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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

A Prayer For The Finals

Dear God

I ask you as the end of yet another year approaches.

To guide me in my studies and preparations for the final


I ask you to help me help myself

May you strengthen me in all that I do, may you be with me in

those times when I feel lost, may you help me understand

what I am doing, help me understand what I really want in my

life and may you drive me to set myself high targets for me to


Help me organise myself so that I may use the time that I have

left efficiently and productively.

May you lead me the way to success

For I know that with you by my side nothing is too high or too

difficult to overcome in my life.

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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

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As part of my portfolio or rather sub-portfolio in the committee as the deputy secretary of me-dia, I am in charge of the Kolbe student as well as a couple other things. Now as you all can imagine, the Kolbe Student is a lot of work and I would like to thank all those who have contrib-uted in making it possible. This is our first „masterpiece‟ and so if you guys would like to add some stuff to the 2010 edition get prepared and ready for first thing next year (if everything goes smoothly) will be another one to begin the year and welcome all of you back.

Be prepared to be informed, amazed and amused by this new edition of the Kolbe Stu-dent, there to entertain and update you on what has Kolbe has been up to for the whole year and what to look foreword to next year (Besides the hot coco after mass service provided to you by the one and only vice chairperson( aka. „MR MANAGEMENT‟), the free styled spectacular speeches by our new chairperson and last but not least the lively and ever youthful Kolbe Masses. Just who are these people I‟m talking about?! Well just keep reading and you‟ll find out...

Just before we get started, I would like to con-gratulate the 2008-9 committees for all their hard work and for the great year full of events that they set up for us on behalf of the commit-tee. They definitely left a high standard for us maintain and build up on. Secondly, Father

Graham for his availability and never-ending support and thirdly I would like to thank you for all that you have done for Kolbe, for all your contributions and support for our Soci-ety.

Without further ado let‟s get started!!


By Orwell Mushaikwa

Hey guys... again. Looks like I‟m going to be showing up more than I expected. Besides signing up for multiple portfolios and making multiple speeches in one day on the whole. I am actually a shy character that usually blends in crowd and does not stand out or look for attention. It‟s actually interesting how when I did make the effort, I got some attention (a lot more than I expected i guess). I want to first of all thank you for all your support, for your votes etc. I do hope I will be able to deliver in my part in the committee.


Chaplain‟s Message ........................3

Tapiwa and Committee 2010 .........4

2008-9 Committee .........................5

Outreach at Kolbe ...........................6

Tea with the Chaplain .....................7

Kolbe Events ...................................8

Kolbe Events ...................................9


Entertainment @ Kolbe..................11


Shop Lifting.....................................13

Love Letter .....................................14

A World of Masks...........................15

A prayer For Finals.........................16

Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

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Quick thank you:

To everyone who helped and supported in the

making of this magazine namely the 2008-9

committee, the 2009-10 committee, Father

Graham for his support and all those who

gave me articles.

And finally… Thank you for all your support

throughout the year and wish you the best in

the end of year exams.

Looking forward to seeing you again next



World of Masks, By Orwell Mushaikwa

The world, and its many faces

Masks of all colours and sizes

All looking for one thing

The love, the peace and harmony of the world

Yet the important factor of this is forgotten

Long Lost and hidden

The masked creatures look at each other

Look down upon one another

As if God has favours

But little do they know of the answers

Since they fail to accept one another

For who they really are

For hidden beyond those masks

A same species emerges

Trampling its own, biting its injuries

The fate of the masked creatures

Is beyond ill if one sees the other

For the inner truth and beauty that unite

Rather than the distorted rumours that divide.

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This woman laughs just like how I imagine you

to laugh, and she cares for me in the same

manner that you do. She makes me feel invin-

cible. When I am around her I‟m impermeable

to the negativity of this world. Her touch is

powerful enough to mend my broken smile

when others fail to do so. Her words are gentle

and they soothe my aching heart whenever she


She could be a queen; better yet, she could be

the lady of my dreams.

Lady of my dreams, my dreams are never sweet

without you in them. I continue to wait for the

day that you will appear before me as the lady

of my reality.

I love you more, I love you always...

TO THE LADY OF MY DREAMS By Simbarashe Tevera and Tapiwa Tevera

9900 Dove Street


Sunday 6th September

To the lady of my dreams,

You know me so well, it feels as though

you‟re always in my head constantly

reading my thoughts. Perhaps that‟s

where you spend your days, only to make

the short journey from my thoughts down

to my heart, the centre of my dreams,

when I lay my head down at night to rest.

We‟ve been together for so long that no

night can ever be lonely; no winter will

ever get too cold. Many aspects of my life

will change through time but you shall

remain a constant. You‟re constantly in

my prayers, constantly on my mind and

constantly in my heart.

I want to be with you yesterday. I want to

be with you today. I want to be with you

for all time.

I catch a glimpse of you whenever I look

at the wonderful women in my life. Some

of them show me your smile, others have

your eyes and I‟ve even met one with your

grace and understanding. Perhaps I‟ve

met already you.

A Publication of Kolbe at UCT 3

Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009


“When I was transferred to Cape Town, I was asked if I was sorry to leave Johannesburg. Unbe-

lievable as that may seem, I found an answer that was, I hope both truthful and tactful: I said

that if I had stayed longer there were things still many things that I was hoping to do. Coming

to Kolbe has been an opportunity to do some of those things.

Working with students is a great privilege and opportunity, it is both immensely rewarding and

immensely demanding as long as the balance remains 51 to 49 I came out ahead. Working with

young people who are at the point of making important decisions about their lives is a chal-

lenge and very exciting I feel that after 20 years I am beginning to have enough experience oc-

casionally to make sense of all the suggestions and to get some good advice.

Many problems that students face and some of the crises too I may have encountered before. In

this context, I am able to listen to students and often to help them to find their own solutions,

for they usually know far better than I do what the best solution is, to any particular problem

they may be facing. It is in this context that I may be able to offer the various opportunities

meetings and structures that I do at Kolbe. I would invite each one to take advantage of these

opportunities to join in whenever and wherever so that together we can continue to develop the

Kolbe community building on the wonderful tradition that has been handed down to us.”

And then Doglet says...

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By Chairperson Tapiwa Tevera

In my view, the Kolbe Society committee has always been, and should always be, made up of

women and men who wish to serve the Lord as best as they can. It‟s that simple. No history in

leadership is required; the type of university qualification being pursued does not place one

student ahead of another in matters of service, and neither should our socioeconomic back-

grounds. The Bible describes various situations in which God used the least likely of people in a

specific community to do His will. He took the very ordinary and filled them with His Spirit so

that they could do the extraordinary in His name. The Lord examines our hearts and He asks

that we use the gifts that He has placed within us to glorify Him, by serving our community.

As a committee we seek to perform our duties creatively and efficiently. We wish to not only

touch Kolbe society, but the larger community through the various activities, primarily out-

reach projects, which we have planned for our term. Community outreach projects are impor-

tant to us because Jesus, whose life we‟re all challenged to model our own lives against, cared

so much for the poor, the hungry and the sick during his time on earth. His focus was aimed at

the underprivileged in society, and so should ours.

During moments of silent reflection I always ask the question, “Can one man, or one woman,

make a difference?” I will continue to wonder. Will the group of nine students who form the

committee make a difference? As a team, we shall not stop asking ourselves this question. We

look to find the answer to this matter in everything that we do for Kolbe.

May the Lord bless Kolbe.

The 2009-2010 Committee

(From left to right):

Friedrick, Christine,

Tapiwa, Hlalele, Getty,


(On the Ground): Nancy

and Wesley

(Insert): Chris

Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

A Publication of Kolbe at UCT 13

There was nothing that I was trying to hide it was

just the thought of a foreigner going through all

the contents of my bag that made me feel angry.

I also thought that this was it and that I would be

marched down to the police station very shortly.

He came back to me and seemed satisfied that I

was not a shop lifter. I also got the feeling that he

felt very embarrassed about the whole situation. I

did not know what he said but he bowed to me

and I did the same. I even said thank you which

was not quite the right word for the occasion, but

I was very grateful that he did not take me to the

cop shop, because I did not fancy having to do

time in a South Korean jail.


By Deborah Cairns

A while back, I went shopping after work (this means 10.45 pm). Yes, supermarkets in South Korea are open that late, in fact they are open until midnight, because there is no chance of a hold up. I just had to get a few things and I have a small back pack that I took into the shop with me. I had been to another branch of the supermarket earlier in the day, and I had a few items from that shop in it. After I had finished getting the bare necessities I went to the cashier but, as I was leaving the cashier, the alarm went off that shows that you have not bought something in your back pack or shopping bag. I was quite shocked and did not know what to do. Then a security man stopped me, he checked my receipt and the items that I had in my shop-ping bag, then he asked me if he could look in my back pack and of course being a suspect, I could not decline his request. When he opened my back pack he saw that I had some items in it. I had to explain to him that I had bought the goods at another branch of the supermarket that afternoon. The conversation all took place in Korean of course and my Korean was broken, but at least the man understood me. After looking into my bag he called some other person from security, and I have no idea what he said, it was probably something like we have a shop lifting suspect here and she is a teacher. I know the word for teacher so that is all I un-derstood. Meanwhile I was frantically looking for my re-ceipt to show him that I really had bought the goods earlier on. However, he said that he did not need the receipt. I felt slightly more relieved until he took my bag away and literally un-packed the whole thing.

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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009


By Christine Reeler and Matthew Bickell

I had little idea what this post would entail and

since being elected for the Liturgy portfolio, I

have realized just how much behind the scenes

things Matthew did. At first it all seemed over-

whelming but it is right down my street. Mostly,

it is setting up for Mass and ensuring that all the

readers and ministers are there and that every-

thing runs smoothly. I have had tremendous

support from all the readers and ministers.

Thank you, I am looking forward to the coming



Mass preparation, Liturgy meeting, Bible

Study . . . (whichever name you choose to use)

On a Thursday evening we meet to read the

coming Sunday‟s readings and discuss each of

them. We look at what the main point they are

emphasizing and see if we can bring that out in

a particular part of the Mass. We then choose

the hymns according to the readings. So it‟s a

chance to put your input into the Sunday Mass.

Everyone is most welcome to join us – we meet

in the Library at Kolbe at 7pm on a Thursday

evening, it only lasts an hour!


Monday 28th September we had a very success-

ful Readers workshop, the second one this year.

Thanks to Veronica Miller who ran both of


As I‟m sure you‟ve all heard we have a great

many enthusiastic and entertaining readers this

term – and Tapiwa clearly stating the wife‟s

role! So, readers, continue to proclaim the Word

of God as well and enthusiastically as you do!


We have three 30 minute Weekday Masses

At Kolbe - Tuesday 7pm

Thursday 5.15pm

On upper campus - Wednesday 1.00pm

The Masses at Kolbe are held in the Sanctuary

and the upper campus one in the Chapel.

Weekday Mass is a great chance to set

aside time for God in our hectic lives.


Monica Ndlovu is now running the Repository

after both morning and evening Masses. We sell

bibles, rosaries, miraculous medals, crucifixes,

prayer books, and you can, in fact, order any-

thing you want.


Thank you to the Readers, especially those ever

ready to help out if someone else can‟t make it.

Thank you to our Eucharistic Ministers for their

reliability and service to Kolbe.

And a special thanks to Matthew for the fantas-

tic job he has done this year.



Wow, what a whirlwind of a year! If anyone has

noticed me frantically dashing around just be-

fore mass, you might find it hard to believe that

that was actually good fun. There is something

very satisfying about grasping order from the

clutches of chaos, I seem to have become quite

efficient at it after this year. I am very grateful

for all the support you all have shown in the

repository, as well as Tea with the Chaplain.

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“All the best to Chris, she is doing an amazing job


Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

A Publication of Kolbe at UCT 5


By Garikai Matambo (2008-9 chairperson)

Sometimes when you are asked to give an ac-

count of a particular event, you either think

twice before you write or you have a „brain-

freeze‟ because there is just so much to say…

alas! Mine came sooner than I had expected

when I was asked to write about the 2008-

2009 Kolbe year!


The year started of with a BANG and we all

were geared up to deliver par-excellence. It is

my pleasure to report that what we promised,

we have delivered! I can safely say that the

work we did is evident and all can testify.

Participating in the St Michaels food night and

having a rosary workshop were the main high-

lights of the second semester in 2008. The

hype of orientation week and extravagant

marketing of Kolbe brought home new family

members who were welcomed by the annual

ANSOC-Kolbe braai. It was not long before the

reflective period of lent set-in and the eventful

Easter triduum following-on. The extravagant

Coffee, Cake and Culture (a.k.a. Coffee, Cake n

Candy), extrapolated the peak period of the

first semester. To cool everything down, we

celebrated the Pentecost vigil which was not

only a musical classic, but a spiritual; event-

what a way to start exams!

Five delegates from Kolbe travelled to Ma-

fikeng for the Annual Association of Catholic

Tertiary Students (ACTS) Conference. What I

can briefly report on this is that- KOLBE


The luscious Kolbe formal warmed the winter

nights of Cape Town and prepared the

„masses‟ for the new Kolbe Comm…

…[This is when I start to cry]…

On the whole, and on behalf of the outgoing

committee, I would like to thank the members

of the society for the unwavering support and


To the incoming committee: We have set the

foundation, we all trust that you will continue

with the construction and perfection.

To the outgoing team: Well done and may you

continue to be that brilliant people you are!

To Fr. Graham: Words fail me….

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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

Outreach @ Kolbe

by Noella Moshi

Being a member of Kolbe community has been an experience I will never forget. I‟m the timid type that likes to sit in the corner and not speak unless spoken to. But from the very beginning, being at Kolbe caused me to be involved in al-most everything there was. How can I describe why? It is because of that gentle but persistent faith in one that is radiated by everyone-especially by Father Graham. It is the knowl-edge that whatever one does, it will be appreci-ated, and that we are surrounded by people who may not know us, but love us never the less.

In a setting of comfort and blessing, sur-rounded by friends and privileges, one natu-rally turns one‟s gaze outwards. I am some-times filled with a desire to make everything as wonderful as Kolbe has been for me. Given my limited abilities, that has not been possible, but in a small way, I have contributed to the mono-lith that is Father Graham‟s vision.

Last year, I tried to make Kolbe outreach about doing a few good things on a regular basis. Every week there is a visit to the Neighbour-hood Old Age Homes (NOAH) in Woodstock. This takes about two and a half hours out of one‟s day (at the most), and is well worth it. Being around some of the ladies at NOAH has reminded me of how simple happiness really is. The fun of rummy-cup is ageless!! We have helped with their end of year Christmas party and with the craft market held at NOAH, both of which are treasured memories of mine.

We are in communication with the Youth Unlimited, which is a Catholic Youth develop-ment program. Together with Denzel, we made a day of gardening twice this year. We cleaned the grounds of a Catholic-owned campsite that was being run at low cost. Sometimes things would go awry, like on the last trip, there were no gardening tools. That didn‟t stop us!! People were uprooting plants with their bare hands. I

will never forget Caitlin, a foreign exchange student from America. We got there sometime in the morning, and worked till afternoon. She pulled plants taller than her and in complete silence; she did the work of someone twice her size. Nothing can stop a person determined to make a change!!!

There are so many things that i wanted to do that I didn‟t manage to get around to. A pro-gram called Youth in Prison involves visiting young boys in prison. This hopefully will begin very soon, additionally there is a student who currently visits Pollsmor prisoners through a program called Hope Prison Ministries that she heard about through Kolbe. Anyone who would like to join in is more than welcome.

Every so often there is a collection of old clothes from students and these have been taken by a member of Youth Unlimited to be distributed where they are most needed.

“True religion is this, giving food to the poor, clothing the naked, visiting the aged.” As

young, still idealistic Catholics, we have un-bounded energy and Unlimited potential. It

only needs to be pointed in the right direction.

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2010 Sports & Entertainment Programme By Wesley Maraire

It is with great pleasure that I present the en-

tertainment, sport and cultural schedule for

2010. Please note that this is not the final list of

events that I hope to undertake with your in-

volvement of course, and the dates are not defi-

nite as well. The layout goes like this:



Orientation week- (marketing Kolbe)


Kolbe-ANSOC Picnic


St Valentine‟s suave night


Mardi Gras (Greasy Tuesday)



Music workshop


Surprise Surprise Sunday


Kolbe on Jammie



Easter Triduum



Dance Workshop


Kolbe chic dinner and debonair dance


Africa Day Celebrations



Kolbe semi-formal


Dr. van Heerden Spots Tournament


20th “Koffee, Kake and Kulture” (with other

ACTS Branches)

From the sport and entertainment desk.

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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

WISDOM (Anonymous)

Wisdom- With the gift of wisdom, we see God at

work in our lives and in the world. For the wise

person, the wonders of nature, historical events, and

the ups and downs of our lives take on deeper mean-

ing. The matters of judgment about the truth, and

being able to see the whole image of God. Understanding - With the gift of understanding, we

comprehend how we need to live as a follower of

Jesus Christ. A person with understanding is not

confused by all the conflicting messages in our cul-

ture about the right way to live. Also called

"Common Sense," the gift of understanding perfects

a person's speculative reason in the apprehension of

truth. It is the gift whereby self-evident principles

are known, Aquinas writes. Counsel (Right Judgment)- With the gift of right

judgment, we know the difference between right

and wrong, and we choose to do what is right. A

person with right judgment avoids sin and lives out

the values taught by Jesus. The gift of truth that

allows the person to respond prudently, and happily

to believe our Christ the Lord Fortitude (Courage) - With the gift of courage, we

overcome our fear and are willing to take risk as a

follower of Jesus. A person with courage is willing

to stand up for what is right in the sight of God,

even if it means accepting rejection, verbal abuse, or

even physical harm and death. The gift of Courage

allows people the firmness of mind that is required

both in doing good and in enduring evil, especially

with regard to goods or evils that are difficult. Knowledge - With the gift of knowledge, we under-

stand the meaning of God's Revelation, especially as

expressed in the life and words of Jesus Christ. A

person with knowledge is always learning more

about the scriptures and Tradition. The gift of

knowledge is more than an accumulation of facts. Piety (Reverence) - With the gift of reverence,

sometimes called piety, we have a deep sense of

respect for God and the Church. A person with rev-

erence recognizes our total reliance on God and

comes before God with humility, trust, and love.

Piety is the gift whereby, at the Holy Spirit's instiga-

tion, we pay worship and duty to God as our Father,

Aquinas writes.

Fear of the Lord (Awe of God) - With the gift of

wonder and awe (fear of the lord), we are aware of

the glory and majesty of God. A person with won-

der and awe knows that God is the perfection of all

we desire: perfect knowledge, perfect goodness,

perfect power, and perfect love. This gift is de-

scribed by Aquinas as a fear of separating oneself

from God. He describes the gift as a "filial fear,"

A Publication of Kolbe at UCT 10

Celsus Library in Ephesus, Turkey.

„Figure of Wisdom‟

Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009

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Once upon a time... a boy asked a girl, “will

you marry me?”

The girl said “NO!”

She lived happily ever after. She ate what

she wanted, had as many boyfriends as she

liked, never had to sit through a rugby

match, always had hot water and never had

to drik or buy beer.

She wore whatever she liked, and looked

and felt great in sweat pants, never got fat

and the only down side was that she needed

to buy her own chocolate and teddy bears

BUT she had a great job and afford lots and





By The Drinkers

I was very tempted to write this like one of

those cliché “Dear Expert” columns because

sometimes that‟s what it is, I know I some-

times arrive single minded – with several

pressing questions for Fr. Graham and every-

one else there.

We have discussed all range of things from

predestination to teaching techniques! We

had riddles that kept us puzzled for hours . . .

until Nancy decided to Google the answers –

modern technology, really! The Friday that

had me in stitches was when Irene and

Tapiwa were discussing anime with such

gusto you would think their lives were de-

voted to it, with Caitlin finishing off Irene‟s

sentences. S.J. arriving with dinner and ques-

tions! and Noella providing thought provok-

ing answers. Matthew learnt just how hard it

is to argue with a lawyer when Shingi joined

us one particular Friday.

While Tarisayi was examining the particular

variety of wine, we discussed free will, ethical

theories and Newtonian physics. Oh yes, I

should say that “Tea with the Chaplain” be-

came “Wine with the Chaplain” quite a while

ago – but don‟t tell anyone…

A great host of memories of Friday afternoons

– thank you to all the wonderful people who

have joined us through the year. So, if you‟re

free anytime after 4pm until choir time on a

Friday afternoon – join us in the library.

Check it out on Fridays 16:00 to 17:30.

(A nice way to end the week!)

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A quick look back at what happened this Year!!


A quick look back at what happened this Year!!

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Kolbe Student Fourth Quarter 2009


A quick look back at what happened this Year!!