thats the mindset of everyone. Everyone is afraid of partners. Theres nothing that has accelerated success factors for me than using JV partners. Ive been burnt a few times but of the, you know, thousands of p

    eople Ive talked to for doing different types of partnerships in different thingsthat Ive worked on, only a handful of them have ever done anything wrong on me.So I would go out there and do that, because if you cant trust people, business really isnt for you. You know, you should go out there and, you know, slave away on a factory job or something where you dont really have to talk to other people.You need to go out there and yeah, theres going to be BS artists out there. Theresgoing to be people that scam you and crooks. But just kind of pay attention to it. Do some due diligence, ask around about people, do a Google search about someone, add them on Facebook, youll see the stuff they post, you know, if theyre talking about always partying all the time and they dont seem like they live a life with responsibilities, well they might not be someone you want to partner with. You know, theyre always putting down on other people, thats probably not someone you want to associate with. Youll want to associate with people that are positive,they think big and they get stuff done. And thats going to make it successful.

    Anwesh: Great. Wow. Now, all right. Now we talk about this, you know, $100 budget stuff. Now, I would like to ask you this. Now, lets say you dont have anything to spend for a solo ad, not even $50, right. And you dont have a list so you cannot go ahead and do ad swap, right. So how would you go about that? I mean, what would you say, a big list, you know, someone who was actually doing very well outthere in email marketing or internet marketing in general. What would be your approach? What would you do? How would you approach that?

    Reed: Well, first of all, if someone is listening and theyre that broke, you know, I would recommend selling some of your stuff on eBay or Craigslist or offering

    some sort of service. You know, maybe you can do some handyman work or try to find a second job because really, its going to be very tough for you to start a business and focus on putting food on the table if you cant afford that because the

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    res going to be other expenses, theres going to be pitfalls and puddles on the road on your way to success. I have many kinds of problems every single day in my business. Ive been in business since 1999. So, you know, theres definitely time when Im like, Oh man, I should quit this and do something else. And you have to realize that you need to just stick with it. You know, but that being said, you know,one of the best things to do would be to find some ad swap people. And I think you might have mentioned this earlier, you know, maybe offering people 100% commi

    ssions for promoting something of yours if you dont have a list and that can getyou started with your first list. Thats a great way of getting something going and you could always return the favor by, you know, if they promote you one day, you could promote them the next with your new list of people. And thats a great way of getting a business started and off the ground but, you know if someone is that broke that they cant, you know, risk $50 or $100, they really should think twice about starting an internet business.

    Anwesh: All right. Okay. Yeah, of course. I mean, you know, you need to be serious, is what I would say because if you feel really serious about this business,you will find a way to get a few hundred bucks, right. So yup, thats exactly whatI was thinking. Now, if you have a list of just 200 subscribers, is there a way

    you can go and approach someone, a marketer who has a list of 10,000 subscribers and tell them or rather, request them, to actually send out your ad, you know,to their entire list instead of sending out to just a segment? Now, you have 200 subscribers, right. And, okay, and here you have some money, you know, its notlike youre totally broke, you have like $100, all right. Lets say you have a little more than that. And you just have 200 subscribers and you dont really want to buy a solo ad and, you know, you approach a big list or who has a list - an average list like 10,000 or 15,000 or 30,000 subscribers - you know, is there a way you can do that? I mean, I have my way but Im asking you and now I will give you my take on that later. (Laugh). After you.

    Reed: I mean, its possible. Its going to be unlikely for a lot of people but, youknow, if you can do something else to create value, you know, maybe youre really

    good with graphics or youre good with sales copy, something that you can offer toassist people with. Maybe you like doing customer support. A lot of marketers hate doing that. If you can do something for them, there are definitely people out there that are willing to, you know, kind of return the favor and promote you.But out of curiosity, what would you do?

    Anwesh: All right. Now, what would I do is this. Like you said, fine, you can offer some services like graphics and all you said, but what I would do personallyis I would do this. I would actually go ahead and approach someone and ask themto send out my offer to their entire list and I would have a back end offer where I would actually offer them 100% commission. So its like I have a subscriber base of 200 people and I approach you and you have a subscriber base of 15,000 subscribers, and I want you to send out my ad to your entire list. Now, what I would say what I would offer you is, Reed, could you please send out my offer to yoursubscribers? And I have a back end offer of $10, which is actually converting,and Im going to give you 100% commission to the back end and I would send out your offer to my list as well. So would you say Yes to that? I mean, if thats an offerwhich I gave you, would you say Yes to that? Lets hear from you so that other people would, you know, know or understand that it works or it does not work. Lets sayI made this proposal right now and, Hey, Reed. I have 200 subscribers and I havea great offer at the back end which is converting well. Its a $10 product. And Iwant you to send out my offer to your list and youre going to get 100% commission on the back end. Would you send out an email for me?

    Reed: For some things I would, I mean, it really depends on, you know, if we hav

    e any prior relationship. It depends on, you know, how your sales copy looks, how the product looks, if you have any conversion data that you can give me, thosetypes of things. Thats going to help to make you stand out. Also, you know, if w

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    eve ever met in person. If we met at a seminar, Im more likely to help that personout. So, yeah. I mean, that can happen I guess. You know, we had some of the this kind of similar, someone went to me and he was offering like 250% on the frontend and then like, 50% on the back end, so its like $1 product and then you gotlike, $2.50 for every sale of that product. And then he had like an upsell for maybe $17 and you got 50% of that. And then he paid out like, 30 days later.

    Anwesh: Great.

    Reed: So, Im in for that. I mean, that was pretty cool. You know, its easy to makethese sales.

    Anwesh: Right. Yeah, of course. I mean, this is the great thing that count and Ive never thought of that thing. 250% commission on the front end and then 50% onthen back end. Its a great thing, you know. So, yes of course. So I think its allbreaking down to one thing and thats about networking again, right. So like you said, we wont survive without JV partners. Great, you know. Its pretty much ofgetting highlighted again and again, right. Now, heres a challenge question for you, Reed. All right. What if you wake up tomorrow morning and see that your auto

    responder shut you down? You know, you dont have your list. You dont have accessto your list at all. Now you know that youve not done something wrong and you know, and youll get back your list, youll get back your account for, like one or twodays or whatever. But you know, disasters happen, right. I mean, what would youdo that day? Would you actually do something or would you just wait until your auto responder is up, you know, it could take two days or one week or, you neverknow, one month. What would you do?

    Reed: Call my attorney. (Laugh).

    Anwesh: (Laugh).

    Reed: I mean, in all seriousness, it really depends. If it was something that wa

    s like, you know, for some reason they were having some maintenance issues and they couldnt mail out for that day, I probably wouldnt bother. Id just be like, Oh well, I can do other stuff. Its not a big deal, its one days income. It probably not going to kill me. But you know, if its going to be something like, they dont know when Im going to get it back or they wont give me a copy of my list and stuff likethat, well first off you should always be making a backup. I tend to make a backup every week of my list. So you could always import it to another company. Forinstance, Ive imported lists into GetResponse before so, I was using iContact for all of my list, you know, its getting ridiculously expensive so I was like, Okay, Im going to just switch these people to GetResponse. They imported it at no problem and my cost went down drastically.

    Anwesh: Wow.

    Reed: So, thats one thing you could do. And you know, the other thing would be tojust completely rebuild it, you know, lets say if for some reason, I dont know Letsgo real hardcore. Lets say there is like a bomb went off and you know, all the data was lost and destroyed and you know, everyones going to have to start over from scratch, well I would obviously switch companies to someone else and preferably keeps backup in another parts of the country or the world. And I would startconnecting with JV partners, doing other marketing methods to rebuild my list. And thats what I would do to get started and get going quickly and easily.

    Anwesh: Great. But how important is list retention for you? Now, if you send outan email to, lets say, 5,000 subscribers and you see that youre getting good num

    bers of clicks. But you figured that you got like 50 unsubscribes or maybe evenlittle more than that. So would you actually go ahead and do something about that? Or you would just, you know, get on with that, Okay, fine, you know, let them g

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    o. I mean, Im just having 100 plus subscribers everyday, so you know, let them go. I mean, is that what would you think or would you do something about the unsubscribes that youre getting? You know, basically were talking about list retention,right. So what would you do with that?

    Reed: I mean, it really depends. You know, lets say youre losing 50 people but youre gaining 60, youre really gaining 10 a day, thats still over 3,000 per year. Thats

    still a pretty good growth rate for a lot of businesses, so I probably wont worry too much about it. I may pay a little attention depending on the size of the list to go, Hmm.. maybe I should not send those kind of offers out.. You know, forsome reason when I sent something out, a huge amount of people unsubscribe. Youknow, lets say it was twice the usual amount, I might go, Hmm.. what was in that email message that really turned people off?. You know, was it the sales copy, wasit the actual product, was it the niche that I was promoting? What was different? What really turned people off? But I mean, you got to realize that youre goingto turn people off no matter what, and I think getting someone to unsubscribe is one of the best moments of the day. I love actually some of the hate mails that I get sometimes. Feels like, Well, Ive never seen you actually buying anything from me and youre going to write this real nasty, nasty letter. Whatever. You know

    , youre better off not being on my list. I dont want that negative energy around me.. So thats my opinion.

    Anwesh: Yeah, youre right. I mean, if theyre not really I mean, despite of youre doing everything to help them out, you still receive nasty emails and I get every single day, that Hey, Im not getting useful information,. Im like, wow. You know, goto my blog. (Laugh). Youll also get good information in the email which Im sendingout and right, you never bought anything from me and you just want to hate me for no reason, right?. So, yup. But of course if I see that there are like lots ofpeople unsubscribing, I would go ahead and you know, check what exactly is happening with the email. Like you said, I will check what did I do or what did I write, what kind of product Im promoting, you know, what kind of niche is that or other things like that, you know, and of course will pay very, very close attenti

    on to that because thats like very important for me to actually retain my customer. Now about list segmenting, would you send out an offer to your list, I mean,did you do a full blast all the time? Like, if you see a good offer out there, so would you actually send out that offer to your entire list or would you just send it to a part of your list first and test the conversion, and then go for theother part of your lists? What would you do? I mean, how do you segment your list and which part of day you think is best, day or night, the best for sending out emails? Now, of course theres no absolute time, its all relative, depends on tons of different things, but whats your take on that? I mean, how do you segment your list? What kind of offers you know, you send -

    Reed: Sure, I mean, it really depends. Ive made mistakes of just blasting out anyrandom thing and that kills the list very quickly. So Ive been a little more selective and segmenting more and more over the years. Obviously if you send out toyour buyers, youre going to make more sales very quickly. So thats not really a true representation so I tend to hold off on that one until I know something converts well. If I get conversion data on something that I know its going to do wellfor my list, I might send it out to everybody or send it out to a much larger segment that I otherwise normally would because like, Wow, you know, all the otherpeople promote it and theyre making over $1 per click, Ill probably make around $2, so I might as well just send it out to a bunch of people before everyone elsedoes.. So thats one thing that some people do, you know, other people will be very careful and go, Okay, Ive got 1,000 people that say theyre interested in SEO. Imgoing to only send SEO offers to that list.. And you know, thats a great way because youre not hitting that list every single day. You might be hitting them once o

    r twice a week but its for something very targeted and you know, out of those 1,000 people, maybe youre getting 100 people click through and you know, maybe 10 ofthem are going to buy something. Youre going to make quite a bit of money from t

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    hat little email. So you got to think about, in terms of that as well. So, I mean, really, its really up to you in how many people you have on your list and howyou have them defined. You know, if you have certain squeeze pages for differenttypes of products, well you might want to just send out for those types of products. You know, if thats social media, thats your list name, send out social mediaproducts and dont send out list building product to them unless that list building product convert really well on your list building segment of your list and ma

    ybe a few other segments that youre going to try, then you might want to send itout to everyone. So those are the things that I found that have increased my response when I do that. If you do the same thing or

    Anwesh: Yeah, pretty much, in fact you know, you just answered my next question.I was actually going to ask you that would you ever introduce, or when, would you actually introduce the type of list to different types of offer, like you said, you have a segment of list who are interested in SEO. I was actually going toask you, would you ever send them something other than SEO, and if yes, then when, and you just answered the question. You know, you answered for the conversion, you will see how the other lists are responding, what is the conversion rateyoure getting and then you will actually go ahead and introduce you know, a diffe

    rent type of product to that particular segment of your list, right? Yup, of course thats exactly how I go about that as well. And yes, the type of emails whichI send out to my lists, even for the same offer is different sometimes. Now, letssay for example I have a segment of like 2,500 subscribers who are actually affiliates, all right. And then I have like 5,000 subscribers who bought some products from me in the past. And then I have 10,000 subscribers in another list which I gained from a giveaway event. And I want to send an offer which I set on mywebsite. I have a website, Thats basically a website whereI set up products for people. I have like over 130 products right now and I give huge commissions for that, I mean, and they are instant commissions. I even pay up to 100% commission on many products, right. So unless I set up a product there, so the type of email, the wordings will be different. Even if I want to send out an offer, the same type of offer to my entire list. The way the email, wi

    ll be crafted, will be different. For my buyers, itll be a different subject linealtogether. Itll be like, you know, something like a Brand new product and whatever the product is about and I usually try to keep my subject lines naked, as I would like to call it. You know, I dont make them the subject. I actually will tellthem what theyll have, you know, what theyre expecting or what they should expectin the email right in the subject line. So thatll be the type. And then I will write the email about the product and when I send out the same offer to my affiliates, I would actually go ahead and include 2-3 different lines and I will tellthem that, Hey, great product, you know, its converting. You buy this, its awesome,,and the basic thing which I would write for my buyers, I will actually includethat, plus I will tell them that, Hey, Im also offering 75% commission or whateverthe commission rate is for this product, so go and sign up there,. So if they buy, you know, they will buy that, plus theyre actually getting the information. They can actually go ahead and promote the product for me, you know. So the same offer, but a little different in wording and then for people who actually join my list in a giveaway event, I would rather give an opt-in free gift in that email and then introduce them to the product which Im selling. Now lets say, recentlyI set up a product of, you know, and it was about Youtube and Facebook graphic,the background, okay. So, what Im doing, in fact this is something which I justdid before we started the call, like 15 minutes ago. What I just did, I just wrote 3 different types of emails. Number one was for the buyers. I actually introduced them to the new product and said, Brand new product, you know, this is whatit does,, and all of those stuff about the email. Im really good at this because aswipe is totally out of the scope of this conversion right now, but whatever the email was for the buyers. And then for the affiliates I wrote the email, right

    , and included, I said that, Hey, heres a great product that I set up and this iswhat it is all about. Go and grab it, and if you want to promote than there is an option. You can go there, click the link, scroll down, youll find the affiliate

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    section and click there and start promoting it for 90% commission or 100% commission, or whatever.. And for the freebie guy, you know, people who joined my listfrom a giveaway event, Im actually giving away a sample of the background for free to them and then Im introducing them to the actual offer. Im like, you know, the subject line is A not opt-in gift for you,. You know, and like we know, they joined from a giveaway event so they will be interested in freebies for sure, so they will open the email up, you know, and I will give them a sample first, and th

    en I would say that Hey, if you like that, go and buy it,. And you know, I usuallydo a great job when I do that. I mean, people really do convert. And when Im doing this, heres again, one thing which I do, Reed, Im very sure you also do have insome way or the other, and that now this is the thing which I did for now this isthe type of email I wrote for my freebie guys, right, who actually joined my list for a freebie. Now, when they buy the product, I set an automation tool in my Aweber and I said that if they buy the product, they actually get transferredto my buyers list and they get removed from my freebie list forever. Because nowI know that they bought something from me, right. So that actually helps me inthe future. Now, when Im trying to send out another product in the future, I willnot send the same type of email to this guy who actually bought something fromme, you know, so the next time, you know, hes going to get treated in a different

    way altogether, you know, And its all about making them feel special. Its all about making them feel as if you know who they are. You know, its all about making them feel that you really respect, that you really know what was the reason for which they actually joined your list, you know, which again, many more marketersdo forget all the time. So thats one thing which I would do. Were actually talking about sending the same offer to different segments of your lists. So basicallyI send out one email to my entire lists of 48,000 subscribers but the wordingswill be different. The way its written will be different. Same offer, different angles. Thats it. So thats how I would go about that. Right. So

    Reed: I think its really good. I mean, I know like, you separate it between the buyers and the affiliates and one thing that I might do, because I dont think youmentioned this was, when you mail out the affiliates, I would maybe take the con

    versions that youre getting off your buyers list. Lets say youre getting like, 10%conversion or something, then you could mention that to your affiliates and go Wehave this product, its brand new. You know, I just got 12.7% conversion and outof 100 clicks I made you know, $250 or something. You know, theyre going to be like, Oh wow, I must promote this, and youre going to get a lot of the affiliates promote.

    Anwesh: Great. Yeah, exactly. And Im really glad that you add that. I just kind of missed that altogether. So yes, thats exactly what I would like to do, give some data to my affiliates and let them know that this is what is happening, you know, this is what is going on and promote to your list and youre also going to make some great money. So, yes of course. Id really like to add that one. So, right.Thats one thing.

    Reed: You know, lets talk about something else that you do that sticks out, something that I notice. You know, you do, you review a lot of WSOs and youre doing ina very unique way where you kind of, it kind of looks like you must be using like, an iFrame or something where youre putting like a, kind of like a header up and you got a video where youre basically buying the WSO and then underneath your video, the actual WSO thread is right there. And why dont you explain, you know, how thats been working for you and what youve been doing that makes that stand out?

    Anwesh: Sure. I would love to share that. Right, yeah. Okay, now let me tell youwhy I even started doing that, okay. I receive a lot of emails from many people. I mean, I wont share their names right now, I mean, gurus in the internet marke

    ting industry and they just try to promote something just because it has, you know, its something on Clickbank or something like that. But my subscribers, what Iwant to do is, I want to actually tell them or I want to actually promote somet

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    hing which I really, truly believe in. So, of course without buying something orwithout acquiring a review copy or something of a product, youre not going to know what the exact product is all about. So what I do is I actually buy the product and when I buy the product, I actually capture that using the Camtasia software I have. So I go ahead, I buy the product right in front of everyone whos watching the video and then I download the product and I actually review it in frontof them. I actually show them what exactly the product is and if the product tur

    ns out to be a bad product, I still send that video out to my list or I put thaton my blog, and its not to hurt the vendor or anything of that sort. Its just tosave my subscribers if I feel, and I do that very rarely, only if the product isdeceptive. You know, the sales letter is deceptive. Only if its misguided, you know. Because there are many sales letters, there are many offers and products out there that promise you something and they give you something else altogether.Now, this happens very rarely in WSOs. Theres a reason why I choose to promote Warrior Special Offers over other Clickbank offers. So what I do is I actually putthe video out there, I put the header, you know, and I say that Hey, this is what I did, whatever the headline I want to put. And then I use iFrame just below the video and iFrame actually has the actual WSO. So instead of sending people directly to the WSO, what I do is I send them to this link where they have my video

    review, where I actually tell them that what the product is, what the price point is, and I actually prove them, I actually show them that Hey, I bought the product for you. You know, and Ive reviewed that, so and if Im telling you that its good, then its good,, and they just dont have to take my words for it because they are actually seeing what Im doing. Theyre actually able to see that Im buying the product, Im downloading the product, unzipping it, checking everything is fine, youknow, taking all the components and everything that the vendor or seller has actually promised that hes going to provide in this product. And then I recommend the product to my subscribers, I say, Hey, this is the thing, go grab it. You wont regret. And that really helps the conversions a lot. I mean, you know, that reallymakes me a ton of money and a ton of good sales, because I receive emails frompeople, like, keep receiving emails every single day. I even received emails from guys asking me that, Hey, this is a great WSO which is out there since the past

    four days, but we never received a video from you. I mean is that a bad product?. Im like, No, its just that I havent bought it yet. Now let me do it.. You know, sI go and buy the product, review that and send the email out to my list. So its that good, you know, because obviously I cannot just buy each and every WSO whichis being released out there every single day. Youll tend to miss out on some, right. But the good thing is you actually receive some feedback, you receive someemail from your subscribers and they are actually waiting for me to review a product and only then they go and buy the product. So obviously it makes them feelsecure because they know that I actually do buy the product, review the thing and then recommend that, and of course it helps me as well because Im promoting theproduct. Im making good sales. You know, so thats basically what I do. And thenI have a service out there on Warrior Forum, a classified ad called WSO Commission Booster, and this is the kind of service which Im offering there for people out there. So I actually buy the product there, I mean, you know, for a small feeof course and then I do the entire review thing and host on my website if they want to or just give them the zip file and let them upload the whole thing to their server, and then they can just promote that link instead of promoting a WSO directly and obviously it helps the conversion, right. So, yup. Thats what I do.

    Reed: I think thats a really cool idea, you know, especially that last little bitthats a very interesting twist. You know, one thing that I might do if I were you is I would you know, lets say you have really great conversion numbers. Lets sayeveryone is doing like 10%, but maybe youre doing like 20% or 30%. I would connect with the product owner then go, Hey, my video is helping sell your product. Would you like to let your affiliate use this video to sell your product? And thats g

    oing to get people to know you as an expert. You can do some kind of branding onthe page and then youre going to build a nice friendship with all these WSO guys. Theyre going to get behind you and promote your stuff later on because, you kn

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    ow, lets say that their WSO kind of sold out at maybe a couple hundred sales, butby letting their affiliates to use your video, they made, you know, 500 or 1,000 sales. Theyre going to owe you and theyre going to be interested to help you outlater on.

    Anwesh: Wow. Great strategy. (Laugh). You just gave out a great nugget out there, man. I mean, yes, of course. You know, I can just go ahead and contact some WS

    O vendors and tell them that. Hey, this is what Im doing.. Actually, you know, I keep receiving emails from WSO vendors as well. They thank me for promoting and most of the cases Im one of the top affiliates at some point of time, you know, after the release of the WSO. And yes, the idea that you gave me is great. I can actually reflect back and so just saying Thank you.. You know, Im making great moneyand all those stuff. I can actually tell them that Hey, this is the reason why Imthe top affiliate. And this is the video and I go ahead and give it to you to give it away to your affiliates and use it as an affiliate tool, right, instead ofjust having a swipe email. You can just put this video, upload to Youtube or something, put the embed code in your affiliate tools area and give it to your affiliates to promote it.. Awesome. Thank you.

    Reed: I might go one step further on that and make it like a hosted version, ifyoure good. And you can have some sort of rebranding area where they would just enter their WSO link, enter it there and then since its hosted on your server, youll have control over the design of the page, and you could also have some kind ofexit pop-up if people left to get more video reviews from you.

    Anwesh: Right, Reed. Thats a great idea. I mean, great nugget which you just gaveme. I mean, Im certainly going to do that. Im going to approach a couple of WSO guys who are releasing it and build a great relationship with them with your ideawhich you just gave me. Thanks a lot. Now, would you like to tell me about youropen rates and click-through rate because these are more of jargons right now for many people out there. You know, there are like CTR, then OR. What is OR, what is CTR? You know, and they dont really know about that even if you just say, if

    you never break it down and say, click-through rate, theyre like, Wow, click-through rate. Great thing. What is that?, you know. So would you like to just tell ussomething about click-through rates and open rates, and how you actually, you know, how you actually make your readers to read what youre sending them. Becauseyou could offer them a great thing, but theres no point if theyre not really opening it and reading it, right. And even if theyre opening it, theyre not clicking the link. So do you have any ideas for that? I mean, how you, you know, increase your open rates and click-through rates?

    Reed: Sure, and for everyone listening, you know, lets just describe a little bitabout what open rates and click-through rates are. Open rates are the amount ofpeople who actually open your email. So lets say you have a list of 1,000 peopleand 100 of them open, that would be 10% which for most people would be pretty high. So, that used to be the norm but for most people thatd be pretty high rightnow. And a click-through rate would be the amount of people on your list that actually click. So lets say of those 100 people, maybe 50 people click. Well, thatwould be 5% of the actual list size. So, thats one way of measuring that. And, you know, you really need to send clicks to make money, but you dont need to send 100s or 1,000s of clicks to make your first sale. Theres a lot of people out there that have a very small list but their list is of people who bought something fromthem and they know, like and trust the individual, and they will buy just aboutanything that person recommends. So, you know, thats more important than havinga humongous list. Also, your open rates are going to your open rates and your click-through rates are really going to be determined on a few things the freshnessof the subscriber. You know, a lot of people move every year from their physica

    l location. They might move to a different apartment or a different part of town, different things that happen. And the same thing happens with email. People dont keep the same email address forever and theres a lot of people, especially in i

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    nternet marketing, that tend to lose interest within the first six months or soif they cant seem to make any money from it. A lot of people will quit within sixmonths. So if a lot of your subscribers are older than six months, theyre probably not reading your emails. So you have to keep that in mind. You know, other things would be how targeted your emails are. You know, if you have a list on howto make money on Facebook and you only send out how to make money on Facebook-type products, theyre going to be more interested in opening your emails. Youre also

    probably not hitting them up three or four times a day for different things. Thats going to help. I mean, theres some people out there that will send out severalemails a day and get results, and some other people that will send out an emailonce a day or once every other day and they have great results. It really goingto depends on you and what your competitors are doing and how you write your emails. You know, are you just grabbing someone elses swipe that they wrote, you know, some elses email copy that they wrote, you didnt add anything else to it, well youre not going to get as many opens because of that. Because, you know, maybetheyre on ten other list that send exactly the exact same email. Theyre not goingto pay as much attention to you because you dont stand out. You know, if youre sharing stories in your list, you know, if youre sharing some real stories, some real information with them, thats going to help. If you go out and share this kind o

    f content every once in a while, thats going to help. You know, different thingsthatll get you known for, like youre, the reviews you do. Theres people out there that look forward to getting your review. Theyre looking for that email and I assume you probably send that out around the same time everyday. They know that, youknow, lets say its 1 oclock their time, theyre going to get an email from you and theyre looking forward to that. Thats like the highlight of their day and a lot ofthem will take action on that because they know they can trust you and they trust the information youre giving them. So that helps you. You know, another thingif youre known for, lets say you do a lot of bonuses, you know, If you buy this Clickbank product, I will give you, you know, three different PLRs on the same topic.. Well, thats going to help you stand out. Youre going to make more sales and people are going to buy from you and search for you to buy that type of product. Soif you do certain things that help you to stick out and help you stand out a l

    ittle bit and, its not a whole lot of work to do that but you can have a ten times increase on your income just by doing a little bit of extra work, going that extra mile.

    Anwesh: Great. Right, of course. I mean, this is really eye-opening I would say, because many people really struggle a lot, you know. I mean, they have a listof, lets say 5,000 subscribers but when they send out their email, and they dont really get that kind of open rates and you know, they simply dont get that kind ofresponse, you know. So do you think just by having a good subject line, you canmake them open the email and then go ahead and have a good body content, and then get them to click that link. And then you know, and go from there. Is there aspecific, you know, flow chart or something like that? Is there a specific algorithm there or anything of that sort which you have? Because I have always, youknow, I would like to discuss that later, but after you, you know.

    Reed: Yeah, I mean, it really depends. The goal of the subject line is to get someone to open that email. So you dont want to use deceptive tactics like Payment received and Your first affiliate sale and stuff like that which we see all the timebecause that does turn people off after they get a few emails like that from you and youre going to get a lot of unsubscribes. Theyre going to open, thats for sure but youre going to turn people off. Also I see a lot of people changing the fromaddress on their emails you know, be like, well they wont change it like PayPal,but they change into something kind of similar where theyre like, Oh wow, you know, Im getting an email from this thing. I must be getting a commission on something, or something is going on and thats different.. You know, people do look at tha

    t from line and they will go Oh, its Anwesh. Yeah, I want to get stuff from him. I like what he puts out, and they look for your emails and they search for that. Sothat does help and I would stick with that branding. Now, once you get them to o

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    pen the email, every sentence in your email is to convince them to continue reading. Its a lot like a sales letter. Youre convincing them to go to the next line and the next line, and theyll eventually click out some sort of link. So if you have some sort of story that you can continue on the other page, you know, maybe you can start the story and kind of build up their curiosity and kind of To hear the rest of the story, you have to click this link, and thatll take them to the sales page. Youre going to get more clicks because of that.

    Anwesh: Great, yeah. This is really great. So basically there should be a flow,right. I mean you just have to make sure that you have the right kind of matterin your email so theyll keep reading and do what you want them to do, that is basically click the link and go and check what youre offering, right.

    Reed: Yeah, I mean, thats the whole point. You know, you want to continue to build that relationship and you want to continue to build that trust and you want tocontinue to get them to click the link and take action. Because theres no real point if they just click the link. You want them to know that they can trust youenough that they click that link and theyre more likely to buy from you than anyone else.

    Anwesh: Great.

    Reed: So that should be your entire goal of that list. Otherwise, theres no pointin building one.

    Anwesh: Great. And about the open rates , I would like to just share something which Ive been doing recently and Ive seen some big marketers also doing that. Its agreat tip and its a great thing. I would really love to share that. Now, like, we have a good subject line and like we just discussed, a good subject line, an honest subject line, is something which is very important for the open rate, right. Now, less people know or have noticed that the first line of the body of theemail is also visible even before you actually open that email. Like when you ha

    ve Gmail, lets say you have a subject line that says A great offer,, whatever, youknow, and then just after that at the same line, you see the first line of thatemail, what you call them the body, right. So what I have started doing in therecent past is I started putting some more interesting information right up there. So when you read my email, you know, even before opening it, when you read the subject line, you actually get to see a part, its like a preview of what you have in the body of the email. And that has really helped me increase my open rates, and then you know, of course click rates and those stuff. It totally dependson what the body of email is and you know, was the way I put the offer out and other different things. You know, there are a lot of different things which we doin order to get good CTRs, that is good click-through rates. But this one thingwhich Ive been actually teaching some of my coaching students and I just want toshare that the first line of the body is also very important because thats something which people read. They do get to read even before they open your email. Itsjust beside the subject line up there. Right. Have you ever tried doing that, Reed?

    Reed: I guess I havent, like, consciously tried to do that, thats a very good plan, I mean, a lot of my emails usually start with like Hey, first name, type of thing. Thats a really interesting thing because you probably have about 100 characters or so and thats kind of like a subhead on a sales letter. So yeah. Im going to play with that. Thanks for sharing that.

    Anwesh: Yeah. I mean, yeah, thank you. I just want to make sure that you know, Ijust bring this thing up. It just strikes me so I was like, Wow, let me share th

    is one, right. Okay. So that was one thing. And right, about, you know, assigninga particular thing, you know, theres a process, its some kind of a mechanism, thatswhat I call. I like to call that kind of thing you know, list mechanism or emai

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    n you could just put up a sign up form on the page and say, Join my newsletter,, you know, a lot of people would do that and you dont even have to give them any sort of bribe or anything. Then it kind of evolved to, you know, Download my ebook,.Then it started to change into, you know, Get my ebook or course and youll learnXYZ,. And now its like you almost have to pay for people to download something from you. You know, people are a little bit jaded I guess, because you know, the industry is just growing up and there are so many marketers out there that you rea

    lly have to find a way to differentiate yourself.

    Anwesh: Right, exactly. You know, this is just getting more and more competitiveout there and this is fair enough. If you know yourself, you just do it, you know. Right. So would you like to share something about campaign sharing? Like, weboth know what campaign sharing is, how you can share campaigns and your auto responder sequences. But this is something which the rest of the people dont knowabout out there. So would you like to share something about that? Campaign sharing?

    Reed: Now, by that do you mean creating, like, an auto responder series and thenletting people import that into their auto responders?

    Anwesh: Yes, right, exactly.

    Reed: I typically dont really do much with that. You know, I do give out people,like, swipe emails to promote stuff of mine, but I actually dont give people, like, an auto responder e-course that they can just import into their list. Personally Id rather just get them to build my list for me and you know, thats more of my model. But you know, if youre doing that, Id like to see how thats working for you.

    Anwesh: Right. What Im doing is basically see, I keep coming up with ways to approach marketers that are bigger than me, right. I mean, that should be, thats justmy model base. Of course, you know, I have a subscribers base, I have a pool of

    partners out there with whom I work with, then I have my affiliates. Obviously you need to move on, right. I mean, you need to grow. So of course, you know, when youre trying to approach someone, when youre trying to actually go ahead and approach someone who is way bigger than you, then this is the strategy which Ive been using in recent past and its kind of working. Its like, Im just setting, you know, complete share, and complete auto responders sequences of four or five days or, you know, about, like, a fortnight in some cases. And Im letting my partners import that to their Aweber campaign, you know, import that campaign altogether totheir auto responder so they dont have to do any work. Basically Im doing all thework for them and the only reason is because they have, you know, maybe like, five or six times bigger lists than me. You know, so if Im trying to approach them, then I need to really give them something which would justify their partnership with me, right, at some point of time. So, thats one because giving back end commission and other stuff like that is a great thing which of course many peopledo, I also do, Im pretty sure 100% commission is something which you also do. Iveseen that in your previous WSO, you were offering 100% commission and all stuff like that, because that is basically a long term thing which you think. You know, its not about just making some quick money, right. So thats what I do when I actually share the campaigns. I just go ahead and set up an auto responder sequence on my Aweber and share the campaign code with big marketers and theyre reallyinterested because you know, they really dont have to do any work and the links and it totally depends on the purpose - why Im doing it. Sometimes its just for making money, sometimes its just for building lists, right. Sometimes its just for, you know, making some good relationships with other marketers. So the links and the type of emails I set up as auto responder sequences, that really depends on wh

    at kind of, whats my purpose of actually doing this kind of campaign sharing. SoI was wondering if you do that and you gave your answer because this is what I do, so I just want to bring this up and let people know that there is something l

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    ike that you can do - people that are using Aweber, listening out there. Becausethere are other auto responders, Im not really sure about which auto respondersdo allow campaign sharing or not, but I know about Aweber because I use that. Iknow that they allow that. Its basically setting your auto responder sequence andcreating a campaign, setting auto responder sequence emails, and you know, creating a code like a pass key or password, and then just giving it to another marketer whos using Aweber and they can basically import the entire auto responder

    sequence to their auto responder account and send out to their lists. So thats what campaign sharing is all about, which I had started doing in recent past, getting good results. Just want to bring it up, thats it.

    Reed: I think its a cool idea. I mean, I see it being used a lot more in, maybe,multi-level-marketing (MLM) because I see their people really finding that veryuseful. I havent really seen other internet marketers using it, so its nice to seesomeone actually using that feature and Id like to, you know, keep in touch withyou on that, see how that grows your business because it sounds promising. Youknow, if you use it the right way I think you could do quite well. I guess one way of doing kind of a campaign sharing in a different regard would be, you know,

    lets say for instance youre using, lets say youre going to do a WSO and you use Warrior Plus to host it. Well with Warrior Plus, you can put in your auto respondercode, and whenever someone buys it with their PayPal account, it automaticallytakes that PayPal username and email and imports it into your auto responder. So lets say I put it on my Aweber. Then, lets say Im doing a product and, you know,maybe its an interview with somebody out there, they provide some of the other content, then on the redirection page or basically its the thank you page on Warrior Plus, you could have it so that people register their product and enter theirname and email and get on your partners list. And at the bottom of the page, youcan have a No Thanks link and, you know, some of the people might not want to register so theyll click No Thanks, so they wont get added on the partners list but mostof the people, Id say 90% or more, are going to enter their name and email to getupdates. So you can always give out some sort of bonus, you know, Enter your nam

    e and email to get updates and well also throw in this extra bonus. And thats goingto get more people to sign up. And thats a great way to really leverage other partners that, you know, might have a bigger following than you or, you know, might be able to make a lot more sales than you otherwise would. So you give them that opportunity of Gee, you know, if we do this together and you know, lets say itdoes really well, you might be getting, you know, 100 or 1,000 new customers onyour list and Id like to give you that capability to..

    Anwesh: Right, of course. Yeah. Its a great idea. Basically, a great way of doinga mutual, you know, a symbiotic marketing, you know, where you are actually sharing something like this and at the back end you are actually offering somethingwhich would interest your partner. Great way of doing campaign sharing. Yup, ofcourse. Great. So would this also work when we do let me put it this way. We allknow, we all hear about optimizing Thank You pages, right. So whats your take onthat? What exactly you mean, how do you define optimizing your Thank You page?You know, a Thank You or the download page, for that matter.

    Reed: Sure. Theres a few things. Actually theres something that I saw today that Ithought was pretty cool that I havent noticed before for a Thank You page and they put a thing, it was kind like a header at the top of the screen that said, you know, Special offer for Minnesota residents only and I live in Minnesota, so I was like Oh, wow., you know. I mean, Im sure it just went off like an IP address and just pasted there and I was like, Oh, wow. Thats a really nice idea.. You know, Iwould bet that would convert a little bit higher and you know, if you can increase your conversion just by a little bit, that can bring in a lot more money ver

    y quickly.

    Anwesh: Exactly.

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    Reed: So you know, if you went from 1% conversion rate to a 2% for doing that, thats doubling your income. So thats a great thing. Another thing is if you can take the names like, lets say they fill out their name and email on the squeeze pageand then on the one-time-offer, you can say, you know, Dear Anwesh, you know, thats going to stand out and thats going to help you make some more sales. If you know some other demographics, you know, lets say this would be more so in a differen

    t market but maybe like, health and fitness, you could have a squeeze page for they to select if theyre male or female and their name and email, and the male onewould go to a page with you know, real buff guys, you know, six pack abs and talk about picking up girls with your new body and stuff like that, and if they chose the girl one it would be, you know, women that maybe have lost their baby weight from having pregnancy and you know, and stuff like that. You know, and thatsgoing to boost your conversion so if you can tie those elements in, thats goingto help you out quite a bit. Yeah, I mean, theres other things, you know. Havinga split test in your headline is going to help. Modeling your sales pages off ofwhat other people are doing. Videos have been hot the past year or two, those have been popular. Testing your price points, you know, if you find that youre having the same, lets say you have a product that sells for $17 and then you test ou

    t $27 and you find that you have the same amount of conversions at $27, you might as well make it $27 because youre making $10 more per sale. Thats going to add up over time. If youre making a sale everyday, thats quite a bit of money pretty quick.

    Anwesh: Sure. This is awesome. So youre basically saying that building instant relationship, instant rapport with people, I mean, you know, because youre personalizing something, it obviously is going to catch their attention way higher, youknow, way better than if you dont personalize it. Like you said, I just enter myname and email address and then on the next page itll be, Hey, Anwesh, you know, Congratulations Anwesh for taking action and heres a great offer just for you,. You know, so of course Ill be like, wow. I mean, I know that I entered my name and email address and I know from where they got my name, but that, in my subconscious,

    I will be excited. Ill be like, wow, you know. Its something different. So, yes.And the geographical location stuff that you just talked about, yeah thats a newscript which Ive been Ive not bought it yet but Ive been seeing, its kind of flying around Ive received some emails and I might look into that. Its about, its basicallytakes the IP address and checks your geographical location and then just pulls it up from there and just tells you where you are, you know. So the technologiesout there like, there are many software, many scripts out there which do that. So I think thats exactly what the marketer was doing when you actually saw that the special offer is only for Minnesota residents, you know. So this is a great idea you know, that could actually relate people and talk about their geographicallocation. Right.

    Reed: You know, a few other things Ive seen this was a few months back but MarcusHochstadt did a launch where he had like a little menu bar and it showed like, the amount of people that were on the page so far during the launch, and like, who the last purchaser was and so it said you know, Mike A. from New York bought 39 seconds ago. And then it just kept updating and every time theres a new sale, and Im sure its just connected up with their database somehow. This is very advanced for a lot of people, but I mean, different things like that can help influencepurchasers, especially if its during a product launch. You know, another thing would be like a countdown. You know, lets say youre only going to let 300 copies ofyour thing sell, and every time theres a sale it takes it off. So you know, its like, Oh, 297, 295. Oh no,, it keeps going down while youre on the page and maybe thats scrolling down while youre scrolling, you know, might be your buyers scroll bar its showing them its selling, thats going to help influence people to buy. Timers

    , you know, when you got 10 minutes to take action on this thing and you know, youll never see that again. And you could use cookies and IP stuff with that as well. You know, thats going to help make sales happen. Im not all for super-scarcity

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    tactics, but they do work. And if you legitimately stick to that as best as youcan, I mean, obviously someone could clear their cookies and still do it, but you know, thats not really something you can control. But if you do it as best asyou can, thats fine and dandy. If youre saying This is going to double on price tomorrow, and the same Javascript code every single day, thats not ethical.

    Anwesh: Exactly. I mean, I was actually going to hit there because Ive seen this

    and in fact, the reason why Clickbank product launches that use the direct script which runs, you know, just below the video and says that you know, this many hours, this many minutes and this many seconds left before you can take action or take action and grab this thing, you refresh and the counter just starts all over again. So thats not ethical, right. I mean thats just to instill the sense ofurgency in a very unethical way, right. So, yes. I wouldnt really do that. But scarcity techniques do work, I would also agree, I would also say Im not really allfor it, but then Ive used it into the past with some scripts like the dime sales, they would work fine. You know, in WSOs they do dime sales and thats the real thing which you can actually do, you know. It really increases the price and youget to limit the number of sales. If y