Download - LIGHT HAS COME - Converge HAS COME “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” -Isaiah 9:6 “I am



“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” - Isaiah 9:6

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – Jesus (John 8:12)

As we write this December 2016 we close out another blessed, very intense, emotion-laden and fruitful year. Our days seem at times so dark and yet historic (being an election year, global issues etc…) and globalization continues with unparalleled impact. Light (truth) shall reign in time, however, and as Jesus declared, is centered in Him. Recent travels this fall included trips to Boston, MA, St. Paul, MN and Louisville, KY. God is confirming our ongoing Brazilian ministries and the rapidly expanding Asian connections among Chinese and toward India and Bangladesh. A few highlights: CHINESE MINISTRIES Over the last three months, the Lord has afforded us with numbers of special visits – attending monthly Chinese pastoral prayer meetings and coordinating new visits for our Converge leadership. Numerous names are withheld to avoid possible difficulties for the individuals. Hundreds of thousands of very brilliant, dedicated and hard-working Chinese immigrants are all the more enrolled in our

universities and schools and working in our institutions, with many new Christians in the mix. We are just at the beginning stages of learning how to be of greater encouragement. Local Chinese leaders affiliated with Converge are in major locations of Christian service to thousands – both locally and internationally. In a matter of days we look forward to joining our new Chinese Christian friends of Chicago as they worship, study Scripture, and explore integration of faith and science in their next national conference. Converge Chinese Christian leader Daniel Luc (left photo) and his mission, the Chicago Chinese Christian Missions coordinate the event of this year December 27-30, 2016. Kezia and Sam (top photo) are leaders of the tables and expositions of this upcoming CCCM event for some 1,000+ Chinese and need prayer for health and international travels. We ask prayer for God’s blessing as to the new friendships and partnerships.

INDIA AND BANGLADESH We close out the year with 100,000+ “likes” on our Facebook page in India and Bangladesh, and with some 500,000+ recorded “post likes” on our pictures with Bible readings, devotionals and worship songs (since Easter week 2015). In our daily posts we have begun a Bible series on the life of Jesus – Lord willing, over this next year of 2017 some 250 events in the life of Christ will be treated and recorded (birth, teachings, parables, miracles, death and resurrection). We ask for ongoing inspiration and prayer as we daily write the journal of faith, and for those that might accompany us on this discipleship course day by day in India and Bangladesh. The series (written in English with Hindi Bible texts) is open to anyone, however. See here for the daily devotionals: PASTORAL VISITS - ORDINATION AND CHURCH PLANTING

We helped supervise the Ordination Council and Ordination of Ademar Lima on November 12, at the (Brazilian) Baptist Church of Rockland, MA. Numerous other visits with local friends and leaders took place, also ministering with members of a new church plant taking place in Somerville, MA (near Boston center.) Special thanks for the quality

leadership of Pastor Marcone Correia who coordinated the events. Weeks previous (October 13-18) we traveled to Minneapolis-Saint Paul, to make numerous hospital visits with Rev. David Eby, family, and church (founding pastor of the Brazilian Church of Hope). We took part in the Ordination of Leandro Nogueira at the Hillside Church of Bloomington, and made inroads towards Chinese ministries. We were also blessed to visit briefly with Dr. John Piper during a conference at the Bethlehem Baptist Church.

SPECIAL PRAYER FAMILY NEWS & PRAYER Family: We ask for prayer for Barb as she continues daily at Converge Headquarters in Arlington Heights -- working with the important logistics of dozens, if not hundreds of items per week related to mission finance and effective administration. She teaches Sunday School for the Brazilian kids and helps with overall daily ministry. At “home” with us is Barb’s mother, and our oldest son Josh. We celebrate a good year of health and activities in our family—Josh working in Vernon Hills, IL with IT (video gaming), Sarah working in Madison, WI in medical Clinic Administration and Gabe in So. CA working with UBER. We plan to spend Christmas all together. The young man turning 60 in this picture on the right is none other than Joel. Family and friends gathered to help us celebrate. We need once again much wisdom for this next year as we move ahead in faith. India, Bangladesh, Least-Reached Peoples projects, Chinese, Brazilian ministries...the world is all the more on our hearts. We praise God for you, your prayers and faithfulness to us. We could not be here without you.

Joel & Barb Wright

2172 Niagara Court, Elgin IL 60123 / e-mail: [email protected]

Phones: 847.841.8991 (H); 630.715.3222 ©