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Exam Formats that Work in the Online Environment

´Lisa Sharpe Elles, Chemistry´Jennifer Delgado, Physics´Carolyn Huffman, Biology

Online Testing

´ Gradescope

´ Blackboard

´ Publisher Provided

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Testing Design and Parameters

´ Increase number of tests given´Time limit per question, per test, release in

groups´Short speed questions´Allow redos´Multiple versions of test/pools´Question types

Jennifer DelgadoAssociate Teaching Professor – Physics and Astronomy

´ Classes for Fall 2020: Quest for Extraterrestrial Life (18 students), Intermediate Physics Lab (30 students), General Physics Labs 1 and 2 (~200,~300 students)

´ Low stakes quizzes´ unlimited chances through blackboard´ Closed form, simple problems, usually with math´ Two versions: Normal and Late, worth same number of points

´ Normal - due earlier in semester, fewer problems

´ Late - due at end of semester, more problems

´ Section Exams´ Fillable PDFs that students turn into gradescope within 24 hour period´ Standards based grading

´ Students must do well on all objectives to do well in course

´ Students get multiple chances to do well on each objective

´ Answers are never released (questions can be reused for the final)

Carolyn HuffmanLecturer-Undergraduate Biology

´ Class for Fall 2020: Online Human Anatomy, Online Human Physiology, each has 70 students

´ Exam format: modules last 2 weeks, test must be taken in that 2 weeks (most submit a day before or day of).´ Anatomy has body/tissue ID questions, MC questions 50 questions in 60 minutes

´ Physiology has 50 MC questions All are closed book

´ All tests have pools of questions, no students have same test

´ I have practice test with similar questions

´ Answers aren't released until after the due date, regardless of when completed

´ I will be using Proctorio Plus (McGraw-Hill) for test proctoring

Lisa Sharpe EllesAssistant Teaching Professor - Chemistry

´ Class for Fall 2020: General Chemistry I – two sections with cohorts of 45 meeting in-person once per week

´ Exam format´ Online using Gradescope, students will upload images of their handwritten work

´ Open note and textbook

´ More exams, less points, shorter time window, multiple versions?´ 5 comprehensive exams, equal weight (only 4 counted towards the grade)

´ Allow for ~1.5 hours of time to complete the 45 min exam

´ Have different versions open for different time windows and let students take the exam when they have time.


´Gradescope is an online software service that provides:´ Assignment delivery´ Quiz/Exam delivery´ Grading tools (rubrics, TA tracking, grouping of similar

answers, auto-grading of some question types, etc.)´ Grade statistics by question´ Integration with Blackboard

Gradescope – Pros and Cons

´ Pros´Easy to set-up and use´Seamless integration with

Bb´Grading becomes much

easier to navigate and coordinate with TAs

´Using rubrics makes grading more consistent

´ Cons´Versioning of questions

on quizzes or exams is not currently possible –possible work arounds using Bb

´ The most useful grading tool (grouping) doesn't work with most types of online assessments


Fillable PDFs

´ Document is made in word´ Box outlines are added with the

"shapes" tool in the "Insert" section

´ Document is saved as a PDF

´ Opened in Adobe Acrobat (free for KU instructors) not the browser

´ Made into a fillable PDF´ "Tools" tab in Adobe

´ "Prepare Form" -> Start (check for "Form field auto detection is ON, if OFF, change to ON)

´ Can use text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes and insert image button

Blackboard Pools

This method can help to discourage cheating by overwhelming students with a large volume of questions.

Once made, pools can be combined and reused.

Blackboard has many kinds of question formats

Calculated Formula generates problems with random numbers –answer is a formula

Multiple choice has one correct answer

Multiple answer can select many options

Testing Integrity Statement/Contract

´ Syllabus language´ Testing contract´ Test Proctoring

´ Chegg is cheating!

Other Useful Resources

´ KU flex teaching website:´ KU IT´ Blackboard´ Gradescope