Download - Lecture 17: The Culture Wars


The Culture Wars

Fighting over the Family

What about the Children?

School PrayerSex Education

School Prayer Engel v. Vitale, 1962

Abington v. Schempp, 1963

ReadingLetters to the Editor, Engel v. Vitale

Sex Education

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 1964

Mothers Organized for Moral Stability (MOMS), 1968

“[If] the new morality is affirmed, our children will become easy targets for Marxism and other amoral, nihilistic philosophies—as well as V.D.!” ~ Gordon Drake, 1968

“If our humanist educrats were as interested in teaching Johnny and Jane to read, write, and do math as they are in making them sexually active before marriage, we would have a nation of teenagers with academic skills, instead of a country of youthful fornicators.” ~ Tim LaHaye, 1983

Abstinence Only Education

Adolescent Family Life Act (AFLA), 1981

Title V of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996

Community-Based Abstinence Education, 2001

Christian Schools Mel and Normal Gabler

The Kanawha County textbook war, 1973

Carter threatens tax exempt status

Mozert v. Board of Education, 1987

“Save Our Children” “As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot

biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.” ~ Anita Bryant

Miami-Dade County, 1977

The Moral Majority

Women’s Liberation

A Woman’s Place is in the Home?

The Divorce Rate

The Equal Rights Amendment

ReadingOpposition to the ERA

"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”

~ Pat Robertson, 1992

What Is a Family?Discussion: How do you define “family”?

ReadingThe White House Conference on the Family, 1980

Marriage Equality The central question: How does growing up in

a same-sex household affect children?

What does it suggest that this is the central question?

The Family in Decline?