Download - Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada · 6 Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada See kasulikke sõnu täis sõnaraamat on ühtlasi ka teaberaamat. Samal ajal kui õpid uusi sõnu kahes

Page 1: Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada · 6 Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada See kasulikke sõnu täis sõnaraamat on ühtlasi ka teaberaamat. Samal ajal kui õpid uusi sõnu kahes


Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada

See kasulikke sõnu täis sõnaraamat on ühtlasi ka teaberaamat. Samal ajal kui õpid uusi

sõnu kahes keeles, aitab see raamat sul maailma kohta rohkem teada saada.

This dictionary is packed with useful words, and it is also an information book. It will help

you fi nd out more about the world at the same time as you are learning new words in two


Kuidas on see üles ehitatud? • How is it organized? Sõnaraamat on jagatud kümneks teemaks, nende hulgas „Inimesed ja kodud“, „Kool ja töö“, „Loomad ja taimed“, „Teadus ja tehnoloogia“ ja veel mõned. Igal teemal on erinevasisulised leheküljed, nagu „Perekond ja sõbrad“, „Sinu keha“ ja „Meeled ja tunded“.

The dictionary is divided into 10 topics, including People and homes, School and work, Animals and plants, Science and technology, and much more. Within each topic there are pages on diff erent subjects, such as Family and friends, Your body, and Senses and feelings.

Kuidas ma sõna üles leian?How do I fi nd a word?Sõna otsimiseks on kaks võimalust.

There are two ways to search for a word.

Võid teemad läbi vaadata SISUKORRAS.

You can look through the topics on the CONTENTS PAGE.

Igal teemal on oma värvikood.

Each topic is colour-coded.

Siit võid leida teema, mis sind eriti huvitab, ning selle läbi töötada või sirvida sõnastikku kus tahes soovid.

You can fi nd a topic that specially interests you and work right through it. Or you can dip into the dictionary wherever you want.


Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada • How to use this dictionary? 6-7

Keeleline tugi • Language support 8-9

Inimesed ja kodud • People and homes

Perekond ja sõbrad • Family and friends 10-11

Sinu keha • Your body 12-13

Sinu keha sees • Inside your body 14-15

Meeled ja tunded • Senses and feelings 16-17

Kodu • Home 18-19

Majapidamistarbed • Household objects 20-21

Toit ja riietus • Food and clothing

Toit ja jook • Food and drink 22-23

Erinevad toidud • All sorts of food 24-25

Les fruites et les légumes • Fruit and vegetables 26-27

Les vêtements de tous les jours • Everyday clothes 28-29

Des vêtements de toutes sortes • All sorts of Clothes 30-31

L’école et le travail • School and work

A l’école • At school 32-33

Toutes sortes de métiers • All sorts of work 34-35

Les vêtements de travail • Work equipment and clothing 36-37

Les sports et les loisirs • Sport and leisure

Les sports • Sports 38-39

Le sport en action • Sports in action 40-41

Les jeux et les loisirs • Games and leisure 42-43

L’art, la musique et le monde du spectacle • Art, music, and entertainment

L’art • Art 44-45

Les instruments de musique • Musical instruments 46-47

La musique et la dans • Music and dance 48-49

La télévision, le cinéma et le théâtre • Television, fi lm, and theatre 50-51

La télévision et le cinéma • TV shows and fi lms 52-53

Le voyage et le transport • Travel and transport

Les véhicules de tourisme • Passenger vehicles 54-55

Les véhicules utilitaires • Working vehicles 56-57

Les avions • Aircraft 58-59

Paquebots, bateaux et autres embarcation • Ships, boats, and other craft 60-61

Animals and plantsLoomad ja taimed

Les animaux nocturnes • Nocturnal creatures Päeval ööelukad magavad või puhkavad. Nemad tulevad

välja toitu otsima õhtul või öösel.

Nocturnal creatures sleep or rest during the day. They

come out in the evening or at night to look for food. Ööel


�11 le muscardin • dormouse

nahkhiir • bat

�10 le raton laveur • raccoon

skunk • skunk

skorpion • scorpion

�12 le tarsier • tarsier

hunt • grey wolf

siil • hedgehog leemur • lemur

koi(liblikas) • moth

nälkjas • slug

�17 le tatou • armadillo

�13 le renard • fox

�18 le hibou • owl�15 le bernard l’hermite • hermit crab

�14 le porc-épic • porcupine

�16 l’opossum • possum mäger • badger


rnal creatures

Sport ja vaba aeg Sport and leisure


es and leisu




ja v


aeg Mängud ja vaba aeg

Games and leisureInimesed üle maailma on sajandeid mänge

mänginud. Malel, tuulelohedel ja jojodel on

pikk ajalugu. Elektroonilised mängud on

hiljutine leiutis.People all over the world

have been playing games for centuries.

Chess, kites, and

yo-yos have a very long history. Electronic

games are a recent invention.


le skateboard


les rollers


le ballon de foot


la raquette


le volant


la batte


le yoyo


le cerf-volant


les balles de jonglage



�11la pièce (du jeu d’échecs)

chess piece

�12les écouteurs


�13le puzzle

jigsaw puzzle

�14le jeu de société

board game

�15le magazine magazine

�16le roman


�17le DVD DVD

�19la console de jeugames console

�18le lecteur MP3 music player


le modèle réduitmodel

People and homesInimesed ja kodud


ily and




ja s



kasuisa ja emastepfather and mother

Perekond ja sõbrad • Family and friendsPerekondi on igasuguse suurusega. Mõned lapsed elavad vaid ühe vanema või

hooldajaga. Teistel on suur pere paljude sugulastega. Vanavanemad, onud, tädid ja

nõod on kõik sinu laiendatud pere liikmed.

Families come in many sizes. Some children live with just one parent or carer. Some

have large families, with many relatives. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins

are all members of your extended family.

vanavanaisaja vanavanaema

great-grandfatherand great-grandmother

isa ja emafather and mother



vanaema ja vanaisagrandmother and grandfather

onu ja tädiuncle and aunt


parim sõberbest friend


kasuvend ja kasuõdestepbrother and stepsister










Page 2: Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada · 6 Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada See kasulikke sõnu täis sõnaraamat on ühtlasi ka teaberaamat. Samal ajal kui õpid uusi sõnu kahes


How to use this dictionary Kuidas seda sõnaraamatut kasutada

Sõnastiku kasutamine • Using the dictionarySõnu on igal lehel tutvustatud elavate piltide, tegevuskohtade ning jooniste abil. Seega on lihtne vajalikku sõna leida ja avastada veel teisigi sõnu.

On each page, words are introduced through lively images, scenes, and labelled diagrams. So it’s easy to fi nd the word you need – and discover many more words along the way.

Sõnaseletused pakuvad sõnu ja fraase kahes keeles.

Captions provide words or phrases in two languages.

Sildid aitavad sõna täpset tähendust kindlaks määrata.

Labels help to pinpoint the exact meaning of a word.

Ülemine riba märgistab teemat.

Top bar identifi es the topic section.

Külgmine riba märgistab sisu.

Side bar identifi es the subject.

Sa võid kasutada ka raamatu lõpus olevat registrit.

Or you can use the INDEX at the back of the book.

Kuidas tahes sa oma sõna ka leiad, on sul pilte ja sõnu kindlasti lõbus uurida.

However you fi nd your word, you will have fun exploring pictures and words!

Olemas on nii inglise kui ka eesti keele register, nii et leiad sõna mõlemas keeles.

There is an English and an Estonian index, so you can fi nd a word in either language.

Esile tõstetud tahvlid tutvustavad üksikasjalikumat sõnavara.

Feature panels give more in-depth vocabulary.

Inimesed ja kodud People and homesInsid

e you

r bodyS




s Sinu keha sees Inside your bodySinu keha sees on skelett,

mis koosneb rohkem kui 200

luust. Sinu skelett kaitseb ja

toetab sinu organeid (nagu

sinu süda ja maks). Sinu luid

katavad lihased, et panna

sinu keha liikuma.

Inside your body is your

skeleton, which is made

up of over 200 bones.

Your skeleton protects and

supports your organs (such

as your heart and your

liver). Your muscles pull on

your bones to make your

body move.


Skelett skeleton




hingetoruwindpipe kops







selgroog spine





soolestik intestine




Animals and plantsLoomad ja taimed



ad Kalaosad • Parts of a fi sh


sinine marliinblue marlin

hiid-sarvikrai, manta rai manta ray

mõrtsukhaigreat white shark

mõõkkalaswordfi sh


tuun, tuunikalatuna

neoon tetraneon tetra

forell • trout

ogahaidogfi sh




le brochetpike






uimfi n

lõpusekaasgill cover

sabauimtail fi n

ingelkalaangelfi sh

Kalad • FishKalad elavad ja sigivad vees. Enamik kaladest on kaetud soomustega ning nad

ujuvad, kasutades selleks oma uimi, võimsaid kehasid ja sabasid. Vee all hingamiseks

kasutavad kalad lõpuseid. Lõpused võtavad sisse hapnikku, mis on vees lahustunud.

Fish live and breed in water. Most fi sh are covered in scales, and they swim by

using their fi ns and their powerful bodies and tails. Fish use gills to breathe under

water. The gills take in the oxygen that is dissolved in water.

nnnnnnnnn?? Estonian index

cheminée (f) ......................................19, 61

chemise (f) ............................................... 28

chemisier (m)...........................................31

chêne (m) ..................................................88

chenille (f)..................................................83

chercher .................................................... 70

cheval (m) .................................................74

chevalier medieval (m) .................... 30

cheveux (pl) .............................................12

cheville (f) ..................................................13

chèvre (m) .................................................74

chien de berger (m) ............................74

chien de sauvetage

en montagne (m) ..............................75

chiff res (pl) ..................................... 110-111

chips (pl) .................................................... 23

chirurgien (m) ......................................... 36

chocolat (m) ............................................ 23

chocolat chaud (m) ............................ 22

chou (m) .....................................................27

cinéma (m) .......................................50, 93

circuit électrique (m) .......................... 63

cire (f) .......................................................... 64

citronnier (m) .......................................... 89

citrons (pl) ................................................ 26

citrouilles (pl) ..................................26, 96

clap (m) ...................................................... 50

claquettes (pl) ........................................ 49

clarinette (f) ............................................. 46

classeur (m) ............................................ 33

clavicule (f) ...............................................14

clavier (m) ................................................ 70

clé USB ....................................................... 71

clé de serrage (f)..................................37

climat tempéré (m) ............................101

climat tropical (m) ..............................101

cliquer .......................................................... 71

cobra égyptien (m) ..............................77

cochon d’Inde (m) ................................75

cœur (m) ....................................................15

coff re (m) .................................................. 54

coleurs (pl)..............................................114

colibri (m) ...................................................87

collants (pl).............................................. 29

coller ............................................................ 71

colline (f) .................................................104

colonne (f) .................................................67

colonne vertébrale (f) .......................14

coloré (m), colorée (f) .......................16

combinaison (f) .................................... 36

combinaison ignifugée (f) ................37

combinasion spatiale (f) ................108

compostage (m) .................................103

comprimés (pl) .......................................21

concombre (m) ......................................27

concombre de mer (m) ................... 80

conducteur d’autobus (m),

conductrice d’autobus (f) ............ 34

confi serie (f) ............................................ 95

connecter .................................................. 71

console de jeu (f) ................................ 42

constellation (f) ................................... 107

consulter ................................................... 70

contraires (pl) ........................................115

contrebasse (f) .......................................47

coq (m) ........................................................75

coque (f) .............................................58, 61

coquelicot (m) ........................................90

coquin (m), coquine (f) ..................... 17

corde (f) ..................................................... 69

corps (m) ....................................................13

correcteur d’orthographe (m)

...................................................................... 71

costume (m).....................................31, 50

côtes (pl) ....................................................14

coton hydrophile (m)..........................21

cotton (m) ................................................. 64

cou (m) ........................................................13

coucou (m) .............................................. 86

coude (m) ..................................................13

coup franc (m) ....................................... 39

couper ......................................................... 71

couronne (f) ............................................ 30

cours (pl) ................................................... 33

cours d’eau (pl)..................................... 99

cousins (pl) ................................................11

couteau (m) .............................................20

craie (f) ....................................................... 45

crane (m) ...................................................14

crapaud (m) ..............................................77

cratère (m) .............................................105

cravate (f) ..................................................31

crayon (m) ............................................... 33

crêpes (pl) ................................................ 25

crevette-mante (f) ............................... 80

cricket (m)................................................. 39

crocodile (m) ...........................................77

cuiller (f) ....................................................20

cuir (m) ....................................................... 64

cuiseur-vapeur (m) ............................20

cuisine (f)............................................19, 20

cuisinière (f) ..............................................19

cuisses de grenouille (pl) .............. 25

cuivre (m) .................................................. 65

cultures et legumes (pl) ................. 96

curry (m) ................................................... 24

cyclisme (m) ............................................38

cymbals (pl) .............................................47

hamburger ............................................... 24


hani ................................................................75

hapnikuballoon ..................................... 36

happevihm .............................................103

hapu ..............................................................16


harjutuste vihik ...................................... 33

haug ..............................................................79

heinapress ................................................97

heitma ......................................................... 40


helikopter ...................................................58

helirežissöör ........................................... 50

herilane ...................................................... 82

herned ........................................................ 26

hiidkalmaar .............................................. 80

hiidlehtsaba ............................................. 80

hiidmeduus .............................................. 80

hiid-sarvikrai .............................................78

hiir (arvuti) ................................................. 70

hiir (loom) ...................................................75

hingamisaparaat ...................................37

hingamistoru ........................................... 36

hingetoru ....................................................15

hirmul ........................................................... 17

hirv .................................................................73

hobukastan ...............................................88

hobune ........................................................74

hobusetall .................................................97

homaar....................................................... 80

hotell............................................................ 93

hunt............................................................... 84

hõbe ............................................................. 65

hõljuk ............................................................61

hõõrdumine ............................................. 68

hüdroelektrienergia ............................ 62

hüdroplaan ...............................................58

hüljes ........................................................... 80

hüppama ....................................................41

igapäevariided ....................................... 28

igav ................................................................ 17

igihaljas mets ......................................... 98


iguaan ..........................................................76

iileks ............................................................. 89

illuminaator ..............................................61

ilm ................................................................100

iluvõre ......................................................... 54

imav .............................................................. 65

imetajad ......................................................72

inerts ............................................................ 68

ingelkala .....................................................79

inglise keel............................................... 33

insener........................................................ 34

inspitsient .................................................. 50

isa ...................................................................10

jaanalind .....................................................87

Jaapani keisrinna................................. 30

Jaapani samurai sõdalane ........... 30

jahe ..............................................................101

jaht ................................................................60

jakk .........................................................29, 31


jalgpall ........................................ 38, 39, 42

jalgpallisaapad ...................................... 29

jalgratas ......................................................55

jalgrattasõit ...............................................38

jogurt............................................................ 23

jojo ................................................................. 42

joogid ........................................................... 22

joonistusplokk ........................................ 45

joonlaud ..................................................... 33

jope ............................................................... 29

judo ............................................................... 39

jugapuu .......................................................88

juhe ............................................................... 63

juhiruum ..................................................... 59

juhitav manööverdamissüsteem 108

juhtimismoodul ....................................108

juhtkang ...................................................108

juhtvarras ...................................................58

Jupiter .......................................................106

jurist ...............................................................35


juuksed ........................................................12

juur .........................................................89, 91

juurviljad .................................................... 96

juust .............................................................. 23

jõehobu .......................................................72

jõgi ................................................................. 99

jõud ja masinad .................................... 68

jäine .............................................................101

järv ................................................................ 99

jäähoki......................................................... 39


jäälind .......................................................... 86

jäätis ............................................................. 25

jäätmekäitlus ........................................103

kaabel ......................................................... 63

kaamel ........................................................72

kaamera ..........................................50, 108

kael ................................................................13

kaelkirjak ....................................................72

kaer .............................................................. 23

kaheksajalg ............................................. 80

kahepaiksed .............................................76

kahjuritõrjevahendi mürgitus ......102

Tutvustus mõlemas keeles annab teema kohta lisainformatsiooni.

Introduction in both languages adds extra information on the subject.