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Page 1: Leadership curriculum (english)

1 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

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1 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

Leadership Curriculum •  strengths based •  ethical •  international

Author: Tobias Illig

Page 2: Leadership curriculum (english)

2 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 2 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curriculum in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

Page 3: Leadership curriculum (english)

3 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 3 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curriculum in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

Page 4: Leadership curriculum (english)

4 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 4 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

Why now? A global company plans to educate young leaders and/or future potential leaders in leadership topics. International standards are to be set and met as part of the global community. It is crucial that a common standard of leadership emerge.

Why this? The curriculum is based on relevant topics, young leaders and/or future potential leaders are now facing or will be facing in the near future. We will highlight some of these topics, but are fully aware that this is only a small representation, but they help highlight the issues. These examples are not to be seen as course change suggestions for your company. We hope these topics will create discussion about the future with key players and stakeholder in the organization. Also we will have to adjust content according to your leadership values or mission statement, so that we can ensure that the suggestions we make fit you. So that everything we do, fits directly to the organization`s vision.

1. Leadership curriculum – why now, why this?

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5 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 5 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curriculum in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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6 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 6 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

Strengths based Research has shown, that people who are functioning in the area of their strength are more productive, more satisfied, have more meaning, get less depressed, stay with the organization longer, and show more prosocial engagement behaviour. People invest the very best of themselves, when the social environment allows it, when their colleagues and supervisors foster strengths in the team and when the organizations culture supports strengths based development.

Ethical We live in a fast changing world. Humanistic, often postchristian values remain, but have to be redefined continuiously. What is good? What values do our organization want to represent? How can we be more productive and relevant? When leaders are trusted they can bring these values to life! That is one reason why ethical leadership is important for modern organizations.

International A global presence is a sign of a successful company. We value cross cultural awareness and diversity.

Strengths based, ethical, international

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7 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

What I am best at

For what the market


What I am passionate



Example: Why strengths based? - Our strengths modell

Mixtum of nature and nurture

Volition, intrinsic motivation, meaning

Investment regarding importance and

impact, amortisation, payable service

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8 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 8 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this, why we? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curriculum in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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9 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 9 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

In the companys global family caring is important to advancement. Being supportive, reliable and a good coworker or boss means something. Not surprisingly the company decided to orientate its leadership style to a modern approach of leadership. Normally the pyramid is wide at the bottom and the manager sits on the top. Servant leadership turns the pyramid around. At the bottom is one supportive, servant minded leader, who coaches and carries others. That is the main mindset expected by your organizations leaders. So the design of our curriculum highlights content that we find consistent to you leadership approach.

It is important that your core values incorporate the curriculum, and encourage you to refer to it often. Our focus is your leadership model. We will chose our content and values deliberately according to your preffered leadership-approach based on your values and mission statement.

Your leadership values and our curricular design

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10 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 10 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this, why we? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curriculum in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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11 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 11 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

Our standard curriculum consist of 9 crucial topics:

0. Feedback StrengthsFinder, VIA-Test, personality profile 1.  Inner stability and Character 2.  Self management and self steering 3.  Project- and time management 4.  Communication and conflict resolution 5.  Teambuilding 6.  Presentation and moderation skills 7.  Change management 8.  Process- and quality management

Overview over the modules

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At the beginning of the curriculum it is very useful to know each one`s strengths and talents. This Is a key aspect of this module, because we know, that we can`t change a person totally, so we have to accept their nature and therefor identifiy their inate talents. Every participant gets his or her own feedback through the Clifton-StrengthsFinder from the Gallup Institute, the Values-in- Action-test from Martin Seligman PhD and one personality-test, that you choose. We may also use a test run in your organization and adjust everything to your specific needs.

Then we evaluate the profiles with the candidates personally by talking to them on the phone or skype, etc. The participant will gain deep knowledge of themselves and can adjust the curriculum directly to the own strengths and talents. So the participants have a better idea of who they are and how they best function. And they know their coworkers are discovering more about themselves as well.

0. StrengthsFinder, VIA-Test, Personality-Profile

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Example: The 34 talent motives of the Clifton-StrengthsFinder

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To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Short introduction to the psychology of personality •  Knowing my own strengths and weaknesses (by nature) •  Knowing, where I come from and what nurtured me •  Analyzing my own lifespan with highlights and crisis. What have I learned? What „made“ me? •  Interpretation und prejudice, when confronted with new people •  Knowing how to manage over-prejudice and my attitude to persons •  Knowing rules of giving and receiving feedback to others and from others •  Crisis as chances to grow •  Winning moments as hint to underlying strengths and talents •  How to adapt all insights to leadership: What is my view of „perfect“ leadership? •  How does it fit to your leadership approach?

1. Inner stability and character (2days)

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15 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 15 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Knowing the foundations of stress theory and why it got so important in todays life to stay healthy

•  Vexationscale of Holmes/Masuda as feedback instrument •  Analyzing own exhausting situation and find the biggest negativ trigger •  Analyzing what`s going on in my own „block box“, cognitive interpretation and change of mind •  Typical reactions to stress: fight of flight and the emotional side •  Typical stressors in leading situations •  How to stay healthy in trying times: The PERMA concept of Martin Seligman (positive

emotions, relationships, meaning and achievement) •  How corporate health management can support staff and be implemented in the organization •  Awareness of positivity in every day life •  The findings of latest wellbeing-research

2. Selfmanagement and selfsteering (2days)

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16 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 16 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

To give an overview we have concentrated on some of the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Why planning, structuring and setting goals is so crucial to steer an organization •  Knowing one`s own driver and vision: What do I expect in my leadership role? •  Principals of time management (task management, from vision to action, planning tools,

working online together, apps and tools to make life easier) •  Principals of virtual collaboration and how to succeed internationally •  Working with project management-tools (Gannt, needs assessment, break-down-structure,

stakeholder-analysis, etc.) •  Leading people in project structures •  External communication and information in projects •  Phases in a project •  Budgeting and controlling in projects

3. Project- and time management (2 days)

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To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Basics of communication theory: sender-reciever, four ears-model •  Relational aspects in communicating to other •  Away from the „blame-and-shame-culture“: Why everybody is asked to soften conflicts •  Why conflicts are important for an international, diversed organization •  How conflicts evolves and what relevant parties contribute: The 9-steps-model •  Types of concflits and their phenotypes (hot/cold, intrapersonal/extrapersonal, etc.) •  Organizational aspects of conflicts (aims, budgets, execution differs, etc.) •  Coping conflict and resolution opportunities, the best sustainable ways •  The right attitude in conflicts: harmless communication and servant leadership •  Personality and conflicts: how to use your strengths in conflict resolution •  Biographic analysis: How we were raised in our families and how that impactes us still today. •  Breaking the circulum vitiosus, bring peace to work

4. Communication and conflict resolution (2 days)

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18 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 18 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  How teams evolve: the different phases in finding together, group dynamic •  The different team roles and implications •  Finding my leadership style, knowing a bright range of other leadership concept, such as

transformational leadership, systemic development, positive leadership •  How these approaches pay in to your leadership model? •  Motivation, loyalty and driver of engagement •  Retention management: keeping the best, building an environment of trust. •  Intercultural aspects in leading people and teams, understanding each other better •  Designing self organized constellations •  Learning from each other, evolving teams culture •  Evaluating people and strengths based career development

5. Teambuilding (2 days)

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19 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 19 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Impression management and my personality as a presenter •  Adapting the message to the audience •  The AIDA-concept •  Body language, hands, legs and facial expressions •  How to deal with difficult situations •  Visualizing techniques •  The right medium for the right purpose •  My role as moderator and facilitator •  Meeting participants and their mindset •  Arguing and communication during meetings •  What has to be done before and after a meeting

6. Presentation and moderation (2 days)

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20 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 20 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Metapher of organizations and their impact on people •  How organizations evolve, what leaders can do, what hinders growth •  The different phases of change, change curve and change house-model •  Overcome resistance and burdens •  Get everyone on board of the change cruise – stakeholder communication and integration •  Structure, culture and other circumstances •  Consultant/Agent competencies required •  Concrete communication skills (building rapport, pacing and leading, etc.) •  Understanding influencing social networks and winning promotors over •  Ignite the fire of change, motivate key player right, keep the flame burning on the long run •  Different social techniques in changes (World Cafe, Appreciative Inquiry, etc.) •  Visualising of social interactions and systems, triggering the right pins

7. Change management (2 days)

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To give an overview we concentrated on the most important topics. Later on we will explain, how we work with participants.

•  Understanding KAIZEN, Six Sigma, etc. and where the philosophies comes •  Experience different notations, how to define processes •  Why are formal processes needed? How can they applied cross functional? •  Modeling new processes and keep track in the management handbook •  The PDCA-Circle in quality management •  Quality and waste •  How to start and keep running quality circles

8. Process- and quality management (2 days)

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22 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 22 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

In general we like to interact. Not because we like it, too, but because people learn better and deeper in interacting with other people and learn together and from each other. Besides that we build a strong community, that lasts. We emphasize practical issues the participants have in the same way we want them to understand the underlying theory and help to form a character.

We use many social interaction forms, like classroom debates, trainer input, learning tandems, small groups, single working, etc. That keeps the seminar interesting and remains attention of the participants.

Overall we find connections between the contents of the modules and of the strengths people have. According to our strengths model showed above, we look for ways to combine the strengths of a person with its will and what the market needs.

How we work with the participants

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23 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 23 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this, why we? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curricula in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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24 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 24 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

The kick-off forum The global community of young leaders and future potentials needs space to meet, space to connect, space to experience each other. It seems to be useful to bring the whole community together at a central place. This forum could be your head-office somewhere in the world for the first time. Such leadership summits can then be held and spread also to senior leaders. The kick- off forum should take 2-3 days, this will be enough space to get in contact with signifcant friends.

The modules Later on the modules could be run also centralized in the head office – welcoming all leaders and potentials around the world. Or regional communities could be defined to hold the seminars in different regions across the world.

Social settings and locations

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25 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 25 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this, why we? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curricula in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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26 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 26 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

Trainer We work with a group of specialized trainers and coaches. For every project we select team members very carefully and work with internationally experienced staff. Today SBCG consists of six permanent network partners, two professors as scientific counsellors and at least 30 further trainers, working freelance for us and with us.

Head lead... ...will be Tobias Illig, founder and Mastercoach of Strengths Based Consulting Group. Tobias works in different branches as coach and consultant. In 2007 he decided to work freelance and build his own company.

Book published in 2011: The strengthsbased organization Several articels published Lectures at diverse universites across Germany, f.e. SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, topic: systemic organizational development for business psychologists

About us

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27 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum 27 | © 2014 Tobias Illig | MADE WITH LOVE AND STRENGTHS IN GERMANY | | Leadership Curriculum

1.  The need for a leadership curriculum – why now, why this, why we? 2.  Our training trias explained – strengths based, ethical, international 3.  The link to your leadership values and the basic underlying design elements 4.  The modules of the curricula in detail 5.  Social settings and locations 6.  About us – trainer, the company, our beliefs and values, references 7.  Project management and timeline

Table of contents

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Project management The project can be lead by Tobias Illig. We very closely work together with your HR department, who might want to take responsibility. In any case we will fit in your organizations structure and contribute as needed.

Quality The quality will be proofed continuously through a special quality system, which measures learning of participants, executing insights from the seminars, evaluates the practical use of the seminar. The evaluation process will be run over online surveys, paper feedback and – if wished – with an own set-up social network.

Project management and timeline

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Preparation and adjustment The curriculum will have to be adjusted to your concrete needs, your values and your culture. This requires some interviews and conceptual work. We estimate 10-20 days.

Strengths test and feedback If wanted every participant gets his/her strengths feedback for about 1 hour at the phone. We calculate on a basis of 60 participants. 60 participants x 1h = 60h. One coach can handle 6 coaches a day, i.e. 10 man days.

Seminars/modules The execution of the seminars will be calculated like this: 60 Participants divided in 6 groups of app. 10 participants. 6 groups x 8 modules x 2 days = 96 days.

Project management and timeline

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Transfer coaching We can offer interims coaching during the modules to implement better into practice. We recommend at least two hours coaching on the phone, i.e. 60 participants x 2 hours x 8 modules = 960 hours. One coach can do 6 hours a day. i.e. 160 man days.

Leadership forum Once a year a forum should be organized and held, also a kick-off-forum should be held. Both for 2-3 days with all the preparation that is needed. This depends on your internal capacities.

Evaluation The evaluation (and conceptualizing of it) will take app. 14 days including meeting with your HR experts and other stakeholders to review the modules and make needed adjustement for further modules.

Project management and timeline

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Time line

Project management and timeline

days D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M

Conception/adjustment app. 10

Execution app. 96

Interim Coaching app. 160

Leadership Forum app. 3

Evaluation + Concept app. 6

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Strengths Based Consulting Group Tobias Illig Im Tal 8 D – 67435 Neustadt an der Weinstrasse

cellular: +49 1523 4151339 mailto: [email protected] URL:
