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Page 1: Laser Guided Bombs

Laser & Satellite guided strikers


Operating principle:

Laser-guided bombs have an internal semi-active guidance system that detects

laser energy and guides the weapon to the target illuminated by an external laser


Laser designators radiate a narrow beam of pulsed energy in the near infrared

wavelength spectrum. These are semi active illuminators used to tag the desired spot.

These can be aimed such that laser energy precisely designates the chosen spot on the

target. Laser designator can be located in the delivery aircraft, another aircraft or on a

ground source.

Typical LGB seekers comprise an array of photo diodes to decode the laser

pulsed repetition frequency (PRF) and derive target position signals. Laser designators

and seekers use a pulse coding system to ensure that a specific seeker and designator

combination work in harmony. By setting the same code in both the designator and the

seeker will track only the target designated by the chosen designator.

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Laser & Satellite guided strikers

Laser designators provide precision target marking for air support. LGBs with TV

or infrared seeker in their nose show the target to the attacking pilot on a screen in the

cockpit. The pilot fixes cross hairs on the target and marks it for the weapon to aim at.

The target scatters the received laser energy in all the directions. LGB seeker having a

limited field of view receives a small part of the scattered energy and decodes it. If the

received PRF code matches the preprogrammed code, the pilot fires the bomb. It then

horns onto the reflected laser energy to attack the target

Some LGBs require laser target illumination before launch or release and/ or

during the terminal portion of flight. The LGB flight path can be divided into three

phases: ballistic, transition, and terminal guidance.

During the ballistic phase, the weapon continues on the unguided trajectory

established by the flight path of the delivery aircraft at the moment of release. In this

phase, the delivery altitude takes on additional importance, since maneuverability of the

unguided bomb is related to the weapon velocity during terminal guidance. Therefore,

airspeed lost during the ballistic phase equated to a proportional loss of maneuverability.

So the closer to the target the release of the bomb, the more the accuracy of the bomb

The transition phase is where initial acquisition of the designating laser takes

place. During this phase, the weapon attempts to align its velocity vector with the line of

sight vector to the target. Once a lock has been achieved, the guidance system uses the

canards to try and keep the bomb within the cone of the reflected laser energy.

The terminal phase is when the reflected laser centers on the seeker causing the

bomb to dive to the target. LGBs are excellent performers in dive deliveries initiated

from medium altitude. A steep, fast dive attack increases LGB maneuvering potential and

flight ability. Medium-altitude attacks generally reduce target acquisition problems and

more readily allow for target designation by either ground or airborne designation

platforms. Medium-altitude LGB dive delivery tactics are normally used in areas of low

to medium threat.

LGBs miss the target if the laser is turned on too early: During certain delivery

profiles where the LGB sees laser energy as soon as it is released, it can turn from its

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Laser & Satellite guided strikers

delivery profile too soon and miss by failing short of the target. To prevent this, the laser

designator must be turned on at the time that will preclude the bomb from turning down

toward the target prematurely. Normally, the pilot knows the proper moment for laser

‘on’. The specific LGB and the delivery tactics of the attacking aircraft dictate the

minimum designation time required to guide the weapon to the intended target.

The four basic requirements for effective use of laser designators with LGBs are:

1. The PRF code of the laser designator and the LGB must be compatible

2. A direction of attack must be determined because the LGB must be able to

sense sufficient laser energy reflecting from the target being designated.

3. The laser designator must designate the target at the correct time.

4. The delivery system must release the weapon within the specific weapon’s

delivery envelope.

Significance of PRF coding:

The pulse coding system ensures that only a specific designator and seeker

combination works. It can be used effectively and securely with LGBs .LGB codes are

set on the bombs before take off and cannot be changed in the air. Individual aircrafts

may carry LGBs with different preset codes. Different preset codes allow for multiple

aircraft attacks, multiple weapon release and a variation in codes for consecutive attacks.

Coding allows simultaneous attacks on multiple targets by a single aircraft, or

flights of aircraft, dropping LGB set on different codes. This tactic may be employed

when several high-priority targets need to be attacked expeditiously and can be

designated simultaneously by the supported units. Selection of PRF code can affect the

target engagement success. A higher pulse rate gives the seeker the best opportunity to

acquire the target in the time available; it is appropriate for the most important targets

and the most difficult operating conditions.

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Laser & Satellite guided strikers

Important modules of laser-guided bomb:

The normal gravity bomb, often referred to as ‘Dumb-Bomb’, can be converted

into a smart bomb by adding an LGB kit to it. The kit significantly improves the

accuracy of the gravity bomb, there by reducing the collateral damage. Thus all LGB

weapons essentially comprise the normal cavity bomb, computer group, guidance

canards and a wing assembly.

The computer control group is mounted on the nose of the bomb and is the front-

end guidance system. The computer section transmits directional command signals to the

appropriate pairs of canards. The guidance canards are attached to each quadrant of the

control unit to change the flight path of the weapon. The computer control group detects

the laser-illuminated target, decodes the laser PRF and provides weapon guidance signals

to the movable guidance fins. The canards reacts to the signals received from the

computer control group to direct the weapon to the target.

The wing assembly is mounted on the aft end of the bomb body. It adds necessary

aerodynamic and lifts for in-flight maneuvering. An electric fuse is installed in the tail of

the bomb. LGBs are maneuverable, free fall weapons requiring no electronic

interconnect to the aircraft.

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1. Paveway laser-guided bombs:

Pave means precision avionics vectoring equipment. Three generations of

paveway LGB technology exist, each representing a modification in the guidance


1. Paveway 1: The guided-bomb unit (GBU) Paveway 1 LGBs had fixed wings.

The front wings are called canards, while the rear ones are called wings.

2. Paveway 2: They have ‘pop-out’ wings, which makes handling and carriage

easier. Other modifications include improved canards, upgraded sensor optics, reduced

weight, reduced start up times and improved field of view. They were able to detect laser

light emissions coded using the PRF technique.

3. Paveway 3: This is the latest version. The computer control group uses

proportional guidance, which increases bomb range and accuracy.

Designation Guidance System Munition

GBU-2 KMU-421/B SUU-54/b 2000-lb cluster bomb


GBU-10 A/B KMU-351 A/B Mk 84 2000-lb bomb

GBU-12 A/B KMU-388 A/B Mk 82 500-lb SNAKEYE

GBU-12 A/B KMU-420 /B Mk 20 Mod 2 ROCKEYE 500-lb bomb

GBU-12 A/B KMU-342 /B M117 750-lb bomb


GBU-10 D/B KMU-351 E/B Mk 84 2000-lb bomb

GBU-12 C/B KMU-388 C/B Mk 82 SNAKEYE 500-lb bomb

GBU-16 C/B KMU-455 /B Mk 83 1000-lb bomb

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2. Bombe a Guidage Laser: It features pop-out tailfins.

3. Griffin:

It has been working on a new laser seeking system named the Advanced Laser-

Guided Bomb (ALGB) with improved accuracy, which appears to be the basis for a new

LGB series called Lizard.

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1. Lantirn. Lockheed martin low-altitude navigation and targeting Infrared for night

(Lantirn), is a pair of pods comprising the following: (a) The AN/AAQ-13 navigation

pod, which includes FLIR and radar for terrain following and mapping, plus support

computing and other electronics. (b) The AN\AAQ-14 targeting pod, with FLIR and a

laser designator.

2. Litening. The unit comprises a pod containing 5 major sensors, a high resolution

CCD, FLIR, laser illuminator, laser detector and a strap-down system.

3. TIALD. It is thermal imaging airborne laser designator.

4. PDLCT. Pod de Designation Laser a Camera Thermique, meaning laser designation

pod with infrared camera


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Although LGBs are smart, precision weapons, these have some serious

drawbacks. Smoke, dust and debris can impair the use of laser-guided munitions. The

reflective scattering of laser light by smoke particles may present false targets. Rain,

snow, fog and low clouds can prevent effective use of laser-guided munitions. Heavy

precipitation can limit can limit the use of laser designators by affecting the line of sight.

Snow on the ground can affect the accuracy of laser-guided munitions. Fog and low

clouds block the laser guided munition seeker’s field of view, which reduces the

guidance time. This in turn affects the probability of hit.

LGBs can miss the target if the laser is turned on too early there is also the

problem of picking up the wrong target, by faults of maps or by sight recognition. Also

the designator must project a laser spot steadily on the target for the final 10-30 seconds

of flight at an angle that the weapons can see. LGBs have a limited off-axis capability;

therefore precise attack planning is essential for laser mission accomplishment. Precise

target marking with laser designators, is directly related to target size and aspect, laser

beam divergence and designation angle.

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The precise work required by pilots in dropping LGBs sparked the development

of other forms of guided weapons that do not require pilot’s guidance. Additionally, the

weather limitations spawned a new breed of weapons that allow for accurate deployment

in adverse weather conditions. Such weapons are guided using global positioning satellite

(GPS) technology and are called Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs. These are

one of the military’s chief solutions to the problem of laser guidance being affected by

weather. Moreover, GPS is designed to be resilient to jamming effects.

Operation principle:

JDAM is an add-on guidance kit attached to the tail of the normal gravity bomb

to change it from a conventional weapon to a GPS-guided smart bomb.

GPS uses a constellation of 24 Navstar satellites that orbit the earth to provide

accurate navigational signals. Each satellite orbits the earth to provide accurate

navigational signals. Each satellite orbits the earth every 12 hours in a formation that

ensures that every point on the planet is in radio contact with at least four satellites. Each

Satellite continuously broadcasts a digital radio signal that includes both its own position

and the time, exact to a billionth of a second. A GPS receiver compares its

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own time with the time sent by a satellite and uses the difference between the two times

to calculate its distance from the satellite. By checking its time against the time of three

satellites whose positions are unknown, the receiver can pinpoint its longitude, latitude

and altitude.

For the system to work, the receiver has to know exactly where the satellites are

and the satellites have to be able to keep accurate time, Accuracy is ensured by having

each satellite carry four atomic clocks- the most accurate timing devices ever made. Thus

by using satellite technology, GPS identifies both military and civilian user location

anywhere on the earth and at any time within seconds.

Potential target areas are mapped out ahead of time, identifying potential targets

by their location (height above sea level. Latitude and longitude) With respect to the GPS

system. When an attack raid is planned, the GPS guided weapon automatically begins its

initialization process during captive carry when the aircraft applies power. It performs

BIT and aligns its inertial navigation system, (INS) with the host aircraft’s system.

Targeting data is automatically downloaded to the weapon from the host aircraft.

When the host aircraft reaches the release point within the launch acceptable

region (LAR), The weapon is released. Weapon maneuverability and range are enhanced

by fixed aerodynamic surfaces (mid-body strakes) attached to the bomb body, once

released, the bomb’s INS/GPS takes over and guides the bomb to its target regardless of

weather. Guidance is accomplished via the tight coupling of an accurate GPS with a 3-

axiz INS

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Important Modules of JDAM.

The JDAM kit comprises a tail kit and a set of strakes that attach to 2000-pound

MK-48 and BLU-109 warheads and 1000-pound MK-83 warheads.

A fundamental model component that is common to all JDAM configurations is

the guidance control unit (GCU). The GCU consists of the mission computer, inertial

measurement unit (IMU), GPS receiver module (GPSRM) and the power supply. The

IMU contains three ring laser gyros and accelerometers. The GPSRM consists of a 5-

channel P(Y)-code receiver with full selective availability/anti-spoofing capability.

Autonomous launch-and-leave operation is achieved with the GPS-aided INS, an

adaptive optimal guidance algorithm, an autopilot that features a robust servo structure

and a tail actuator sub-system.

The JDAM INS functions in unaided or GPS-aided navigation mode. INS-only is

defined when GPS signal becomes unavailable, for example. GPS is jammed. In such a

situation, The INS provides rate and acceleration measurements, which the weapon

software develops into a navigation solution. This inherent capability counters the threat

from near-term technological advances in GPS jamming.

Four fins attached to the GCU provide for both flight control and lift.

Stabilization and additional lift are provided by strakes attached to the sides of the bomb,

By utilizing GPS/INS the weapon becomes fully autonomous once released and

navigates to the designated target coordinates while being unaffected by weather or target

conditions. The INS, with GPS updates, allows control fins to correct trajectory until the

moment of impact.

The target coordinates are sent to the bomb in two different ways. In preplanned

targeting, all the target details including the desired bomb release envelope are uploaded

to the aircraft before take-off. While in flight, the JDAM unit receives updates from the

aircraft’s own INS/GPS. Allowing it to track its own position and compensate for

alterations to the desired release window. When the pilot is within the predetermined

release envelope, the bomb is released. The onboard GPS/INS then guides the weapon to

the preset target coordinates. If for any reason GPS information is unavailable, the

system will rely purely on Ins, which although not so accurate as GPS, keeps the bomb

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within an acceptable impact distance. The second method of delivery allows the pilot

redesignate targets while in-flight.

Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

GBU-29, GBU-30, GBU-31, GBU-32

The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) GBU-31 is a tailkit under development

to meet both USAF and Navy needs, with the Air Force as the lead service. The program

will produce a weapon with high accuracy, all-weather, autonomous, conventional

bombing capability. JDAM will upgrade the existing inventory of general purpose and

penetrator unitary bombs, and a product improvement may add a terminal seeker to

improve accuracy. JDAM can be launched from approximately 15 miles from the target

and each is independently targeted.

JDAM is not intended to replace any existing weapon system; rather, it is to provide

accurate delivery of general purpose bombs in adverse weather conditions. The JDAM

will upgrade the existing inventory of Mk-83 1,000- and Mk-84 2,000-pound general

purpose unitary bombs and the 2,000-pound hard target penetrator bomb by integrating a

guidance kit consisting of an inertial navigation system/global positioning system

guidance kit. The 1,000-pound variant of JDAM is designated the GBU-31, and the

2,000-pound version of the JDAM is designated the GBU-32. JDAM variants for the

Mk-80 250-pound and Mk-81 500-pound bombs are designated GBU-29 and GBU-30,

respectively. Hard Target penetrators being changed into low-cost JDAMs included the

2,000 pound BLU-109 and 1,000 pound


Mission plans are loaded to the host aircraft

prior to take off and include release

envelope, target coordinates and weapon

terminal parameters. The weapon

automatically begins its initialization process

during captive carry when power is applied

by the aircraft. The weapon performs bit, and aligns its INS with the host aircraft’s

system. Targeting data is automatically down loaded to the weapon from the host

aircraft. When the host aircraft reaches the release point within the Launch Acceptable

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Region (LAR), the weapon is released. Weapon maneuverability and range are enhanced

by fixed aerodynamic surfaces (mid-body strakes) attached to the bomb body.

Once released, the bomb's INS/GPS will take over and guide the bomb to its target

regardless of weather. Guidance is accomplished via the tight coupling of an accurate

Global Positioning System (GPS) with a 3-axis Inertial Navigation System (INS). The

Guidance Control Unit (GCU) provides accurate guidance in both GPS-aided INS modes

of operation (13 meter (m) Circular Error Probable (CEP)) and INS-only modes of

operation (30 m CEP). INS only is defined as GPS quality hand-off from the aircraft with

GPS unavailable to the weapon (e.g. GPS jammed). In the event JDAM is unable to

receive GPS signals after launch for any reason, jamming or otherwise, the INS will

provide rate and acceleration measurements which the weapon software will develop into

a navigation solution. The Guidance Control Unit provides accurate guidance in both

GPS-aided INS modes of operation and INS-only modes of operation. This inherent

JDAM capability will counter the threat from near-term technological advances in GPS


The weapon system allows launch from very low to very high altitude and can be

launched in a dive, toss, loft or in straight and level flight with an on-axis or off-axis

delivery. JDAM also allows multiple target engagements on a single pass delivery.

JDAM provides the user with a variety of targeting schemes, such as preplanned and

inflight captive carriage retargeting.

JDAM is being developed by Lockheed Martin and Boeing [McDonald Douglas]. In

October 1995, the Air Force awarded a contract for EMD and for the first 4,635 JDAM

kits at an average unit cost of $18,000, less than half the original $40,000 estimate. As a

result of JDAM's pilot program status, low-rate initial production was accelerated nine

months, to the latter half of FY 1997. On April 30, 1997, the Air Force announced the

decision to initiate low-rate initial production (LRIP) of JDAM, with the first production

lot of 937 JDAM kits. The JDAM Integrated Product Team achieved a phenomenal 53

guided JDAM weapon releases in the six months prior to the LRIP decision. JDAM

demonstrated high reliability and outstanding accuracy. Twenty-two of the weapon

releases were accomplished during an early Air Force operational assessment. Over a

four-week period operational crews put JDAM through an operationally representative

evaluation, including targets shrouded by clouds and obscured by snow. All 22 weapons

successfully performed up to their operational requirements including overall accuracy of

10.3 meters, significantly better than the 13 meter requirement. Early operational

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capability JDAMs have been delivered to Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., and low-rate,

initial production JDAM deliveries begin on 02 May 1998. McDonnell Douglas

Corporation of Berkeley, MO, was awarded on 02 April 1999, a $50,521,788 face value

increase to a firm-fixed-price contract to provide for low rate initial production of 2,527

Joint Direct Attack Munition kits. The work is expected to be completed by January


The JDAM program is nearing the end of its development phase. More than 250 flight

tests involved five Air Force and Navy aircraft. JDAM will be carried on virtually all Air

Force fighters and bombers, including the B-1, B-2, B-52, F-15E, F-16, F-22, F-117, and


JDAM was certified as operational capable on the B-2 in July 1997. Limited Initial

Operational Capability was achieved on the B-52 in December 1998.

The B-1B Lancer conventional mission upgrade program is configuring the B-1B to

carry out its role as the primary Air Force long-range heavy bomber for conventional

warfare. The 11 Feb 1998 drop from a B-1B was the 122nd guided JDAM launch. The

depot at Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center will install the modification kits in the

initial block of bombers by January 1999, giving Air Combat Command seven JDAM-

capable B-1B bombers 18 months ahead of the initial program schedule.

Potential Upgrades

The JDAM product improvement program may add a terminal seeker for

precision guidance and other system improvements to existing JDAMs to provide the Air

Force with 3-meter precision and improved anti-jamming capability. The Air Force is

evaluating several alternatives and estimates that the seeker could be available for

operations by 2004. The seeker kit could be used by both the 2,000-pound blast

fragmentation and penetrator JDAMs.

The Advanced Unitary Penetrator (AUP), a candidate to be integrated with a GBU-31

guidance kit, is a 2000 lb. class penetrator warhead intended as an upgrade/replacement

for the BLU-109 warhead in applications requiring increased penetration. The AUP is

designed to provide increased penetration capability over the BLU-109 warhead while

maintaining the same overall weight, mass properties, dimensions, and physical

interfaces associated with the BLU-109 warhead. This concept integrates the AUP

warhead with the GBU-31, the JDAM tail kit for 2,000 lb class warheads. This concept

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uses the Hard Target Smart Fuze (HTSF), an accelerometer based electronic fuze which

allows control of the detonation point by layer counting, distance or time. The

accelerometer senses G loads on the bomb due to deceleration as it penetrates through to

the target. The fuze can distinguish between earth, concrete, rock and air.

The boosted penetrator concept is based on achieving maximum penetration without

sacrificing operational flexibility. Total system weight will be less than 2,250 pounds so

that it can be carried by all AF tactical aircraft and bombers as well as the Navy’s F/A-

18. The goal is to achieve greater penetration than the GBU-28 with a near term,

affordable design. A dense metal warhead will be used with a wraparound rocket motor

to allow internal carriage in the F-117. Advanced explosives will be used to compensate

for the reduced charge weight. This concept integrates the boosted penetrator warhead

with a JDAM guidance kit with an adverse weather Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

The Ballasted Penetrator in GBU-32 concept is a 1000 pound dense or ballasted

penetrator integrated with a GBU-32 guidance kit using compressed carriage for internal

carriage in advanced fighters (F-22, JSF) or carriage in cruise missiles (JASSM,

CALCM, ACM, ATACMS, Tomahawk.) The warhead would either be designed with a

dense metal case or contain dense metal ballast for maximum penetration. The warhead

will be filled with an advanced insensitive explosive to compensate for the reduced

charge weight. The warhead will be integrated with the GBU-32, the JDAM tail kit for

1,000 lb class warheads.

The Boosted Unitary Penetrator concept is based on achieving maximum penetration in a

weapon that will fit internally in the F-22. Total system weight will be less than 1300

pounds. A dense metal warhead will be used with a wraparound rocket motor. Use of

next generation compressed seekers and aero-control designs along with reaction jet

control will allow the size to shrink sufficiently to fit inside F-22 and JSF. Advanced

explosives will be used to compensate for the reduced charge weight. This concept

integrates the boosted penetrator warhead with a JDAM guidance kit with an adverse

weather Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).

The JDAM/BLU-113 concept improves the GBU-28 by enhancing the nose design of the

BLU-113 warhead for improved penetration. The warhead nose reshape will improve

BLU-113 penetration by more than 25%. The penetration could potentially be further

improved by replacing the traditional HE fill with a dense explosive. The design involves

integrating the improved BLU-113 warhead with a JDAM tail kit.

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The Compressed Carriage GBU-32, J1K, enhanced fill concept is a JAST-1000 warhead

with enhanced fill integrated with a GBU-32 guidance kit using compressed carriage for

internal carriage in advanced fighters (F-22, JSF) or carriage in cruise missiles (JASSM,

CALCM, ACM, ATACMS, Tomahawk.) The warhead is a combined penetrator and

blast/fray warhead. The warhead shape is optimized for penetration and the enhanced fill

`and internal liner provide blast and controlled fragmentation capability. The warhead is

shrouded to match the MK-83 mass properties and interfaces. The warhead will be

integrated with the GBU-32, the JDAM tail kit for 1,000 lb class warheads. Use of aero-

control designs along with reaction jet control will allow the size to shrink sufficiently to

fit inside F-22 and JSF. This concept uses the Hard Target Smart Fuze (HTSF).

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Mission Close air support, interdiction, offensive counterair, suppression of enemy air defense, naval anti-surface warfare, amphibious strike

Targets Mobile hard, mobile soft, fixed hard, fixed soft, maritime surface


Service Air Force and Navy Air Force

Program status Development

First capability 1997 2004

Guidance method GPS/INS (autonomous) GPS/INS mid-course with a terminal seeker yet to be selected

Range Greater than 5 nautical miles, up to 15 miles

Circular error probable 13 meters using integrated GPS/INS unit 30 meters using INS only

3 meters

Development cost

$683.9M FY 1995 estimate $399.3M FY 1999 estimate

Air Force has programmed about $76.5 million for development through 2001

Production cost $4,154.4 million

Total cost $4,650.6 million

Acquisition unit cost $62,846

Average unit cost (40,000 units)

$18,000 current estimate $42,200 initial estimate

Quantity Navy: 12,000 Air Force: 62,000

5,000--kits to be added to basic JDAM

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Although JDAMs are ten times more accurate than unguided bombs and ten times

cheaper than LGBs, these are not foolproof either. If GPS guided weapon loses touch

with the guiding satellite signals, it falls back on inertial navigation and calculates its

position in relation to its last fixed position. In such a situation the inaccuracy of JDAM

rises to about 30 metres. Since GPS-guided weapons aim at preprogrammed coordinates

of the target. Coordinates of the target have to be precisely known.

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"In World War II it could take 9,000 bombs to hit a target the size of an aircraft shelter.

In Vietnam, 300. Today we can do it with one laser-guided munition from an F-117."

GPS-guided munitions are much safer and cheaper than laser guided bomb. These

can be dropped from much higher altitudes, as against laser-guided bombs that require

bomber crews to fly low enough to identify the target and illuminate it with a laser before

dropping the bomb. GPS guided weapons are not affected by harsh weather conditions,

nor do they leave the gunner vulnerable to attack.

As technology continues to advance, the face of warfare will continue to change.

Efforts are on to improve the CEP of JDAM to 3 meters by adding the direct attack

munition affordable seeker kit using cheap COTS components.

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Laser & Satellite guided strikers


• Howstuffworks How Smart Bombs Work.htm


• JDAM Public Page @ Eglin AFB

• JDAM @ Boeing

• Fundamentals of Lasers

• LASER RANGE SAFETY Range Commanders Council, White Sands Missile

Range, OCTOBER 1998

• Acquisition Reform Success Story Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)

• India today