Download - Language and Critical Thinking

  1. 1. Language Guiding Our Thinking
  2. 2. Levels of Communication Words 7% Paralanguage 38% Non Verbal 55%
  3. 3. Definitions of Words Unique Definitions Denotative Connotative dictionary definition emotional impact
  4. 4. The Power of Words
  5. 5. Four Important Areas of Language Word Choice Ambiguity Intensity Definition Effective selection of words Multiple meaning of words Raise emotional levels Create common understanding
  6. 6. Language Shapes Our Reality Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis Words of a language help determine how people interpret events that occur.
  7. 7. Doublespeak Language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. Makes the truth less unpleasant, without denying its nature. It may also be used to intentionally confuse or reverse meaning
  8. 8. Politically Correct Language of the 90s Sobriety Deprived FailAchieve a deficiency Environmental hygienist Temporarily misoriented Drunk Janitor Lost
  9. 9. Impact of Language Language is related to audience attention and comprehension Language is related to audience acceptance and rejection of an argumentation Language affects arguers credibility Language guides interpretation of our environment.