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Knowledge transfer and global R&D operations within MNC

Halmstad University

School of Business and Engineering

Master of Management of Innovation and Business Development

Knowledge transfer and global R&D

operations within MNC

Dissertation in

Management of Innovation and Business Development

15 ECTS, 29th

May 2012


Nan Song 870417-7560

Jinping Zhu 840925-8236


Jonas Rundquist

Christer Norr


Mike Danilovic

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Knowledge transfer and global R&D operations within MNC


The dissertation was written during the spring of 2012 at Management of Innovation

and Business Development at Halmstad University.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our supervisor Mr. Jonas Rundquist,

Mr. Christer Norr and examiner Mr. Mike Danilovic for their excellent supervision and

support during the entire process of the dissertation. Without their supervision and

guidance, we cannot complete our dissertation successfully. So, thank them again

for their big support and help.

In addition, we would like to thank to the cooperation of these four companies:

Tylöhelo, Albany, Getinge and Huawei. Your information and knowledge was very

important for completing this dissertation.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our families and friends for supporting

and encouraging us during the period of these six months.

Halmstad, May, 2012

Nan Song and Jinping Zhu

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Knowledge transfer and global R&D operations within MNC


With the development of globalization, increasingly more companies began to use

worldwide resources to do product or service research and development.

Multinational corporations (MNC) became to more rely on their subunits that located

in different countries to conduct innovations. As a result, keep a good knowledge

transfer between headquarter and subunits or among peer subunits is crucial for MNC

to operate R & D activities. This study explores the relationship between knowledge

transfer and R & D operations through two knowledge transfer mechanisms and three

categories of R & D configurations.

By applying the qualitative strategy with a focus on four case companies (three are

from Sweden, one is from China), we conduct a cross case analysis and the result

shows that both expatriate management policy and communication frequency are very

important knowledge transfer mechanisms for MNC to keep a good knowledge

transfer in global R & D operations. In terms of expatriate management policy, it is

very important for MNC sending engineers from headquarter to subunits or between

peer subunits in order to transfer technology knowledge and facilitate R & D

operations. Moreover, send top managers from headquarter to subunits could also help

transfer process knowledge and keep overall control of subunits. In terms of

communication frequency, if MNC employs a concentrated development in

headquarter (or R & D center), it is very important to maintain a frequent

communication between headquarter and subunits so as to keep a smooth knowledge

transfer between them. And if MNC applies a dispersed research and development

configuration, keep a frequent communication between peer subunits is crucial. In

addition, this study also found certain connections between innovation process and R

& D configurations.

Keywords: Knowledge transfer mechanism, R & D configuration, MNC

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Knowledge transfer and global R&D operations within MNC

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

2. Literature review ..................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Multinational Corporation and Network ......................................................... 3

2.2 Knowledge transfer in MNC ........................................................................... 3

2.2.1 Knowledge and knowledge transfer ............................................................... 4

2.2.2 Knowledge transfer mechanisms ................................................................... 4

2.3 MNC’s global R&D operations ....................................................................... 6

2.3.1 Types of MNC’s global R & D operations ..................................................... 6

2.3.2 The structure of MNC’s global R & D ........................................................... 7

3. Methodology ......................................................................................................... 10

3.1 Research approach......................................................................................... 10

3.2 Research strategy........................................................................................... 10

3.3 Research design ............................................................................................. 11

3.4 Data collection............................................................................................... 11

3.5 Data analysis ................................................................................................. 11

4. Empirical data ....................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Tylöhelo world group .................................................................................... 13

4.1.1 Organizational structure............................................................................. 13

4.1.2 R & D......................................................................................................... 14

4.1.3 R & D configuration .................................................................................. 15

4.2 Albany ........................................................................................................... 16

4.2.1 R & D......................................................................................................... 16

4.2.2 R & D configuration .................................................................................. 17

4.3 Getinge .......................................................................................................... 18

4.3.1 R & D......................................................................................................... 18

4.3.2 R & D configuration .................................................................................. 19

4.4 Huawei .......................................................................................................... 20

4.4.1 R & D......................................................................................................... 21

4.4.2 R & D configuration .................................................................................. 23

5. Analysis................................................................................................................. 24

5.1 Expatriate management policy ...................................................................... 24

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5.1.1 Expatriate manager/engineer between headquarter and subunits .............. 24

5.1.2 Expatriate manager/engineer between peer subunits ................................. 26

5.2 Communication frequency ............................................................................ 27

5.2.1 Communication frequency between headquarter and subunits ................. 27

5.2.2 Communication frequency between peer subunits .................................... 28

5.3 Type of innovation process related to R&D configurations .......................... 30

6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 32

6.1 Theoretical conclusions ................................................................................. 32

6.2 Suggested future research.............................................................................. 33

6.3 Managerial implications ................................................................................ 33

6.3.1 Managerial implications for the firms in the study.................................... 34

Interview guide ............................................................................................................ 36

Reference ..................................................................................................................... 37

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1. Introduction

“The ability of multinational corporations (MNCs) to leverage their innovation

competencies across globally dispersed subunits is an increasingly valuable source of

competitive advantage (Ram, Susan & Pietro, 2007).” With the development of the

globalization, many companies began to use worldwide resources to do product &

service research and development. Moreover, multinational corporations became to

rely on their subunits which are located in different countries. “This evolutionary

process embodies increasing dispersion of resources within the multinational network

(Ivo Zander, 2002).”

During the past 20 years, there has been a great interest among scholars in the

importance of knowledge management in the organization and particularly in

multinational corporation (MNC) (e.g. Eisenhardt & Santos, 2002; Ghoshal & Bartlett,

1988; Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000; Schulz 2001, 2003; Szulanski, 1996; Zander &

Kogut, 1995). Recently, in the international business literature, MNC has been

conceptualized as world wide networks of knowledge acquisition, transfer and

integration across countries. The ability of transferring knowledge internally across

borders is considered to be an important source of competitive advantage for MNC

(Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000). This competitive advantage of MNC lies in their

abilities to exploit locally created knowledge worldwide, and in their capabilities to

transfer knowledge within organizational networks (Birkinshaw et al., 1998; Kogut &

Zander, 1993; Schlegelmilch & Chini, 2003).

In addition, recently, the topic of varying subunit roles particularly with respect to R

& D has attracted many researchers’ attention (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989; Kogut &

Chang, 1991). Multinational corporations want to use the worldwide R & D

capabilities to achieve competitive advantage. In order to fulfill this objective, they

establish international R & D department worldwide. However, when MNC build

many R & D organizations in different countries, they begin to face the problem how

to control the different global R & D centers to get better use of their internal

innovation network. In an important classification, Kuemmerle (1997) points out that,

sometimes, subunit R & D is needed to adapt existing products to local needs. The

subunit R & D orientation can be expected to have an impact on the relative

importance of knowledge sources in the MNC network and the host country network.

Although there are a large number of scholars focusing on the knowledge transfer and

R & D operations within MNC separately, only a few studies can be found that

illustrate the interaction between these two subjects. In the few previous articles some

lines of research could be found. For example, Schlegelmilch and Chini (2003) study

knowledge transfer between marketing departments which is briefly connected to R &

D. They conclude that knowledge transfer is likely to be affected by organizational

and cultural distance. Bresman et al. (2010) found that communication, visits and

meetings affect knowledge transfer in the context of acquisition. They do, however,

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not have a focus on R & D. In order to complement this theory gap, in this article we

are going to explore the relationship deeply between knowledge transfer and R & D

operations based on the previous knowledge towards this topic. According to Bartlett

and Ghoshal (1989), Pedersen, Petersen and Sharma (2003), Miao, Choe and Song

(2010), knowledge transfer mechanism within MNC is considered to be one of the

major dimensions that influences the knowledge sharing with the parent and peer

subunits. Expatriate management policy (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000; Björkman et

al., 2004) and communication frequency (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1988; Ghoshal et al.,

1994) are important knowledge transfer mechanisms that facilitate knowledge transfer

within MNC. In addition, from the perspective of R & D, Li and Yue (2005) indicate

four categories of R & D configuration: concentrated research and development,

dispersed research and concentrated development, concentrated research and

dispersed development, dispersed research and development. These different

configurations directly influence the research and development activities and R & D

transfer mechanism between headquarter and subunits.

The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between knowledge

transfer and R & D operations through two knowledge transfer mechanisms and three

categories of R & D configurations. And the two main knowledge transfer

mechanisms within MNC will be analyzed within the three categories of R & D

configuration to see how these knowledge transfer mechanisms are configured in

order to support knowledge transfer in global R & D operations within MNC. Based

on this, we formulated our research question:

How shall knowledge transfer mechanisms be configured in order to support

knowledge transfer in global R&D operations within MNC?

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2. Literature review

2.1 Multinational Corporation and Network

In previous research, Multinational companies (or corporation) (MNC) have been

analyzed from many different theoretical perspectives such as hierarchies,

inter-organizational networks or internal markets (Perlmutter, 1969; Hedlund, 1986;

Birkinshaw & Fey, 2000). According to Ghoshal and Bartlett (1990) “A multinational

corporation consists of a group of geographically dispersed and goal-disparate

organizations that include its headquarters and the different national subunits. Such

an entity can be conceptualized as an inter-organizational network that is embedded

in an external network consisting of all other organizations such as customers,

suppliers, regulators, and so on.” During 20 years’ development of this theory, many

scholars have improved and formulated their own conception of MNC. While there

still cannot be a definitive or universally agreed upon definition of MNC. In order to

find out the relationship between headquarter and subunits within MNC, we chose a

network perspective to better understand the concept of MNC. In this paper, we are

not going to focus on the external network of MNC. Instead of that, we will explore

the network and interaction between subunits and headquarters to see how the process

of knowledge transfer influences R & D dispread between subunits and headquarters

or among subunits.

From network view of MNC, it is a collection of differentiated units operating in

different parts of the world, using various organizational modes (Ghoshal & Nohria,

1989; Marcati, 1989; Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1990; Andersson & Forsgren, 2000).

Differentiation across units of the network allows the MNC to achieve the goals of

efficiency, local responsiveness and innovation (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1989). Forsgren

et al. (2005) also conceptualized MNC as a differentiated network of headquarter and

subunits connected by relationships or linkages. Subunits can develop their own

external networks of customers and suppliers. These networks provide knowledge,

resources, and power to subunits, and can become important contributors to overall

corporation competence development. Meanwhile, the internal network also can

facilitate learning through problem solving among subunits and encourage knowledge

transfer between similar subunits. Moreover, the relationship between different

subunits is both cooperative and competitive, which has increased the scope for

intra-firm coalition building and bargaining. And the roles of subunits in terms of

knowledge, action, and position of authority will vary over time and circumstance

(Hedlund, 1993).

2.2 Knowledge transfer in MNC

In this chapter previous literature concerning knowledge, knowledge transfer,

knowledge transfer within MNC and knowledge transfer mechanism will be reviewed.

In the part of knowledge transfer mechanism, we figured out two main mechanisms

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that facilitate the process of knowledge transfer within MNC, which are expatriate

management policy and communication frequency.

2.2.1 Knowledge and knowledge transfer

Knowledge is defined as a dynamic human process of justifying personal beliefs as

part of aspiration for the truth (Nonaka, 1994; von Krogh & Grand, 2000).When make

a distinction between data, information and knowledge, then knowledge is a mix of

framed experience, important values, contextual information, and expert insights

(Nonaka, 1994). Knowledge, especially tacit knowledge, is considered as the most

unique and inimitable resource that creates a firm’s sustained competitive advantage

(Birkinshaw, 2001; Grant, 1996; Mahoney and Pandian, 1992; Spender, 1996).

Knowledge cannot be copied well by other firms, like the other resources and

capabilities that generate sustained competitive advantage. Because of this

characteristic of knowledge, companies that possess specific tacit knowledge can

achieve sustained competitive advantage by preventing external competitors from

copying the knowledge easily (Barney, 1991).

According to Lee and Wu (2010), knowledge can be transferred in either or both of

the following directions: from headquarter to subunit; from subunit to headquarter,

and successful knowledge transfer results in the receiving unit accumulating or

assimilating new knowledge. Szulanski (1996) points that knowledge transfer is a

process of dyadic exchanges of knowledge between the source and recipient units

consisting of four stages: initiation, implementation, ramp-up and integration. While

the first two stages comprise all events that lead to the decision to transfer and the

actual flow of knowledge from the source to the recipient, the latter two stages begin

when the recipient starts utilizing the transferred knowledge. From this point of view,

if the recipient does not use the new knowledge, the pure transmission of knowledge

from the source to the recipient has no useful value. The underlying (original)

knowledge is not the key element in knowledge transfer. To what extent the receiver

acquires potentially useful knowledge and utilizes this knowledge in own operations

are the most important elements of knowledge transfer. Knowledge transfer may lead

to some change in the recipient’s behavior or the development of some new idea that

leads to new behavior (Davenport & Prusak, 1998).

2.2.2 Knowledge transfer mechanisms

Knowledge transfer mechanism within MNC is considered to be one of the major

dimensions that influences the knowledge sharing between headquarter and peer

subunits (Pedersen, Petersen & Sharma, 2003). Subunits may have accumulated a

large amount of useful knowledge for headquarter and other subunits. However, due

to the poor communication and lack of incentives, knowledge could not be transferred

and utilized efficiently within MNC. In order to improve this, effective knowledge

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transfer mechanisms should be introduced to facilitate the process of knowledge

transfer among headquarter and subunits (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000; Björkman et

al., 2004; Miao, Choe & Song, 2010).

Go through the previous theory, many researchers have written about knowledge

transfer mechanism. For instance, Gupta and Govindarajan (2000) argue that formal

integrative mechanisms and corporate socialization mechanisms are very important to

facilitate knowledge flow between headquarter and subunits. Björkman et al. (2004)

promote three more mechanisms which are the use of expatiate subunit managers,

specification of performance evaluation criterion and subunit management

compensation. When we go through these mechanisms we found that both

performance evaluation and compensation are mechanisms that used after the process

of knowledge transfer. While, expatriate management policy and communication

frequency are mechanisms that conduct during knowledge transfer process. Since in

this paper we are going to analyze the mechanisms more deeply during the process of

knowledge transfer, that’s why we choose to focus on expatriate management policy

and communication frequency and examine their performance during knowledge

transfer process.

Another reason for choosing these two mechanisms is that we consider they are the

basic effective transfer mechanisms that can facilitate the transfer and utilization of

knowledge between headquarter and subunits. Firstly, expatriates have been

extensively studied in the MNC literature during the past years (e.g., Edström &

Galbraith, 1977; Boyacigiller, 1990). And expatriates are considered to have much

stronger and longer-tenured social ties that connect the managers at headquarters and

in other MNC units (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000). Secondly, communication is

considered to be a basic and crucial tool that used to facilitate direct contact between

managers in different subunits so as to encourage knowledge transfer (Bartlett &

Ghoshal, 1990).

Expatriate management policy

Expatriating managers to the foreign subunits is a very important factor that facilitates

knowledge transfer within MNC (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000; Björkmanet al, 2004).

Expatriate managers can share their work experience and culture with headquarter

managers and other workers from the home company, which could help form informal

communication networks within the MNC organization (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1990;

Scullion, 1994). In addition, during the process of sharing business experience and

culture, the absorptive capacities of all parties can be enhanced in terms of inter-unit

knowledge transfer in MNCs (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000). From the motivation

perspective, expatriate managers are more concerned with the performance of the

entire MNC organization than locally hired managers do, which can also help

knowledge transfer within MNC (Zeira, 1976).

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Communication frequency

According to Ghoshal and Bartlett (1988), maintaining a frequent communication

between subunit managers and headquarter managers is very important for the

transfer of innovations from headquarter to its overseas subunits. Frequent contacts

between managers from different subunits within MNC network can facilitate

communication and inter-unit knowledge transfer (Ghoshal et al., 1994). Recent

researches also show that social interactions served as knowledge channels can

promote knowledge flows significantly (Monteiro et al., 2008; Noorderhaven &

Harzing, 2009; Corredoira & Rosenkopf, 2010). In addition, Frequent communication

can not only increase the absolute quantity of knowledge and information being

exchanged (Allen, 1977), but also help the recipient to receive continuous support

from the knowledge provider (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995; Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1990).

This support from the knowledge provider is crucial in the process of knowledge

transfer, especially when the knowledge is difficult for the recipient to understand

(Tushman, 1978; Szulanski, 1996).

2.3 MNC’s global R&D operations

Relying on the global R & D operations, multinational cooperation has a great

advantage to handle knowledge transfer. However, the recent research has shown that

it is very difficult to transfer knowledge across networks in terms of subunits and

innovation partners (Lööf, 2008). Lööf (2008) also points out that “recent studies on

MNEs and spillovers have shifted and focus from hierarchical links between

headquarters and subunits to formal and non-formal arrangements with various

partners linked together by complex organizations across regions and nations”. So the

most important thing for MNC is to build the international coordination network to

speed up the technology innovation and improve R & D efficiency.

2.3.1 Types of MNC’s global R & D operations

In order to achieve faster revenue growth, higher profits and increase shareholder

value, MNC invest much money and time in global R & D. “According to a

November 2006 Economist Intelligence Unit Survey, 65 of the top 300 global

companies outsourced at least some of their R & D (Kar, Subramanian & Saran,

2009).” Nohria and Ghoshal (1997) found four typologies of innovations in terms of

the communication patterns and innovations between head quarter and subunits.

Local-for-local innovations emphasize on the communication within the subunits.

Local-for-global innovations focus on the high-density communication both within

and among subunits. Centre-for-global innovations put more efforts on the

communication between headquarters and subunits. Global-for-global innovations

require on the large scale communication: within subunits, among subunits, and

between headquarters and subunits. From the recent research, the high level of inter R

& D communications among subunits can make them more effective in creating

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2.3.2 The structure of MNC’s global R & D

“Traditionally, MNCs operated with a centralized R & D structure that facilitated the

creation of new technology in the home country followed by subsequent technology

dissemination to overseas operations” (Robin, Carl F & Julian, 2000). Behrman and

Fischer (1980) showed four management styles in relation to foreign R & D: absolute

centralization, participative centralization, supervised freedom, and total freedom.

Many MNC usually take participative centralization and supervised freedom as the

major management styles. However, now, MNC want to let the innovation and

knowledge transfer disperse throughout the global operations which can help them to

achieve competitive advantage. So the MNC use global R & D networks instead of

traditional centralized R & D structure. What drives MNC to change the structure?

Robin, Carl F and Julian (2000) give four reasons.

1. Outbreak of knowledge. MNC locate the R & D centers in different countries to

absorb the new knowledge and make innovation by the help of the universities

and competitors across the globe.

2. Achieving of local competitive advantage. In order to win the market share in the

global market, MNC should have the ability to adapt to local needs. In this kind of

situation, the centralized R & D cannot give the locally need solutions suitably

and fulfill the local customers’ need.

3. Reducing product life cycles. As the market changing rapidly, MNC should make

them more flexible to meet market new tendency and take actions. They need new

global R & D network to make their new invents quickly commercialized through

the global market.

4. Diversity of skills and technologies required. The goods and service’s context is

increasing all the time. MNC have to use diversity of skills and technologies to

meet the new requirement. Abundance of resources can be achieved through the

global networks. These multiple requirements encourage MNC to reconstruct the

global R & D’s contracture.

However, in the recently, it becomes more difficult to use R & D knowledge

efficiently. “The complexity of the network and the differences in language and

culture lead to significant challenge”(Robin, Carl F & Julian, 2000). MNC realize that

the differences such as geographic, time and cultural make coordination among the

global dispersed R & D labs arduously. Norhria and Ghoshal (1997) realized that

MNC use a combination of formalization and socialization mechanism to cooperate

and govern the activities of decentralized subunits. Persaud, Kumar Uma and Kuman

Vinod (2002) illustrated that socialization leads to creation of informal social

networks. These kinds of social network can create more frequently communication

among different R & D centers which may let different R & D centers more likely to

share information, expertise, and technology. Sometimes, this will make them

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collaborate on joint projects. The positive social networks will generate strong ability

to complete project faster, cheaper and more effective.

Moreover, Persaud, Kumar Uma and Kuman Vinod (2002) also found that

technologically supported communication is not effective as MNCs expect. They

explained that “since the collaboration among subunit labs involves mostly tacit

knowledge as opposed to explicit knowledge, electronic media are not appropriate.”

In order to improve the innovative capabilities of MNC’s R & D organization,

manager can play more important role. Persaud, Kumar Uma and Kuman Vinod (2002)

suggested that MNC’s manager should build more informal network, allow dispersed

R & D organization more freedom in decision-making and inspire more face-to-face


Research and Development (R & D) is an ongoing process especially for MNC. The

R & D structure should be constructed to let different R & D’s knowledge spread

through the whole company. Li and Yue (2005) used two key dimensions to show the

MNC’s international research and development: functional focus (either research

oriented or development oriented) of R & D activities and geographic dispersion or

concentration of R & D sites. Then they give four categories of R & D configuration

in a host country: ①concentrated research and development, ②dispersed research

and concentrated development, ③concentrated research and dispersed development,

④dispersed research and development.

Figure1: Four categories of R & D configuration in a host country (Li and Yue, 2005)

In concentrated research and development configuration, both research and

development are conducted in headquarter. However, subunits have no participations

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during the whole process of R & D operations. The outcome of R & D will be

dispersed from headquarter to subunits later. In dispersed research and concentrated

development configuration, subunits conduct their research based on their local

market and centralize their output to headquarter, which conducts the overall

development. In concentrated research and dispersed development configuration, only

research is conducted in headquarter; the development is dispersed to all of the

subunits. In dispersed research and development configuration, the functions of

research and development are decentralized in different subunits.

In order to connect the two knowledge transfer mechanisms with the four R & D

configurations, we have a presumption as follows:

In terms of expatriate management policy, we consider this knowledge transfer

mechanism is more suitable for the ①concentrated research and development and

③concentrated research and dispersed development. Because in the concentrated

research and development configuration, if the headquarter wants to disperse the

outcome of R & D to the subunits, it will be significant to expatriate managers to

different subunits to make sure that the R & D output will be absorbed by all of the


While in the concentrated research and dispersed development configuration, we

consider expatriating managers to subunits is becoming much more crucial. Since the

managers will not only take charge of spreading knowledge, but also need to develop

the knowledge in the local environment or market. Under this circumstance, managers

should be more qualified to know well both the headquarters research outcome and

the local subunit’s business culture and legal systems in developing process.

In terms of communication frequency, we consider that all of these categories of R &

D configuration are influenced positively by communication frequency. In the

configuration of ①concentrated research and development, ②dispersed research and

concentrated development and ③concentrated research and dispersed development,

the communication frequency is conducted mostly between headquarter and subunits.

In the ④dispersed research and development configuration, communication is not

only conducted between headquarter and subunits, but also among peer subunits. If

the communication is conducted frequently between different subunits, the research

development will be better dispersed among subunits then centralized to headquarter.

But if communication is not conducted well with MNC, then the whole R & D system

will turn out to be worthless.

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3. Methodology

3.1 Research approach

There are two main types of research approaches, inductive and deductive (Bryman &

Bell, 2007). The inductive research approach is applied when the researchers start

with data collection and aim to develop new theories based on the data they collected

(Sauniders et al., 2007). While, the deductive research approach is applied when the

researchers start with building a theoretical framework based on the previous theories,

and then try to apply this theory to a specific instance (Hyde, 2000).

In this thesis, the research approach is more deductive, since deductive research is

often connected with fields where theory is fairly developed, while inductive research

is used in fields where theory is less mature. And both the fields of knowledge

transfer and global operations offer a lot of earlier research. That’s why we choose a

deductive approach and started our research by searching and reading previous

literature concerning knowledge transfer in MNC, knowledge transfer mechanisms

and global R & D operations. Since building a broad and solid literature review and

having a full understanding of the theoretical considerations concerning the specific

research field are very import at the beginning of conducting the deductive approach

(Bryman & Bell, 2007). After the literature review, we build our theoretical

framework and try to connect the knowledge transfer mechanisms with different

categories of R & D configurations, to see how knowledge transfer is encouraged

through different mechanisms in different R & D configurations.

3.2 Research strategy

There are two main research strategies quantitative and qualitative (Bryman & Bell,

2007). Quantitative research strategy emphasizes quantification in the data collection

and analysis. By using quantitative research strategy, researchers should promote

certain hypothesis at the beginning of research, and try to collect a large amount of

statistic data in order to find support for hypothesis (ibid). While, qualitative research

strategy is usually used to study social phenomena more deeply and to gain more

understanding of a particular subject. In qualitative research, more detailed and

specific data can be collected through observing, interviewing and the document.

In this thesis, we preferred qualitative strategy, since we are going to analyze how

different knowledge transfer mechanisms influence knowledge transfer in different R

& D configurations, and communication is one main knowledge transfer mechanism

which cannot be captured through quantitative strategies since this mechanism

contains human behaviors and social phenomena, and they can be better captured

through qualitative strategy. Face-to-face interview is one of the qualitative research

methods that will help researcher get fruitful qualitative data.

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3.3 Research design

According to the research question and purpose of this study, case study is chosen as a

main research design. Bryman and Bell (2007) argue that case-study design can be

selected when the researcher is interested in understanding a specific case, and the

case study is concerned with the complexity and particular nature of the case in

question. Since we are going to find out how knowledge transfer mechanisms

influence different R&D configurations, so we chose four case companies to explore

the relationship between knowledge transfer mechanism and R&D configurations.

When it comes to define the population and sample of this study, we followed

Richardson’s (1999) definition of population and sampling. One population is the

amount of elements that possess some determined characteristics and the sample is

any part of the population.

3.4 Data collection

Lewis, Saunders and Thornhill (2007) describe two sources of data collection;

primary and secondary. Primary data is when researchers go out and collect data by

themselves, which is time consuming but a reliable way of getting up to date data.

Secondary data is that collected from already published literature and existent

research. In this paper, we will use both of two methods.

Referring to the primary data, the interview is the main method to collective method.

The approach that we adopted in this paper is semi-structured interview. It is one of

qualitative interview. The researchers have an interview guide, but they can apply it in

a flexible way. Basically, all the questions on the list will be asked and similar words

will be used (Bryman & Bell, 2007). According to Bryman and Bell (2007), in

addition to preparing questions, the interviewer also should be open for the new

questions during the interview. In this study, we conduct our interview in three steps,

namely, preparation of an interview guide, formulation of questions, and conducting

interviews. In this process, we revise our questions continually and identify novel

issues. As Bryman and Bell (2007) saying, we focus on two problems: balance and

ethically sensitive. Through the face-to-face interview, we collect the primary


Referring to the secondary data, Lewis et al. (2007) point out that when collecting

data it is imperative to find information relevant to the paper’s purpose. Therefore, we

collect secondary data mainly through the company’s website, annual report and

academic database. In order to have more information, we also used e-mail and

telephone to have more information.

3.5 Data analysis

Referring to abundant resources, we adopt a triangulation methodology which is

really effective for us to sorted resources and find the relationship among different

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Expatriate management



Between headquarter

and subunits

Between peer subunits

Types of innovation


items. Based on our model, we had to figure out what kinds of R & D structure was

used by the company. After we got the whole picture of four companies, we could

classify which kinds of R & D structure was preferred by them. Different R & D

configurations had been figured out in the end.


We tried to sort them based on two major items: expatriate management policy and

communication frequency. We focused on finding the two important relationships:

headquarter and subunits, and peer subunits. Referring to the expatriate management

policy and communication frequency, we illustrated each company’s strategy to deal

with these two important relationships. Moreover, comparing with these four

companies, the advantages and disadvantages of the different strategies came out

which really helped us to get fully understanding of the different types of R & D.


R&D CONFIGURATION (of 4 companies)

Case study 4 companies

Qualititve Analysis

Managers perception

(small survey)

Secondry data

Regression Alysis

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4. Empirical data

In this chapter, empirical findings towards four case companies: Tylöhelo, Albany,

Getinge and Huawei will be presented. And their R & D configurations will be

figured out as well.

4.1 Tylöhelo world group

Tylöhelo is one of the world leaders in the sanitary ware industry. Tylöhelo provides

saunas, showers and steam bathing, both at home and in public facilities. Helo, once a

direct Finish competitor of Tylö, was acquired by an investment group, AAC Capital.

Tylö is the other Scandinavian key player in the sanitary ware industry. In 2010, AAC

capital formed a powerful group made of two former competitors, which named

Tylöhelo group. By 2010, Tylö has employed 130 people, among of which 87 persons

are in production section, thus 67 percent of Tylö’s work force is allocated to


4.1.1 Organizational structure

Tylöhelo has two research centers. One (PCH) is located in Halmstad in Sweden and

another one (PCR/H) is located in Riihimäkl and Hanko in Finland. PCH is

responsible for the Tylö brand and PCR/H focuses on the Helo brand. Before Tylöhelo

group is established, the two research centers will not influence each other and they

have their own operation system. The two R & D centers will not cooperate with each

other and share the information. After Tylöhelo group founded, the new company try

to make the two R & D centers becomes one in order to reduce the cost and form the

unified strategy to compete with the competitors.

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Figure2: Tylöhelo group structure (according to Tylö’s annual report)

4.1.2 R & D

Tylöhelo’s management team communicates better than the sublevel department.

Indeed, meetings are organized between Tylö top managers in order to discuss

changes evolution at least once a month. Tylö and Helo have top meetings to share

information and cooperate with each other to deal with the problems. However, the

two brands are independent and they have their own operation teams. Both of them

have their own distributers and subunits. They invent the products to meet their own

business partners’ requirement. They just share the same top management team.

The innovation of Tylöhelo is the distributer driving. The company depends on the

distributers which play really important role of the company’s innovation. Every year,

the company invites the major distributors to come to the company. The company

organizes all the distributors to participate a meeting which is casually and freely.

During the meeting, the distributors will give their special needs and show what have

happened in their own countries and predict the tendency. Tylöhelo collect all the

information and form a team to analysis all the statistics. After meeting, the R & D

department will give an official report which includes industry conditions and

different countries’ special requirement. Later, the R & D department begins to start

the product innovation to meet different distributors’ requirement. After they deliver

new products, most of the manufacture activities will be continued in the

manufactories which are located in different subunits. During the process of

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manufacturing or assembling, if there is some problem occurs, headquarter will send

engineer to subunits to deal with the problem and make sure that the product is in

good quality

Beyond the meeting, the R & D contact with the distributors quite often in order to

grasp the marketing’s new tendency. When the distributors want some special

products, R & D begins to innovate and provide that products. All the innovation

process is organized by the two R & D departments. They do not want to build the R

& D department in the others countries and they try to produce all the major products

in Sweden and Finland. The centralized R & D structure helps the company to reduce

the cost and improve the operational efficiency. Now the company tries to build one R

& D centers. The one R & D department can have more resources and also can

separate the two brands to avoid products’ convergence. One R & D center can share

the information better and communicate easily. The obstacles of the knowledge

transfer will become less and less.

4.1.3 R & D configuration

According to the data, Tylöhelo world group is a MNC that operates through 9

subunits, which sell through a network of distributors in 89 countries. Each company

is independent with headquarter and has their own operational management, which in

turn has responsibility for their own budget. Tylöhelo has two R & D centers. One is

located in Halmstad in Sweden and the other is located in Riihimäkl and Hanko in

Finland. Both the research and development activities are conducted in these two

centers. However, these two R & D centers focus on different brands. The Halmstad

center is focusing on Tylö brand and Finland center is focusing on Helo brand. After

the merging of these two brands, communication is encouraged between these two R

& D centers. However, they still keep the focus on their own brand development

when conduct the innovation. Based on this data, we consider Tylöhelo’s R & D

configuration is more in line with the concentrated research and development

configuration (Figure3), in which these two R & D centers are regarded as one

centralized R & D for the whole brand Tylöhelo.

Figure3: Concentrated research and development

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4.2 Albany

Albany International is a global company of advanced textiles and materials

processing company. Albany is the world´s leading producer of custom-designed

fabrics and belts essential to the production of paper and paperboard. Now the

company extends its advanced textiles and materials capabilities into a variety of

other industries: most notably aerospace, composites, nonwovens, building products,

high-performance insulation and yarn (Albany, 2012).

4.2.1 R & D

Albany has three R & D centers: Sweden, France and USA. The Halmstad research

center is the biggest one. Albany still has several manufacture factories: Korea, China,

Germany, UK, France, USA, Sweden, Canada, Brazil and Mexico. January 2012, it

sold the Albany door system company. Now, the company focuses on the paper


Every quarter, all the R & D centers should send reports to headquarter which include

the new technology and the new area to innovate. Headquarter begins to evaluate all

the reports in order to avoid the inner competition. Now Albany tries to give the three

different R & D centers into different functions which are better to use different

resources. The paper industry is a complex industry so Albany tries to differentiate the

different manufacture companies to let them produce the different parts of the paper

machine. The company just sends the different parts of the machine to the customer

and installs in the customer’s factory.

In Albany, they build project team to connect three R & D center together. Engineers

from different R & D centers can build a project team, and different project team will

focus on the innovation of different part of paper machine. Every second week, three

R & D centers will hold a meeting through the telecommunication system. Every

week, Mikael Danielsson (the director of the R & D, Headquarter) also has a meeting

which includes the marketing department and selling department. The different

department begins to discuss the problems and new tendency of the industry. After

that, Mikael begins to hold a meeting for his project team which involves different R

& D centers in order to let them to know all the information and try to deal with

problems. When Albany has new technology or new products, it sends the product

engineer to let all the subunits to learn this new technology or new products. Albany

affords the customized service which plays the major role of the company. If one

customer has special requirement, the local company will send the requirement to

headquarter. Mikael will organize a meeting for the three R & D centers and try to

make a solution. When the requirement is approved, local product engineers from

different subunits will be gathered in one R & D center and have a training education.

After the training, engineers will be sent back to the local company to implement the

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new technology and sometimes make a development.

The three R & D centers can discuss and deal with problem among themselves

without headquarter. Each R & D centers can make their own innovation and develop

the products. Among the different R & D centers, they have frequently informal

contact which is really good for them to share the information and cooperate each

other. Albany also takes cooperation R & D. Now, they have the partnership with the

Stora Enso which is also a leader in the paper industry. They will share the center

information and use each other’s advantage to make innovation or develop products.

The company really appreciates the frequently communication which can make the

different subunits understand each other better and reduce the innovation time.

4.2.2 R & D configuration

According to the empirical data, Albany has manufacturing facilities in 11 countries

globally, and it has three R & D centers, which are located in Sweden, France and

USA. All three R & D centers are independent with headquarter. While they maintain

a communication with headquarter mainly through the quarter report. Both research

and development are conducted in the R & D centers. Although the three R & D

centers are independent with each other, they still maintain a good cooperation

through the building of different project teams. Within the project team, engineers

from different R & D centers always work together and develop new technology.

Based on this data, we consider Albany’s R & D configuration is more in line with the

dispersed research and development configuration (Figure4). However, there is still

one difference between Albany and this R & D configuration. Albany doesn’t have a

research or development center in headquarter, the responsibility of headquarter is to

keep the overall control of all subunits and make final decision.

Figure4: Dispersed research and development

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4.3 Getinge

Getinge Infection Control (GETINGE) is belonged to GETINGE AB. The Getinge

Infection Control business area has two divisions: healthcare and life Sciences, which

work together with the other two business areas, Extended Care (ARJOHUNTLEIGH)

and Medical Systems (MAQUET). The entire GETINGE group of companies research

on state-of-the-art medical technology (Getinge, 2012).

Figure5: Getinge group structure

(According to )

Worldwide, Getinge Infection Control ranks among the leading providers of

disinfectors and sterilizers within the healthcare and life sciences segments. Getinge

Infection Control is founded more than 100 years and still keeps going on innovation

and technological progress in the field of disinfection and sterilization. Getinge

Infection Control has three customer segments: Healthcare, Pharmaceutical/ Medical

device, Research. From 2004 to 2009, the Getinge Infection Control develops fast

through the merger and acquisition and forms the Getinge AB.

4.3.1 R & D

Getinge has 7 research centers: 3 in Sweden, 2 in France, 1 in USA and 1 in China.

The France Company has several subunits which are just the sales office. Getinge is

growing very fast through the acquisitions. The decentralized culture is rooted the

whole company. Headquarter try to avoid interfere and reduce the influence. The main

strategy is to lower the centralization and increase the indecency. Each subunit has its

own operation system which can provide the products for the local market.

December 2011, Getinge just hold the first the global meeting for the whole company

and shared the information. Every year, Getinge will hold global meetings 4 times.

This kind of meeting tries to let all the subunits to know the whole company’s status

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and what the peer subunits are doing now. In order to avoid the internal competition,

when the different subunits have the similar products or make the similar innovation,

this meeting will let them know and stop the internal competition. The research center

makes the knowledge and technology innovation and also can develop the technology

become the real products. Relying on the telecommunication system, the headquarter

can communicate with the subunits through the presentation and sending e-mail. They

try to understand each other better. However, they still make everything local.

Headquarter knows that they lack of network and communication between

headquarter and different subunits. Although headquarter believes that the good

communication can make the subunits learn from each other and cooperate with each

other, however, the Getinge AB does not have any communication mechanism to

facilitate communication between subunits. Getinge AB just sends the top managers

who are from the headquarters to the different subunits to know the subunits’ status

and their requirement. This kind of manager can be seen as a controller who supports

headquarter to govern all the subunits. Headquarter said that it was difficult to create

polices and mechanisms to let the subunits cooperate or even communicate with each

other, because of the language, culture and distance.

4.3.2 R & D configuration

According to the data, there are seven R & D centers in Getinge. Three centers are

located in Sweden, two in France, one in USA and one in China. Since Getinge grows

up quickly mainly through its acquisition strategy all over the world, the company has

a typical decentralized culture and R & D is decentralized in the subunits. In this case,

the headquarter tries to avoid interfere and reduce the influence on the oversea

subunits and let them make innovation and develop new technology by themselves.

So that all of the research centers are independent with headquarter. And each of the

research centers is independent with each other and focusing on one special field to

make innovation. Based on this data, we classify Getinge as the dispersed research

and development configuration. But Getinge is not the perfect model that showed in

figure4. Since in Getinge, both research and development are conducted in R & D

centers, and there is no cooperation between different R & D centers. So, we made

certain modification of the picture to fit Getinge’s R & D configuration (Figure6).

Figure6: R & D configuration in Getinge








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4.4 Huawei

Huawei is a Chinese multinational which focuses on the networking and

telecommunications equipment and IT services. Huawei is the second largest ICT

solutions company in the world (after Ericsson). Huawei’s core activities are building

telecommunications networks; providing operational solutions and consulting services

and products to the companies; producing communications devices (according to .

Figure7: Huawei group structure (according to Huawei annual report 2011)

In 2011, Huawei recorded revenues of CNY 203.9 billion and net profits have over

CNY11.6 billion (Huawei annual report 2011). Just in 2011, Huawei employ nearly

30,000 additional employees. In order to cope with the international competition,

Huawei changes the family straight-line management system. Huawei use the flexible

matrix organizational structure which focuses on the dynamic management. This kind

of structure is dynamic with the development of the new business growth, new

products innovation or new market opportunities (Zhao, 2007). However, the change

is temporary. When the short task is solved the structure retains to normal. The

structure is stable but it also adjusts with the different situation. The flexible matrix

organizational structure consists three items: static structure, a dynamic structure and

an inverse help system. Now Huawei changed this model to adjust with the business

divisions and regional divisions. They continue the process from the stable to

adjustment and then back to stable. With the internationalization, Huawei make the

organizational structure more international and localized.

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Figure8: The flexible matrix organizational structure (Zhao, 2007)

4.4.1 R & D

Huawei has built 23 research centers in Germany, Sweden, the UK, France, Italy,

Russia, India, China, and other countries. In order to have competitive advantage and

own the advanced technologies, Huawei also has established 34 joint innovation

centers in the world. Huawei has over 62,000 employees who just focus on the

product and solution R&D, which occupy more than 44% of Huawei’s total

employees in the worldwide (140.000 total employees). In 2011, Huawei invest

more than CNY 23,696 million in R&D. Huawei’s basic strategy is to keep on

investing no less than 10% of sales revenue in R&D and to use 10% of the total R&D

investment on pre-research to go on studying and following new technologies and

new field.

Figure9: Huawei global expenses (According to Huawei annual report 2011)

According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Huawei is ranked

second in term soft patent applications under the WIPO International Patent

Co-Operation Treaty (WIPO, 2010) (Foster and Reinsch, 2010).

Domestic Patents 36,344

PCT International & Overseas Patents 10,650

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Overseas Patent Applications 10,978

Authorized Patents 23,522

Table1: Number of patents (according to Huawei annual report 2011)

Huawei is the major partner in standards development in cloud computing. Huawei’s

research centers do not engage in the business area which can be treated as the

academic school. The headquarter send engineers to different research centers to learn

the advanced technology and bring the new technology back to headquarter. However,

these expatriate engineers just stay in 6 month or one year. Later, headquarter will

send new engineers to research centers. In the subunit of Sweden, there are 150

employees which have more than 100 Chinese expatriate engineers. The other

Swedish employees are really professional engineers who have more than 10 years’


In order to promote the development of advanced technology, Huawei do not interfere

research centers’ innovation. Each research center decides its innovation areas

independently without considering the profits and the business. Each research center

should send all the technology document to Chinese headquarter and headquarter put

them into technology data base. The research center just does the research and do not

do development. The headquarter make decisions that which technology should be

developed. The Sweden research center really appreciates this kind of organization

system. However, employees just focus on their research do not care about the

company’s culture. This is really a problem for the Huawei’s international process.

Huawei expatriates engineers into the different research centers frequently which is

really helpful for the company to master the advanced technology. However, it is not a

good way to help the employees build strong and permanent relationship with each

other. When the expatriate engineers come back to China the relationship is stopped.

These expatriate engineers comes from the 15 different department of headquarter and

they should send reports to their Chinese direct manager. The research center just

teaches them and do not take responsibility for them.

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Figure10: Huawei operation structure (according to Huawei annual report 2011)

4.4.2 R & D configuration

According to the data, Huawei has built 23 research centers in Germany, Sweden, the

UK, France, Italy, Russia, India, China, and other countries. And headquarter is

located in Shenzhen in China. All of the research centers are independent with

headquarter. Moreover, different research centers also independent with each other.

Each of the research centers is focusing on its own special field towards new

technology. And there is neither intra-competition nor cooperation among different

research centers. The research centers only take the responsibility of exploring new

technology and early design of the product. All of the new technology achievements

from research centers will be gathered in headquarter where final development is

conducted. Based on this data, we consider Huawei is more in line with the dispersed

research and concentrated development configuration (Figure 11)

Figure11: Dispersed research and concentrated development

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5. Analysis

5.1 Expatriate management policy

Expatriating managers to the foreign subunits is a very important factor that facilitates

knowledge transfer within MNC (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000; Björkman et al, 2004).

In this part, we will analyze this knowledge transfer mechanism from two directions.

One is expatriate manager or engineer between headquarter and subunits, the other

one is expatriate manager or engineer between peer subunits.

5.1.1 Expatriate manager/engineer between headquarter and subunits

When we explore the relationship and knowledge transfer mechanism between

headquarter and subunits in these four case companies, we find that Tylöhelo and

Huawei employ this knowledge transfer mechanism mainly through sending engineer

between headquarter and subunits. However, Geinge and Albany employ this

knowledge transfer mechanism mainly through expatriating top manager from

headquarter to subunits.

According to the data, Tylöhelo is in the concentrated research and development

configuration. All of the research and development activities are conducted in two

research centers for two brands separately. In this case, the knowledge transfer

between research department and development department is effective and efficient,

since these two departments work very close with each other when they make product

innovation. After they deliver new products, most of the manufacture activities will be

continued in the manufactories which are located in different subunits. During the

process of manufacturing or assembling, if there is some problem occurs, headquarter

will send engineer to subunits to deal with the problem and make sure that the product

is in good quality. Tylöhelo applies this expatriate management policy to help

knowledge transfer between headquarter and subunits (R & D and manufactories). By

doing this, knowledge is transferred to the recipient and finally utilized in the right

way by recipients (Szulanski, 1996).

Another company that established the policy of sending engineers from headquarter to

subunits is Huawei. However, this policy is employed differently with Tylöhelo. The

expatriate engineers will come back to headquarter after they learnt the new

technology and transfer it to headquarter, in this case, the knowledge transfer

direction is from the subunits to headquarter not from headquarter to subunits.

According to the data, Huawei is an R & D orientation company. And its basic

strategy is to keep on investing no less than 10% of sales revenue in R & D and to use

10% of the total R & D investment on pre-research to go on studying and following

new technologies and new field. Moreover, the company is in the dispersed research

and concentrated development configuration, which shows Huawei has a

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decentralized research in its subunits and conduct a centralized development in the

headquarter. In this case, keep a smooth and effective knowledge transfer from

subunits to headquarter is crucial. Huawei cope with this mainly through the

expatriate policy. The headquarter will send engineers to different research centers for

6 months or one year to learn the advanced technology and bring the new technology

back to headquarter. During this period, expatriate engineers will send reports to their

Chinese direct manager regularly in order to keep knowledge transfer from subunits to

headquarter. According to the data collected in the subunit of Sweden, there are 150

employees in which more than 100 are the expatriate engineers from China. From this

we can see the importance of expatriate engineer policy in Huawei. And this policy

really contributes a lot to facilitate knowledge transfer between subunits and


The other two companies Getinge and Albany also applied this knowledge transfer

mechanism. However, they choose to send top managers from headquarter to subunits

instead of engineer. In Getinge, they usually send the top managers who are from the

headquarters to the different subunits to know the subunits’ status and their

requirement. In Albany, they also have this kind of policy that certain top managers

will travel around different subunits to get to know their working conditions.

Although this kind of expatriate manager is more considered as a controller or

supervisor who supports headquarter to govern all the subunits, they still take the

responsibility of transferring knowledge or information between headquarter and

subunits. Here the knowledge is seen as a mix of framed experience, important values,

and contextual information (Nonaka, 1994). During their trip to overseas subunits,

they can share their work experience and culture with subunit managers and other

workers, which could help form informal communication networks within the MNC

organization (Bartlett & Ghoshal, 1990; Scullion, 1994).

When we analyze the reason behind this result, we found that both Tylöhelo and

Huawei applied a concentrated development in headquarter. In this case, knowledge

transfer towards new technology between headquarters and subunit is very important.

That’s why these two companies choose engineer rather than top managers to take the

responsibility of knowledge transfer. Since they consider engineers are more qualified

to transfer technology knowledge and fix the technique problems during their

expatriate period. However, in the other two companies Getinge and Albany, both of

them have a decentralized R & D configuration. All of the research and development

are conducted in the subunits. Headquarters just keep the overall control of all

subunits, and does not take the responsibility of R & D. In this case, they do not need

to transfer technology knowledge between headquarter and subunits. That’s why they

choose top manager instead of engineer to transfer process knowledge between

headquarter and subunits.

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5.1.2 Expatriate manager/engineer between peer subunits

According to the data, only one company, Albany, adopted the expatriate management

policy between peer subunits. In Albany, this policy is applied mainly through

expatriating engineers between different subunits. Albany is the world’s largest

producer of customer-designed engineered fabrics and process belts, so if one

customer has special requirement, the local company will send the requirement to

headquarter. When the requirement is approved by headquarter, local product

engineers from different subunits will be gathered in one R & D center and have a

training education. After the training, engineers will be sent back to the local company

to implement the new technology and sometimes make a development. Szulanski

(1996) stress that the underlying (original) knowledge is not the key element in

knowledge transfer, to what extent the receiver acquires potentially useful knowledge

and utilizes this knowledge in own operations are the most important elements of

knowledge transfer. In Albany, expatriate engineer plays an important role during the

process of knowledge transfer. They will not only take charge of spreading knowledge,

but also need to develop the knowledge in the local environment or market.

Considering that Albany is in the dispersed research and development configuration,

and its innovation process is mainly through the cooperation of the engineers from

three R & D centers. In this case, it is very important to expatriate engineers between

different subunits to facilitate knowledge transfer and share resources during the

innovation process. Albany also realized the importance of this policy and took good

advantage of this policy to conduct the project work and facilitate knowledge transfer

effectively between different subunits.

When it comes to the other three case companies, no empirical data shows that they

have expatriate management policy between subunits. When we analyze the reason

behind this, we found that Tylöhelo is in the concentrated research and development

configuration, and the company does not have research centers in subunits, so that

they do not need to expatriate manager or engineer between different subunits. For

Huawei, they have a decentralized research in the subunits. However, each of the

subunits only focuses on its own specific field towards new technology and does not

cooperate with each other. In this case, the desire of knowledge transfer between peer

subunits is relatively low, since they do not consider knowledge from other subunits is

significant for themselves.

Finally the result from Getinge surprised us a little bit. Although this company is in

the dispersed research and development configuration which is the same with Albany,

however, it doesn’t have the expatriate engineer policy like Albany, and there is no

cooperation between different subunits when they make innovation. Empirical data

shows that the growth of Getinge mainly through the acquisition all over the world. R

& D centers that located in different countries only focus on their own technology

development and the local market. Each of the R & D center services for one product

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unit specially. And they cooperate with each other to deliver products for the local

market. Since there is no project work between different R & D centers, the desire of

knowledge transfer between peer subunits is relatively low, that’s why they do not

send engineer between different subunits to transfer knowledge.

5.2 Communication frequency

According to Bartlett and Ghoshal (1990), communication is considered to be a basic

and crucial tool that used to facilitate direct contact between managers in different

subunits so as to encourage knowledge transfer. In this part, we will also analyze

communication frequency as one knowledge transfer mechanism from two directions.

One is communication frequency between headquarter and subunits, the other one is

communication frequency between peer subunits.

5.2.1 Communication frequency between headquarter and subunits

Maintaining a frequent communication between subunit managers and headquarter

managers is very important for the transfer of innovations from headquarter to its

overseas subunits (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1988). When we look through the empirical

data, we found that only Tylöhelo and Huawei maintain a frequent communication

between headquarter and subunits. However, in Albany and Getinge, the

communication frequency between headquarter and subunits is low.

According to the data, Tylöhelo is in the concentrated research and development

configuration. And the expatriate management policy between headquarter and

subunits helps promote the communication frequency between headquarter and

subunits. Besides that, Tylöhelo also conducts a frequent communication with its

distributors. As we know that, one of Tylöhelo’s strategies is building a strong

network with its distributors. Therefore, distributors play an important role in the

innovation process. Every year, Tylöhelo invites the major distributors to the company

to share information concerning the demand in their own countries and discuss

together, try to predict the tendency. All of the information collected in that meeting

will be utilized by R & D center to change product design and make product

innovation. After the meeting, R & D center also keeps a frequent contact with the

main distributors in order to grasp the marketing’s new tendency. By doing this, the

company can quickly capture what the market needs and figure out what can they

offer. Frequent communication help facilitate the knowledge transfer between

subunits and headquarter, and promote the innovation process in R & D centers.

Another company that maintains a frequent communication between headquarters and

subunits is Huawei. According to our previous analysis, Huawei applied the expatriate

management policy by sending engineers from headquarter to subunits. During the

expatriate period, engineers will keep sending reports to their Chinese direct manager

regularly in order to keep knowledge transfer from subunits to headquarter. In this

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case, headquarter can easily keep control and supervise all the subunits. Through

these expatriate engineers, frequent communication is conducted between headquarter

and subunits, which really facilitate the knowledge transfer from subunits to


However, when it comes to Albany and Getinge, we found that both of them keep a

low communication frequency between headquarter and subunits. Considering that

both of the companies have a decentralized R & D configuration. And headquarter

does not take the responsibility of research and development, it just keeps the overall

control of all the subunits. In Albany, the subunits only use the quarter reports to keep

in touch with headquarter every three months. In Getinge, the headquarter usually

hold global meeting four times per year, and this meeting is try to let all the subunits

to know the whole company’s status and what the peer subunits are doing now.

During this meeting, managers from different research centers will exchange their

knowledge and information about their innovation projects. By doing so, internal

competition will be avoided effectively. In addition, headquarter also use the

telecommunication system to keep in touch with the subunits, but this communication

frequency is still very low. Since from the head quarter’s perspective, they don’t want

to interfere or influence the subunits too much. They consider the subunits are capable

to make the decisions and develop new technology by themselves, and they also think

that the subunits know much better than headquarter towards the local market. So that

they don’t want to have a frequent communication with the subunits, they just try to

make everything local.

5.2.2 Communication frequency between peer subunits

Frequent contacts between managers from different subunits within the MNC network

can facilitate communication and inter-unit knowledge transfer (Ghoshal et al., 1994).

According to the data, we only find one company, Albany, maintains a frequent

communication between peer subunits. However, in Tylöhelo, Getinge and Huwei, the

communication frequency between peer subunits is low.

As we know that Albany is in the dispersed research and development configuration.

In this case, the desire of communication and cooperate between peer subunits is

relatively high. In Albany, communication is frequently conducted between subunits,

and the three R & D centers are connected mainly through the building of project

team. Every second week, the three R & D centers will hold a meeting through the

telecommunication system. During the meeting they will discuss the project work and

deal with the problems together. Video conference is considered as the main way of

communication between R & D centers. Moreover, among the different R & D centers,

they also have frequently informal contact which is really good for them to share the

information and cooperate with each other. Although many scholars (Gupta &

Govindarajan, 2000; Monteiro et al., 2008) argue that compared to the close

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communication between headquarter and subunits (e.g. a formal reporting system),

communication channels between peer subunits tend to be relatively weak or even

absent, Albany find a good way to maintain frequent communication successfully

through the project work. And this method really helps a lot in facilitating knowledge

transfer between R & D centers and promoting innovation.

When it comes to the other three case companies, we found that the communication

frequency between peer subunits is low. For Tylöhelo, this company is in the

concentrated research and development configuration, so most of the communication

is conducted between the research center and distributors in order to capture the

information for product innovation. The peer subunits just focus on their local market

and provide service for the local customer. Hence the desire of communication

between peer subunits is low. Besides that, different distributors seldom communicate

with other (except the meeting hold once a year) due to language and country distance,

all of the information and data are collected from each distributor directly by the two

research centers. So that headquarter consider the direct communication with

distributor is more effective and efficient. They do not need to facilitate

communication between distributors.

In Huawei, the communication frequency between peer subunits is also very low.

Since Huawei is in the dispersed research and concentrated development

configuration, and the research centers do not cooperate with each other, they only

focus on their own special field of technology development. In this case, the desire of

communicating between peer subunits is low. Moreover, all of the research and

technology will be gathered and further developed in headquarter. Therefore, keeping

a frequent communication between headquarters and subunits is more important than

that of between peer subunits.

However, the result we got from Getinge is beyond our exception again. Although the

company is in the dispersed research and development configuration, however, the

communication frequency between peer subunits is low. Although headquarter

believes that the good communication can make the subunits learn from each other

and cooperate with each other. However, Getinge does not have any communication

mechanism to facilitate communication between subunits. Headquarter considers that

it is difficult to create polices and mechanisms to let the subunits cooperate or even

communicate with each other, because of language, culture and distance. When we

analyze the reason behind this, we consider that Getinge is a typical Local-for-Local

innovation corporation, so each subunit will focus on its own innovation field and

service for the local market. The need of communicating with the peer subunits is

relatively low, because they are focusing on different markets and this kind of

communication will not help them learn from each other significantly. Moreover,

certain frequent communications across countries may lead to a lot of money and time,

so headquarter has to weigh the pros and cons before they make new policies towards

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this issue. However, if Getinge wants to develop Local-for-Global innovation, then

the communication frequency between peer subunits will be a crucial element that

influences the success.

Based on all the analysis above, we made the table below to show the results more


Expatriate management policy

Between headquarter and subunits Between peer subunits




Top manager



No expatriate


Tylöhelo Getinge Albany Tylöhelo

Huawei Albany Getinge


Communication frequency

Between headquarter and subunits Between peer subunits

High Low High Low

Tylöhelo Getinge Albany Tylöhelo

Huawei Albany Getinge


5.3 Type of innovation process related to R&D configurations

When we are analyzing different R & D configurations of these case companies, we

find that these different R & D configurations could be related to the companies’

innovation process. Ghoshal and Bartlett (1987) once indicate four different

innovation processes, which include Center-for-Global, Local-for-Local,

Local-for-Global and Global-for-Global innovation process. Based on this model, we

analyzed this four case company and summarized as follows:

Tylöhelo is a Center-for-Global innovation company. According to our analysis,

Tylöhelo is in the concentrated research and development configuration. All the

innovations are developed in the two R & D centers centrally, and the products are

sold globally, which reflects what Ghoshal and Bartlett (1987) define

center-for-global innovation are those where headquarter or a central research center

such as the corporate R&D laboratory, creates a new product, process, or system for

worldwide use.

Albany is a Global-for-Global innovation company. Since Global-for-global

innovations are those that are created by pooling the resources and capabilities of

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many different organizational units of the MNC, including the headquarters and a

number of different subunits, so as to arrive at a jointly developed general solution to

an emerging global opportunity (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1987). According to our analysis,

Albany is in the dispersed research and development configuration, and its innovation

process is mainly through the cooperation of the engineers from three R & D centers,

and the resources are shared during the innovation process. Since their product is not

focusing on the local level, when they deliver new product, it can be sold globally.

Getinge is a Local-for-Local innovation company. Local-for-local innovations are

those that are created and implemented by a national subunit entirely at the local level

(Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1987). According to our analysis, Getinge is in the dispersed

research and development configuration. However, there is no cooperation between

different research centers, and they will not share their resources, which restricts the

research centers only can do research and make product innovation at the local level

not for global. The research centers just utilize the local resource; make innovations

and service for the local market. In this case, each research center can better

concentrate on their native market and will not lose the focus.

Huawei is also a Global-for-Global innovation company. According to our analysis,

Huawei is in the dispersed research and concentrated development configuration,

which shows Huawei has a decentralized research in its subunits and conduct a

centralized development in the headquarter. Although there is no cooperation among

research centers, their achievements towards new technology will be gathered in

headquarter and make final development. From this we can see the innovation process

is based on the resources from all these research centers, and the final new product is

for the global market (Ghoshal & Bartlett, 1987).

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6. Conclusion

In this chapter, we will draw some theoretical conclusion from our research firstly,

and come to some suggestions for future research. Finally, managerial implications

for these four case companies will be presented.

6.1 Theoretical conclusions

The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between knowledge

transfer and R & D operations through two knowledge transfer mechanisms and three

categories of R & D configurations. Based on the analysis, we conclude our main

findings as follows:

1. In terms of expatriate management policy, if the company employs a concentrated

development in headquarter (or R & D center), it is very important to expatriate

engineers between headquarter and subunits. According to this kind of cases,

knowledge transfer towards new technology between headquarter and subunit is

crucial, and engineers are more qualified to transfer technology knowledge and fix

the technique problems during their expatriate period. If the company applies a

dispersed research and development configuration, and headquarter does not take

the responsibility of R & D, it is better to expatriate top manager from headquarter

to subunits so as to transfer process knowledge and keep overall control of

subunits. At the same time, sending engineers between peer subunits is also very

important to facilitate knowledge transfer between peer subunits especially when

different subunits cooperate and conduct innovation project together.

2. In terms of communication frequency, we found that if the company employs a

concentrated development in headquarter (or R & D center), it is very important to

conduct frequent communication between headquarter and subunits. Since in this

case, the desire of knowledge transfer from headquarter to subunits is strong and

communication is considered to be a good mechanism to facilitate knowledge

transfer so as to promote innovation process. If the company applies a dispersed

research and development configuration, and headquarter does not take the

responsibility of R & D, it is very important to maintain a frequent communication

between peer subunits. Since in this case, innovation is achieved mainly through

the cooperation of peer subunits. And keep a frequent communication will help

subunits better coordinate with each other and fix the problems together.

3. In addition, we also found there is a connection between innovation process and R

& D configurations. If the company is in the concentrated research and

development configuration, it will be easier to conduct center-for-global

innovation. In this case, new products are created in R & D center for worldwide

use. The companies that have a dispersed research and development configuration

or dispersed research and concentrated development configuration can conduct

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global-for-global innovation, since both of the two R & D configurations have a

decentralized research, and the resources are shared at the beginning of research,

then the pre-achievement will be gathered and utilized to develop final product

sold worldwide.

6.2 Suggested future research

In this thesis, we chose a case study design and conducted a qualitative approach to

find out the relationship between knowledge transfer and R & D operations within

MNC. However, we worked with a rather small sample of firms, and the case

companies we choose are mainly from Sweden and China. Therefore, we couldn’t

assert that the results of our research could be generalized to other countries or other

types of companies. But it does present a reasonable starting point. So that we suggest

future research could be conducted from a test proposition and choose quantitative

approach. Large quantitative study concerning the relationship between knowledge

transfer mechanism and R & D configuration needs to be conducted in order to test

our results. In this case, large number of MNC will be involved and the results could

be more reliable and better generalized. Another suggestion for future research is that

researchers could choose analyze other knowledge transfer mechanisms which we

didn’t have a focus in this paper, for example, formal integrative mechanism,

corporate socialization mechanism (Gupta & Govindarajan, 2000), performance

evaluation and compensation (Björkman et al, 2004), and find out how these

knowledge transfer mechanisms are configured in order to support knowledge transfer

in global R & D operations within MNC.

6.3 Managerial implications

According to our research, both expatriate management policy and communication

frequency are very important for MNC to keep a good knowledge transfer in global R

& D operations. Therefore, we suggest that MNC could establish expatriate engineer

policy and send engineer from headquarters to subunits or between peer subunits in

order to transfer technology knowledge and facilitate R & D operations. Moreover,

MNC could also establish expatriate manager policy and send top managers from

headquarter to subunits so as to transfer process knowledge and keep overall control

of subunits. In terms of communication frequency, if MNC employs a concentrated

development in headquarter (or R & D center), we suggest they maintain a frequent

communication between headquarter and subunits so as to keep a smooth knowledge

transfer between them. If MNC applies a dispersed research and development

configuration, it is very important to keep a frequent communication between peer

subunits. However, due to the weak communication channels between peer subunits,

communication frequency cannot be conducted very well in many MNC, and subunits

feel difficult to share its best practices and skills effectively with other subunits. To

overcome these barriers we suggest that MNC should provide more opportunities for

subunit managers to build communication networks with other subunits. For example,

organize international training programs, establish international forces and

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committees and encourage visits across MNC units. So that research and development

can be transferred effectively between peer subunits.

6.3.1 Managerial implications for the firms in the study

In this part we draw certain managerial implications for the firms in the study. Our

recommendations are based purely on the knowledge transfer aspects, and that there

might be many other considerations pointing to other implications.

Firstly, for Tylöhelo, as we argued before, this company is in the concentrated

research and development configuration. However, now the company has two R & D

centers in different countries conduct innovation for two brands separately. In order to

reduce cost and improve the operational efficiency we suggest Tylöhelo gathers all the

R & D activities in one R & D center. In this case, engineers from two R & D centers

can communicate much easily and effectively. Knowledge sharing and knowledge

transfer from research to development will be facilitated efficiently. Besides that,

Tylöhelo should also keep the high communication frequency and expatriate engineer

between headquarter and subunits, in order to facilitate a good knowledge transfer and

help R & D center capture the valuable knowledge for product innovation.

Secondly, for Albany, as we know that this company is in the dispersed research and

development configuration, and the communication frequency between subunits is

high mainly through the project work and expatriate engineer between different

subunits. Through the cooperation of the three research centers, Albany can conduct a

good innovation and provide products worldwide. However, the communication

frequency between headquarter and subunits is low. So that we suggest Albany build

an R & D center at headquarter in order to become a perfect dispersed research and

development configuration. In this case, the achievement from subunits can be

gathered in headquarters R & D center and make final development. Through

expatriate engineer policy, knowledge transfer between subunits and headquarter

could be facilitate significantly so as to help headquarter utilize all the resources to

make innovation.

Thirdly, for Getinge, analysis shows that the company is in the dispersed research and

development configuration. However, the communication frequency between

headquarter and subunits is low, expatriate manager is in the top manager level.

Moreover, there is no cooperation and expatriate engineer between different subunits

and the communication frequency is low as well. In this case, we suggest, first of all,

Getinge should promote the communication frequency between subunits. And subunit

managers need to make more effort to maintain direct contact via telephone calls,

e-mail exchanges, and business trips, to transmit knowledge to their peer subsidiaries

(Miao, Choe & Song, 2010). If Getinge wants to become a global-for-global

innovation company, it is very important to establish the cooperation between

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different subunits, in this case, resources from different subunits could be shared and

integrated to better conduct innovation and produce product for global market.

Finally, for Huawei, as we know that, Huawei is a typical example of dispersed

research and concentrated development company. All the research activities are

decentralized in subunits and their achievements will be gathered in headquarter and

utilized for final development. In order to maintain an efficient knowledge transfer

between headquarter and subunits, headquarter keeps expatriating engineer to

subunits and maintain a frequent communication with subunits. However, the

expatriate engineer only worked for 6 months or one year to keep knowledge transfer

from subunits to headquarter, which is not good for engineer keeping a long term

relationship. That’s why the engineers do not have much informal interacting with

each other and they just focus on their own research field. So we suggest Huawei

extend the expatriate period and let the engineers establish their own network,

cooperate and learn from each other. In this case, knowledge transfer within the

subunits will be facilitated significantly.

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Interview guide

1. Do you have any subunits in other countries, and how many? Where are they


2. Do you have Research center in your corporation? And how many? And where

are they located? What are their functions?

3. If the company just has one Research center, do the subunits have rights to

develop the products for the local market?

4. If the company has several Research centers, are they independent? And are

the product development conducted only in headquarter or both in headquarter

and subunits? And how does it work?

5. Do you have policy that sending managers or engineers from headquarter to

the subunits? Or do you have expatriate managers or engineers between

subunits? If so how many managers or engineers you usually send to one

subunit? And how often?

6. What kind of responsibilities do the expatriate managers or engineers take?

Are they only transferring knowledge to subunits or they can also take the

responsibilities of developing the new technology? And do these expatriate

managers or engineers accomplish their responsibilities very well?

7. How do you think the expatriate managers or engineers influence the

knowledge transfer between headquarter and subunits? And among different


8. How do you think the expatriate managers or engineers influence the research

and development that conducted between headquarter and subunits? And

among different units?

9. Do you have communication between subunit managers and headquarter

managers? And among subunits? And how often?

10. What kind of communication tools do you usually use? How do you think

about them?

11. How do you think communication frequency influence the knowledge transfer

between headquarter and subunits? And among different subunits?

12. How do you think communication frequency influence the research and

development that conducted between headquarter and subunits? And among

different units?

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