Download - Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Page 1: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Lecture # Lipids and Membranes

Done By : Obadah Abubaker &Yousef Qandel

Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Page 2: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Lipids and Membranes

Functions Of Lipids:

Page 3: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

• Source of energy

• Cellular membranes

• Excellent insulators

• Thermal insulators)تساعد الحيوانات على العيش في المناطق الباردة جدا كالأقطاب(

• Electrical insulators (in membranes)

• Special roles:

• Signals

• Hormones, Mediators, or growth factors.

• Coenzymes

• Vitamins

Carbohydrates is an immediate source of energy ( تاح وسرعصدر م)م

Lipids is the main source of energy in the body.

متاحة أكثر ومكن استهلاكها بسرعة والجلاكوجن كون متاحا ف ال مصادر طالة الكربوهدرات

muscles and liver ولكن كمة الطالة الت مكن أن زودها لللة ممارنة بالlipids فالأشخاص الذن

طالة أكبر مما كمة ب الجسم وذلن لمدرتها على تزود lipidsبحاجة لل لاا مث سباق ماراثونشاركون ف

تحتاج إلى مصدر اخر فمط، ثم ساعة 21إلى 8لمدة تتراوح من والت تكفالكاروبوهدرات لد توفره

.ketone bodiesونتج ما سمى ب degradationفحدث lipidsوهو ال

وذلن لأن كمة الدهون المخزنة تفوق بمراحل كمة lipids المصدر الرئس للطالة هو ال إذاا،

.muscles and liverالت تنحصر فمط ف ال الجلاكوجن

Cellular membranes: membrane essentially lipids …

%04الى 04تتراوح بن cell membraneف ال lipidsنسبة ال

Electrical insulator: ف الmembrane ف الmyelin sheath لف اnerves ، تكون محاطة

فمد تنتج عنه بعض الأمراض. deficitواذا حدث lipidsبال

)بعض المعلومات طرحت الان بطرمة مزدحمة لربما مع تمدم الدروس ستفهم هذه الأفكار بشكل جد.(

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Lipids: a heterogeneous class of naturally occurring organic compounds classified

properties solubilitytogether on the basis of common

insoluble in water, but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents including diethyl

ether, chloroform, methylene chloride, and acetone

Amphipathic in nature

Lipids include

Open Chain forms:

fatty acids, triacylglycerols, sphingolipids, phosphoacylglycerols, glycolipids,

lipid-soluble vitamins

prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes

open chain formsأمثلة على السابمة

Cyclic forms:

cholesterol, steroid hormones, and bile acids

cyclic formsأمثلة على السابمة

تشترن بكونها: lipidsكل ال

*soluble in nonpolar organic solvent (

*insoluble in water)


تعن أن هنان جزء ف المركب ذوب ف الماء واخر لا ذوب ف الماء

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Fatty Acids

Fatty acid: an unbranched-chain carboxylic acid, most commonly of 12 - 20

carbons, derived from hydrolysis of animal fats, vegetable oils, or phospholipids of

biological membranes

Usually contain even numbers of carbons (can contain odd, depending on how

they are biosynthesizedنسبة لللة جدا)

FA that contain C=C, are unsaturated: If they contain only C-C bonds, they are


Length of fatty acid plays a role in its chemical character.

:إلى نوعن fatty acidsمسم ال

*saturated (contain only C-C bonds)

*unsaturated (contain: C=C bond)

:هنان fatty acidsف ال

Short chain fatty acids: have 4 or 6 or 8 or 10 C atoms.

Medium chain fatty acids: have 12 or 14 C atoms.

Long chain fatty acids: have 16 or 18 or 20 C atoms.

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Cذرة 28جب معرفة أنه مكون من *ت

Cذرة 21جب معرفة أنه مكون من *ت

typical naturally occurring saturated FA من ال stearic acid and palmatic acidعد كل من ال

أنه كلما زاد عدد ذرات الكربون زادت ال ةلاحظم معحفظ عدد ذرات الكربون لكل مركب من الجدول

melting point

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ذرة كربون مع رابطة ثنائة واحدة 28ذرة كربون مع رابطتن ثنائتن * 28*

ذرة كربون تحتوي ثلاث روابط ثنائة 28ذرة كربون تحتوي أربع روابط ثنائة * 14*

typical naturally occurring unsaturated FAه أمثلة على Fatty acidsهذه ال

وضح ف ماكن هذه الروابط كما هو مأ جب حفظ عدد ذرات الكربون وعدد الروابط الثنائة وللاحتاطا

.الجدول ف الصفحة التالة

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Δ9-18:1كما ظهر ف الصورة ف الجدول oleicتوضح:على سبل المثال ال ذرة كربون 28وتعن

.24ورلم 9الكربون رلم بن ذرتحتوي على رابطة ثنائة واحدة موجودة

)زاد عدد الروابط الثنائة(: تمل من خلال الجدول أنه كلما زادت درجة عدم الاشباع تبن

.Melting point ال

In most unsaturated fatty acids, the cis isomer predominate; the trans isomer is rare.

Unsaturated fatty acids have lower melting points than their saturated counterparts;

the greater the degree of unsaturation, the lower the melting point.

تحتوي بحث لا trans FAفتسمى straight ذا كانت أما إ cis FAتسمى angleالت تحتوي على FAكل ال

trans FAعلى ال نمثالا stearic FAو palmatic FAوعتبر ال anglesعلى

تكون membraneف ال الموجودة fatty acidsومعظم ال cis FA فتكون unsaturated FAما معظم ال أ

unsaturated FA وذلن تح الحركة ف ال membrane اكما سوضح لاحما.

لكل مركبالكربون حفظ عدد 8.2الجدول * ملاحظة:

مركب لكل ن هذه الروابطحفظ عدد الكربون وعدد الروابط الثنائة واماك 8.1الجدول *

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Cis FA Trans FA

In the shorthand notation for fatty acids

• saturated FA: the number of carbons then (:) then (0) are shown

• unsaturated FA: the number of carbons then (:) then the number and location

of double bonds in the chain raised above delta symbol (Δ) are shown, separated

by a colon

• Note: Counting starts from C of COOH

• Examples: palmitic (16:0)(nodoublebond), stearic (18:0) (nodoublebond), and

oleic acids (18:1Δ9) = double bond between C9 and C10

الثنائة نكتب رلم دل على عدد الكربونات ثم نضع ):( ثم نكتب رلم دل على عدد الروابط الطرمة:

( Δالمركب اذا كان صفر فهو حمض دهن مشبع اذا لم كن صفر وكان رلما اخر فنضع )الموجودة ف

ثم نكتب فولها رلم )او عدة ارلام( دل على مولع الرابطة )او الروابط( الثنائة والترلم بدأ من بجواره

وكون حمض دهن غر مشبع طبعا وذلن لاحتوائه على COOHالكربونة الل عند مجموعة الكربوكسل

روابط ثنائة.

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Essential Fatty Acids

They have to be supplied in the diet without exception.

They are all polyunsaturated fatty acids: the C20 fatty acid arachidonic acid

(20:4 Δ 5,8,11,14) and the two C18 acids linoleic acid (18:2 Δ 9,12) and linolenic acid

(18:3 Δ 9,12 ,15 ).

The animal organism requires arachidonic acid to synthesize eicosanoids

essential FA:ن وجد اثن

Linoleic acid and linolenic acid أماarachidonic صنع( من نتج فهو لا عتبر وذلن لانه(

linoleic acid and linolenicفاذا تم أخذ ممدار كاف من membraneمن ال linoleic acidال

acid بذلن نؤمن حاجتنا من الarachidonic acid عطنا و مهم جداا وهذا لا ملل من أهمته فهو

Prostaglandins,thromboxanes,leukotrienes بال ومركبات أخرى تتعلك

blood coagulation و vasodilatation وvasoconstriction وأشاء أخرى سنتوسع بها لاحما

Eicosanoids ذرة كاربون . 14فهم

كورد الموجود على ( من الر21:14تم شرح ما سبك من لبل الدكتور تحددا ف الدلمة )ملاحظة:


Page 11: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Nutritional fats contain palmitic, stearic, oleic acid, and linoleic acid

particularly often. Unsaturated fatty acids are usually found at the central C

atom of glycerol.

Omega-3 fatty acid

polyunsaturated fatty are3 fatty acids -n or 3 fatty acids-ω also called

(C=C) at the third carbon atom from the end double bond (PUFAs) with a acids

of the carbon chain. which is considered the beginning of the chain, thus

"alpha", and the methyl (-CH3) end, which is considered the "tail" of the chain,

thus "omega"; the double bond is at omega minus 3 (not dash 3). One way in

which a fatty acid is named is determined by the location of the first double

end. -) or the n-, that is, the omega (ωmethyl end bond, counted from the

• -α 3 fatty acids involved in human physiology are-The three types of omega

, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (found in plant oils), linolenic acid (ALA)

(both commonly found in marine oils). docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and

3 ALA fatty acid -containing the omega plant oils Common sources of

while sources of ,flaxseed oil ,algal oil seed oil, , edible seeds,walnut include

, eggs from fish oils fish,3 EPA and DHA fatty acids include -animal omega

chickens fed EPA and DHA, squid oils. Dietary supplementation with omega-

heart or cancer 3 fatty acids does not appear to affect the risk of death,


ولى من جهة مجموعة الكربوكسل تسمى ألفا والت تلها تسمى بتا وثم غاما وثم دلتا لأالكربون اذرة

.وثم ابسلون وهكذا

ب (methyl end) الت بنهاة المركب لمثلما من الجهة الاخرى فنسم الكربون عند مجموعة اأ

بالاعتماد على ذلن unsaturated FAومن الممكن تسمة ال n carbon كاربون او "ω"اومجا" "

" وبعدها رلم شر الى ألرب كربون من -فنسمه من خلال وضع اشارة الاومجا وبعدها اشارة سالب "

لان omega-3ه linolenic acidطة ثنائة...على سبل المثال جهة الاومجا كربون كون فه راب

.ω carbonبالنسبة ل 3الرابطة الثنائة متواجدة على الكربونة رلم

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Triacylglycerol (triglyceride): an ester of glycerol with three fatty acids

natural soaps are prepared by boiling triglycerides (animal fats or

vegetable oils) with NaOH, in a hydrolysis reaction called saponification

(Latin, sapo, soap)

Triglycerides ه الstorage form للlipids كل الدهون الت تكون تحت الجلد وحول الorgans

triglycerides ومن السهل تحول الكربوهدرات الى ،تكون مخزنةtriglycerides وذلن لان ال لتخزنه glycerol

ولا مكن ان تتحول الى تتحول إلى طالة triglyceridesولكن لا مكن التحول بالعكس فال ،من الكربوهدرات تأت

مع alkaline solutionفنضعه مع saponificationهو مهم لعملة ال triglyceridesأن و ذكر. كربوهدرات

.حرارة لتحول الى صابون

%24فشكل نسبة lipids% منه أما ال 34% من غذائنا و شكل البروتن 14شكل الكربوهدرات ت

% بنما شكل 34ما نسبته phospholipidsبنما شكل ال fat intake% من ال 14نسبة triglyceridesشكل ال

%24نسبة cholesterolال

إلى : triglycerideمسم ال

Simple:same type of fatty acid

Mixed :different type of fatty acids ملاحظة مهمة : هذا النوعmore common

A tri acylglyce rol(a tri glyceride )





CH2 O- CR''

NaOH, H2 O



1,2,3-Propane tri ol(Glycerol, glycerin)






R' COO- Na+

R' ' COO-Na+

Page 13: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud


Soaps form water-insoluble salts when used in water containing Ca(II), Mg(II),

and Fe(III) ions (hard water)

بحث حتوي على كالسوم ومغنسوم ومكونات hard waterفاذا هو soft waterإذا لم كن الماء

.soapعبارة عن كتل وكون soap نتجمعدنة كما هو مذكور ف الجملة اللت ف بداة الصفحة ف



A sodium soap(soluble in water as mi cel les )

Calcium salt of a fatty aci d(i nsoluble in water)

2 CH3 ( CH2 ) 1 4 COO-Na


2 +

[ CH3 ( CH2 ) 1 4 COO-] 2 Ca

2 +2 Na


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Hydrolysis of Triglycerides

Chemical hydrolysis, by saponification as mentioned earlier

Enzymatic digestion by lipase enzyme

Enzymatic hydrolysis

ذرح ف خى سطة تذسخح حشاسج اغشفح ذىى اذهى ػذاثلا


ػ طشك ذفاػ وائ وا روش ساتماsaltsى ئ ر ذحىها

The difference between using potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide in


Potassium hydroxide gives soft salt whereas using sodium hydroxide gives

solid salts


• Phosphoacylglycerols (= phospholipids) are the second most abundant group of

naturally occurring lipids

• in plant and animal cell membranes, which typically exclusivelyfound almost

consist of 40% -50% phosphoacylglycerols and 50% - 60% proteins

• phosphatidic the most abundant phosphoacylglycerols are derived from

of two moleculesa molecule in which glycerol is esterified with (Backbone), acid

fatty acid(saturated or unsaturated) and one of phosphoric acid

• the three most abundant fatty acids in phosphatidic acids are palmitic (16:0),

stearic (18:0), and linoleic (18:1)

• Phospholipids are a component in the membranes as discussed in the next chapter

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Phosphatidic acid

Phosphatidyl esters

• further esterification with a

with alcoholweight -molecular-low

gives a phosphate group

phosphoacylglycerol or phosphatidyl


phosphatdic acidػذ R group أطثح هان



CH2 -O- P-O-




O gl yce rol

palmitic acid

stearic acid



Page 16: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

• the most common of these low-molecular-weight alcohols are:

Lecithin Lecithinو اىاع اشاثى و اظاتى رؼط س اػ ىوىلاذحىخىد ف اش

Name and Formula Name of Phospholipid

ethanol amine

+choli ne phosphatidylchol ine

(l ecithin)

phosphatidyle thanol amine(cephali n)

se rine phosphatidylserine



HOCH2 CH2 N( CH3 ) 3


inosi tol phosphatidyli nos itol






gl yce rol

phosphatidylgl yce rol









di phosphatidylgl yce rol(cardiol ipin)

The most common








O P OCH2 CH2 N( CH3) 3




palmitic acid

stearic acid

gl yce rol

choli ne

Page 17: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud

Pulmonary surfactant

Molecular Dynamics simulation of DPPC lipid bilayer formation in two phase systems

Reduces surface tension

diphosphatidylcholin is found around the alveoli of the lungs which decrease surface tension and

prevent respiratory distress syndrome (collapse of the alveoli) in babies for a good respiration

Diagram of the alveoli with both cross-section and external view

Page 18: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud


A complex mixture of esters of long-chain carboxylic acids and alcohols

ث اسرخذ ف ذغ اساساخ و الاحزح اأخىر صىخ اخ او احرا او غشها

Found as protective coatings for plants and animals

و ف احىااخ و اثاذاخ ذحه ااء


Containsphingosine(back bone)

dihydroxyacetone أطهو

, a long-chain (18 C) aminoalcohol from which this

class is named

Found in plants and animals

Abundant in nervous system


Glycolipid: a compound in which a carbohydrate is

bound to an -OH of the lipid

Many glycolipids are derived from ceramides

Ceramide+ simple sugar= cereboside

*With the addition of choline to the sphingosine we will have

sphingomyelin that is present in brain and nervous system

(found in nerves and brain cells)

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Cerebroside from the word cerebrum (part of the brain)

Ganglioside from the word ganglion

And there are 3 types of gangliosides

GM1: the largest one of them and contain N-acetylneuraminic acid which is sialic acid and Glucose,

Galactose, Galactosamine, and galactose as shown in the figure above

Other types GM2 GM3


markers on the membranes and blood groups depend on whether there is galactose or

N-Acetylgalactosamine or both of them of neither

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

(damage in myelin sheath surrounding neurons)

It is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are

damaged.This damage disrupts the ability of parts of the nervous system to communicate,

resulting in a range of signs and symptoms, including physical, mental, and sometimes psychiatric


رماها و هزا إدي اى ػذ الاسرداتح اف خ رحاتطأ او اسالاخ اؼظثحذظثح ػظاب و تارا رضشس اغلاف اىخىد ػى الا

ساي اؼظث

parkinson's diseaseافشق ته و ت

ف ىى اخ Multiple sclerosisاا dopamineث neurotransmittersمض ف رح parkinson's diseaseاه ف

ى ا parkinson's diseaseاا ه ػلاج لا لأ parkinson's diseaseغلاف اا احظ تالاػظاب و هى شع اطؼة

رؼىغ امض dopamineو رحىي اى L-dopaؼطى اشغ

Page 20: Lecture # Lipids and Membranes Edited By : Khansaa Mahmoud


• Steroids: a group of plant and animal lipids that have this

tetracyclic ring (four fused rings) structure

• Composed from three six-membered rings (A, B and C) and one

five-membered ring (D)

• The features common to the ring system of most naturally

occurring steroids are illustrated here

• The nucleus of the steroids called

cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene nucleus

ها ف اسلاذاخ امادحؤساأشد راسرشوذاخ ار س structureو ه الاساس ف


Cholesterol is a 27-carbon atom structure with a hydroxyl group on carbon 3, double bond between 5

and 6, methyl group 18-19 and side chain (8-carbon atoms) on carbon 17

The steroid of most interest is cholesterol

Cholesterol is the major component of biological membranes (especially animal


The precursor of other steroids (sex hormones and vitamin D)

Cholesterol s amphipathic and it is essential in

membrane structures, steroid hormones, bile acid

synthesis, and in vitamin D synthesis

شؼح اشس اىىسرشي ذحد ادذ ف ادس رحىي ػذ ارؼشع لأ

Dاى فرا

هح فراأ D ىاسى و افسفىسذى ف ذظ ارظاص ا

ا ف ذىى اؼظض أو



H3 C


H3 C



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طشك اطؼا اىىسرشوي ر ذظؼه ف ادس تا اثث الاخش ازي حراخه ادس حظ ػه ػ اثث

ػذ طحح رهو ى ذث حذثا atherosclerosisو thrombus formationه اسثة ف ادطاخ و ألذا وا ؼرمذ

هى اساسهأا ئو

infection injury modified LDL (low density lipoprotein) accumulation of platelets thrombus


lipidsاهح ف هض bile acidsو ه وسح دس رخض اىىسرشوي ػى شى bile acidsه رحاىىسرشوي

bile acids formed in the liver and conserved in the gall bladder and then excreted in the duodenum(in

the 2nd

part) for lipid digestion


Androgens: male sex hormones

synthesized in the testes

responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics


Estrogens: female sex hormones

• synthesized in the


• responsible for the

development of female secondary

sex characteristics and control of

the menstrual cycle

AndrosteroneTe stoste rone





H3 C H


H3 C H3 C






Progeste rone Estradiol

H3 C




C= O









H3 C