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Lisbeth Reed Vest-Agder County CouncilDepartment of Regional Development


Partnerships, Planning and Projects of Gender Equality in Agder

Previous occupation: woman pioneer telecom technician(1976-93)

Today: advising on regional development/equal opportunities

Vest-Agder: One of the 19 counties of Norway

County responsibilities:• Regional development and planning(including gender equality)• Responsible for upper secondary education• Functions concerning culture, transport, roads communications, support for business activities and public health in the region.

Agder: Two cooperating counties at

the southern tip of Norway

Agder and Gender Equality:

National statistics shows:Agder has special challenges concering equality status

Increasing focus on gender balance in regional development and planning.

Recognizing that the communities need the full participation of everybody!

Camilla Collett 1813-95author and feministpioneer, from Kristiansand, Agder.

Two Primary Goals for Equality Work in Agder:

1. The gender equality work is outcome oriented, evidence based and coordinated

2. There is gender balance in working life in Agder

Uwe Wenk Wolf’s sculpture: Three fit girls (Lindesnes municipality)

Developing Frameworks for Equal Opportunities

Changing attitudes from the top down: • Gender perspective in public planning• Partnerships for gender equality • Research on gender topics• Joint funding for research and measures (from state and regionalauthorities)

Minister of Children and Equality, Anniken Huitfeldt, at the opening of Center for Gender and Equality. September 2008

Agder Gender Equality Council

Participants:• The two counties• Municipalities• KS• Regional state departments• University of Agder• Employer’s association • Association of trade unions.

Toril Runden, vice mayor of Vest-Agder and leader of Agder Gender Equality Council

Center for Gender and Equality,University of AgderThe center aims to collect and develop research results and competency concerning gender and equality, and to be a driving force for equality in Agder.

The center is a cooperative project between theUniversity of Agder, Agder research Foundation and the Agder region.

Developing frameworks for equal opportunitiesChanging attitudes from the bottom up: • Mobilizing boys and girls as agents for change• Focusing on content/pedagogy in kindergartens and schools• Focusing on content/pedagogy in the teachers’ education

Hokus Pokus kindergarten, at the University of Agder:The male employees – 30% of the staff!

Free Choice – the 10 year commitment for gender equality

Focusing on boys and girls all the way from kindergarten touniversity.

Building self-esteem, courage and competency to choose education and career regardless of gender

Thank you for your attention!

Participation in two EEA-projects on Reconciliation