Download - Lakeshore UU Newsletter Feb 2013

  • 8/13/2019 Lakeshore UU Newsletter Feb 2013






    Feb. 17 Safe-Zone Training at UWM-- KyleMenzer - UW ManitowocHow can we support GLBTQ issues as an allyKyle will give us information about websites another sources to help us to be more effective.Kyle is the founder of the Gay Straight Alliancethe university.

    Feb. 24 Addictions, Medicines, & Persons-Mark MarnochaThose of us with family, friends, and patients ithe midst of addiction and recovery havequestions. Such as:

    Are they using new and frighteningdrugs, or old and familiar drugs?

    Are people destroying their bodies, oincreasing quality of life in the mostefficient way?

    Is it a bad habit, or an addictive

    illness? Are addicts too weak of will or too

    strong? Does spirituality or religion help

    recovery? What is enabling, and what is not?

    This talk will provide thoughts, opinions andsome bits of research. And perhaps answers emerge.


    Feb. 3Mexican Journey of a Nation Over aRough and Rambling RoadBill DeanBill and Mary Dean spent a lot of time in Mexico,and Bill has written a book about its history.According to the book cover, Bill is dedicated toproving that the country is bigger than someproblems that now beset it. Hell bring a morepositive perspective than we read in the


    Feb. 10 Diving into the Wreck:My Encounterwith the Great Lakes Maritime Culture inAlpena, MI --Jessica Van SlootenFrom mapping the wreckage of the Joseph F.Fay on the shores of 40 mile point, to peeringinto the archives and waters at the Thunder BayNational Marine Sanctuary, I learned about GreatLakes maritime culture, history and science inJuly 2011. As a National Endowment of theHumanities workshop participant, I learned fromnational and regional experts on the science andstory of Great Lakes maritime culture.Throughout my experience, I focused on themajesty of the sweet water seas Ive alwayscalled home, and felt connected to a deepspiritual power. Ill share highlights from mymetaphorical dive into the wreck, so please graba mask and fins and dive in with me!

    S E R V I C E S : 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . S U N D A Y ,6 2 0 P A R K S T R E E T , M A N I T O W O C , W I 5 4 2 2 0 ,P H O N E : ( 9 2 0 ) 6 8 6 - 0 6 4 3E M A I L : L U U F . P A R K S T R E E T @ G M A I L . C O MW E B S I T E : W W W . L A K E S H O R E U U . O R GL U U B L O G : W W W . L U U F . B L O G S P O T . C O MF A C E BO O K : L A KE S H O RE U N I T AR I A N


    L U U F L A Y M I N I S T E R SDan Fischer (920) 323-3475 [email protected] Hunter (920) 684-5590 [email protected] Strauss (920) 629-0924 [email protected] Sustman (920) 973-7391 [email protected]

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    The day-to-day life of our fellowship is the glue that holds our spiritual community together. Unitarian Universalismapproaches the more "secular" aspects of fellowship life with the same religious intent as it's worship. Our religiouseducation classes, adult activities groups, community volunteerism and building facilities committees are essential asp

    of our spiritual work. We believe it is our deeds, not our creeds, which are most important.

    Volunteer opportunities abound! Please consider signing up for coffee service, greeter, shoveling, or any other activityjob that helps to keep our fellowship moving forward and running smoothly.

    Volunteer sign up sheets are in the coat roomThanks for all your help!

    January 27th collection for Hope House$298.00

    Thanks for your generous support!

    Soup Sunday



    The Childrens Religious Education Program, Free to Believe welcomes all children from ages 5 to 10.

    This years curriculum uses Unitarian Universalist sources to explore UU principles and answers to questions about: lifedeath, spirit and God, and the beginnings of the world and life. Each session will include a sharing and activity time,hands on experiences, stories, songs, short plays and discussions. When suitable, parts of last years program Experiewith the Web of Life will be integrated into the lessons.

    This year we are very grateful to Evie Sustman, a longtime teacher in both the Two Rivers Public School System and theHead Start Program, for volunteering to be our main religious education teacher. Evie will bring needed continuity andexperience to our program. Bonnita Budysz, Tammy Hoeltke and Sandy Bast will act as substitute teachers and Jill Finwill assist.

    The Free to Believe Program was developed by the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock in Manhasset, Nalong with Green Timber Publications. This program was recommended by the First Unitarian Society of Madison, WI.

    Yours in growing understanding---------The Religious Education committeeEvie Sustman, Sandy Bast, Bonnita Budysz, Tammy Hoeltke and Dan Fischer.

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    Building Your Own Theology Session 6 will be held Tuesday, February 12, 6:30. Dan Fischer will facilitate the discussion on

    Justice and the Beloved Community: What Is Our Place in the World? All are welcome to attend. Please e-mail Jean Biegun if

    you would like to receive a copy of the lesson ([email protected]). The homework reading in the study guides ends with this quote

    from the late Nick Cardell, a Unitarian Universalist minister who campaigned to close the School of the Americas, a training facilit

    for Latin American police and military implicated in violation of human rights in their home countries. He served six months for hicivil disobedience at Fort Benning, Ga.

    "Sometimes Im asked how or why I got involved in this cause. One easy answer is because what we do to each other is my

    business. These peoplevictims and victimizersare my people. And there is also a very personal need. When I was a youngste

    I scratched my initials into the middle of the highest steel girder on a bridge leading into and out of New York City. No one knows

    is there. But I do! In my adult life I have wanted to find life-affirming ways to write my initials on the tree of life. As poet Mary

    Oliver put it: I dont want to end up simply having visited this world.

    *****************************************************************************************************LUUF ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP

    Several LUUFers committed to the importance of our 7th Principle (Respect for the interdependent web of allexistence of which we are a part) met in October 2012 to form the LUUF Environmental Group. The groupsmission is to plan and coordinate environmental activities at our fellowship, encourage sustainable living practices atLUUF, join with other local environmental groups for events and action, and foster increased ecological awarenessamong members and friends.

    You may have noticed already that with the new year the group is submitting a "Green Tip" in our Sunday Order ofService, and in case you miss them, we'll repeat in our newsletter the month's "Green Tips," many from scientists witWI Department of Natural Resources. We hope to keep you informed of other environmental education opportunitiein the area too. Save Thursday March7th for a presentation on climate change at the Maritime Museum. SusanLoomans will present The Climate Reality Project at 6:30, with discussion to follow. Check out Youll be impressed!

    Our group is lookingat curriculum resources to assist our focus: the UUA and other UU groups, previous City ofManitowoc programs, state, national and international programs. Issues for discussion or action are numerous-everything from climate change and environmental justice to what we buy at the grocery store, so well try willnarrow it down for both meaning and manageability.

    We ask the LUUF Board to consider sustainability first in any decision-making for the facility, and we ask everyone toshare concerns, questions, and ideas on what you'd like to see from the Environmental Group- even a new "catchier"name! Let Bev or Bonnita know your ideas. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 3:30 at LUUF. If that timedoesnt work for anyone who might want to participate, well change it. Everyone is welcome.

    Green Tips from the past month:*Happy New Year! Start off 2013 right and environmentally responsible with a plan on how you can reduce your impact on our

    environment. Make reducing air emissions a resolution for 2013.

    *Happy New Year! Its national Staying Healthy Month! Try walking or biking to work or school. Its healthy for you and our air quality!

    *Insulate your water heater if it isnt already. Keeping your water heater warm saves energy and reduces up to 1,000 lbs of carbondioxide emissions due to reduced energy use. Less energy use means less pollution emitted from power plants producing the energy

    *Check that your vehicles tires are inflated to the proper pressure. Underinflated tires can lead to lowered fuel economy.

    *Avoid short car trips whenever possible! Instead chain all of your trips together to make one long journey. Trip chaining reducesoverall vehicle fuel use & reduces emissions!

    *Buddy up, go green, and CARPOOL! Youll pay for less gas, create less greenhouse gas, and make friends along the way.

    EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to [email protected]

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    Have you noticed that we seem to have a noise challenge in the kitchen area on Sundays after the service? This isactually a good problem to have because it means that people are interacting and communicating with each other.That is a proud UU tradition. However, we would like to try some things to make it a little easier for people to heareach other.When we put in the new carpet, we were hoping that it might help tone down the noise level a bit by absorbing someof the sound. Unfortunately it appears that the situation has not improved.

    The Board would like to start placing some items on the walls that might be able to absorb sound. If you have anunused quilt, comforter, or other item that we could temporarily hang in the kitchen/eating area please bring it tothe Fellowship. We would like to find out what actually works to absorb the sound. You will get your item back aftethe UU sound experiment is completed. If you have some other ideas about how to approach this challenge, we are

    all ears. Thanks for your help.

    D O N T F O R G E T M E D I T A T I O N O N S U N D A Y E V E N I N G S A L U U F

    R E L A X , R E F R E S H & R E A L I G N

    F o r a c a l m i n g s t a r t t o y o u r w e e k !

    T h e g o a l o f m e d ita t io n is t o b r in g i n n e r p e a c e w i th i n o u r s e l f a n d th e w o r ld i n a p o s i t iv e a n ds p i ri t u a l w a y . T h e w o r ld m a y n o t a lw a y s b e a p e a c e f u l p l a c e a n d w it h in e v e r y s o u l th e r e iss o m e f o r m o f te n s i o n a n d s t r e s s . It is t h e r e f o re e s s e n t ia l to c r e a t e p o s i t iv e a n d p e a c e f u lth o u g h ts to b r in g p e a c e t o o u r m in d . M e d i ta t io n i s o n e o f th e b e s t m e t h o d s to b r in g a b o u tt r a n s f o r m a t io n a n d n u r tu r e t h e n a t u ra l q u a l it ie s w i t h in . I n th e e v e n t o f c a n c e l la t io n s ;in f o r m a t io n w i l l g o o u t v ia U U S h a r e .

    P e a c e i s n o t a lw a y s t h e a b s e n c e o f c o n f li c t , b u t t h e a b i li ty t o c o p e w i t h i t B u d d h a s a i d : " M e d i ta t io n b r in g s w is d o m ; la c k o f m e d i a tio n l e a v e s i g n o r a n c e . K n o w w e l l. . . "

    Thank you to the LUUF Guitar Group "In Good Time"for providing music for our service on Jan. 27.

    So sorry the photographer didn't get Dave, with his banjo in the shot,I promise to try harder next time, so don't forget to smile.

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    ALL I WANT FOR THE NEW YEAR (and beyond.........)is LUUF mementos and keepsakes by Ginney Finnel

    During one of his recent visits to our fellowship, Arthur Thexton suggested we add to our October "Remember th

    Saints" service a ceremonial reading aloud of the names of the departed members and friends of our fellowship. Thyear we paid homage to Vince Holschbach, Katherine Helgeland and George Edwards, who left us far too soon. Walso remembered past members and friends, including Shirley Goeters, Bob Potrykus, Olga Radulaski, WinnifreSpring, and others.

    In a further effort to preserve the personal history of our fellowship, Zoe Alexander and I have a plan tcreate and assemble a photo album / scrap book of LUUF memorabilia. We want to preserve our connection to thpeople no longer with us as well as to meaningful events and happenings related to the life of our fellowship and ithistory and mission here in Manitowoc.

    So, please, help us by sharing copies of anything you may have in your possession that will further this cause. Thinglike:

    Photos of departed members and friends;

    Photos of special events (new member recognitions, moving day(s), concerts, picnics and parties; Photos taken at our former homes - Washington House in Two Rivers and our building on 8th Street


    Newspaper articles about the fellowship or fellowship events, obituaries, etc.

    Please contact Ginny Finnel by phone 755-2689 or email at [email protected] if you have questions oanything to contribute now or at anytime in the future. Or, simply leave your items in an envelope with my name oit on the information table at the back of the fellowship. I will be happy to photocopy and return any original itemyou wish to retain. Thank you!

    "A person with no sense of the past is a person who is a stranger to his or her own roots...We are inheritors of the history that ha

    made us what we are..." -Anthony O'Hear.

    "The poetry of history lies in the quasi-miraculous fact that once...on this familiar spot of ground, walked other men and women, aactual as we are today...". - G.M. Trevelyan

    "Of all the intellectual pursuits, history is the most supremely useful. That is why people crave it and need ever more of it."

    Simon Jenkins.


    A call out to LUUF Artists, Poets, Sculptors & Fine Craftsman. Last May we started a call out to our LUUF artists andwe're still encouraging our talented members and friends, to provide art for our fellowship. Bonita's paintings haveadorned the walls at LUUF for 3 years, and with the many talented artists in our congregation, it's time to for achange and for your talents to shine and adorn our Fellowship, as we enter our fourth year in this historic building.We're calling out to all our talented artists, poets, sculptors and potters to share their artistic talents, so we can allenjoy the variety of these beautiful works of art. We will also need outdoor art for our gardens.

    Please contact Kim Everett to arrange for art rotation and display -- 755-8430, or email at: [email protected]


    Don't Forget! "Soup Sunday" LUUF Cook Book. We've already had a few submissions, but it takes avillage of hungry people to create a cook book worthy of UU's. Zoe Alexander and Kim Everett have agreed to takethis project on, so please submit your favorite "Soup Sunday" recipe to Zoe at [email protected]. The goal is toself publish "Soup Sunday" and sell it to members, friends and interested parties for a small donation.

    EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to [email protected]

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    Planning is still moving forward for adult activitiesplease stay tuned for our first outing to be announced soon!Movie - Museum -Theater - Demonstration - Craft Project

    Something exciting is in the works!


    Cho i r P r a ct i c e

    1st & 3r d W edn esday o f each m on t h a t 6 :30

    F eel f r ee t o com e sha r e y ou r v o i c e i n song


    Norbertine Center for Spirituality atSt. Norbert Abbey

    1016 North Broadway | De Pere, WI 54115

    Wednesdays for Women SeriesThat All May Be One

    Wednesdays 10 - 11:30 amJanuary 30 MormonismFebruary 6 Buddhism

    February 13 Religious Society of Friends

    Facilitators: Sr. Shawn Madigan, CSJ, Sr. Judy Miller, CSJCost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5 per session)

    We Believe: The Many Faces of Faith SeriesTo celebrate "The Year of Faith", and in an effort to promote understanding of and respect fo other religions, speakersfrom various faith traditions share their beliefs during this four-part series. Pope Benedict XVI recently offered, "Dialogubetween religions nourishes the surrounding culture in the present day; both the participants and society are enriched. Awe grow in understanding of one another, we see that we share an esteem for ethical values, discernible to humanreason, which are revered by all peoples of goodwell. The world begs for a common witness to these values".

    Tuesday, February 5 6:30 - 8 pm SikhismPresenter: Bhagwant Singh Balli

    Tuesday, March 5 6:30 - 8pm JudaismPresenter: Rabbi Shanna Bacharach, Congregation Cnesess Isreal

    Tuesday April 2 6:30 - 8 pm IslamPresenter: Imam Mohamed Zakarya Green Bay Mosque (Masjid)

    Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5)To register visit:

    EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to [email protected][email protected]
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    INFORMATION NEWS AND EVENTSHope House currently has the following in residence: a family of three, a family of two, an adult couple without childrenand one single woman, who is pregnant. This brings our house total to 8 people: 5 adults and 3 children (a three year girl, a one year old girl and a 9 year old boy).

    Thanks to all who helped with the recent Hope House week

    HOPE HOUSE WISH LISTGas card Feminine productsStore gift cards (Walmart, Shopko, etc) Bath towelsToddler beds Dinner platesPillowsGently used clothing racks or closet organizers, for 3rd floor clean up

    Save the date!

    We look forward to seeing you there!

    HOPE HOUSE PRESENTSETERNI TY!!! That time of year is again fast approachingIts time for the Great GospelGathering! There have been some new and exciting changes to the face of thevent and this year we will be presenting Eternityat the Capitol Civic Centre onunday, April 14that 7:00 pm. Wed like to thank Roncalli High School for hostinghe Event in past years as well as all the talented singers and choirs that came toerform.

    Tickets will be sold for $15 and they can be purchased at the Capitol Civic Centrerior to or on the day of the event. Following the concert there will be a cupcakend coffee social! All proceeds from the event will benefit Hope House.ternity has a passion for people, and enjoys building a playful rapport with theudience, while delivering rock-solid harmonies in their updated version of that

    reat gospel quartet sound.

    2013 BUY ONE, GIVE ONE CAMPAIGNWith the cold winter months of Wisconsin rolling in itmight be high time to stock up on some warm andcomfy bedding and comforters to make it through thosechilly nights! Our national affiliate, Family Promise, hasannounced its 2013 Buy One, Give One (BOGO)Campaign in collaboration with The Company Store. TheCompany Store, a leading online retailer of bedding and

    home accessories, has partnered with Family Promiseand for every comforter purchased from their onlineretail s tore will donate a comforter to Family Promise tobe distributed to one of their many affiliates! We areone of those affiliates and are slated to receiveapproximately 100 comforters!!!!

    Next Volunteer Training: Our next volunteer training is scheduled for Monday, February 4thfrom 6:00 to 8:00pm.The training will be held inside of Hope House.If you have new volunteers that you would like to have attendthe training please contact Heather Lawhon with their full name and contact information..

    Check out The Company Store website atwww.thecompanystore.comand check out allthey have to offer. As a special thank you, usethe following discount code: A13BOGO whilechecking out to receive 20% off yourpurchase.

    EMAIL LUUF Newsletter submissions to [email protected][email protected]://[email protected]
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    John and Bernie Zimmer Photos,Manitowoc City Hall. Landscape and memories make up this wonderfulexhibit. Part of the Rahr-West Community Outreach program that shows work on the first floor of City Hall

    and rotating every 3 months. 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 686-30901-13

    Hamilton Woodtype: Art Exhibit, Silver Lake College. 920-686-6181


    Hanna Irlbeck: Art Exhibit, Silver Lake College. 920-686-6181

    1-17 Civil War Remembered, Rahr-West Art Museum. Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the CivilWar, the men and women of the Civil War Roundtable present art inspired by and artifacts from thedefining period of Our Union. 920-686-3090

    2 Cutter Rescues: Saturday Learning Series, Wisconsin Maritime Museum. Guest speaker; members ofthe Coast Guard who served aboard a cutter. 1 pm, fee charged, 920-684-0218

    2 Annie Rose is Pure Janis, Capitol Civic Centre. Annie Rose stars in this musical about the life and musicof Janis Joplin from 1966 to 1970. 7-9 pm, fee charged, 920-683-2184

    3 Tour of the Bernard Schwartz House, 3425 Adams St., Two Rivers. Tours of the Frank Lloyd Wrighthouse last approx. one hour. Space is limited to 20 people and tends to fill up fast. Fee charged, 3:00 pm,reservations at 612-840-7507, or email [email protected]


    Music Without Boundaries, Gallery 3, Manitowoc. Join us for a fun evening of music and art. Please visitour website for information about artists, and genres. Fee charged, Feb 9 and 23 at 7-10 pm, Feb 10 at 1-4pm, 847-651-7596

    9 Candlelight Night, Woodland Dunes Nature Center. Snowshoe, ski or walk through the woods on acandlelit trail and let the magic of winter enchant you! If there is snow, we have snowshoes available,Inside live music and hot chocolate and bakery sale. 6:30-8:30 pm, 920-793-4007

    9 Tales of Two Rivers: Hungry for History, Manitowoc County Heritage Center. Hear stories about the

    history of Two Rivers with author and professor Patrick Gagnon. Advanced registration required Feecharged, 5:30 pm, 920-684-4445

    9 Sweetheart Swing, Holiday Inn Manitowoc. Silver Lake College is presenting this early Valentines Day!Grab your partner and dance the night away to an 18-piece Bay Area Big Band playing jazz, swing, and1940s big band music. $50 per person for dinner and dancing. Cash bar, silent auction, includes flowersand chocolate for the ladies. 6:30-10:30 pm, 920-686-6150

    9 The Schooner Era in Wisconsin, Saturday Learning Series, Wisconsin Maritime Museum, Peter Hirtheof the WI Marine Historical Society will shar an overview of the schooner age with a lots of photos from theGreat Lakes Marine Collection. 1 pm, small fee for just the program, free to members or with admission,684-0218

    9 Victorian Tea, Manitowoc County Heritage Center. Jessica Michna will portray Sari Semple during a

    wonderful afternoon of tea, desserts, and stories about the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains of themid-nineteenth century.Advanced registration required, Fee charged, 1-3 pm, 920-684-4445

    9 Cafe Paris, Capitol Civic Centre. Manitowoc SymphonyOrchestra presents Bizet: Symphony in C Major,and Bozza: Concertino for Trumpet and Orchestra, and Malhaud: (The Bull on the Roof), Fee charged,7:30 pm, 920-683-2184


    USS Cobia: Nook & Cranny Tours, Wisconsin Maritime Museum. Take a behind the scenes look at aWWIIsubmarine. These two to three hour tours give guests a chance to see areas of the submarine notseen on normal tours. Over 16 only, 9 am, extra Fee charged, space limited call 920-684-0218 forreservations

    14 The Kings of Country, Capitol Civic Centre. A rousing, fun, spot-on tribute to Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson,and Kenny Rogers. Three iconic performers take the stage with an awesome back-up band.7:30 pm, Fee charged, 920-683-2184

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    16 Manitowoc Jaycees Beer Lovers Brewfest, Manitowoc County Expo. Sample over 75 differentMicrobrews from around Wisconsin. Bring a canned or boxed good to support local food pantries. Ticketsgo on sale January 7 at Wenzels Perfect World, North Shore Warehouse, Grape Grain and Bean, andTimber Lodge Liquor and sell out quick!Fee charged, 5-9 pm, 920-682-2692

    16 The Lowe Family, Capitol Civic Centre. A variety show with themes families will enjoy and delight in. 7:30pm, Fee charged, 920-683-2184

    16 Women in the History of the U.S. Lighthouses: Saturday Learning Series, Wisconsin MaritimeMuseum. Guest speaker, John Enright will talk about the lives of more than 20 female lighthouse keepers.1 pm, small fee for just the program, free to members or with admission, 920-684-0218

    16 Hearts a Fire Chili Cookoff, Behringer Room, J.E. Hamilton Community House, Two Rivers. Make chilifrom 9 am-12 pm, public sampling from 12-2 pm, judging from 2-3 pm. Donations also accepted for newdowntown Christmas decorations! Fee charged, 920-794-1482

    17 Artist Music Series, Silver Lake College. Enjoy a collection of Fantastic Performers. This month Sproule& McKenzie, The Music of Ireland and Scotland. 3 pm, 920-686-6181


    22Franciscan Vallues/Sophomore Art Exhibit, Silver Lake College. 920-686-6181

    22 Peter Furler, Capitol Civic Centre. former lead singer of The Newsboys, on stage for a specialperformance! Purchase this show with NewSongs "Very Merry Christmas Tour" on December 11 andreceivediscount pricing! Fee charged, 7 pm, 920-683-2184


    Fire & Ice Game Convention, Manitowoc County Expo. A ittle game convention with BIG fun foreveryone. All admission costs are paid at the convention and doors open one hour before first slot eachday. Fri 2-11 pm, Sat 9 am-11 pm, Sun 9 am-9 pm, Fee charged

    23 Death Ahoy, Silver Lake College. Join the silver Lake College Alumni Association for this dramaticmurder mystery. Event includes a delicious meal! Fee charged, 1 and 6 pm performances. Reservationsrequired, call 920-686-6163.

    23 Girl Scout Brownies Love Water Day,Wisconsin Maritime Museum. This event will help you get yourLove Water badge while you have fun. 9:30 am-12 pm, or 1-3:30 pm, Call Karen or Wendy to reservespace for your troop, 920-684-0218

    23 Frozen Tundra Wine Fest, Parallel 44 Winery, N2185 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Kewaunee. Outdoor wine fest tocelebrate our Wisconsin grapes that can survive our harsh winters, yet produce award winning wines!

    Admission includes: Frozen Tundra Wine Glass, 5 wine samples, tours, gourmet food samples, live music,food available for purchase.12-6 pm, (888) 932-0044 or (920) 388-4400,



    I Love You, Youre Perfect, Now Change: The Masquers , Capitol Civic Centre. Celebration of themating game takes on the truths and myths behind that conundrum known as therelationship. Fee charged, times TBA, 920-683-2184

    The Mariners Trail

    This beautiful, hard-surfaced recreational 7-mile trail running along Lake Michigan connects the cities o

    Manitowoc and Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Mariners Trail sculptures take on a new look in winter.Six foot tall blue heron, made from recycled steel, by Green Bay artist Carl Vanderheyden

    Friends of the Mariners TrailMission:To assist in the operation, up-keep, promotion, and future development of the trail so as to ensure sustainability of thetrail to the communities of Two Rivers and Manitowoc. Visit us at:
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    Lake Shore Unitarian Universalist Mission

    As a welcoming and accepting, diverse and inquiring spiritual fellowship,

    We unite to create a community which stimulates a free exchange and

    Exploration of ideas, foster spiritual and intellectual growth, and

    serves as a base for active outreach to benefit the world around us.

    As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm and promote these principles:

    The inherent worth and dignity of every person

    Justice, equality and compassion in human relationshipsAcceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations

    A free and responsible search for truth and meaning

    The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process

    The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all

    Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part


    Lake Shore Unitarian

    Universalist Fellowship

    620 Park Street

    Manitowoc, WI