Download - Leadership Service in Action Cydni Baldwin NC FCCLA State President District 5 Empower your community with...


Leadership Service in Action

Leadership Service in Action

Cydni BaldwinNC FCCLA State PresidentDistrict 5

Empower your community with...

What is this program about?Students empower their communities through the FCCLA Leadership Service in Action program. This allows students to become better acquainted with their communities; through community roles and hands-on experiences. Leadership Service in Action includes extensive amounts of evaluations and developments. This nationally recognized program is quite ideal for any student awaiting to better his/her community, through service projects.

ObjectiveAll NC FCCLA members will learn how to carry out a successful leadership project by empowering his/her community.

Agenda1. Ice Breakersa. Group Scrabbleb. Human Knot2. PresentationGoalsPurposeWorkshop3. HandoutsProject IdeasTime Management

4. Goal SettingKid President (2)5. ActivitiesIdea FinderCreate a Group Project6. Quotes & Conclusion VideoFinal Thoughts

NC FCCLA Goals1. Empower your chapter through increasing overall membership by 8%, middle school membership by 5%.

2. Empower your community through community service.

3. Empower students through Power of One.

FCCLA Purposes

Ice Breaker #1 Group Scrabble: Directions: The leader determines a category (food; animals; colors; etc.)Divide group in halfThe 2 groups then begins to say words back and forth that pertain with the category(for example: Food is the category. Possible Responses: Eggs; apple; chicken; etc.)3. No repeats of words are allowed, if so that person is disqualified


Possible Project IdeasOrganize a campaign to raise money for a cause.Host a walk or event.Raise awareness for a local pet shelter.Make weekly snacks for the homeless shelter.Make quilts and donate to nursing homes.

How to get started? All you need is yourpassion to make a difference and somedetermination to help others.

Lets brainstorm ideas & share!

Answer the 3 questions on your handout individuallyPresent some of your ideas to the groupYou have 5 mins


worksheet #1 & handout #1 Timer Link Spotify

S.W.O.T. AnalysisThis is an ideal analysis to use in order to ensure that your project topic is structurally sound.

Strengths What can you provide that no one else can?What sets your projects apart?KnowledgeLeadership QualitiesPassion for topic

Weaknesses Project very complexLikely to be costly Staff resources are stretchedTime Consuming No-Impact on community

OpportunitiesProject could benefit the communityAllow you to showcase leadership skillsAllow you to represent and publicize FCCLA

Threats Environmental RestraintsRain; tornado; etcTime-Delaysfinancial hold-upsChange in overall idea

Ice Braker # 2Human KnotDirections:Groups of 10-12 are ideal.Arrange group members in a circle, standing shoulder to shoulder.Tell everyone to grab hands of someone across the circle from them.Make sure you are holding the hand of a different person.Tell group members to untangle themselves to make a circle without breaking the chain of hands.If group members break the chain they need to start over.

FCCLA Planning Process Identify Concerns

Set a GoalForm a PlanActFollow-Up

Identify Concerns Brainstorm your concernsEvaluate those concernsNarrow and focus you concerns

Set a Goal Find out what you want to accomplish.Make your goal clear & concise.Set goals that are attainable

Form a planMake a plan to achieve your goalFigure out:WhoWhatWhereWhenHow

ActTime to put all your ideas into action! EVERYTHING IS FINALLY COMING TOGETHER!

Follow-UpAlways remember to follow-upEvaluate your projectvia results or surveyThank the people involvedA sincere hand-written letter is best.

Handout #2

Planning Process Group Exercise Time to take actionIts time to break up into groups of 4-6 peopleCome-up with a community service project and fill out the planning process form accordingly.You have 10 minutesWe will share our ideas as a group and pass out goodies for participation!

Are you ready to Empower your community?...ready...set...go!

Timer Link Spotify Planning Process Worksheet#2

How to spread the word?Via Social MediaInstagram; Twitter; Facebook; etc.Word-of-MouthNewspaper/ RadioDIY Posters/Signs

Sustainability Long-term effectsprojects that have effects beyond immediate reactions

Questions to Consider:Will my project continue without me?Why is my project needed?Is my project timeless?

Final Thoughts

Closing Remarks Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. -Harriet Tubman


Resources Info for Leadership Service in Action

Info for SWOT Analysis