Download - Libby Bell's Occupational Identity- Component 1- part 2

Page 1: Libby Bell's Occupational Identity- Component 1- part 2

Libby’s Occupational IdentityComponent 1-part 2

Page 2: Libby Bell's Occupational Identity- Component 1- part 2

Playing TouchThe game of touch rugby has been a very popular sport in my family since I was little. Every member of my family have been involved in playing touch at some stage in our lives. My mum even played touch while she was pregnant with me- maybe that’s why I enjoy it so much. I have played for several years now, playing both competitively and socially. I play any position but usually stick to wing or link. I love the way the game itself is played and all the different skills each player brings to the game. My family and I often play games out in the paddock which makes me feel so included and is another way that I can feel part of the family and get closer to my brothers.

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Athletics was an occupation that I was involved in when I was younger. I used to be involved in an athletics club called Phoenix which I used to attend for training and competitions on a Saturday at QE11 stadium- as seen in the picture below. My mum was a very good athlete-still holding records at her school today which is where people say that my brothers and I got our natural ability from. I competed for school, Phoenix and Canterbury receiving so many different placing's (medals/ribbons) it would be hard to remember them all. My main events were 200m, 400m, 800m, 1200m and long jump but running was probably my strongest event.

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Playing Netball

The occupation of playing netball has been a big part of my life for so many years. I began playing at the age of 10 (year 6). When I was at primary school I played for a club called Springston and when I attended Villa Maria College, I played for school. I love playing competitively and socially as each game has a different vibe to it. My main positions are WA, C, WD (midcourt). When I left school, I made sure I signed up to any netball team I could whether it be social or competitive- I just love the game. I prefer playing it rather than watching. With a great occupation comes with its difficulties and for netball that was my several injuries. I really disliked being injured/standing on the side line watching my team play, I just wanted to get back out there as quickly as I could. I think I will continue to play Netball in the future until my body tells me not too. I think it would be cool to take my daughter to netball too.

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FarmingI have grown up on a farm basically my whole life and I have loved every minute of it. I have lived on the West Coast for 6 years in a very remote area, surrounded by mountains which in my opinion is the best way to live. We now have a few farms located in north Canterbury which I love helping out on whenever I can. I think farming has really taught me a lot of new skills that I can use later on in life and teach my own children. The work is quite physically demanding such as mustering stock, fencing, tailing but you learn to cope with it. My family continues to teach me new skills which I think has made me the person I am today. I love to learn new things which can be shown in the picture below of me shearing my first sheep. Even though I may not take over the family farms- due to me eventually becoming an OT, I still see myself with some land and teaching my kids what I have learnt. A quote that sums this up is “you can take the girl out of the country but you cant take the country out of the girl”.

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Being a Sister

Having the occupation of being a sister is a big part of who I am as a person. My brothers and I are so incredibly close and I wouldn't’t swap them for anything in this world. We get along like any normal siblings do- we have our ups and downs but when it really comes down to it, we are there for each other 100%. My brothers have almost shaped part of my occupational identity due to me being a bit of a tomboy and going out and playing touch rugby or going hunting with them.

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Camping has been an occupation that we have always done as a family. I remember as child we went to several different camp sites with our good family friends- lake brunner, gore bay, harvey bay etc. We had the big tent (as seen in the picture) where all of us could sleep in. We would always have fruit loops for breakfast when we went camping- it was our camping treat/tradition. I don’t get to do this occupation as much but I do miss it. It is an occupation that I want to continue to do in the future- whenever the weather is nice.

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Hanging out with friends

This is an occupation that I have done all my life and will continue to do as I am a very social person and enjoy peoples company. I have a wee network of friends back home and have made new ones since moving to Dunedin to study. As friends we get along so well and are there for each other all the time. It is fun going out and doing things together- eg going for walks, movie nights and shopping as it means you get to know them that bit more and brings your closer as a group of friends. I think your friend group makes you who you are and continues to want only the best for you which is evident in my friendship with the girls in this picture.

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This occupation has been a part of my life for a wee while now and I will continue to engage in it in the future. I love going on the biscuit, boogie boarding, snorkeling and driving the boat. Because I like to try new things I will continue to find other water sport occupations to be involved in, in the future- for example water skiing, knee boarding, wake boarding, surfing. My family have always been involved in water skiing whenever we go to the bach or camping so I have the knowledge and skills around me for them to teach me new watersport occupations.

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An Animal Lover

I have loved animals ever since I was little. I have a numerous amount of pets through being off a farm- for example lambs, calves, cats, dogs etc. Through having pets in my life it enabled me to take more responsibility of looking after them which gave me a role to form my identity in a way.

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StudentStudying at Otago Polytech has given my the occupational identity of a student. Studying OT is continuing to teach me knew skills and teaching me new things about myself as a person/student. I have been a student for majority of my life by attending Springston school, Maruia School, Villa Maria College and now Otago Polytech. Learning new things at each of these places has definitely made me who I am today and I will continue to grow in my occupational identity of a qualified OT.