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Walls Fall DownBible StoryJoshua 6

Teacher ChallengeGod’s plan of battle was an interesting one for Jericho.Sounding trumpets in front of the Ark of the Covenantproclaimed, “God is here!” And God’s people showedtheir faith as they walked. And that final shout? Itwas a shout of faith that rose from the whole nationin unity as they celebrated a victory yet unseen. Andthe walls fell!

Look at the pattern God gives us here! His obedient children can bring His presence into any situation.Every time we “walk around” a problem, talking or thinking about it, we can announce our confidencethat God is at work in it.

� What big problem have you been “walking around” this week?

� With whom could you join in unity to pray and praise God for what He is doing through the problem?

In faith, we can celebrate a victory yet unseen and prepare our hearts to recognize His power and rejoice in His answer! And be sure to share the story with your class—they need to hear of God’s unchanging, mighty power!

Teacher’s Planning1. Choose which centers you

will provide and the order in which children will par-ticipate in them. For tips on schedule planning, see page 9.

2. Plan who will lead each cen-ter, making sure to have oneadult for approximately everysix children. For staffing tipsand ideas, see page 12.

© 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide • 417

Lesson 49

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Play to LearnActive Game Center: All Fall Down

CollectBible, Preschool Music #2 CD and player.

DoChildren form a large circle in the middle of yourplaying area. Children march in a circle as you play“Pointing Song” (track 18 on CD). After a few moments,stop the music. Children fall to the floor. Repeat as time and interest allow.

Talk About� In today’s Bible story, God helped His people

at the city of Jericho. For seven days Joshualed God’s people to walk around the walls ofthe city. On the last day, God made the wallsfall down! Let’s play a game where we walk ina circle and then fall down!

� The Bible says, “I trust in the Lord.” “Lord” is another name for God. Trusting Godmeans we know that God loves and helps us every day.

� Thomas, who takes care of you at home? Godgives you people to take care of you!

For Younger ChildrenPlace yarn in a large circle on the floor. Children walk around the outside of the yarn circle.

For Older ChildrenAfter each round, point to a child. Child names a way God helps us or repeats the Bible verse.

418 • © 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide

Lesson 49

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Play to LearnArt Center: Colorful Kazoos

CollectBible, cardboard tubes, markers, 6-inch (15-cm)squares of waxed paper, rubber bands.

Do1. Children use markers to decorate cardboard

tubes. Help children make kazoos by covering oneend of a cardboard tube with waxed paper and wrapping a rubber band around waxed paper.

2. Lead children in marching around room and humming into the uncovered end of their kazoos.

Talk About� Our Bible story today tells that God helped His

people at the city of Jericho. Every day for sevendays God’s people walked around the walls of thecity, blowing trumpets. On the last day when theyblew trumpets and shouted, God made the wallsfall down. Let’s make kazoos and march aroundthe room!

� The Bible says, “I trust in the Lord.” “Lord” is an-other name for God. Trusting in God means weknow that God will take care of us and help us allthe time.

� Katherine, where do you like to go? You can trustGod to help you at the park. God cares for you bygiving you strong legs to kick a soccer ball.

� Pray briefly, Thank You, God, for helping us. Welove and trust you.

For Younger ChildrenChildren decorate cardboard tubes with stickers.

For Older ChildrenChildren hum into kazoos as they march in a circle seven times, then shout “God helps me every day!”

© 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide • 419

Lesson 49

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Lesson 49Play to LearnConstruction Center: Walls of Jericho

CollectBible, blocks, cardboard pieces; optional—card-board brick blocks.

DoChildren build a small block city and then build awall around it, using blocks and cardboard pieces as desired. (Optional: Children use brick blocks.)

Talk About� In today’s Bible story, God helped His peo-

ple at the city of Jericho. Joshua led God’speople to walk around the walls of the cityfor seven days. On the last day, the peoplewalked around the walls seven times andthen God made the walls fall down! Let’sbuild a city with a wall around it.

� Cameron, I see you working hard to buildthe wall. God made your eyes to see so thatyou could build. I’m glad to know that Godhelps us every day!

� Another way God helps us is by giving usmoms and dads and grandmas and grand-pas who care for us. Brianna, what doesyour grandma do to care for you? (Reads a bedtime story. Cooks food for lunch. Gives hugs.)

� I know God helps me every day. God helps you every day, too! The Bible says, “I trust inthe Lord.” That means that we know God loves us and will always take care of us.

� We can tell God how much we love Him. Pray briefly, Thank You, God, for caring for us. Welove you!

For Younger ChildrenChildren use blocks to build walls. On your signal, children knock down their walls.

For Older ChildrenAs children build, invite them to tell what part of the city or walls they are working on and what theyplan to do next.

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Play to LearnDramatic Play Center: Everyday Help

CollectBible, home-living furniture, baby dolls, camera orvideo camera.

PrepareObtain parents’ permission to photograph and/orrecord children.

Do1. Children play with home-living furniture and baby dolls and pretend to be a family.

2. With parents’ permission, use camera or video camera to capture children acting out everyday experiences. Show children pictures or play video for children to watch.

Talk About� The Bible says, “I trust in the Lord.”

“Lord” is another name for God. Totrust God means we know that Godhelps us every day. Let’s pretend to be a family. We’ll do some of the things wedo every day at our homes.

� Ella, who are you eating dinner with?What are some ways you can help makedinner for your family? God gave us thepeople in our families so that we canhelp each other.

� Angel, what do you do before you go tobed? Who reads you a bedtime story?God is with us when we go to bed. Godhelps us every day and every night!

� How does God take care of you? (Gives us parents. Gives us food and water.) God will keeptaking care of you as you get older and bigger, too!

For Younger ChildrenInstead of using home-living furniture, children use blankets and pillows to act out bedtime routines.Read children a bedtime story and provide stuffed animals for children to take with them to bed.

For Older ChildrenChildren plan a scene to act out before the camera, deciding who will be the mom, dad, child, etc., andwhat they will be doing. Encourage children to act out scenes of a family helping each other.

© 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide • 421

Lesson 49

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Listen to LearnJoshua 6

CollectBible, Bible Story 19 pictures from God’s Story forMe Poster Pack #2, Preschool Music #2 DVD or CDand player, ball, yarn.

Greet Each OtherChildren sit in a circle. Hand a child the ball. Asyou clap your hands, children pass the ball aroundthe circle. When you stop clapping, the child hold-ing the ball says “We trust in the Lord!” Repeat several times.

Tell the StoryOpen your Bible to Joshua 6. Tell the story using the pictured motions (keywords in bold) or showBible Story 19 pictures.

Where have you seen big walls? In Bible times, people who lived in cities often built big wallsall around the outside of the city. Let’s hear what happened to the walls of one of those cities.

God’s people were in the land God had promised them. But the land was full of peoplewho did not like them. These people had many strong armies. They wanted to keepGod’s people out. Some of these people lived in Jericho, a city with very big walls.

God told Joshua, “March your army around Jericho one time every day for six days.Then on the seventh day, march around the city seven times. Have the priests blowthe horns. When the people hear a long and loud trumpet sound, tell them to shout!The walls of the city will fall down!”

Joshua told the people about God’s instructions. God’s people looked up at thatbig strong wall. It did not look like it would fall! But they got ready to follow God’sinstructions.

The people marched all the way around Jericho one time. Then God’s people wentback to their camp.

The second day, God’s people marched around the city again. The people marched—stomp, stomp, stomp. The people marched each day for six days. They did what Godhad told them to do.

On the seventh day, the people marched around the huge walls again with the priestsblowing their horns. Nothing happened—yet! The people marched around a secondtime. They marched a third time. They went around a fourth time—a fifth time—asixth time. The seventh time the people marched around and the priests blew theirhorns long and loud. Then the Israelites shouted! They shouted loudly!

Suddenly the ground began to shake. The walls cracked! The walls came down—CRASH! And the Israelites marched straight into the city, just as God had promised!

422 • © 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide

Lesson 49

God’s Word“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6

God’s Word and MeI know God helps me every day.

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Talk About the StoryWhat happened on the seventh day when God’s people marched around Jericho seven times?(The walls came down.) God’s people trusted God. They believed God would help them and Hedid. We can believe that God will help us, too. What is a way God helps us today?

Sing to GodLet’s sing a song about God’s help. Lead children in singing “My Helper” (on DVD or track 14 onCD). God helped Joshua and all of the Israelites. And God helps us every day, too. Just likeour song says, with God’s help we will not be afraid!

Hear and Say God’s WordHolding your Bible open to Psalm 31:6, say verse aloud. “Lord” is another name for God. When wetrust in the Lord, we are sure He will always love us. We know that God helps us every day.Lead children in saying the Bible verse together a few times. Children stand as they say, “I trust” andsit down as they say, “in the Lord.” Repeat the Bible verse several times.

Pray to GodWe pray to God because we love Him. Weknow He takes care of us in the very bestways. Lead children in prayer, telling God youlove Him and know He will help you and thechildren every day.

Praise to GodUse yarn to make a large circle on the floor. Stand with children around the yarn. Let’s make atrain and say our verse! As you lead children in walking around yarn circle, make circular motionswith your arms like train wheels and say, I trust in the Lord (like a train chugging, emphasizingthe word “trust”) over and over. Children follow you and imitate your arm motions, saying the versealong with you.

© 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. Growing with God Leader’s Guide • 423

Lesson 49

Option: Volunteers pray, telling God theylove and trust Him; close prayer, thank Godfor helping us every day.

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Talk to LearnBible Story Activity Pages CenterCollectA copy of Activity 19 from The Big Book of Bible Story ActivityPages #2 for yourself and each child, crayons or markers; optional—small pieces of blue fabric, glue.

DoLead children to complete pages following the instructions.(Optional: Children glue blue fabric to cover the Ark of theCovenant.) Use the conversation suggestions as children complete their pages and retell the story.

Preschool Puzzle CenterCollectCopies of Bible Story Puzzle 49, Bible VersePuzzle 49 and/or Challenge Puzzle 49 fromThe Big Book of Preschool Puzzles #2 for eachchild; pencils, crayons or markers.

DoChildren complete the puzzles and color pages. Use the conversation suggestions on the pages.

Read-Aloud Story CenterCollectA copy of Story Picture 49 from The Big Book of Read-Aloud Stories #2 for yourself and each child, crayonsor markers.

DoRead the story and distribute pictures. Use the conversation suggestions as children complete their pages.

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Lesson 49


• Child colors page.• Child folds page to retell story.

• What did God do to help His people at Jericho?• We can trust God to help us. What does God do to help you?

Name ____________________________________ Bible Story Activity 19

© 2010 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to the original purchaser only. The Big Book of Bible Story Activity Pages #2 83

“I trust in the Lord.” Psalm 31:6Find the triangles. Color the picture.

© 2010 G

ospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only.The Big Book of R

ead-Aloud Stories #2

Story Pic




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