Download - Lesson Edu3106 Multicultural lesson

Page 1: Lesson Edu3106 Multicultural lesson

Subject: English

Class: Year 5 Level: Average Enrolment: 25/25

Date: 13/02/2014

Time: 8.00 a.m. - 9 .00 a.m. (1 hour)

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: Culture and Traditions

Focus skill: Writing

Integrated skills: Listening and Speaking


1.5.2 Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts and talk about them.

2.5.2 Talk about actions of people and animals in a story read, heard or viewed.

4.4.2 Construct simple sentences and compound sentences based on a given stimulus.

4.7.4 Write simple descriptions with guidance.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

i. State three different features of culture and traditions practiced by different ethnic groups :Malay, Chinese and Indian

ii. Complete a text with missing words and simple phrases while listening to recording by dictation practice

iii. Take part in dialog by asking partner about their favorite festival and how they celebrate it.

iv. Create a short paragraph to describe ethnic groups

Thinking Skills: Arouse new ideas and experiences

Previous Knowledge: Pupils have been taught about different ethnic groups in Malaysia.

Moral Values:

i. Respect other culture and traditions to foster a harmonious relationship among multi-cultural society.

ii. Preserve rich cultural practices of the peoples in Malaysia.

Teaching Materials: Flash cards, recording, video, worksheets, descriptive text, puzzle worksheet

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Steps/ PhaseTime

Content Teaching Learning Activities Remarks

Set Induction:

(+/- 5 mins)

Traditional dress of

different ethnic - Eg.

Cheongsam, Baju

Kurung, Saree

1) Teacher shows the real traditional

dresses to pupils.

2) Teacher relates traditional clothes with

each ethnic group.




(+/- 15 mins)

1) Teacher introduces pictures of different

ethnic groups.

Eg. Indian, Malay and Chinese

2) Teacher explains the variety

features of culture by listing down on

the white board.

Eg. Traditional clothes, food, festival/




Food Festival





Flash cards


( +/- 15 mins)

-Partial dictation


1) Teacher distributes a text with missing

words and phrases to each pupil.

2) Pupils read through the text.

--recording on

Festivals in


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Pair work activity

In pairs, take turn to

ask your partner the

questions below :

1) What is your

favourite festival?

2) When do you

celebrate it?

3) How do you

celebrate it

4) What special things

do you do?

3) Teacher gives instruction and explains

procedure of activity.

4) Teacher plays a recording on “Festivals

in Malaysia”.

5) Pupils listen to recording carefully. As

they listen, they need to fill in the blanks

with the right words they heard.

6) Teacher plays the recording for the

second time for pupils to check their


7) Teacher discusses the answer with


8) Next, pupils are grouped in pairs.

9) Teacher sets pupils task to ask their

partner about their favorite festival and

how they celebrate it.

10) Pupils work with their partner and share

ideas of their favourite festival and




(+/- 20 mins)

-Paragraph writing

-Group presentation

1) Teacher divides the class into 3

groups with 5 members each.

2) Pupil seat in their assigned group and

teacher ask them to choose a group


3) Teacher calls the group leader to

Manila card

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choose one envelope.

4) Teacher asks pupils to create a short

paragraph consist of 5 sentences to

describe the ethnic group they had


5) Pupils are given 7 minutes to create

the paragraph.

6) Teacher calls pupils group by group to

present their work to the class.

7) Pupils read the paragraph one by one.

8) Teacher discusses each paragraph

with pupils.


(+/- 5 mins)

Patriotic song – “This

is Who We Are” song

1) Teacher plays a song to pupils.

2) Teacher explains positive values

regarding culture and traditions such as

respect and cooperation.

-A video

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Fill in the blanks as you listen to recording on festivals celebration in Malaysia. The recording

will be played twice.


Malaysia is a (1) _______________ country consisting of Malays, Chinese, Indians and

numerous indigenous people. There are many festivals celebrated in Malaysia. (2)

________________________is practised almost all the festivals, which means inviting (3)

________________________to house on festivity occasion. Special dishes are served for

festivals and friends during "open house".

Major festivals in Malaysia include Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year and (4)


Hari Raya Aidilfitri is the most significant celebration for Muslims. It signifies the end of the (5)

_____________ month of Ramadan. The words ‘Hari Raya’ means day of celebration. It is also

the time for (6) _________________________.

Chinese New Year is celebrated by the (7) _______________ community and it lasts for a full

two weeks! It begins with a reunion dinner which is (8) ______________ for every member of

the family to attend. Chinese New Year is the time when spirits are appeared and (9)

________________ are made to Gods. The unmarried youngsters are given Ang Pows which

are gifts of money enclosed in little (10) ________________.

Deepavali on the hand is an Indian festival of lights. Deepavali means (11)

____________________. It celebrates the (12) _______________ of good over the evil. Hindus

take a traditional oil bath in the early hours of the morning on Deepavali day and after prayers

entertain their friends and guests to "open house”.