Download - Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school

  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    K. L. E.Society

    Since 1916

    Learn withPurpose



    Approved by Bar Council of India andaffiliated toKarnataka State Law niver!ity"



  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    $ran!for%in& live!

    t'rou&' education(ver 9 decade! a&o" in 1916" t'e re&ion of Karnataka

    e)perienced t'e birt' of a new era * t'e Karnatak

    Lin&ayat Education Society. It wa! a 'u%ble initiative

    t'at would tran!for% t'e bleak educational land!cape in

    Karnataka and +a'ara!'tra. $'e !a&a be&in! wit' it!

    illu!triou! founder!. Sri. C'ac'adi ,eerab'adrappa

    -unappa e!ai" Sri. Artal /udra&ouda and Sri. ,ai0appa

    Ani&ol" w'o all collectively believed in providin&

    education for t'e co%%on %an. $'eir effort! were ably

    !upple%ented by t'e !even vi!ionarie! * Sri. S.S.

    Ba!avanal" Sri. +./. Sak'are" Sri. B.B. +a%adapur" Sri.

    #.. Katti%ani" Sri. 2anditappa C'ikkodi" Sri. B.S.

    #anc'inal and Sri. Sardar ,eerana&ouda 2atil" wit' t'e

    collective contribution fro% renowned p'ilant'ropi!t!

    of t'e re&ion" !uc' a! Sri. Sir!an&i Lin&ara0" Sri. /a0a

    Lak'a%a&ouda Sarde!ai and Sri. B'oo%araddi Ba!appa

    and 'elp fro% ot'er p'ilo!op'er!" intellectual! and

    educationi!t!" t'e !ociety be&an layin& a !tron&

    educational foundation" wit' it! ba!e at Bel&au%"


    3et anot'er c'apter in t'e 'i!tory of t'e Society 'a!

    be&un wit' t'e newly for%ed KLE niver!ity./eco&ni!ed

    by t'e niver!ity -rant! Co%%i!!ion 4-C5 Be'ind

    t'e Society! endeavour! i! t'e vi!ion" leader!'ip and

    dedication of t'e C'air%an" r. 2rab'akar B. Kore. $'e

    collective effort! of every !in&le %e%ber of t'e Society

    continue to propa&ate t'e pioneerin& !pirit" wit' t'e

    a!!urance t'at t'e niver!ity will ad'ere to t'e 'i&'e!t

    %oral and et'ical !tandard! in providin& t'e fine!t of

    educationIt! pre%ier law in!titution! are brin&in& about a po!itive

    C'an&e in %illion! of live! every year. nder t'e a%bit

    of KLE Society" t'rou&' t'e Law Acade%y w'ic'

    operate! a! t'e u%brella under w'ic' t'e in!titution!

    operate. $'e KLE Law Colle&e" Ban&alore live! up tot'e

    ai%! of t'e KLE Society by enablin& !tudent! to Learn

    wit' 2urpo!e !o t'at t'ey %ay &o on to Live wit'2urpo!e.

    $'e co%%it%ent and dedication of t'e KLE Society 'a!

    %ade it a va!t educational p'eno%enon t'at %ana&e!

    over 711 in!titution! in t'e area of #ealt'care delivery"

    A&riculture" En&ineerin&" I$" Law" 2'ar%acy" 8ur!in&

    (ver 9"::: e%ployee! and %ore t'an ;:"::: !tudent!

    fro% kinder&arten to doctoral pro&ra%%e!" t'e Society

    'a! indeed co%e a lon& way. And" in t'e proce!!" beco%e

    a key player w'o!e co%%endable contribution to

    'ealt'care and education" 'a! &ained &lobal reco&nition.

    r. 2rab'akar B Kore+2


  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    $'e le&al profe!!ion i! one a%on& t'e few t'at 'a! t'e

    potential to %ake a &enuine difference in !ociety. ='ile we

    !ee our!elve! a! facilitator! of c'an&e" it i! t'e pa!!ion and

    co%%it%ent di!played by you t'at %ake! c'an&e po!!ible.

    =e !tron&ly believe t'at t'e et'ic!" value! and !en!e of


    0u!tice you i%bibe fro% t'e faculty at KLE Law Colle&ewill

    !erve to &uide and power your le&al career. 3ou" w'o 'ave

    c'o!en to learn wit' purpo!e" will put t'at learnin& to true

    u!e to live wit' purpo!e.

  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    Ban&alore City

    An enticin& blend of t'e traditional and %odern" Ban&alore i! a%on& t'e fa!te!t &rowin& citie! &lobally.

    $'e city i! a renowned educational centre t'at draw! !tudent! fro% around t'e world due to it! reputation

    for >uality education %atc'ed by e)cellent life!tyle opportunitie!" &ood public tran!port. A vibrant cultural

    environ%ent and facilitie! for !port! and &a%e! en!ure you can pur!ue ot'er intere!t! alon& wit' your law

    education. $'e city i! renowned for it! co!%opolitan population and plea!ant weat'er. =it' KLE Law

    Colle&e located >uite in t'e 'eart of town" you will find it convenient not only to attend cla!!e! but al!o

    en&a&e in ot'er activitie! of your c'oice. +akin& it a &reat c'oice to &et t'e be!t of bot' a law education

    and an e)citin& life!tyle.

    AC Bu! $ran!portation,id'ana Soud'a+etro $ran!portation

  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    +ake a differencecorridor! of corporate 'ou!e!" field of environ%entallaw"

    pur!uit of !ocial 0u!tice or protection of 'u%an ri&'t!.

    $'e KLE Law Colle&e i! an inte&ral part of t'e KLE

    Society! Law Acade%y w'ic' 'a! ? Law Colle&e!under

    it! u%brella. rawin& on eac' ot'er! !tren&t'! t'e

    individual in!titution! are e%powered to provide a

    >uality of Le&al education t'at %ake! a &enuine


    ='en you !tep into KLE Law Colle&e you beco%e part

    of an in!titution t'at believe! le&al !tudie! are t'e %ean!

    to an end. or" lawyer! 'ave t'e power to tran!for%

    !ociety wit' t'eir knowled&e" !kill! and !en!e ofpurpo!e.

    ='ic'ever be t'e branc' of law t'at intere!t! you" at

    KLE Law Colle&e you will &ain a foundation t'at %ark!

    you out a! a co%plete profe!!ional. And t'e nurturin&of ideal! and value! w'ic' enable you to play a po!itive

    role in creatin& a better world. ='et'er it! in t'e

    At KLE Law Colle&e we &ive you t'e power to %ake adifference. Approved by Bar Council of Indiaand affiliated to Karnataka State

    Law niver!ity" #ubli.

    @? year! of le&al education

    /anked 1 a%on& Indian LawColle&e!

    ? year Inte&rated B.A." LL.B cour!e

    ? year Inte&rated B.B.A." LL.B


    @ year LL.B cour!e

    ualified and e)perienced faculty


  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    D2rotection of t'e environ%enti!

    an i!!ue t'at i%pact! not only

    t'e pre!ent &eneration but t'e

    future a! well. or %e t'e !tudy

    of Environ%ental Law i! t'e

    opportunity to %ake a


  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    ? 3ear B.A."LL.B t'e duration of t'e cour!e. =it' 1: batc'e! of !tudent!

    already 'avin& co%pleted t'eir de&ree!" t'i! cour!e 'a!

    proved an ideal one for t'o!e w'o 'ave already c'o!en

    law a! a profe!!ion at t'e 1:F7 !ta&e it!elf.

    IG Se%e!terH

    ='en you opt for t'i! cour!e" you fa!t track your entry

    into t'e le&al profe!!ion by one full year. $'i! dualde&ree

    cour!e enable! you to &ain a &raduate de&ree in Art! a!

    well a! a &raduate de&ree in Law !i%ultaneou!ly over

    I Se%e!ter

    Cour!e I < KannadaSpecial En&li!' renc' 4Kannada i!

    co%pul!ory for all t'o!e w'o 'ave !tudied Kannada a! a !ub0ect att'e SSLC level5

    Cour!e I ue!t for

    knowled&e i! be!t facilitated by creatin& t'e ri&'t

    environ%ent and enablin& interaction. 3ou will find t'at

    our well

    in t'e cla!!roo%! but in t'e canteen and 'o!tel co%%on

    Library wit' nearly 1"::: volu%e! and 0ournal!

    (pen fro% 9 a% to ? p% on workin& day!

    (pen fro% 9 a% and 1 p% on Saturday!

    ully co%puteried for >uick and ea!y acce!! to



  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    E l i & i b i l i t y f o r A d % i ! ! io nB.A." LL.B.Ad%i!!ion! to fir!t year of t'e ? year B.A."

    LL.B. inte&rated cour!e" in all colle&e!

    under t'e 0uri!diction of Karnataka State

    Law niver!ity" i! !trictly ba!ed on %erit"

    ba!ed on t'e %ark! !ecured by t'e

    candidate in t'e >ualifyin& e)a%ination.

    $o be eli&ible for ad%i!!ion in t'e ? year

    B.A." LL.B. inte&rated cour!e" t'e

    candidate !'ouldH

    Karnataka State Law niver!ity" i!

    !trictly ba!ed on %erit" ba!ed on t'e %ark!

    !ecured by t'e candidate in t'e >ualifyin&


    $o be eli&ible for ad%i!!ion in t'e ? year

    B.B.A." LL.B. inte&rated cour!e" t'e

    candidate !'ouldH

    !'all be treated a! ?O5 of total %ark! in

    >ualifyin& e)a%ination" in ca!e of

    &eneral cate&ory applicant! and :O

    4@9.?O and above !'all be treated a!:O5 of total %ark! in ca!e of SC and

    S$ applicant!.

    @ 3ear LL.B.

    'ave !ucce!!fully co%pleted 2reuivalent

    in!titution fro% a forei&n country

    reco&ni!ed by t'e &overn%ent of t'at

    country for t'e purpo!e of i!!ue of

    >ualifyin& certificate on !ucce!!ful

    co%pletion of t'e cour!e" %ay apply for

    and be ad%itted into t'e cour!e.

    2rovided t'at applicant! w'o 'ave

    obtained F7 #i&'er Secondary 2a!!

    Certificate or ir!t e&ree Certificate

    after pro!ecutin& !tudie! in di!tance or

    corre!pondence %et'od !'all al!o be

    con!idered a! eli&ible for ad%i!!ion to

    t'e cour!e.

    2rovided furt'er t'at t'e applicant!w'o 'ave obtained 1:F7 or &raduation

    or po!t &raduation t'rou&' open

    niver!itie! !y!te% directly wit'out

    'avin& any ba!ic >ualification for

    pro!ecutin& !uc' !tudie! are not

    eli&ible for ad%i!!ion to t'e cour!e.

    Be or be le!! t'an twenty year! in ca!e

    of &eneral cate&ory of applicant! and

    le!! t'an twenty

    two year! in t'e ca!e of applicant! fro%

    SC" S$ and ot'er backward

    co%%unitie!a! on 1!t


    # a v e !ecured % a r k ! " w ' i c '

    !'all not

    be below

    ?O 4.?O

    and above

    Ad%i!!ion! to fir!t year of t'e @ year LL.B.

    cour!e" in all colle&e! under t'e 0uri!diction

    of Karnataka State Law niver!ity" i! !trictly

    ba!ed on %erit" ba!ed on t'e %ark! !ecured

    by t'e candidate in t'e >ualifyin&


    $o be eli&ible for ad%i!!ion in t'e @ year

    LL.B. cour!e" t'e candidate !'ouldH

    'ave !ucce!!fully co%pleted 2reuivalent

    in!titution fro% a forei&n country

    reco&ni!ed by t'e &overn%ent of t'at

    country for t'e purpo!e of i!!ue of

    >ualifyin& certificate on !ucce!!ful

    co%pletion of t'e cour!e" %ay apply for

    and be ad%itted into t'e cour!e.

    2rovided t'at applicant! w'o 'ave

    obtained F7 #i&'er Secondary 2a!!

    Certificate or ir!t e&ree Certificate

    after pro!ecutin& !tudie! in di!tance or

    corre!pondence %et'od !'all al!o be

    con!idered a! eli&ible for ad%i!!ion to

    t'e cour!e.

    2rovided furt'er t'at t'e applicant! w'o

    'ave obtained 1:F7 or &raduation or

    po!t &raduation t'rou&' open

    niver!itie! !y!te% directly wit'out

    'avin& any ba!ic >ualification for

    pro!ecutin& !uc' !tudie! are not

    eli&ible for ad%i!!ion to t'e cour!e.

    Be or be le!! t'an twenty year! in ca!e

    of &eneral cate&ory of applicant! and

    le!! t'an twenty two year! in t'e ca!e ofapplicant! fro% SC" S$ and ot'er

    backward co%%unitie! a! on 1!t une.

    #ave !ecured %ark!" w'ic' !'all not be

    below ?O 4.?O and above !'all be

    treated a! ?O5 of total %ark! in

    >ualifyin& e)a%ination" in ca!e of

    &eneral cate&ory applicant! and :O

    4@9.?O and above !'all be treated a!:O5 of total %ark! in ca!e of SC and

    S$ applicant!.

    #ave &raduated in any di!cipline of

    knowled&e fro% a niver!ity e!tabli!'ed

    by an Act of 2arlia%ent or by a StateLe&i!lature or an e>uivalent national

    in!titution reco&ni!ed a! a ee%ed to be

    niver!ity or orei&n niver!ity

    reco&ni!ed a! e>uivalent to t'e !tatu! of

    an Indian niver!ity by an aut'ority

    co%petent to declare e>uivalence" %ay

    apply for t'ree year de&ree cour!e in law

    leadin& to t'e confer%ent of LL.B.

    de&ree on !ucce!!ful co%pletion of t'e

    re&ular pro&ra%%e conducted under

    t'e!e /e&ulation!.

    Be or be le!! t'an t'irty year! in ca!e of&eneral cate&ory of applicant! and t'irty

    five year! in t'e ca!e of applicant! fro%

    SC" S$ and ot'er backward co%%unitie!

    a! on 1!t une.

    #ave !ecured %ark!" w'ic' !'all not be

    below ?O 4.?O and above !'all be

    treated a! ?O5 of total %ark! in ca!e of

    &eneral cate&ory applicant! and :O of

    total %ark! in ca!e of SC and S$


    B.B.A." LL.B.

    Ad%i!!ion! to fir!t year of t'e ? year

    B.B.A." LL.B. inte&rated cour!e" in all

    colle&e! under t'e 0uri!diction of

  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    D=e cannot for&et t'at

    t'i! profe!!ion

    an!wer! to a 'i&'er

    callin& t'at a! lawyer!

    we owe it to our!elve!

    to &ive a voice to t'e


  • 7/24/2019 Law Colleges in Bangalore - KLE Law school


    Liive wiith Purpose

    K L E Society!

    Law Colle&e

    2o!t Bo) 8oH 1:?9" 7ndBlock" /a0a0ina&ar"
