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Welcome to The

Capstone Class Final Presentatio


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What is The Capstone Program?

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The Capstone Program is the final componant of our learning. It provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate the critical thinking skills they have developed as a result of the Liberal Arts Program. During this capstone course students will work with a full-time member of the faculty to:

Identify a problem from their clinical practicum. Develop a proposed method(s) of effectively

intervening with individuals with this specific problem which:

This draws from all previous knowledge gathered throughout the Liberal Arts curriculum, and encompasses principles extracted from inter and cross-disciplinary coursework to provide the faculty with the opportunity to assess the student' ability to assume leadership positions in Liberal Arts.

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A Brief Summary

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The term liberal arts denotes a curriculum that imparts general knowledge and develops the student’s rational thought and intellectual capabilities, unlike the professional, vocational and technical curricula emphasizing specialization. The contemporary liberal arts comprise studying literature, languages, philosophy, history, mathematics, and science.

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Where is it from? The first school “established” for

the liberal arts were based off of the Philosopher Socrates, teacher of Plato, who would just gather with his students and recite information/Philosophy as they walked.

Plato established the first school of Academia.

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Philosophy, What’s That? Philosophy is the study of

general and fundamental problems, such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument. The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek φιλοσοφία (philosophia), which literally means "love of wisdom", and was originally a word referring to the special way of life of early Greek philosophers.

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What is one of the Largest Liberal Arts Universities in the

United States.

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The Trivium was then updated and adapted into the The Humanities.

1.Theology 2.Philosophy.

3.Fine Arts 4.Literature/

Language 5.History 6.Others

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The Quadrivium was translated into The Sciences and Mathematics. 1. Physics

2. Chemistry 3. Biology 4. Algebra 5.Calculus 6.Others

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The Social Sciences The Social Sciences are the end

result and the combination of the two. The Sciences and

Mathematics, and The Humanities.