Download - Lampiran 1 : Lirik lagu Bolero...127 Lampiran 1 : Lirik lagu Bolero (sambungan) [U-Know + Max] Yume ga tsunoru (Membangun impianmu) [Xiah] Kimi ga kimi rashii no wa jiyuu ni habataku

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Lampiran 1 : Lirik lagu Bolero Keterangan:

Max (Changmin) merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan oleh Myeo.

Micky (Yoochun) merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan oleh Roll.

U-Know (Yunho) merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan oleh Hayley.

Hero (Jaejoong) merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan oleh Eun Jung.

Xiah (Junsu) merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan oleh JS.

All merupakan bagian yang dinyanyikan secara bersama-sama oleh seluruh coverist

dalam Bolero project.

[Xiah] Yami ni ukabu tsuki no stage ni odoru kimi wo yume mitanda (Saya melihat

mimpimu menari di pada panggung bulan dalam kegelapan)

[Micky] Fukai fukai mune no kizu wo (Kamu tidak harus menanggung)

[U-Know] Hitotsu hitotsu se owanaide (Luka mendalam di dalam hatimu)

[Micky + U-Know] Dare mo kimi wo semeyashinai kimi wa kimi de ireba ii sa (Tidak

ada yang akan menyalahkanmu, tidaklah mengapa untuk menjadi dirimu yang


[Hero + Xiah] Kikasete itoshiku hakanaku (Dengarkanlah dengan baik, berjingkat)

[Hero] Tsubasaki de kanaderu bolero (dalam melodi bolero penuh cinta)

[Max + Xiah] Maiagare kimi no kanashimi mo (Melambung! untuk menemukan tempat)

[Max] Iyasareru basho ni mitsukeru sa (Di mana kesedihanmu akan hilang)

[Micky] Kurai heya no naka (Di dalam ruangan gelap)

[Hero] Mitasareru omoi mado kara afure (Jendela sentimen dipenuhi)

[Micky + Hero] Yume ga tsunoru (Membangun impianmu)

[U-Know] Tsuki hikari no shita (Di bawah sinar bulan)

[Max] Kamoshara ni kibou no rhythm wo kizamu (Dengan tergesa-gesa mengukir ritme

yang Anda inginkan)

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Lampiran 1 : Lirik lagu Bolero (sambungan)

[U-Know + Max] Yume ga tsunoru (Membangun impianmu)

[Xiah] Kimi ga kimi rashii no wa jiyuu ni habataku kara

Daremo shirukoto no nai kotae sagashite (Alasanmu, caramu ada karena kamu

mengepakkan sayapmu, kamu mencari jawaban (itu), tidak ada orang lain yang tahu)

[All] Kikasete itoshiku hakanaku tsuba saki de kanaderu bolero

Maiagare kimi no kanashimi mo iyasareru basho ni mitsukeru sa (Dengarkanlah dengan

baik, berjingkat, dalam melodi bolero penuh cinta. Melambung! untuk menemukan

tempat di mana kesedihanmu akan hilang)

[Xiah] Oh~ (Oh~)

[Micky] Let you dance away (Cobalah untuk menari)

[Xiah] Don't you know Yeah (Tidakkah kamu tau, yeah)

[U-Know] I'll stand by your side (Aku kan berdiri disampingmu)

[Max] Ah~ (Ah~)

[Hero + Micky] Fly away, Fly away, Fly away, Fly to the top (Terbanglah, terbanglah,

terbanglah, terbanglah menjauh hingga ke bagian yang tertinggi)

[Micky] Fly forever (Terus terbang)

[Hero + U-Know] Yeah, yeah, yeah~ (Yeah, yeah, yeah~)

[Xiah] Itsumademo (Selamanya)

[U-Know] Kimi wo terashi tsuzukeruyo (Aku akan terus menyinarimu)

[Xiah] Mimamoruyo (Menjagamu dengan penuh perhatian)

[Max] Kimi no ai subeki mirai wo (Untuk impian yang kau dambakan)

[Hero] Doko itte demo (Kemanapun kamu pergi melangkah)

[Micky] Boku wa negai tsuzukeru yo (Aku akan terus berharap)

[Hero] Mamoru (Melin-)

[Hero + Micky] Kara (-dungimu)

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Lampiran 1 : Lirik lagu Bolero (sambungan)

[Hero] Ah~ (Ah~)

[Micky] Oh~

[All] Kikasete (Dengarkanlah)

[Micky] Kikasete (Dengarkanlah)

[All] Mabushiku [U-Know: Kuruoshiku] setsunaku jounetsu de kirameku bolero (Dengan

baik , kepada yang bersinar, sendiri, selamanya berkilau sang bolero)

[Max] Kanki no uta wo (Kamu pasti tidak akan pernah sendiri)

[All] Kimi wa keshite hitori janai kara

Inochi no kagiri maiagare (Selama kamu masih hidup, terbanglah)

[Hero] Kimi no ibasho wa koko ni aru (Disini, tempat dimana kamu berada)

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Lampiran 2 : Panduan wawancara PERSONAL

1. Sudah berapa lama anda melakukan kegiatan covering?

2. Mengapa anda melakukan kegiatan covering?

3. Apakah anda selalu mempublikasikan hasil covering anda? Jika iya lewat sharing

site apa?


4. Sudah berapa lama anda bergabung di Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

5. Mengapa anda memilih untuk bergabung pada Aeternalis Musique


6. Apa yang anda rasakan saat akhirnya anda bisa berhasil lolos terpilih menjadi

salah satu bagian dari Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

7. Hal menarik apa yang tidak bisa anda lupakan hingga kini dalam kaitannya

pernah memiliki status sebagai salah satu trainee dari Aeternalis Musique


8. Apa peran anda di Aeternalis Musique Entertainment saat ini?


9. Bagaimana anda bisa terpilih menjadi bagian dari A-Melody?

10. Apa yang anda ketahui tentang A- Melody?

11. Bagaimana anda mendeskripsikan A-Melody?

KOMUNIKASI TEAM VIRTUAL, A-MELODY (Life cycle of Virtual Team)

Fase Input

12. Anda telah menjadi salah satu bagian dari A- Melody, online singing cover

project group pertama dari Aeternalis Musique Entertainment, bagaimana

perasaan anda saat pertama kali mengetahui hal tersebut?

13. Apakah anda menyukai konsep yang dimiliki oleh A-Melody sejak awal anda


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Lampiran 2 : Panduan wawancara (sambungan)

14. Kesan pertama apakah yang anda tampilkan saat pertama kali bergabung sebagai

anggota A-Melody?

15. Apakah anda mengerti dan mengenal masing-masing latar belakang para anggota


16. Hal apa yang anda lakukan untuk mengenal para anggota A-Melody?

17. Bagaimana kemampuan komunikasi antar anggota A-Melody menurut anda?

18. Apakah anda pernah merasa kesulitan untuk mengerti dan menangkap maksud

dari pendapat atau pernyataan anggota A- Melody yang lain?

Fase Proses

19. Apa yang anda rasakan selama anda bergabung dalam A-Melody?

20. Apakah anda percaya bahwa setiap dari anggota A-Melody memiliki kesamaan

tujuan dengan anda?

21. Apakah anda merasa bahwa kompetensi dan performa masing-masing anggota A-

Melody memiliki kesamaan?

22. Apakah anda sudah merasa bahwa A-Melody sudah bergerak dalam satu kesatuan

dan memiliki visi yang sama?

23. Apakah anda sudah memberikan perhatian pada para anggota A-Melody yang

lain? Apakah anggota yang lain juga melakukan hal yang sama?

24. Apakah anda memiliki keinginan yang ingin anda capai bersama dengan anggota

A-Melody yang lain?

25. Hal apakah yang mendorong anda untuk percaya bahwa anggota A-Melody dapat

membantu anda mewujudkan keinginan anda tersebut?

26. Pernahkan anda mengungkapkan keinginan anda tersebut?

27. Adakah hal yang anda inginkan sebagai anggota dari A-Melody tetapi tidak bisa

anda ungkapkan? Mengapa?

28. Apa yang akan anda rasakan saat anda tidak dapat menyelesaikan tanggung jawab

anda sebagai anggota A-Melody?

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Lampiran 2 : Panduan wawancara (sambungan)

29. Bisakah anda menggambarkan hubungan anda dengan para anggota A-Melody

yang lainnya? Dengan siapakah anda merasa paling dekat?

30. Apakah anda merasa bahwa setiap anggota telah merasa dekat antara satu dengan

yang lainnya?

31. Selama ini komunikasi dan organisasi dilakukan dengan internet, para anggota

tinggal dalam lokasi dan pembagian waktu yang berbeda, apakah anda

menemukan kesulitan yang anda nilai menghambat berjalannya project dari A-

Melody (data transmission, online timing, dll)?

32. Apakah anda merasa puas dengan sistem komunikasi yang digunakan dalam

diskusi para anggota A-Melody?

33. Hal apakah yang menurut anda dapat menghambat penyelesaian project dari A-


34. Apa anda merasa ada beberapa anggota A-Melody yang tidak bisa bekerja sama

dengan baik bagi kelangsungan virtual team ini?

35. Apakah pembagian peran dan tugas di A-Melody sudah jelas?

36. Kontribusi apa yang sudah anda lakukan selama menjadi anggota A-Melody?

37. Menurut anda apakah anggota A-Melody yang lain sudah aktif menyatakan

pendapat dan ide-ide mereka? Bagaimana dengan anda?

38. Apakah anda pernah terkena teguran dari anggota A-Melody yang lain?

39. Bila salah satu anggota A-Melody tidak dapat melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya

apakah anda akan mulai menyampaikan pendapat anda untuk mengeluarkan

anggota tersebut dari A-Melody?

40. Apakah anda selalu responsif dalam pembicaraan-pembicaraan yang terjadi dalam

A-Melody? Bagaimana dengan anggota tim yang lain?

41. Apakah yang anda lakukan saat A-Melody menemui suatu kesulitan yang harus

dipecahkan secara bersama-sama? Anda memilih untuk tidak peduli atau turut

memberikan kontribusi agar masalah itu cepat terselesaikan?

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Lampiran 2 : Panduan wawancara (sambungan)

Fase output:

42. Menurut anda bagaimana performa dari tim virtual, A-Melody?

43. Apakah anda sudah puas dengan hasil-hasil project yang sudah dilakukan?

44. Apakah anda puas menjadi anggota A-Melody?

45. Apakah anda merasa bahwa dengan bergabung sebagai salah satu anggota A-

Melody maka anda dapat melaksanakan kegiatan covering yang tidak bisa anda

lakukan sendiri?

46. Setelah berjalan lebih dari satu tahun, perubahan apa yang anda rasakan secara


47. Adakah keraguan-keraguan yang muncul pada saat awal anda bergabung sebagai

A-Melody yang berhasil anda patahkan? Hal apa yang mematahkan persepsi awal


PERAN KEPERCAYAAN DALAM A-MELODY 48. Apakah selama ini anda merasa dihargai sebagai anggota A-Melody?

49. Hal apakah yang membuat anda tetap bertahan sebagai salah satu bagian dari A-

Melody hingga kini?

50. Berkaitan dengan project yang sedang berlangsung, apakah anda yakin project ini

dapat berhasil dilakukan, mengingat ada beberapa project yang masih belum


51. Seberapa besar kepercayaan anda pada para anggota A-Melody dan keberhasilan

dari rencana-rencana yang sudah dirancang oleh A-Melody secara bersama-sama?

52. Pernahkah terbesit dipikiran anda untuk vakum dari A-Melody? Apakah anda

melakukan hal tersebut? Mengapa?

53. Pernahkah anda memilih untuk vakum sementara dari A-Melody? Hal apa yang

mendorong anda melakukan hal tersebut?

54. Jika anda pernah memilih untuk vakum sementara dari A-Melody, apakah yang

membuat anda terdorong untuk kembali menjadi bagian dari A-Melody?

55. Sampai berapa lama anda akan bertahan dan terus berpartisipasi sebagai anggota

dari A-Melody?

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Lampiran 2 : Panduan wawancara (sambungan)

56. Apakah yang terbesit dalam pikiran anda saat salah satu anggota A-Melody

memutuskan untuk vakum dari A-Melody untuk sementara waktu?

57. Apakah anda selalu berpikir bahwa anggota yang vakum sementara itu akan

selalu kembali untuk bergabung di A-Melody?

58. Bila suatu saat ada salah satu anggota dari A-Melody memutuskan untuk keluar

dari A-Melody, apakah yang akan ada putuskan?

59. Pada titik apa anda merasa bahwa anda tidak bisa percaya pada anggota A-

Melody yang lain?

60. Apakah anda merasa nyaman bisa suatu saat A-Melody mengalami member

rotation dan perubahan formasi tim?

61. Sejauh ini apakah anda masih ingin terus bertahan dan tetap menyelesaikan

seluruh tanggung jawab yang anda miliki sebagai anggota A-Melody? Hal apa

yang mendorong anda untuk tetap melakukan hal tersebut?

62. Menurut anda sampai berapa lama A-Melody akan bertahan?

63. Apa yang ada dalam imaginasi anda saat pada akhirnya nanti A-Melody memilih

untuk bubar? Kenangan apa yang akan selalu anda ingat?

64. Apakah ada pengalaman anda pada online singing cover project group yang

lainnya selain A-Melody? Bisakah anda menceritakan hal tersebut?

65. Menurut anda, hal apa yang membedakan A-Melody dari online singing cover

project group yang lainnya?

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS

Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 April 2011


Peneliti : HR

Informan : JS

HR : How long have you been doing Jpop/Kpop covering?

JS : My first cover on youtube was posted in 2008 so I guess that’s how long I’ve

been doing it

HR : Why do you do Jpop/Kpop covering?

JS : Because I like Kpop and thought it would be interesting to sing it and keep a

copy for myself

HR : Do you always upload your cover song? Where do you usually upload your

cover collection (e.g: Youtube, personal blog, etc)?

JS : I don’t always upload my song covers. If it’s uploaded it’ll be on youtube

HR : Why do you keep some of them?

JS : I do keep a copy so that in the future when I am free, I can still work on it. I

usually keep it in working files instead of mp3

HR : Would you tell me more about your previous project or collaboration with

other singing group or singing community (both virtual and in your


JS : Previous project would involve collaboration with the group with songs like

Dreams come true and group collaboration with another group of AME BTD.

Around community the last time, I would be the part of the choir concert of my

school when I was 16, a public concert where the seniors put up a musical


HR : Would you tell me more about your virtual activity (e.g: how do you use

internet regularly? Which sites you visit the most? Are you an internet

addict, etc)?

JS : Because my school is using a problem base learning system, everyone needs to

bring their own laptop to school, which means I have internet access almost all

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

the time unless I’m traveling. Sites I visit the most would be kpop sites such as

allkpop, omgkpop an online radio station, facebook, AME forum and youtube. I

don’t know if I would consider myself as internet addict but since my school

requires internet I guess it’s a requirement for me to be online for that long since

homework submission is also via internet.

HR : Have you ever joined on another online singing cover project group outside

A-Melody? Would you tell me more about that?

JS : I haven’t been in another project group but, I’ve did one time covers with other

random people. There’s another site forum that has open collab which someone

can just request to join the collab and just sing that part.

HR : You said that you’ve did one time cover with other random people. Did you

upload that? How many people have you worked on together so far then?

JS : Yes that was uploaded by the person who initiated the project. I haven’t really

counted but I guess it’s quite a lot of people.

HR : And tell me more about your interest on open collab. How often do you join

that? Where do you usually find that open collab’s project?

JS : I find open collab at another forum called Asian collaboration Forum. As for

how often, it depends on when I’m free and the songs that were open, I would

try if it is to my interest.

HR : Base on your opinion, what’s the different between A-Melody and the other

online singing cover project group known by you (both positive and negative


JS : A-Melody I would consider us as being strict with our parts as we aim to be

accurate and nice? But the other “project group” doesn’t really consider the

accuracy of the pitching or the pronunciation

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : But wait you said that you never joined any other online singing project

group, how could you conclude that? Did you make it because you listen to

the others’ randomly on Youtube or ?

JS : I do take time to search for collab covers online; I won’t say all of the groups do

not consider the same thing as A-Melody. But I have decided to go with a more

firm stand on the accuracy.

HR : Anyway, have you ever had a dream to become a professional singer?

JS : Sure… I believe almost everyone would have that dream.

HR : Is there any personal inspiration or artist that you look up to? How do they

inspire you so far?

JS : That would be forever TVXQ… They’re the ones that got me into Kpop and

also they’re my aim, to be able to sing like them is my dream because of their

perfect pitching no matter where as well as they have beautiful harmony.

HR : How long have you been joining on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

JS : According to the forum it’s 2009-10-29

HR : Why do you choose to join on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

JS : Let’s see… if I remember correctly it should all begin with SR Entertainment.

Something that I found online by chance, it’s the “sister company” of AME. I

was trying to audition for SR Entertainment but apparently they didn’t accept

me. Not that I really know why, but I was waiting to try again however, before I

got a 2nd time to try SR Entertainment kind of “died” on me. So I went browsing

the site and I realize there was MCA entertainment (AME previous name)

linked to the site. So out of curious I went to look at it and I listened to their

collab, which I have to say I really can’t stand. I still remember the 2 songs, one

which is Kissing You (BoA) and the other was It’s You (Super Junior). Kissing

you was not that bad just there was some out of tune members singing in it but

there’s also a really good voice (Roll). As for It’s You, I only can say it’s really

really bad. I can’t bring myself to listen to it any more than the first 2 sentences

that were being sung. Not that I was being a show off then but seriously it

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

sounded like a whole group of tone deaf singing. So, I just saw that they’re

looking for co-owner, artist and staff if I’m not mistaken. So I signed up for it,

both as Co-owner and artist. Which in my form of application I wrote that

hearing their covers of It’s You(to which comments says “it sounds very

good” ), I realise that there is a need for trainer, since all official entertainment

seems to have that post but online entertainment doesn’t. I even listed out my

past achievements in singing for them to review. Before I know it I was

accepted as both the Co-owner/trainer and the artist.

HR : Would you tell me about your unforgettable and interesting moments

regarding to your very 1st status on AME? And what’s your position on

AME right now?

JS : My very first status on AME is Co-CEO which actually involves way too much

admin stuff when I joined. And, now I am AME CEO, Trainer and also A-

Melody Leader.

HR : Wow, your very first status on AME is Co-CEO which actually involves

way too much admin stuff when you joined. Did you enjoy it? Did you find

it interesting? €

JS : As a start it was quite interesting but it did get busy at times. But at that point of

time as A-Melody wasn’t form yet I didn’t get too busy with things. But I

enjoyed it.

HR : You’ve got lots status on AME and that’s counting a lots for 1 person to

handle by herself. Do you face any difficulties to handle it so far?

JS : Well I do agree that it’s quite a lot of position for someone to hold… There are

definitely difficulties, cause other than that 3 position that I have I am also a

student that needs to go through schools and exams.

HR : Talking about A-Melody, how could you be picked as a part of A-Melody?

Firstly you’re their trainer but finally you’re on the group too! That’s

interesting for me…

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

JS : Actually I was not intending to be part of this group, however when I brought up

the ideas to the other CEOs, they suggested that I become part of the group;

which another aim would be to hope the group will be able to function as

trainers too in the future. A-Melody was picked with the same criteria that were

used on TVXQ (Dream Team). TVXQ was picked by selecting the lead singer

of various groups as well as solo trainees from their company and then put

together as a dream group. So when I was selecting members for A-Melody I

took in mind their solo abilities.

HR : Okay, would you tell me more about what you do know about A-Melody so


JS : Well in general, A-Melody is a group that’s very much motivated on their own,

wanting the best for the group and is willing to put in the effort. EunJung –

Despite being busy during internship, she still finds time to work on the group’s

project multiple times until we’re both satisfied with the parts. Dee – Always

willing to work on projects, re-dos even though she tends to complain a lot,

however she still does her parts and sends it in on time or earlier. Hayley –

Having internet issues at home, but that doesn’t stop her from sending in her

parts. Still very motivated with her parts, did enjoy working with her a lot, great

rapper. Myeo – Girl with a very good voice, has been busy with her actual life

and thus was not very active with the group however when she finds time she

will work on the project and usually gives a very good first draft.

HR : Indeed, you can describe it well. No surprise you’re their leader. So, how do

you describe A-Melody?

JS : A-Melody is a female group selected with the aim of being the next generation

of TVXQ the female version. Hoping that we’ll be able to have strong vocals

and be all rounded in song genre.

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : You always said and put TVXQ as A-Melody role model, how they inspired

you, you talked about them in this interview too. Actually, how and when

they started to inspire you with all of your plan and expectation toward A-


JS : This will go way back to when I was 17 where I first got to know the name

TVXQ. 17 was a year that I really wanted to forget in the past or rather, when I

was 17 I told myself I had to forget this year. That was the year to express my

failure educationally. I felt really bad having to repeat that particular year. I

believe it was till the point that I had slight depression due to the fact that I’m

shutting myself away from most of my friends and people in school. I felt that

it’s sort of a disgrace to be doing what I’m doing. But one fine day I was just

studying in my room searching for information on the net when I heard this

particular voice that attracted me. It was a Japanese song that’s promoting on

the TV. I ran out to see who that voice actually belongs to but I missed the

commercial. So the next day I waited for that commercial again, hoping to at

least catch a song name because it actually caught my attention. So the next

time I heard that song playing on TV, I ran out of my room in front of the TV

only to find a Japanese title which I can’t read. But 4 Chinese characters caught

my eye that would be the name of the team. TVXQ. Instantly, I ran back into

my room and search for those 4 words, coming up on my screen is 5 guys that

are simply good looking at that point of time. Looking through their song list, I

found the title that I was looking for, a Japanese song titled “Asuwa Kuru Kara”

which in translation would mean “Because tomorrow comes”, then I figured

since I was looking at it already, why don’t I listen to their other songs, then

another title caught my eye “Would you be my girlfriend” I’m usually attracted

to things with interesting title so this song got me thinking, it’s something that

would be really nice to listen to if I had a bf and he sang this to me. Bit by bit

each of their title just attracted me to click the play button, which is exactly

what I did. In those songs I found the voice that I’ve heard. The very voice that

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

caught my attention but I still can’t tell whose voice that is, to me it’s still a very

nice voice that I can’t match the person’s face to. Day by day I downloaded

more of their songs, slowly trying to learn their names as well as identify their

voices. I think I took about a week to learn the names then a few more days to

start knowing them by voice. I started reading up on them because I eventually

started to fall into the charm of their voices. The one voice that caught my

attention was none other than Xiah Junsoo, one of the first members to join the

group, I found out through his profile that he went through a 6 years voice

change period, the doctor even told him that he might not even be able to sing in

the future. But even though he cried for a while, he decided not to give up on his

dreams and to continue with his training despite the long hours and the pain.

Being in the choir and sharing his love for music, I do understand the pain of

not being able to sing. However, in the end he had it proven that if you hold on

to your dreams nothing is really impossible. It just got me thinking, if he could

spend 6 years holding on to a dream that the doctors proclaim to be dangerous

and almost impossible. It was just a year of repeat and embarrassment for me, if

others can do it, I can do the same thing as well. With that thought, I started

talking to people about my feelings, telling close friends how I really felt,

started to vent my anger instead of keeping them to myself. Most importantly, I

started leaving the house, going out and being less tense about things. I

remember studying while listening to their songs over and over again, their

voices seems to become my energy. With their company, my results were

released and I did a lot better than before. Even though when the choice of

school was release, it wasn’t as my expectation and that I couldn’t get into the

course that I really wanted to (Music and Audio technology) but I didn’t really

feel as bad. It’s just that I started realizing it’s not how life is, it’s how I want

my life to be and that there’ll always be trouble in front of me. The important

thing is how I overcome those problems and turn it into a dream of mine. Even

after that incident I’ve learnt to face all problems with calmness because I know

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

it’s a lesson that I have to go through to make my future a better one. So, that’s

how they inspired me and why I put them as the role model of this team though.

HR : Wow, finally I know why they inspired you so much. Did they also inspire

your decision so you want to do something and join on AME?

JS : Well, my initial dream was to be a singer, but after I know TVXQ it just

confirmed my dreams even more. Except that it was more detailed, I want to be

like TVXQ, to be able to help someone with my voice. To tell a story with my

song that will help others realize they’re more than what they think they are. But

after a while, I realize it’s not really possible. My family, my age, it seems

almost impossible already, since debut age has since decrease to 14 or even

younger. So when I joined AME as a trainer, I decided if I can’t fulfill that

dream of doing what TVXQ did, I shall do it in my own way, by helping others

that have more potential than I do to fulfill their dream as well as mine. I hope

that if they really succeed, they can hold my dream as well, do it on my behalf,

to do what I can’t.

HR : Wow, and, you’ve already been picked and have been a part of A- Melody,

AME 1st online singing cover project group, How’s you 1st feeling when you

knew about that?

JS : Well I felt proud that my plans has been put into actions as well as the

excitement for the other plans that I have for the group, such as bringing the

group to a new height.

HR : Do you like A-Melody’s concept since the 1st time you join this group?

Would you tell me more about it; especially you’re the one planned that


JS : I guess I would say I like it since I’m the one that picked the concept. When I

picked out A-Melody, I actually did it with TVXQ in mind, AGAIN. I wanted

to create a female version of TVXQ or rather, I want this group to be successful

at least in the YouTube world so that in a way I can show my thanks to the

group (TVXQ) that helped me the most. I want to create a group according to

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

what they are like as a tribute, especially when their controversy began I wanted

to keep their spirit alive. It may seems to be quite self-centered on my views as I

was thinking of my thanks but I believe my members would agree that I picked

them based on criteria of the best group. From what I know, TVXQ is actually a

combination of lead singers from different groups, as well as solo artist. Which

means it is a group that consists of great singers. Thus when I suggested

debuting a group in AME, I wanted my first group to be with great singers, one

that each member is able to pull off something impressive on their own. To

combine them like TVXQ and with the hope of them being able to do what

TVXQ can. I wasn’t planning on being in the group myself because I was

worried that I can’t think positively when I’m in the group but my co-owners

were the ones that suggest me to take up the role in the team saying that if I

want to fulfill my dreams of being like TVXQ, this could be my chance.

HR : What kind of 1st impression did you show for the rest of A-Melody’s


JS : My 1st impression I guess would be the fierce scary trainer that is slightly

nagging because I’ll be asking them about a lot of things. I have to say, I didn’t

create that image on purpose… it’s basically what I am… I’m naggy but that’s

just a habit I have to keep reminding people stuff. Fierce, well I guess it’s


HR : Do you understand and know about the other A-Melody’s members’

background? Would you tell me about that?

JS : Erm, I would know the most about EunJung, since we’re actually schoolmates

from the past and I’ve known her for 9 years now and it’s still counting, we

keep contact each other through chatting by MSN. As for the rest of the

members I know slightly about their family like how many siblings and such

and their school and things like that but not to the detail.

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : What do you do to know the other A-Melody’s member more?

JS : I do find time to talk to the member individually trying to understand their

problems which also allows me to change the due date of the projects due to

their situations such as busy life, exams and such.

HR : Base your own opinion, how do you think about A-Melody’s member’s

communication’s ability (e.g: the way they solve language barrier, the way

they state their opinion, etc)?

JS : Basically I feel A-Melody members don’t really have a language barrier in some

ways; we actually manage to understand what each other is trying to say even in

the weirdest sentence structure

HR : Have you ever got troubles on your online discussion (e.g.: to catch the main

point of the other A-Melody’s opinions or questions)

JS : Not really… to me I would usually understand what they’re trying to say.

HR : As being a part of A-Melody, how do you feel so far? What is it like to be a

team like this?

JS : I enjoy having them in the team, as the group gets along well, we would have

small talks on twitter or MSN whenever we see another member online, it

would be a conversation of many other things which may not regard the song

that we’re working on.

HR : Do you believe that each of A-Melody’s members aim some points together

along with you so far? (e.g: gaining their vocal’s ability, learn more about

harmonization; find more friends across the worlds, etc)

JS : I believe that every member of A-Melody aims to improve their vocal ability and

harmonization. Being in the group would already mean to have friends in

different country and I believe every one of us feels the same way.

HR : I got it, but do you feel that all A-Melody’s members got same competence

and performance?

JS : I believe A-Melody cannot be compared with each other as everyone has their

own strong and weak points such as EunJung, who has her strong points in high

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

notes but she has problems doing harmony and there’s also Dee who has strong

points in her low voice but has problem doing high voice. But they’re all good

in their own way.

HR : How’s about Myeo and Hayley?

JS : Hayley’s best point is in her Rap however she is weaker in ballad, or in another

words, her voice is more suitable for rap. As for Myeo, she has a high thin voice

for ballad when there is something with a beat in it, she would sound slightly

not suitable

HR : What’s your opinion about A-Melody’s vision? Have A-Melody seen on the

same dream and worked in unison as a team? What do you think about


JS : A-Melody’s vision… I believe would be to have some form of fame in YouTube

or to achieve something that’s slightly similar to TVXQ at least. I believe the

members too; know of the vision and are all working towards the same dream.

In my view that’s something very touching as most of us have not even met and

yet we’re all working together to achieve the same things.

HR : Have you given your affections toward the other members? What do you

think about the other, do you think they do the same toward you and the


JS : Affection… well I don’t know. I like the team as a whole and we tend not to

have direct showing of affections since we are more of “scold” each other in a

sarcastic and nice way.

HR : Why did you that? Is that because you’re too shy to show it or…?

JS : Well technically I’m still the trainer and part of the management. If I’m on a

way too nice situation with them, there could be a chance that they’ll over run

the rules. Like they won’t care about due dates or datelines. So I believe there

has to be certain limit to fun.

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : Wow, you sound like a strict person. You’ve got your own charisma. Do you

have any wishes which you want to reach along with your other members?

JS : How about being recognize at least in YouTube

HR : Have you ever stated those wishes? How did the other member’s respond


JS : I did mention it but I’m not really sure if they others actually put it in mind but I

believe they would have the same thoughts.

HR : Do you have some reasons which keep and motivate you for believing on the

other A-Melody members? (it’s about how they could help you to reach

those wishes)

JS : Well I believe in them because I know they would all want to achieve the same

dreams as I did, it’s the faith that we all hold that I believe in.

HR : Do you have some idea for A-Melody which is never and won’t be stated by

you? What’s that? Why did you decide to keep that idea by yourself?

JS : I usually state all the ideas and discuss it with the other members and have been

asking them for ideas too. I try not to keep any ideas to myself as eventually it is

something that involves all of us. If I kept in something that would be because I

have yet to confirm or does not have a complete thought about it yet.

HR : How do you feel when you couldn’t finish your responsibility as a part A-


JS : Well I would feel kind of guilty as the rest of the members would all be waiting

to hear the end product which usually happens to me as I’m the one doing the

mixing and sometimes due to schoolwork, I tend to have less time on the mixing

thus I don’t really want the members to wait for it.

HR : Could you describe your relationship with the other A-Melody members?

Who are you closest to?

JS : As mentioned I’m really close to EunJung since we actually know each other the

longest and with the other members I would also feel as close even though we

haven’t met. We can all talk about our lives and share different things.

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : Have you felt that each member closes to each other? Why?

JS : Well there would definitely be a member that’s closer to one particular member

but I don’t really mind that because everyone has different characters it would

just be because they have some common topic that the other members don’t

have but that doesn’t change anything about the group as eventually we do all

have the same topic.

HR : Since everything just happens through the internet (both communication

and organizing things) and each member live in the different place and

different time; is it difficult for you? Have you ever thought those barriers

slow down the process of A-Melody’s project (e.g: caused by data

transmission process, online timing, etc)?

JS : Well even though the communication is done over the internet, I guess the only

problem would be time zone since we would have some problem talking

together but eventually that was solved by offline messages.

HR : Do you satisfied on the communication system used on the discussion

between the A-Melody members? Why?

JS : I feel that the system use doesn’t really have any problem as we just split up the

conversation into 2 sections and to convey the message to other members that

was not in the chat.

HR : What kind of ideal communication system you want to offer to gain the

communication’s effectiveness within the members?

JS : Well there’s always Skype but then again time zone is a problem, but members

doesn’t really mind that.

HR : So far, would you describe the barriers that slow down the finishing process

of A-Melody’s project?

JS : I won’t say that the barriers slows down the project as so far that hasn’t happen

yet, the barriers that we have is the busy life of members that delay the finishing

of the project instead of the distance. I would still say that the member’s life are

the barriers, well distance would of course make things better since if we’re able

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to meet it’s cut down a lot of time however, to use that wasn’t a problem.

Despite distance we are still able to improve just by words of comments.

HR : Have you ever felt that there are some members trying to slow down the

project’s process and also be uncooperative with A-Melody system? What

do you about that issue?

JS : Well I won’t consider it as uncooperative as its part of life that we have to go

through. It can’t really be help that someone’s being busy. Usually it’s

understanding that we gave and then the project will be delayed until the part is

sent in.

HR : Do you understand about your role along with your responsibility as one of

the member of A-Melody? Have you been satisfied with that?

JS : Well I feel I have more responsibility as the CEO as well as the leader of A-

Melody which the members have decided that I get to be the leader and so I

tend to work around my time hoping to not disappoint the members and trying

to share some load with them.

HR : Have you ever felt that you’ve got enough and wanted to give up and ended

all your involvement so far?

JS : Well there are certain levels of stress to juggle so many things. There are of

course times that I have thought about given up because there are just so many

things that I have to handle in family, school and life. However I will always

remember the motivation that I had (TVXQ) and thus I will keep the faith that I

have and hang on to my responsibilities.

HR : What have you done as your contribution as being one of the members of


JS : Well I’m mainly in charge of mixing the song for A-Melody as well as picking

even though I do also ask the members for their views and opinions

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : Base on your personal opinion, do you think that each of A-Melody’s have

been actively told their ideas and aspirations for the group’s progression?

How about you?

JS : Well I did mention to the members that they’re supposed to share any ideas that

they have so that everyone can talk about it and come together to talk about the


HR : Did they do that as you wish to? How do they usually react on your

suggestion or question?

JS : I’m not sure if they like what I’ve stated but they do also provide their

suggestions to me as well as to point out any disagreement status which I would

then take into consideration for discussion with the other CEOs

HR : Have you got a warning from the other member (e.g: caused by your late

submission, being inactive, etc)? How did you feel when she warned you?

(e.g: sad, angry, etc)?

JS : Not really usually I’m the one giving out the warning which I haven’t done.

HR : And, what kind of problems that’s finally making you to give a warning for


JS : Well final warning would be given out after a long delay of project that doesn’t

seem to be moving forward.

HR : If there was one of your members poorly done her responsibility, would you

ask and tell the group to eliminate her from A-Melody and why do you

choose that decision?

JS : Well there was discussion but I would want the whole team to agree with that

decision. I choose to have that because the acts of a certain member would have

delayed projects of the whole team and thus I feel that would be unfair for the

rest of the members

HR : Have you been being responsive on any A-Melody discussion? What do you

think about the other member, do you think that they’ve done the same


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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

JS : Well I’ve been asking members to response to any ideas that was being given

about A-Melody and in my opinion; the members have done quite a good job

responding to the ideas.

HR : What will you do when A-Melody got a team’s serious problem (that

problems should be solved together along with the other member, e.g:

withdrawing, fighting, etc)? Will you participate yourself to solve the

problem (so that it will end quicker) or you leave the problem to the rest of

the group (being passive)?

JS : Well as the leader of the team I would have to be involved with solving the

problem. I guess if I am involved, I would have to talk to them individually

trying to help them solve the problem.

HR : So far, have you tried to use that way to solve something?

JS : Well I did try talking to individual members from time to time about their life

but I would use a method that I don’t think they know what my intensions are…

I would choose to keep that secret to myself; I won’t want them to know.

HR : Base on your experiences, how do you describe A-Melody’s performance as

a team (A-Melody progression as a virtual team)?

JS : A-Melody is a team that has managed to make progression together as if we’re

an actual team that’s staying together. Basically everyone has made progression

unknowingly Well I would give the example of our first collab together as a

team which is Bolero. That song as can be heard was not very synchronized.

People may say that it’s the mixing and such but I meant the feeling of the song,

everyone is just singing to themselves. But when listening to the projects that

we’re working on, such as Dreams come true, there is a very obvious difference

that we’re starting to think about the other members, like okay who’s doing the

harmony at which parts so I shouldn’t try to overlap the voice.

HR : Have you been being satisfied with the result of each A-Melody’s projects?

Which’s your favorite one?

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

JS : Well from the first project till the recent projects, now that I’m listening to it

again, it’s like a story of A-Melody. Bolero is when we first started out, by

listening to the song it sounds like a lot of uncertain and that we’re not able to

match our voices together in harmony. When we move on to LaChaTa things

started off better as we have started to learn how to blend in with the members

voices however upon hearing it, one would notice it is still filled with slight

awkwardness. However when it is moved on to Dreams Come True, there is a

lot of difference as the members voice have blended and sounding as one actual


HR : Have you satisfied for being picked and got involved as one of the member

of A-Melody, especially this is your dream team too, right? Would you tell

me more your answer’s reason?

JS : I am satisfied with the team as well as being in the team. Well upon seeing the

team improve there’s a satisfaction that I feel as everyone has worked hard for it

to happen.

HR : As being a part of A-Melody, do you feel that finally you can do some of

covering activities which is can’t be done alone by yourself?

JS : Being in a team, I can try some songs that involve rap as personally I’m not

good at it so with team members they are able to cover up things that I can’t do

and come up with a very nice final product.

HR : It’s been more that a year for A-Melody working together as a team. How

do you feel about that? Is there any progression you’ve made so far (in any


JS : I feel that the group has made progression and everyone has improved on their

vocal and teamwork.

HR : Did you have any worries as you’ve been picked as the member of A-

Melody? How did you try to minimize those worries? Have one of your

anxieties faced by A-Melody?

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

JS : There were some worries that I have when I was told to join the group since I

don’t really have confidence that my voice would blend in with the best singers

that I have seen on the forum with is the rest of the members but eventually I

myself made improvement to be able to blend with the members.

HR : Do you think that you’ve been being respected as a part of A-Melody? How

do you feel about that?

JS : Well the members seem to respect me for being the leader and despite that we

still work together in a joking way not mentioning the status.

HR : Do you always enjoy their joke? Have you ever felt offend by theirs?

JS : So far I have not been offended by anyone… I’m people that laugh quite easily

and I guess all of them have the key to making me smile or laugh

HR : Until now, what’s your main reason for staying as A-Melody’s member?

JS : Main reason for staying as A-Melody member would be the relationship that has

been developed with the members.

HR : What kind of relationship has been developed so far?

JS : It would be that family feeling that has developed. Well I’m not exactly the

oldest in the team but since members started calling me oumma (mother) there’s

just a connection I guess to feel closer as a mother would care for her own child,

I would like to do the same for my “kids”

HR : Talking about A-Melody on-going project. Do you think that it will be done

right on the due date? (Note: some of A-Melody’s projects can’t be done

properly or on pending status)

JS : Well Dream come True would actually be put on hold until we find a

replacement for Myeo as she is on hiatus. As for the collaboration project I

think it’ll also be delay due to EunJung’s loss of voice at the moment. But, A-

Melody is still active.

HR : So far, are you really trust the other member? Do you always keep your

trusts on every A-Melody’s plans? Would you mind to describe it? (e.g:

how big is that, what kind of trust you have, etc)

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JS : Well I do trust the members to submit their projects on time as well as some

information of mine. I also trust them to work hard together to achieve our aim

HR : Have you ever had a plan to be in hiatus from A-Melody’s activities? Did

you really do your plan? Why?

JS : So far I have not planned to be in hiatus if I can, even though I’m busy I still try

to find time to work on the group as well as the responsibilities I have on the


HR : How long will you stay and being active as a part of A-Melody?

JS : I guess I would say a part of A-Melody as long as the group is still there

HR : What’s cross on your mind if you found that one of your member decide to

be in hiatus for a while?

JS : Well I would feel upset for a while as we’re losing a good member however as it

is their life I would respect that decision

HR : Refer to the previous question. Do you think that “in hiatus” member will

always comeback again as a part of the group?

JS : It doesn’t always mean that the member will always come back to the group but

there will always be a chance that the member will perform with the group


HR : If there’s one of the members decide to resign from A-Melody, what will

you do?

JS : Well firstly there is a need to understand the reason and if it is something I

believe can be solve I’ll talk to the member about a solution.

HR : If only she can’t accept your solution, what will you do? Will you just

release her from the team? Or will you doing something else?

JS : Well there will definitely be more than one solution to a problem but I still think

the member has the final decision, if she would decide to leave the team I would

accept it.

HR : Talking about your personal limit. When do you feel like you can’t trust the

other A-Melody’s members (base on any aspects)?

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JS : Well I try to keep the positive view but to be able to not trust the other person;

the member would have to do something really serious.

HR : Do you agree about member rotating or adding new member on A-Melody?

How does your opinion regarding with that kind of possible plan? What

will you do if it was really happen on A-Melody?

JS : Well if there’s really no choice I guess it’ll have to happen though usually I

would hope that doesn’t happen

HR : How far will you be a part of A-Melody? Will you keep do your best

working on your responsibility as a part of the team? Why do you decide to

do that?

JS : Well I would stay in my position as I would like to see the group excel

eventually and it’s something that we can achieve together.

HR : Base on your personal opinion, how long A-Melody will last together?

JS : I guess the members will all stay together after a long time

HR : What’s cross on your mind if one day A-Melody decided for not being

together again? Will you keep the memories passed? What’s and how’s

that will be?

JS : Well even if we have to separate someday, I believe those memories will still

stay as it is. It is eventually something that’s hard to forget.

HR : As a part of this group, I know that due to Myeo’s hiatus; A-Melody’s

Dream Comes True project can’t be done properly and postponed its

release. Caused by that, we decided to do the other project (only with 4

members) for keeping active as a team. What do you feel for doing this

project without Myeo?

JS : Well it would feel that something is missing but I guess the 4 members would

also do their best working on the project

HR : Do you think that Myeo will comeback as part of the group someday?

JS : I do hope that that is possible as she is a very good singer and it’ll be a plus point

to have her in our group.

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HR : Do you feel insecure toward A-Melody’s upcoming projects due to Myeo’s

hiatus? (Note: in fact that we are doing the harmonization training right

now and she’s got the highest voice in the group)

JS : Well I won’t feel insecure as I believe the rest of the members are able to do the

same standards. As for the higher voice I believe EunJung and Hayley would be

able to reach that eventually.

HR : How long will you wait Myeo’s comeback? If finally she’s passed your time

limit, what will you do or decide both for her and you?

JS : Well I guess I would leave it to her to decide, if she feels that she wants to stay

as a solo artist we’ll also have to respect her decision. I talked to her about it

over MSN chat. She was very much sorry about delaying the project for the

team and she apologized several times about her. Thus her decision was almost


HR : Base on your personal opinion? Will A-Melody disband due to Myeo’s “I

don’t know when she will back again” hiatus?

JS : Well I don’t believe that Myeo’s hiatus would be the reasons for A-Melody’s

disband as we can always function as a 4 member group, I believe them all, if

we manage to find a replacement then we can function as a 5 member group.

HR : Base on your personal opinion? Is that okay if finally someone will be put

on A-Melody to fill Myeo’s position?

JS : Well replacing Myeo is something that we would least want to do but due to the

problems of plans that we have it would be necessary however, it would not be

easy to replace her

HR : Do you have more opinion about Myeo’s hiatus and about working together

without her?

JS : As much as it will not be easy but I believe the group would be able to function

very well. Myeo’s hiatus was due to her busy life and that is something that we

can’t avoid and thus we’ll have to work on an alternative solution.

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Lampiran 3: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 1, JS (sambungan)

HR : What’s the alternative then?

JS : The alternative solutions would include either waiting for her return or to replace

her. After talks with CEO and Myeo herself, we decide to replace her. But I’ll

do my best to find the best person for her replacement.

HR : Do you still consider A-Melody as “The Real Dream Team” though one day

you have to work only with 4 members or may be finally someone new will

be put as the Myeo’s replacement?

JS : I will always keep in mind that A-Melody is the “Dream Team” that I would

want to create. Even though we have 4 members, I believe on them, they’re still

picked with the dream criteria, and that would be the same criteria used to pick

the replacement.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung

Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Mei 2011


Peneliti : HR

Informan : Eun Jung (JE)

HR : How long have you been doing Jpop/Kpop covering?

JE : I have been doing Kpop covering for almost 1.5 years.

HR : Why do you do Jpop/Kpop covering?

JE : Personally I like to sing, and when I started to listen to Kpop music, I like it so

much that I wanted to learn to how them do that. Soon, making covers of them

becomes one of my interests.

HR : Do you always upload your cover song? Where do you usually upload your

cover collection (e.g: Youtube, personal blog, etc)?

JE : Yes of course. I will usually make them into a video an upload it to Youtube as

well as upload to to keep them.

HR : Would you tell me more about your previous project or collaboration with

other singing group or singing community (both virtual and in your


JE : I used to be in my school choir because I just love singing. Through my best

friend, JS, I got to know more collaboration sites that I can participate in. Like

Youtube, there are many people holding cover auditions of KPop songs. I will

audition them and if picked, I will get to collab with other people from all over

the world.

HR : How often do you join on collab outside A-Melody that held by other people

so far?

JE : I only joined on collab outside A-Melody that is held by other people if I am

interested in covering a particular song that is out for audition. So, if I am lucky

to be picked to join the collab in that song I will participate. So far, I have

collabed in about 4 songs with the others outside A-Melody.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : Would you tell me more about your virtual activity (e.g: how do you use

internet regularly? Which sites you visit the most? Are you an internet

addict, etc)?

JE : I use the internet almost every day because I need to check my emails. Besides

that, I will surf the net and the sites I visit most will be Facebook, Youtube, and

AME site.

HR : Have you ever joined on another online singing cover project group outside

A-Melody? Would you tell me more about that?

JE : No, I haven’t but I did audition for other collabs to sing some Kpop songs

together outside A-Melody. The songs are opened for audition to search for

people who they think are suitable to cover the songs. After you are picked, they

will send you an email to inform you that you are being selected and also the

information like submission deadline and the parts that you will be covering.

HR : Base on your opinion, what’s the different between A-Melody and the other

online singing cover project group known by you (both positive and negative


JE : In my opinion, A-Melody is more of a project group that undergoes training and

gets better each time when covering the songs that are assigned to them. Each

member will give their very best and shows improvement each time. As for the

other online singing cover project groups, they usually are chosen to be in the

collab. Basically you just cover your part and the mixer will just mix them and

post up on Youtube. You will not get to really communicate with each other,

just like how A-Melody does.

HR : Have you ever had a dream to become a professional singer?

JE : Yes. That was my childhood dream.

HR : Is there any personal inspiration or artist that you look up to? How do they

inspire you so far?

JE : Of course there is one group that led me to like KPop so much. The group that I

looked up to is Tohoshinki (TVXQ). They are the best group with a huge fan

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

base. They not only sing well, they dance well also. Their voices are so

addictive to listen to.

HR : How long have you been joining on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

JE : I have joined on AME for more than a year.

HR : Why do you choose to join on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

JE : I got to know about AME when my best friend JS, who is the trainer and one of

the CEO told me about it. She was planning the training programs for the

trainees and asked me for help. After which, I was asked to join in by

auditioning as a trainee. Since I like singing so much, I thought it is a good idea

to join in and meet with other coverists who have the same interest as I do. In

AME, I am able to make virtual friends and get to collab with them. Joining

AME gives the opportunity to showcase my singing as well as knowing all other

friends whom comes from all countries. It is a very rewarding experience for me

as well.

HR : How did you feel when you got chose as one part of Aeternalis Musique


JE : I felt happy and excited as AME is the first forum that I auditioned and picked to

be part of it. Besides being a trainee, I was also the assistant trainer where I got

to train the trainees as well. What's more important is, JS and I always wanted

to form our own Collab group and thus, A-Melody is formed. We want A-

Melody consists of 5 members and all of us like TVXQ. We are able to do

covers of nice songs and songs that we like.

HR : Would you tell me about your unforgettable and interesting moments

regarding to your very 1st status on AME (trainee or trainer or staff)?

JE : My 1st status on AME is a trainee. I got to know a lot of other trainees like

DeeDee. She named me as one of her family members and we had fun chatting

online together. Till now, we are in the same group; I become her angelic sister


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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : What is your position on AME right now?

JE : I am currently one of the CEO on AME, assistant trainer as well as in charge of

Project group, Crystal. Not to forget, member of A-Melody.

HR : Have you ever found difficulties to handle those roles? Have you ever feel

tired and give up keeping continued work on your best because you’ve got

lots things to be handled too?

JE : There is sure to have difficulties where at times I cannot handle those roles well,

but I will put in my best effort to work through it. Besides, decisions are usually

made by the other CEO, JS. I will only provide suggestions. Because this is a

thing that I enjoyed doing, thus I don’t feel tired. All the members are very

understanding and care for each other. This is the power that keeps me going on.

HR : How could you be picked as a part of A-Melody?

JE : A-Melody was an idea by the main Trainer, JS and me. Because both of us think

that it is a good idea to try out project groups within AME. Therefore, we

picked out 3 more members to form A-Melody. Another reason why A-Melody

was formed is due to the liking of TVXQ. Both of us has always wanted to form

a female version of TVXQ.

HR : What do you know about A- Melody?

JE : A-Melody is the first project group to be formed on AME and A-Melody is a

project group who aims to be one of the best Asian female collab group just like


HR : How do you describe A-Melody?

JE : A-Melody is a 5 member’s female group which consists of members from

different countries who loves singing and Kpop music. They also share the same

liking of Tohoshinki.

HR : You’ve already been picked and have been a part of A- Melody, AME 1st

online singing cover project group, How’s you 1st feeling when you knew

about that?

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

JE : I am excited and want to know how A-Melody can progress from there (my plan

and JS’s)

HR : Do you like A-Melody’s concept since the 1st time you join this group?

JE : Yes of course.

HR : What kind of 1st impression did you show for the rest of A-Melody’s


JE : The rest of the other A-Melody’s members are fun and interactive people to

work with. I always treat my friends nice because I feel that it is a kind of

destiny to be friends. Thus, able to make friends virtually, makes me even want

to treasure this kind of friendship. Whenever they have any problems or need

my help, I will try my best to help them.

HR : What do you do to know the other A-Melody’s member more?

JE : I will go to AME’s site under Trainee’s section and look through members

profile, go to their personal Youtube and listen to their covers, and also chat with

them to get to know them more.

HR : Base your own opinion, how do you think about A-Melody’s member’s

communication’s ability (e.g: the way they solve language barrier, the way

they state their opinion, etc)?

JE : I think A-Melody’s members all knows which are the best platform to

communicate with each other. They will voice their opinions and give ideas on

how A-Melody can excel in future projects. Besides, all members know how to

speak English; therefore, there isn’t any language barrier.

HR : Have you ever got troubles on your online discussion (e.g.: to catch the main

point of the other A-Melody’s opinions or questions)

JE : No, I haven’t.

HR : As being a part of A-Melody, how do you feel so far? What is it like to be a

team like this?

JE : I like to be in this team because our voices are all blended quite well and each of

us does have our own unique voice.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : Do you believe that each of A-Melody’s members aim some points together

along with you? (e.g: gaining their vocal’s ability, learn more about

harmonization, find more friends across the worlds, etc)

JE : Yes. This is also one of the aims that AME wants A-Melody to achieve. To be

able to be an all-rounded coverist.

HR : Do you feel that all A-Melody’s members got same competence and


JE : Yes. All A-Melody’s members got same competence and performance. All also

improves as time goes by.

HR : Would you tell me what kind of improvements did A-Melody has made so


JE : A-Melody has tried different genres of Kpop songs. Each member has their

strong points and weak points to train up. A-Melody members are able to use

their strong points to help cover up each other’s weak points. For example, A-

Melody has recently tried to cover Dreams Come True, which is a song with

many harmonies. They have showed that they are able to make it possible even

if they are not very good at it. Being able to explore new things, I think A-

Melody has made improvements in this area.

HR : What’s your opinion about A-Melody’s vision? Have A-Melody seen on the

same dream and worked in unison as a team? What do you think about


JE : A-Melody’s vision is to be a group that covers quality covers and that every

member can pursue their dreams together as a team. I believe A-Melody has

been working very hard together in unison as a team towards the same dream.

HR : Have you given your affections toward the other members? What do you

think about the other, do you think they do the same toward you and the


JE : I believe I have given my affections towards the other members and I also feel

the same that they do the same towards me and the others.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : Do you have any wishes which you want to reach along with your other


JE : I only wish that all members can still stay together in A-Melody and pursue the

same dream.

HR : Have you ever stated those wishes? How did the other member’s respond


JE : I have never stated the wish.

HR : Why haven’t you stated it?

JE : I didn’t state it because the wish was just made not long ago, after knowing that

one of the members may be leaving us. I just won’t to lose any other member

again, I trust them and I want to keep this group alive.

HR : Do you have some reasons which keep and motivate you for believing on the

other A-Melody members? (It’s about how they could help you to reach

those wishes)

JE : The mutual trust that other A-Melody members motivate me for believing them.

They will give each other their support to me.

HR : Do you have some idea for A-Melody which is never and won’t be stated by

you? What’s that? Why did you decide to keep that idea by yourself?

JE : No. If the idea is a good one, I will share with the members and see what we can

carry out from there.

HR : How do you feel when you couldn’t finish your responsibility as a part A-


JE : I will feel disappointed in myself because I always want to give the best to A-

Melody. Nevertheless, I will still try to finish my part.

HR : Could you describe your relationship with the other A-Melody members?

Who are you closest to?

JE : I am closest to the leader, JS. We are from the same country and also best

friends before. Therefore, we have more sharing with each other. But through

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

AME, I get to know other members too. We will chat through MSN and Twitter

to get to know each other better.

HR : Have you felt that each member closes to each other? Why?

JE : Yes. Members are able to talk about all kinds of topics. Share with each other

their experiences in their daily life.

HR : Since everything just happens through the internet (both communication

and organizing things) and each member live in the different place and

different time; is it difficult for you? Have you ever thought those barriers

slow down the process of A-Melody’s project (e.g: caused by data

transmission process, online timing, etc)?

JE : Although we all live in different places and different time, each member knows

their own responsibility. The planning is done properly and each member knows

what they need to do make it easier to accomplish the projects assigned. If any

A-Melody member faces difficulty in handing up their projects, other members

will understand why because we will always inform each other earlier with our

reason stated clearly. Thus, it isn’t a problem where we stay. Communication is

the more important factor in this case.

HR : So do you think that communication is the main barrier that always

distracts A-Melody to finish their project?

JE : I don’t think communication is the main barrier as all members understand and

we do communicate well enough. Even if we don’t understand what each other

may be talking about sometimes, we will still try to ask and make sure the right

info is being delivered.

HR : Do you satisfied on the communication system used on the discussion

between the A-Melody members? Why?

JE : I am quite satisfied on the communication system used as this is one of the

platforms where A-Melody members can communicate with each other during

their own free time.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : What kind of ideal communication system you want to offer to gain the

communication’s effectiveness within the members?

JE : I can suggest that we can have small voice chats on MSN or Skype where all

members can chat and discuss on A-Melody’s future projects, or even practice

singing together online.

HR : So far, would you describe the barriers that slow down the finishing process

of A-Melody’s project?

JE : I think the barriers so far would be each member has their own commitment to

accomplish like school work. Due to the change of weathers sometimes,

members can get sick easily if not well taken care of.

HR : Have you ever felt that there are some members trying to slow down the

project’s process and also be uncooperative with A-Melody system? What

do you about that issue?

JE : I do believe that each member has their reason for slowing down the project’s

process, but everyone has been cooperative so far, so I don’t see it as an issue.

As long as the reason is a valid one, I believe every member will understand

each other.

HR : Do you understand about your role along with your responsibility as one of

the member of A-Melody? Have you been satisfied with that?

JE : I understand my role along with my responsibility as one of the members of A-

Melody. I am also satisfied with it.

HR : What have you done as your contribution as being one of the members of


JE : I helped with the planning of songs to cover, as well as do my very best in every

cover to make sure the quality of the music A-Melody produces.

HR : Base on your personal opinion, do you think that each of A-Melody’s have

been actively told their ideas and aspirations for the group’s progression?

How about you?

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

JE : Yes, I think A-Melody’s members have been actively told their ideas for the

group’s progression. I will also voice my ideas if there’s any. We not only do it

for A-Melody, we also will share ideas that help AME.

HR : Have you got a warning from the other member (e.g: caused by your late

submission, being inactive, etc)? How did you feel when she warned you?

(e.g: sad, angry, etc)?

JE : No.

HR : If there was one of your members poorly done her responsibility, would you

ask and tell the group to eliminate her from A-Melody? Why do you choose

that decision?

JE : If there is really the need to eliminate her from A-Melody, I will suggest to the

group and also discuss with that member. If she has her reason and wish to leave

the group, we will go with her decision.

HR : Have you been being responsive on any A-Melody discussion? What do you

think about the other member, do you think that they’ve done the same


JE : Recently, due to school work, I have not been that responsive on the discussion.

However, I believe other members have done their part in those discussions.

HR : What will you do when A-Melody got a team’s serious problem (that

problems should be solved together along with the other member, e.g:

withdrawing, fighting, etc)? Will you participate yourself to solve the

problem (indeed it will end quicker) or you leave the problem to the rest of

the group (being passive)?

JE : I will participate to solve the problem. I will listen to what the members have to

say and see what I can help to solve the problems.

HR : Base on your experiences, how do you describe A-Melody’s performance as

a team (A-Melody progression as a virtual team)?

JE : I think A-Melody still needs more promotions on the projects to gain more views

on Youtube site.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : So far, do you think that A-Melody has put their best performance?

JE : I do think that A-Melody has put their best performance. Each time a cover is

made, we can see improvements and efforts each member puts in. That’s why I

want to keep this group alive

HR : Have you been being satisfied with the result of each A-Melody’s projects?

Which’s your favorite one?

JE : I have been satisfied with the result of each A-Melody’s projects, especially the

first debut song, Bolero. Especially, because that is the first song covered by A-

Melody after it is being formed. And the song turned out to be nice.

HR : Have you satisfied for being picked and got involved as one of the member

of A-Melody?

JE : Yes, I feel very satisfied to be picked and get involved as one of the member of

A-Melody. That’s because I can get to know A-Melody’s members more and

we can get together to make nice covers.

HR : Being a part of A-Melody, do you feel that finally you can do some of

covering activities which is can’t be done alone by yourself? What are


JE : Yes. Some songs that require lots of harmony like CSJH The Grace’s Dreams

come true.

HR : It’s been more that a year for A-Melody working together as a team. How

do you feel about that? Is there any progression you’ve made so far (in any


JE : I felt that it is an amazing experience because I didn’t trust that people from

different countries can come together to form a team and cover songs before but

not for us.

HR : Have you achieved benefits for joining A-Melody so far?

JE : Of course I have achieved benefits for joining A-Melody. That’s to be able to

meet members of A-Melody and collab together to pursue our dreams together.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : Did you have any worries as you’ve been picked as the member of A-

Melody? How did you try to minimize those worries? Have one of your

anxieties faced by A-Melody?

JE : I didn’t have any worries at all, I know their capability and I do believe that they

will do their best for this team.

HR : Do you think that you’ve been being respected as a part of A-Melody? How

do you feel about that?

JE : Yes. I felt that I’ve been respected as my views are listened by all the members

of A-Melody.

HR : As time goes by, what’s your main reason for staying as A-Melody’s


JE : The faith that A-Melody believes keeps me staying. Every member has the belief

that A-Melody can be a team that always gives their best in making every cover.

HR : Talking about A-Melody on-going project. Do you think that it will be done

right on the due date? (Note: some of A-Melody’s projects can’t be done

properly or on pending status)

JE : I don’t think so since many of us are busy with our own commitments. However,

we are catching up well to complete them.

HR : So far, are you really trust the other member? Do you always keep your

trusts on every A-Melody’s plans? Would you mind to describe it? (e.g:

how big is that, what kind of trust you have, etc)

JE : I trust them to do their best on their parts and that’s what I’ve seen so far, so I

shouldn’t worry about it. I do trust them.

HR : Have you ever had a plan to be in hiatus from A-Melody’s activities? Did

you really do your plan? Why did you that?

JE : No.

HR : Have you ever been IN HIATUS from A-Melody? When did you do that?

Why did you do that?

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

JE : Yes, I have ever been in hiatus from A-Melody. I was sick and couldn’t

complete my parts on time.

HR : If you’ve ever in hiatus from A-Melody before, why did you decide to

comeback and keep being active as a part of A-Melody?

JE : I always believe that there is a responsibility there. I cannot leave my members

aside without accomplishing my own responsibility as part of the member of A-

Melody. Besides, singing together with the team is a fun experience that I would

want to continue.

HR : How long will you stay and being active as a part of A-Melody?

JE : I will stay and being active as a part of A-Melody as long as it stays on as a team.

HR : What’s cross on your mind if you found that one of your member decide to

be in hiatus for a while?

JE : Maybe that member is busy with her commitments like school work and projects

or maybe family problems.

HR : But, do you think that “in hiatus” member will always comeback again as a

part of the group?

JE : Yes. I do believe it to a certain extent. If that “in hiatus” member has finish

dealing with her problems, she can choose to come back again as part of the

group, or come back to AME at least to be a trainee or soloist. If that member

doesn’t wish to come back, I believe all other members will understand and

goes with her decision.

HR : If there’s one of the members decide to resign from A-Melody, what will

you do?

JE : I will try to find out what’s the reason behind it. If the member really wishes to

resign from A-Melody, I will go with her decision as this is something we

cannot force. It should be something that we are willing to do too, but we should

respect her decision while keep continue work on this team together.

HR : Talking about your personal limit. When do you feel like you can’t trust the

other A-Melody’s members (base on any aspects)?

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

JE : If the member always goes into hiatus or do not have valid reasons for handing

in her parts on time.

HR : Why do you start not to believe your member when she decides to always

goes into hiatus?

JE : Not that I start not to believe my member when she decides to always goes into

hiatus. What I feel is that, if you have decided to join in the group as one and

knows that you may be asked to do collabs and trainings from time to time, it is

the responsibility that you got to carry out. If you are not able to complete that

soon due to some personal reasons, it is always good to inform all other

members instead of just going into hiatus straight away. At least in this way,

training and collabs will not be held up or stopped for very long and not able to

move on.

HR : Do you agree about member rotating or adding new member on A-Melody?

How does your opinion regarding with that kind of possible plan? What

will you do if it was really happen on A-Melody?

JE : I do agree with member rotating or adding of new members on A-Melody.

Although the main purpose is to form a female Tohoshinki group, it will also be

a good idea to add members. By adding new members can also have different

kind of sparks be created.

HR : How far will you be a part of A-Melody? Will you keep do your best

working on your responsibility as a part of the team? Why do you decide to

do that?

JE : Yes, I will still stay with A-Melody no matter what may happen in future. I will

still put in my very best working on my responsibility as a part of the team, this

is my dream team.

HR : Base on your personal opinion, how long A-Melody will last together?

JE : I think A-Melody will last together as long as every member wishes to. And I

believe that everyone will keep this team alive.

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

HR : What’s cross on your mind if one day A-Melody decided for not being

together again? Will you keep the memories passed? What’s and how’s

that be?

JE : This has never crossed my mind. However, if that really happens, I will just keep

the precious memories that we had together and continue to pursue my favorite

singing and making of my own covers.

HR : As a part of this group, I know that due to Myeo’s hiatus; A-Melody’s

Dream Comes True project can’t be done properly and postponed its

release. Caused by that, we decided to do the other project (only with 4

members) for keeping active as a team. What do you feel for doing this

project without Myeo?

JE : I still think that it is quite ok to continue as a 4-member group in order to stay

active. In the meantime, new member is in search. We should keep this team

alive whatever it takes.

HR : Do you think that Myeo will comeback as part of the group someday?

JE : I don’t think so because it has been decided that she will still remain in AME

and become a soloist instead.

HR : Do you feel insecure toward A-Melody’s upcoming projects due to Myeo’s

hiatus? (Note: in fact that we are doing the harmonization training right

now and she’s got the highest voice in the group)

JE : Not really as we can always find some other potential singers to join the group.

If Myeo is back again, collabs can still go on together with her on A-Melody.

HR : How long will you wait Myeo’s comeback? If finally she’s passed your time

limit, what will you do or decide both for her and you?

JE : I believe we will wait for her as long as she wishes to come back to join us, she

is still our member though we don’t know when she will exactly back in this


HR : Base on your personal opinion? Will A-Melody disband due to Myeo’s “I

don’t know when she will back again” hiatus?

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Lampiran 4: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 2, Eun Jung (sambungan)

JE : No. A-Melody can still continue if Myeo is in her hiatus.

HR : Base on your personal opinion? Is that okay if finally someone will be put

on A-Melody to fill Myeo’s position?

JE : I feel that it is okay if there is suitable member that fill Myeo’s position.

HR : Do you still consider A-Melody as “The Real A-Melody” though one day

you have to work only with 4 members or may be finally someone new will

be put as the Myeo’s replacement?

JE : Although it may not be the original A-Melody as the beginning since A-Melody

is the first virtual team to be formed, but I believe the faith will always be kept

within all members. It doesn’t matter if the group is only left with 4 members or

new member added. As long as all members can continue to keep this faith in

believing that we can do it, that’s the most important.

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley

Dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 Mei 2011


Peneliti : HR

Informan : Hayley (HL)

HR : How long have you been doing Jpop/Kpop covering?

HL : For about four years. I started late 2006 with just a few Japanese anime song

covers on Youtube. I didn't have any videos of myself at the time though, just


HR : Why do you do Jpop/Kpop covering?

HL : I've always loved the music and I have a really strong passion for singing. I hope

to one day go into the Japanese or Korean music scene. So, it's good practice

and you learn the language as well.

HR : Oh really? One day you would like go into the Japanese or Korean music

scene, but why should Japanese or Korean music scene?

HL : Because not only do I love the music but I love the culture as well. From the

food to the festivals. I really appreciate the Japanese and Korean lifestyle. So

going into the music scene is a dream for me. Plus I don't really like the

American music scene.

HR : Do you always upload your cover song? Where do you usually upload your

cover collection (e.g: Youtube, personal blog, etc)?

HL : I usually upload to Youtube to get feedback from people who don't know me

(this way it's more honest).

HR : Oh, really? Does that method really work for your progression on singing?

HL : Yes it does help because I get pronunciation tips from many native speakers who

are willing to help me improve. It can also be a bit troublesome because

sometimes I get hurtful or racist comments from other people.

HR : Would you tell me more about your previous project or collaboration with

other singing group or singing community (both virtual and in your


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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : I've never had a singing group in my community but I used to be part of another

Jpop/Kpop singing group for about a year before we broke up.

HR : Would you tell me more about your virtual activity (e.g: how do you use

internet regularly? Which sites you visit the most? Are you an internet

addict, etc)?

HL : I use the internet all the time. I use it for studying Japanese and Korean as well

as music, social, videos, art and reading. I visit sites like Youtube and Twitter,

Tumblr and Deviantart a lot. I think I am an internet addict because I depend on

it for a lot of my information.

HR : Have you ever joined on another online singing cover project group outside

A-Melody? Would you tell me more about that?

HL : I'm part of another group called Gosei Cafe but it specializes in English dubs for

anime and manga. There is a small amount of singing (for things like theme

songs and occasional album projects) but it's not mainly a singing group like A-


HR : Do you still active on this dubbing group? Does Gosei Café is Jpop/Kpop

singing group that you mention before (one that’s broke up already)?

HL : Yes I am still active. Gosei Cafe is fairly new and it's different from the group I

mentioned before. The group that’s mentioned before has broken after a year.

HR : Base on your opinion, what’s the different between A-Melody and the other

online singing cover project group known by you (both positive and negative


HL : I think in A-Melody, it is easier for a beginner to get used to online covering;

there is a lot more supervision and support to make sure that everyone gets

everything right. You feel less nervous and it builds your confidence because

there are people to help you if you make a mistake.

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HR : Have you ever had a dream to become a professional singer?

HL : Yes it is one of my biggest dreams. It Is my own passion and something I've

wanted to do for a long time. It is just very hard to study music here in the

Caribbean. Right now I am studying Psychology but I really want to be a singer.

HR : Is there any personal inspiration or artist that you look up to? How do they

inspire you so far?

HL : I love Imogen Heap, she's a British solo artist who's extremely individual with

an amazing voice. Then, Utada Hikaru who's a Japanese solo artist. My other

main inspirations are Japanese rock bands like the GazettE, Plastic Tree, SID

and Kpop artists like W&Whale.

HR : How do they inspire you? Do they influence your singing technique, your

favorite song etc?

HL : Yes, they have influenced my singing technique a lot. Especially Utada Hikaru,

W&Whale and Imogen Heap. They have very unique strong voices and I sing

along with them to try and improve as well as try other singing styles. The

GazettE, Imogen Heap, Plastic Tree and SID help me with my song writing

skills as they write very unique songs.

HR : How long have you been joining on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

HL : For about 1, 5 years

HR : Why do you choose to join on Aeternalis Musique Entertainment?

HL : Because I thought it would be really fun and a great learning experience to sing

with other people. And as time goes by I still feel the same way. Especially

when I don't have motivation to sing by myself, it always makes me feel

motivated to sing in a group.

HR : How did you feel when you got chose as one part of Aeternalis Musique


HL : Extremely happy. To this day I'm so happy that people like my voice.

HR : Would you tell me about your unforgettable and interesting moments

regarding to your very 1st status on AME (trainee or trainer or staff)?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : I loved getting to know everyone on the forums the first time we were all there.

Because everyone is different from different parts of the world, yet we all love

the same music. It is interesting to see how the music has inspired and affected

each of us and keeping us together until now.

HR : What is your position on AME right now?

HL : I'm an artist and part of the group A-Melody.

HR : How could you be picked as a part of A-Melody?

HL : I'm good at rapping and I have a lower voice that fit the parts that JS wanted.

HR : What do you know about A- Melody?

HL : It stands for Asian Melody and it started with five wonderful members. A-

Melody's concept, in my opinion is about combining different voice styles into

one harmony. Everyone has a different range and we try to make everything

blend together. A-Melody doesn't just stick to one style/genre either. The

members are multilingual and are also talented in terms of audio mixing and


HR : How do you describe A-Melody?

HL : We do a wide range of songs, from cute, to ballads to upbeat and we're

improving quickly.

HR : You’ve already been picked and have been a part of A- Melody, AME 1st

online singing cover project group, How’s you 1st feeling when you knew

about that?

HL : I was really grateful. Yes I was worried that A-Melody might not last very long,

same as my previous group, since usually people get busy and it's hard to

continue with groups. But it's not a worry that I have much anymore since we've

been together for a while until now.

HR : Do you like A-Melody’s concept since the 1st time you join this group?

HL : Yes I do, we all have our roles that we fit into very well.

HR : What kind of 1st impression did you show for the rest of A-Melody’s


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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : Everyone is fun and supportive. I hope that I am seen as a willing and supportive

group member who can help out when needed and is reliable for the sake of the

team and each member.

HR : Do you understand and know about the other A-Melody’s members’


HL : Not really. I would love to know more about them though. I have not done much

(mainly due to personal shyness) but I do chat with the other members these

days. My will to know them more is growing lately. As time goes by I feel more

comfortable to talk to the other without being too shy like before.

HR : So, what do you do to know the other A-Melody’s member more?

HL : I would like to be able to chat with them online. I have spoken to them and so far

it has been really fun. Everyone communicates well and I enjoy talking to them.

HR : Base your own opinion, how do you think about A-Melody’s member’s

communication’s ability (e.g: the way they solve language barrier, the way

they state their opinion, etc)?

HL : I think there could be more communication amongst us but I've never had a

problem understanding anyone and I think that's really good.

HR : Do you think that A-Melody need more time or chance to communicate to

each other?

HL : Yes I think that it would be really beneficial in terms of keeping up with

deadlines and becoming more comfortable with each other if we could chat

more. Even though it will be difficult to arrange due to the different time zones,

tweeting each other and talking on the forum will be the best one as my

suggestion so far. You can read that anytime you want to.

HR : Have you ever got troubles on your online discussion (e.g.: to catch the main

point of the other A-Melody’s opinions or questions)

HL : No

HR : Being a part of A-Melody, how do you feel so far? What is it like to be a

team like this?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : It's really great for improving as well as keeping up with practice. Having other

people who share the same interests as you is really encouraging.

HR : Do you believe that each of A-Melody’s members aim some points

together along with you? (e.g: gaining their vocal’s ability, learn more

about harmonization; find more friends across the worlds, etc)

HL : Yes, we all want to improve our voices and make new friends. And, I still

believe that those who are still active in AME and A-Melody really and truly

want to become better and make friends. That’s what keeping me stay here too.

HR : Do you feel that all A-Melody’s members got same competence and


HL : No, and that’s what making this team work and unique. Simply because we all

have different strengths and weaknesses. Some people are better at singing high

or rapping etc. But it doesn't mean that anyone is bad either, we completed each

other for the sake of the team’s aim.

HR : What’s your opinion about A-Melody’s vision? Have A-Melody seen on the

same dream and worked in unison as a team? What do you think about


HL : I think we could work better together but we're okay so far.

HR : Have you given your affections toward the other members? What do you

think about the other, do you think they do the same toward you and the


HL : I'm a bit shy when it comes to showing affections and I think some people are

closer to each other than to others.

HR : Do you have any wishes which you want to reach along with your other


HL : Becoming famous would be amazing.

HR : Have you ever stated those wishes? How did the other member’s respond


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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : No I haven't. I'm afraid that I won't be taken seriously because some members

might only want this to continue as a hobby. Also I have been criticized before

for saying that I want to be a singer from family members. So it's something that

I keep secret while keeping doing this together with them.

HR : Do you have some reasons which keep and motivate you for believing on the

other A-Melody members? (It’s about how they could help you to reach

those wishes)

HL : I believe in them because we all love singing and we love music. So we'll work


HR : Do you have some idea for A-Melody which is never and won’t be stated by

you? What’s that? Why did you decide to keep that idea by yourself?

HL : No, not really.

HR : How do you feel when you couldn’t finish your responsibility as a part A-


HL : It's disappointing. I don't like letting other people down when they depend on

me. But, feeling disappointed usually brings back my passion to do better.

Because I want to prove myself as a good, hardworking member I usually try to

be on time with the next submission or practice more so that it's even better.

That way, the other members would not be disappointed in me again and I keep

them to put their trust on me too.

HR : Could you describe your relationship with the other A-Melody members?

Who are you closest to?

HL : I'm friendly with everyone but I'm closest to Dee and JS.

HR : Do you think that it’s hard to get closer toward Myeo and Eunjung?

HL : I'm not sure if it's hard to get close to them, I just think that we haven't gotten the

opportunity to talk. I'm a shy person at first so I usually wait for someone to talk

to me first before I talk to them. Dee and JS approached me first so I was able to

make friends with them.

HR : Have you felt that each member closes to each other? Why?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : I think we are all on good terms with each other.

HR : Since everything just happens through the internet (both communication

and organizing things) and each member live in the different place and

different time; is it difficult for you? Have you ever thought those barriers

slow down the process of A-Melody’s project (e.g: caused by data

transmission process, online timing, etc)?

HL : Yes it does slow down the process because a time zone is something that we

can't control. And since we all have to go to school and work, it makes

everything difficult. I try to be online as often as possible so that there is a better

chance of everyone meeting. Twitter is a very useful tool because anyone can

communicate at any time. Although it's been more difficult lately because of

business with school and lack of internet at my home.

HR : Do you satisfied on the communication system used on the discussion

between the A-Melody members?

HL : It could be more frequent but it can't be helped because of the time zones and

everyone's busy schedule. Again, I will try to be online as often as possible and

use my phone's internet to keep up with everyone

HR : What kind of ideal communication system you want to offer to gain the

communication’s effectiveness within the members?

HL : Not sure what would be better.

HR : So, any suggestion so that finally A-Melody can figure out the ideal

communication system for the team?

HL : Something that everyone can use or something that people can access even

though they are not on a computer at the time. Phone communication (if their

phone has internet) would be a good idea.

HR : So far, would you describe the barriers that slow down the finishing process

of A-Melody’s project?

HL : School work, lack of communication, sicknesses and forgetfulness.

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HR : Have you ever felt that there are some members trying to slow down the

project’s process and also be uncooperative with A-Melody system? What

do you about that issue?

HL : I don't think that anyone tries to slow down the process on purpose. Although it's

always better if they give a reason for late submission or absence.

HR : Have you found that there’s a member not given a reason for her lateness

and absence? How do you feel about that (e.g: angry, disappointed, don’t

care, etc)?

HL : I am a bit disappointed because she hasn't given a reason. But again, since we're

not 100% sure what's going on with her. We can't really be angry or anything,

HR : Do you understand about your role along with your responsibility as one of

the member of A-Melody? Have you been satisfied with that?

HL : Yes. But, it would be interesting for all the members to switch around sometime.

I think I would like to have a chance at some more singing roles rather than

mostly rap.

HR : What have you done as your contribution as being one of the members of


HL : Not much really, except for submitting my part and helping with song choice. I

wish I had more time to do more things. I would like to do more for A-Melody,

but because of time and lack of internet connection, I would not offer myself to

do more things. This is because I would not want to disappoint the other

members or keep back the group if I can't get something done in time. Plus

university schedule keeps me busy.

HR : Base on your personal opinion, do you think that each of A-Melody’s have

been actively told their ideas and aspirations for the group’s progression?

How about you?

HL : I'm not sure. I think it's only because we are not that close. But, I believe they

have probably told other members and I just don't know that.

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HR : Have you got a warning from the other member (e.g: caused by your late

submission, being inactive, etc)? How did you feel when she warned you?

(e.g: sad, angry, etc)?

HL : Yes I have. I was very disappointed in myself for not sticking to the deadline

and my responsibility as a member of the group.

HR : Does that experience affected to your action and respond toward A-Melody


HL : Yes, it's made me take my role as a member more seriously and remember what

I have to do. Since it's an online project, it is easy for real life problems to

distract you from the group goals. So getting a warning reminded me that that

was something I had to focus on as well.

HR : If there was one of your members poorly done her responsibility, would you

ask and tell the group to eliminate her from A-Melody?

HL : If she had multiple warnings and she didn't have a good excuse or didn't show

any interest anymore then she should be eliminated. No-one should be forced to

stay and the group shouldn't suffer for it.

HR : Have you been being responsive on any A-Melody discussion? What do you

think about the other member, do you think that they’ve done the same


HL : I think we've all done our best to stay in touch for the most part.

HR : What will you do when A-Melody got a team’s serious problem (that

problems should be solved together along with the other member, e.g:

withdrawing, fighting, etc)? Will you participate yourself to solve the

problem (indeed it will end quicker) or you leave the problem to the rest of

the group (being passive)?

HL : If it's something that affects the whole group then everyone should get involved.

However, if it's a member's personal problem, then it should be between the

member and the leader. For the example is if it's a difficult with the song, or

with the harmony or singing then that could be solved as a group. If there's a

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situation in the member's life that might prevent them from participating in the

group (like family troubles or money problems), sometimes it might be easier to

discuss it with just one person first before telling the group so as the leader, JS

should take care on her first, especially she’s the one that keep us glued to each

other until now.

HR : Base on your experiences, how do you describe A-Melody’s performance as

a team (A-Melody progression as a virtual team)?

HL : We've gotten a lot better from when we just started.

HR : Have you been being satisfied with the result of each A-Melody’s projects?

Which is your favorite one?

HL : We've done well but we can do so much better.

HR : Have you satisfied for being picked and got involved as one of the member

of A-Melody?

HL : Yes. Because it is easier to improve when you work as a team. Other people can

point out you mistakes and help you learn. For my own experience, my

pronunciation of Korean language has improved as well as my Korean reading

skills. My voice has improved from the practice and my ability to work as a

team has also improved as I used to be uncomfortable working in a group before.

Because I used to be very shy around people so I want to stay in this team more

and more.

HR : As being a part of A-Melody, do you feel that finally you can do some of

covering activities which is can’t be done alone by yourself?

HL : Yes. Things like harmonies work better and sound better in a group.

HR : It’s been more that a year for A-Melody working together as a team. How

do you feel about that? Is there any progression you’ve made so far (in any


HL : I'm very happy we've made it for a year already. I’ve mentioned about this

before; my pronunciation of Korean language has improved as well as my

Korean reading skills. My voice has improved from the practice and my ability

to work as a team has also improved as I used to be uncomfortable working in a

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

group before. Because I used to be very shy around people so I want to stay in

this team more and more.

HR : Did you have any worries as you’ve been picked as the member of A-

Melody? How did you try to minimize those worries? Have one of your

anxieties faced by A-Melody?

HL : I'm worried I won't live up to the expectations of the group. I try to minimize it

by practicing.

HR : Do you think that you’ve been being respected as a part of A-Melody? How

do you feel about that?

HL : I think so. I think we all respect each other. It feels very good.

HR : What’s your main reason for staying as A-Melody’s member?

HL : It's really fun and I enjoy working with everyone. I’ve been improving myself a

lot within this team, so I keep believe on this team to reach my dream.

HR : Talking about A-Melody on-going project. Do you think that it will be done

right on the due date? (Note: some of A-Melody’s projects can’t be done

properly or on pending status)

HL : If we try hard enough. But usually people get busy with school work and other

things in life so it gets delayed.

HR : So far, are you really trust the other member? Do you always keep your

trusts on every A-Melody’s plans? Would you mind to describe it? (e.g:

how big is that, what kind of trust you have, etc)

HL : I trust our members and I trust whatever plans and projects we have to do. I

would resign myself if I weren’t put my trust on them. I’m really enjoying

everything that’s happen within this team.

HR : Have you ever had a plan to be in hiatus from A-Melody’s activities?

HL : No.

HR : Have you ever been IN HIATUS from A-Melody?

HL : No.

HR : How long will you stay and being active as a part of A-Melody?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : As long as I have the time and as long as everyone is still interested.

HR : What’s cross on your mind if you found that one of your member decide to

be in hiatus for a while?

HL : That maybe they have too many things to worry about in real life. It happens a


HR : Do you have things to worry about in real life that could finally making you

to go for hiatus from A-Melody one day?

HL : For me it's financial problems. Since right now my family is experiencing

financial difficulty, I worry that it might become too much and I would have to

quit A-Melody to focus on other things like getting a job or paying for living


HR : Do you think that “in hiatus” member will always comeback again as a part

of the group?

HL : Not really. Sometimes the problem is really serious and they can't come back.

For example, if there is a family problem (like someone dies or gets sick) the

member might not be interested in the group anymore or they might have to

focus on other things (like the health of their family member) and forget about

the group. They might not do this on purpose but it can happen.

HR : If there’s one of the members decide to resign from A-Melody, what will

you do?

HL : If they have a good reason, I will understand. Some good reasons would be if

they truly do not have any interest in the group anymore, or if they don't have

enough spare time due to whatever real life issue they have so they think it

would be better if they left and the group’s plan keep continue and not being

stop caused by hers.

HR : Talking about your personal limit. When do you feel like you can’t trust the

other A-Melody’s members (base on any aspects)?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : There was never a situation like that. I trust our members and I trust whatever

plans and projects we have to do. I would resign myself if I weren’t put my trust

on them. I’m really enjoying everything that’s happen within this team.

HR : Do you agree about member rotating or adding new member on A-Melody?

How does your opinion regarding with that kind of possible plan? What

will you do if it was really happen on A-Melody?

HL : I don't agree because I think it's better when everyone is comfortable with each

other and know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

HR : How far will you be a part of A-Melody? Will you keep do your best

working on your responsibility as a part of the team? Why do you decide to

do that?

HL : As long as I can and I'll keep do my best to work hard and take on enough


HR : Base on your personal opinion, how long A-Melody will last together?

HL : Not sure. Anything could happen. Maybe if everyone becomes busy with

jobs/school or if some members lose interest in Kpop music and don't want to

do cover songs anymore.

HR : What’s cross on your mind if one day A-Melody decided for not being

together again? Will you keep the memories passed? What’s and how’s

that be?

HL : It would be something extremely sad because I love our group and I love the

members. Yes I would and I would also remember all the training and

everything I learnt.

HR : As a part of this group, I know that due to Myeo’s hiatus; A-Melody’s

Dream Comes True project can’t be done properly and postponed its

release. Caused by that, we decided to do the other project (only with 4

members) for keeping active as a team. What do you feel for doing this

project without Myeo?

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HL : I think it's good that we got something else to do while we wait for her. That

way we don't leave her out of the Dreams Come True project but we give the

other members something else to work on and keep this team alive.

HR : Do you think that Myeo will comeback as part of the group someday?

HL : I don't know. Because we know each other through the internet, you can never

be sure what's going on in each other's lives.

HR : Do you feel insecure toward A-Melody’s upcoming projects due to Myeo’s

hiatus? (Note: in fact that we are doing the harmonization training right

now and she’s got the highest voice in the group)

HL : I do feel a bit insecure because she's a vital part of the team. But, we still need to

move on as A-Melody with the rest of the members.

HR : How long will you wait Myeo’s comeback? If finally she’s passed your time

limit, what will you do or decide both for her and you?

HL : Well she's been gone for a while. If six months have passed without any word

from her or proper excuses then I think it's safe to move on and find someone


HR : Base on your personal opinion? Will A-Melody disband due to Myeo’s “I

don’t know when she will back again” hiatus?

HL : No, A-Melody will remain as long as the other members are willing. I believe it.

HR : Base on your personal opinion? Is that okay if finally someone will be put

on A-Melody to fill Myeo’s position?

HL : It will be a bit strange but if it is necessary then it should be done for the group

to move forward.

HR : If one day, someone picked and replace her; will you be the same? Will you

accept her? Will you keep your passion? Will it affect your performance?

HL : As long as she is willing to work hard and keep up with the deadlines then I will

accept her. I sing in the group because it is something I love so that will not

affect my passion or performance in the group.

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Lampiran 5: Transkrip wawancara dengan informan 3, Hayley (sambungan)

HR : Do you have more opinion about Myeo’s hiatus and about working together

without her?

HL : I hope she's okay and that there's nothing seriously horrible going on in her life

now. I hope she can contact us to either say she still wants to be part of A-

Melody or that she wants to leave.

HR : Do you still have an expectation that one day Myeo will comeback again?

HL : A little. Because we are still not sure what caused her to leave in the first place,

if it’s just about her business in her real life. I don’t think so…

HR : Do you still consider A-Melody as “The Real A-Melody” though one day

you have to work only with 4 members or may be finally someone new will

be put as the Myeo’s replacement?

HL : I don't think we would be the “Original A-Melody” anymore, but as long as we

still have some of the original members, we can be the “Real A-Melody”.

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Lampiran 6: Matriks 1: Type of message that people exchange in group data untuk interaction-process analysis A-Melody (diambil dari discussion board Bolero project dan discussion board A-Melody)



USI JS Eun Jung Hayley Myeo

Message to show + attitude

Being friendly

@A-Melody: Let's all do this well for AME!! Since it is the first project that is going to be done by us, the first group in AME... Hwaiting!! (Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:49 pm) (Dispositional trust, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms)

I'm so sorry about your laptop T_T The same thing happened to me last year *hugs* I hope they get it back. Do you have any leads or is it random? (Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:32 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 6, tentang kehilangan laptop yang dialami oleh JS, Perhatian Hayley 1) ( Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication) Yay I'm glad then ^^ (Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:59

Also want to say hello to everyone here, hope can work together more and more ^^ (Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:16 pm) (Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, After hearing Bolero teaser perceived ability, benevolence, integrity)

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am) (menanggapi Story JS 2) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication) JS sweetie, I really really hope you get better soon *hugs* (Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:40 am) (menanggapi Story JS 4) (Member’s assessment of third party information , Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication)

Dramatizing (telling story)

Firstly, Happy New Year to everyone... I am away back to Malaysia for Chinese New Year (Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:00 pm) […] (lanjutan adalah informasi JS 5, Story JS

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1) (Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication) I guess it's gone already... i'm just waiting for the IT fair on March 11. Has already gathered an IT crew to go pick a laptop with me... i'm picking one with a good music system... Hehe... (Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:12 pm) (Menanggapi perhatian Hayley 1, Story JS 2) (Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication) I think I’m falling sick soon...[…] (Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:27 pm) (Story JS 3) (Communication behavior facilitating trust

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early on social Communication ) I'm officially SICK!!! (Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:10 am) (Story JS 4) (Communication behavior facilitating trust early on social Communication)

Agreeing Okay... thanks... […]Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:10 am) (Menanggapi konfirmasi Hayley 1) (Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

YAY!!! Jae Joong oppa part!! haha.. Will give my best in this man.. whoohoo~~~^^ (Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:36 pm) (Menanggapi Informasi JS 3 yang berisi tentang pembagian singing part bagi Bolero Project) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms )

Wah, I love this song ^^ (Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:55 am) (Menanggapi Informasi JS 3 yang berisi tentang pembagian singing part bagi Bolero Projetct) ( Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms)

Wow... Changmin part ^^ Well I'll try my best and thank you for letting me in

(Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:13 pm) (Menanggapi Informasi JS 3 yang berisi tentang pembagian singing part bagi Bolero Project, Pernyataan Myeo 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information,

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No problem JS. Tell me if I need to redo it or anything. (Menanggapi pernyataan JS 1) ( Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying Enthusiasms, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainty) Wah, I'm the Charisma!!!! ^^ . I never knew what type of voice I had either >< Arigatou […] (Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:38 am) (Menanggapi Informasi JS 15 yang berisi tentang peran Hayley dalam A-Melody) (Member’s assessment of

Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms)

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third party information, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying Enthusiasms, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

Message to show - attitude

Being unfriendly

Showing tension

Disagreeing In accomplishing the group task

Give information

Announcement to all trainees... After a meeting among CEO, we have decided to change the mode of training. We're going to be grouping trainees up instead of pairing. First group that we have, are those who have done their parts in Session 1. We have decided to form a group named A-

@JS: Read this […](Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:49 pm) (Menanggapi informasi JS 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) @JS: I have done mine... Hwaiting for the rest of the A-Melody members~~ (Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:02 pm)

Hey, sorry for the late reply. For some strange reason I didn't get an email notification. Anyways, I'll make time to do this I’ve settled pretty okay in school and all I need is time management now (Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:31 pm) (Menanggapi informasi JS 1) (Member’s assessment of third party

Ah, I will wait for my confirmation then ^^ (Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:26 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 1, Informasi Myeo 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely

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Melody members are... Dee Hayley JaeEun Roll (Pending) Myeo (Pending) JS (yours truly) (Third party as conduits the role (about membership) and the rules of each member involved on the project, history based trust , Member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) For Roll and Myeo, only one of two will get to stay in A-Melody for training. We have other plans for the other one. So don't get too upset about this. (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project ) We have high expectations of this

(Menanggapi informasi JS 9) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms) @myeo: it's ok.. I can understand you cause I just recovered from a sore throat as well.. It is horrible and terrible to fall sick and have sore throats.. hahaha... Anyway, hope you are fine now~~ (Menanggapi informasi Myeo 4) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response, Member action facilitating trust later on phlegmatic reaction to crisis)

information, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainty) I'm always free on weekends though (Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:31 pm) (Menanggapi pertanyaan JS 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) Luckily, I already know the lyrics by heart, so I’ll just start recording over the weekend for sure! (Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:55 am) (Menanggapi Informasi JS 3 yang berisi tentang pembagian singing part bagi Bolero Project)

response) Oh okay then.. Just PM when you will make the conference chat then I'll try to manage it so I'll be there ^^ (Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:56 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 2, Informasi Myeo 2) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) And I'm free on weekend.. but well.. whenever just PM me when will you make the convey and I'll be there (Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:13 pm)

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group since it's our first. So... please please submit your things on time ( Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project , Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms) A-Melody, We're going to be doing a small project for AME since you guys are done with your parts of session 1 training and the song we're going to do is... As usual. Comment after you read it so we know you're actually reading it that (Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:57 am) (Informasi JS 1) (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project , Member

In the meantime, JS will mix Bolero and we will soon be done~~^^ Hwaiting!! (Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:14 pm) (Member’s assessment of third party information, , Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly) Whahaha!! We all do our best in our parts and make A-Melody be known everywhere... Is it possible? hahaha... I believe we can do it... Hwaiting~~ =) (Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:39 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 15) (Member’s assessment of third party information perceived ability, benevolence, integrity, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, Communication

(Communicating conveying enthusiasms facilitating trust early on , Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) I'm almost done my part. I just did a couple of rough-ish recordings so far. (Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:58 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 4) (Member’s assessment of third party information , Member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) Here's my part. So sorry if it's late. /file/221779825/8023e0c

(Menanggapi pertanyaan JS 1, Informasi Myeo 3) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) Sorry, JS and for the other for my late reply and for my part T_T I have a sore throat lately - so my voice was cracked. However, I've done mine.. So.. please let me know if I'm doing right ^^ (Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:55 pm) (Menanggapi pertanyaan JS 2, Informasi Myeo 4) (Member’s assessment of third

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action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) @Eun Jung: Well, the lyrics is going to get complicated cause of the harmony parts, but i'll try to get it done... Meanwhile, we have to decide among ourselves who is taking whose part... (Menjawab pertanyaan Eun Jung 1) (Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) And... we need to pick a team leader. Don't think cause i'm vocal instructor, i'm automatically a team leader. Still have to pick one (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member

behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

8/Mew-chan_-_Bolero__Yunho_Part_.html . Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) (Menanggapi informasi JS 5) I've been writing assignments since yesterday morning (I'm still working) Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly; (Alasan keterlambatan penyerahan rekaman singing part Hayley, lanjutan tanggapan Hayley terhadap informasi JS 4) Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:58 pm) (Member’s assessment of third party information) Oh, I have it without the

party information, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

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involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) (Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:06 am) @Myeo: you'll be involved for the first project... Cause Dee is sort of “on leave " currently... We'll decide after this project. So.. Bolero it is... I'm trying to see if all of us can be on chat together at the same time to talk about this project... So... Let me know when okay...( Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:49 pm) (Menanggapi Informasi Myeo 1, informasi JS 2) , (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project, Communication behavior maintaining

instrumental, I'll send it to you when I get home (Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:18 pm) (Menanggapi informasi JS 8, konfirmasi Hayley 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) Here's my part without music: /file/227783064/1366066d/Mewcandy_-_Bolero__Yunho_Part_.html (Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:40 am) (perwujudan dari konfirmasi Hayley 1) ((Member’s assessment of third party

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trust later on substantive and timely response) I guess i'll just post the parts here. And then we'll talk about it here, since it seems pretty hard to gather everyone at the same time. JaeJoong = Eun Jung Yunho = Hayley YooChun = Roll Junsoo = JS ChangMin = Myeo (We're counting on you for the high pitch parts) Reply with comments on what you think or if you want to change. If not, start learning the parts. Lyrics will be posted [… (lirik lagu)] (Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:25 pm) (Informasi JS 3 yang juga sebagai jawaban/ solusi dari pertanyaan JS 1) (Third party as

information of rules, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

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conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust later on individual initiative) @Myeo: after listening to everyone, we think that you're the only one who can reach that note... so we're entrusting it to you... Haha... (Menanggapi pernyataan Myeo 1) (Third party as conduits the role of each member involved on the project, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) @ Myeo, we're recording the original one. The pitched version

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one is more like a reference of how we might sound like, since we're females.... Just do whatever you can to get it to your comfortable range (Menjawab pertanyaan Myeo 1) (Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) Attention A-Melody... I have 2 things to say... PM me the leader of your choice for A-Melody, we'll have a CEO meeting then I’ll announce it here. Leader has got a certain responsibility, so I want every vote to be in before end of next week. Subject will be A-Melody Leader. Secondly, please submit your draft for bolero by

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end of next week. Try to record with the full song so it's easier for me to mix, instead of giving me one part by one part. I'll be mixing it and publishing here so we can discuss and i'll let everyone know what can be improved. (Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:55 pm) (Informasi JS 4) (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project, member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative & coping with technical and task uncertainly Let’s all do it in original pitch first... cause if we manage to reach the notes then no changes has to be done... If not, we'll pitch it up higher slightly. (Mon Feb 08,

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2010 7:50 am) (Menanggapi pertanyaan Hayley 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information , third party as conduits the the rules of the member involved on the project, member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly) […] but everyone is still suppose to send in your first draft of Bolero so that I can mix it even if I am away. Please send it in by tomorrow unless any reasons stated. Let's all cooperate so that we can get this project done as soon as possible. Hwaiting!! (Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:00 pm) (Informasi JS 5 ) (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each

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member involved on the project, member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly & individual initiative; Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms) Thanks for working so hard Hayley... (Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:01 am) (Reaksi setelah menerima rekaman singing part Hayley, pernyataan JS 1) ( Member’s assessment of third party Information, perceived ability and benevolence, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task

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uncertainly, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response) Those who send in their parts through MSN please give me a link or send to email. In case you haven't heard, my laptop got stolen... so yea. (Informasi JS 6) (Third party as conduits the rules of each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly & individual initiative) Well, anyone with their updated parts please send it in to me already... (Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:27 pm) (Informasi JS 7)

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(Third party as conduits the rules of each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative. Hayley, next time you record, remove the instrumental okay... (Informasi JS 8 kepada Hayley saja) (Third party as conduits the rules of each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly Attention A-Melody... It has been a while since i said anything.... Bolero draft 2... is due... next week... I believe i've given almost 3 weeks since the last... So please correct all the mistakes that Marshie told you.

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For those who have already submitted their draft 2 please post the link again. And everyone please submit on time, I have to listen and correct for draft 3 to be submitted too... (Informasi JS 9) (Third party as conduits the information and rules of each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly & individual initiative) Last post of updates is march 3... 1 week would be tomorrow... hope to see all the updated files (Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:24 am) (Informasi JS 10) (Third party as conduits the information and rules of

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each member involved on the project, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly & individual initiative) Looks like we're all done with our Bolero parts... well i'm just waiting for Myeo's part... then we can post it as A-melody's first cover (Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:11 pm) (Informasi JS 11) (Third party as conduits the information) (Perceived ability, benevolence, integrity), (Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly & individual initiative) For the rest of A-Melody: Our next song...

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Latacha by f(x)... might want to listen to it first... so... Let's have a short break... (Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:45 am) (Informasi JS 12) (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project; perceived ability, benevolence, integrity mau memulai project baru yaitu Lachata bersama anggota tim yang sama; Member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) Won't say it's easy to mix... haha... cause after adding in myeo... i sound out of place... haiz... I’ll work on it... (Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:00 am) ) (Informasi JS 13)

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(Third party as conduits information of each member involved on the project) (Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly, member action facilitating trust later on phlegmatic reaction to crisis) Teaser release date is April 8... Bolero release date is April 20 (Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:16 am) (Informasi JS 14) (Third party as conduits information, Member action facilitating trust early on coping with technical and task uncertainly &individual initiative) Group Name: A-melody *** Group Color/Signature:

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Pearl Light Blue Fanclub Name: -- Status: Artist group Genre: Pop/A-capella Company: AME(cover groups) *** Artist Debut date: 8 April 2010 *** Current Schedule: Pre-Teaser Release: *random* Teaser Release: 8 April 2010 Bolero Cover Release: 20 April 2010 Lachata Cover: 24 Dec 2010. Last Gift Cover: - Dream Come True: - *** About A-melody: A-melody is a project group created by our very own co-ceo, JS. She said that she thought that these girls together

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would make a 'dream team' and I (Marshie) commented that their harmonies sound great. Please look forward to seeing the wonderful future of these girls! Tag along and watch them with us! *** Members: 1. Leader JS Position: Mezzo-Soprano 2. Angelic EunJung Position: Soprano 3. Bubbly Dee Position: Contralto 4. Charisma Hayley Position: Mezzo-Soprano 5. Maknae Myeo Position: Soprano *** Links: Myeo's Youtube -

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Dee's Youtube - Hayley's Youtube - JS's Youtube - EunJung's Youtube - More to come as we journey on with A-Melody! ^^v [… (video cuplikan hasil covering Bolero project A-Melodyt)] (Tue Apr 06, 2010 11:27 am) (Informasi JS 15) (Third party as conduits the role and the rules of each member involved on the project, perceived ability, benevolence, integrity (pengumuman “pelegallan” keanggotaan A-Melody,

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rencana-rencana A-Melody selanjutnya, persetujuan CEO, dll), member action facilitating trust early on

individual initiative from JS to ask Marshie to established her team) Video Bolero project, It's finally out!!! Our first release (Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:52 am) (Informasi JS 16) (Third party as conduits information, perceived ability, benevolence, integrity,Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, member action facilitating trust early on

individual initiative, communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and

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timely response

Ask for information

Please let me know when everyone is free, we need to arrange for this to be done (Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:44 pm) (Pertanyaan JS 1) (Third party as conduits information, member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative) Myeo, i need your bolero parts (Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:14 pm) (Pertanyaan JS 2) (Third party as conduits information, member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative)

[…] taken note of possible to get the different parts of the lyrics of the 5 of them for us? Also, are you going to assign us the parts or we are supposed to decide among ourselves? I think the others will want to know this as well. ^^ (Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:49 pm) (Pertanyaan Eun Jung 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information , member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative

By the way, I did it in the original pitch, that's okay right? (Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:58 am) (Pertanyaan Hayley 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information , member action facilitating trust early on

individual initiative

Anyway the record part, which version we're going to use ? The original or the pitch version? (Thu Jan 28, 2010 2:01 pm) (Pertanyaan Myeo 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information , member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative

Give suggestion

Individual Birthday on: Dee --> October 24 Hayley --> July 24

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Myeo --> August 10 Roll --> April 5 JS --> April 29 Eun Jung --> March 31 So, 24+24+10+5+29+31 = 123/6 = 20.5 (make it 20 then) That is how i derived the date.. haha...(Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:14 pm) (Saran bagi permintaan saran JS 1) (Member’s assessment of third party information , member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative; communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response

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Ask for

suggestion Now the thing is... pick a debut date people... (Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:00 am) (Permintaan saran JS 1) (Third party as conduits information, member action facilitating trust early on individual initiative)

Give opinion

Whahaha!! We all do our best in our parts and make A-Melody be known everywhere... Is it possible? hahaha... I believe we can do it... Hwaiting~~ =) (Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:39 am) (Menanggapi informasi JS 15) (Member’s assessment of third party information perceived ability, benevolence, integrity, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, Communication

I listened to the audio clip as well, the acapella surprised me but it sounds awesome :3 (Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:38 am) Menanggapi informasi JS 15) (Member’s assessment of third party information perceived ability, benevolence, integrity, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, Communication behavior maintaining trust later

WOW... I didn't think that it actually would be an acapella, I thought that this will be mixed with the instrumental (I'm so sorry JS T_T) - This is so goooooddd **so impressed with everyone**. Really looking forward (actually can't wait) for the full version badly >.< […](Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:16 pm) (Menanggapi informasi JS 15)

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behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response)

on substantive and timely response

(Member’s assessment of third party information perceived ability, benevolence, integrity, Communication behavior facilitating trust early on communicating conveying enthusiasms, Communication behavior maintaining trust later on substantive and timely response

Ask for opinion

- - - -

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Lampiran 7: Matriks 2: Hasil wawancara dengan masing-masing informan untuk menyusun profil serta intepretasi dan trianggulasi penelitian.

Indikator JS Eun Jung Hayley Motivasi awal bergabung dalam AME

I realise that there is a need for trainer, since all official entertainment seems to have that post but online entertainment doesn’t. I even listed out my past achievements in singing for them to review Well, my initial dream was to be a singer, but after I know TVXQ it just confirmed my dreams even more. Except that it was more detailed, I want to be like TVXQ, to be able to help someone with my voice. To tell a story with my song that will help others realize they’re more than what they think they are. But after a while, I realize it’s not really possible. My family, my age, it seems almost impossible already, since debut age has since decrease to 14 or even younger. So when I joined

I got to know about AME when my best friend JS, who is the trainer and one of the CEO told me about it. She was planning the training programs for the trainees and asked me for help. After which, I was asked to join in by auditioning as a trainee. Since I like singing so much, I thought it is a good idea to join in and meet with other coverists who have the same interest as I do. In AME, I am able to make virtual friends and get to collab with them. Joining AME gives the opportunity to showcase my singing as well as knowing all other friends whom comes from all countries. It is a very rewarding experience for me as well

One day a Youtube user sent me a message asking me to audition for an online singing group (AME) that she set up which did Korean pop covers. I had already been part of an online singing group, but it didn’t last very long so I was nervous about it. But I decided to try it out and hope that I didn’t get too lazy to record. The user was JS, the leader of the group and she showed me around the forum and I recorded an audition. I had already been part of an online singing group, but it didn’t last very long so I was nervous about it. But I decided to try it out and hope that I didn’t get too lazy to record. Because I thought it would be really fun and a great learning experience to sing with other people

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AME as a trainer, I decided if I can’t fulfill that dream of doing what TVXQ did, I shall do it in my own way, by helping others that have more potential than I do to fulfill their dream as well as mine. I hope that if they really succeed, they can hold my dream as well, do it on my behalf, to do what I can’t

Perasaan saat diterima sebagai anggota AME

As a start it was quite interesting but it did get busy at times. But at that point of time as A-Melody wasn’t form yet I didn’t get too busy with things. But I enjoyed it

I felt happy and excited as AME is the first forum that I auditioned and picked to be part of it. What's more important is, JS and I always wanted to form our own Collab group and thus, A-Melody is formed. We want A-Melody consists of 5 members and all of us like TVXQ. We are able to do covers of nice songs and songs that we like

Extremely happy. To this day I'm so happy that people like my voice

Perasaan Saat Pertama Kali Terlibat Sebagai Anggota A-Melody

There were some worries that I have when I was told by CEOs to join the group since I don’t really have confidence that my voice would blend in with the best singers that I have seen on

I am excited and want to know how A-Melody can progress from there (my plan and JS’s). (Dispositional trust)

I was really grateful (Dispositional trust). Yes, I was worried that A-Melody might not last very long, same as my previous group, since usually people get busy and it's hard to

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the forum with is the rest of the members. Well, I felt proud that my plans has been put into actions as well as the excitement for the other plans that I have for the group, such as bringing the group to a new height (Dispositional trust)

continue with groups.

Pandangan terhadap A-Melody (setelah interaksi dan komunikasi terjadi) (Perceived ability, benevolence, integrity)

Well in general, A-Melody is a group that’s very much motivated on their own, wanting the best for the group and is willing to put in the effort EunJung – Despite being busy during internship, she still finds time to work on the group’s project multiple times until we’re both satisfied with the parts.. Hayley – Having internet issues at home, but that doesn’t stop her from sending in her parts. Still very motivated with her parts, did enjoy working with her a lot, great rapper. Myeo – Girl with a very good voice, has been busy with her actual life and thus was not very active with the group however

I didn’t trust that people from different countries can come together to form a team and cover songs before. But not for us. I felt that it is an amazing experience. I feel very satisfied to be picked and get involved as one of the member of A-Melody. That’s because I can get to know A-Melody’s members more and we can get together to make nice covers In my opinion, A-Melody is more of a project group that undergoes training and gets better each time when covering the songs that are assigned to them. Each member will give their very best and shows

I was really grateful. I was worried that A-Melody might not last very long, same as my previous group, since usually people get busy and it's hard to continue with groups. And it is easier for a beginner to get used to online covering in A-Melody; there is a lot more supervision and support to make sure that everyone gets everything right. You feel less nervous and it builds your confidence because there are people to help you if you make a mistake It's really great for improving as well as keeping up with practice. Having other people who share the same interests as you is

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when she finds time she will work on the project and usually gives a very good first draft. It may seem to be quite self-centered on my views as I was thinking of my thanks to TVXQ, but I believe my members would agree that I picked them based on criteria of the best group. From what I know, TVXQ is actually a combination of lead singers from different groups, as well as solo artist. Which means it is a group that consists of great singers. TVXQ was picked by selecting the lead singer of various groups as well as solo trainees from their company and then put together as a dream group. So when I was selecting members for A-Melody I took in mind their solo abilities. Thus when I suggested debuting a group in AME, I wanted my first group to be with great singers, one that each member is able to pull off something impressive on

improvement each time. As for the other online singing cover project groups, they usually are chosen to be in the collab. Basically you just cover your part and the mixer will just mix them and post up on Youtube. You will not get to really communicate with each other, just like how A-Melody does The rest of the other A-Melody’s members are fun and interactive people to work with. I always treat my friends nice because I feel that it is a kind of destiny to be friends. Thus, able to make friends virtually, makes me even want to treasure this kind of friendship. Whenever they have any problems or need my help, I will try my best to help them I like to be in this team because our voices are all blended quite well and each of us does have our own unique voice

really encouraging. Some people are better at singing high or rapping etc. But it doesn't mean that anyone is bad either, we completed each other for the sake of the team’s aim Because everyone is different from different parts of the world, yet we all love the same music. It is interesting to see how the music has inspired and affected each of us and keeping us together until now My voice has improved from the practice and my ability to work as a team has also improved as I used to be uncomfortable working in a group before; I used to be very shy around people, so I want to stay in this team more and more. I want to be famous along with A-Melody that would be amazing. But, I never state that. I'm a shy person

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their own. To combine them like TVXQ and with the hope of them being able to do what TVXQ can I didn’t have any worries at all, I know their capability and I do believe that they will do their best for this team. I believe in them because I know they would all want to achieve the same dreams as I did, it’s the faith that we all hold that I believe in In my view that’s something very touching as most of us have not even met and yet we’re all working together to achieve the same things Well from the first project till the recent projects, now that I’m listening to it again, it’s like a story of A-Melody. Bolero is when we first started out, by listening to the song it sounds like a lot of uncertain and that we’re not able to match our

A-Melody has tried different genres of Kpop songs. Each member has their strong points and weak points to train up. A-Melody members are able to use their strong points to help cover up each other’s weak points. For example, A-Melody has recently tried to cover Dreams Come True, which is a song with many harmonies. They have showed that they are able to make it possible even if they are not very good at it. Being able to explore new things, I think A-Melody has made improvements in this area. Each time a cover is made, we can see improvements and efforts each member puts in. That’s why I want to keep this group alive. I have been satisfied with the result of each A-Melody’s projects, especially the first debut song, Bolero. Especially, because that is the first song covered by A-Melody after it is being formed. And the song turned out to be nice.

at first so I usually wait for someone to talk to me first before I talk to them and I'm afraid that I won't be taken seriously, because some members might only want this to continue as a hobby. Also I have been criticized before for saying that I want to be a singer from family members. So it's something that I keep secret while keeping doing this together with them. I’ve been improving myself a lot within this team, so I keep believe on this team to reach my dream I'm very happy we've made it for a year already. I trust our members and I trust whatever plans and projects we have to do. I would resign myself if I weren’t put my trust on them. I’m really enjoying everything that’s happen within this team

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voices together in harmony. People may say that it’s the mixing and such but I meant the feeling of the song, everyone is just singing to themselves. When we move on to LaChaTa things started off better as we have started to learn how to blend in with the members voices however upon hearing it, one would notice it is still filled with slight awkwardness. However when it is moved on to Dreams Come True, there is a lot of difference as the members voice have blended and sounding as one actual team, we’re starting to think about the other members, like okay who’s doing the harmony at which parts so I shouldn’t try to overlap the voice. A-Melody is a team that has managed to make progression together as if we’re an actual team that’s staying together

The mutual trust that other A-Melody members motivate me for believing them. They will give each other their support to me There is sure to have difficulties where at times I cannot handle those roles well, but I will put in my best effort to work through it. Besides, decisions are usually made by the other CEO, JS. I will only provide suggestions. Because this is a thing that I enjoyed doing, thus I don’t feel tired. All the members are very understanding and care for each other. This is the power that keeps me going on A-Melody’s vision is to be a group that covers quality covers and that every member can pursue their dreams together as a team. I believe A-Melody has been working very hard together in unison as a team towards the

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I am satisfied with the team as well as being in the team. Well upon seeing the team improve there’s a satisfaction that I feel as everyone has worked hard for it to happen. A-Melody’s vision… I believe would be to have some form of fame in YouTube or to achieve something that’s slightly similar to TVXQ at least. I believe the members too; know of the vision and are all working towards the same dream Well there are certain levels of stress to juggle so many things. There are of course times that I have thought about given up because there are just so many things that I have to handle in family, school and life. However I will always remember the motivation that I had (TVXQ) and thus I will keep the faith that I have and hang on to my responsibilities. I feel I have more responsibility as the CEO

same dream.

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as well as the leader of A-Melody which the members have decided that I get to be the leader and so I tend to work around my time hoping to not disappoint the members and trying to share some load with them. I would stay in my position as I would like to see the group excel eventually and it’s something that we can achieve together. And I know they would all want to achieve the same dream as I did, it’s the faith that we all hold that I believe in Well I would stay in my position as I would like to see the group excel eventually and it’s something that we can achieve together and I guess the members will all stay together after a long time.

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Komunikasi, Hubungan dan Interaksi (Perceived ability, benevolence, integrity)

I would know the most about EunJung, since we’re actually schoolmates from the past and I’ve known her for 9 years now and it’s still counting, we keep contact each other through chatting by MSN. As for the rest of the members I know slightly about their family like how many siblings and such and their school and things like that but not to the detail I do find time to talk to the member individually trying to understand their problems which also allows me to change the due date of the projects due to their situations such as busy life, exams and such. Well there would definitely be a member that’s closer to one particular member but I don’t really mind that because everyone has different characters it would just be because they have some common topic that the other members don’t have but that

I am closest to the leader, JS. We are from the same country and also best friends before. Therefore, we have more sharing with each other. But through AME, I get to know other members too. We will chat through MSN and Twitter to get to know each other better. Members are able to talk about all kinds of topics. Share with each other their experiences in their daily life I will go to AME’s site under Trainee’s section and look through members profile, go to their personal Youtube and listen to their covers, and also chat with them to get to know them more I think A-Melody’s members all knows which are the best platform to communicate with each other. They will voice their opinions and give ideas on how A-Melody can excel in future

Everyone is fun and supportive. I hope that I am seen as a willing and supportive group member who can help out when needed and is reliable for the sake of the team and each member I'm a shy person at first so I usually wait for someone to talk to me first before I talk to them. I'm not sure if it's hard to get close to them, I just think that we haven't gotten the opportunity to talk. I'm a shy person at first so I usually wait for someone to talk to me first before I talk to them. Dee and JS approached me first so I was able to make friends with them I would love to know more about them though. I have not done much (mainly due to personal shyness) but I do chat with the other members these days. My will to know them more is growing lately. As time goes by I feel more comfortable

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doesn’t change anything about the group as eventually we do all have the same topic Basically I feel A-Melody members don’t really have a language barrier in some ways; we actually manage to understand what each other is trying to say even in the weirdest sentence structure I enjoy having them in the team, as the group gets along well, we would have small talks on twitter or MSN whenever we see another member online, it would be a conversation of many other things which may not regard the song that we’re working on Affection… well I don’t know. I like the team as a whole and we tend not to have direct showing of affections since we are more of “scold” each other in a sarcastic and nice way

projects. Besides, all members know how to speak English; therefore, there isn’t any language barrier I believe I have given my affections towards the other members and I also feel the same that they do the same towards me and the others Although we all live in different places and different time, each member knows their own responsibility. The planning is done properly and each member knows what they need to do make it easier to accomplish the projects assigned. If any A-Melody member faces difficulty in handing up their projects, other members will understand why because we will always inform each other earlier with our reason stated clearly. Thus, it isn’t a problem where we stay. Communication is the more important factor in this case

to talk to the other without being too shy like before. I would like to be able to chat with them online. I have spoken to them and so far it has been really fun. Everyone communicates well and I enjoy talking to them. I'm a bit shy when it comes to showing affections and I think some people are closer to each other than to others. I think we are all on good terms with each other. Twitter is a very useful tool because anyone can communicate at any time. Although it's been more difficult lately because of business with school and lack of internet at my home

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Well technically I’m still the trainer and part of the management. If I’m on a way too nice situation with them, there could be a chance that they’ll over run the rules. Like they won’t care about due dates or datelines. So I believe there has to be certain limit to fun I usually state all the ideas and discuss it with the other members and have been asking them for ideas too. I try not to keep any ideas to myself as eventually it is something that involves all of us. If I kept in something that would be because I have yet to confirm or does not have a complete thought about it yet. Main reason for staying as A-Melody member would be the relationship that has been developed with the members. It would be that family feeling that has developed. Well I’m not

I don’t think communication is the main barrier as all members understand and we do communicate well enough. Even if we don’t understand what each other may be talking about sometimes, we will still try to ask and make sure the right info is being delivered. I am quite satisfied on the communication system used as this is one of the platforms where A-Melody members can communicate with each other during their own free time. I trust them to do their best on their parts and that’s what I’ve seen so far, so I shouldn’t worry about it. I do trust them. I do believe that each member has their reason for slowing down the project’s process, but everyone has been cooperative so far, so I don’t see it as an issue. As long as the reason is a valid one, I believe every

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exactly the oldest in the team but since members started calling me oumma (mother) there’s just a connection I guess to feel closer as a mother would care for her own child, I would like to do the same for my “kids”. In my view that’s something very touching as most of us have not even met and yet we’re all working together to achieve the same things They do also provide their suggestions to me as well as to point out any disagreement status which I would then take into consideration for discussion with the other CEOs I’ve been asking members to response to any ideas that was being given about A-Melody and in my opinion; the members have done quite a good job responding to the ideas Well there will definitely be

member will understand each other Yes, I think A-Melody’s members have been actively told their ideas for the group’s progression. I will also voice my ideas if there’s any. We not only do it for A-Melody, we also will share ideas that help AME

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more than one solution to a problem but I still think the member has the final decision, if she would decide to leave the team I would accept it. Well I try to keep the positive view but to be able to not trust the other person; the member would have to do something really serious.

Kendala dan Hambatan A-Melody

Well even though the communication is done over the internet, I guess the only problem would be time zone since we would have some problem talking together but eventually that was solved by offline messages I won’t say that the barriers slows down the project as so far that hasn’t happen yet, the barriers that we have is the busy life of members that delay the finishing of the project instead of

I think the barriers so far would be each member has their own commitment to accomplish like school work. Due to the change of weathers sometimes, members can get sick easily if not well taken care of. I do believe that each member has their reason for slowing down the project’s process, but everyone has been cooperative so far, so I don’t see it as an issue. As long as the reason is a valid one, I believe every

Time zone is something that we can't control, yes it does slow down the process because a. And since we all have to go to school and work, it makes everything difficult. School work, lack of communication, sicknesses and forgetfulness too. I try to be online as often as possible so that there is a better chance of everyone meeting. Twitter is a very useful tool because anyone can communicate at any time. Although it's been more difficult lately because of business with

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the distance. I would still say that the member’s life are the barriers, well distance would of course make things better since if we’re able to meet it’s cut down a lot of time however, to use that wasn’t a problem. Despite distance we are still able to improve just by words of comments

member will understand each other

school and lack of internet at my home I am a bit disappointed because she hasn't given a reason. But again, since we're not 100% sure what's going on with her. We can't really be angry or anything, because we know each other through the internet, you can never be sure what's going on in each other's lives