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kyle meeks insights kyle meeks creative problem solving kyle meeks youtube kyle meeks enthusiasm kyle meeks on the moon kyle meeks unstoppable juggernaut kyle meeks Your Search is Over

Kyle Meeks

I’m Feeling Lucky »

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Table of Contents



Real Campaigns….…….…..5-8

Conceptual Campaigns…..9-10


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[email protected] Studies Advertising at Brigham Young University

Lives at 268 N 700 E, Provo UT, 84606 Fluent in English, Spanish

What’s a Think Tanker? Imagine a think tank, an idea generator. Then make it aggressive, so it carries those ideas to victory, using creativity as ammunition. I’m a Think Tanker.

Objective Obtain an internship with a renowned group of advertisers and marketers in Research, Account Planning, Audio/Visual production, Internet/Social Media Marketing, Digital Marketing, or Account Management.

Work Experience

Social Media Marketing Specialist / SEO Engineer Leadgenix : Internet Marketing Agency — Provo, UT Aug. 2010 to Present

• Create and manage clients’ social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs, and other relevant networks

• Build and engage clients’ followers on social media platforms • Write content and share relevant links for status updates, blog posts

and personal user interaction • Write, design, and efficiently target Facebook ads


Brigham Young University Communications : Advertising Matriculates April 2013

• Courses currently studying: Market Research, Media Planning • Previously studied courses: Account Management

Accomplishments See All

Skills See All

Video Editor

Editing is my strongest skill; I can take bad footage and make it awesome.


Sony Vegas Pro 11 and Final Cut Pro like this.

Trained in YouTube Marketing

I was personally trained in the subtle nuances of Video and YouTube Marketing by Devin Graham at BYU.



Advertising Experience

BYU AdLab — Provo, UT Aug. 2011 to Present

• Professionally mentored, student-run advertising agency • Currently performing Research for Provide Gold, a fitness product • Worked on Taco Bell’s account, rebranding Taco Bell’s image. • Designed and pitched an event marketing strategy to CHOICE

Humanitarian, a Humanitarian Aid Non-Profit organization • Helped film a case study for a Friends of the AdLab campaign


CHOICE Humanitarian

Responsible for crafting a campaign strategy as well as pitching the idea to the client. Our strategy was chosen, and we’ll begin implementing it in the Ad Lab soon.

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I am possessed by the spirit of the Independent Creator, the shared attitude of those who pour their hearts and souls into what they do without the security of a money-laced safety net. This spirit makes me unstoppable. It provides the power to solve problems no matter what the restrictions. If I need it, I get it. If I can’t buy it, I make it. If I don’t know, I learn. Above all, this spirit drives me to accomplish my goals. Yet I’m not driven blindly. I live with my fingers to the world’s pulse. I tap into the media environment, into the internet, and make it my research play-ground. I find the insights that power my creations. Some call it a superpower. I guess that gives me the responsibility to use my powers for good (and for awesome). So I use my power to find the insight and solve the problem in a way that nobody else has before. Passion is Power. Fun is Fuel. The Internet is in my soul. I bask in the classiness of pinstripe suits and the durable familiarity of your favorite jeans. I think in action scenes and speak in puns and movie quotes. You’ll find me crying during Father and Son scenes and Kung Fu Panda. I’m the love-able idiot, without the idiot.

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My Manifesto Exemplified

My passion and drive can be best explained through my Youtube channel. Videos are a hobby of mine, and though I’m an amateur, I am constantly trying to do something different with my ideas. ThinkTankerMeeks :: Case and Point: When I entered a competition to see who could create the best videos (which I won second place for and over $500 in prizes), I knew that to win I would need to stand out. Each challenge had special limitations. For example, everyone had to follow the prompt, “A main character called The Shark finds a watch that gives him magical powers.” I knew everyone else would make the Shark character the hero and would give him power over time. So stand out, I turned the Shark into the villain and gave him some vicious powers more… befitting a shark. The video can be found at

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CHOICE Humanitarian

CHOICE Humanitarian is a charitable organization with an outstanding track record for efficiency. CHOICE goes directly to the impoverished people of the world to fix the real problem the people face there: the hopelessness of poverty. While rebuilding and educating villages, CHOICE brings the village community together to make them self-sufficient, knowledgeable, and (most importantly) full of hope for the things they can accomplish in the future. The CHOICE process consistently and efficiently banishes poverty and restores the hope that has been lost due to generations of hopeless poverty. But CHOICE has a problem: money. Their competitors are better-funded and less efficient, while CHOICE remains obscure. Sure, those that know CHOICE become their advocates for life, but how can they win over more people to gain more funding?

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Current Brand Position Effective yet painfully unknown. Future Brand Objective “CHOICE brings hope to the hopeless and inspires those who can help with their emotionally powerful process” Target Audience While we seek the donations and volun- teer efforts of the common man (middle class, upper-middle class budgeters who can only spend so much of their income on a charity), the majority of CHOICE’s funding must come from philanthropists and corporate sponsors. These are the “big fish” needed to continue funding CHOICE’s international initiatives. They are the kind of people who are rarely forced to set a limit on charitable spending. They are more concerned with how effectively their donation dollars are spent, and whether they are going to support a good cause. Core Desire Effectively help the impoverished raise themselves from poverty.

Role of the Brand CHOICE provides an emotionally moving experience, an opportunity to truly change the lives of our brothers and sisters in the fight against poverty. Insight :: Compelling Truth Those who interact with the CHOICE brand see the real changes in the lives of those they help. They see that, while other charities simply throw money at the problem, CHOICE makes a proven, real, long-term difference in the lives of those they serve. If we can give everyone a CHOICE experience, we can convert them to our ideal and gain their advocacy and support. Strategic Solution Bring the CHOICE experience home and involve the communities of the United States to expose American communities to the passion and hope customary of the CHOICE process.

CHOICE Humanitarian // Brand Model // Campaign Brief

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Campaign Objective Bring the CHOICE experience home to con- nect and inspire the public and catch the eyes of the “Big Fish” philanthropists Creative Target The common man, or “budgeters,” who do not have the funds to make a difference but can be inspired to donate their time and talents in our work and in spreading awareness. We get these people involved, create a newsworthy movement, and grab the publicity that we need to catch the attention of the “Big Fish,” philanthropists and companies that want to be charitably associated with a big name, effective charity. Insight Since those that experience CHOICE first hand become life-long advocates, we’ll bring the CHOICE experience to the public, winning advocates at home in the states and the attention of the media and “Bigger Fish” funders. Promise CHOICE Humanitarian, through inspiring and effective humanitarian work, will rid the world of poverty by rebuilding communities and uniting the people by bringing hope and awareness to people at home and abroad.

Support • Those who work with CHOICE love it and are lifelong advocates • CHOICE is both transparent about where the money goes and effective in achieving lasting results, where other charities’ efforts fail or fall apart after time Tone • Inspirational • Social Movement • Genuine • Taking-It-To-The-Streets Assignments • Choose a US city to work within • Contact local leaders to find something big that needs to be fixed • Use social media (contact influential blog- gers, Twitter sponsored trending topics) to connect personally with the people of that city and find exactly what needs to be fixed and how they want to see it done • Go about fixing this problem, CHOICE style, uniting the community and inspiring the people to show them the effectiveness of the CHOICE process.

CHOICE Humanitarian // Brand Model // Creative Brief

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CHOICE Results

We pitched this campaign idea to CHOICE Hu-manitarian in a competition with other groups in the BYU Ad Lab. CHOICE chose our idea above all others. We are in the process of working with them in the BYU Ad Lab.

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Bloodhound Summary

Bloodhound is a fake product we created a campaign for in an advertising class. It is a near-invisible GPS locator sticker for bicycles, which connects to an app on your phone and to Bloodhound’s fake website. It can tell you where your bike is, what routes you’ve been taking, and can even immediately notify police with the real-time location of your bike should it ever be stolen. As Head of Video Production, I wrote the video ad’s screenplay, directed and filmed the entire ad as Director of Pho-tography, and edited the final product. I also wrote the creative brief. Through each step of the process, I en-sured that the ad would resonate on both emotional and cultural levels with our tar-get audience, college students.

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“The Sucky Action Movie”

Advertising Objective Captivate a young, tech-savvy and entertain-ment hungry audience with advertising that feels more like entertainment than traditional ads, while still explaining what the product does and connecting on an emotional level through cultural cues.

Target College students whose only form of trans-portation is their bicycle. These students fear having their bike, which they’ve probably put much time into maintaining, stolen. This would leave them out in the cold, unable to get to where they need to go. They are tech- and web-savvy. They don’t respond well to traditional advertising or obvious advertising, feeling as though they are being sold to. In-stead, they find fulfillment through entertain-ment, and will spend the majority of their time searching for something to entertain them.

Research Though the internet generation hates being

advertised to overtly, few skip the preroll ads on Youtube and other social video-sharing websites if they look more like entertainment than ads. This is because the audience is already prepared to watch an entertaining video, it’s why they came to the site in the first place.


“I don’t want to be advertised to, I want to be entertained. I want an emotional connection with a brand that understands what is cool and offers me something special.”

Promise Bloodhound provides bike security and enter-tainment, providing you with the drama and action you don’t want in your real life due to bike theft.


• College students watch more satire and political parody than they do news, preferring entertainment to actually being informed

• Specific, familiar emotions can be evoked through imagery and an understanding of entertainment genre cues

• Bloodhound combines functionality with emotion, providing a product as well as enter-tainment to return to and continue connecting with.


• Crime-drama

• Serious, yet subtly funny

• Secure

• Hyperbolic


• Film semi-serious video ads for placement on Youtube and other social video-sharing websites

• Place videos also as preroll ads on You-tube and other Social video-sharing websites

Film ads with emotional cinematography and imagery reminiscent of crime dramas, to evoke the same emotions that people feel while viewing those images on TV or other mediums

Bloodhound // Brand Model // Creative Brief

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On Hashtags and #O_v_O Volkswagen (@VW) is asking for high-fives on Twitter from people who like the new #O_v_O. I’m willing to give out high-fives for any-one who can tell me what a #O_v_O is. Interestingly enough, the hashtag #O_v_O represents the VW Beetle. Yeah. Read that again and think. Do you see it now? Cool right? This is interesting because this hashtag, #O_v_O, was one of Twitter’s sponsored trending topics, which excites me because it shows how advertisers are finding new ways to use the social media platform I personally love the most. I’ve been an active Twitter user for over two years. I use Twitter almost exclusively to market content that I produce as well as keep up on all the interesting news and trends that I care about. I also manage client’s Twitter accounts as part of my job. I’ll take Twitter over Facebook any day. So when Twitter announced last year that they would be offering sponsored tweets and topics in April of last year, I was pretty excited to see what advertisers could do with it. Since then, I’ve seen two types of sponsored topics: hashtags you can play with (similar to the organic hashtags created by users, like #ARealBoyfriendWill) and straight up statements (like the brand or product’s name all by itself). Both serve their purposes, but VW’s new hashtag could possibly open up a third, more interesting category more focused on brand positioning. Trending Topics that are blatant statements (like, “Oh hey, #Ford is trending”) can unveil new products or drive traffic to a specific page linked to the top comment of your sponsored trend. Useful in driving traffic, but once it’s gone, nobody will be talking about it. Your trend is over as soon as you’re done paying for it. Hashtags you can play with, that start a sentence somehow related to the brand but give users freedom to use it as they wish, are helpful in giving users an experience with the brand ONLY IF it’s not too broad. Otherwise, people will most likely use the hashtag to (let’s be honest) say something about sex. They’re useful in bringing people to the brand if done the right way, but only last as long as they are interesting. Once they’re no longer entertaining to write about, people stop. But the interesting thing about VW’s latest sponsored trend is that, when I saw it yesterday afternoon, I immediately thought, “What is that thing? What does THAT mean?” and clicked on it to find out. I thought it was an owl at first, to tell the truth, but I HAD TO KNOW! So I clicked. And then I found out that it’s supposed to look like a VW Beetle. I did a double take, thought about it, and said, “Yeah, I can see that,” then filed the knowledge away in my brain under “Neat stuff.” When I was driving home from work today, I found myself behind a VW beetle. The hashtag image returned, and I thought, “Wow, yeah, the front of a Beetle really DOES look like that!” Now I can’t look at a Beetle or think about a Beetle without seeing the hashtag too. And every time I think about it, it reminds me of how cool and creative that hashtag (and by association, VW) was. That’s positioning, of course, and its effect is valuable because it lasts so long after the exposure to the ad (in this case, the sponsored trending topic). Bottom line: It was something different, and different is important. I hope to see more sponsored hashtags from advertisers like this.