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“Fundraising − What it Brings to Us”

A Presentation to the Museum & Gallery Services Queensland Workshop -

by Dr Linda Griffith of Linda Griffith Consultancy Pty Ltd (www.lgriffith-

on 6 May 2009 in Brisbane Giving has increased significantly in Australia in recent years and is estimated at $11 billion annually. See the 2005 “Giving Australia” report on the website of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership Components of a Comprehensive Fundraising Program Mission Successful fundraising programs are those that take the organisation far beyond being a receiver of gifts, made up of fundraising staff who secure and receipt gifts. A strong fundraising program helps shape an organisation as one that takes its communications with its key audiences seriously, focuses on its mission, examines its goals and evaluates the relevance of its strategies and programs on a regular basis. Implicit in this examination of the organisation is the understanding that fund raising does not determine the organisation’s strategic directions but rather provides the resources for it to pursue strategies that provide the best responses to the fulfilment of its mission. Fund raising follows the organisation’s strategic plan rather than dictating it. Fund raising prompts the organisation to consider if its plan provides the best decisions on how the organisation can serve the community. Most, if not all, nonprofits exist to serve the community. Fund raising can flourish only if the community is bettered in some way. Fund raising can be a measure of the extent to which the organisation is serving the community and thus a measure of how well the organisation is fulfilling its mission. A strong organisation will not be tempted to change its directions under the pressures of securing gifts. It will know that to take on a different direction or project, only because money was available for the different direction, is to invite disappointment and difficulties both for the organisation and the donor. The organisation must raise funds only for projects, programs and positions that it really needs. Competent fundraising staff know how to explain this to donors and how to present alternatives to donors so that their gifts are used for the most achievable outcomes.

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In earlier times in fund raising in Australia, maybe when there were fewer experienced staff than there are now, organisations accepted gifts that became burdens for them. Consequently, it was hard for them to articulate any outcomes of the gifts to donors. Donors became frustrated and disillusioned that their gifts had not accomplished the hoped-for outcomes. Organisations regretted allowing fund raising to determine their strategic directions. Comprehensive Fundraising Programs So, since fund raising helps an organisation implement its strategic plan by providing necessary resources, and since the needs of an organisation are varied and complex, it follows that an organisation’s fundraising programs and the opportunities presented therein must also be varied. A comprehensive fundraising program includes vehicles for donors to make gifts at all levels, frequencies and purposes, depending on donors’ preferences. Budget Fundraising Most nonprofits engaged in fund raising will have vehicles such as budget and annual appeals designed to help balance the annual operations budget. Many nonprofits depend almost exclusively on fundraising income to exist and the regularity of its budget and annual fund raising gives some reassurance. These types of fund raising are best suited to untied gifts, with income used to maintain the good work of the organisation. It is often effective to highlight certain emotive and pressing needs but of course organisations need to ensure that annual and budget fund raising income can be spent on existing programs and thus is a form of budget relief. These appeals can be labour-intensive and reasonably expensive in the early years. However, they raise necessary funds and in addition they raise awareness that the organisation needs funds. Furthermore, they generate a donor base which is invaluable as a research source for information on major gifts prospects, bequest prospects, capital campaigns, volunteers and Board membership. Most importantly they create a framework which often determines the scope of all other fundraising programs. They also generate confidence by external supporters that the organisation is well organised and is taking the initiative to develop sustainable sources of income. Budget fund raising may include direct mail and possibly also special events which serve the dual purpose of raising funds as well as awareness. Organisations may also include sponsorships and cause-related marketing as vehicles to secure operational funding. Bequests Most nonprofits seem to be aware of the value of people leaving bequests in their wills for the benefit of their organisation. These can be the result of a

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sensitive bequests program that actively seeks bequests and keeps lawyers, accountants and service groups well-informed. Such programs may have bequest societies and committees in order to have as many different ways as possible of drawing attention to the need for and value of bequests. Bequests allow people who have assets but not necessarily a large income to make substantial gifts to organisations that they feel strongly about. Capital Campaigns Some nonprofits have already engaged in capital campaigns. Mostly in Australia we have seen building campaigns which seem to have inspired donors’ imaginations and convinced them that it was important to have tangible, bricks and mortar type results from fund raising. Some organisations have succeeded in explaining the need for human capital, that is for funding for the positions of people who achieve the outcomes that benefit the community. Capital campaigns often suit organisations well in that they raise large sums of money when an organisation needs it. They do not always suit donors who cannot always fit their gift payments within a campaign cycle, or who may not be attracted to the topic of the campaign, even when it is multi-faceted and has a whole menu of funding options. All those types of fundraising programs have an important place in an organisation’s strategic planning. Donors need to see that organisations are making every effort to maintain a well-balanced fundraising program and that they are not relying unduly on a small number of funding sources. Major Gifts Major Gifts programs play an important role in providing people with a personalised way of making significant gifts for organisational needs that they feel strongly about. Importantly, major gifts help stimulate changes in the philanthropic landscape so that donors see that making major gifts is the right and proper thing to do, that the organisation can really use the gift and produce good outcomes from it, that their gift can leverage other large gifts, and that their gift is acknowledged in a sensitive, personal way. It is most encouraging for all nonprofits and for all fund raisers to see donors making large gifts and working their way up the ladder of giving. While we may all like the large gifts to be ones for our own organisations, every large gift made is an encouragement to other donors to give. Every large gift made has the potential to leverage other large gifts, provided the donor gives you permission to do so. Government Funding Many organisations receive a good percentage of their income from government grants. In addition, or sometimes instead of, organisations also receive fees from governments since they perform work that governments used to do. The organisation needs to explain to its varied audiences

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exactly what its situation is in relation to government support. The explanation can support or go against the organisation’s need for funding. In Australia we tend to take the view that governments should be responsible for funding the bulk of organisations that serve the community. We often see health, education, welfare, crisis care and the arts as the responsibility of government. In this way, motivations for giving are substantially different to what they are in North America. We need very careful explanations of how much government is giving to a project and why, or why not. Generally, large projects are expected to receive a substantial amount of both state and federal government funding. Government matching donors’ money is also motivational. Donors also feel reassured about their giving if governments are contributing towards a project since it shows that governments have vetted and approved of the project. On the other hand, some donors, including trusts and foundations, resist giving to organisations with substantial government funding since they feel that the organisations can manage without their gifts. Other donors see a high level of government funding as proof of the organisation’s financial sustainability and thus a motivational factor in giving, since it means that their gifts can fund exciting projects outside the scope of day-to-day needs. It comes down a lot to the quality of the relationship that staff in the organisation have developed with donors and whether or not donors feel that gifts to the organisation are good investments in its future. Major Gifts Programs – Roles and Ramifications Definition of a Major Gift It depends on how YOU see a major gift and on the levels of gifts that your organisation is used to receiving. A major gift will generally be for a specific purpose, although often the best money for an organisation is untied money that allows operational costs to be met. The essential feature of a major gift is the manner in which you secure and steward that gift. A major gift should be solicited in a highly personalised fashion, involving possibly several meetings, and once made, should be stewarded in a highly personalised fashion. Projects in a Major Gifts Program We are finding that as donors become more experienced and are developing far greater astuteness in giving, and knowledge of how to give, they are extremely focused on the credibility of the organisation to which they are giving and the purpose and anticipated outcomes of the project they are giving for. Like most donors, they give to make a difference. Donors need to know that they are giving for genuine strategic priorities, for projects that the organisation supports totally and sees as key elements of its strategic plan. This is essential for donors as they need to know that a project

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to which they give will be likely to receive strong funding for infrastructure from the organisation, that it will be at or near the top of the list when the organisation publicises its key strengths and that if the organisation happens to have surplus funding at any stage, then that particular project will be the one likely to benefit from supplementary funding. It makes good sense for an organisation to support its key strengths and these are the sorts of priorities that donors also like to support. Sophisticated donors are undertaking increasing levels of research to assure themselves that the projects that they are requested to fund are true strategic priorities. At the same time, donors are undertaking due diligence on the organisations to which they give, to ensure they are financially sound, well-run, extremely careful about their administrative costs and truly serving the community. They are very interested in the calibre of the staff in the organisation since, no matter what donors give to, they are relying on the people in the organisation to produce sustained and sustainable outcomes. They are interested in working with highly ethical, highly competent people who have passion for the cause and drive, since donors know that these are the kind of people who will produce results. Major donors often like to give for a new project that has spun off from a high profile or core activity of the organisation. In this way, donors feel that their money is being invested in an exciting benefit for the community and that their entire gifts are going towards a prestigious result with none of the gifts being spent on administration or infrastructure that the organisation has previously invested in. Hence, when an organisation starts organising a major gifts program, it needs to identify projects and needs that can fulfil these criteria. Many organisations have a process to do so and I strongly support the integration of an inclusive process into the organisation. Usually, an organisation includes fundraising information sessions for staff of its various divisions, explains how it is seeking information on projects that are suitable for fund raising and that require reasonable to substantial levels of funding, and explains how the fundraising office needs to gather such information on a pro forma for each project. This is a very important process that often determines the success of a major gifts program since it is essential to come up with exciting, relevant projects that donors feel constitute a good potential use of their funds. It is also important for motivating staff and for engaging them at the earliest stages in fund raising. It is essential for appropriately trained staff to be involved in all aspects of the fundraising process since they are the people who will be doing the hands-on implementation of the project, whereas the CEO will have an overseeing role only, and donors like to interact with the people who are closest to the project. A vetting of all projects, signing off by the CEO and the addition of explanatory information by fundraising staff take the collection of pro forma to a stage where fundraising staff can write up a strong case for support for each

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project. These documents need to be convincing, succinct, heavy on specific details and light on rhetoric. They need to give potential donors all the information they need to make wise decisions on investing in the organisation. They need to contain proof that the project is well researched, responds to community need, that the organisation is well-placed to implement the project, and that the outcomes of the project will be maintained long after funding is finished. Donors to a Major Gifts Program Generally, the best donors for major gifts projects are existing donors. After all, by already giving to the organisation they have demonstrated their interest in the cause. This is where the organisation’s budget giving programs become so important to the success of major gifts programs. They provide donor lists which will inevitably include likely prospective major donors. Fund raisers need to scan these lists to find such prospects. There are a number of ways to do this, such as identifying patterns of giving, using ABS data and public research drawn from ATO statistics to identify residential areas of high income/high donor levels. Such strategies are of course fundamental to direct mail during budget giving cycles. You may also choose to invite Board members and other volunteers to scan lists and identify people whom they know and whom they believe are capable of giving at certain levels. The sophistication of your database comes into play here since you need to be able to pull prospect lists according to a range of criteria such as cumulative giving, giving frequency, largest gifts made, purposes, geographic areas and so on. You will also need to research prospective donors using a range of internet resources. The State Library of Queensland contains a wealth of information, some of which can be accessed from your local Council library. Of course, public sources can be limited but you can pull up a good deal of information on corporations, people on their Boards and on individuals, all based on newspaper and magazine searches. The best information remains anecdotal as it is often very difficult to find out if someone has a particular interest from published sources. Some interests like yachting and the arts are often written up in publications. Personal interviews by fundraising staff with Board members and other supporters, presenting them with the list of projects to be initiated, are often the best way to gain suggestions of people who might like to give. Above all, it is important to have good and credible reasons for approaching someone for a major gift. They need to have identified links with, or an interest in, the project or the organisation, or an interest in the type of work undertaken by the organisation, or possibly an interest in the geographic area of operation of the organisation, for an approach to them to be justified. It is important to remember that it is difficult to give money away and be sure that it represents a sound investment. Hence, this puts pressure on

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nonprofits to ensure that they have thoroughly researched the projects that they are seeking funds for, and that they are totally confident in their ability to implement them successfully. In addition, it shows that fund raisers need to be particularly sensitive to people’s needs to give and to give wisely, and to appreciate that there are many people who want to give but who do not know how to make all the necessary decisions and assessments and to ask the right questions. Fund raisers always need to be good listeners and to be ready to help prospective donors. Leadership of Major Gifts Programs There is no doubt that one of the key issues in securing major gifts is getting access to the prospective donors. Of course, this is made easier if the prospects are existing donors as then the fund raiser has a good reason to make direct personal contact with the prospects. Whether or not the organisation has some level of existing contact with the prospect, it is best for the initial approach to the prospect to be made by a peer of the prospect. This gives the organisation greater credibility and helps ensure that the prospect will give the organisation a better hearing. Whereas in a capital campaign it is necessary to secure one or more campaign committees made up of persons who make significant gifts for the campaign and its components, I feel that a major gifts program can adopt a far more flexible volunteer structure. Often an organisation will have a development committee, which assists with fund raising. If not, then the implementation of a major gifts program can be a good time to set one up. The committee as a whole can consider all the components of the major gifts program and either allocate projects to members or allocate prospects who may be interested in one or more components of the major gifts program. Alternatively, the fund raiser may work with individual committee members in different ways for each member, and in a manner that suits the personality and availability of each member. I am not of the view that members need to give for the major gifts program. The fact that they are existing supporters of the organisation is sufficient. Of greater importance are their networks and their ability to gain access to existing and new prospective donors, who may have had no prior contact with the organisation. Media Relations

Fundraising wisdom teaches that people give for many reasons and that many factors prompt giving. Media and public relations do not necessarily prompt giving. However, people feel more comfortable giving to a well-respected organisation which receives favourable publicity than they do to a little-known organisation, and they will almost certainly refuse to give to a poorly run organisation; Public relations does not raise money. It is up to the fund raisers to seek gifts, sponsorships and funds by other means. However, good public relations can

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help create a public relations climate where people feel that the organisation is highly innovative, well-run, careful in its use of money and above all a fighter for the cause, and that therefore it is legitimate, right and proper to give them money. For these gifts to be large gifts, people need to see giving to the organisation as prestigious. Engagement of Prospective Donors If the prospective donors have had little or no prior contact with the organisation, then it becomes important to ensure that they are fully briefed on the scope of the organisation. It is important to avoid pre-emptive gifts and thus the focus of the engagement needs to be squarely on the organisation itself and on its progress in assisting the community. It first needs to develop good credibility in the eyes of prospective donors. Engagement of prospective donors in the project that they will be asked to support should come much later, so that they want first to develop an understanding of the project before having an automatic reaction to write a cheque. Engagement should be highly personalised to suit the prospective donors’ life-style and intellectual demands. Some will want to attend seminars, some will want social events, some will want to receive the facts in as concise a fashion as possible. I think that the best engagement is that which highlights the intellectual, and shows prospective donors something new about the organisation, maybe leading them on from what they know to something new. Engagement should aim at providing prospective donors with networking opportunities so that they can assess the calibre of others supporting the organisation. Prospective donors often like to be reassured that they are members of a group with common philosophies and concerns. This produces a unifying effect and creates a sense of comfort and reassurance during the giving process. Again, we see the need for fund raisers to be highly sensitive to donors’ and prospective donors’ needs, personalities, time pressures and concerns. Good fund raisers always know when it is important to involve the organisation’s CEO and senior staff and when prospective donors want to interact with the people at the coal face. If an organisation has a good, established donor relations program, it is important for those staff and volunteers, who are already assigned to engaging certain prospects and donors, continue progressing the relationships with them. A large organisation needs a prospect assignment program with each staff person taking on, say, five prospective donors whom they need to engage and steward for as long as they are employed at the organsiation. A small organisation may require fewer staff to steward most prospective donors. Donors need to trust the people they are working with totally. When they invest money in a nonprofit organisation, they are investing in the people who will be responsible for the careful spending of that money, and so they need to

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assure themselves of the competency and ethics of staff. As with any business activities, it is important for each party to get to know each other before they can do business with each other. The Lengthy Asking Process I believe that the longer the relationship that can be developed between members of the organisation and the prospective donor, the better the understanding of the role and needs of the organisation and consequently the better the basis for making decisions on giving. Fund raisers need to convince internal audiences that people take similar time frames and use similar research strategies to decide on their giving as they do with personal investments. Hence, it is wise to understand the very long time that it can take prospective donors to decide on major gifts, and hence the patience and stamina that staff in the organisation need to possess. Every meeting with a prospective donor should progress their understanding and appreciation of the organisation and their knowledge of the obstacles that staff face, as well as their likelihood of achieving the long-term cultural change or the long-term outcomes that they seek to achieve. While prospective donors are meeting with a range of staff within the organisation at different times, I believe that it is the fund raiser who needs to be the constant point of contact. Often, the fund raiser needs to be in the background, but they should always be present, ensuring that people come together, that prospective donors meet the people whom they need to meet, that prospective donors receive communication that is just right for their circumstances and personal preferences, and that donors are genuinely listened to. There will be occasions when meetings will be between the CEO and the prospective donor only. In those cases, the quality of the relationship between the CEO and the fund raiser will determine the way in which the fund raiser is briefed on all follow-up activities that must take place. That relationship needs to be sound for the entire fundraising process to be effective and professional. Asking for a gift will be just one step in the whole engagement process, and it will be a most logical step. A high quality ask will come at the point in the relationship when the prospective donor asks how they can help best to achieve the outcomes needed. Some donors will want to fund the highest profile components of a major gifts program; some, especially corporations, will want to ensure that they fund what is close to their core business; and some sophisticated donors will fund infrastructural and administrative components of major giving opportunities because they know that most donors will not want to fund these most necessary components. It is up to the skills of the fund raiser to know how to negotiate such gifts and to ensure that

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donors are giving at a level which is commensurate with their capacity and for a purpose that gives them great satisfaction. Life-Time Friends People who make major gifts are true friends of the organisation and need to be stewarded as such: this is basic common sense and basic courtesy. These donors have made major investments in the organisation and need to know how their investments are performing. Fund raisers need to establish stewardship schedules that include both a “safety net” form of communication by the fund raiser, as well as highly personalised and intelligent interaction by those staff and CEO in the organisation who have been assigned to the prospective donor all along. The first gifts that people make to an organisation are usually small and as donors gain faith in the organisation, they are likely to consider larger and larger gifts. It makes sense of course to protect earlier investment in the organisation by making on-going investments and many donors will do this, provided that the integrity of their relationships with staff and peers has been maintained. Furthermore, as part of protecting their original investments, and expanding the multiplier effect of these investments, donors will often encourage their friends and colleagues to become donors. Hence, an organisation needs to ensure that it has adequate resources to manage and sustain a growing donor relations program. Fund raising brings so many strengths to an organisation apart from the obvious financial resources. Donors can become forceful advocates for the organisation, working behind the scenes or adopting Board and other positions. Conclusion Major gifts are evidence that donors believe in an organisation and in its ability to deliver outcomes. Given the high levels of competition between nonprofits and the many approaches that prospective donors receive, nonprofits need to articulate their relevance to society very clearly in order to attract the attention and time of prospective donors. At the same time, every large gift made is an encouragement to donors to give to their areas of interest and as fund raisers we need to ensure that they have the opportunities to do so. To sum up, I believe that the key qualities for fund raisers to have, and especially those working in the major gifts area are: sensitivity, good listening skills, patience, respect for others, imagination, empathy with others, humility, ethics and a most robust approach to hard work.

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APPENDICES Appendix 1 (a) Case for Support for a Single Project * will be the basis of all future documents about the Campaign and contribute to the Campaign case statement which will be a single overview of all project case statements * must describe the exciting, compelling nature of the project and show how the project/program can offer the promise of a better world * embodies an achieveable project/program, describing objectives * shows the project/program has been thoroughly researched * is used to educate, motivate and recruit leaders, to arouse interest * is a convincing document for those making leadership gifts and provides motivation for giving * is rational enough to satisfy doubts and emotional enough to strike a sympathetic response * demonstrates an urgency * is written by one person with support * explains the benefits of the project/program to the section, etc, to the Organisation and to the community * shows why and when support is needed, describes the current financial status * carefully costs the project fully * will be prepared before the Campaign case statement is written and will contribute to it * headings might include: Project Description; Reason to Implement Project; Need for Project; Aims of project; Strategies; Anticipated Outcomes; Evaluation; Collaboration with Other Agencies to Implement Project; Similarity/Differences to Comparable Projects; Time Line; Budget; Staff Responsible;

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Appendix 1 (b) Case for Support (for an entire Campaign): * will be the basis of all future documents about the Campaign * must describe the compelling, exciting nature of the projects * must show how the projects/programs in the Campaign can offer the promise of a better world * embodies achievable projects and programs, describes campaign objectives * shows the campaign plan has been thoroughly researched * is used to educate, motivate and recruit leaders, to arouse interest * is a convincing document for those making leadership gifts and provides motivation for giving * is rational enough to satisfy doubts and emotional enough to strike a sympathetic response * demonstrates an urgency * is written by one person with support * describes the benefits of the project/program items in the Campaign to the Organisation and to the community * is bigger than the institution itself * describes the mission of the Organisation and who it serves * explains the Organisation's short and long term goals and how the Campaign goals support the former (i.e. how the Campaign underlines the Organisation's mission) * shows why the Organisation needs support and when it is needed, describes the current financial status * carefully and fully details all project/program costs in the Campaign and provides information on on-going costs * will be prepared before the fundraising feasibility study is conducted and will then be used for the study

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Appendix2 Feasibility Study: * most important task in a capital campaign * should involve all senators, Organisation leaders and key prospective donors and will assess their reaction to the case statement * must include motivation for people to give * will determine - prospective donors' perceptions and knowledge of

Organisation - appeal of projects for which funds are sought - calibre of possible leadership - will tell if people will give, (not can they give) - how much money could be raised - proper timing and strategy for a campaign * will determine the plan of action * will be accurate for a short period only and so if a campaign is delayed after the study, then a new one will probably have to be done * should be done by an external consultant working with fundraising staff * accuracy of the study will depend on fundraisers' ability to interpret and balance the information that comes out of the study

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Appendix3 Working with Charitable Trusts and Foundations - Scope

• What is the extent of giving by charitable trusts and foundations in Australia?

Around $1 billion but what do top 23 private foundations give out annually? - in Qld, Gambling Community Benefit Fund gives $32 M annually

• Extent of philanthropy in Australia - $11 billion • Giving by individuals ($7.7 b), business ($3.3 b), trusts & foundations –

10% of all giving?? See publications by Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies (QUT); Philanthropy Australia web site; “Generosity of Australian Business” by the Australian Bureau of Statistics June 2002; Association of Charitable Foundations; Independent Sector: The New Nonprofit Almanac in USA, Giving USA. Types of Charitable Trusts and Foundations

• Trustee Companies – highly sophisticated grantmaking, investment, advisory boards, boards of decision makers, some discretionary trusts, some designated – ANZ Trustees, Perpetual

• Corporate Foundations – specified areas of interest usually far removed from core business of corporation, often formed with staff support, often sponsorships division as well - Telstra

• Foundations set up by government –Foundation for Young Australians, FRRR, Australia Business Arts Foundation, –can give to non DGRs like Australian Sports Foundation can – (most can give only to DGRs – see ATO)

• Foundations funded by government levies (Gaming Community Benefit Fund, Jupiters – around one-third of revenue or $1.5 billion is earmarked for community issues, some being giving and others being gambling related issues

• Community Foundations (Qld Community Foundation) – around 25 in Australia

• Family Foundations (Myer, Fairfax) • Private Foundations (Thomas) • Donor-advised Funds and Foundations (Give2Asia, Charities Aid

Foundation) – useful for expats • Overseas foundations

And possible future scenarios – more PPFs, more giving through trustee companies that invest and distribute, more giving to community foundations

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Before Lodging Applications for Funding

• Researching trusts & foundations (types of grants such as capital expenditure, size, areas for support, frequency of applications, length of support and creating or not creating a dependency, policies on multiple gifts, policies on collaboration, policies and preferences on partnerships, whether or not the trust likes to get involved in the work of the nonprofit itself or at least get involved in similar work)

1. passive or active fndtn? – do you have to seek it out? 2. broad funding priorities or narrow e.g., Thomas, Sherman? 3. collaborative with other funders? 4. does it fund attacks on root causes or bandaid? 5. does fndtn get actively involved in NP? 6. geographic limits 7. fndtn likes to develop partnerships? 8. general support or restricted and specific? 9. endowments? 10. seed funding and pilot projects? 11. capital or operating or special projects? 12. matching funds, challenges? 13. long-term funding or one-off? 14. small grants? • Visions – yours and theirs and seeking possible partnerships • Identifying likely needs within your organisation • Negotiating which priorities will be put up to foundations (internal –

needs to be priorities and then what will secure the best grant) Making Applications

• Personal discussions, negotiations and managing the relationships • Does trust call for applications or are they passive? • Sticking to specifications (e.g., define outcomes, send only what is

requested, no contradiction in info provided such as in budget, quantify as much as possible – e.g., numbers of people helped directly

• Follow ups during the research and due diligence period (be prompt and thorough in giving info and facts sought

Delivering, Reporting and Accountability

• Progress reports • Board membership • Involving the foundation or trust in the nonprofit’s activities (inviting to

talk with bright students, see and mix with people benefiting, On-going Partnerships Working together on achieving outcomes

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Appendix4 IN ADVANCE OF THE WORKSHOP Using information in the document “Case for Support”, identify a project in your organisation that is suitable for fundraising and write up ideas for a case for support. Then choose a trust or foundation from the lengthy lists below and write up some ideas for a proposal. - an electronic subscription to Philanthropy Australia costs about $75 annually and is useful as it is then possible to search on key words such as “rural”, “education”, “arts” etc.