Download - Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Page 1: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.


How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires

ability to produce a response

Operant Conditioning – Consequences increase or decrease the likelihood of a response

Social Learning / Cognitive Learning (Modeling)


Page 2: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Classical Conditioning? (Pavlov)

Neutral Stimulus (NS) – causes a sensory response but does not produce the reflex

Unconditioned Stimulus(UCS) – triggers a physical response

Unconditioned Response (UCR) – Unlearned reflex

Page 3: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Classical Conditioning? (Pavlov)

Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – Same as neutral stimulus; now produces a response

Conditioned Response (CR)– Similar to the UCR, but lesser in size & amount

Page 4: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning

We learn to associate two stimuli

Two related events:


Stimulus 1


Stimulus 2

Result after repetition

We see lightning


We wince anticipatingthunder


Page 5: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Pavlov’s Classic Experiment

Before Conditioning

During Conditioning After Conditioning

UCS (foodin mouth)



UCR (salivation)


UCS (foodin mouth)



CR (salivation)

Page 6: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Nausea Conditioning in Cancer Patients



CS(waiting room)

CS(waitingroom) CR




Page 7: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Operant Conditioning ?(Skinner)

Rewards/Punishments determine behavior

Reinforcements – increase the likelihood of a response

Punishment – decreases the likelihood of a response

Page 8: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect ?


actions followed by reward are strengthened and will recur

Page 9: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Can any stimulus result in conditioning?

Generalization – Similar stimuli elicit same response (Little Albert Example)

Discrimination – Only certain stimuli will elicit response

Page 10: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Does conditioning last forever?

Extinction – CS is repeatedly presented without the UCS and eventually will no longer elicit the CR

Spontaneous Recovery – The CR reappears even after an absence of conditioning trials

Page 11: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Can you uncondition learning?

Systematic Desensitization – Blood, needles, snakes, public-speaking

Test anxiety Treating drug desires

Fear/Anxiety Hierarchy Greatest Fear

Least Fear

Page 12: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

How does operant conditioning work ?

**Shaping – successive reinforcement of approximate behaviors as they lead to the desired behavior goal

Application Examples

Page 13: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What’s the difference between Operant and Classical Conditioning?**


GOALIncreases or Decreases a rate of Response


GOALCreate a new response to a neutral stimulus

Page 14: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What’s the difference between Operant and Classical Conditioning? **


ResponseVoluntaryEmitted by ShapingContingent upon




Response Involuntary Reflex Elicited by Stimulus Conditioned by the Pairing presented slightly before

Page 15: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What’s the difference between Operant and Classical Conditioning?**



Behavior depends on Consequences



Organism learns a predictable relationship between NS & UCS

Page 16: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Reinforcement ?

Increases the chance of behavior recurring

Positive – rewards

Negative – removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase the positive behavior

Page 17: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What can reinforce us?***

Primary – food, water, sex …innately satisfying

Secondary – acquires power through experience

Page 18: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What is Punishment ?

Decreases the chance of behavior recurring

Positive – presenting an unpleasant stimulus after a response Negative – removing a reinforcing stimulus after a response

Page 19: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Which will you use as a parent?


Positive Punishment

increases aggression

linked to low self-esteem & depression


Negative Punishment

fewer side effects

Doesn’t model aggression

Page 20: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

Which will you use as a parent?


Only points out what the child should not doCan be used sparing w/ consistency


No severe emotional reactions

Combine with teaching alternative desired behaviors & reinforcement

Page 21: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

How does Partial Reinforcement work?

Fixed Ratio Occurs after a Fixed # of responses

Payment for # of items completed

Page 22: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

How does Partial Reinforcement work?

Fixed Interval

Behavior occurs after a fixed interval of time

Surfers riding waves after so many minutes of time

Page 23: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

How does Partial Reinforcement work?

Variable Ratio

A different number of responses is required for each reinforcement

Las Vegas Slot Machines

Page 24: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

How does Partial Reinforcement work?

Variable Interval

Different amounts of time pass for reinforcements to occur

Bus arrivals (some early, some late)

Page 25: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What must occur for Social Cognitive learning to happen?

Bandura believed that ‘modeling’ is the most powerful learning method

4 Features Attention –Observe Memory – Store the image Imitation – Ability to perform Motivation – incentive to imitate

Skill vs Performance deficits

Page 26: Learning How do we learn through our environment? Classical Conditioning – Neutral stimulus acquires ability to produce a response Operant Conditioning.

What about instincts ? Abilities evolved for survival (Adaptive Learning)

Imprinting – inherited tendencies Preparedness - Taste AversionEthology – study of animal behaviors in natural settings