Download - Larrys Newsletter No.70

Page 1: Larrys Newsletter No.70

Number 70 ANumber 70 Appril 2006ril 2006LARRLARRYY’S NEWSLET’S NEWSLETTERTER

Easter in Banbury

Eliots Birthday

Birthday Fun

Page 2: Larrys Newsletter No.70

EEaasstteerr IInn BBaannbbuurryyEEaasstteerr IInn BBaannbbuurryyOn Easter Saturday we

visited Lynnes Mom & Dadin Banbury. Isobel and

Morgan wore GreatGrandad out as usual,

Auntie Sue came round tovisit, and the girls went

home with more money thanthey came with!!!

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OOnn EEaasstteerr MMoonnddaayy,, Larry,

Lynne and Elise spent the

day at the West Midlands

Safari Park. Lynne and Elise

went on the rides, and then we

joined the ‘traffic jam’ to see

the animals.

BanBan k Hok Ho lidaylidayon Saon Sa farifari

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E l i oE l i o t ' s 1 2 t ht ' s 1 2 t hBB i r t h d a yi r t h d a y

SSuunnddaayy 2233rrdd AApprriill wasEliot's 12th Birthday. We alljoined him in Leicester forhis ordination to the AaronicPriesthood, and a party after.

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