Download - La Chiesa del Santo Rosario - Holy Rosary Catholic Church · 2017. 8. 31. · L. Baluarte will be here to make an appeal on behalf of that region, which is often hit by disasters

  • La Chiesa del Santo Rosario O u r L a d y o f t h e M o s t H o l y R o s a r y C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

    The Italian Parish of Indianapolis

    B envenuto! Welcome to Holy Rosary

    Church! Whether you are a lifelong

    parishioner, a first-time visitor to our

    parish, or someone in between, we

    are grateful you have joined us today.

    Founded in 1909 as the Italian Parish of

    Indianapolis, we continue to serve as

    the parish home of people of Italian

    heritage and also embrace all Catholics

    in union with Rome, including those

    devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass

    (Extraordinary Form) and the Anglican

    Usage of the Roman Rite.

    In the words of our founding pastor,

    Msgr. Marino Priori:

    “The church is the temple of the

    Lord, the gate of heaven. Come after a

    week of earthly cares, after so much

    toil, after so many sorrows, after so

    much pain. Rest your limbs. Regenerate

    your spirit at the sources of grace.

    Raise your mind to God; thank Him for

    the benefits received through His

    creation and in daily life; ask for

    strength so you can win all of life’s

    struggles, and be able to posses the

    fruits of redemption.”

    July 3, 2016

    Ordinary Form:

    14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Extraordinary Form:

    7th Sunday after Pentecost

    Anglican Use:

    6th Sunday after Trinity

    Mailing address: 520 Stevens St.

    Indianapolis, IN 46203

    Phone: (317) 636-4478 • Fax: (317) 636-2522

    Emergency number: (317) 721-6520

    E-mail address: [email protected]




    Parish Staff and Leadership:

    The Rev. C. Ryan McCarthy, STD ................................. Pastor

    The Rev. Luke Reese ........................................ Parochial vicar

    Teresa Gorsage ................ Coordinator of Religious Education

    Elizabeth Welch ................................................ Music Director

    David Walden .............................. Director of Communications

    Christine Traina ................................. Parish Council President

    Carl Miller ...................................... Finance Council President

  • 2

    Liturgical schedule for the week

    CONFESSIONS: Before Sunday Masses as time allows, about 30 minutes before each weekday Mass, or by appointment.

    RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: English — Saturday at 4:15 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Spanish — after 11:30 Sunday Mass.

    MASS INTENTIONS: The standard stipend for Masses in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is $10. Requests should indicate whether peo-

    ple are living or deceased, and must be typed or written legibly. We will attempt to honor requested dates, but cannot guarantee they will

    be available. We recommend such requests be made at least eight months in advance. Except in the year of an individual’s death, no

    more than 12 Saturday evening/Sunday Masses may be requested or offered for the repose of his/her soul in a calendar year. Intentions

    that cannot be offered here within a year of reception are, at the pastor’s discretion, subject to being sent to the archdiocesan Mission

    Office. Make checks payable to Holy Rosary Church.

    Saturday, July 2, 2016

    4:30 p.m. — Ordinary Form (Sung)

    14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Hugh Smith

    Sunday, July 3, 2016

    8 a.m. — Extraordinary Form

    7th Sunday after Pentecost (2nd class)

    In honor of the Child Jesus

    9:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form (Sung)

    14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Optional memorial)

    Pro populo

    11:30 a.m.— Anglican Use (Sung)

    6th Sunday after Trinity

    Celebrant’s intention

    Monday, July 4, 2016

    9 a.m. — Extraordinary Form

    Votive Mass for the Defense of the Church (4th class)

    Michael A. Navarra

    Tuesday, July 5, 2016

    7:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form

    St. Elizabeth of Portugal (Optional memorial)

    Poor Souls

    Wednesday, July 6, 2016

    7:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form

    St. Maria Goretti (Optional memorial)

    Poor Souls

    Noon — Extraordinary Form & Exposition

    St. Maria Goretti (4th class)

    Ida Deck

    Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 12:30 to 5:45

    5:45 p.m. — Evensong & Benediction (Sung)

    9 p.m. — Men’s Holy Hour

    Thursday, July 7, 2016

    7:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form


    Poor Souls

    9:30 a.m. — Mother’s Holy Hour

    Friday, July 8, 2016

    7:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form


    Hugh Smith

    5 p.m. — Evensong

    5:45 p.m. — Extraordinary Form

    St. Elizabeth of Portugal (3rd class)

    Intentions of Navarra family

    Saturday, July 9, 2016

    10 a.m. — Ordinary Form

    Saturday of Our Lady (Optional memorial)

    Intentions of Irene Reese (birthday)

    4:30 p.m. — Ordinary Form (Sung)

    15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Pro populo

    Sunday, July 10, 2016

    8 a.m. — Anglican Use (Sung)

    7th Sunday after Trinity

    Intentions of Mike & Bridget Kaufman

    9:30 a.m. — Ordinary Form (Sung)

    15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Optional memorial)

    Intentions of Georgia McAllister

    11:30 a.m.— Extraordinary Form (Sung)

    8th Sunday after Pentecost (2nd class)

    Ruth Willen

    T herefore, the liturgy being conducted primarily by priests in the name of the Church, it follows that its organization, its government and its form are necessarily subject to the Church’s authority. — Ven. Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei, Nov. 20, 1947

  • 3


    All of our parishioners, visitors and guests are in-

    vited to join us today (Sunday) for a reception in

    Priori Hall after the 11:30 Mass to celebrate Fr.

    Reese’s First Solemn Mass. The faithful may receive

    a plenary indulgence by assisting at his Mass today,

    and they may obtain additional grace by receiving his

    first blessing. See Page 5 for details.

    Next weekend we will take up a second collection

    for the Diocese of Sorsogon, Philippines. Fr. Librado

    L. Baluarte will be here to make an appeal on behalf

    of that region, which is often hit by disasters such as

    typhoons and volcanic eruptions. Your contributions

    will help his diocese fund the education of 160 semi-

    narians and assist with other needs.

    Café Rosario will be closed today (Sunday).

    The parish office will be closed Monday, July 4,

    for Independence Day.

    The only Mass here on Monday, July 4, will be in

    the Extraordinary Form at 9 a.m.

    Peregrine Jerome Sternhagen was baptized here

    this weekend. We congratulate his parents, Nikolas

    and Megan Sternhagen.

    There are many openings on our Altar Memorial

    Candles schedule. See Page 7 for instructions on

    how to include your deceased loved ones on that list.

    Please pray for our sick and shut-in friends:

    Archbishop-emeritus Daniel Buechlein, Steve Bus-

    sell, John Caito, Katie Cecil, Son Hui Christensen,

    Sharon Conrad, Carol Craig, Jody Gassert, William

    Kuenzel, Josephine Lombardo, Marie Ann Mascari,

    Fernando Mora, Sidia Mora, John Paul Reinsch, Gus

    Sansone, Jan Short, Theresa Siefker, Thomas Spahn,

    Gus Stinnett, Mike Swogger, Lynn Trott, Sister Rita

    Vukovic, Mitchell Weust and Fr. James Wilmoth.

    The Flame of Love Prayer Cenacle of Repara-

    tion will occur Wednesday, July 6, from 7 p.m. to

    8:30 p.m. in our first-floor classroom. Anyone inter-

    ested either in learning more about this extraordinary

    grace, or simply joining with others to pray the Ce-

    nacle Rosary as Our Lady has requested, is most wel-

    come to attend. The Flame of Love, from the Im-

    maculate Heart of Mary, is a special grace to heal

    spiritual blindness and bring about conversion to

    God. Messages about the Flame of Love were given

    from Jesus and Mary to a Hungarian woman, Eliza-

    beth Kindelmann (d. 1985). She was told to record

    them in a diary, which received Church approval and

    an imprimatur in 2009. To learn more, visit the web-


    Are you in a troubled marriage? Retrouvaille

    (pronounced retro-vi) has helped couples at all stages

    of disillusionment or misery in their marriage. For

    confidential information about Retrouvaille or to reg-

    ister for the program, which begins Aug. 5-7, please

    contact 317-489-6811 or [email protected].

    The deadline to register is Aug. 1. Learn more at

    The Office of Pro-Life and Family Life invites all

    married couples of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis

    celebrating 50 years of marriage in 2016 to the 33rd

    annual Golden Wedding Jubilee. It will be Aug. 14

    at 2 p.m. in SS. Peter & Paul Cathedral. The Rev.

    Msgr. William F. Stumpf will celebrate Mass; a re-

    ception will follow across the street at the Catholic

    Center. The event is free, but registration is required

    by Aug. 1. For details and to register visit If you have

    Continued on page 7


    Sunday Collections (includes Online Giving)

    Regular collection, June 25-26 $ 8,816.63

    Peter’s Pence 1,839.10

    St. Vincent de Paul 50.00

    Parish operating expenses/week* 11,104.50

    Collection budgeted/week* 8,500.00

    Weekly collection surplus 316.63

    Fiscal Year (ended June 30)

    Regular collections $ 443,713.85

    Parish operating expenses 577,433.50

    Collections budgeted 442,000.00

    Total collections surplus 1,713.85


    Week of June 19 37


    Daily Masses, week of June 19 145

    Sunday Masses, June 25-26 575

    ORDINARY FORM LECTORS 4:30 Saturday 9:30 Sunday

    July 2: Jeanne Perry July 3: Joseph Lehner

    July 9: Diane Fricker July 10: Sarah Froehlke

  • 4

    W hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have con-

    nected them with another and to assume

    among the powers of the earth, the separate

    and equal station to which the Laws of Nature

    and of Nature’s God entitle them …

    So begins the Declaration of Independence. The

    fathers of our nation more than 200 years ago de-

    cided on a beautiful, bold and dangerous course.

    They decided to take responsibility for the govern-

    ance of the nation upon their shoulders and the

    shoulders of those to come after them. It contin-


    … We hold these truths to be self-evident, that

    all men are created equal, that they are en-

    dowed by their Creator with certain unalien-

    able Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty

    and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure

    these rights, Governments are instituted among

    Men, deriving their just powers from the con-

    sent of the governed …

    In reality the power to govern comes through the

    people and not from the people. Even the Declara-

    tion of Independence recognizes this when it states

    that the rights of men are an endowment to man

    from God.

    Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of

    the world for the rectitude of our intentions,

    do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good

    People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and

    declare, That these united Colonies are, and of

    Right ought to be Free and Independent States,

    And for the support of this Declaration, with a

    firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi-

    dence, we mutually pledge to each other our

    Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

    We the children and heirs of the founding fathers

    of this nation have inherited a great and beautiful

    gift, but one that is not without its burdens. They

    successfully claimed for themselves and for us,

    their heirs, the right to govern. In so doing, they

    properly recognized that right as subject to the

    Judgment of God and dependent on “Divine Provi-


    We, their heirs, inherit not only those rights but

    also those responsibilities. Each one of us, as

    members of a democratic republic (and especially

    those elected officials), are responsible for all the

    actions of the republic. We are each responsible

    not only to “the people” but, most importantly, to

    God. We must therefore pray to “Divine Provi-

    dence” that the actions of our nation might always

    be according to God’s will and that, for the wrong

    we do as a nation, the Supreme Judge might be

    always merciful.

    Appunti del Parroco: a Message from the Pastor

    Reflections on Independence Day

    Support Cathol ic Radio in Indianapol is: Tune in to 89 .1 FM & 90 .9 FM

    This week’s offerings of interest from the Internet:

    Catholic chaplains who received the Medal of Honor:

    Civilizing the election rhetoric:


    Make a heartfelt connection to the Eucharist:

    Views and opinions expressed in the linked articles are strictly those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the pastor and staff of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin or anyone else connected to the Arch-

    diocese of Indianapolis.

  • 5

    ‘I cease not to give thanks for you!’

    T here are times in each of our lives when we real-ize just how much others have contributed to our success. My call to the diaconate and priesthood have

    been just such occasions in my life. I have never be-

    fore found myself being instructed, encouraged, ad-

    monished, uplifted, humbled and blessed by such a

    quality and quantity of friends in my whole life!

    This heartfelt “thank you” goes to all of you in my

    Holy Rosary and Saint Joseph of Arimathea family.

    Your prayers and support over the years have been,

    to quote Saint Paul, a visible sign “of your faith that

    is in the Lord Jesus and of your love towards all the

    saints, and I cease not to give thanks for you!” May

    God continue to pour His graces upon you.

    In addition to the debt of love I owe to all of you, I

    wish to express my deepest gratitude to:

    Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., without

    whose spiritual guidance and graciousness I would

    have never seen my vocation come to fruition;

    Bishop Christopher Coyne for his compassionate

    reception of me and our community into the Church;

    Our beloved pastor, Fr. Ryan McCarthy, for his

    patient kindness, godly wisdom and constant encour-


    Frs. Joe Feltz and Steve Giannini, both of whom

    courageously and expertly aided me in training and


    Fr. Peter Marshall, whose friendship and even

    temperament kept me on the right track more than


    Fr. Michael W. Magiera, F.S.S.P., for the love,

    energy and welcome he gave to me and our commu-

    nity at our converting;

    The professional staff of Holy Rosary, who have

    taught me more than I can express;

    Our parish council for their encouragement and


    Our Knights of Columbus Santo Rosario Council

    14449, whose prayers, labors, sacrificing financial

    support and jolly spirits have played the collective

    role of my loving big brother;

    My zany and talented friends in the choir loft,

    whose hearts and voices make melody to the Lord;

    My dear wife and children, whose gifts and sacri-

    fices are beyond precious to me.

    To each of these and to all of you — may God

    richly reward you for the goodness you have shown

    me! Please never cease to pray for me that my ser-

    vice in the Church of God be to His glory and our

    eternal felicity.

    The Vicar’s Corner By the Rev. Luke Reese

    Church grants indulgence from First Mass,

    additional grace from priest’s first blessing

    Today the Rev. Luke Reese offers his First Solemn

    Mass at Holy Rosary. He was ordained priest in Hous-

    ton, Texas, this past Wednesday, June 29, by the Most

    Rev. Steven J. Lopes, bishop of the Personal Ordinariate

    of the Chair of St. Peter.

    The faithful may receive a plenary indulgence, under

    the usual conditions, for assisting at a priest’s First Mass.

    They may also obtain additional grace (although not an

    indulgence) by receiving the first blessing of a newly

    ordained priest — which may be done for a full year af-

    ter ordination. The faithful kneel, if possible, to receive

    his blessing. Upon receiving it, they kiss the palms of the

    newly ordained priest in recognition of the sacred char-

    acter of his priesthood and of the hands that now hold

    the Eucharist and confer the sacraments.


    G racious and loving God, we thank You for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience Your presence in the sacraments.

    Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for Your people.

    Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of Your Kingdom.

    Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry.

    Help them to become instruments of Your divine grace.

    We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen.

    — United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

    Photos of Fr. Reese’s ordination may be seen at:

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    The Rite of Christian Initiation of

    Adults involves a series of carefully

    planned stages, marked by liturgical

    rites in the presence of the parish com-

    munity, in which you embark upon and

    join that community in a continuing and

    deepening conversion into faith and dis-


    The RCIA process is divided into four

    phases to help seekers, candidates or

    catechumens in their Christian forma-

    tion. Presentations focus on the Catho-

    lic Church’s teaching regarding Sacra-

    ments, liturgy, social justice, con-

    science formation and morality, Mary,

    the saints, Sacred Scripture, prayer and

    much more.

    We recommend that you join us if you

    are an:

    Adult non-Christians and Christians

    from other denominations who are con-

    sidering the possibility of becoming


    Adult Catholics who have never re-

    ceived Holy Communion or Confirma-


    Adult Catholics who have fallen

    away from the practice of the Faith and

    would like to return to the sacraments.

    To learn more, please contact:

    Teresa Gorsage

    Coordinator for Religious Education


    [email protected]

    RCIA: Would you like to learn more

    about the Catholic Church and

    possibly becoming Catholic?

    Enrollment for Family Formation and Sacraments ends July 12

    Registration includes those wanting children to receive First Communion and Confirmation

    R egistration for Family Formation classes and the sacra-ments of First Communion and Confirmation continues through July 12. Many volunteers also are needed for the pro-

    gram to succeed.

    Registration forms are available in the pamphlet rack in the

    church vestibule or in the parish office. Forms may also be

    d o w n l o a d e d f r o m t h e p a r i s h w e b s i t e ,; a link will be found near the top of

    the Religious Education page.

    Registrations postmarked or hand-delivered after the

    July 12 deadline will incur a $20 late fee.

    The Family Formation registration includes all who want to

    participate in:

    Little Lambs (ages 3-4);

    K-6 religious education classes;

    First Penance/First Holy Communion (as part of the

    2nd grade Family Formation program);

    Confirmation (ages 13-18).

    An information session and registration will take place after

    all Masses on Sunday, July 10, in the Lumen Christi art class-

    room at the end of the wide hallway outside Priori Hall. This

    will include a short presentation on the program for those who

    are new to Holy Rosary or to our religious education pro-


    More information on Family Formation may be found at Questions may be directed to Teresa

    Gorsage, coordinator of religious education, at 317-636-4478 or

    [email protected].

    T he continuing success of American democracy de-pends on the degree to which each new generation, native-born and immigrant, makes its own the moral truths

    on which the Founding Fathers staked the future of your

    Republic. Their commitment to build a free society with

    liberty and justice for all must be constantly renewed if the

    United States is to fulfill the destiny to with the Founders

    pledged their “lives … fortunes … and sacred honor.” — Pope St. John Paul II, statement upon receiving

    U.S. ambassador’s credentials, Dec. 16, 1997

    mailto:[email protected]

  • 7


    This week, the candles on either side of our high

    altar burn for:

    +Gus Caito Sr.

    +Mary Ann Caito

    To have the deceased remembered for a week, send

    $5 and his or her name to the parish office.




    Weddings can be scheduled only after meeting

    with the pastor at least six months in advance of

    the ceremony.


    Please contact Teresa Gorsage at the parish office

    or [email protected] to schedule baptisms

    and required baptismal instruction.

    Joining the parish:

    Parish Registration Forms can be found in the rotat-

    ing rack in the vestibule. Completed forms can be

    placed in the collection basket or mailed to the of-


    Electronic donations:

    Online Giving, a convenient way to donate elec-

    tronically, makes it easy for you to fulfill your fi-

    nancial commitments to the par-

    ish even when you are unable to

    attend Mass. You do not need to

    write a check or have cash available at church. Giv-

    ing electronically also helps the parish staff budget

    more effectively. You can make one-time or ongo-

    ing contributions, the timing and amount of which

    can be changed at any time. Learn more by visiting and clicking on the “Online

    Giving” icon. Apps are available for your phone; go

    to and register with the parish.


    Lumen Christi Catholic School (PreK-12)

    317-632-3174 580 Stevens St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

    Catholic Schoolhouse South Indy

    317-201-5815 717 S. East St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

    Lumen Christi and Catholic Schoolhouse use facilities that are either owned by or adjacent to our church. Although their students often attend Mass here,

    they are independent academic institutions which have no formal relationship

    with our parish or the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

    Central Catholic School

    317-783-7759 1155 E. Cameron St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

    Roncalli High School

    317-787-8277 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227

    Central Catholic and Roncalli are the officially designated archdiocesan

    schools supported by Holy Rosary Parish.

    questions, contact Keri Carroll at kcar-

    [email protected] or 317-236-1521.

    A six-week session of Divorce and Beyond will

    be offered at the Catholic Center on consecutive

    Tuesdays, July 26-Aug 30, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

    The topics for discussion will be the process of di-

    vorce, self-image, stress, anger, blame, guilt, lone-

    liness and forgiveness. Cost of the course is $30,

    which includes a book. Register online at For

    more information contact the Office of Pro-Life

    and Family Life at 317-236-1586 or dvan-

    [email protected].

    Lumen Christi Catholic High School will offer a

    high school health class Aug. 17-19; homeschool-

    ers in grades 9-12 are invited to enroll. More infor-

    mation will be made available in future bulletins.

    Girls in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in

    the Graced Retreat, Saturday, Aug. 27, from

    11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at All Saints Parish (St.

    Martin Campus), 8044 Yorkridge Rd., Yorkville,

    Ind. Five orders of religious sisters — Franciscan

    Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, Carmelite Sisters of

    the Divine Heart of Jesus, Sisters of Mercy, Fran-

    ciscan Daughters of Mary and the Children of

    Mary — will join the girls for a day of prayer and

    Adoration, social interaction, singing, skits and

    snacks. All also are invited to Mass at 5:30 p.m.

    Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller will ad-

    dress the Catholic Business Exchange meeting

    Friday, July 15, at the North Side Knights of Co-

    lumbus. Mass starts at 7 a.m., and the program will

    conclude by 9 a.m. Cost, including breakfast, is

    $15 in advance for members and $21 for non-

    members. Registration is required. To learn more,


    Items for the bulletin must be submitted in writ-

    ing no later than noon Wednesday.

    Announcements continued from Page 3

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    Closed on the Feast of the Circumcision, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Ascension Thursday, the Assumption of the BVM, Feast of All Saints, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord, and the Nativity of Our Lord.

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    or talk to Holy Rosary parishioner Paul Neuendorf

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    Support the Parish • Advertise in the Bulletin

    Call for rates and information

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