Download - Lesson Plan unit Sufficiency Economy+ป.2+120+dltvengp2+P2 t1 sufficiencyeconomy



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Àπ૬°“√‡√’¬π√Ÿâ∑’Ë 3 ‡√◊ËÕß Sufficiency Economy ‡«≈“ ........... ™—Ë«‚¡ß

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Sufficiency Economy / Simple Way of Life and Good Behavior

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1. Simple Way of Life and Good Citizenship

2. Thrift and Industry.

3. Honesty, Truthfulness and Courage.

4. Wise use of Leisure.


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Simple Way of Life and Good Citizenship

In this unit the children talk about simple way of life and

good citizenship :- proper behavior, thrift, industry, thruthfulness,

courage, cheerfulness, wholesome activities and games for leisure

time, and respect for desirable customs and traditions.

1. Simple Way of Life and Good behavior

What this lesson is about?

The children talk about proper behavior in and out of the


Class Activities

Review :- Adverbs çbecauseé as a connector

Adjectives vs. adverbs

Comparison of adverbs

Adverbs :-

Have the best readers in the class, read the story sequeences

in çCan You Do This?é

Porn is ten years old. Heûs just like many other boys his

age. Sometimes heûs bad, and sometimes heûs good. When heûs

been bad, his mother says angrily, çGoodness, Porn!é when heûs

been good, she smiles and says sweetly, çThatûs good boy, Porn.é

Here are some of the things Porn did. Pretend you are

Pornûs mother. After each part, you will say, çGoodness, Porn!é

or çThatûs a good boy, Porn!é

Porn and his mother were going to see a Motherûs Day

programs at the school. They took a bus (or a pick up) They had

nice seat near the driver. Soon an old woman got on the bus.

There was no seat for her. Porn stood up and said politely,

çPlease take my seat, maûam.é

The woman smiled happily and said, çOh, thank you.é

What did Pornûs mother say, class?

There were many people at the school when they arrived.

They went to their seats. Porn saw a neighbor coming. He pointed

at her and said, çMother, look, thereûs Mrs. Wan, ha!, ha!, ha!

She walks so slowly. Sheûs so fat.é

Now, what did his mother say?

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çCan You Do This?é

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Soon the program started. A girl began to sing very

softly. Porn said in a loud voice, çMother, I canût hear. Mother,

I said I canût hear!é

çShhhh,é the people around them said They looked at

Porn angrily.

çWhat do you suppose his mother said this time?é

After the program. Porn and his mother went to the

restaurant to eat. They had some fried-rice Porn ate his rice

slowly and carefully. When he wanted more water he said to the

waiter, çCould I have more water, please?é

çOf courseé, said the waiter and put more water in his


Then Porn thanked the waiter courteously. Porn was

fulled and didnût ask for ice-cream any more.

What did his mother say?

Have the children read these questions on the white

board and have them read the sentences in the story that answer

them :-

1. How did Porn speak to the woman on the bus?

2. How did Mrs. Wan walk?

3. How did the girl on the program sing?

4. How did Porn talk during the program?

5. How did the people around Porn look at him?

Because as a connector


Look at the story. Was Pornûs

Mother proud of him or angry

with him?


Pupil (s)

She was proud of him.

Because he was kind to the old


Because he was courteous.

Because he gave his seat to her.


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Have the class answer the same questions about the three

other sentences of the story.

Adjective vs. adverbs

(use a puppet for this drill)

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Class, this is Tim. Heûs cheer-


He say, çHello!é

How did he say hello, class?

Tim is hungry. Heûs eating.

How did he eat?

Tim is sleepy. He says,

çGood night.é

How did he say good night?

Tim is lazy. Heûs walking.

How did he walk?

Tim is angry. He shouts,

çGo away!é

How did he shout?

Timûs voice is soft.

Heûs singing.

How did he sing?

Tim is writting. The writting is


How did he write?

Tim is speaking politely.

How did he speak?

* Repeat the procedure.

Pupil (s)

He said hello cheerfully.

He ate hungrily.

He said good night sleepily.

He walked lazily.

He shouted angrily.

He sang softly.

He wrote clearly.

He spoke politely.

Have one of the children.

Ask the how question about the simple way of life.

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Pattern Drills

1. The -ing phrase as adjectival

Teacher : Letûs talk about what we see in the picture.

Iûll begin for you. çI see a girl helping the

teacher carry books.é

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Boys : Tell us what else you

see. Begin with çI see

a boy .................é

Pupil (s)

Boys : I see a boy writing on

the wall.

Ask other pupils the same questions until these sentences

have been elicited :

Now, tell us who you think is

doing something wrong, girls.

Now, tell us who you think is

doing something good or right,



I see a girl picking up a piece

of paper.

I see a boy helping a girl who

fell down.

I see a girl sweeping the stairs.

I see a boy watering the plants.

I see a girl cleaning her house.

I see a boy feeding his cows.

I see a girl planting flowers.

I see a girl picking the neighborûs



The girl picking the neighborûs

flowers is doing something


The girl planting flowers is do-

ing something good.



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Present Perfect Progressive

Teacher : Letûs play game of Pretend. Letûs pretend itûs


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π—°‡√’¬π Drill


What do you like to do on Sun-

days, Boy?

Who else likes to clean your

bed-room on Sundays?

All-right, you pretend youûre

cleaning your bedroom.

What do you like to do on Sun-

days, Siri?

Who else likes to make dolls?

All-right, pretend youûre mak-

ing dolls.

Pupil (s)

Boys : I like to clean my bed-


Siri : I like to make my dolls

(Show the hands)

Ask the rest of the children in this way to pretend to do one

thing or another : taking care of the baby, playing house, making

kites, feeding birds, cooking rice, listening to the radio, watching

television, playing baseball, etc.

(show a toy clock with movable hands.)

This is our clock. Itû now one


(Move the hands slowly.) Now,

itûs two oûclock.

What have you been doing since

one oûclock, Siri?

All right, keep on, Nari.

Nari, ask Porn what heûs been

doing since one oûclock.

Siri : Iûve been making dolls

since one oûclock.

Nari : Iûve been gardening since

one oûclock.

Nari : Porn, what have you

been doing since one


Porn : Iûve been cleaing my

bedroom since one


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What has he been doing, class?

Porn, ask someone the same


What has Ben been doing?


Pupil (s)

Heûs been cleaning his bedroom

since one oûclock.

Ben, what have you been doing

since one oûclock.

Ben, Iûve been listening to the


Heûs been listening to the


1. Blow, wind blow,

Donût be slow.

3. His bag was black.

It was on his back.

5. He likes to talk.

He hates to walk.

2. The poor boy fell.

Now, he isnût well.

4. Now, I lay me down to


I pray the Lord my soul to


6. He like to work hard,

And work when the day


Spelling lesson

* Have the class read each rhyme from the whiteboard.

Have them note that the endings the underlined words sound and

look the same.

* Ask the pupils to read and spell them aloud:

* Erase the words :- slow, well, back, sleep, walk and

hard from the rhyme. Have the children write the missing words.

* Have the children read each of these words and tell

which letters are silent. As they identify them, underline the

letters that are silent.

often know build listen high

* Have them copy the words two times.

* Have them write the words from dictation.

often : I often go to the temple.

listen : Please listen me very well.


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know : I know your name.

high : Jump high.

build : Letûs build a wall.

* Reading exercise

Show these flash cards to the class and have individuals

do what the card says :-

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1. Stand straight.

2. Preathe deeply.

3. Count out loud from 1

to 10

4. Jump as high as you can.

5. Clap your hands softly.

6. Walk forward fast.

7. Walk backward slowly.

8. Sit down quietly.

9. Shake hands with your

seatmate cheerfully.

10. Say your fatherûs name


Reading and copying a Poem. :

Listen while the teacher reads this poem.

Teddy gets a Medal.

Teddy gets a medal today.

Heûs been most polite in every way.

He walked so softly down the hall.

And came very prumptly at my call.

He smiled very cheerfully at every one,

His work was always neatly done.

He didnût push, he didnût shout.

He spoke very courteously as he went about.

Teddy gets the medal today.

Heûs been most polite and simple way.

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1. How Teddy walked

2. How he smiled

3. How he did his work?

4. How he spoke?

* Lines to Read Aloud:

Read the line or lines that tell :

* Copying stanzas:

Choose the two stanzas you like best in çTeddy gets a

Medal.é Copy them carefully on your paper. Be sure to begin

each line wth a capital letter. Copy the punctuation marks cor-


Reading a Dailog. çYouûre Too Small.é

Betly is the smallest in the family and she doesnût enjoy

this at all. Everyone thinks she is too small to do anything. One

day her brother and sisters were making plan for their motherûs

birthday party.

Suni : Itûs motherûs birthday tomorrow. We should

do something for her.

Ben : I know sheûs been working very hard all week.

Letûs do all the work tomorrow. She can rest

all day.

Linda : Oh, thatûs fine. I cook better than any one

of you. Iûll be the cook.

Passara : I want to cook.

Linda : No, Passara, youûre too small.

Ben : Well, I set the table and wash the dishes.

Suni : Okay, but wash them carefully. You broke a

glass last week, remember?

Passara : I want to wash dishes.

Ben : No, Passara, youûve too small.

Suni : Iûll clean the house. I like cleaning best of all.

Passara : I want to clean.

Linda : No, Passara youûre too small.

Ben : Arenût we going to give Mother some


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Suni : Oh! sheûll love that.

Passara : I want to give her some flowers.

(Linda, Ben, Suni laugh)

Linda : All right Passara. I guess youûre big enough

to do that.

* Parts to Read Aloud

Read aloud the parts the tell:

1. What Linda plans to do on her motherûs birthday?

2. What Ben plans to do?

3. What Suni plans to do?

4. What Passara is big enough to do?

* Have the children make a good behavior chart. Help

them finish the list of questions below. The first questions are

given as examples. They can give as many questions as they wish.

If they can answer yes to all of these questions, then they get a

yellow star for the day.

1. Did I greet the teacher and the friend I met?

2. Did you save your money everday?

3. Did you help your mother cleaning house?

4. Did you clean your bedroom?

5. Did you give your friends some cakes?

6. Did you give your seat to the old woman?

7. Did you walk to school?

8. Did you do your home-work?

9. Did you collect your stamps?


Yes No

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2. Thrift and Industry

The children talk about thrift and industry.

Class Activites


Comparison of adjectives with more/most, less/least

And and but connectors

If clause in the present tense

The -ing form as subject

Present perfect progressive with since/for all morning

1. Comparison of adjectives with more/most less/least

Introduce Comfortable

by using in sentences

* Show some pictures of advertisements one after the

other and ask pupils to identify what is being advertised.


What does the advertisement say

about Baja shoes?

What about cost?

Pupil (s)

Theyûre the most beautiful, and

the most comfortable in town.

The are the least expensive.

You try, Boy.

Give other substitutions

susch as : blouses, shorts slip-

pers, chains, beds, and OTOP

Products and etc.

Boy : If you need some shirts

or T-shirts.

Khun Tong-Deang shirts

are the most beautiful,

and the most comfort-

able shirt in town. And

they are the least ex-

pensive, too.

Teacher : Play you are advertising Khun Tong-Deang


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Have the pupils do the exercise. Have them look at

pictures and make sentences using çbut ............ doesnût.é Set the

model : Suni helps her mother, but Boy doesnût.é


Show the picture and say

1. saves money

2. helps her mother

3. takes care of baby

4. earns money

5. plants vegetables

6. saves food

7. saves light

8. saves water

9. takes care of her


10. saves clothes

11. cleans the house

12. cooks the food

Pupil (s)

Boy saves money but Tom doesnût.

She helps her mother but he doesnût.

She takes care of baby but he doesnût.

He earns of money but she doesnût.

He plants vegetables but she doesnût.

She saves food but he doesnût.

He saves light but she doesnût.

He saves water but she doesnût.

He takes care of her sister but she


She sews her clothes but he doesnût.

She cleans the house but he doesnût.

She cook the food but he doesnût.

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Continue the drill making the first part of the compound

sentences negative. çHe doesnût help mother, but she does.é

Go on with the drill using the past form of the verb later

on : çShe took care of her books but he didnût.

The -ing form as subject of a sentence

Write these mottoes about thrift on the whiteboard.

: 1. Saving money is a good practice.

2. Wasting money makes you poor.


Read the first one aloud.Saving food ................................................ habit.watergassfueltimeetc.

Pupil (s)

Saving money is a good prac-tice.Saving food is a good practice.Saving food is a good habit.Saving water is a good habit.

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* Continue the drill after setting the model for not.

Not wasting food is a good practice.

Not saving light is a bad practice. etc.

Have the class read the second motto and have them

substitue the following words for money, food, water, toothpaste,

light, fuel, soap, etc.

* Present perfect progressive with since Thursday, for

two weeks, all day.

Have the pupils read about the two groups of children on

the board : The lazy ones and the hard-working ones. Conduct a

question-and-answer drill on what the children in the pictures

have been doing.

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What has Boy been doing since

eight oûclock?

What has Suda been doing?

How long has she been play-


* Now ask questions about what

the other children in the class

have been doing.

You start, Porn.

Boy, ask a question about Suni.

Pupil (s)

He has been cleaning the house

since eight oûclock.

Sheûs been playing.

Sheûs been playing since eight


Porn : What has Suda been

doing for two hours,


Boy : She has been playing for

two hours, too.

Boy : Has Suni been playing

for two hours, too.




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The Ant And The Cricket.

One Sunny day

Cricket : Youûve been working all morning Friend Ant.

Come on! Letûs play.

Ant : Sorry, I canût. Iûm busy collecting food.

Cricket : Again? You collected food yesterday, didnût


Ant : Yes, I did.

Cricket : You do nothing, but work.

Ant : I wonût eat unless I work. And Iûll die if

I donût eat.

Cricket : Oh, no! Look at me. I do nothing, but sing

and play the whole day.

Ant : Go on singing and playing then, Friend Cricket.

One Rainy day

Cricket : Friend Ant, I canût find anything to eat. It

has been raining for days and days.

Ant : When the weather was fine you didnût collect

any food, did you?

Cricket : Iûm afraid I did nothing but sing and play.

And now I have nothing to eat. Could you

please lend me something to eat?

Ant : Iûll give you some if you are willing to pay

me back soon.

Cricket : How can I pay you back soon? I havenût

even got enough to eat myself.

Ant : I donût lend unless I get paid.

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What had the ant been doing

all morning?

Why couldnût she play with the


What did the ant say when the

cricket told her that she did

nothing but work.

Did the cricket work all day?

During the rainy season what

did she do?

Did the ant lend her some food?

Pupil (s)

She had been working all


She was busy collecting food.

She said, çI wonût eat unless I

work. And Iûll die if I donût


No, she did nothing but sing

and play.

She had nothing to eat.

She asked the ant to lend her

some food.

No, she didnût. She said that if

the cricket couldnût pay her back

soon, she wouldnût lead her any


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„Àâ Drill ∂“¡-μÕ∫®π§≈àÕß

* Oral reading

Assign the boys to play the part of the ant, and the girls,

the pants of the cricket. Then have the groups exchange roles.

After this assign individuals in dramatise the parts.

* Pattern drills


1. If as a connector you can

save a lot of money if you use

water carefully. Repeat. çlighté

Pupil (s)

You can save a lot of money if

you use water carefully.

You can save a lot of money if

you use light carefully.

Go on with the drill giving these for substitution : gas, fuel, soap,

toothpaste, books, paper, pencils, pens, clothes, shoes, pencils etc.

Teacher : Now letûs use waste instead of save and care-

lessly instead of carefully.


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Whoûll begin?



2. Unless as a connector

Why does the ant work very


You wonût have any money

unless you save, Repeat.

Now, listen to the words youûll



Pupil (s)

Boy : You can waste a lot of

money if you use water care-


You can waste a lot of money

if you use light carelessly.

She wonût eat unless she works.

You wonût have any money,

unless you save.

I wonût pass unless you study.

other cues : be a good painist - practice playing, reader-

practice reading, dancer-practice dancing,

grow strong-eat well, etc.

3. Does nothing but

What does a hard-working

teacher do?

baker, tailor, mother etc.

A hard working teacher does

nothing but teach.

* go on with the drill substituting other occupations.

4. Tag questions


did/didnût she


Teacher : Porn is a very hard-working, thrifty boy,

During vacation he earned a lot of money.

He didnût spend it foolishly He saved if for

his school needs. Now, Iûd like you to ask me

questions about what he did to earn money.

Use the tag question didnût he? You can

being? Yes, Boy.

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°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß



Yes, he did.

He did other thing besides.

Pupil (s)

Boy : Porn sold newspapers,

didnût he?

He cleaned shoes, didnût he?

He sold paper-bags, didnût he?


* Later have the pupils ask questions about what he

didnût do, so that he could save money.

Set the model : Porn didnût go to the movie very

often, did he?

Possible questions : He didnût eat a lot of ice cream, did

he? He didnût buy a lot of junk

food, did he? He didnût gamble, did

he? etc.

** Enrishment Activites.

A. Rhymes : Save Today

Save a baht today

Another one tomorrow

When the time of need comes

You wonût have tomorrow.


The Way To Be Thrifty

Turn on the light when you need it.

Turn if off when you are through.

Thatûs the way you can save money.

Says my mother Mrs. Ploo.

Turn the water when you need it.

Turn off when you are through.

Thatûs the way you can save money.

Says my mother Mrs. Ploo.


°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß

B. Song : çIf you make a wish.é

If you make a wish on a falling star.

You will find that you wish will come tree,

If you cross your heart while you make your wish.

It will come so much faster to you.

So be sure to watch for a falling star.

When you look out your window tonight.

You will surely get what youûve asking for,

It you only wish it right.

3. Honesty, Truthfulness and Courage

What this lesson is about?

The children talk about such traits as honesty, truthful-

ness, kindness, courage and cheerfulness.

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Letûs talk about what the things

that were found look like.

What kind of bag did Ben find?


Tell us about the pen (that) Nari


Now, letûs talk about when the

things were found. Tell us when

the bag that belongs to Lek, was


Pupil (s)

Rose : The bag (that) Ben found

is made of brown leather.

The pen (that) Nari found is

red with a white cap.

The bag that belongs to Lek

was found on January 3.

* Encourage the children to carry on conversation about

many things that have lost or found.

Have one pupil start by telling what he lost.

Then have the others pupils ask questions like the

following :-

1. When did you lose it?

2. Where did you lose it?

3. Did you find it?

4. What was it made of?

°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


5. What color was it?

6. Where did you find it?

7. When did you find it?

8. Did you find the owner?

Have the class read the story.

Can You Tell Why?


Everybody likes Sida. Thatûs because sheûs kind and

good. She always cheerful. Read these stories that tell some of the

things Sida did. Then try to tell us while she did them.

1. Sida was going to cross the street. A little boy wanted

to cross too, but the was afraid. Sida held the little

boyûs hand.

What do you think she did that for?

2. Sida was in bed, she heard her cat crying. çIt must be

hungry,é Sida thought. She got up.

What did she got up for?

3. One day Sidaûs grandmother came to visit. She

brought plenty of mangoes from the farm. Sida picked

out two mangoes. Then she went to see her friend

next door.

Naree! Naree! She called.

What did she go see Naree for?

4. Sida and Naree were walking to school. Oh, Look!

said Sida, çI found ten bahté Sida and Naree went to

the principalûs office.

What did they go there?

5. çSida!é called her mother. çI need some salt.é Go

and buy some salt for me.é

Sida got money from her mother and went to the

store. What did she go to the store for?

6. çHereûs your salt,é said the seller, çand hereûs your

change.é Sida counted and then called the seller.

What did she call him for?


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* Present perfect vs. present tense form of brush, wash,

study, clean, talk, sweep, feed, drink, eat, go, and make.


Have you brush your teeth?

Fine, Good children brush their

teeth everyday.

Ask you friend. And let them


Ask if they have fed their pet.

(Shake your head.)

Say; Well go feed them.

Pupil (s)

Yes, I have.

A : Have you washed your


B : Yes, we have.

A : Fine! Good children wash

their faces every day.

A : Have you fed your pet?

B : No, we havenût

A : Go feed them.

Continue with the procedure until the other verbs have

been used.

* Cumulative practice

Have the pupils listen carefully while you read the poem.

Prepare the class for the choral reading of the poem. Have the

boys form one group and the girls, another. Ask them to identify

the parts that each group has to read alone and which parts both

groups have to say together. Give each group sometime to prac-

tice its lines first before asking the whole class to do the choral


A Poem For Choral Reading

This is a poem you will enjoy reading together.

Your teacher will divide the class into groups. Each

groups will be asked to read a part. Be able to read your part


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A Pink Horse

All : Have you ever seen such a sight as a cow that

is white?

Girls : Oh, no. Is there one in the city?

All : I saw one, itûs really quite pretty.

Boys : Well, Iûve seen a horse thatûs pink.

Girls : Thereûs no such horse, I think.

All : Iûve never heard of such a thing.

Not even at a court of a king.

Boys : Iûve seen one and Iûve ridden it too.

Girls : Stop bragging; you know itûs not true.

Boys : Go see it yourself, at the carnival ground.

All : Oh, now I see, on the merry-go-round.

Girls : Ha! ha! ha! Itûs a horse on the merry-go-


Ho! ho! ho! Itûs a a horse on the merry-go-


* Have the children sing this to the tune of

çHave you Ever Seen a Lassie?é

* Have the pupils arrange these in the right order.

Iûve done it many times.

Have you ever tried whistling.

And my fears have never stayed.

Whenever youûre afraid?

You feel you brave and strong.

Keep on whistling till once again.

So when you feel you scrared.

Start whistling a merry song.


°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


Can you guess what Mrs.

Somsriûs favorite pastime. is?


What is Boyûs pastime?

Now, letûs talk about our favor-

ite pastime.

Pupil (s)

Crocheting is Mrs. Somsriûs

favorite pastime.

Collecting beautiful pictures.

Reading comics.

Girls : Collecting stamps.

Boys : Playing football.


Enrichment Activities. Have then read and memorize


Help Me Be Good.

Dear Buddha (God), Iûm very, very sorry,

I have not been so good today,

I was afraid to tell the truth.

And there were times I didnût obey.

Help me not to do the things.

That little children shouldnût do,

Help me be a better child,

And always keep on loving you.

4. Wise Use of Leisures.

What this lesson is about?

The children talk about wholesome activities and games

for leisure time.

Pictures of : a family with the father reading, mother cro-

cheting, girl cutting pictures and boy reading magazine; two

girls playing with dolls and a boy looking at a comic book.

Puppets representing a mother and a girl Picture cards for

pronunciation exercise.

Teacher : (Show a picture of the family)

It is Sunday afternoon at Mr. Somsakûs family

home. Nobody is working. Everyone is having fun. Look at the

father and the mother and their children. The are busy with their

favorite pastimes. Reading is Mr. Somsakûs favorite pastime. When

he is at home, he likes to read.

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°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


* Encourage the pupils to talk about the favorite

pastimes and games of their members of the family.

* Flash card drill

Have the pupils read these flash cards:

Running a race Playing with baby doll

Flying kites Riding on a bicycle Jumping rope

Swimming Collecting shells Catching fish

Reading books Planting flowers Painting pictures

Have them use the words and phrase on the flash cards

in sentences frames like the following :

................ is fun.

................ is my favorite game.

* Cue with questions.

..................... is good exercise.

....................... is my favorite


Presentation of new lesson.

Try to + base form of the verb.

Enjoy / like / keep on + -ing form of the verb.

Suggested procedure

a. Identification exercise.

Teacher (calls two boys to come up front) :

Boy and Porn, Come up front. Listen carefully and do

what I tell you to do.

çHop around the room. Boy stop hopping and sit down.

You keep on hopping, Porn. Now, Boy, try to hop as fast as Porn.

See if you can catch up with him.é

(After a while, make the boys stop.)


°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


What did Porn keep on doing

while Boy was resting?

What did Boy try to do?

Did he catch up with Porn?

Pupil (s)

He kept on hopping while Boy

was resting.

He tried to hop as fast as Porn.

No, he didnût.

Teacher : Ann and Rose, come up front. Letûs see if you

can do what I tell you to do. çBegin to run

around the room. Ann! Stop running and close

the window. Rose keep on running. Ann try

to catch up with Rose. (stop a while)


What did the girls start to do?

What did Rose keep on doing

while ann was closing the win-


What did Ann try to do?

Did she catch up with Rose?

Pupil (s)

They started to run around the


Rose kept on running while ann

was closing the window.

She tried to catch up with Rose.

Yes, she did.

(Hold up a picture of : two girls playing with dolls and

a boy looking at a comic book.)

Suda and Naree like playing.

They enjoy playing with their


What do the girls enjoy doing?

Now, look at Porn.

Is he playing with girls?

What do you think he enjoys


What do you enjoy doing?

How about you, boys?

They enjoy playing with their


No, he isnût.

He enjoys reading comics.

I enjoy coloring pictures.

I enjoy playing football.

°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


* Snapshot series

Teacher : Last Saturday the boy scouts went hiking to.

Hua-Hin Park. Mr. Joe, the leader, took

pictures of the boys. He pasted the pictures in

an album and wrote captions under each one.

Comprehension - response drill.


1. What time did the scouts

start to hike?

2. What did they do at 8:30?

3. What did they do after the

short rest?

4. What wasnût hard?

5. Who went to the swimming

pool? (or the canal)

6. What did they enjoy


7. What did they try to do

after lunch?

8. Who told the stories?

Pupil (s)

They started to hike at 8:00


They stopped and rested at a


They started again and kept on

hiking until they got to the


Finding a nice place wasnût hard.

The boys/girls who liked swim-


They enjoyed drinking ............

They tried to ...................

The teacher/the leader ..........

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Retelling the story :

Have the children tell the story cued by the following

questions, written, on the blackboard.

1. Where did the boy scouts/girls guide go hiking last


2. What time did they start to hike?

3. Why did they stop hiking at 8:30?

4. How long did they keep on hiking?

5. What did the boys/the girls do?

6. What did they do at 12:00 oûclock?

7. What did they do after lunch?


°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß

Pattern Drills

1. enjoy + -ing form of the verb.

Place flash cards containing phrases like the follow-

ing in the pocket chart:

playing marbles collecting shells

skipping robe running a race

playing kite riding on a bicycle

listening to the radio reading a newspaper


Games :-

1. Pick out flash cards that tell what the pupil especially

enjoy doing, and tell what they enjoy doing.

2. Each group of pupils ask and answer what they enjoy

doing and draw the pictures.

3. Display the picture used in the review, such as :-

Do you remember what your father does in Saturday

afternoon? (He reads newspaper.)

What do you like to do on Saturday/Sunday?

How many of you like to do that?

Do the boys play with the dolls?

4. Have the children talk about the things they do and

donût do at home, in school and in the community.

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(μ“¡∑’ËμâÕß°“√ drill)

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I wake up at 6:00 oûclock every


I go to school every day.

I play the flute.

I help wash the dish.

I take good care of my pets.

I visit my grandparents every


I play football.

I obey my teacher.

Pupil (s)

I donût have skates.

I donût like coffee.

I donût know how to swim.

I donût ride horse.

I donût live in Bangkok.

I donût throw pieces of papers

on the floor.

I donût ride to school.


Pattern Drill :

Give out slips of paper containing sentences like these:

Cumulative practice :

Listen to a dialog

a. With the help of puppets present the following dialog

to the class.


Pornsiri wants to be like her cousin Sida very much. She

tells her mother about it.

Mother : You do? Sida is a good girl. She enjoys going

to school.

Pornsiri : So do I.

Mother : She likes reading stories, not comics.

Pornsiri : So do I.

Mother : She tries to be first in the class.

Pornsiri : So do I.

Mother : Sida doesnût leave her books lying around.

Pornsiri : Neither do I.

Mother : Sida doesnût go to school late.

Pornsiri : Neither do I.

Mother : Sida doesnût eat a lot of candy.

- ¿“æ°‘®°√√¡∑’Ë∫â“π, ∑’Ë‚√߇√’¬π


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°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß

Pornsiri : She doesnût.

Mother : No, she doesnût.

Pornsiri : Oh, well, Iûll try not to eat a lot so much

candy from now on.

Comprehension - response drill


What does Sida enjoy?

Which does she like better, read-

ing stories or reading comics?

What does she try to do?

What doesnût she do?

What else?

What did Pornsiri say sheûd try

to do?

* Take the part of mother the

part of Pornsiri.

Can you name some Thai


These are customs that are good.

There are others that arenût so

good. Letûs name some that

arenût so good.

Pupil (s)

She enjoys going to school.

She likes reading stories better.

She tries to be first in her class.

She doesnût leave her books

lying around.

She doesnût go to school late?

She said she would try not to

eat so much candy and have

the class play.

Wai (and Krap) with two hands

is Thai custom.

Obey our parents is Thai cus-


Speak gently to the others is

Thai custom.

Respect the old people is Thai



Do not speak gently (or rudely).

Spend a lot of money.

Lazy to work at home.

°‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πμâπ∑“ß °‘®°√√¡‚√߇√’¬πª≈“¬∑“ß


Enrichment :-

* Song:

çWhat I like to do.é

I like to ride on a cart of hay,

And stop to gather mangoes on the way,

To fly and fly my kite up high,

And after classes on the grass to lie.

I like high up in the trees to climb,

And enjoy eating pea-nuts six or seven at a time,

But somethings (I like) It is best not to do,

So I canût do all that I like, can you?

Sufficiency Economy

H.M. The Kingûs Speech.

Doesnût matter.

What other may say,

Whether they say.

Weûre old fashioned.

Or weûre out dated.

Any how, we have enough.

To live on,

And to live for.

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