Download - Línea Emprendimiento

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Entrepreneurship Update What’s going up?

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5 driving ideas

• 1. Co-creation of value

• 2. Entrepreneurial Business Models

• 3. Social Entrepreneurship

• 4. Intra & teampreneurship

• 5. Entrepreneurial ecosystems

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1. co-creation of value

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1. co-creation of value

C. K. Prahalad

C. Fruehauf Professor of Business Administration at the Michigan Business School

Shift in the role of the consumer:

• From isolated to connected• From unaware to informed• From pasive to active

Global View




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2. Entrepreneurial business models

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2. entrepreneurial business models

“Quirky raised the bar for co-creation platforms by paying out influencers. Every week 2 new products are being launched.” +500 people co-designed 1 new iPad stand*

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3. social entrepreneurship

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3. social entrepreneurship

Building an “Everyone a Changemaker” worldAshoka Changemakers® is a global community of action that grows the impact of changemaking – from dedicated individuals and community organizers to Fortune 500 companies and global foundations.

Open GrowthOpen Growth allows our community to transparently collaborate on identifying, tracking, and accelerating cutting-edge innovations.

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4. intra & teampreneurship

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4. teampreneurship

Jon R. Katzenbach

Senior Partner with Booz & Company where he launched the Katzenbach Center at Booz, focused on taking innovative ideas in organization beyond best practice.

What is a team?

“A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable”

Work group

Fake team

Potential team

Real team

High-performance team





Work group

Fake team

Potential team

Real team

High-performance team





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5. Entrepreneurial ecosystems

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5. Entrepreneurial ecosystems

Pekka Himanen

Professor at the University of Art and Design Helsinki, a Visiting Professor at the Oxford University, and a Principal Scientist at the HIIT (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology).

Is a group of companies, including start-ups, and one or more coordination entities, which share similar goals and decide to form a network or organization in order to explore economies of scale combined with flexibility and strong entrepreneurial drive.

Hub Tampere



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