Download - Level – 4 Qur’an Curriculum - MCNJ Islamic Sunday School · O Allah, You are As-Salam and from You is all peace, blessed are You, O Possessor of majesty and honour. 5. Memorize

  • Level – 4

    Qur’an Curriculum


  • MCNJ Islamic Sunday School Qur’an Curriculum


    Table of Contents: -AlTauz, Tasmia, Surah Shahadah, of Memorization: 4-requisite for Level-Pre

    Fatiha (1) & Surah Al-Ma’un (107) Page#1, 2

    )91( Shams-hAs Surah ofMemorization Page#3 (2)] Ayah#255 hBaqara-lA SurahKursi [-Ayat Alof Memorization Page#4

    )104( zahaHum-Al Surah of Memorization Page#5

    Memorization of Surah At-Takathur (102) Page#6

    Memorization of Surah At-Tin (95) Page#7

    Memorization of Dua’a Page#8, 9

    Salah Topic Page#10, 11

  • 1 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Pre-requisite for Level-4:

    Ma’un (107) -Fatiha (1) & Surah Al-AlTauz, Tasmia, Surah Memorization of Shahadah,

    Shahadah ٔأشهد ٔأن ال ٕا� ٕاال� هللا و ٔأشهد ٔأن دمحم رسول هللا

    .ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasul ullah-Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that

    Muhammad is His messenger. we recite while starting something. Tauz and Tasmia

    ِجميِ ْيَطاِن الر� ِ ِمَن الش�� أ�ُعوُذ ِ���llah from satan the accursed""I seek refuge in A

    ِحميِ ْمحـَِن الر� ِ�ْسِم اّ�ِ الر�Gracious , The most Merciful" "In the name of Allah, The most

    Memorization of Surah Al-Ma’un ُسۡوَرُة املَاعون

    ِحميِ لر�ِن أٱ ـٰ ۡمحَ لر�

    ِ�ۡسِم أٱِ� أٱ�ِن ٱّ�ِ ُب ِبأ ى �َُكّذِ ِ ى يَُدع� أٱلَۡيِتَمي )١(أ�َرَءيَۡت أٱ�� ِ )٢(فََذٲِ�َ أٱ��

    َِّني )٣(َوَال َحيُض� �ََىلٰ َطَعاِم أٱلِۡمۡسِكِني ِّلُۡمَصل )٤(فََويٌۡل۬ ل�َن ُمهۡ َعن َصَالِتہِۡم َساُهوَن ِ �َن ُمهۡ �َُرآُءوَن )٥(أٱ�� ِ ��

    )٧(َويَۡمنَُعوَن أٱلَۡماُعوَن )٦(أٱSurah Al-Ma’un

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? (1)

    That is he who repelleth the orphan, (2) And urgeth not the feeding of the needy. (3)

    Ah, woe unto worshippers (4) Who are heedless of their prayer; (5) Who would be seen (at worship) (6) Yet refuse small kindnesses! (7)

  • 2 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Pre-requisite for Level-4:

    Ma’un (107) -Fatiha (1) & Surah Al-AlTauz, Tasmia, Surah Memorization of Shahadah,

    ُسۡوَرُة الَفاِحتَةِحِمي لر�

    ِن أٱ ـٰ ۡمحَ لر� )١(ِ�ۡسِم أٱِ� أٱ

    ِ َرّبِ أٱلَۡعٰ�لَِمَني )٢(أٱلَۡحۡمُد ِ��ِحِمي لر�

    ِن أٱ ـٰ ۡمحَ لر� )٣(أٱ�ِن )٤(َمٰ�ِ�ِ يَۡوِم أٱّ�ِ

    َتِعُني َك �َس�ۡ ���َك نَۡعُبُد َوا �� �

    )٥(اَتِقَمي لُۡمس�ۡ

    ٲَط أٱ َ )٦(أٱۡهِدَ� أٱلّرصَِِّني �ل ا ۡم َوَال أٱلض� ۡم �َۡريِ أٱلَۡمۡغُضوِب �َلَۡهيِ �َن أ�نَۡعۡمَت �َلَۡهيِ ِ ٲَط أٱ�� )٧(ِرصَ

    Surah Al-Fatiha (1)

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful (1) Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds (2)

    Most Gracious, Most Merciful (3) Master of the, Day of Judgment. (4)

    Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. (5) Show us the straight way. (6)

    The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, Those whose (portion) is not wrath and who go not astray. (7)

  • 3 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Memorization of Surah Ash-Shams (91) ُسۡوَرُة الّشمس

    ِحميِ لر�ِن أٱ ـٰ ۡمحَ لر�

    ِ�ۡسِم أٱِ� أٱٰ�َا ۡمِس َوُحضَ َذا تَلَٰ�َا )١(َوأٱلش�

    � )٢(َوأٱلَۡقَمِر ا

    َذا َ�ل�ٰ�َا �ٰ�َا )٣(َوأٱلن�ہَاِر ا َذا يَۡغش�َ �

    �ۡيِل ا )٤(َوأٱلَمآِء َوَما بَنَٰٮَها لس�

    )٦(َوأٱۡ��ۡرِض َوَما َطَحٰ�َا )٥(َوأٱٰ�َا )٨(فَأ�لۡهََمهَا فُُجوَرَها َوتَۡقَوٰ�َا )٧(َونَۡفٍس۬ َوَما َسو�ٰ�َا )٩(قَۡد أ�فۡلََح َمن َزك�ٰ�َا )١٠(َوقَۡد َ�اَب َمن َدس��

    بَۡت ثَُموُد ِبَطۡغَوٰ�َآ ِذ أٱنَۢبَعَث أ�ۡشَقٰٮهَا )١١(َكذ�� )١٢(ا

    هَا ـٰ ِ َوُسۡقيَ ��ِ َ�قََة أٱ )١٣(فََقاَل لَهُۡم َرُسوُل أٱ��

    بُوُه فََعَقُروَها فََدۡمَدَم ٰ�َا فََكذ� ۡم فََسو� ُم ِبَذۢنِهبِ ۡم َرهب� هَا )١٤(�َلَۡهيِ ـٰ )١٥(َوَال َخيَاُف ُعۡقَب

    Surah Ash-Shams In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    By the sun and his brightness, (1) And the moon when she followeth him, (2) And the day when it revealeth him, (3) And the night when it enshroudeth him, (4)

    And the heaven and Him Who built it, (5) And the earth and Him Who spread it, (6) And a soul and Him Who perfected it (7)

    And inspired it (with conscience of) what is wrong for it and (what is) right for it. (8) He is indeed successful who causeth it to grow, (9) And he is indeed a failure who stunteth it. (10)

    (The tribe of) Thamud denied (the truth) in their rebellious pride, (11) When the basest of them broke forth (12) And the messenger of Allah said: It is the she-camel of

    Allah, so let her drink! (13) But they denied him, and they hamstrung her, so Allah doomed them for their sin and razed (their

    dwellings). (14) He dreadeth not the sequel (of events). (15)

  • 4 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    (2)] Ayah#255 hBaqara-Al SurahKursi [-Ayat Alof Memorization

    ِحميِ لر�ِن أٱ ـٰ ۡمحَ لر�

    ِ�ۡسِم أٱِ� أٱ

    لَۡقي�ومُ لَۡحى� أٱ

    ال� ُهَو أٱ�لَٰ�َه ا

    �ُ َالٓ ا نٌَة۬ َوَال نَۡومٌ۬ َال تَأُۡٔ�ُذهُ ۚأٱ�� ۥ َما ِىف ��ُ ۚۥ س�ِ

    َوٲِت َوَما ِىف أٱۡ��ۡرِض ـٰ َم لس�ى �َۡشَفُع ِعن ۗأٱ ِ ۡذِنِهۦ َدهُ َمن َذا أٱ��

    �ال� ِ�

    � ۚۥۤ ا

    ال� ِبَما ۖيَۡعَملُ َما بَۡنيَ أ�يِۡدِهيۡم َوَما َ�لَۡفهُمۡ �ۦۤ ا ۡن ِ�لِۡمِه ٍء۬ ّمِ يُطوَن ِ�َىشۡ َوَال ُحيِ

    َوٲِت َوأٱۡ��ۡرَض َۚشآءَ ـٰ َم لس�ي�ُه أٱ َوُهَو ۚۥ ِحۡفُظهَُما َوَال يَـ�وُدهُ ۖ َوِسَع ُكۡرس�ِ

    لَۡعِىل� أٱلَۡعِظميُ )٢٥٥( أٱ

    Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is

    in the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the heavens and

    the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous. (255)

  • 5 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Memorization of Surah Al-Humazah (104)

    ُسۡوَرُة الهَُمزةِحميِ لر�

    ـِٰن أٱ ۡمحَ لر� ِ�ۡسِم أٱِ� أٱ

    �َمَزٍة ِّڪُّلِ ُمهََزٍة۬ ل َدهُ )١(َويٌۡل۬ ل َع َماًال۬ َو�َد� ى َمجَ ِ )٢(ۥ أٱ��

    َسُب أ�ن� َماَ�ُ هُ َحيۡ لُۡحَطَمِة َۖ�� )٣(ۥ ۥۤ أ�ۡ�َ�َ )٤(لَُينَۢبَذن� ِىف أٱ

    ِ أٱلُۡموقََدُة )٥(َوَمآ أ�ۡدَرىَٰك َما أٱلُۡحَطَمُة )٦(َ�ُر أٱ��ِلُع �ََىل أٱۡ��فۡ�َِٔدِة �ِىت تَط� ۡؤَصَدٌة۬ )٧(أٱل �ہَا �َلَۡيہِم م� ن �

    َدِةۭ )٨(ا َمد� ٍد۬ م� )٩(ِىف َمعَ

    Surah Al-Humazah In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Woe unto every slandering traducer, (1)

    Who hath gathered wealth (of this world) and arranged it. (2) He thinketh that his wealth will render him immortal. (3)

    Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One. (4) Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is! (5)

    (It is) the fire of Allah, kindled, (6) Which leapeth up over the hearts (of men). (7)

    Lo! it is closed in on them (8) In outstretched columns. (9)

  • 6 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Memorization of Surah At-Takathur (102)

    ُسۡوَرُة التّاك�ُرِحميِ ِ�ۡسمِ لر�

    ـِٰن أٱ ۡمحَ لر� أٱِ� أٱ

    ٰ ُزۡرُمتُ أٱلَۡمَقاِ�َر )١(أ�لۡهَٰىُمكُ أٱلت�َاك�ُُر )٢(َحىت� )٤(ُمث� َ�� َسۡوَف تَۡعلَُموَن )٣(َ�� َسۡوَف تَۡعلَُموَن ُون� أٱلَۡجِحَمي )٥(َ�� لَۡو تَۡعلَُموَن ِ�ۡملَ أٱلَۡيِقِني )٦(لََرتَ

    �ہَا �َۡنيَ أٱلَۡيِقِني ُون �ٍذ َعِن أٱلن�ِعِمي )٧(مث� لََرتَ )٨(ُمث� لَتُۡس��لُن� يَۡوَمٮ

    Surah At-Takathur

    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Rivalry in worldly increase distracteth you (1)

    Until ye come to the graves. (2) Nay, but ye will come to know! (3) Nay, but ye will come to know! (4)

    Nay, would that ye knew (now) with a sure knowledge! (5) For ye will behold hell-fire. (6)

    Aye, ye will behold it with sure vision. (7) Then, on that day, ye will be asked concerning pleasure. (8)

  • 7 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Memorization of Surah At-Tin (95)

    ُسۡوَرُة التِّنيِحميِ ِ�ۡسمِ لر�

    ـِٰن أٱ ۡمحَ لر� أٱِ� أٱ

    يُۡتوِن يِنَني )١(َوأٱلتِِّني َوأٱلز� )٢(َوُطوِر س�ِ )٣(َوَهٰ�َذا أٱلَۡبَ�ِ أٱۡ��ِمِني

    َن ِىفٓ أ�ۡحَسِن تَۡقِوٍمي۬ لََقۡد َ�لَۡقنَا ـٰ �َس � )٤(أٱۡال

    )٥(ُمث� َرَدۡدنَٰ�ُه أ�ۡسَفَل َسٰ�ِفِلَني ٰ�ِلَحٰ�ِت فَلَهُۡم أ�ۡجٌر �َۡريُ َمۡمُنوٍن۬ لُوْا أٱلص� �َن َءاَمنُوْا َوَمعِ ِ ال� أٱ�� � )٦(ا

    �ِن ٱّ�ِ بَُك بَۡعُد ِبأ ُ ِبأ�ۡحَمكِ )٧(فََما �َُكّذِ )٨( أٱلَۡحٰ�ِمكَِني أ�لَيَۡس أٱ��

    Surah At-Tin In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    By the fig and the olive, (1) By Mount Sinai, (2)

    And by this land made safe; (3) Surely We created man of the best stature (4)

    Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low, (5) Save those who believe and do good works, and theirs is a reward unfailing. (6)

    So who henceforth will give the lie to thee about the judgment? (7) Is not Allah the most conclusive of all judges? (8)

  • 8 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Dua’a Memorization

    Before Undressing

    In the name of Allah ِ�ْسِم هللاWhen Wearing a Garment

    ـِْر َحوٍل ِمّين َوال قـّوة) الثّوب(امحلُد ِ� اّ�ي َكساين هذا َوَرَزقَنيه ِمْن غَ�ي

    All Praise is for Allah who has clothed me with this garment and provided it for me, with no power nor might from myself

    Upon Seeing a Bad Dream

    Spit on your left three times, seek refuge in Allah from shaytan and the evil of what you saw, do not relate it to anyone, turn and sleep on the opposite side to which you were sleeping on previously.

    Get up and pray if you so desire

    When it Rains

    �بًا �ِف�عاً اللّهُم� َصيِّ

    Allah, may it be a beneficial rain cloud

    When Feeling Some Pain in the Body

    ِ َما أ�ِ�ُد َوأ�َ�اِذرُ )ثَالً� (ِ�ْسِم ِهللا )س�بع مرات. (أ�ُعوُذ �ِ� َوُقْدَرِتِه َمْن َرشّ

    In the name of Allah. (three times)

    I take refuge in Allah and within His omnipotence from the evil that I feel and am wary of. (7 times)

  • 9 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    When Prostrating due to Recitation of the Qur’an

    �َع�ُه َوبََصـَرُه ِحبَـوْ َرُه َوَشق� َمسْ ��ذي َ�لََق�ُه َوَصـو� ِتهِ َجسَ�َد َوْ�ـي لل ِل�ِه َوُقـو�

    ُ أ�ْحَسُن الَْ�اِلِقني فَتََباَرَك ا��

    My face fell prostrate before He who created it and brought forth its faculties of hearing and seeing by His might and power. (So Blessed is Allah, the best of creators).

    When Looking in the Mirror ْن ُ�لُِقي نَْت َ�لِْقي فََحّسِ �هُم� أ�نَْت َحس� الل

    Allah, just as You have made my external features beautiful, make my character beautiful as well

  • 10 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    Salah Topics 1. Review names and times of five obligatory (Fard) daily prayers (Salaat)

    1. Fajr (Morning Prayer) ُالفْجر 2. Zuhr (Noon Prayer) ُھْر الظ�

    3. Asr (Afternoon Prayer) ُالَعْرص 4. Maghrib (Evening Prayer) الَْمْغِرُب

    5. Isha (Night Prayer) ُالِعشاء 2. Review Wudu , Azaan 3. Review surah Fateha , ruku and sujood tasbeeh

    Rukoo س�ب�اَن َرّيبَ العظمي Sujood س�ب�اَن َرّيبَ أ�ْ�َىل

    4. Zikr After Salah )ثَال�ً . (أ�ْس�َتْغِفُر هللا

    ْكـرام �الم ، تَباَرْكَت � ذااجلَ�الِل َواال الُم ، َوِم�ْنَك الس� اللّهُ�م� أ�نْ�َت الس�

    O Allah, You are As-Salam and from You is all peace, blessed are You, O Possessor of majesty and honour. 5. Memorize sana and dua’a after darood e ibraheem


    َ� �َْريُك�َك َوال ا �َك َوتَع�اىل َج�د� ْم�ِدَك َوتَباَرَك اْمسُ ُسْبـ�انََك اللّهُ�م� َوِحبَ

    How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You. Blessed be Your name, and lofty is Your position and none has the right to be worshipped except You

    6. Tashahhud: �ُة �ا الن�ِبـي� َوَرْمحَ الُم �َلَي�َك أ�هي� �بات ، الس� يِّ لَـواُت والط� الُم �َلَْي�نا الت�ِحيّ�اُت ِ� َوالص� ِهللا َو�ََرك�اتُه ، الس�

    �اِلح�ني ّال هللا ، َوأ�ْشـهَُد أ�ن� ُمَحّم�دًا َعْب�ُدُه َوَرسـوُ� . َو�َلـى ِعب�اِد ِ� الص� �ل�َه ا

    �أ�ْشـهَُد أ�ْن ال ا

    At-tahiyyat is for Allah. All acts of worship and good deeds are for Him. Peace and the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you O Prophet. Peace be upon us and all of Allah’s righteous servants. I

    bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

  • 11 | P a g e MCNJ Sunday School - Qur’an Curriculum Level-4

    7. Qunut in the Witr's Prayer ��ْيت ، َو�ِرْك لـي ف�� أ� ��ين ف�ميَْن تََول ْعَط�ْيت، اللّهُ�م� اْه�ِدنـي ف�ميَْن َه�َديْ�ت، َوع�اِفنـي ف�ميَْن �افَ�ْيت، َوتََول

    ��ُه ال يَ�ِذل� َمْن والَ�ْيت، ن���َك تَْقـيض َوال يُْقـىض �َلَ�ْيك ، ا ن

    �يَِعـز� َمن َوال [ َوِق�ين َرش� ما قََض�ْيت، فَا

    ��نا َوتَع�الَ�ْيت]ع�اَديْت ، تَب�اَرْك�َت َرب O Lord, guide me among those whom you have guided, grant me salvation (or health) among those to whom you have granted it, take me in charge of those whom you have taken charge of, blessed what You have given me, spare me the evil that You have decreed, for it is You who judge and can not judge You, will never be humiliated the One you take charge of (as he will never be honored)

    he whom thou hast taken as an enemy) Blessed be, O Lord, and be exalted

    8. Dua’a in the Last Jalsa: ِّـي َظلَ�ْمُت نَفْ ن

    �ّال أ�نْت ، فَاْغ�ِفر يل َمْغ�ِفَرًة ِمْن ِعْن�ِدك للّهُ�م� ا �

    نـوَب ا سـي ُظلْم�ًا َكث�ريًا َوال يَْغ�ِفُر ا��ح�مي �َك أ�نَْت الَغ�فوُر الر� ن �

    �ين، ا َواْرَمحْO Allah, I have indeed oppressed my soul excessively and none can forgive sin except You, so forgive me a forgiveness from Yourself and have mercy upon me. Surely, You are The Most-Forgiving, The Most-Merciful

    9. Memorize Salat e Ibraheem:

    �َك ن��ِل ٕاْ�راه�مي، ا �ي�َت �َل�ىٕاْ�راه�َمي َو�َلـى أ د، َمك�ا َصل �ِل ُمحم� �د، َو�َلـى أ َمح�يٌد َمج�يد ، اللّهُ�م� َصّلِ �َلـى ُمحم�

    �َك َمح�يٌد ن��ِل ٕاْ�راهمي، ا �د، َمك�ا �ِرْكَت �َل�ىٕاْ�راه�َمي َو�َلـى أ �ِل ُمحم� �د، َو�َلـى أ َمج�يداللّهُ�م� �ِرْك �َلـى ُمحم�

    "O Allah, send prayers upon Muhammad and the followers of Muhammad, just as You sent prayers upon Ibraheem and upon the followers of Ibraheem. Verily, You are full of praise

    and majesty. O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad, just as You sent blessings upon Ibraheem and upon the family of Ibraheem. Verily, You are

    full of praise and majesty."

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