Download - Legalize Prostitution



The prostitution should not be legalize in the Philippines as stated in Art. II Sec. 14. that the state recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men. When we hear the word prostitution in our society, the first thing came into our mind is woman. Women like our classmates, office-mates, neighbors, jeepney barkers, vendors, street sweepers and some other women who are not related to us, we can easily say that we do not care about this article in yahoo news. But what about women like our own cousins, aunties, teachers, girlfriends, grandmothers, sisters, wives and mother, can we still say we do not care? In a country like Philippines whos majority are Catholics, my own snap decision is not here, not now and not ever.

This state recognizes the role of women in building our nation, like for example that is why we had before a well-loved former Pres. Corazon C. Aquino as the first woman president of our country. We had former Associate Justice of the Philippine Supreme Court Cecilia Munoz Palma, became the chairwoman of the 1986 Constitutional Commission that drafted the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Now we have Ma. Lourdes Sereno as the incumbent Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. We had these three women and some other women in our society whos helping us in nation-building for almost three decades, and just because of the issue of United Nation to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases they will urged our government to legalize prostitution? Its still not here, not now and not ever.