Download - Lectio Divina - Amazon S3...own strips of fabric and said “two strips of fabric, not what it once was…unsure of what it will be…and we don’t know how it will come together.”

Page 1: Lectio Divina - Amazon S3...own strips of fabric and said “two strips of fabric, not what it once was…unsure of what it will be…and we don’t know how it will come together.”

Sunday, March 24 Worship Services at

8:30 & 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary

Scriptures Isa. 35:1-10; Luke 7:18-23 Music Ministry At both services, baritone Adam Stefo will sing “It’s Me, O Lord (Standin’ in the Need of Prayer).” At 11:00, Chancel Choir will sing “What Wondrous Love” arranged by David Edmonds and “Kittery” by William Billings.

The Chapel Bell Newsletter of


Music News

Palm Sunday Sacred Concert – Sunday April 14 at 3:00 p.m. On Palm Sunday afternoon, the Chancel Choir will present The Crucifixion by John Stainer. Modeled on the great passion settings of J.S. Bach, Stainer’s Crucifixion is among the most popular of all English choral works and vividly portrays the events of the Passion of Christ. Scored for tenor and bass soloists, organ and mixed choir, the piece combines recitatives, solos, and masterful choruses that range from the graphic mob shouts of “crucify him” to the ethereally beautiful meditation at the work’s centerpiece, God so loved the world.

9450 Clayton Road

St. Louis, MO 63124-1568

Ladue Chapel VBS

Register Now! July 29-August 1, 2019

This year's theme for Vacation Bible School is "Who is My Neigh-

bor?" Children will explore bible stories that talk about how we are

called to love God and love our neighbors, to live peacefully, and

everyone is invited. All children ages 4yrs old-fifth grade are wel-

come to participate. Register at:


This past week I went to the NEXT church conference in Seattle WA. This conference is meant to be a time when pastors, lay leaders, church educators and youth workers gather to talk about what the church might look like in the future. The theme this year was “Woven Together”. During the first worship service, everyone was given a strip of batik fabric. We were asked to hold on to it and think about the places where we experience tightness; in our jobs and communities, in our relationships and spiritual lives—maybe that tightness was due to relationship strain, grief, loss, uncertainty or a whole host of things we couldn’t even name. Then, in a sanctuary filled with almost 600 people, we were invited to tear our pieces of fabric...600 people, 600 pieces of fabric being torn in silence. The pastor then returned to the stage holding two of her own strips of fabric and said “two strips of fabric, not what it once was…unsure of what it will be…and we don’t know how it will come together.” As all 600 of us sat in the pews we were asked to tie our fabric with our neighbors; two strips became four, then eight, twelve—the long strips of tied pieces were taken to the front, strung together, and woven into additional pieces which were added to the backdrop on the chancel. The pastor ended by saying: “The God who was raised form the dead and proclaims the resurrection, is in the business of raising what is dead in us, raising what is dead around us, raising what is dead through us, raising what is dead in spite of us.” As we continue our journey through lent, we are invited to think about the places where we experience tightness; where grief has broken us open, where relationships are strained and need mending, where our hurts are too deep for words—wherever we are holding the pieces of what’s left but not sure how they will come together—may we hold onto and experience the good news that God is in the business of brining about new life.




Drop in on Wednesdays for dinner between 5:30 and 6:15 p.m.

in Fellowship Hall.

March 27, 2019

Pork Tenderloin, veggies, salad, and dessert.

Catered by Carolyn’s

Cost Adults $10

Students (age 10–17) $5 Children (under 9) are free

RSVP to 314-993-4771 ext 0.

Worship to follow at 6:15 p.m.

Pastors’ Bible Study will be led by Rev. Dieter Heinzl in Fellowship Hall.

Bring a friend!

Lectio Divina

When: Sunday, March 24, 12:30-1:15 p.m., in the Fireside Room. Join us as we meditate on God’s Word through the ancient practice of spiritual reading, lectio divina, as we seek a living, transforming relationship with God-in-Christ.

Page 2: Lectio Divina - Amazon S3...own strips of fabric and said “two strips of fabric, not what it once was…unsure of what it will be…and we don’t know how it will come together.”


CALENDAR An extended calendar

is available at

Thursday, March 21

9:00 am Theology Disc. Leutwiler

6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Fireside

7:00 pm Lee Institute Mellow Lib.

7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm

Friday, March 22

7:00 am Lenten Breakfast FHN

11:00 am Memorial Service Sanct,

4:00 pm MTRP Meeting Bickel

Saturday, March 23

10:00 am Memorial Service Sanct,

Sunday, March 24

8:15 am Infant Care Nursery

8:30 am Worship Sanctuary

9:45 am Sunday School Edu Wing

9:45 am Confirmation Class FHC

9:45 am Family Matters FHS

9:45 am Adult Education Various

11:00 am Worship Sanctuary

12:00 pm Mission Intern Interviews Bickel

12:30 pm Lectio Divina Fireside

5:00 pm High School YG FHN

5:00 pm Middle School YG FHC

Monday, March 25

4:00 pm Route 345 Edu Wing

4:15 pm Chorister Choir Choir Rm.

5:00 pm Carol Choir Choir Rm.

Tuesday, March 26

9:30 am Mailing Angels Gulick

9:30 am Program Staff Meeting SCR

10:00 am WA Bandages FHN

12:00 pm WA Bag Lunch FHC

1:00 pm Women’s Study Grp. Mellow

6:00 pm SM Potluck Dinner FHN

7:00 pm SM Training Class Gulick

7:00 pm SM 4th Tues Leutwiler

Wednesday, March 27

8:15 am Men’s Bible Study Leutwiler

5:30 pm WOW Dinner FHN

6:15 pm WOW PBS FHN

7:00 pm SESSION Leutwiler

Thursday, March 28

9:00 am Theology Disc. Leutwiler

6:30 pm Chapel Ringers Fireside

7:30 pm Chancel Choir Choir Rm

Save the Dates!

Celebrate Mark’s Ministry After Church, Sunday, June 30, 2019 Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cares & Concerns Recently Hospitalized or Recovering at Home: Bill Heger, Stu Haupt, Donna and Mac McDonald If you are aware of a member in the hospital or anticipating a hospitalization, please call the church office at 993-4771 ext 0 or speak to one of the pastors. We are available to offer a ministry of care, compassion, and prayer in times of need.

Be a Good Shepherd Leader We are looking for a few Good Shepherd leaders to serve at either the 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. services. Lesson plans are pre-pared for the remainder of the 2018-19 program year. If you are interested in volunteering or would like to learn more, contact Laila Crabtree at [email protected] or Mel Smith at [email protected].

Kindermusik Registration

Kindermusik, a broad-based musical program for 4 and 5-year-old children (must be age four by September 23, 2019), will again be offered at Ladue Chapel during the 2019-2020 school year. Ladue Chapel members have priority registration through April 30. For more information or to register, visit or contact Anne Peacock at 314-993-4771 ext 3122.

Labyrinth Dates

Open for walking meditation the following dates during Lent:

For more information visit:

Thursday, March 28 Friday, March 29 Saturday, March 30 Sunday, March 31 Tuesday, April 16

Wednesday, April 17 Maundy Thursday, April 18

Good Friday, April 19 Holy Saturday, April 20 Easter Sunday, April 21


April Women’s Association Meeting The Women's Association will welcome Master Gardener Carol Gravens on Tuesday, April 2 at 11a.m. in Fireside. Carol will discuss plants that have changed the course of history. Please join us for this informational program. A catered lunch ($10) will be served following the event. We welcome everyone interested to attend. Please join us by calling the church office (993-4771) for a lunch reservation.

Lenten Prayer Retreat

You are invited to rest in God’s presence and allow yourself to receive the pure gift of God.

The retreat is on Saturday, March 30, from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (gather at 8:45 a.m. for

a light breakfast) in the Fireside Room and the cost is $5. Join Dieter

Heinzl and Anne Peacock as we nurture contemplative

practices to enhance life’s journey. The labyrinth will also be available to walk in Fellowship Hall before and after the retreat. Friends welcome. RSVP to Anne Peacock: [email protected]

or 314-993-4771 x3122

Men’s Fellowship Speaker Series The Men’s Fellowship Committee invites you to our next 2019 Speaker Series – Tuesday, April 16! Ladue Chapel member, Senator Kit Bond, will talk about life experiences, learnings, and other insight. Join us on Tues-day, April 16 at 6:15 p.m. for dinner, then lis-ten to Senator Bond. Cost is $15. RSVP in church office, online (, or email Steve Peacock ([email protected]).

Lenten Breakfast Series

All are welcome! Fridays in Fellowship Hall. The morning begins with coffee at 7:30 a.m., breakfast at 7:45 a.m. and the speaker for that day will begin at 8:10 a.m. The cost for breakfast is $10 per person. RSVP to the church office. March 22: Mr. David Erwin, Director of

Music Ministry, Ladue Chapel March 29: Mrs. Anne Peacock,

Ministry Assistant, Ladue Chapel April 5: Rev. Dr. David Mehl,

Executive Director, Interfaith Partnership of St. Louis and Rabbi Roxanne Shapiro, Interfaith Partnership of St. Louis

April 12: Rev. Dr. Dieter Heinzl, Ladue Chapel

April 19: Rev. Dr. Mark Thomas, Ladue Chapel

Men’s Grill Team

They are back in action on Monday, April 8 at 6:00 p.m. to watch the Men’s NCAA Basket-ball Championship! This will be a slightly dif-ferent event as the main entrée is CHILI- tasting. Please make your favorite chili to share and come to Fellowship Hall and watch the Finals with us. Cost is $5 with chili or $15 without. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Steve Peacock at: [email protected] or 314.540.2667.

March St. Patrick Casseroles Just a reminder, St. Patrick Casseroles are due on March 29. The recipe is on the church website. Questions? Contact Lucie Staack.

Donations to Flower & Music Fund If you would like to make a donation for special music or palms and Easter flowers in honor or in memory of someone, please complete this form and submit it with your check to the Church Of-fice by April 8, payable to Ladue Chapel and noting Flower & Music Fund in the memo line. Donor(s) ______________________________ In memory of ___________________________ In honor of _____________________________ Donation ______________________________