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La bête du Gévaudan

Mythe, Légende, Réalité

By Romy

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…Une énigme … “If all the

wolves had been as this wolf, they would have changed the history of man.” ~Robert Louis Stevenson

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La province du Gévaudan

Located in the Margeride Mountains of South Central France.

Dissolved after the French Revolution.

Area now located in the Auvergne province in the district of Lozère.

Terrain- Volcanic rock, rough with boggy areas in low spots.

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Dans le commencement… June of 1764 In the Mercoire Forest near the village

of Langogne in the eastern part of Gévaudan.

A young girl is tending a herd of cows at a farm when a large beast charged from the woods and straight towards her. The bulls charge at the beast, driving it away on the second try.

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Description de la bête

Descriptions widely varied, often exaggerated.

Definitely wolf-like Size- As big as a donkey

or cow. Wide chest, long tail,

greyhound like head, large fangs.

Able to make leaps as large as 30 feet.

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Méthode de la bête Often attacked at

dusk and dawn. Often chose females

and children (of both sexes) as opposed to males.

During attacks, often went for the head rather than usual targets such as the legs and throat.

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L'intérêt du roi Took a special

interest in what was going on in Gévaudan.

Jean-Charles-Marc-Antoine Vaumesle d'Enneval and his son Jean –Francois. Considered the 2 best hunters in France.

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Polémique…L'extrémité de la bête… Sogne d’Auvers by Jean

Chastel- local huntsman Party of a large hunting

party that was going after the beast.

As he sat and read the bible, the beast came into sight, staring at Chastel. Oddly enough, it seemed to wait for Chastel to finish his prayer before moving in to attack. It was then that Chastel aimed his gun at the beast, shooting and killing it.

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Théories et explications Rabid animal. Supernatural being, both of a religious

and satanic nature. Serial killer(s). Were-wolf, wolf/dog hybrid. Some of

the more outlandish possibilities included a hyena or a babboon.

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Faits intéressants La bête is often reported

as having six claws. The number 6 often is associated with the Devil. Tool of the Devil or punishment from God?

La bête is the noun for “beast” in French. It is feminine so the Beast of Gévaudan is almost always referred to as a female.

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Le Film de la Bête … Although the

motion picture “Brotherhood of the Wolf” is based on the records of the Beast of Gevaudan, it is primarily a fictional movie.

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Works Cited
