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Page 1: Lent Appeal 2016: Supporting Persecuted Christians in the Middle East

“Whether one member suffer, all suffer together”


1 Corinthians 12:26


Page 2: Lent Appeal 2016: Supporting Persecuted Christians in the Middle East

Dear Friends, Persecuted Christians in Iraq and Syria It is clear that sadly there is no imminent end to the systematic and harsh persecution of the Christian Church in Iraq and Syria. A tragedy of historic proportions is unfolding and there is a threat to the very survival of the Christian population in some of the most ancient homelands of our faith. If the relentless violence against our brothers and sisters in Christ falls out of the daily news it is only because it has become so commonplace as to be unremarkable. The Apostle Paul reminds us that as the Body of Christ, spread now throughout the world, “If one member suffers, all suffer together.” (1 Cor 12.26) How can we, who have so much and enjoy such freedoms, not at least pray for these dear brothers and sisters and their families in all their distress? Although prayer is an essential act of solidarity with those who suffer, it must be matched by actions. As part of our Lent almsgiving in 2016, I hope that many of our parishes will be able to support two reputable charities who are already active among the beleaguered Christian communities in Iraq and Syria. Open Doors is providing emergency food supplies and hygiene kits to almost 10,000 families every month in Syria. In Iraq, Aid to the Church in Need is focusing on the urgent needs for housing, medicine and education which will enable the Church to maintain its Christian presence and witness to Jesus Christ.

Please pray and please give. With thanks for our partnership in the Gospel The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Richard Chartres KCVO DD FSA

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A: IraqB: SyriaC: IranD: Saudi ArabiaE: YemenF: QatarG: EgyptH: Palestinian TerritoriesI: JordanJ: OmanK: TurkeyL: AzerbaijanM : United Arab EmiratesN : Kuwait

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Last year, 120,000 Christians in Mosul, Iraq and outlying Christian villages fled their homes in panic as Daesh (Islamic State) forces overran them, threatening: “Convert, pay the Jizyah tax or face the sword.”

Both Victoria (80)and Gazella (80) are widows, with no family to help them escape. They decided to stay together, lock the door and pray.

Victoria answered: “We believe that if we show love and kindness, forgiveness and mercy we can bring about the kingdom of God on earth as well as in heaven. Paradise is

about love. If you want to kill us for our faith then we are prepared to die here and now.”

Stunned by their courage and faith, Daesh released them all. Together they walked 50 miles to safety. Victoria and Gazella now share a room provided by the Church.

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Open Doors is providing emergency food supplies and hygiene kits to almost 10,000 families in Syria every month. One of our partners, Pastor Samuel* from Aleppo says: "We are all trying to… provide God's hope in a hopeless situation.“

It’s too dangerous for the children to play outside; they spend a most of their time indoors. When Pastor Samuel met the family, the children were suffering from nightmares, as well as malnutrition.

Pastor Samuel says: "I suggested [the parents] let the children attend our Sunday school. Then they could sing, listen to Bible stories, and play indoors with other children. We can even offer the children a nutritional hot meal. We also provide them with Bibles and food parcels wherever possible.“

The parents said: "It was a blessing for us and our children to attend the Bible camp. Before, our children were unable to sleep and they never prayed. Now, they are reading Bible stories and are praying every night. Their hope is in God.

“A smile has entered our home and our children now laugh sometimes, especially when they go to church. Praise the Lord because you are giving us a glimpse of hope."


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£25 could buy an Easter parcel for refugee children in Iraq, containing clothes, sweets, colouring pencils and pads and a devotional item.

£71 could keep a family in Syria or Iraq alive for a month, providing emergency supplies including food parcels.

£528 could provide a trauma counselling workshop in Syria for 15 people who have been forced to flee their home due to the brutality of conflict and persecution.

£2,000 could help towards supporting a Christian refugee family for one year towards food, clothing, fuel and other essentials.


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Cash / Personal Cheques. Cheques and charity vouchers should be made payable to your local church’s account.

Give online! If you would prefer to give online, please go to PRAY

BEYOND LENTThe charities that we are supporting this year continue to support persecuted Christians across the globe every day. For more information visit their websites:


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O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies:

Lead them and us from prejudice to truth: deliver them and us from hatred, cruelty, and revenge;

And in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen