Download - La Chiesa del Santo Rosario - Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Church The Italian Parish of Indianapolis B ... St. Pius V Opt ... pate in our Corpus Christi


La Chiesa del Santo Rosario O u r L a d y o f t h e M o s t H o l y R o s a r y C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

The Italian Parish of Indianapolis

B envenuto! Welcome to Holy Rosary

Church! Whether you are a lifelong

parishioner, a first-time visitor to our

parish, or someone in between, we

are grateful you have joined us today.

Founded in 1909 as the Italian Parish of

Indianapolis, we continue to serve as

the parish home of people of Italian

heritage and also embrace all Catholics

in union with Rome, including those

devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass

(Extraordinary Form) and the Anglican

Usage of the Roman Rite.

In the words of our founding pastor,

Msgr. Marino Priori:

“The church is the temple of the

Lord, the gate of heaven. Come after a

week of earthly cares, after so much

toil, after so many sorrows, after so

much pain. Rest your limbs. Regenerate

your spirit at the sources of grace.

Raise your mind to God; thank Him for

the benefits received through His

creation and in daily life; ask for

strength so you can win all of life’s

struggles, and be able to possess the

fruits of redemption.”

April 29, 2018

Ordinary Form:

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Extraordinary Form:

Fourth Sunday after Easter

Anglican Use:

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Mailing address: 520 Stevens St.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

Telephone number: 317-636-4478

Emergency number: 317-636-4478, ext. 3

E-mail address: [email protected]




Parish Staff and Leadership:

The Rev. C. Ryan McCarthy, STD ................................. Pastor

Elizabeth Welch ................................................Music Director

David Walden .............................. Director of Communications

Joseph LeMark ...................................Parish Council President

Marcus Shutta .................................. Finance Council President


Liturgical schedule for the week

Saturday, April 28, 2018

4:30 p.m. ........ OF (Sung) ....... Fifth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Joseph Sansone

Sunday, April 29, 2018

8 a.m............... AU (Sung) ....... Fifth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Katie Basbagill

9:30 a.m. ........ OF (Sung) ....... Fifth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Pro populo

11:30 a.m. ....... EF (Sung) ........ Fourth Sunday after Easter 2 ..................................... Bettie Slaughter

Monday, April 30, 2018

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... St. Pius V Opt ............................................................... Policemen, firemen, military

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... St. Catherine of Siena 3 .............................................. Yvonne “Bonnie” Schott

6:30 p.m. — St. Monica Guild rosary and prayer for the return of fallen-away Catholics

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... St. Joseph the Worker Opt ............................................ Hayleigh Eldridge

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... St. Joseph the Worker 1 .............................................. The Church in China

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... St. Athanasius M ......................................................... Joan Cotter Pierce

12:30 p.m. — Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by Adoration

5:30 p.m. — Benediction

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... St. Athanasius 3 .......................................................... Charles & Frances Navarra

9 p.m. — Men’s Holy Hour

Thursday, May 3, 2018 — National Day of Prayer

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... SS. Philip & James, Apostles F .................................. Denver Jones

9:30 a.m. — Mother’s Holy Hour

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... Easter Feria 4 ......................................................... Eugene & Marjorie O’Mahony

Friday, May 4, 2018 — First Friday

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... Easter Feria ............................................................... Ester V. Pafford

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... St. Monica 3 ............................................................. All souls in purgatory, especially

deceased members of FOSS

6:30 p.m. — Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by overnight Adoration

Saturday, May 5, 2018 — First Saturday

8:30 a.m. — Benediction

9 a.m............... EF .................... St. Pius V 3 ................................................................. Michael A. Navarra

9:35 a.m. — First Saturday Devotion

10 a.m............. OF ................... Easter Feria ............................................................... Reparation for sins against the

Immaculate Heart of Mary

4:30 p.m. ........ OF (Sung) ....... Sixth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Angelo Venezia

Sunday, May 6, 2018 — Parish Blood Drive (see Page 6 for details)

8 a.m............... AU (Sung) ....... Sixth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Alcoholics & drug addicts

9:30 a.m. ........ OF (Sung) ....... Sixth Sunday of Easter ............................................... Sylvia Kern

11:30 a.m. ....... EF (Sung) ........ Fifth Sunday after Easter 2 ........................................ Pro populo

OF: Ordinary Form EF: Extraordinary Form AU: Anglican Use (Ordinariate Form)

1: 1st-class feast 2: 2nd-class feast 3: 3rd-class feast Opt: Optional memorial M: Memorial F: Feast S: Solemnity

Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!



We will take up a second collection today for the

Santo Rosario Conference of the Society of St. Vin-

cent de Paul.

First Friday and First Saturday are

this week. Our monthly Adoration of the

Blessed Sacrament will begin Friday af-

ter the 5:45 p.m. Mass and continue until

8:45 a.m. Saturday. A signup sheet is on

the lectern near the back pews.

The parish office will be closed Friday, May 4,

and Thursday, May 10.

The annual May procession of the Confraternity

of the Most Holy Rosary will be Sunday, May 6, at

the beginning of the 11:30 a.m. Mass. All Rosarians

wishing to participate are to gather in the vestibule

after the recitation of the rosary.

All of our first communicants, boys as well as

girls, are invited to participate in our annual May

Crowning on Sunday, May 13, between the 9:30 and

11:30 Masses. These children are to gather in the

courtyard (or, if raining, Priori Hall) no later than 11

a.m. — no exceptions; if you are not lined up by that

time, you don’t process. Participants are encouraged

to wear their First Communion outfits, and they may

bring their own long-stemmed garden flowers, or, if

they have none, the parish will provide carnations.

The first communicants are also invited to partici-

pate in our Corpus Christi procession on the after-

noon of Sunday, June 3. Again, they are encouraged

to wear their First Communion outfits. Please watch

future bulletins for more details.

Please pray for our sick and shut-in friends: Deb-

bie Barry, Lauren Berry, John Caito, Verna Carr, Ka-

tie Cecil, Son Hui Christensen, Joshua Cobb, Sharon

Conrad, Carol Craig, Nancy Duffy, Annette Dybas,

Paquita Fallas, Sharon Feldman, Jody Gassert, Sam

Gorsage, Margaret Hanaway, Robert Hanaway, Greg

Latz, Josephine Lombardo, Amy Mauck, Sidia Mora,

Tony Navarra, Nathan Oliver, David Page, Marie

Pittman-Oechsle, Vince Romano, Gus Sansone, Mike

Schott, Simeon Scull, Mollie Smith, Linda Sweatland,

Phil Vierneisel, Margaret Vollmer, Sister Rita

Vukovic, Fr. James Wilmoth and Jenifer Zehner.

The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of

May Prayer & Study Group will meet this

Wednesday, May 2, in our first-floor classroom after

the 5:45 p.m. Mass (about 6:30). The group will be-

gin with the rosary then, after a short refreshment

break, will continue to study the approved messages

from Jesus and Mary, which include messages about

St. Joseph. To learn more about the Flame of Love

movement, visit

Please join us for “Caring for the Least Among

Us: a Conversation on Fetal Medicine,” with Dr.

Brandon Brown, a pediatric and fetal radiologist at

Riley Hospital for Children, on Wednesday, May 23,

from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in Priori Hall. Dr. Brown

will describe the complex care and support of high-

risk pregnancies and will share stories from his ex-

periences helping to develop fetal medicine as an

emerging specialty. He also will explain experimen-

tal techniques of surgical interventions being per-

formed in utero. A simple meal will be served. RSVP

to Eric Slaughter at [email protected].

Lumen Christi Catholic High School will offer a

freshman health class to interested homeschool stu-

Continued on page 7

ORDINARY FORM LECTORS 4:30 Saturday 9:30 Sunday

Apr. 28: Bob Collins Apr. 29: Blake Powers

May 5: Diane Fricker May 6: Joseph Lehner


Sunday Collections (includes Online Giving)

Regular collection, April 21-22 $ 7,704.00

Catholic Home Missions 1,139.10

Church in Africa 6.00

Parish operating expenses/week 12,312.61

Collection budgeted/week 8,658.65

Weekly collection deficit (954.65)

Fiscal Year (began July 1)

Regular collections $ 441,029.73

Parish operating expenses 529,442.23

Collections budgeted 372,321.95

Total collections surplus 68,707.78


Week of April 15 15


Daily Masses, week of April 15 935

Sunday Masses, April 21-22 646

Approximately 30% of the operating budget comes from

Italian Street Festival revenue and other fundraisers.


Appunti del Parroco: a Message from the Pastor

A couple of weeks ago I discussed the Sacrament

of Baptism and its effects. This week we will

look at who can be baptized, the ceremony of bap-

tism, and the necessity of baptism.

As discussed previously, baptism effects not only

the washing away and forgiveness of all sins but also

the conforming of the soul to Christ and its adoption

into divine “sonship.” The forgiveness of sins lasts

until we sin again, but the change in our soul is per-

manent. Once our soul is marked as a son or daughter

of God, not unlike the genetic markers our biological

parents leave on us, every part of our body and soul

is forever changed, marked by God as His own.

Therefore, once we have been baptized it cannot be

repeated. Just like my genetic identity is a permanent

mark of who I am, so my baptism leaves a permanent

spiritual mark on my soul and, through my soul,

every part of who I am.

This partly answers the question, “Who can be bap-

tized?” The other two parts of the answer come in the

reality of God’s universal salvific will, i.e. His desire

to save all men, and in His respect for human free

will. This means that anyone who is not baptized and

does not express a desire to remain unbaptized, can

be baptized.

The ceremony of baptism in its most basic form is

very simple. It consists of the pouring of water (over

at least the head) or immersion of an individual three

times while invoking the Holy Trinity: “I baptize you

in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy

Spirit.” Anyone, even a non-Christian, can baptize

another person as long as he intends to do what the

Church intends in baptism.

In the case of a person who has not yet reached the

age of reason*, he is baptized prior to catechesis and

is educated in the faith as he grows in wisdom, not

unlike the way in which Christ grew as a man while

already the Son of God. If the person is above the

age of reason, he is catechized first and then bap-

tized, confirmed and given first Holy Communion.

From the time of the apostles, becoming a

Christian has been accomplished by a journey

and initiation in several stages. This journey

can be covered rapidly or slowly, but certain

essential elements will always have to be pre-

sent: proclamation of the Word, acceptance of

the Gospel entailing conversion, profession of

faith, baptism itself, the outpouring of the Holy

Spirit, and admission to Eucharistic commun-


This initiation has varied greatly through the

centuries according to circumstances. In the

first centuries of the Church, Christian initia-

tion saw considerable development. A long

period of catechumenate included a series of

preparatory rites, which were liturgical land-

marks along the path of catechumenal prepara-

tion and culminated in the celebration of the

sacraments of Christian initiation (Catechism of

the Catholic Church, Nos. 1229-1230; for more on the

particular symbols within the rite of baptism itself, see

Nos. 1234-1245).

As Catholics we believe that baptism is necessary

for salvation. This means, from the human side of

things, God has revealed to us only one means by

which people are saved: baptism. This does not mean

that God by extra-ordinary graces cannot save any-

one He so desires. Rather, it simply means that as

God’s instruments, we as individuals and the Church

as a whole know of no other means by which we can

assure the salvation of a person except baptism.

The Sacrament of Baptism, Part 2

* The “age of reason” is the time of one’s life at which he or she is assumed to be morally responsible and able to distinguish be-

tween right and wrong. It is generally held to be by the end of the seventh year, although it may be earlier or later depending on indi-

vidual development and circumstances.

N ow, Bethlehem is the city where the die was struck and Christ Himself is the Die. All the men who

have lived and will ever live are the raw material awaiting the stamp of the Divine Original. But in or-

der to be like Him, that is, a sharer of His Divine Life, we must be struck off that die. And the Baptismal font

is the new Bethlehem where the copies are made, for there men are re-born again to the Life of God. — Ven. Fulton J. Sheen, The Prodigal World, 1936


This week’s offerings of interest from the Internet:

How to plan a Crusade

The „world‟s smallest Catholic Church‟ is in Texas

Keeping the Faith alive in the most remote Catholic parish on earth

Painful, necessary book interviews the children of divorce

Are we living in the Twilight Zone?

Teaching the Real Presence without words

The woman who welcomed a homeless stranger into her home

— Find links to these articles and more on the parish Facebook page, —

Views and opinions expressed in the linked articles are strictly those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the pastor and staff of Holy Rosary Church, Archbishop Charles C. Thompson or anyone else connected to the Archdio-

cese of Indianapolis.

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: HOLY ROSARY PARISH NEEDS YOU! The Italian Street Festival — Friday and Sat-

urday, June 8-9 — will be here before we

know it. We are looking for volunteers, espe-

cially parishioners, to work at food booths and

the kitchens one night or even both nights. It

takes more than 200 volunteers to properly

staff the festival!

In addition, we need many hands to assist

with prep throughout the week prior to the

festival beginning June 2; these volunteers

will make sauce, cut vegetables, prepare can-

noli cream, cheesecakes, pasta, sausage,

meatballs, etc.

Please, if you can, sign up for more than one time slot!

The festival is the major fundraiser for Holy Rosary Parish.

To volunteer:

Go to the parish website:

or to the festival website:

and click on the appropriate links.

N ot to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to

neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them. — Pope St. Felix III

6 Check it out!

You’ll be glad you did for all Eternity! Sponsored by Homeward Bound Properties Inc.

Holy Rosary Parishioners: Join FORMED for FREE!

1. Visit

2. Enter access code QJBNV7

3. Enter your email address and create a password

4. Enjoy and share with others at our parish!

Holy Rosary — Sunday, May 6

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Bloodmobile in church parking lot

Sign up online at


Contact Frank Oliver: [email protected] or 317-946-4280

It’s the blood on the shelves TODAY that saves lives TOMORROW

SVdP seeks mentors for new program

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul desperately needs

volunteers to be mentors to those who are about to

graduate from its “Changing Lives Forever” program.

The program helps impoverished people develop spe-

cific plans to improve their lives and leave poverty. Cur-

rently there are 65 people from five parishes in the 18-

week program. They are preparing to graduate in early


Mentors would undergo four hours of training, and then

would make themselves available to these graduates six

hours each month for one year. The mentors themselves

would set the times for these meeting.

For more information about become a mentor in the

“Changing Lives Forever” program, contact Joe Doll at

317-919-1419 or [email protected], or Domoni Rouse,

program director, at 317-985-2149, ext. 219, or

[email protected].

PRO-LIFE FILM SERIES Sponsored by the Pro-Life Ministry

of Holy Rosary and St. John Catholic parishes


HOUSE DOOR Follow the remarkable career journey of Carroll Pickett, who served 15 years as a death row chaplain in Texas.

RSVP to Eric Slaughter: [email protected]

Discussion will follow film. A simple supper will be served.

Friday, May 11 | 6:30 pm at St. John’s | 126 W Georgia St





Weddings can be scheduled only after meeting

with the pastor at least six months in advance of

the ceremony.


Please contact Fr. McCarthy at the parish office or

[email protected] to schedule baptisms and

required baptismal instruction.

Joining the parish:

Parish Registration Forms can be found in the rotat-

ing rack in the vestibule. Completed forms can be

placed in the collection basket or mailed to the of-


Electronic donations:

Online Giving, a convenient way to donate elec-

tronically, makes it easy for you to fulfill your fi-

nancial commitments to the par-

ish even when you are unable to

attend Mass. You do not need to

write a check or have cash available at church. Giv-

ing electronically also helps the parish staff budget

more effectively. You can make one-time or ongo-

ing contributions, the timing and amount of which

can be changed at any time. Learn more by visiting and clicking on the “Online

Giving” icon. Apps are available for your phone; go

to and register with the parish.


Lumen Christi Catholic School (PreK-12)

317-632-3174 580 Stevens St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Catholic Schoolhouse South Indy

317-201-5815 717 S. East St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Lumen Christi and Catholic Schoolhouse use facilities that are either owned by or adjacent to our church. Although their students often attend Mass here,

they are independent academic institutions which have no formal relationship

with our parish or the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Central Catholic School

317-783-7759 1155 E. Cameron St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Roncalli High School

317-787-8277 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227

Central Catholic and Roncalli are the officially designated archdiocesan

schools supported by Holy Rosary Parish.


This week, the candles on either side of our high

altar burn for:

+John Anthony Maio

+Eugene & Marjorie O‟Mahony

To have the deceased remembered for a week, send

$5 and his or her name to the parish office. No more

than 12 candles may be requested per calendar year

by any family or person. PLEASE NOTE: there are

no openings on the calendar until March 2019.

dents Aug. 22-24. Registration will begin in July.

Congratulations to Holy Rosary parishioners who

earned honors at Bishop Chatard High School

for the third quarter: (1st honor roll) Jessalyn Fried-

erick, Thomas Giedd, Fiona Hostettler, Thomas

LeMark, Georgia McAllister, Olivia Reese; (2nd

honor roll) Gabrielle Croddy, Jericho Jacobs, Isaac

LeMark, Maximilian LeMark.

Further congratulations go to Jessalyn Friederick

for being accepted as a finalist in the 2018 Miss

Teen Pageant.

A former parishioner who has moved out of state

is selling two grave plots at Calvary Cemetery at

the discounted rate of $3,495, which includes the

perpetual care fee. For more information, contact

Kristin Prugh at [email protected] or 941-


John Andretti will be the guest speaker for the

St. Joseph’s Men Valuing Prayer & Service Steak

Dinner on Thursday, May 3, from 6:15 p.m. to 9

p.m. at St. Luke Catholic Church’s gymnasium,

7575 Holliday Dr. E. Cost is $25 per person or

$200 per table. Register online at

The women of St. Luke Catholic Church invite

the women of Holy Rosary to attend Mary‟s WAY

on Thursday, May 10, from 6:45 p.m. to 9 p.m. in

St. Luke’s south gymnasium. The speaker will be

Jeanne Hunt of Cincinnati, Ohio. Experience an

evening of prayer and fellowship; dinner will be

served. For more information or to RSVP, visit or call Teresa at 317-439-1836.

The annual Holy Family Home Enrichment

Catholic Homeschooling & Parenting Confer-

ence will be Saturday, May 19, from 9 a.m. to 6:30

p.m. at Marian University. Learn more and register


Announcements Continued from Page 3

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